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1. A vibration in an elastic medim to !"ic" t"e sense o# "earin$ is
&. 'ertainin$ to si$nals( e)i%ment or devices t"at involve #re)encies !it"in
t"e "man "earin$ ran$e.
*. +et"od o# e,%ressin$ am%litde o# com%le, non-%eriodic si$nal sc" as
4. In measrin$ intelli$ibilit. o# sond( t"e nmber o# recorded s.llables as a
%ercenta$e o# nmber transmitted is termed as t"e
articulation efficiency
/. Generall. sed as t"e measre o# t"e am%litde o# t"e sond !ave.
Sound pressure
0. A sim%le sond !"ose instantaneos !ave#orm is t"at o# a sine !ave.
Pure tone
1. Sond redction inde, is also called
transmission loss
2. Abilit. o# sond to in"ibit t"e %erce%tion o# anot"er sond
3. I# t"e %ressre com%onent o# t"e sond !ave is in t"e #orm o# a sine !ave(
its associated velocit. com%onent !old ta4e a
cosine wave
15. In acostics( t"e am%litde o# t"e %ressre com%onent is a #nction o# t"e
666666 o# t"e medim.
youngs modulus
11. In acostics( t"e volme velocit. o# t"e com%onent is a #nction o# t"e
66666 o# t"e material.
1&. Com%le, nmber e)al to t"e ratio o# com%le, %ressre am%litde to t"e
com%le, am%litde o# t"e volme velocit.
acoustic impedance
1*. Acostic ener$. #lo!in$ %er nit area and %er nit time
acoustic intensity
14. 7"at is t"e a%%ro,imate acostic im%edance #or a !ave in air at &5de$
1/. 7"at is t"e s%eed o# sond in !ater "avin$ a densit. o# 1555 4$9m:* and a
;on$<s modls o# &.*,15:3N9m:&
10. Calclate t"e !avelen$t" o# sond !ave in sea !ater !"ose #re)enc. is 155
4=> at &/ de$rees C8
11. I# t"e !avelen$t" o# sond is *./cm in sea !ater( calclate its #re)enc..
12. 7"at is t"e s%eed o# sond in air at &/de$ C8
13. T"e velocit. o# sond in dr. air medim is **1.4/ m9s. Calclate t"e ne!
velocit. i# t"ere is an increase o# tem%eratre e)al to 15 de$rees
**()'& m%s
&5. S%eed o# sond is 1555#t9s( !"at #re)enc. "as a !avelen$t" o# &4 inc"es8
'-- +,)
&1. 7"at do .o call o# t"e several sond sorces !"ic" are related to eac"
Correlated sound sources
&&. I# several sonds come #rom several nrelated sorces( t"e sorces are
uncorrelated sound sources
&*. I# sonds are %rodced #rom t"ree lods%ea4ers !"ic" are driven #rom a
sin$le sorce ?i.e. am%li#ier@( t"e s%ea4ers are considered as
correlated sound source
&4. Sond sorces t"at are comin$ #rom di##erent instrments are called
&/. I# a sond receiver receives t!o sond !aves( one directl. #rom t"e sorce
and t"e ot"er #rom sim%le re#lection ?!it" s"ort dela.@( t"e sond !aves are
considered as
&0. I# a sond receiver receives t!o sond !aves( one directl. #rom t"e sorce
and t"e ot"er #rom a lon$ rela. de#lection( t"e sond !aves are considered
&1. T"e sond at a %articlar %oint consist o# a direct !ave and a re#lection
!it" t"e same am%litde ?'@ bt "as been dela.ed b. 1 ms. I# t"e sond
#re)enc. is 14=>( calclate t"e %ressre am%litde in terms o# ' at t"is
&2. Calclate t"e total si$nal %ressre level !"en t!o vocalists sin$ at t"e
same %ressre level o# 1,15:-* 'a eac".
#)"#.#-/0* Pa)
&3. Are)enc. ran$e o# adible si$nal is
*5. &-+,0&-k+,)
*1. 7"at is t"e normal adible ran$e o# t"e "man ear8
&- +, to &-k+,)
*&. Adible sond t"at can be detected b. "man ear ran$es #rom
#$+, to #$k+,)
**. Ber. lo! #re)enc. or ver. lo! am%litde sonds.
*4. Ber. "i$" #re)enc. sonds or ver. "i$" am%litde sonds
*/. Si$nals "avin$ #re)encies belo! t"e ran$e o# "man "earin$
*0. Si$nals !it" #re)encies above t"e ran$e o# "man "earin$
*1. T"e !avelen$t" o# a &5=> sond %ro%a$atin$ in air at &/de$C is
*2. T"e increase in level #or ncorrelated sond sorces o# e)al am%litdes is
%ro%ortional to t"e
s2uare root of t3e num1er of sound sources4
*3. T"e sond intensit. is
inversely proportional to t3e s2uare of t3e distance)
45. As sond %ro%a$ates #rom t"e sorce( its intensit. #ollo!s an
inverse s2uare law)
41. +easre o# sond intensit. in com%arison to anot"er sond intensit..
4&. A measre o# t"e %o!er densit. o# a sond !ave %ro%a$atin$ in a %articlar
4*. Is a measre o# t"e total %o!er radiated in all directions b. a sorce o#
44. It is also 4no!n as sond %o!er level.
4/. Acostic im%edance is 66666 t"e sond %ressre.
directly proportional to t3e s2uare of
40. I# t"e distance bet!een t"e listener and t"e sorce is tri%led( intensit. is
redced to
41. Decreasin$ distance b. C( intensit. increases
" times 5
42. =o! mc" is t"e redction o# sond intensit. level ?SID@ ever. time !e
doble t"e distance8
43. A lods%ea4er radiates 155m7( !"at is t"e sond intensit. level ?SID@ at a
distance 1 m #rom t"e sorce8
/5. Doblin$ t"e %ressre level !ill reslt in a 66666 increase in S'D.
/1. 7"at is t"e increase in sond intensit. level ?SID@ i# t"e intensit. i#
/&. 7"at is t"e S'D #or a sond !ave !it" 1 'a rms %ressre am%litde8
/*. S'D can also be calclated sin$
/4. Increase in S'D in dB( i# %ressre is increased 4 times(
//. A sond %ressre ?R+S@o# 1&/bars is e)ivalent to !"at sond %ressre
/0. T"e sond %ressre level o# 5 dB is e)ivalent to "o! man. bars8
/1. A lods%ea4er "as an e##ective area o# 5.5/m:& and radiates &5m7. Calclate
t"e sond intensit. at t"e lods%ea4er.
/2. Calclate t"e sond intensit. level o# t"e lods%ea4er "avin$ a sond
intensit. o# 5.4 79m:&8
/3. I# a sond sorce radiates 1 !att( !"at is its sond %o!er level ?S7D@8
05. Calclate t"e acostic im%edance i# t"e sond %ressre is &5'a and acostic
intensit. is

01. 7"at are t"e t"ree basic c"aracteristics o# sond8
Pitc34 intensity and 2uality
0&. T"e sond c"aracteristics related to a sonic time %attern is 4no!n as
0*. T"e t!o main c"aracteristics o# sond !aves.
Pitc3 and loudness
04. A nit o# lodness #or an individal listener is
0/. T"e nit lodness level o# a tone com%ared to t"e intensit. o# 1555-=> tone.
It is t"e a%%arent c"an$e in lodness discerned b. a listener.
00. A %re tone o# lodness 45 %"ons %rodces a lodness sensation o#
l sone
01. B. de#inition( a %re tone 1555-=> o# lodness l sone %rodces a %itc" o#
#--- mels
02. In measrin$ lodness( sin$ 1555-=> sine!ave as a re#erence( l sone is
a$reed to be at !"at level( above t"e listener<s t"res"old o# "earin$8
03. As de#ined b. ANSI( 66666 is t"at attribte o# aditor. sensation in terms
o# !"ic" sonds ma. be ordered on a scale e,tendin$ #rom lo! to "i$".
15. T"e nit o# %itc" is t"e
11. 'itc" o# sond is de%endent on
sound fre2uency4 sound waveform4 and sound pressure)
1&. T"e a%%arent c"an$e in #re)enc. or %itc" becase o# motion is e,%lained b.
!"at e##ect8
!oppler effect
1*. 66666 sr#aces mst be avoided since t"e. reslt in ndesirable #ocsin$ o#
14. 7"at term describes sonds ca%able o# bein$ "eard b. t"e "man ear8
1/. A sond is considered as "avin$ a %itc" i#
it 3as a periodic acoustic pressure variation wit3 time
10. 'itc" %erce%tion t"eor. !"ic" relates directl. to t"e #re)enc. anal.sis
carried ot b. t"e basilar membrane in !"ic" di##erent #re)enc. com%onents
o# t"e in%t sond stimlate di##erent %ositions( or %laces on t"e membrane(
place t3eory
11. 'itc" %erce%tion t"eor. t"at is based on t"e #act t"at t"e !ave#orm o# a
sond !it" a stron$ msical %itc" is %eriodic. T"is t"eor. relies on t"e
timin$ o# neral #irin$s $enerated in t"e or$an o# Corti !"ic" occrs in
res%onse to vibrations o# vasilar membrane.
Temporal t3eory
12. I# a note "as a #ndamental #re)enc.( #>E155=>( !"at is its /
13. I# a note "as a #ndamental #re)enc.( #>E155=>( !"at is its /
25. T"e se%aration in %itc" o# #re)enc. bet!een t!o sonds.
21. T"e ratio o# t!o sond #re)encies se%arated b. an interval.
:re2uency interval
2&. Interval bet!een t!o tones sonded simltaneosl..
+armonic interval
2*. Interval bet!een t!o tones sonded sccessivel..
Melodic interval
24. T"e interval bet!een an. t!o #re)encies t"at "ave a ratio o# & to 1.
2/. 11
octave( above 14=>.
20. Are)enc. 15 octaves above *5=>.
21. Octaves o# #re)enc. ran$e 1 to 2 +=>.
22. In acostics( i# t"e lo! #re)enc. ed$e o# a band is 15=>( !"at is t"e "i$"
#re)enc. ed$e o# t"e band 15 octaves !ide8
23. Sond !ave de#ormation drin$ re%rodction o# am%li#ication.
35. A means o# correctin$ distortion
31. Sond e)ali>ation means
1oosting or reducing some fre2uency components to ac3ieve a desired effect)
3&. A t.%e o# e)ali>er in !"ic" all t"e #ilter<s %arameters can be varied.
Parametric e2uali,er)
3*. An e)ali>er !"ic" ses a ban4 o# closel. s%aced #i,ed-#re)enc. band-%ass
#ilters to cover t"e entire adio #re)enc. ran$e.
=rap3ic e2uali,er)
34. T"e #irst sond "eard b. an observer.
!irect sound
3/. Time dela. o# re#lected sond !"ic" can be considered as earl. re#lection.
30. an incident sond !it" an intensit. o# 10m79m:& re#lects a !all !it" an
absor%tion coe##icient o# 5.3. Determine t"e intensit. o# t"e re#lected
!ave. #)$m7%m/&
31. Unit o# sond absor%tion
32. T"e avera$e absor%tion o# a %erson is
")( sa1ines
33. 'ersistence o# sond in an enclosed s%ace( as a reslt o# mlti%le
re#lections or scatterin$ a#ter t"e sond sorce "as sto%%ed.
155. >ever1eration
151. T"e time ela%sed #or t"e sond to die a!a. in an enclosed room.
rever1eration time ?rever1eration@
15&. T"e time considered to "ave a reverberation e##ect.
One milliont3
15*. t"e %erce%tible re%etition o# sond de to mlti%le re#lection o# sond
!aves bet!een t"e !alls o# a room is called
154. A room in !"ic" t"e !alls( #loor( and ceilin$ can absorb ver. little sond(
resltin$ in ec"oes.
>ever1eration c3am1er)
15/. Room !"ose bondaries absorb e##ectivel. all incident sond.
Anec3oic room)
150. Resonant acostic device consistin$ o# air cavit. connected to a lar$er
s%ace b. a relativel. small o%enin$ or nec4.
+elm3olt, resonator)
151. Sond reverberation is de%endent on.
6istener position and room dimension
152. T"e distance bet!een t"e sond sorce and t"e listener !"erein t"e direct
sond level is e)al to t"e reverberant #ield.
Critical distance
153. +ost %eo%le commonl. receive an increase in sond level o#
$ to #- d9)
115. In a t.%ical "i-#i s.stem in a livin$ room( !"ic" sond !ave is t"e most
>ever1erant field
111. A room !"ic" cases t"e sond to die a!a. ver. )ic4l..
!ead room
11&. A room !"ic" cases t"e sond to die a!a. ver. slo!l..
6ive room
11*. An electronic device sed to %rodce s%ecial sond e##ects !"en it is "eld
a$ainst t"e t"roat o# t"e ser
114. A tem%eratre sensin$ device !"ose "eat-absorbin$ %ro%erties are en"anced b.
sbFectin$ it to acostic vibrations.
Sonic t3ermocouple
11/. An enclosre( sall. a bo, or a can( #or$ t"e acostic )alities
o# sond
sound c3am1er)
110. A transdcer sed #or t"e %r%ose o# %ic4in$ % acostic vibrations #or
detection or measrement a%%lications.
Sound pro1e
111. Used as t"e sensin$ element o# sond-%ressre.
112. A sond %ressre transdcer !"ose sensin$ dia%"ra$m is sed as one electrode
o# a ca%acitor.
Condenser microp3one)
113. Carbon micro%"ones se.
Varia1le resistance)
1&5. Ribbon micro%"one is an e,am%le o# 66666 micro%"one.
1&1. An nder!ater acostic %ressre sensor( t"at is actall. a sond-to-
electricit. transdcer.
1&&. T"e transmittin$ and receivin$ device in a sonar.
Sound transceiver)
1&*. A sond transdcer #irst ac"ieved b. Bell in ma$netic #orm and later made
%ractical b. Gdison<s se o# "ard-coal %articles.
6oose0contact transducer)
1&4. A transdcer !it" a coil t"at srronds some %ortion o# a ma$netic circit.
T"e relctance o# t"e ma$netic circit is varied b. t"e motion o# a movin$
Moving0iron transducer)
1&/. Sond transdcer !"ose $enerated %otential is de to t"e oscillation o# t"e
coil !it"in a ni#orm ma$netic #ield.
Moving0coil transducer)
1&0. A s%ecial t.%e o# electrostatic micro%"one !"ic" "olds %olari>ation
inde#initel. !it"ot contined a%%lication o# a %olari>in$ %otential.
<lectrets microp3one)
1&1. Sond transdcer !"ose ot%t %otential is $enerated t"ro$" t"e #le,in$ o#
cr.stalline elements as it is acted b. sond !aves.
1&2. 7"at %ro%ert. o# a cr.stalline material is sed in a cr.stal micro%"one8
T3e pie,oelectric effect
1&3. An electroacostic transdcer t"at radiates acostic %o!er into t"e air. T"e
acostic !ave#orm is e)ivalent to t"e electrical in%t !ave#orm.
1*5. Dods%ea4er lo! #re)encies res%onse !ill be ma,imm i# %ositioned in a room
at t"e
1*1. +ost lods%ea4ers toda. are o#
moving0coil type)
1*&. T"e intensit. c"aracteristic o# sond.
1**. A+ broadcast receivers in t"e 22 +=> to 152+=> "ave an intermediate
#re)enc. ?IA@ nominall. at
#-)(M+, 5
1*4. T"e A+ broadcast band in t"e '"ili%%ines is
'*'k+, to #$-'k+,5
1*/. I# t"e #inal am%li#ier ot%t %o!er o# a TB broadcast station is 447(t"e
antenna transmission loss is 455 !atts( and t"e antenna %o!er $ain is 15(
t"e e##ective radiated %o!er is
1*0. 7"at t.%e o# emission sed in video %art o# television transmission8
1*1. 7"at is t"e %r%ose o# t"e blan4in$ %lses in a television receiver8
Cuts off t3e cat3ode ray tu1e 1eam during retrace 5
1*2. =o! !ide a #re)enc. band mst t"e IA am%li#ier o# an A+ broadcast receiver
1*3. 7"at is t"e #re)enc. s!in$ o# an A+ broadcast transmitter modlated 25
145. 7"at is t"e #nction o# )art> cr.stal in a radio transmitter8
To sta1ili,e t3e fre2uency of t3e transmitting system5
141. To ct o## dan$eros volta$es !"en t"e cabinet o# a transmitter is o%ened(
!"at device is sed8
Interlock switc35
14&. Transmitter maintained onl. #or transmittin$ t"e re$lar %ro$rams o#
broadcast stations in case o# #ailre o# t"e main transmitter is t"e
au.iliary transmitter)
14*. T"e #re)enc. tolerance allo!ed in international broadcast stations is
144. A,iliar. transmitter o# a re$lar broadcast station mst be tested at least
once eac3 week5
14/. 7"at do .o call o# t"e device !"ic" is sed to derive a standard #re)enc.
o# 15 4iloc.cles #rom a standard-#re)enc. oscillator o%eratin$ on 155
140. 7"at is t"e oscillator #re)enc. o# an A+ station sin$ t!o doblers( one
tri%ler( and a )adr%ler( !"ose center #re)enc. is 15/.0+=>8
141. T"e #ield intensit. o# t"e antenna o# a broadcast station is normall.
measred in
microvolts per meter5
142. T"e radio !ave %ro%a$ated #rom "i$" #re)enc. broadcast station !"ic"
reac"es more t"an 45554m is called
sky wave5
143. 7"at is t"e %r%ose o# station call si$n8
Identification of station5
1/5. 7"at is t"e cr.stal #re)enc. in a transmitter "avin$ t"ree dobler sta$es
and ot%t #re)enc. o# 25554=>8
1/1. 7". s"old a transmitter be tned initiall. at redced %o!er8
To prevent damage to components5
1/&. 7"at is t"e %r%ose o# %ttin$ cr.stal oscillator in a constant tem%eratre
To sta1ili,e t3e oscillator fre2uency5
1/*. A cr.stal oscillator is sed to $enerate t"e carrier !ave in transmitter
becase it
3as good fre2uency sta1ility5
1/4. Too mc" loadin$ o# an oscillator ma. reslt in
poor fre2uency sta1ility5
1//. In a #re)enc. modlated receiver( t"e #nction o# t"e discriminator is to
separate audio signal from t3e I:5
1/0. In broadcast transmitters( modlation in t"e oscillator sta$e is rarel. sed
it is lia1le to cause fre2uency insta1ility5
1/1. T"e stabilit. o# transmitter #re)enc. is best maintained b.
using crystal oscillator as fre2uency operator5
1/2. T"e emission s.mbol #or television broadcast is
1/3. To maintain a stable #re)enc.( cr.stal in t"e oscillator sta$e are
enclosed in crystal ovens5
105. A s.stem o# telecommnication set-% #or t"e transmission o# s%eec"( or in
some cases ot"er sonds is
101. T"e t.%e o# emission #or A+ stereo ?mlti%le,@ broadcastin$ is
10&. T"e !idt" o# a television broadcast c"annel is
10*. T"e s%are radio e)i%ment is normall. termed as
au.iliary e2uipment5
104. T"e #nction o# a )art> cr.stal in a radio transmitter is
to keep t3e transmitter on its assigned fre2uency wit3in t3e allowed
fre2uency tolerance5
10/. In A+ transmitter t"e am%litde o# t"e antenna crrent
remains essentially constant during t3e process of modulation5
100. T"e s)elc" circit in a radio commnication receiver is sed
to reduce in3erent noise developed in t3e receiver during t3e a1sence of
signal fre2uency5
101. A 66666 is essentiall. a #re)enc. stabili>er. It serves as a volta$e
am%li#ier sta$e to isolate t"e cr.stal oscillator #rom t"e radio #re)enc.
am%li#ier circit.
1uffer amplifier
102. Undesired oscillations develo%ed in a radio #re)enc. am%li#ier circit as
some #re)enc. "i$"er t"an t"e normal o%eratin$ #re)enc..
Parasitic oscillation5
103. 66666 is sed to load a transmitter #or testin$ %r%oses !it"ot radiation.
!ummy antenna5
115. T"e e,%ression H%ositive tem%eratre coe##icientI as a%%lied to a )art>
cr.stal means
t3at t3e fre2uency of t3e crystal varies directly wit3 t3e temperature5
111. T"e e,%ression Hne$ative tem%eratre coe##icientI as a%%lied to a )art>
cr.stal means
t3at t3e fre2uency of t3e crystal varies indirectly wit3 t3e temperature5
11&. t"e video si$nal transmitted on a TB %ro$ram em%lo.s
amplitude modulation5
11*. T"e sond transmitted on a TB %ro$ram em%lo.s
fre2uency modulation5
114. In broadcast stdios( a >ero BU indicates "o! mc" %ercent modlation8
11/. T"is am%li#ier is sed to isolate oscillator #rom %o!er am%li#iers.
9uffer amplifier5
110. A %o!er line #ilter #or reFectin$ RA inter#erence "as
>: 1ypass capacitors in s3unt across t3e power line5
111. In a broadcast station( t"e adio %ea4 limiters are sed to
prevent t3e modulation percentage of t3e transmitter to 1e e.ceeded5
112. 7"at is t"e local oscillator #re)enc. in commercial A+ broadcast i# it is
e)al to 4// 4=>8
8'' to &-'' k+,)
113. Distin$ o# t"e date and time o# events( %ro$rams( e)i%ments( tests(
mal#nctions and corrections in commnications s.stem
125. 7"at is t"e %r%ose o# an indirectl.-"eated cat"ode in a cat"ode ra. tbe8
9eam production
121. 7"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ is not a lo!-im%edance micro%"one8
12&. Aacsimile %ermits remote d%lications o# !"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ items8
Map4 Pictures4 Printed Page
12*. A measre o# "o! !ell t"e receiver can res%ond to ver. !ea4 si$nals.
124. T"e A+ broadcast band is #rom
;; to #-;k+,)
12/. T"e t.%e o# emission sed b. standard A+ radio broadcast.
120. T"e standard A+ radio broadcast belon$s to !"ic" #re)enc. band8
121. 7"at is t"e allo!able #re)enc. deviation o# a commercial A+ broadcast band8
122. T"e #inal am%li#ier o# eit"er A+ or A+ transmitter is o%erated as
Class C
123. Standard A+ broadcastin$ se 66666 #or $reater and e##icient covera$e.
vertical polari,ed wave antenna
135. Receiver sensitivit. means
t3e a1ility of picking up weak signal)
131. T"e main #nction o# t"e RA am%li#ier in a s%er" receiver is to
improve t3e reCection of t3e image fre2uency)
13&. Docal oscillator o# a broadcast receiver al!a.s tnes to a #re)enc. 66666
t"an t"e incomin$ #re)enc. in order 66666.
+ig3er 000 to allow ade2uate fre2uency coverage wit3out switc3ing
13*. 7"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ is t"e #irst com%onent o# an. +ATB s.stem to receive
broadcast si$nals8
134. It is t"e most common tec"ni)e !"ere a%artment "oses( "otels( sc"ools(
condominims( and mlti-nit bildin$s distribte TB and A+ si$nals to a
nmber o# receivers( sin$ a sin$le "ead-end.
13/. Interlacin$ is sed in television to
avoid flicker)
130. A mec"anism or device !"ic" enables t"e TB camera to move in lateral and
tiltin$ motion
Pan%tilt device
131. 7"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ is a solid state ima$in$ device8
C3arge couple device
132. 7"at class o# TB camera lens sed to cover s"ort distances8
7ide angle
133. 7"at class o# TB camera lens sed to cover lon$ distances8
&55. 7"at is t"e c"roma sbcarrier si$nal #re)enc. #or color television8
&51. T"e as%ect ratio o# =DTB is
&5&. Television "as a lot o# #eatres in common !it"
motion picture)
&5*. T"e maFor com%onent o# t"e TB si$nal !ave#orm is t"e
&54. Aor NTSC TB s.stem( t"e ima$e is scanned #rom
top to 1ottom and left to rig3t
&5/. 7"at is t"e "ori>ontal"ronos9blan4in$ %lse rate8
#')(' +,
&50. 7"at is t"e vertical blan4in$ %lse rate8
&51. T"e %lses ridin$ on t"e vertical blan4in$ %lse.
<2uali,ing ?sync@ pulses and serrated vertical sync pulses)
&52. Television camera %ic4% tbe is called
vidicon4 image ort3icon4 plum1icon
&53. T"e television %ictre tbe ma$netic #ields can be sed #or
1eam focusing and 1eam deflection
&15. Indicate !"ic" volta$es are not #ond in t"e ot%t o# a normal monoc"rome
receiver video detector.
&11. Bideo modlation #or television is
1ot3 amplitude modulation and vestigial side1and
&1&. 7"at is t"e ma,imm #re)enc. deviation #or adio modlation in TB
&1*. T"e video carrier and t"e adio carrier are se%arated b.
&14. In a %ractical ima$e scanned at t"e NTSC rate( t"e s%ectrm !ill inclde
com%onents clstered at t"e #ndamentals and "armonics o#
&1/. Bri$"tness o# an ima$e is 4no!n as
&10. T"e colors at t"e vertices o# t"e color trian$le are re#erred to as
&11. A ne!scast is a distinct nit o# a %ro$ram !it" a minimm ne!s content o#
66666 e,cldin$ intro( e,tro( "eadline and commercial load.
# minute
&12. In accordance !it" e,istin$ %rovision o# la! and t"e JB' rles and
re$lations( all stations s"all activel. %romote t"e $ro!t" and t"e
develo%ment o# Aili%ino msic b.$ 6666 ever. cloc4 "or.
&13. JB' radio code mandates t"at station mst %rovide a minimm o# 66666 o# ne!s
%er da. #rom /:55 in t"e mornin$ to 15:55 in t"e evenin$.
"' minutes
&&5. 7"at are t"e t"ree se%arate si$nals derived #rom a matri, in a color TB
D4I4 and E)
&&1. Ran$e o# a B=A television transmitter.
&&&. Ran$e o# a U=A television transmitter
&&*. 7"at is t"e a%%ro,imate band!idt" occ%ied b. t"e c"rominance video si$nal
#or color TB8
&&4. Commercial load #or radio s"all not e,ceed 66666 #or one "or %ro$ram in
+etro +anila.
#' minutes
&&/. Commercial load #or radio s"all not e,ceed 66666 #or a one "or %ro$ram
otside +etro +anila.
#( minutes
&&0. 'ro$ram interr%tion #or t"e airin$ o# commercial in +etro +anila s"all not
e,ceed 66666 brea4s ever. %ro$ram "or.
&&1. 'ro$ram interr%tion #or t"e airin$ o# commercial otside +etro +anila s"all
not e,ceed 66666 brea4s in ever. %ro$ram "or.
&&2. T"e colors #ond arond t"e %erimeter o# t"e color trian$le are said to be
&&3. 7"at is t"e %"ase di##erence bet!een t"e I and K color si$nal carriers8
8- degrees
&*5. T"e carrier transmitted 1.&/+=> above t"e bottom #re)enc. in a United
States TB C"annel is t"e
picture carrier
&*1. 666666 is t"e most e##ective #ilter #or se%aratin$ lminance and c"rominance
#re)enc. com%onents.
&*&. T"e c"rominance %rocessin$ circits can be deactivated !"en monoc"rome
broadcasts are received b. t"e
color killer
&**. 7"at is t"e standard video level( in %ercent 'GB( #or blan4in$8
&*4. 7"at is t"e standard video level( in %ercent 'GB( #or blac48
&*/. 7"at is t"e standard video level( in %ercent 'GB( #or !"ite8
&*0. One s"old #irst %er#orm 666666 be#ore a conver$ence set% is %er#ormed.
&*1. Aor +etro +anila( t"e classi#ication o# %rimetime bloc4s #or A+ s"all be
$G--AM to ;G--PM
&*2. Aor %rovincial stations( t"e classi#ication o# %rimetime bloc4s #or A+ radio
s"all be
$G--AM to ;G--PM
&*3. All airtime classi#ications s"all be sbmitted to and sbFect #or a%%roval
b. t"e
&45. 7"at is t"e #re)enc. tolerance o# an A+ Radio Broadcast station8
&41. T"e minimm #re)enc. se%aration bet!een #re)enc. o# A+ broadcastin$
&4&. I# t"ere are too "armonics( one s"old c"ec4 t"e
coupling4 tuning of circuits4 s3ielding
&4*. In transmitter am%li#ier desi$n( an even-order "armonics can be %revented or
redced b.
using a pus30pull amplifier)
&44. T"e vertical and "ori>ontal %lses are se%arated at t"e
sync separator)
&4/. T"e reason !". b##er sta$e is inclded in a transmitter is to
present a constant load to t3e oscillator stage
&40. 7"ere is t"e o%eratin$ %osition o# a radio station8
At t3e control point
&41. G)ali>in$ %lses in TB are sent drin$
vertical 1lanking
&42. T"e ali$nment o# t"e t"ree color $ns to a common %oint is 4no!n as
&43. Dac4 o# raster is an indication o# no
3ig3 voltage
&/5. T"e sond and video si$nals are se%arated at t"e 66666 o# t"e TB receiver.
video detector
&/1. 7"at is emission A*A8
&/&. T"e %resence o# color bars is an indication t"at t"ere is a %roblem in t"e
666666 circit.
&/*. T.%e o# emission %rodced !"en a #re)enc. modlated transmitter is
modlated b. a TB si$nal.
&/4. 7"at is emission A*A8
&//. Case o# slo! risin$ !"ite H"m barsI in t"e television.
9ad filter
&/0. An odd nmber o# lines %er #rame #orm %art o# ever. one o# t"e !orld<s TB
s.stems. T"is is
done to assist interlace
&/1. AdFstin$ t"e 66666 ma. eliminate color con#etti.
color killer
&/2. Bideo si$nal am%litde determine t"e %ictre )alit. called
&/3. 'art o# broadcast da. #rom midni$"t to local snrise.
&05. 'art o# broadcast da. #rom local snset to local snrise.
&01. 7"at cases sno! in television8
>andom noise in t3e signal)
&0&. T"e #nction o# t"e serrations in t"e com%osite video !ave#orm is to
3elp 3ori,ontal sync3roni,ation
&0*. Besti$ial sideband is 4no!n as 66666 t.%e o# emission.
&04. 7"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ #ilters bloc4 A+ radio band #or TB c"annels ?& to
9and0reCect filter
&0/. T"e !idt" o# t"e vertical %lse in t"e United States TB s.stem is
&00. Indicate !"ic" o# t"e #ollo!in$ #re)encies !ill not be #ond in t"e ot%t
o# a normal TB receiver tner:
&01. 7"en !ere U=A c"annels ?14-2*@ o# television added8
&02. 7"en !as colored TB standards establis"ed in t"e United States8
&03. 7"at"roni>es t"e "ori>ontal line o# t"e TB %ictre tbe8
&15. T.%e o# #ilter sed in TB receivers t"at se%arates t"e c"roma si$nal #rom
t"e color%le,ed video si$nal bt leaves intact t"e ;-com%onent.
Com1 filter
&11. 7"at is t"e #irst-letter s.mbol #or emission o# nmodlated carrier8
&1&. T"e c"annel #or cable TB #re)enc. ran$e o# /.1/ to 11.1/ +=>.
&1*. T"e #re)enc. ran$e #or cable TB c"annel T-1*.
&*)(' to &8)('M+,
&14. C"annel 2 #re)enc. ran$e allocation in cable TB.
&1/. T"e video volta$e a%%lied to t"e %ictre tbe o# a television receiver is
#ed in
1etween grid and cat3ode
&10. T"e circit t"at se%arates %lses #rom t"e com%osite video !ave#orm is
a clipper)
&11. T"e 66666 o# a television s.stem is a measre o# its abilit. to delineate
%ictre detail.
&12. CCIR standards #or t"e internal e,c"an$e o# %ro$rammes on #ilm #or
television sed.
&13. CCIR transmission standards #or A+ sond broadcastin$ at B=A.
>ec) "'-)#
&25. ISO Rec. &* in 1310 is t"e standard #or recorded c"aracteristics #or
ma$netic sond records on #ll cost 10mm.
camera usage of *'mm motion picture film)
&21. T"e ot%t o# t"e vertical am%li#ier( a%%lied to t"e .o4e in a TB receiver(
consists o# a
sawtoot3 current)
&2&. 7"ic" o# t"e class station belo! is a re$ional c"annel8
Class III09
&2*. International broadcastin$ ?s"ort !ave@ ses #re)enc. bet!een 666666 in
accordance !it" international a$reements.
'8'- and &$#-- k+,
&24. T"e %ermissible %o!er in 47 o# stations II-A drin$ ni$"ttime is
&2/. T"e television #re)enc. !"ic" are no! allocated to t"e land mobile services
;-$ and #8&M+,
&20. T"e =B anode s%%l. #or t"e %ictre tbe o# a TB receiver is $enerated in
3ori,ontal output stage)
&21. Nmerical #re)enc. band desi$nation o# C"annel 3.
#;$0#8& M+,)
&22. Cable TB s.stems ori$inate #rom
&23. A term a%%lied to t"ird and "i$"er order %rodcts( !"ic" can $reatl. de$rade
t"e %er#ormance o# t"e s.stem.
Composite triple 1eat)
&35. A station similar to a translator station in terms o# e)i%ment and service
area( bt is %ermitted to ori$inate %ro$rammin$ #rom virtall. an. sorce.
&31. Indicate t"e #ollo!in$ si$nals is not transmitted in color TB:
&3&. T"e s"ado! mas4 in a color %ictre tbe is sed to
ensure t3at eac3 1eam 3its only its own dots)
&3*. T"ree stations are licensed to eli$ible edcation entities #or t"e
distribtion o# %ro$ram material to stdents enrolled in instrctional
&34. ITAS means
Instructional Television :i.ed Service)
&3/. +DS means
Multipoint !istri1ution Service
&30. Direct broadcast satellite based allocation.
#&)&0#&)(=+, for downlink and #()*0#();=+, for uplink)
&31. 7"at is t"e c"annel nmber o# an A+ station !it" 22.1+=> carrier8
&32. I# an A+ station "as an e##ective radiated %o!er o# 15547 t"en it is nder
!"at class8
Class C
&33. T"e video si$nal am%litde determines t"e )alit. o# t"e %ictre ot"er!ise
4no!n as
*55. T"e ltimate Dolb. srrond s.stem is t"e
!ol1y Prologic)
*51. 7"at is t"e carrier #re)enc. o# an A+ station !it" c"annel nmber o# *558
*5&. In a TB receiver( t"e color 4iller
cuts off t3e c3roma stages during monoc3rome reception

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