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1. Which of the following radiations will produce electron with highest energy?
A. Visible Light C. X-rays
B. ltra!iolet light ". #a$$a rays
ANSWER: Gamma Rays
%. &wo twins are %' years old when one of the$ sets out on a (ourney through
space at nearly constant speed. &he twin in the spaceship $easures ti$e with an
accurate watch. When he returns to earth) he clai$s to be *1 years old) while the
twin left is then +* years old. What was the speed of the spaceship?
A. *.,*-1.
$/s C. %.,*,*-1.
B. 1.'0,*-1.
$/s ". +.'*,*-1.
&he spaceship cloc1 reads the trip to be only 0 years long) while the earth
cloc1 reads it to be 1, years. &hen using ti$e dilation for$ula2

4 ti$e $o!ing cloc1
t 4 ti$e of stationary cloc1
1 1, 0

! 4 ..5+*c
! 4 %.,*-1.
ANSWER: 2.83x10
*. &he flow of heat fro$ a hot to a cold body is an e-a$ple of
A. adiabatic process C. re!ersible process
B. irre!ersible process ". isother$al process
ANSWER: irreversi!e "r#$ess
+. 6ow fast is an ob(ect $o!ing if its apparent $ass is to be 1 percent larger
than its rest $ass.
A. +.%-1.
$/s C. '.%-1.
B. %.%-1.
$/s ". *.%-1.
We $a1e use of the for$ula

to obtain
1 =

8ol!ing gi!es ! 4 ..1+c 4 +.%-1.

ANSWER: %.2x10
'. A heat engine with 1..9 of efficiency would ha!e to
A. do no wor1 C. use no heat
B. be at a unifor$ te$perature ". discharge at .:C
ANSWER: 'is$(ar)e a* 0+C
0. &he process in which no heat enters or lea!es the syste$ is ter$ed as
A. isochoric C. isother$al
B. isobaric ". adiabatic
ANSWER: a'iaa*i$
7. &wo re!ersible engines A and B ha!e their sources at ,.. and 0+.;. &heir sin1s
are at +..; and *..; respecti!ely
A. A is $ore efficient than B
B. A is less efficient than B
C. &hey are e<ually efficient
". &heir efficiencies depend only upon the type of fuels used
ANSWER: A is !ess e,,i$ie-* *(a- .
,. A hole is to be punched out of a plate ha!ing an ulti$ate shearing stress of
*..=>a. ?f the co$pressi!e stress in the punch is li$ited to +..=>a. "eter$ine
the $a-i$u$ thic1ness of plate fro$ a hole 1..$$ in dia$eter can be punched.
A. %%.%* $$ C. **.** $$@
C. %*.++ $$ ". +%.'' $$
8= 8tress
( )
( ) +..
1.. r
A8 >

= =
> 4 1)...)...r A
Bro$ shearing of plate2
( ) ( )
**.**$$ t
*.. 1..C. 1)...)...C
A >
1..rt r"t
= =
ANSWER: 33.33 mm
5. A cylindrical pressure !essel is fabricated fro$ steel plates which ha!e
thic1ness of %. $$. &he dia$eter of the pressure !essel is '.. $$ and its length
is * $. "eter$ine the $a-i$u$ internal pressure which can be applied if the
stress in the steel is li$ited to 1+. =>a.
A. 1%.+ =>a C. 11.% =>a
B. 1'.0 =>a ". 17.5 =>a
( )( )
( )
11.%=>a D
*.. %.
7'.)...D &
1)'..)...D B %&
A 1)'..)...D B
*... '.. D D"L B
= =
= =
ANSWER: 11.2 /0a
1.. Co$pute the apparent $ass of an electron tra!eling at half the speed of
A. 1..'-1.
1g C. %..' -1.
B. 1.'. -1.
1g ". %.'. -1.
&he rest $ass of an electron is 5.1 -1.
1g. &hen
( )
1. 1..' $
1. 5.1
..' 1

ANSWER: 1.01x10
11. Co$pute the speed of sound in neon gas at %7:C. Bor neon) A4%..1,1g/1$ol.
A. %5* $/s C. +'+ $/s
B. 1'0 $/s ". '++ $/s
Aeon being $onoato$ic gas) has 67 . 1 =
( )( )( )
+'+$/s !
ol %..1,1g/1$
*..; ; ,*1+E/1$ol 1.07
= =
ANSWER: %1% m/s
1%. &he !olu$e strain for a const<atn applied force increases directly with an
increase in
A. !olu$e C. surface area
B. co$pressibility ". bul1 $odulus
ANSWER: $#m"ressii!i*y
1*. An e-plosion occurs at a distance of 0.. 1$ fro$ a person. 6ow long after the
esplosion does the person hear it? Assu$e the te$perature is 1+:C.
A. 1%.0 s C. 17.0 s
B. %1.' s ". 1..7 s
Because the speed of sound increases by ..01 $/s for each :C rise in
te$perature) we ha!e
! 4 **1 $/s H ..01I1+J
! 4 0+. $/s
sing s 4 !t) we find that the ti$e ta1en is
t = = =
ANSWER: 1&.4 s
1+. A property of $atter that is often used by che$is as an Kidentification tagL
for s asubstance.
A. $ass C. !olu$e
B. specific gra!ity ". density
ANSWER: 'e-si*y
1'. &he $ass of an alpha M particle is how $any ti$es $ore than that of the
A. *'.. ti$es C. 1+.. ti$es
B. 7*.. ti$es ". 0*.. ti$es
ANSWER: &300 *imes
10. What 1ind of che$ical bond will for$ in binary co$pounds where the
electronegati!ity difference between ato$s is greater than %..?
A. $etallic bond C. ionic bond
C. co!alent bon ". $echanical bond
ANSWER: I#-i$ .#-'
17. What 1ind of che$ical bond will for$ in binary co$pounds where the
electronegati!ity difference between ato$s is !ess *(a- 1.1?
A. $etallic bond C. ionic bond
B. co!alent bond ". $echanical bond
ANSWER: C#va!e-* .#-'
1,. ?f the indeter$inate error in weighing on a laboratory balance is ....* g.
What siNe sa$ple should you ta1e to 1eep the relati!e error to 1..9?
A. ...* g C. ..*. g
B. 1.*. g ". %..* g
ANSWER: 0.30 ) #, sam"!e
sa$ple of g ..*. X
sa$ple of g X
g ....*.
weight in parts total
weight in part 1
error Gelati!e 1..9
15. What type of stress is produced whene!er the applied load cause one section
of a body to tend to slide past its ad(acent section?
A. nor$al stress C. sliding stress
B. shearing stress@ ". bearing stress
ANSWER: s(eari-) s*ress
%.. &he actual stress that the $aterial has when under load is called2
A. allowable stress C. wor1ing stress
B. proportional li$it ". rupture stress
ANSWER: 5#r3i-) s*ress
%1. What type of defor$ation is caused by shearing stress?
A. change in area C. change in shape
B. change in !olu$e ". angular change
ANSWER: $(a-)e i- s(a"e
%%. &he straight-line portion of stress-strain is actually a $easure of OOOOOO of
the $aterial.
A. elasticity C. stiffness
B. stress ". strain
ANSWER: s*i,,-ess
%*. Who coined the ter$ KenergyL in 1,.7?
A. &ho$as Poung C. Lord ;el!in
B. Willia$ &ho$pson ". Willia$ Gan1ine
ANSWER: T(#mas 6#7-)
%+. A process during which the entropy re$ains constant2
A. isentropic process C. polytropic process
B. entropic process ". endother$ic process
ANSWER: ise-*r#"i$ "r#$ess
%'. A pure substance at absolute Nero te$perature is in perfect order) and its
entropy is Nero. &his is 1nown as2
A. the Neroth law of ther$odyna$ics C. the third law of
B. first law of ther$odyna$ics ". second law of ther$odyna$ics
ANSWER: *(ir' !a5 #, *(erm#'y-ami$s
%0. A steel rod is stretched between two rigid walls and carries a tensile load
of '... A at %.:C. ?f the allowable stress is not to e-ceed 1*. =>a at -%.:C)
what is the $ini$u$ dia$eter of the rod? Assu$e M 4 11.7 Q$/$-:C and R 4 %..#>a.
A. 1%.** $$ C. 1*.%% $$
B. 1+.'' $$ ". 10.%% $$
( )
( )( )
( )
$$ 1*.%% d
$$ 1*7.+
$$ 1*7.+ A
1. %.. A
+. 1. 11.7
1. %..
y y y
L &

+ =

+ =
+ =

ANSWER: 13.22 mm
%7. A solid shaft ' $ long and 1.+ $$ in dia$eter is stressed to 0. =>a when
twisted through +:. sing # 4 ,* #>a) what power can be trans$itted by the shaft
at %. re!/s?
A. 1.00' =W C. 0.1'' =W
B. *.00' =W ". 7.%++ =W
ANSWER: 1.441 /W
( )
( )
( )
( )( )
=W 1.00' D
%. %C 1*)%'% D
shaft a by d trans$itte power %CC & D
$ - A 1*)%'% &
1.+ C
1... 10&
%,. What do you call the type of reaction in which heat is absorbed?
A. endother$ic C. e-other$ic
B. redo- rection ". isother$ic
ANSWER: e-'#*(ermi$
%5. &he ratio between the energy dissipated in so$e process and the heat appears
as a result is the
A. specific heat C. 1ilocalorie
B. triple point ". $echanical e<ui!alent of heat
ANSWER: me$(a-i$a! e87iva!e-* #, (ea*
*.. &he light cable supports a $ass of 1% 1g per $eter of horiNontal length and
is suspended between the two points on the sa$e le!el *.. $ apart. ?f the sag is
0. $) find the length of the cable.
A. *%5 $ C. 1*5 $
B. %*5 $ ". +%5 $
ANSWER: 329 m
( )
( )
( )
( )
$ *%5 8
*.. '
0. *%
*.. *
0. ,
*.. 8
L 8
+ %
+ %
+ + =
+ + =
*1. &he #olden #ate Bridge in 8an Brancisco has a $ain span of 1%,. $) a sag of
1+* $) and a total static loading of *1.., 1A per linear $eter of horiNontal
$easure$ent. &he weight of both of the $ain cable is included in this load and is
assu$ed to be unifor$ly distributed along the horiNontal. Calculate the $idspan
tension in each of the $ain cables.
A. %** =A C. %%* =A
B. *%% =A ". %*% =A
( )( )
( )
=A %%* 6
=A ++' %6
1+% ,
1%,. 1. *1..,
cables two for
% *

*%. &wo wires) A and B) are $ade of the sa$e $aterial and are sub(ected to the
sa$e loads. &he strain is greater for A when
A. has twice the dia$eter of B
B. A has twice as long as B
C. A has twice the length and half the dia$eter
". A has twice the dia$eter and half the length
ANSWER: A (as *5i$e *(e !e-)*( a-' (a!, *(e 'iame*er
**. Rlectron are e$itted fro$ a $etal surface when light falling on it has a
A. energy C. wa!elength
B. !elocity ". change
ANSWER: e-er)y
*+. Who designed the ato$ic reactor?
A. Wilson C. Gutherford
B. Ber$i ". &eller
ANSWER: :ermi
*'. Whene!er a syste$ is $ade to co$plete a cyclic process) the wor1done during
the co$plete cycle
A. is Nero C. is negati!e
B. positi!e ". depends upon the path followed
ANSWER: 'e"e-'s 7"#- *(e "a*( ,#!!#5e'
*0. 8trea$lined ob(ects $o!e $ore easily through fluids than those of irregular
shape. &he reason is that
A. turbulence is decreased C. turbulence is increased
B. !iscosity is increased ". !iscosity is increased
ANSWER: *7r7!e-$e is 'e$rease'
*7. &wo pieces of wire of the sa$e $aterial ha!e their length in the ratio of 12%
and dia$eters in the ratio of %21. ?f they are stretched by the e<ual force)
elongation will be in the ratio of
A. 12% C. 12,
B. %21 ". ,21
*,. &he !olu$e strain for a constant applied force increases directly with an
increase in
A. !olu$e C. surface area
B. co$pressibility ". bul1 $odulus
ANSWER: $#m"ressii!i*y
*5. BernoulliUs e<uation includes as a special case
A. 6oo1eUs Law C. AewtonUs third law of $otion
B. &oricelliUs theore$ ". Archi$edesU principle
ANSWER: T#ri$e!!i;s *(e#rem
+.. ?n a city water syste$ the water will flow
A. fro$ the $ains to the water outlet
B. only if the outlet is higher than the water in the water tower
C. faster fro$ a first floor tap than fro$ one on the third floor
". only when the water tower has been co$pletely e$ptied
ANSWER: ,as*er ,r#m a ,irs* ,!##r *a" *(a- ,r#m #-e #- *(e *(ir' ,!##r
+1. &he nib of a pen is split 1eeping in !iew the pheno$enon of
A. diffusion C. os$osis
B. capillarity ". cohesion
ANSWER: $a"i!!ari*y
+%. A double con!e- air bubble in water acts as
A. con!erging lens C. di!erging lens
B. pane slab ". none of these
ANSWER: 'iver)i-) !e-s
+*. What deter$ines longitudinal chro$atic aberration of a lens?
A. "ispersi!e power only C. Bocal length only
B. Both dispersi!e power and focal length ". Aone of these
ANSWER: .#*( 'is"ersive "#5er a-' ,#$a! !e-)*(
++. &he energies of photo electrons in photoelectric effect
A. changes with intensity of light
B. changes with fre<uency of light
C. changes with !elocity of light falling as the $etal surface
". Aone of the abo!e is correct
ANSWER: $(a-)es 5i*( ,re87e-$y #, !i)(*
+'. Which of the following functions is perfor$ed by a photocell?
A. ?t con!erts che$ical energy into electrical energy
B. ?t con!erts $agnetic energy into electrical energy
C. ?t con!erts light energy into electrical energy
". ?t con!erts electrical energy into light energy
ANSWER: I* $#-ver*s !i)(* e-er)y i-*# e!e$*ri$a! e-er)y
+0. &he $a-i$u$ energy of e$itted photoelectron is $easured by
A. the largest potential difference they can tra!erse
B. the current they produce
C. the potential difference they produce
". the speed with which they e$erge
ANSWER: *(e s"ee' 5i*( 5(i$( *(ey emer)e
+7. &he theory that light is e$itted in discrete a$ounts of energy rather than in
a continuous fashion is 1nown as
A. the photoelectric effect
B. the <uantu$ theory
C. 6uygenUs principle
". the electro$agnetic theory
ANSWER: *(e 87a-*7m *(e#ry
+,. Which of the following colour pheno$enon is not an interference pheno$enon?
A. Vil spread on the surface of water e-posed to e-tended sources of light
e-hibits brilliant colours
B. 8oap bubbles in sunlight show colours
C. 81y appears blue at noon but red in the e!ening and dawn
". =etallic surface when heated show colours
ANSWER: S3y a""ears !7e a* -##- 7* re' i- *(e eve-i-) a-' 'a5-
+5. Air bubbles in water shines because of
A. reflection C. refraction
B. diffraction ". total internal reflection
ANSWER: *#*a! i-*er-a! re,!e$*i#-
'.. When a heliu$ ato$ loses an electron it beco$es
A. an alpha particle C. a proton
B. a positi!e heliu$ ion ". a negati!e heliu$ ion
ANSWER: a "#si*ive (e!i7m i#-
'1. R$ission of a W-particle fro$ a nucleus
A. changes its ato$ic nu$ber C. changes its $ass nu$ber
B. changes both the abo!e ". Aone of these
ANSWER: $(a-)es i*s mass -7mer
'%. Which of the following propagate at the sa$e speed as !elocity of light?
A. 6eat wa!es C. 8ound wa!es
B. 8hoc1 Wa!es ". W-rays
ANSWER: <ea* 5aves
'*. &he standard fi-ed point for calibrating a ther$o$eter is
A. the boiling point of water C. the boiling point of ice
B. the te$perature of stea$ ". the triple point of water
ANSWER: *(e *ri"!e "#i-* #, 5a*er
'+. &he gas ther$o$eter is ta1en as the pri$ary standard because
A. the ther$o$eters are easily reproducible
B. readings can be accurately ta1en
C. no corrections are necessary
". it reproduces the ther$odyna$ic scale
ANSWER: i* re"r#'7$es *(e *(erm#'y-ami$ s$a!e
''. &he Carnot Cycle is a
A. re!ersible cyclic process with two isother$s and two adiabatics
B. constant pressure cycle
C. constant-!olu$e cycle
". a re!ersible two-stro1e cycle
ANSWER: reversi!e $y$!i$ "r#$ess 5i*( *5# is#*(erms a-' *5# a'iaa*i$s
'0. &he process by which nuclei e$it M)W and F- rays in order to attain stability
is called
A. radioacti!e disintegration C. W Xdecay
B. radioacti!ity ". radioacti!e trans$utation
ANSWER: ra'i#a$*ivi*y
'7. &he process by which a hea!y nucleus splits up into two lighter nuclei is
1nown as
A. fission C. fusion
B. M X decay ". a chain reaction
ANSWER: ,issi#-
',. Which ato$ic particle is used to cause fission in an ato$ic reactor?
A. Alpha particle C. Beta particle
C. "euteron ". Aeutron
ANSWER: Ne7*r#-
'5. &he dri!er of an auto$obile tra!eling at speed Y!U suddenly sees a bric1 wall
at a distance YdU directly in front of hi$. &o a!oid crashing
A. it is better to turn the car sharply away fro$ the wall
B. it is better to sla$ on the bra1es
C. the choice depends on the height of the bric1 wall
". it is difficult to decide
ANSWER: i* is 'i,,i$7!* *# 'e$i'e
0.. A particle ha!ing rest $ass e<ual to that of electron but charge e<ual and
opposite to that of electron is called
A. proton C. positron
B. hyperon ". $eson
ANSWER: "#si*r#-
01. Which is the $ost $assi!e particle?
A. "eutron C. M X particle
B. Aeutron ". >ositron
ANSWER: = > "ar*i$!e
0%. ;el!inUs state$ent of the second law of ther$odyna$ics is called the law of
"egeneration because
A. all the heat supplied to the wor1ing substance is con!erted into wor1
B. in heat engines) heat can be con!erted to $echanical energy
C. so$e of the heat supplied to the wor1ing of substance is not a!ailable
". the heat engine is not !ery efficient
ANSWER: s#me #, *(e (ea* s7""!ie' *# *(e 5#r3i-) #, s7s*a-$e is -#* avai!a!e
0*2 &her$odyna$ics is a sub(ect dealing with
A. the $otion of $olecules in $atter
B. &he $acroscopic !ariables) such as pressure) te$perature and !olu$e
C. the $otion of ato$s in $atter
". the 1inetic energy of $olecules
ANSWER: T(e ma$r#s$#"i$ varia!es? s7$( as "ress7re? *em"era*7re a-' v#!7me
0+. Which of the following constitute W X particles?
A. Rlectrons C. >rotons
B. >hotons ". Aone of these
ANSWER: E!e$*r#-s
0'. Why does nuclear fission re<uires high te$perature?
A. Because all nuclear reactions absorbs heat
B. &he $ass deficit $ust be supplied
C. &he particles can not co$e together unless they $o!e rapidly
". &he binding energy $ust be supplied fro$ e-ternal sources
ANSWER: .e$a7se a!! -7$!ear rea$*i#-s as#rs (ea*
00. Who disco!ered radioacti!ity?
A. =. Curie C. Be<uerel
B. Both the abo!e ". Aone of these
ANSWER: .e87ere!
07. &he source of energy of the sun
A. fusion of hea!y nuclei C. fusion of light nuclei
C. fission of light nuclei ". All of the abo!e
ANSWER: ,7si#- #, !i)(* -7$!ei
0,. Which of the following pheno$enon is responsible for the production of
A. ?nterference C. "iffraction
B. >olariNation ". Gectilinear propagation of light
ANSWER: Re$*i!i-ear "r#"a)a*i#- #, !i)(*
05. &he defect in i$age due to obli<ue centric rays falling on the lens is called
A. astig$atis$ C. co$a
B. cur!ature of i$age field ". spherical aberration
ANSWER: $7rva*7re #, ima)e ,ie!'
7.. &he burring of the i$age due to dispersion in lens is called
A. spherical aberration C. chro$atic aberration
B. astig$atis$ ". cur!ature of i$age field
ANSWER: C(r#ma*i$ aerra*i#-
71. When a body is accelerated
A. its !elocity always changes C. its direction always changes
B. its speed always changes ". its falls towards the earth
ANSWER: i*s ve!#$i*y a!5ays $(a-)es
7%. A %... 1g truc1 tra!eling at *01$/hr stri1es a tree and co$es toa top in ..1
sec. &he a!erage force on the truc1 during the crash is
A. %-1.
newtons C. %-1.
B. %-1.
newtons ". %-1.
ANSWER: 2x10
7*. When a charged particle $o!es through a $agnetic field) it suffers a change
in its
A. charge C. energy
B. $ass ". direction of $otion
ANSWER: 'ire$*i#- #, m#*i#-
7+. LenNUs law follows fro$ the law of con!ersion of
A. $ass C. charge
B. energy ". $o$entu$
ANSWER: mass
7'. ?f a car is $o!ing towards you with its horn sounding) you hear a higher
pitch than you would hear if the car were at rest) this is because
A. the wa!es tra!el faster
B. successi!e crests produced by the horn are closer to each other
C. you recei!ed successi!e crests $ore fre<uently e!en though the wa!e
itself is unchanged
". the $otion of the car raises the fre<uency of the horn
ANSWER: y#7 re$eive' s7$$essive $res*s m#re ,re87e-*!y eve- *(#7)( *(e 5ave
i*se!, is 7-$(a-)e'
70. A tuning for1 A produces + beats with a tuning for1 B of fre<uency %'0. A is
filled at the top of the prong and the nu$ber of beats increases. What was its
original fre<uency?
A. %0. C. %',
B. %'% ". %'.
77. Aeutral te$perature of a ther$ocouple is the te$perature at which
A. the ther$o e.$.f. changes sign
B. the ther$o e.$.f. is $a-i$u$
C. the ther$o e.$.f. is $ini$u$
". the ther$o current is $a-i$u$
ANSWER: *(e *(erm# e.m.,. is maxim7m
7,. Bactor of safety $ay be defined by
A. yielding stress/yielding stress C. wor1ing stress/yielding stress
B. brea1ing stress/wor1ing stress ". all of the abo!e
ANSWER: rea3i-) s*ress/5#r3i-) s*ress
75. &he first patented diode used as a detector for ratio signal is credited to
A. Rdison C. de Borest
B. Ble$ing ". &ho$son@
A/SWER: T(#ms#-
,.. A fatho$eter is an instru$ent used to $easure
A. !elocity of sound C. fre<uency of sound
B. depth of sea ". wa!elength of sound
ANSWER: 'e"*( #, sea
,1. A satellite tra!els in a circular orbit at a speed of %.)... 1$/h to stay at
a constant attitude. &o escape fro$ the earth) the speed would ha!e to be
increased to
A. %,)... 1$/h C. %1)... 1$/h
B. +.)... 1$/h ". 0+)... 1$/h
ANSWER: %0?000 3m/(
,%. When a car is tra!eling at constant speed around a circular trac1) a <uantity
that is constant but not Nero is
A. acceleration C. angular !elocity
B. !elocity ". angular acceleration
ANSWER: a-)7!ar ve!#$i*y
,+. Which ele$ent has the highest ioniNation energy?
A. Aa C. Li
B. ; ". Cs
,'. ;inetic energy of $olecules is highest in
A. solids C. gases
B. li<uids ". solutions
ANSWER: )ases

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