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Holidays of the satanic calendar, intended for

survivors of satanic ritual abuse. reprinted from

PASSPORT Magaine Article! America"s #est $ept
Secret, %&'(.
Jan. 7 -- St.Winebald: blood, animal and/or human sacrifce &
dismemberment [15-13 (male if human!
Jan 17 -- Satanic "e#els: se$ual, oral, anal, #a%inal (&-1& female
'an ()-(& -- abduction, ceremonial *re*aration and holdin% of
#ictim for +rand ,lima$: se$ual, blood, oral, anal, #a%inal, human
sacrifce (female or child
-eb ( . ,andlemas (Sabbat -esti#al Satanic "e#els: blood and se$ual
animal or human oral, anal, #a%inal (&-1& female, animal or human
-eb. (5 -- St. Wal*ur%is /a0: blood, communion of blood and
dismemberment (animal
1arch 1 -- St. 2ichatadt: blood, drin3in% of human blood for stren%th
and homa%e to demons (an0 a%e, male or female
1arch (1 -- S*rin% 24uino$ (Sabbat -esti#al, da0 #aries anuall0: or%ies, oral,
anal, #a%inal (an0 a%e, male or female, human or animal
5*ril 1& -- +ood -rida0 [da0 #aries anuall0!: /a0 of 6assion, /eath of ,hrist:
blood, human sacrifce(male
5*ril 17 -- 2aster 2#e /a0: blood, human sacrfce (male or female
5*ril (1-(5 -- abduction, holdin%, and ceremonial *re*aration of
indi#idual for sacrifce
5*ril (8 -- +rand ,lima$: oral, anal, #a%inal (female, a%e 1-(5
5*ril 3) -- Wal*ur%isnacht/"oodmas /a0: blood, animal and/or human
sacrifce (an0 a%e
1a0 1 -- 9eltane/Wal*ur%is /a0/1a0 /a0/9eltane//ruid -ire -esti#al: co#en
'une (1 -- Summer Solstice/-east /a0 [da0 #aries anuall0!: or%ies, oral,
anal, #a%inal, animal and or humansacrufce (an0 a%e, male or female,
human or animal
'ul0 1 -- /emon "e#els: blood, druids se$ual association :ith demons (an0
a%e, female
'ul0 ()-(8 -- abduction, holdin%, and ceremonial *re*aration of
indi#idual for sacrifce

'ul0 (& -- +rand ,lima$ [da0 #aries anuall0, 5 :ee3s 1 da0 after the Summer
Solstice!: oral, anal, #a%inal,human sacrifce (female, child or adult
5u%ust 1 -- ;ammas /a0/Sabbat -esti#al: blood, animal and/or human
5u%ust 3 -- Satanic "e#els: se$ual, oral, anal, #a%inal (female, a%e &-1&
Se*tember & -- 1arria%e to 9east, Satan: se$ual, sacrifce, dismemberment
(female, a%e infant to 21)
Sept 30 -- Midnight Host: blood, dismemberment, hands remoed !female,
age infant to 21)
Sept 23 -- "all #$%ino&'"east (a) *da) aries an%all)+: orgies, oral, anal, aginal !an) age)
,-t 2.-31 -- abd%-tion, holding, and -eremonial preparation of indiid%al for
sa-rifi-e ,-t 2/-30 -- Satanist High Hol) (a): blood, h%man sa-rifi-es
!age and se& n'a)
,-t 31 -- 0ll Hallo1s #e: blood and se&%al, se&%al -lima&, animal and'or h%man
sa-rifi-e !an) age, male or female)

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