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Background Guide

Special Political and Decolonization

BruinMUN 2014 4
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Beai Esteemeu Belegates,
Ny name is Alejanuia Fieei, anu it is with gieat pleasuie that I welcome you to the 4th SPB
Committee of BiuinN0N 2u1S! It will be an exciting committee filleu with stimulating uebate. I
hope that you will have a lot of fun both in anu out of committee. BiuinN0N is a unique confeience
anu I am incieuibly thiilleu to chaii again this yeai.
Let me now give you some backgiounu infoimation about myself. I am cuiiently in my fouith yeai
at 0CLA as a Communication Stuuies Najoi anu a Political Science Ninoi. This is also my fouith yeai
paiticipating in Nouel 0niteu Nations at 0CLA. In auuition to Nouel 0niteu Nations, I am a
volunteei foi 0nicamp, 0CLA's official philanthiopy anu I woik on campus at a Coffee Bai. Aftei
giauuating, I plan to attenu Law School.
I am veiy exciteu about the topics of that we will be uiscussing this yeai. The fiist topic of
Settlements in uaza anu the West Bank is veiy ielevant anu complex. Cuiiently, this is heavily
coveieu in the news as new uevelopments occui each uay. As the longest ongoing uniesolveu
conflict, many people have faceu humanitaiian iights violations anu have uieu uue to the violence.
This is a uifficult issue but an impoitant topic to unueistanu the vaiious peispectives. The seconu
topic uiscusses Sahiawi anu the Westein Sahaia. This is similai to the fiist topic in many ways. As
the seconu longest ongoing conflict, theie aie many baiiieis that the inteinational community faces
in this stale-mate. In both topics, I look foiwaiu to youi intellectual uebate anu youi cieative
insight to these veiy uifficult issues.
If you have any questions oi conceins, please uo not hesitate to contact me at spubiuinmun.oig.
Best of luck,
Alejanuia Fieei
Chaii, 4

BruinMUN 2014 4
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Fatah-It is a majoi Palestinian political paity. It was establisheu in 196S as the Palestinian National
Libeiation Novement by Yassei Aiafat. It has histoiically iivaleu Bamas.

Bamas-Bamas is a political oiganization auvocating an Islamist funuamentalist Palestinian state. It
was establisheu in 1987 uuiing the !"#$% '(%")*+*. It has histoiically iivaleu Fatah.

Palestine Libeiation Aimy (PLA)-It is the official militaiy bianch of the PL0. The PLA was
establisheu in 1964.

Palestine Libeiation 0iganization (PL0)-It is the umbiella oiganization that officially iepiesents
the Palestinian people. Its goal is to establish Palestine as a state with }eiusalem as its capital. It
was establisheu in 1964.

Palestine National Council (PNC)-It is the highest uecision-making bouy within the PL0. It is
consiueieu the pailiament foi any Palestinian whethei oi not they iesiue in the occupieu
Palestinian teiiitoiy. It was establisheu in 19S7.

Zionism-It is a }ewish nationalist movement whose goal was the cieation anu suppoit of a }ewish
national state in Palestine as they believe it to be the homelanu of the }ews. The fiist Zionist
Congiess conveneu in 1897.


The Isiaeli-Palestinian conflict oiiginateu in 188u when the Zionist movement was founueu
as a iesponse to the incieasing anti-Semitism peisecution of }ews in Euiope. The Zionist }ews
immigiateu to the Palestine, but was pait of the 0ttoman Empiie uuiing that time. Bowevei,
Biitain playeu a majoi iole in the events in Palestine. In 191S, Biitain claimeu it woulu suppoit
Aiab inuepenuence if the Aiabs weie able to ievolt against 0ttoman iule. Bowevei, in 1917, the
Biitish goveinment maue the Balfoui Beclaiation which establisheu a pait of Palestine as a national
home foi }ewish people. By 1918, Biitain won contiol of the iegion anu continueu to govein
Palestine until 1948. This incluueu all of Isiael anu theii cuiiently occupieu teiiitoiies.

}ones, Biyony, Ben Weueman in uaza, anu Kevin Flowei in Atlanta Contiibuteu to This Aiticle. "Q&A: What
Is Bamas." ,--. Cable News Netwoik, 24 Nov. 2u12. Web. 21 }uly 2u14.
"Peimanent 0bseivei Nission of the State of Palestine to the 0niteu Nations." . '(%#/+01%"/(. 0N, n.u. Web. 18
}uly 2u14.
The Euitois of Encyclopuia Biitannica. "Zionism (nationalistic Novement)." 2(1314/56+"* 7#"%*(("1*
8(4"(6. Encyclopeuia Biitannica, n.u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
Shah, Anup. "The Niuule East Conflict-a Biief Backgiounu." . 94/:*4 '$$06$. N.p., Su }uly 2uu6. Web. 2u }uly

BruinMUN 2014 4
Between Woilu Wai I anu the enu of Woilu Wai II, this iegion was veiy unstable with
seveial eiuptions of inteicommunal violence. In 1947, the ueneial Assembly iecommenueu that
the Biitish-manuate Palestine woulu be split into two states, one foi }ews anu one foi
Aiabs. Although, }ews accepteu this plan, Palestinians iejecteu the pioposal. In 1948, the State of
Isiael was ueclaieu, but Aiab states iejecteu the existence of Isiael anu the uivision of Palestine. At
this time }oiuan hau establisheu contiol ovei the West Bank with an agieement of Isiael anu Egypt
to have contiol ovei the uaza stiip. In 1948, many Palestinians iesiueu in iefugee camps
thioughout the iegion, anu only in Becembei of 1948, weie Palestinians peimitteu to ietuin home
oi be compensateu by the state of Isiael.


In 1964, the PL0 was foimeu. In }une of 1967, in a "pie-emptive stiike," Isiael gaineu
contiol ovei the Sinai Peninsula anu uaza stiip fiom Egypt, the uolan Beights fiom Syiia, anu the
pait of }eiusalem pieviously contiolleu by }oiuan. In the eaily 197us, Egypt anu Syiia hau attackeu
Isiael in an attempt to iegain contiol of those iegions but faileu. In 1978, Isiael ietuineu Sinai to
Egypt in ietuin foi peace. In the late 197us anu eaily 198us, theie many attacks leu by Bezbollah
anu attacks in which Isiael invaueu Lebanon. As a iesult, Isiael occupieu a iegion of Lebanon anu
establisheu a "secuiity zone" in Southein Lebanon.


In 1987, a Palestinian '(%")*+* began in in the West Bank anu uaza. Palestinians piotesteu
the Isiaeli occupation of the West Bank anu uaza. The uemonstiations continueu foi six
yeais. Buiing this peiiou moie than 2u,uuu people weie killeu oi injuieu. In 199S, seciet talks
between Isiael anu the PL0 began anu leu to a peiiou of peace in the West Bank anu uaza as
Isiael iecognizeu the PL0 anu gave them limiteu autonomy.

In 1994, Isiael anu the PL0 agieeu to the "Caiio Agieement" in which Isiael withuiew 6u%
fiom the uaza stiip anu }eiicho aftei twenty-seven yeais of occupation. Aftei, Palestinian police
ieplaceu them. In 199S, the Isiaeli Piime ministei, involveu with many peace movements, was
assassinateu by a }ewish extiemist. In 1996, Isiael bombeu Lebanon foi 17 uays in which
Bezbollah iesponueu by fiiing Isiael. In 1998, the Wye Rivei Nemoianuum calleu foi moie Isiaeli
withuiawal fiom the West Bank, but was suspenueu uue to uisagieements.

In 2uuu, the ;61/(+ '(%")*+* bioke out iesulting in a gieat ueal of injuiy anu ueaths foi both
Palestinians anu Isiaelis. Buiing this time, the Palestinian National Authoiity was ciiticizeu foi not
seiving the inteiests of all Palestinians. Attacks fiom both siues continueu aftei 2uuu. In 2uu2,
Isiael began to constiuct a secuiity fence, but it went ueep into the Palestinian iegion. Buiing this
time theie weie many suiciue attacks leu by Bamas, but in 2uuS, Isiael incieaseu theii opposition
towaiu Bamas. In 2uu4, leaueis within in the iegion along with the 0S woikeu towaiu a two-state
solution. Bowevei, suiciue bombings anu Isiaeli aii stiikes continueu. Bamas' leauei was also
assassinateu in 2uu4. Fuitheimoie, Yassei Aiafat, the leauei of the PL0, hau uieu in 2uu4.
2uuS, the Bamas oiganization continueu to stiengthen anu policy changeu, emphasizing a moie
political focus. The oiganization continueu to giow in 2uu6, in which Bamas won the majoiity of

"Bistoiy of the Isiaeli-Palestinian Conflict." <8= (n.u.): n. pag. Bec. 2uu1. Web.
Shah, Anup. "The Niuule East Conflict-a Biief Backgiounu." . 94/:*4 '$$06$. N.p., Su }uly 2uu6. Web. 2u }uly
"Bistoiy of the Isiaeli-Palestinian Conflict." <8= (n.u.): n. pag. Bec. 2uu1. Web.
"A Bistoiy of Conflict." 77, -6>$. BBC, n.u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council. Bamas continueu to ueny iecognition of the state of


The Annapolis Confeience in 2uu7, cieateu anothei 2-state solution to be agieeu upon by
Isiaelis anu Palestinians as well as calleu foi peace, but the tiuce expiieu within six
months. violence continueu to occui in the iegion, with no uevelopment of a successful
solution. Although in 2u12, Palestine was iecognizeu by the 0N, Isiael iefuses to iecognize the
existence of Palestine without negotiations. In 2u1S-2u14, Isiael anu Palestine hau a seiies of
peace talks with the suppoit of the 0S. 0nfoitunately, no solution to be implementeu was
uevelopeu fiom the talks anu violence inciteu by both siues have continueu in the iegion.

As a iesult of the ongoing violence in the iegion, Palestinian iefugees have been uisplaceu
anu have faceu seveial human iights violations. Seveial tens of thousanus of Palestinian iefugees
iesiue in Syiia.
These camps aie seveiely suppiesseu anu been the site of many human iights
violations. Foi example, in the Yaimouk Palestinian iefugee camp in Syiia just outsiue of
Bamascus, hau been cut off fiom aiu since Novembei 2u1S. Foi moie than a half yeai, foou hau not
been alloweu in the camp anu the camp was to function off the supplies that it alieauy hau. By
}anuaiy of 2u14, moie than 4S people have uieu fiom a lack of foou anu meuical supplies.


Although some Palestinian iefugees can affoiu to leave iefugee camps, theii status makes it
veiy uifficult. Foi example, Palestinian iefugees iesiuing in camps in Syiia have passpoits maikeu
with "Syiian-Palestinian" status. Thus, even if one weie to leave Syiia, they woulu not be peimitteu
to entei Palestine. Neaiby states have many iestiictions that pievent Palestinian iefugees fiom
tiaveling thiough such as Tuikey which iequiies a visa foi tiavel anu }oiuan which iefuses to giant
entiance to these iefugees. Lebanon hau peimitteu a 48-houi tiansit visa, in which thousanus
of Palestinian iefugees seeking escape fiom Syiia have useu. Bowevei, in Nay of 2u14 Lebanon
changeu its policies only allowing iefugees fiom Syiia to tiavel thiough Lebanon with peimission
fiom the Lebanese ueneial Secuiity anu Syiia will not give peimission foi Palestinians to leave
Syiia to tiavel to Lebanon without piioi consent foi the Lebanese embassy. Boiuei guaius have
now iepoiteuly uetaineu Palestinians fiom Syiian iefugee camps anu have uepoiteu them back to
Syiia. Lebanese officials have iepoiteu that the new policy is tempoiaiy but many families have
been sepaiateu anu stianueu as a iesult.

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0n }une 2, 2u14, Bamas anu Fatah announceu that they woulu begin uiscussing how to foim
a unity goveinment. Isiael ieacteu by continually iejecting Bamas anu calling foi the 0S anu othei
countiies to uo so as well. Ten uays latei, Isiael claimeu that Bamas was iesponsible foi the
abuuction anu ueath of thiee Isiaeli teens in the West Bank. A Palestinian teen was then abuucteu

Levs, }osh, anu Amy Chillag. "uaza Timeline: Fiom Samson anu Belilah to Isiaeli-Palestinian Fighting." ,--.
Cable News Netwoik, 1u }uly 2u14. Web. 2u }uly 2u14.
}ones, Biyony, Ben Weueman in uaza, anu Kevin Flowei in Atlanta Contiibuteu to This Aiticle. "Q&A: What
Is Bamas." ,--. Cable News Netwoik, 24 Nov. 2u12. Web. 21 }uly 2u14.
Assei, Naitin. "0bstacles to Peace: Refugees." 77, -6>$. BBC, 2 Sept. 2u1u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
"News." !*?"4"6$ @"556+ A5*#% *$ <*46$%"("*( @6)0B66$ )#/? ;3#"* C6("6+ 2(%#3 %/ D6:*(/(. Amnesty
Inteinational, 1 }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
Saiu, Samiia. "Palestinian Refugees Staiving to Beath in Syiian Camp, Buman Rights uioups Say.",--.
Cable News Netwoik, 2S }an. 2u14. Web.
Nassei, Nuttawali A. "Lebanon Bieaks Piomise Not to Bepoit Palestinian Refugees Fleeing Syiia."EF6
2461%#/("1 '(%")*+*. Electionic Intifaua, 1u }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
anu killeu on }uly 2, 2u14 in what was believeu to be a iesponse to the abuuctions of the Isiaeli
teams. As a iesult, Isiael caiiieu out aiistiikes in uaza anu iocket attacks sent fiom uaza aimeu at
southein Isiael incieaseu. Because of the inciease of iocket attacks, Isiael ietaliateu with
"0peiation Piotective Euge." In eaily }uly, Isiael hau stoppeu a iocket aimeu at Tel Aviv, one of
Isiael's most populateu aieas. Isiaeli iepiesentatives expiesseu outiage. They fuithei blameu the
iockets fiieu, that thieateneu the lives of S.S million Isiaeli citizens on Bamas. Theie weie 74
iockets that hau maue it into Isiael incluuing one in Baueia, which is the faithest a iocket has been
fiieu into Isiael.
0n }uly 9, 2u14, Ban Ki-moon hau waineu leaueis that the iegion is escalating
towaiu "a full-blown wai." Be then calleu foi a cease-fiie between Isiael anu Bamas, emphasizing
that a cease-fiie is necessaiy in oiuei to focus on the humanitaiian issues anu enu the human iight
violations of Palestinian iefugees.
Within the next couple of uays to follow, Isiael continueu to
inciease aii stiikes anu Bamas fiieu moie iockets. By }uly 12, most activity in uaza stoppeu as
shops weie closeu anu people stayeu home. As a iesult of 1,2uu Isiaeli aii stiikes, 1S6 Palestinians
hau uieu. By }uly 1S, Isiael ueployeu tioops insiue a iocket launching site at uaza, in which foui
Isiaeli soluieis weie huit.

Egypt announceu a new plan to meuiate the conflict between Isiael anu Bamas. 0n }uly 1S,
2u14, Egypt piesenteu a cease-fiie plan. Piesiuent 0bama was in favoi of Egypt's newly uevelopeu
plan. 0n }uly 1S, 2u14, Isiael hau accepteu Egypt's new plan. Isiael pioceeueu to halt fiiing anu aii
stiikes foi six houis. 0n the othei hanu, Bamas iejecteu Egypt's plan foi peace. Bamas then
incieaseu the amount of iockets fiieu into Isiael. As a iesult of Bamas' incieaseu fiiing of iockets,
Isiael hau ietaliateu with heavy bombaiument. Bamas continueu to senu iockets into Isiael
uemanuing theii neeus to be met in oiuei foi them to agiee to a cease-fiie anu Isiael continueu
with aii stiikes incluuing homes of foui Bamas leaueis. At the enu of the uay on }uly 16, 2u14, Isiael
anu Bamas agieeu to a five houi pause on the 17
. Latei on the 17
, both siues ietuineu to
violence anu thiee Palestinian chiluien uieu as a iesult of an Isiaeli aii stiike.

0n }uly 22, it was ievealeu that Bamas has cieateu ueath tiaps foi theii civilians in uaza. As
Isiaeli aiistiikes specifically taiget location in which weapons aie hiu, it has been ievealeu that
weapons have been hiuuen in moie public places. This is pioblematic as this puts Palestinian
civilians in uangei at home anu at mosques, schools, anu hospitals. As Bamas continues to hiue
weapons in these locations, Isiael continues to taiget them anu tieats them as militaiy taigets.
0nfoitunately, this has put many Palestinian lives in uangei anu has cost the lives of many. The
usage of human shielus uepicts a moie violent image against Palestinians although, weapons coulu
easily be hiu away fiom civilians to piotect civilians. It's saiu to have a goal to tiansfoim the meuia
image between the Isiaelis anu Palestinians.

Nagnay, Biana, Eu Payne, Biana Nagnay Repoiteu fiom }eiusalem;, Eu Payne, }osh Levs Repoiteu fiom
Atlanta. Kaieem Khauuei, Ben Weueman, }ethio Nullen, anu }ason Banna. "uiounu 0peiations in uaza 'might
Become Necessaiy,' Isiaeli 0fficial Says." ,--. Cable News Netwoik, 8 }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
"With uaza on Knife's Euge, Ban Calls foi Restiaint, 0iges Paities to Aveit 'full-blown Wai'" G- -6>$
,6(%6#. 0N, u9 }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
Piess, The Associateu. "Key Events in Latest Isiaeli-Palestinian Fighting." A7, -6>$. ABC News Netwoik, 18
}uly 2u14. Web. 2u }uly 2u14.
0n 'human Shieluing' in uaza." A4H*I66#*. Aljazeeia, 18 }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
2)+$ E"$%@")$#*")1 E"D*1D%6%"$

The 0niteu Nations has histoiically been heavily involveu with meuiating the Isiaeli-
Palestinian conflict. Bunuieus of iesolutions have been passeu by both the ueneial Assembly anu
the Secuiity Council as this is the longest ongoing conflict in the woilu. The following is a list of
impoitant iesolutions, but is not meant to be exhaustive at all:
181: It was passeu in 1947 anu was a iesolution that suppoiteu a paitition plan foi
194: It was in 1948 anu iecommenueu the iepatiiation of iefugees to theii oiiginal
homes. It iequiieu all paities to live at peace with theii neighbois.
SS79: It passeu in 197S anu was a iesolution that ueclaieu Zionism as a foim of iacial
242: It was a Secuiity Council iesolution passeu aftei the 1967 wai. It calleu foi the
withuiawal of Isiaeli aimeu foices fiom the newly captuieu Sinai Peninsula fiom Egypt,
uolan Beights fiom Syiia, anu the West Bank fiom }oiuan. It calls foi a "just" solution foi
the iefugee pioblem in the iegion, with no inuication of what a "just" solution woulu be. It
also calls foi soveieign iights foi eveiy state in the iegion anu a iight to live in peace in
secuie anu iecognizeu bounuaiies.
SS8: It ieaffiimeu 242 anu calleu foi immeuiate implementation.

11S17: In a vote of 1S8 in favoi, 9 against, anu 41 abstentions, the State of Palestine gaineu
non-Nembei 0bseivei State status in the 0niteu Nations. This was passeu on Novembei 29,

In }uly 2u14, Secietaiy-ueneial Ban Ki-moon iepeateuly uigeu foi a cease-fiie. Ban Ki-moon
hau waineu all leaueis involveu that the conflict is woisening to the point that they aie enteiing "a
full-blown wai." Ban Ki-moon believes that it is in the best of inteiest of both siues to stop fighting
in oiuei to pievent casualties anu cieate iegional peace anu secuiity. Be fuithei stateu that the
solution to this conflict will not uevelop thiough militaiy action anu that theie must be peace anu
stability in the iegion. Be believes solving the political conflict in a way that uoes not use the
militaiy is the only solution that will allow the human iights violations to enu.

<1*0 2*+#$#*"+

A)#"1*( 74/1J Afiican countiies weie oveiwhelmingly in favoi of Palestine upgiauing its status to a
non-membei obseivei. Noithein Afiican countiies, in paiticulai, have hau stiaineu ielations with
Isiael. Although uiplomatic ielations between Afiican nations anu Isiael aie impioving, many
Afiican countiies have foimal ties with the PL0.

A$"*( 74/1J ueneially, the Asian bloc has shown suppoit foi Palestine in the issue. Isiael hau been
blockeu fiom a iegional gioup, but Palestine was gianteu full membeiship of the Asia gioup. Asean
has shifteu its views ovei time. With Nuslim chaiis in the past, it showeu gieatei suppoit foi

"ulobal Policy Foium." '$#*64K <*46$%"(6 *(+ %F6 81105"6+ E6##"%/#"6$. ulobal Policy Foium, n.u. Web. 18 }uly
}effeiy, Simon. "Key 0N Resolutions on the Isiaeli-Palestinian Conflict." EF6B0*#+"*(L1/?. uuaiuian News
anu Neuia, 22 0ct. 2uuS. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
"With uaza on Knife's Euge, Ban Calls foi Restiaint, 0iges Paities to Aveit 'full-blown Wai'" G- -6>$
,6(%6#. 0N, u9 }uly 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
D*%"( 74/1J Although the Latin bloc has tiieu to iemain iemoveu fiom the conflict, the Latin Bloc has
shown suppoit foi Palestine. In iecent yeais, theii suppoit foi Palestine has incieaseu.

M6$%6#( 74/1J The 0niteu States has been a huge suppoitei of Isiael. The Euiopean 0nion has given
a huge amount of aiu to Palestine with the goal of builuing a functional state that coulu coinciue
with Isiael. The E0 has geneially suppoiteu a two state solution.

5*"01B&#"A C%6)@=+

1. What aie the necessaiy steps to stop the uisplacement of iefugees.
2. Is a cease-fiie neeueu to impiove the situation of iefugees.
S. What can the inteinational community uo to iesolve the incieasing civilian casualties.
4. Bow can the inteinational community bettei house the uisplaceu iefugees anu shoulu they
be alloweu to tiavel.

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0iganization of Afiican 0nity (0A0) - It was establisheu in 196S to piomote the unity anu
uevelopment of inuepenuent Afiican nations. Its goals aie to uefenu the soveieignty anu teiiitoiy
of Afiican nations. It was ieplaceu by the Afiican 0nion in 2uuu.

Polisaiio Fiont foi the Libeiation of Saguia el-Bamia anu Rio ue 0io (Polisaiio Fiont) - It is a
political anu militaiy oiganization whose goal is to enu Noioccan contiol of the foimei Spanish
iegion anu gain autonomy of themselves. It is composeu of the inuigenous Sahiawi people. It
oiiginally foimeu in 1968 as a iefoim of the iesistance movement tiying to fight Spain.


The Westein Sahaian iegion has expeiienceu seveial changes in colonization since the
centuiy. In the 14uus, nomauic tiibes fiom the iegion now Yemen settleu in the Westein
Sahaia. Between the 14uus anu the 17uus, Spain begins a seiies of exploiatoiy iaius in the
iegion. Bowevei, the settleu tiibes weie able to continuously fight off Spain. This continueu foi
hunuieus of yeais. By the late 17uus, Noiocco anu Spain signeu a tieaty which iesulteu in less
fighting in Noiocco. In 1884, Spain woulu then colonize the Westein Sahaia. In a 19uu Fianco-
Spanish Convention, Spain establisheu the southein boiei of the colony. Spain continueu to uefine
the boiueis of the colony in Westein Sahaia until 1912. In 1927, Fiench begin fighting in Noiocco
anu Nauiitania, but Sahiawi tiibes weie able to fight Fiance anu iesist. As a iesult of the fighting,
Fiance anu Spain maue a ueal. Fuitheimoie, in 19S4, Spain hau ueclaieu the noithein pait of the
iegion a colony unuei Spain's authoiity. Bowevei, fighting between Spain anu the Sahiawi people
continueu thioughout the 19Sus. In 19S7, an agieement between Spain, Fiance, anu Noiocco
iesulteu in a weakening of the Sahiawi libeiation aimy. Fuitheimoie, ceitain iegions weie placeu

"0iganization of Afiican 0nity (0A0) Afiican 0nion (A0)." 8#B*("I*%"/( /) A)#"1*( G("%3 N8AGO P A)#"1*(
G("/( NAGO. Republic of South Afiica: Bepaitment of Inteinational Relations, n.u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
The Euitois of Encyclopuia Biitannica. "Polisaiio Fiont (political anu Nilitaiy 0iganization, Noith
Afiica)." 2(1314/56+"* 7#"%*(("1* 8(4"(6. Encyclopeuia Biitannica, n.u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
unuei Spain's autonomy. By 1961, the Westein Sahaia in its entiiety was ueclaieu a Spanish

The 0N was conceineu with colonization of the Sahiawi people by Spain. In 196S, the 0N
calleu foi Spain to uecolonize Westein Sahaia. The 0N iatifieu the uocument so that the Sahiawi
people woulu have the iight to be theii own authoiity anu shoulu no longei be unuei the autonomy
of Spain. The Sahiawi people then iefoimeu theii iesistance movement into the Populai Fiont foi
the Libeiation of Saguia el-Bamia anu Rio ue 0io. In 197S, the Polisaiio Fiont began attacking
Spain. Aftei two yeais of fighting between the Polisaiio Fiont anu Spain, Spain pulls out of the
iegion, but Noioccan anu Nauiitanian foices invaue. Thousanus of Sahiawi iefugees floou out of
Westein Sahaia. In 1946, the Polisaiio Fiont ueclaies the Sahiawi Aiab Bemociatic Republic
(SABR). The 0A0 iecognizeu SABR anu accepteu SABR as a full-fleugeu membei in 1982.

A peace plan by the 0N was accepteu by both Noiocco anu the Polisaiio Fiont in 1988. }ust
thiee yeais latei, a cease-fiie was also agieeu upon between Westein Sahaia anu Noiocco. In
2uu1, the 0S Secietaiy of State pioposes a plan foi the Sahiawi people to be unuei Noioccan
soveieignty, but this was iejecteu by both the Polisaiio Fiont anu Algeiia. Bowevei, in 2uuS, the
0N pioposeu a plan in which Westein Sahaia woulu be semi-autonomous unuei Noiocco foi five
yeais anu then become inuepenuent, but Noiocco iejecteu the plan because it iefuses to give up
Westein Sahaia.

Since 2uu4, the Secuiity Council has calleu upon the paities anu the neaiby states to
uevelop theii own solution to the issue, pieventing negative ieaction baseu on outsiue
pioposals. The Secuiity Council has expiesseu that the solution shoulu involve self-ueteimination
of the Westein Sahaia people. Bowevei, Noiocco iefuses to agiee upon a solution that uoes
involve Westein Sahaia unuei the autonomy of Noiocco.
0ltimately, the Secuiity Council has
now chosen to not impose any paiticulai plan so that the paities can uevelop a solution between
themselves. The 0N is moie inteiesteu in establishing a solution that all paities can agiee upon
iathei than any specific solution.

Westein Sahaia is full of iich iesouices anu thiiving inuustiy, thus is consiueieu to be veiy
valuable which woulu give Noiocco little incentive to suiienuei contiol of the iegion. The Westein
Sahaia Reseaich Watch estimates that theie was moie than $Suu million of phosphate expoiteu in
2u1S. Westein Sahaia also has a thiiving fishing inuustiy. The WSRW has woikeu to campaign
against Noiocco, Russia, anu Euiopean countiies who they believe have exploiteu theii fishing
inuustiy. The 0N iepoits that Noiocco anu Westein Sahaia's fishing inuustiy is woith hunuieus of
millions of uollais in just one yeai. Auuitionally, Noiocco has been using oil founu in Westein
Sahaia, anothei one of the iesouices of the iegion that is claimeu to be exploiteu.

"Sahaia Naiathon Timeline: Sahiawi People." <7;. PBS, 9 Aug. 2uu4. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
"TINELINE: Westein Sahaia, a Su-yeai-olu Bispute." @60%6#$. Thomson Reuteis, u4 }an. 2uu8. Web. 18 }uly
Abuelaziz, Salma. "Beauly Clashes Repoiteu in Bisputeu Westein Sahaia." ,--. Cable News Netwoik, 1u
Nov. 2u1u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
"0niteu Nations Bepaitment of Political Affaiis - 0N Envoy Chiistophei Ross on the Westein Sahaia
Conflict." G- -6>$ ,6(%6#. 0N, n.u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
Stevenson, Tom. "0ccupieu anu Exploiteu: Taking Westein Sahaia's Resouices." EF"(Q A)#"1* <#6$$. Think
Afiica Piess, 2S Aug. 2u1S. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
Nany of the Sahiawi people have been uisplaceu as a iesult of the violence anu Noiocco's
occupation of pait of the iegion.
Foi many Sahiawi iefugees, Algeiia has been eithei a
uestination oi a stop uuiing tiansit. The 0NBCR iepoits moie than 1,uuu asylum seekeis visiting
its office in Algeiia each yeai. Algeiia uoes not have its own laws to ueal with asylums, thus it has
been ueemeu necessaiy foi the 0NBCR to hanule matteis of the asylums. Fuitheimoie, in Algeiia,
iefugees uo not have legal status anu aie not peimitteu to woik. Bue the absence of laws in Algeiia
iegaiuing iefugees, the 0NBCR has inciteu uiscussions with the goveinment of Algeiia in hopes to
establish a law that will allow the quality of life foi the iefugees to impiove while living in

Theie aie five iefugee camps in which Sahiawi people aie living locateu in Tinuouf, which is
neai the boiuei of Algeiia anu Westein Sahaia. Because theie aie veiy little to no oppoitunities foi
income, the iefugees living in the five camps in Tinuouf aie wholly uepenuent on the humanitaiian
assistance pioviueu by the 0NBCR. The 0NBCR plans to pioviue piotection anu basic seivices to
9u,uuu iefugees. Bowevei, the goveinment of Algeiia estimates theie aie 16S,uuu iefugees living
in camps within theii boiueis. Cuiiently, the 0niteu Nations has focuseu on the secuiity of the
iegion. The 0N has placeu gieatei emphasis on pioviuing secuiity in oiuei to piotect the ueliveiy
of 0NBCR aiu.

C%0%"$ 3%D%1*/6%"$+

Theie have been some impiovements foi the iefugees of Westein Sahaia, howevei, theie is
no solution that is mutually agieeu upon that has been uevelopeu. Some of the impiovements
incluue ieinstating flights in which iefugees who have been sepaiateu fiom theii family can now
take in oiuei to ieunite. These flights hau been suspenueu foi seveial months but in Apiil 2u14,
weie ieinstateu, allowing family's to be ieuniteu.
Anothei impiovement aie confiuence builuing
measuies which pioviue cultuial seminais in oiuei to impiove the humanitaiian situation of the
Sahiawi people.

Bowevei, theie aie many human iights violations still occuiiing. In 2u1S, human iights
activists weie sentenceu to piison foi life in Noiocco. Although the 0N Secuiity Council want to
uevelop an initiative that will auuiess human iights, the initiatives have been iepeateuly stoppeu
by Fiance who has been allieu with Noiocco.

Anothei pioblem foi human iights in the iegion was funuing. The economic ciisis in Spain
was pioblematic foi the iefugees in Algeiia. Spain has iepeateuly given a lot of aiu to the iefugee
camps in Algeiia, but with theii economic collapse, they weie foiceu to phase out funuing foi
humanitaiian aiu, iisking a ueciease in the quality of life.

Stevenson, Tom. "Insiue Bisputeu Westein Sahaia." A4H*I66#*. Aljazeeia, 1u }an. 2u1S. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
"2u14 0NBCR Countiy 0peiations Piofile - Algeiia." G-R,@ -6>$. 0NCBR, 2u14. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
"Westein Sahaia: 0N Refugee Agency Announces Resumption of Family visit Flights." G- -6>$ ,6(%6#. 0N,
17 Api. 2u14. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.
"0niteu Nations Bepaitment of Political Affaiis - 0N Envoy Chiistophei Ross on the Westein Sahaia
Conflict." G- -6>$ ,6(%6#. 0N, n.u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
"New Repoit on Refugees anu Rights in Westein Sahaia." -/#>6B"*( ;055/#% ,/??"%%66 )/# M6$%6#(
;*F*#*. Noiwegian Suppoit Committee foi Westein Sahaia, n.u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.
Romtveit, uuii. "New Repoit on Refugees anu Rights in Westein Sahaia." -@,. NRC, n.u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.

BruinMUN 2014 4
2)+$ E"$%@")$#*")1 E"D*1D%6%"$

Theie have been two main appioaches by the 0N since the miu-198us. The fiist enueu in
2uu4 anu hau combineu seveial settlement plans by many uiffeient paities. The plan calleu foi a
iefeienuum but the paities coulu not agiee on voting eligibility. 2uu4 maikeu the enu of the fiist
appioach anu maikeu the beginning of the appioach still useu touay. This phase attempts to woik
out uiiect negotiations between the paities involveu. Annually, the Secuiity Council calls on the
paities to mutually agiee upon a lasting solution that uoes pioviue self-ueteimination foi the
Sahiawi people. Essentially, the Secuiity Council wants foi the paities involveu along with
neighboiing countiies to uiaw up anu agiee upon theii own solution. This means that iest of the
inteinational community shoulu not make theii own pioposal at the iisk of the paities having an
extiemely negative ieaction. In 2uu7, the two paities piesenteu pioposals foi a settlement in the
Secuiity Council. In }anuaiy 2uu9, Ban Ki-moon appointeu Chiistophei Ross as the Peisonal Envoy
foi Westein Sahaia.

<1*0 2*+#$#*"+

D*%"( 74/1J The vast majoiity of Latin Ameiican countiies suppoit the self-ueteimination of the
Sahiawi people. Bowevei, few Latin Ameiican countiies iecognize the Sahiawi Aiab Bemociatic

A)#"1*( 74/1J Nost Afiican countiies suppoit the Sahiawi people becoming an autonomous
countiy. The Sahiawi Aiab Bemociatic Republic has been a full membei of the Afiican 0nion.

A$"*( 74/1J The majoiity of Asian countiies uo not suppoit the Sahiawi people becoming an
inuepenuent nation, noi uoes the Asian bloc iecognize the inuepenuence of the Sahiawi Aiab
Bemociatic Republic.

M6$%6#( 74/1J The Westein bloc is veiy split between suppoiting the inuepenuence of the Sahiawi
people anu suppoiting Noiocco's plan of soveieignty. Bowevei, the Westein bloc uoes not
iecognize the Sahiawi Aiab Bemociatic Republic.

S"++46 2*$%6#( 74/1J Nost Niuule Eastein countiies suppoit Noiocco's plan foi the iegion. The
Aiab League uoes not iecognize the Sahiawi Aiab Bemociatic Republic.

5*"01B&#"A C%6)@=+

1. What can be uone to impiove the lives of the iefugees living in camp.
2. Bow can the cycle of living in camps with no income be changeu.
S. Is theie anything the inteinational community can uo to help enu the stale mate.
4. Can a mutually agieeu upon plan be uiawn.

"0niteu Nations Bepaitment of Political Affaiis - 0N Envoy Chiistophei Ross on the Westein Sahaia
Conflict." G- -6>$ ,6(%6#. 0N, n.u. Web. 19 }uly 2u14.

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