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02 Oct
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1& Skit b' (u)bai S*+
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1he ,ndian Sta))ering Association
478/1 Eden Bagh,
Hospital Road, Herbertpur
Dehradun Uttarakhand, India 248121
M: +91-9412058272
.une S*+, 1,SA
National Conference 2014, Pune
The Indian Stammerin !ssociation
National Conference 2014, Pune
Ta"le of Contents
#e$nitions, !cronyms, and !""reviations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4
1% Introduction of The Indian Stammerin !ssociation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
a% National Conferences%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &
"% Communication 'or(sho)s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
c% Self*hel) +rou) ,SH+- .eetins%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
d% !/areness Cam)s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &
e% Pu"lications%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &
2% National Conference 2014%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0
a% Introduction of )artici)ants%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0
"% Session "y #r Satyendra Srivastava%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0
c% S(it "y .um"ai SH+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0
d% +rou) !ctivities%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1
i% Introduction in 2our #i3erent Styles of S)ea(in%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1
ii% Press Conference !ctivity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1
iii% Ta"le To)ics !ctivity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1
e% 4oluntary Stammerin in 5ocal Train%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6
f% Sharin 78)eriences of 4oluntary Stammerin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6
% .oc( Intervie/s and Suestions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9
h% ! tal( on .editation%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9
i% 2eed"ac( from Non*P'S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9
:% Ta(e !/ay%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
a% Stammerin Recovery Plan%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
i% !cce)tin Stammerin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
ii% ;no/ <our Stammerin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
iii% Practice 4arious Techni=ues%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10
iv% 4i)asana%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
"% Net/or(in%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 10
c% Random !cts of ;indness%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11
4% References%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11
National Conference 2014, Pune
#e$nitions, !cronyms, and !""reviations
II% IP'S ? IN#I!N P7>P57 'H> ST!..7R
III% P'S ? P7>P57 'H> ST!..7R
I4% SH+ ? S752 H75P +R>@P
4% NC ? N!TI>N!5 C>N27R7NC7
4II% #R S!CHIN ? #R S!T<7N#R! SRI4!ST!4!
National Conference 2014, Pune
1% Introduction of The Indian Stammerin !ssociation
The Indian Stammerin !ssociation ,TIS!- is a self*hel) association of Indian
Peo)le 'ho Stammer ,IP'S- and a charita"le trust% It /as founded "y #r
Satyendra Srivastatva in 2006 and head oAce is located at #ehradun,
@ttra(hand% TIS! is envisioned to assist Peo)le 'ho Stammer ,P'S- in
acce)tance of their stammerin and overcomin the associated "ehaviours
and mindset, throuh self*hel) movement% Its )ur)ose is to collect and
disseminate relevant, correct and un"iased information for P'S and their
families, friends and society in eneral% It is )romotin a self*hel) rou)
movement, /here P'S learn to hel) each other and themselves in the
ancient Indian s)iritB CThis Self is to "e achieved throuh self*e3ortDE
To achieve the a"ove vision, TIS! conducts follo/in activities throuhout the
a% National Conferences
It is the "iest event of TIS! /hich occurs every year /ith the )ur)ose of
)rovidin a )latform to P'S to share their e8)eriences of stammerin
Fourney so that P'S can learn from each other% 2irst National Conference ,NC-
conducted in Gu"hnesh/ar in 2011 /ith )artici)ation of almost :0 )eo)le
follo/ed "y the NCs conducted in Coor, #elhi, and Pune in 2012, 201:, and
2014 res)ectively% Partici)ation in NCs are continuously increasin and more
than 100 )eo)le )artici)ated in NC 2014%
"% Communication 'or(sho)s
TIS! focuses on acce)tin stammerin and )romotes the techni=ues to
im)rove communication /ith the )hiloso)hy communication transcends
Huency% 2irst communication /or(sho) conducted in Pune in 2009 and no/
TIS! conducts many /or(sho)s throuhout the year to teach the techni=ues
/hat P'S can use to im)rove their communication s(ills%
c% Self*hel) +rou) ,SH+- .eetins
Studies have sho/n that SH+s )rovide most consistent and lon*lastin
su))ort structureI more than any s)eech thera)y or other techni=ueJdevice%
TIS! co*ordinates city*/ise SH+s in IndiaI currently there are SH+s "ein run
in #elhi, .um"ai, Chennai, Ganalore, Pune, Surat, Hydera"ad, +oa, ;ol(ata,
Indore, Roor(ee and #ehradun etc% SH+s conduct meetins once in a /ee( so
that local P'S can meet, )ractice the techni=ues and im)rove "y self*hel)
d% !/areness Cam)s
.any SH+s oraniKed the a/areness )rorams in their o/n style, es)ecially
on International Stammerin !/areness #ay i%e% >ct 22% >ne "i event
oraniKed "y #elhi SH+ /as the .arathon for stammerin a/areness%
e% Pu"lications
TIS! )u"lishedJ )u"lishes follo/in "oo(s and ne/sletters /ith the )ur)ose
to collect and disseminate relevant, correct and un"iased information for
National Conference 2014, Pune
i% !)na Hath LaannathB This is self*hel) manual /ritten "y #r
Sachin and )u"lished on 16th !uust 2012 /hich focuses on
acce)tance and techni=ues to "ecome a ood communicator%
ii% SamvadB Samvad is =uarterly ne/sletter of TIS! /hich covers all
the activities of TIS!%
iii% 12 Muestions on StammerinB It is a "oo( to a/are )eo)le a"out
stammerin% It covers the =uestions /hat comes in mind of P'S
/ith the scienti$c ans/ers%
2% National Conference 2014
National Conference 2014 /as oraniKed "y Pune and .um"ai SH+ under the
leadershi) of .r 4irendra Shirse at ;handala, 5onavala, Pune from >ct :*&,
2014% .ore than 100 )eo)le )artici)ated in NC 2014%
Imae 1B Partici)ants of NC 2014
2ollo/in are the activities conducted at NC 2014B
a% Introduction of )artici)ants
>ver 100 )artici)ants /ere availa"le in the hall of Nara Resort, ;handala and
everyone /as called to introduce themselves and told to stammer /ith ease%
"% Session "y #r Satyendra Srivastava
#r Satyendra Srivasatava is founder of TIS!% He /as called to initiate the NC
2014 and address the P'S% 7very"ody /as e8)ectin that he /ill share some
maical techni=ues to overcome stammerin, "ut he chose the to)ic
CRandom !cts of ;indnessE to "ein the NC% Random !cts of ;indness is to
ma(e your daily actions such a (ind and it /ill lead to the develo)ment of
human "ein% It is nothin "ut doin ood /or(s and donOt e8)ect anythin in
return% 7%% hel)in someone in need, reet )eo)le, as(in )eo)le a"out their
/ellness, donate your unused assets ,clothes etc%-, ta(e your )arents on
vacations, ive ifts to )eo)le, say than(s if someone hel)s you etc%
Philoso)hy "ehind random acts of (indness is that you /ill not e8)ect
anythin in return "y doin any of the a"ove tas(s% #r Sachin ave the
messae of "ein a ood human "ein $rst and ood communicator second,
and it /as one of the "est ta(e a/ay of NC 2014%
c% S(it "y .um"ai SH+
!s movies )lay reat role in im)actin the life of )eo)le, thatOs /hy NC
started /ith a s(it "y .um"ai SH+ to sho/case the life of a stammerer% S(it
)resented the )ain /hat stammerer feels in )u"lic environment and de)icted
National Conference 2014, Pune
the story of all stammerers% It )resented the recovery )ath of a stammerer to
motivate the P'S a"out ho/ to solve the )ro"lems, to loo( at life "eyond
stammerin etc% In a nutshell, .um"ai SH+ )resented a story /hat every
P'S could relate and as)ired to follo/ in real life%
Imae 2B Partici)ants durin S(it
d% +rou) !ctivities
Partici)ants /ere divided into $ve +rou)s !*7, led "y #hruv +u)ta, Tara=
+arodia, Harish @saon(er, 4ishal +u)ta, and .itul Panchal% I /as in +rou) !
and /e )erformed follo/in activitiesB
i% Introduction in 2our #i3erent Styles of S)ea(in
'e /ere 20 )artici)ants in +rou) ! and /e had to introduce ourselves in four
di3erent style of s)ea(in viK normal voice, /ith voluntary stammerin, /ith
"ouncin, and /ith )rolonation% It /as ood session to analyse the s)eech
/ith di3erent techni=ues of stammerin%
ii% Press Conference !ctivity
In this event, )artici)ants has to o on the stae and other P'S /ill as(
random =uestions to himJ her% It is the similar set u) li(e Press Conference of
a cele"rity% It /as reat o))ortunity for P'S to use any techni=ue of
stammerin on the stae in a challenin situation%
iii% Ta"le To)ics !ctivity
In this event, )artici)ants /ere iven random to)ics to s)ea( on the stae "y
usin any techni=ues of stammerin%
National Conference 2014, Pune
Imae :B +rou) !ctivity
e% 4oluntary Stammerin in 5ocal Train
It /as life chanin activity for all P'S% In this activity, P'S had to travel in
local train from 5onavala to Pune and have to voluntary stammer in the train%
P'S could s)o(e a"out stammerin, TIS!, as( other )eo)le if they (no/ any
stammerer, as( their feed"ac( on stammerin etc% !cce)tin stammerin is
an ice"er for P'S /hich is to "e melted for the recovery Fourney of
stammerin and this activity focused on acce)tin the stammerin in front of
straners% No techni=ue of stammerin /or(s /ithout acce)tin the fact that
you stammer% !fter this activity, all P'S /ere feelin very rela8ed, ha))y,
and they Fust /anted to s)ea(%
f% Sharin 78)eriences of 4oluntary Stammerin
This activity allo/ed every )erson to come on the stae and share their
e8)eriences a"out voluntary stammerin activity of train% It /as reat to see
the )ositive chane in attitude and con$dence of P'S after voluntary
stammerin activity% !ll P'S came to stae and shared their e8)eriences%
National Conference 2014, Pune
% .oc( Intervie/s and Suestions
It /as a formal activity to transfer the (no/lede to youn P'S% NC had
many youn P'S /ho are students and fresh raduate from collee% P'S
"ecome very cautious a"out the stammerin durin intervie/s and focus on
s)ea(in Huently rather than technical conce)ts% In this activity, moc(
intervie/s /ere ta(en "y some senior P'S /ho are at the to) )ositions in
their )rofessional careers and feed"ac( /ere iven in front of all P'S so that
everyone can learn from the feed"ac(% 2eed"ac( hel)ed to chane the mind*
set of most of the P'S a"out intervie/s and ave lot of home /or( to P'S to
/or( on%
h% ! tal( on .editation
.r Rahul Puntam"e(ar from Shri Ram Chandra .ission ,SRC.- ave a tal( on
meditation% SRC. is a non*)ro$t oraniKation esta"lished /ith the )ur)ose to
Pa/a(en the divine consciousness and su))ort on the )ath of evolutionP% He
tauht the advantaes of meditation and the "ene$ts /hat it could ive%
.editation hel)s for self*realiKation and to control the emotions% >ne of the
main reason for stammerin is )sycholoy and meditation can )lay (ey role
in dealin /ith that%
i% 2eed"ac( from Non*P'S
NC had a))ro8% 10 non P'S includes friends and relatives of P'S% !t the end
of NC, feed"ac( /ere ta(en from all non P'S a"out NC% They /ere not only
ha))y for their relativeJfriend /ho stammer attended the NC "ut also very
ha))y for themselves that they attended the NC% They /ere sayin it /as
ood learnin e8)erience to meet all P'S% They /ere sayin that they /ill
s)read the more a/areness a"out TIS! in their circles%
Imae 4B Partici)ants Sharin 78)eriences
National Conference 2014, Pune
Imae &B Non P'S sharin their vie/s
!&Ta(e !/ay
It /as really reat three days e8)eriences and one of the "est days of 2014
for me% 2ollo/in are ta(e a/ay for meB
a% Stammerin Recovery Plan
2ollo/in are the activities that I am )lannin to follo/ to recover my
stammerin% NC )rovided me a )latform to (no/ lot a"out these activities
from other P'S%
i% !cce)tin Stammerin
!cce)tin stammerin means to desensitiKe yourself to a level that you /ill
feel )roud to say that you stammer% ItOs a very lon Fourney to reach to that
stae% Some of the com)onents of acce)tin stammerin are, you /ill not
feel "ad /hen you stammer at any )oint, you /ill not su"stitute any /ord,
you /ill al/ays ta(e initiative to tal( /hether you stammer or not etc% >ne of
the "est /ay to acce)t stammerin is to challene yourself at every )oint if
you have fear for anythin%
ii% ;no/ <our Stammerin
It includes the activities to analyse the )attern of your stammerin% !s every
P'S stammer in di3erent style, so it is necessary to analyse your o/n style
and im)rove in your o/n style "y usin the techni=ues /hatever suits you
iii% Practice 4arious Techni=ues
There are many techni=ues for the recovery of stammerin i%e% "ouncin,
)rolonation, "loc( correction etc% !fter (no/in the )attern of your
stammerin, you can try any techni=ue /hatever suits you "etter /ith the
)ur)ose to "e a "etter communicator not the Huent%
iv% 4i)asana
4i)asana is one of the "est form of meditation% It )uri$es the human "ein
and the solutions of all )sycholoical )ro"lems% >ne of the reason of
stammerin is also )sycholoy, so 4i)asana )lays (ey role in recovery
Fourney of stammerin%
National Conference 2014, Pune
"% Net/or(in
NC had 100Q )artici)ants, from 16 to 00 years of ae, from students to
manaersJ "usinessmen, from #elhi to ;ol(ata% 2ollo/in is the demora)hic
ma) of )artici)antsB
Imae 0B Partici)ants #emora)hic #etails
c% Random !cts of ;indness
NC also tauht many im)ortant )oint of life e8ce)t stammerin% >ne of the
(ey )oint /as random acts of (indness% I /as little "it chaned in last one
year and start com)arin everythin /ith money% Random acts of (indness is
somethin /hich ma(e you ood human "ein and you canOt com)are it /ith
money% This is one of the "est learnin of NC%
4% References
i% htt)BJJt*tisa%"los)ot%in
ii% htt)BJJstammer%in
iii% htt)BJJstammer%inJ)u"licationsJNe/SH.anual%)df
TH7 IN#I!N ST!..7RIN+ !SS>CI!TI>N 10

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