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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

He will guard the footsteps of his loyal servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness (1 Sam. 2:!.
Thousands of Christians are held in prisons in Muslim countries around the world. The accusations against them may vary,
but the underlying reason is the faith they hold in Jesus. Pray that the Lord will sustain them, use them to minister to others,
care for their families, and free them as He wills, for His glory."
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
GABON: Pray the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers to wor among Muslims in this Central !frican nation. !
missionary notes, "#abon has a high concentration of Muslims who eep shops and wor as security guards and
gardeners, as well as what seems lie hundreds of truc drivers. $n %riday afternoons they literally tae over areas for
prayer time. &t's a huge mission field with few woring to reach them.( Pray that His people, especially church leaders,
will have an ever)growing burden for these who need the Truth.
NIGERIA: !s we pray for Muslims in *igeria, a student offers these guidelines. Pray that+ ,- #od would grant them
hunger for the truth hidden from them by their leaders, and that Jesus would reveal himself to them as in the case of
.aul of Tarsus. This will put an indelible mar on their heart that no persecution or opposition will subdue. /- the Holy
.pirit would move in the mos0ues, convict Muslims of their sins, and impress on them the need to see the true way
of salvation. 1- #od would arrest heads of families, since the father decides the faith of their children as long as they
remain under them. 2- #od would deal with believers who compromise their faith. &n doing so, have helped in no
small measure to promote &slam. 3- #od would frustrate every effort to islami4e the north, and defeat 5oo Haram.
Their failure would deal a heavy blow on &slam in *igeria and open doors for more conversions. This will bring glory
to #od, who wants all men, including the Muslims, to be saved.
SENEGAL: Please pray for the opening of a new !ssemblies of #od primary school in eastern .enegal. Pray that, as
the school ministers to the children, their Muslim families will be touched and there will be a breathrough in the
community. Pray also for worers who will be learning the Tuulor language to wor among this people group.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
Tajikistan, a small, mountainous country in Central !sia, is 623 on the list of 37 nations where persecution of
Christians is most severe. .ome 839 of its :.2 million people are Muslims. There are about ,77 evangelical churches,
which are monitored. Christian literature and doctrinal training is restricted, and Muslims who want to turn to Christ
face opposition from both family and government. Pray that the Holy .pirit will fill His people with courage to stand
firm and give them opportunities to share their hope with others. Pray for those who visit from surrounding countries
to share the #ood *ews. .ee more information and prayer re0uests at http+;;;l4dd<4.
For Muslim Women***
Pray for women in 5runei, where .haria law prevails. &t eeps Muslim women from finding Jesus, and it maes life
for the ,79 Christian community very difficult.
Prayer Resources
"#raying for $uslims: % &uide for 'ffective (ntercession offers many insights concerning &slam and a different prayer sub<ect
each %riday. This wee we pray for believers held in Muslim prisons+ http+;;;n3vbh80.
==$pen >oors publishes an annual list raning the 37 nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. .ee the full
/7,2 ?orld ?atch List at http+;;;,mcm/fu. Clic on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re0uests.
===Muslim women need your prayers@ Aou can <oin a prayer networ and receive regular re0uests at http+;;;.
%or suggestions on starting a prayer group, see http+;;waast<;/7,2;78;waast)<umaa)prayer)groups.html.
%or a list of resources for prayer groups, see http+;;;waast<umaa.
%ind information and prayer re0uests concerning Muslims around the world at http+;;www.17);.
How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithB Cead http+;;;articles;How)to)pray)for)those)in)prison;.
%or news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit http+;;; and http+;;;.
%or prayer re0uests, visit http+;;;pray; and http+;;;public;pray.aspD.
To help you answer Muslims' 0uestions about Jesus and the 5ible, eDplore http+;;;.

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
17 October 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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