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This country is situated in the centre of the continent Europe. It is Europes eastern part. This is the
Carpathian Basin. Visitors already found a Hungarian State one thousand years ago.
Its capital is Budapest.
This is a small country.
The country occupies a territory of aout !" ### s$uare %ilometres. &ongest distance from north to south is
'() %m. &ongest distance from east to *est is+'( %m.
It shares orders to the north *ith the Slo,a% -epulic. to the north/east *ith 0%raine. to the east *ith
-omania. to the south *ith Croatia and Seria and to the *est *ith 1ustria and Slo,enia.
2ur country can e di,ided into three large regions: Transdanuia. the Great 3lain and the 4orthern
There are se,eral ranges of hills. chiefly in the north and *est.
The Great 3lain stretches east from the 6anue to the hills of the Carpathian 5ountains.
1s much as +# 7 of the countrys territory is flat: the Great Hungarian 3lain occupies the entire eastern part
of the country and the small 3lain lies along the north/*est order.
The t*o important ri,ers. the 6anue and the Tis8a cut across the country from north to south.
The region et*een the 6anue and the Tis8a ri,ers is flat. The region is called Transdanuia *est of the
&a%e Balaton is the largest of inland *ater in Central Europe.
1 range of medium height mountains stretches across the country. 9est of the 6anue. the Transdanuian
-ange is aout +## metres high. di,ided :es8thely hills. the Ba%ony. V;rtes. Gerecse. 3ilis and Visegr<d
East of the 6anue the 4orthern 5ountain -ange rises to heights of +##/=### meters. di,ided into the
B>r8s>ny. Cserh<t. 5<tra. B?%% and @empl;n 5ountains.
The highest point is :;%es in the 5<tra 5ountains.
The Hungarian A3us8taB is a fa,ourite tourist destination *here the characteristic animals and ethnographic
traditions can e seen in the Horto<gy 4ational 3ar%. and in the :is%uns<g 4ational 3ar%. *hen the horse
sho*s are held.
It has $uite a small population. Cust =# million. and the country is small too.
(" 7 of the population li,e in to*ns.
It has more ethnic groups: Hungarian. -oma. German. Ser. Slo,a% and -omanian.
The official language of Hungary is Hungarian. ut $uite a fe* other languages are spo%en. These are
German and the Sla,onic languages.
The climate is temperate continental. The coldest month is the Danuary. and the *armest month is the
1ugust. The *inters are cold and cloudy. and the summers are *arm and hot.
This country name is -epulic of Hungary.
The go,ernment type is parliamentary democracy.
This small country is one of the great sur,i,ors of history: states and empires emerged. eEpanded or
disintegrated and disappeared around it.
The traditional Hungarian dishes aound in pi$uant fla,ours and aromas. 6ishes are fla,ourful. spicy and
other rather hea,y. 3eople *ith a sensiti,e stomach should e careful. Fla,ours of Hungarian dishes are
ared on centuries old traditions in spicing and preparation methods.
Famous things:
It is famous for emroidery of 5atyG. red pepper. Horto<gy and its cuisine etc.
Hungary has a li,ely cultural life. There are a lot of popular cultural e,ents. 1 lot of tourists go to us to see
the open/air summer festi,als. This festi,als are held in different to*ns. such as S8eged. Sopron and
situate elhelye8%edi%. fe%s8i%
occupy elfoglal. et>lt
distance t<,ols<g
di,ide os8t. os8li%
range t;r. ter?let
chiefly %?l>n>senH %?l>n>s%;ppen. fI%;ppen. fI%;nt. fIleg. legin%<
stretch (%iJterCed. KelJnyLli%
ethnographic n;praC8i
sur,i,or tLl;lI
empire irodalom
emerge Celent%e8i%. mutat%o8i%. felu%%an
eEpand %iterCed. megnI
disintegrate felomli%
disappear eltMni%
fla,our N8. 8amat. illat
spicy fMs8eres. N8es. pi%<ns
ared felt<r
emroidery hNm8;s

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