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C.1 Invitation Letter Issued to Advisors

Assumption University,
Office of the Graduate School
Thesis Committee
Graduate School of Business;
Assumption University
Ramkhamhaeng Soi 2! "ua #ak!
Bangkok $%2%! Thailand
Tel& ''2()%%(*)('2
Dr. ..
Graduate School of Business; Assumption University
+ear +r,,,,,--!
#s- . #r,,,,,,--has re/uested that you serve as his.her thesis advisor! and on
0ehalf of the Thesis Committee of the Graduate School of Business! Assumption
University! 1 take great pleasure in inviting you to do so- 1 am confident that your
/ualifications! e2pertise and e2perience 3ill 0e 0eneficial to the student in guiding him.her
to3ard the successful completion of the thesis-
1 hope that you 3ill accept this invitation- 1f there are /ueries that you need to clarify in
this regard! 1 3ill 0e more than happy to assist-
Thanking you!
+r- 4atricia Arttachariya!
Thesis Committee
Tel no& %2 )%% **)('2 e2t- $$*'
5mail& patriciaRtt6au-edu
7ot accepted
C. MBA Thesis Proposal Approval Form
Mr./ Ms. _______________ Last name___________________ I.D. No. ______________
Contact No. _______________________________________________
E mail address____________________________________________
Thesis topic approved by Thesis Committee Chair
___________________________ Date__________
A. Introd!ction
A." #tatement o$ t%e &ro'lems
A.( Brie$ )e*ie+ o$ Literat!re
A., #tatement o$ -./ot%esis/ &ro/ositions
B. Met%odolo0.
B." &o/!lation (#!'1ect)/ #am/le
B.( Instr!ments
B., Desi0n
B.2 &roced!res
C. Data Anal.sis
D. Time #c%ed!le
E. &ro/osed Ad*isor3s Name ____________________________
Advisors approval___________________
Submission Date: _______________________
Note: #t!dents are re4!ired to s!'mit t%e t%esis /ro/osal $orm to t%e 5$$ice o$ 6rad!ate
#c%ool $or a//ro*al '. t%e Academic Committee.

Approved by Academic Committee

Assumption !niversity
MBA Pro"ram

Date: __________________________
Return this part to student& 9#BA Thesis 4roposal Approval :orm;
Students name #####################$ %$D$ No$ #######
T%e committee +ill collect t%e s!'mitted A//ro*al 7orms $or consideration on t%e &'
o( every
Students )ill be in(ormed o( the approval by e*mail and results )ill also be posted
on MBA Bulletin Board a$ter +%ic% st!dents can collect t%e a//ro*ed $orm 'ac8 $rom t%e
5$$ice o$ 6rad!ate #c%ool.
To be eli"ible (or +raduation Commencement (or ,''- academic year
#!'mission $or Proposal De(ense +it%in "9
5cto'er: (99;
#!'mission $or Final Thesis De(ense +it%in "9
No*em'er: (99;
#!'mission $or Bindin" +it%in <
Decem'er: (99;
)ecei*ed on __________________ )ecei*ed '. _________________ (56# #ta$$)
C.!. M"A T#esis O$tion Pro%edure
Students need to dis%uss a t#esis to$i% &it# t#e t#esis %o''ittee %#air (or a$$rova) *e(ore 'eetin+ an
advisor to as, (or a%%e$tan%e.
Students need to su*'it t#e t#esis tit)e a$$rova) (or' &#i%# #as *een si+ned *- t#e %#air o( t#e T#esis
Co''ittee to O((i%e o( .raduate S%#oo).
Ea%# advisor is a))o&ed to #ave / advisees at a +iven ti'e and not e0%eedin+ 11 $er a%ade'i% -ear.
The committee 3ill collect the su0mitted Approval :orms for consideration on the 11
o( ever-
Students &i)) *e in(or'ed o( t#e a$$rova) *- e2'ai) and resu)ts &i)) a)so *e $osted on t#e
M"A "u))etin "oard- After this! students can collect the Advisor3s Invitation Letter from <ffice
of Graduate School-
1f the Thesis committee chairperson doesn=t approve a thesis topic! the student 3ill need to
change and su0mit the approval form again-
1f your re/uested advisor has a full num0er of advisees! then the thesis committee 3ill propose
a ne3 advisor-
T#esis 'ust *e %o'$)eted &it#in ! ter's 4 ter's (or Pro$osa) De(ense and 1 ter' (or Fina)
1. Students need to su*'it t#e (o))o&in+ do%u'ents (or $ro$osa) de(ense
15 copies of the $ro$osa) 3ith advisor=s signature on every cover page-
5 $ copy of T#esis Re+istration Re%ei$t
!5 De(ense Fee: !6111 *a#t 9<7>? for students 3ho are reapplying;
T#esis de(ense S%#edu)e 9students 3ill 0e informed 0y e(mail and information 3ill 0e posted on
#BA Bulletin Board;
The committee 3ill set the schedule on the 11
o( ever- 'ont#
Pro$osa) De(ense: 1n the third 3eek of every month
Fina) De(ense: 1n the last 3eek of every month
To *e e)i+i*)e (or .raduation Co''en%e'ent o( 11/ a%ade'i% -ear
Su0mission for Pro$osa) De(ense& should 0e 3ithin $%
<cto0er! 2%%*
7o late su0mission is allo3ed-
1f a student does not pass the defense! he.she needs to su0mit again-
1f a student passes the defense! he.she needs to have the thesis edited 9re/uest a /ualified editor
@ someone 3ho understands your topic and is good at 5nglish;- The editor has to sign a Proo(2
readin+ For'; and print * copies for final defense-
Students need to fulfill the re/uirement of a total of 8 credits! only after 3hich they can su0mit for final
defense 3ith the follo3ing re/uired documents&
$; * copies of (ina) t#esis 3ith advisor=s signature on every cover page-
2; Proo(2readin+ Re$ort 3ith signature from Grammarian. 5ditor
); 4ay for De(ense Fee: !6111 *a#t 41/6111 *a#t in %ase o( re2a$$)-in+5
Fina) %orre%tions and i'$rove'ent
( Student 3ill get ) copies of thesis cover page 3ith signature of every thesis committee mem0er after
the final defense-
( 1f there is any change in the thesis cover! students can ask coordinator to re(print- 1t is a student=s
responsi0ility to (o))o& u$ a)) %o''ittee 'e'*ers to get signatures 9e2cept for the #<5
Representative=s Signature;-
Fina) su*'ission to O((i%e o( .raduate S%#oo)
To *e e)i+i*)e (or .raduation Co''en%e'ent o( 11/ a%ade'i% -ear
Su0mission for "indin+& 3ithin A
+ecem0er! 2%%*
Students need to register for graduation in the last 3eek of 7ovem0er
"indin+ Pro%ess 3ill take 2 months after su0mission-
Assumption !niversity
MBA Proposal. Thesis Submission (or De(ense
Mr./ Ms. ___________ #!rname___________ I.D. No. _________MBA (DAY) ______ MBA (EVE)
Contact No. _________________________________
E=mail address________________________________________
Ad*isor ____________________________________
Proposal De(ense Final Thesis De(ense
)e4!ired doc!ments )e4!ired doc!ments
") 2 co/ies o$ Proposal ") ; co/ies o$ Final Thesis
(>it% si0nat!re $rom ad*isor on t%e co*er /a0e) (>it% si0nat!re $rom ad*isor on t%e co*er /a0e)
() " co/. o$ Thesis /e"istration /eceipt () Proo(*readin" /eport. 0etter
,) &a.ment o$ De(ense Fee: 12''' baht ,) &a.ment o$ De(ense Fee: 12''' baht
(3N04 (or the student )ho are reapplyin") 5&-2''' baht in case o( re*applyin"6
Sta(( 3nly:
Re%ei$t No. 8A'ount 88888888888 *a#t. Re%eived date: 88888888888 Re%eived *- 8888888888
/eturn this part to student: 5Submission (or De(ense6
Students name ?????????????????????? %$D$ No$ ???????
Thesis de(ense Schedule (+ill 'e in$ormed '. e=mail and /osted on t%e MBA B!lletin
T%e committees +ill collect t%esis $or settin0 t%e sc%ed!le on t%e &'
o( every month
Proposal De(ense: In t%e t%ird +ee8 o$ e*er. mont%
Final De(ense: In t%e last +ee8 o$ e*er. mont%
Thesis orientation +ill 'e or0ani@ed e*er. $irst mont% o$ eac% trimester
To be eli"ible (or +raduation Commencement o( ,''- academic year
#!'mission $or Proposal De(ense +it%in "9
5cto'er: (99;
#!'mission $or Final Thesis De(ense +it%in "9
No*em'er: (99;
#!'mission $or Bindin" +it%in <
Decem'er: (99;
Proo(*readin". 7ditin" is indis/ensa'le /rior to s!'mission o$ t%e $inal t%esis de$ense
/e8uired Conditions (or +raduation:
o Com/lete 2A credits co!rses and re4!ired $o!ndation co!rses
o -a*e s!'mitted t%esis /a/er $or 'indin0
o &assed Interns%i/ ($or MBA DAY onl.)
o Attended at least B sessions on #/ea8er o$ t%e Mont% ($or MBA DAY onl.)

Submission date /eceived by: 5sta(( si"nature6
C./ T#esis Eva)uation For'
.raduate S%#oo) o( "usiness Ad'inistration
Assu'$tion 9niversit- o( T#ai)and
Student=s 7ame& 1+- Code B&
Thesis Topic&

5valuated 0y& 5valuated on&
Overa)) Co''ittee Resu)t 4de%ided *- %#air'an5: 4 5 A 4 5 " 4 5 C 4 5 D
E0a'iner3s Co''ents:
C#a$ter 1 Generalities of the Study
1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Research Objectives 1. Sco!e of the Study
1." #imitations of the Study 1.$ Significance of the Study
1.% &efinition of 'erms 1.( others

C#a$ter Revie3 of Related >iterature and Studies
2.1 &iscussion of variables 2.2 &iscussion) *ritical +nalysis of 'heories
2.3 &iscussion) *ritical +nalysis of Related Studies

E0a'iner3s Co''ents:
C#a$ter ! Research :rame3orks
3.1&efinition of ,ariables 3.2 *once!tual -rame.ork
3.3 Research /y!othesis 3. O!eration of the 0nde!endent and &e!endent

C#a$ter 7 Research #ethodology
.1 Res!ondents and Sam!ling Procedures .2 Research 0nstruments and 1uestionnaire
.3 *ollection of &ata)2athering Procedures . Statistical 'reatment of &ata

C#a$ter / 4resentation of +ata D Critical +iscussion of Results
".1 Presentation and &iscussion of &ata ".2 0nter!retation of Statistical Results
".3 +nalysis and *ritical &iscussion of Results ". others
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations
$.1 Summary of 0m!ortant -acts and -indings $.2 0m!lications
$.3 Recommendations $. Others
:. Ot#ers :
%.1 Bibliogra!hy %.2 +!!endi3 %.3 1uestionnaire%. 'ables %." -igures
%.$ +bstract %.% +ckno.ledgement %.( 'itle Page %.4 Others

Eva)uator3s Eva)uation
Chapter A E Good B E Satisfactory.
#inor improvements
C E Accepta0le.
#aFor improvements
+ E Reapply

Overall result& 9 ; A 9 ; B 9 ; C 9 ; +
7ote& A E 2ood
B E Satisfactory ) minor im!rovements D contributions
C E +cce!table ) major im!rovements 5 contributions
+ E Reapply
Pro$osed Criteria; Indi%ators (or a T#esis Eva)uation
The follo3ing criteria )indicators 9su0Fect to change and modification; are proposed as additional
guidelines for a thesis evaluation.
1. .enera) For'at: 4+enera))- a%%e$ted re<uire'ents (or a $ro$osa)5
a. Re/uirements! such as chapters! 0i0liography! etc- They are missing6 insufficient6 unclear6
and .rong.
b. Cite. /uote sources of literatures& .rong)missing references
c. <thers
. En+)is# Lan+ua+e:
a. Grammar
b. Spelling! punctuation marks
c. Gords D e2pression
d. <thers
!. Content:
a. 7nclear content
b. &isjointed 9 difficult to understand ho3 ideas! events etc- follo3 each other and develop;
c. 0nsufficient)missing relevant D related theory. previous studies. information 9data! figures!
d. 0rrelevant theory. previous studies. information
e. 0nsufficient )missing).rong frame3ork
f. 0rrelevant ).rong)missing methodology
g. 0nsufficient )irrelevant data presentation
h. 0rrelevant) .rong statistics! statistical results D interpretations
3.4 8issing) .rong) irrelevant im!lications
3.19 #acking originality D contri0utions
3.11 0rrelevant) insufficient conclusions D recommendations
Pro%ess o( Eva)uation:
5ach evaluator.e2aminer reads and uses proposed criteria.indicators to evaluate a student=s thesis- 1f 'an-
'inor 'ista,es or fe3 serious 4'a=or5 'ista,es are found out! an evaluator can use them as a 0asis for
giving a D2+rade 3hich is unsatisfactory and maFor improvement as 3ell as reapplication of a thesis
defense are re/uired- 5ach evaluator=s overall result either A6 "6 C or D is su0mitted to the Chairman 3ho
3ill summariHe overall results given 0y all committee mem0ers-
The Committee Result is 0ased on the majority decision! 3hich is two-thirds or three-fourths of the
committee mem0ers- 1f the Committee Result is A6 " or C2+rade! the student passes the defense 3ith some
suggested improvements- "o3ever! if a D2+rade is o0tained6 3hich means unsatisfactory and major
improvements and some contriutions are re/uired! he.she could reapply for a thesis defense after two
Re%o''endations o( t#e T#esis E0a'inin+ Co''ittee
Student Na'e : Ms. Su%#itra C#a'$i
Student Code : 7/!2B1/:
Tit)e o( T#esis: : Per%e$tions and Attitudes o( Consu'ers3 to&ards E0trinsi% and
Intrinsi% Cues o( Store "rand Cua)it-: A Case Stud- o( Tes%o
"rand "eaut- Produ%ts
A- Good
B- Satisfactory . minor improvements D contri0utions
C- Accepta0le . maFor improvements D contri0utions
+- Reapply
T#esis E0a'inin+ Co''ittee Me'*ers :
+r- Sirion Chaipoopirutana +r- Theerachote 4ongtavee3ould
Advisor Committee #em0er

+r- 1smail Ali Siad +r- 4atricia Arttachariya
Committee #em0er Committee #em0er
Asst- 4rof- Chatpong Tangmanee
#<5 Representative
7ovem0er 2)! 2%%
C.: .raduate S%#oo) o( "usiness
Assu'$tion 9niversit-
Form si"ned by Proo(reader o( the Thesis
I: ===================================: %a*e /roo$read t%e t%esis entitled ===================
and %ere'. certi$. t%at it con$orms to 0enerall. acce/ta'le standards $or
*er'ia0e: s/ellin0 and $ormat.
Contact N!m'er/Email address ============================================================
Date ======================
C.D Assu'$tion 9niversit- o( T#ai)and
.raduate S%#oo) o( "usiness 4M"A Pro+ra'5
T#esis Eva)uation For' 4to *e %o'$)eted *- t#e %andidate5
A5 C#a$ter 1: ?5S 7<
$- Chapter title& is the title J1ntroductionK usedL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph for the content of the chapterL
)- Background& is 0ackground relevant to the topic of studyL
- Statement of 4ro0lem& does it include a research /uestionL
*- Research o0Fective& does it include a list of specific o0FectivesL
'- Scope of the study& does it define the focus of the studyL
C- >imitation of the study& are the assumptions of the study specifiedL
8- +efinition of terms& are all the varia0les.concepts definedL
A- <thers& industry 0ackgroundL Ta0les.graphs e2plainedL :ont siHeL
"5 C#a$ter :
$- 1s the title JRevie3 of Related >iterature and 5mpirical StudiesKL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph for the content of the chapterL
)- 1s the underlying theory presented and discussed thoroughlyL
- 1s there a discussion of the relationships of relevant varia0lesL
*- 1s there a critical analysis of the various relevant theoriesL
'- 1s there a critical analysis of previous related studiesL
C- 1s there a discussion of methodologies used in previous studiesL
8- 1s there a summary ta0le of previous related studiesL
C5 C#a$ter !:
$- 1s the title JTheoretical and Conceptual :rame3orkK usedL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph for the content of the chapterL
)- 1s there a diagram of the conceptual frame3orkL
- 1s the conceptual frame3ork properly la0eledL
*-1s the theoretical e2planation of the varia0les and the relationships
among these varia0les presentedL
'- 1s an operational ta0le of the varia0les.concepts providedL
C- Are there statements of hypotheses 9"o D "a;L
8- Are the mathematical e2pressions of the hypotheses providedL
A- 1s the level of significance 9; setL
$%- 1s the JreFect(do not reFectK "o criterion specifiedL
D5 C#a$ter 7:
$- 1s the title JResearch #ethodologyK usedL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph for the content of the chapterL
)- 1s the research method specified and discussedL
- 1s the unit of analysis and target population 3ell definedL
*- Are the respondents.sample and sampling procedure 3ell definedL
'- 1s the /uestionnaire! if needed! providedL
C- 1s the /uestionnaire a standard instrumentL
8- 1s the /uestionnaire consistent 3ith the conceptual frame3orkL
A- 1s the data analysis method presented and FustifiedL
$%- Are the assumptions of the statistical model discussed and in line
3ith the nature of the data and research /uestionL
E5 C#a$ter /:
$- 1s the title J+ata 4resentation and Critical +iscussion of ResultsK usedL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph for the contents of the chapterL
)- 1s the descriptive analysis of the data provided and discussedL
- 1s the inferential statistics results presented and discussedL
*- 1s a summary of the results of hypotheses testing providedL
'- 1s there a critical analysis of the statistical results of hypotheses testingL
C- Are there managerial interpretations of the results of data analysisL
F5 C#a$ter >:
$- 1s the title JConclusion and RecommendationsK usedL
2- 1s there an introduction paragraph of the contents of the chapterL
)- Are conclusions 0ased on the research pro0lem and o0FectivesL
- 1s there any conclusion 0ased on the hypotheses testing resultsL
*- Are the recommendations 0ased on the results of the data analysisL
'- Are the recommendations in line 3ith the research o0FectivesL
C- Are the recommendations realistic! given the situationL
8- Are there suggestions for further studyL
.5 A*stra%t and A%,no&)ed+e'ent
$- 1s there an a0stract page right after the cover pageL
2- +oes the a0stract page contain only three or four paragraphsL
)- 1s there an ackno3ledgement page right after the a0stract pageL
- 1s the ackno3ledgement page initialedL
A5 Ot#ers
$- 1s the 0i0liography in accordance 3ith A4A formatL
2- 1s the 0i0liography listed alpha0etically 0ased on the surnameL
)- 1s the /uestionnaire provided in the appendi2L
- Are the statistical ta0les! graphs! etc- provided in the appendi2L
*- Are the ra3 data provided in the appendi2L
'- 1s the cover.title page in accordance 3ith GSB formatL
C- Are the ta0les of content! graphs! charts! etc- in proper font siHeL
I5 Persona) De%)aration:
1! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! 1-+- IIIIIIIIIII! here0y declare that 1 have completed my thesis manuscript 3ith honesty and 3ithout plagiarism- 1 also declare that 1 have listed in the
0i0liography! properly cited and given credit to its author9s; any academic material or reference 1 have used
for the purpose of completing my thesis- 1 take full responsi0ility and accept the conse/uence for any act of
plagiarism 3ith respect to my thesis entitled
Signed 0y thesis 3riter& +ate Signed& IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
9 ;
A$$endi0 D: Fre<uent)- As,ed Cuestions
D.1 Ao& do I %#oose an advisorE
A student is free to approach any full(time GSB :aculty mem0er to ask for permission
to 0e his.her advisor- A student may also approach a full(time or part(time faculty
mem0er 93ho is approved as an advisor; 3orking in another program in Assumption
University- The student must make a formal application to the Thesis Chairperson for
the choice of the topic as 3ell as the advisor-
D. F#en s#ou)d I start t#in,in+ a*out '- to$i% and advisor (or a t#esisE
Since these decisions are so important! 3e suggest you 0egin this process in the
first semester of your second year- Some advisors have told us that an early start is the
crucial factor in producing a successful thesis- The mem0ers of the Thesis Committee
are very interested in helping you make a thoughtful decision M stop 0y and see us
D.! Do I #ave to &rite a t#esis in '- 'a=orE
7o! if you are enrolled in the General #BA- ?es! if you are registered for a
specialiHation in either #arketing or :inance- Ge encourage you to 0ring the study of
your maFor field to 0ear on your thesis 3ork- <ften a student 3ill do a thesis that
spans more than one discipline! 0ut usually one is her.his maFor- 1t is pro0a0ly not a
good time to try to master a ne3 field of study 3hile 3riting your thesis-
D.7 Ao& )on+ s#ou)d '- t#esis *eE
"o3 many times have 3e heard students ask that /uestionL The ans3er is dependent
on many varia0les including your maFor or area of concentration! the particular topic
your thesis addresses! and the 3ay in 3hich you present your completed thesis- 1n the
humanities and social sciences! theses often are 0et3een $2% and $*% pages- Another
3ay of thinking a0out a thesis and its length is to keep in mind that this is the outcome
of four! three(credit courses! and your 3ork should reflect that-
D./ Ao& 'an- %#a$ters and %o$ies do I #ave to su*'it (or t#e $ro$osa)E
<nce you=re application is approved! you have to 3ork closely 3ith your advisor and
su0mit four 9; chapters for the Thesis 4roposal- These are& Chapter 1& Generalities of
the Study; Chapter 11& Revie3 of >iterature and Related Studies; Chapter 111& Research
:rame3orks; and Chapter 1O& Research #ethodology-
?ou 3ill need to su0mit four copies of the proposal to the GSB-

D.> Ao& do I %#oose a to$i% (or '- t#esisE Ao& do I %#oose an advisor (or '-
1n almost e/ual proportions! some students start 3ith the topic and others start 3ith the
4erhaps you are certain as to the focus of your thesis- 1n this scenario your ne2t step is
to find an advisor- Gith topic in hand! you might informally chat 3ith lecturers 3ith
3hom youPve had good e2periences in the past- <ne of them might 0e a good
candidate! or they might 0e a0le to direct you to others for 3hom the topic might 0e
more appropriate- This might take some time! 0ut you are 0ound to learn in the
process- Alternatively! perhaps you have a particular lecturer in mind 3hom you
al3ays thought 3ould 0e a perfect thesis advisor- ?our ne2t step is to see if that
lecturer has any ideas that might e2cite your interest- 1f your first choice doesnPt 3ork
out! there 3ill certainly 0e other lecturers 3ho might have an interest in your area of
D.: F#at is t#e 'ost i'$ortant de%ision I &i)) 'a,e durin+ t#is $ro%essE
Almost certainly it is choosing your thesis advisor- ?ou 3ill have to 3ork very
closely 3ith this individual over the course of an entire year- This can 0e an
immensely re3arding situation! 0ut it can also 0e some3hat pro0lematic if you are not
careful- ?our choice should 0e 0ased on the scholarly e2pertise of the potential
advisor as 3ell as the a0ility of the t3o of you to communicate and cooperate on your
endeavor- The relationship must 0e one of mutual respect; as you rely on your advisor
for help! support! and encouragement! you must demonstrate a serious and scholarly
commitment to the undertaking
D.D F#at does '- advisor doE
1t is crucial that you understand the responsi0ilities of the thesis advisor! and e/ually
important that you communicate this to a prospective advisor- <ccasionally! it 3ill
cause the faculty mem0er to rethink the advisa0ility of taking on the position-
"o3ever! it is perhaps more important you remem0er that&
@O9 are res$onsi*)e (or t#e ti'e)- and su%%ess(u) %o'$)etion o( -our t#esis. It
is t#is inde$enden%e and %o''it'ent t#at se$arates t#esis &or, (ro' nor'a)
T#e t#esis advisor a+rees to
3ork 3ith the student to refine and focus the studentPs interests into a
suita0le thesis;
provide clear e2pectations for the thesis.proFect! addressing length!
assessment! and other aspects related to scholarship in the particular
provide information on format and other guidelines from the GSB
0e prepared to meet 3ith the student regularly throughout the duration of
the proFect;
read and comment on drafts of the thesis as it develops-
D.B Does '- advisor #ave to *e in t#e .S"E
Usually- "o3ever! in some situations faculty mem0ers in other disciplines or
departments may 0e perfectly /ualified to supervise your thesis- ?ouPll have to check
3ith the chair of the Thesis Committee in your specific case M and youPll need the
chairPs approval on your Approval :orm
D.11 I #ave an advisor 2 &#at is a t#esis e0a'inin+ %o''itteeE
?our thesis e2amining committee is composed of your advisor! three additional
faculty mem0ers! and one e2ternal #<5 representative- These faculty mem0ers serve
as additional readers for your thesis M providing you 3ith guidance! other
perspectives! and 0alance- This committee also oversees your thesis defense! and in
that role it determines ho3 you 3ill 0e evaluated on your thesis
D.11 F#at #a$$ens at t#e (ina) de(enseE
Thesis final defenses are designed to last appro2imately $-* ( 2 hours- Typically! the
first hour is devoted to a discussion of your thesis 3ork- Usually you 3ill 0e asked to
present a summary of your thesis for t3enty to thirty minutes! after 3hich the
committee 3ill engage you in a discussion for the remaining time- +uring this
discussion! as 3ell as after the defense! suggestions for revisions may 0e made-
D.1 F#at are t#e e0a'inin+ %o''ittee 'e'*ers doin+ in t#ere &#en t#e- as, 'e
to )eave t#e roo'E
At this time! the committee deli0erates as to the grade you 3ill 0e accorded- The grades are
A E 2ood
B E Satisfactory ) minor im!rovements D contributions
C E +cce!table ) major im!rovements 5 contributions
" # Reapply
They 3ill make this recommendation taking into consideration the thesis.proFect as
3ell as its presentation! the 0i0liography and its discussion- They 3ill record that
recommendation on an 5valuation :orm and invite you 0ack into the room for the
good ne3sN
D.1! F#at a*out 'odi(i%ationsE
Bad ne3s M a thesis is never doneN Almost every thesis re/uires some amount of
3ork 0efore the final version is accepted- 1n the vast maFority of cases! this is nothing
more than minor! 3ord(processing changes- 1n a very small num0er of situations! it
might entail more serious changes and revisions
D.17 F#at is $)a+iaris'E

4lagiarism is using another personPs 3ords or ideas 3ithout giving credit to the other
person- Ghen you use someone elsePs 3ords! you must put /uotation marks around
them and give the 3riter or speaker credit 0y revealing the source in a citation- 5ven if
you revise or paraphrase the 3ords of someone else or Fust use their ideas! you still
must give the author credit in a note- 7ot giving due credit to the creator of an idea or
3riting is very much like lying-
Anderson! G- 9$AA8; :undamentals of 5ducational Research- :almer 4ress-
Agresti! A-! and :inlay! B- 9$AAC; Statistical #ethods for the Social Sciences- 4earsons
Anderson! +-! S3eeney! +-! and Gilliams! T- 92%%2; 5ssentials of Statistics for Business
and 5conomics- South(Gestern College 4u0lications-
5isen0erg! A- 9$AA2; 5ffective Technical Communication- #c(Gra3 "ill-
5lifson! Q- 92%%%; :undamentals of Social Statistics- #c(Gra3 "ill
:orman! R- 9$AAA; #ore than Survival& The discipline of 0usiness communication and the
uses of translation- Rournal of Business Communication! )*9$;! pp *%('8-
Glass! G-! and "opkins! Q- 9$AA'; Statistical #ethods for 5ducation and 4sychology-
Allyn D Bacon-
>ester! R-! and >ester! R- Rr- 92%%2; Griting Research 4apers- >ongman-
>evin! R-! and :o2! R- 92%%); 5lementary Statistics in Social Research- Allyn D Bacon-
>evine! +-! Qreh0iel! T-! and Berenson! #- 92%%2; 1ntroductory Statistics- 4renctice("all-
>intao! >- 9$AAA; Thesis Griting #ade Simple- Graduate School of Business! Assumption
University 4u0lication-
#ac7ealy! #- 9$AAA; Strategies for 5mpirical Research in Griting- >ongman-
#cBurney! "- 92%%2; Research #ethods- CA& Brooks Cole-
#cClave! R-! Geldon! Q-! and Griffiths! +- 92%%; Statistics for Business and 5conomics-
#c1ntyre! >- 92%%*; 7eed to Qno3 @ Social Science Research #ethods- #c(Gra3 "ill
#olloy! #- 9$A8A; :undamentals of 4erformance #odeling- 4rentice("all-
4u0lication #anual- * th ed-! American 4sychological Association! 2%%$-
Rudestam! Q-! and 7e3ton! R- 9$AA2; Surviving your 4resentation- Sage 4u0lications-
Shavelson! R- 9$AA'; Statistical Reasoning for the Behavioral Science! ).5- Allyn D
Siegel! S-! Castellan! R- Rr- 9$A88; 7onparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences-
#c(Gra3 "ill 1nc-
Sprinthall! R- 92%%2; Basic Statistical Analysis- Allyn D Bacon-
Stirling! +-! Griffiths! +-! and Geldon! Q- 9$AA8; Understanding +ata& 4rinciples and
4ractices of Statistics-
Rohn Giley D Sons-
Tura0ian! Q- 9$AAC; A #anual for Griters of Term 4apers! Theses! and +issertations-
University of Chicago

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