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Bob Ichsan Masri, SpOG, a doctor from a local clinic in Jakarta, contra to give
birth by sectio caearea. The doctor will perform a cesarean section only if the state is no
longer possible for a normal delivery. I agree with his opinion, because the most good
labor is actually with the normal way. Why.??? Because pregnancy and labor is a
natural process and the body of a woman had been created for this process.
This natural labor will give a signal to the rest of the body of mother to continue
its role in the healing process and feed the baby. For example, the mammary glands
will be actively producing colostrum and milk, the uterus will naturally contraction to
return into original body shape, dirty blood will be excluded, and hormones will slowly
return into original condition. For Labor cost is certainly much cheaper than a sectio
caesarea. The recovery process after labor is generally faster than Caesar.
According to findings published in the American Journal of Obstretric and
Gynecology, Babies born by sectio Caesarea more often sent into intensive care unit,
and have impaired pulmonary compared with babies born by normal labor. At
Caesarea sectio deliveries, there will be some discomfort that would be felt even though
the operation is carried out according to the operation standard. The first few days
after labor, there will be great pain levels may vary on each mother. The recovery
process will lasts tend to be longer, so the mother should to undergo inpatient time is
longer than normal labor. The dope effects can make a the baby sleep fast, the baby
have trouble breathing shortly after born, constipation, and catch a cold. While the
injections in the spine can make the mother often feel tingling and great dizziness in
the future. This major surgery cause surgery traumating, such as the risk of bleeding is
two times greater than normal labor and also the risk the occurrence of urine bladder

So as a health provider we should give understanding to the mother who will
give birth about the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of normal labor and
sectio caesarea. A mother with physiological pregnancy should be given the motivation
for give birth normally because it is safer and can minimize the risk of complications. If
the mother can not stand the pain, we can give services with hypnobirting method that
can minimize pain during labor. Moreover with normal labor, fuction of body organs
will be return faster return as same as before the pregnancy because everything
through the natural processes.

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