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As readers, we were to|d who Iesus |s |n Mark 1: 1"8eg|nn|ng of the
gospe| of Iesus Chr|st, Son of God", the demons cry out repeated|y, "I
know who you arethe no|y Cne of God" (1: 24), "ou are the Son of
God" (3: 11), and "What have you to do w|th me, Iesus, Son of the
Most n|gh God?" (S: 7). Cn|y the d|sc|p|es and the crowds grope |n
the dark, astounded at Iesus' words and acnons, ask|ng: "Who . . . |s
th|s that even the w|nd and sea obey [h|m]?" (4: 41). Strugg||ng to
understand, some say he |s Iohn the 8apnst, brought back to ||fe,
others say he |s L||[ah, sn|| others say he |s one of the prophets (8: 28)
but they a|| get |t wrong.
Not unn| Lesson #9 do Iesus' d|sc|p|es hna||y understand who he |s, as
eter confesses at Caesarea h|||pp|: "ou are the Mess|ah" (8: 29),
and God the Iather va||dates eter's confess|on of fa|th at the
1ranshguranon: "1h|s |s my be|oved Son. L|sten to h|m" (9: 7).
W|th Iesus' |dennty hrm|y estab||shed, we move |nto the
ha|f of the =$#>"3 .??$1/@%A +$ B.1C. Irom th|s po|nt
onward, Iesus and h|s d|sc|p|es move re|ent|ess|y toward
Ierusa|em and the cross, a|| the wh||e |earn|ng the
@4>3@?.D$%# of Iesus' |denntyfor Iesus, for h|s
d|sc|p|es, and for us, Mark's readers.
Lesson #10 presents a br||||ant ser|es of v|gneues
exp|or|ng those |mp||canons, as Iesus and h|s d|sc|p|es
trave| 100 m||es south, on the road to Ierusa|em.
know|ng now that Iesus |s the
Mess|ah, the Son of God, Iesus'
d|sc|p|es strugg|e to understand what
that means for +,"4.
1hey natura||y th|nk to themse|ves:
E*%?" @% 0"12#.3"4F G@33 %$+ 0"#2# 2#,"1 @% +,"
H@%A/$4 $I =$/F G@+, ,@4#"3I .# H@%AJ K%/ @I
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In a ser|es of #"O"% v|gneues, Mark
exp|ores the |mp||canons of h|s
|dennty as Mess|ah and Son of God
for Iesus' d|sc|p|es.
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the
k|ngdom? (9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
Car| ne|nr|ch 8|och, 0"#2# .%/ +," !@P3" Q,@3/1"% (o|| on copper),
c. 186S-1879. 1he Museum of Nanona| n|story,
Ireder|ksborg Cast|e, n|||erd, Denmark.
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by
your acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
C||ve ress and m||| stones at Capernaum. M||| stones made of basa|t were
manufactured at Capernaum dur|ng the nme of Iesus.
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
! C||ve ress
M||| Stones
Does Iesus mean 3@+"1.33L to
cut o your hand or foot, or
to p|uck out your eye |f |t
causes you to s|n?
*I ?$21#" %$+T 1hroughout the Gospe|s
Iesus frequent|y uses hguranve
|anguage such as metaphor, s|m||e and
hyperbo|e to c|ar|fy, make v|v|d or
emphas|ze a po|nt.
nere he uses ,L>"1M$3".
UVL>"1M$3" @# .% "W.AA"1.D$% 2#"/ .# . 1,"+$1@?.3 /"O@?"
I$1 "4>,.#@#F #2?, .#7 EBL #2@+?.#" G"@A,"/ . +$%TNX
L|kew|se, when Iesus speaks of be|ng
"sa|ted w|th hre" he a||udes to the
preservanve propernes of sa|t and the
pur|fy|ng propernes of hre, app|y|ng
them hguranve|y to peop|e.
Y,@# @# ?$44$% >1.?D?" @%
M@M3@?.3 %.11.DO"Z
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
Scythopo||s "
[8e|t She'an]
Ier|cho "
Ierusa|em "
! Iord|ng po|nt at
! Iord|ng po|nt at
Leav|ng the Sea of Ga|||ee
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
Wa|k|ng past the Lower Iordan k|ver as |t ex|ts the Sea of Ga|||ee.
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
Iord the Iordan k|ver at Scythopo||s, cross|ng to the east bank of the Iordan.
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
Io||ow the p||gr|m road south, a|ong the east s|de of the Iordan k|ver to Ier|cho.
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
||gr|m koute
Iordan k|ver
Last 8ank
(Iordan of today)
West 8ank
(Israe| of today)
Is |t |awfu| for a husband
to d|vorce h|s w|fe?
What w|||
happen to me?
D|vorce was a top|c of great debate
|n Iuda|sm dur|ng the 1
century, as
|t |s today. 1he two great schoo|s of
thought at the nme were those of
kabb|s Shamma| and n|||e|.
"kabb| Shamma| (S0 8.C. - A.D. 30) he|d
that d|vorce was perm|ss|b|e on|y when a
very ser|ous oence was |nvo|ved.
"kabb| n|||e| (110 8.C. - A.D. 10!) he|d that
d|vorce was perm|ss|b|e for even the most
tr|v|a| mauers.
It was qu|te reasonab|e, therefore,
to ask Iesus' pos|non on the |ssue.
Iesus s|des qu|te c|ear|y w|th the
schoo| of Shamma|, a||ow|ng
d|vorce on|y |n cases of the most
ser|ous transgress|ons!
In the context of a
discussion about
divorce, the topic
moves naturally to a
discussion on children
and their child-like
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
Nonce the commandments
that Iesus mennons:
" ou sha|| not k|||
" ou sha|| not comm|t adu|tery
" ou sha|| not stea|
" ou sha|| not bear fa|se w|tness
" ou sha|| not defraud
" nonor your father and mother
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Nonce the commandments
that are 4@##@%A:
" ou sha|| have no other gods before you
" ou sha|| make no graven |mages
" ou sha|| not take the Lord's name |n va|n
" kemember the Sabbath and keep |t ho|y.
K33 I$21 $I +,"#" ?$44.%/#
.//1"## $21 1"3.D$%#,@>
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1he r|ch young man has obeyed
mencu|ous|y h|s ennre ||fe a|| 6 of
the "soc|a| commandments" [,$G
4.%L $I 2# ?.% #.L +,.+T]. 8ut he
has neg|ected the commandments
concern|ng God.
1he rob|em?
1he r|ch young man's wea|th stands
between h|m and God, rather than trusnng
|n God, he trusts |n h|s wea|th.
1he So|unon?
Get r|d of the wea|th!
Iesus |s %$+ say|ng that wea|th |s bad!
Money |s ne|ther mora| nor |mmora|.
8ut |f you trust |n your wea|th rather
than trust |n God, then "cut o" your
As Iesus sa|d prev|ous|y: "|f your hand
[foot, eye] causes you to s|n, cut |t o."
In speak|ng to the r|ch young may, Iesus
makes another use of ,L>"1M$3".
1he |esson here |s about gemng
your >1@$1@D"# r|ght:
1here are those who
take Iesus' words |n
th|s v|gneue qu|te
ser|ous|y, though . . .
.%/ +,.+ ?.% M" .
A$$/ +,@%AT
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
Scythopo||s "
[8e|t She'an]
Ier|cho "
Ierusa|em "
! Iord|ng po|nt at
! Iord|ng po|nt at
! We are here!
Lest we and Iesus' d|sc|p|es forget
the purpose for go|ng to Ierusa|em,
Mark br|ngs |t center stage and
sh|nes a br|ght spot||ght on |t:
Iesus |s go|ng to Ierusa|em
where . . .
E+," [$% $I B.% G@33 M" ,.%/"/ $O"1 +$ +,"
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1hat |s Iesus' rea||ty, the |mp||canon
of h|s |dennty as Mess|ah
and Son of God.
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the
k|ngdom (10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
W|th the rea||ty of Iesus arrest, tr|a| and
cruc|hx|on |n m|nd, our 6
returns to where we began Lesson #10,
to the d|sc|p|es' comp|ete |gnorance of
Iesus' m|ss|on and the|r ro|e |n |t.
We began our sequence w|th the
d|sc|p|es argu|ng about "who wou|d be
the greatest |n the k|ngdom of God" (9:
33-41), and that's where we end |t, w|th
the d|sc|p|es' tota| |ack of
understand|ng and comp|ete b||ndness,
as Iames and Iohn ask Iesus for
pr|v||eged pos|nons, seated at h|s r|ght
and |eh, |n the k|ngdom of God.
1. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom?
(9: 33-41)
2. Don't |ead peop|e astray by your
acnons (9: 42-S0)
3. nave comm|tment (10: 1-16)
4. nave perspecnve (10: 17-31)
S. kem|nder (10: 32-34)
6. Who w||| be greatest |n the k|ngdom
(10: 3S-4S)
7. Coda (10: 46-S2)
Iord back to the west s|de of the Iordan k|ver at Ier|cho.
R,$+$A1.>,L ML K%. B.1@. S.1A.#
Iohann ne|nr|ch Stover. 0"#2# V".3@%A ^3@%/ ^.1D4."2#, 1861. nesse, Germany.
1he "Coda" of Iesus hea||ng b||nd 8arnmaeus
h|gh||ghts the d|sc|p|es' b||ndness as they fa||
to understand the |mp||canons of Iesus'
|dennty as Mess|ah and Son of Godboth for
Iesus and for themse|ves.
As readers who exper|ence the d|sc|p|es'
"b||ndness," our eyes beg|n to open, as the|rs
w|||. L|ke the b||nd man at 8ethsa|da, we now
see "peop|e |ook|ng ||ke trees and wa|k|ng,"
our s|ght not yet c|ear, but sn|| emerg|ng.
1. Why does Mark frame th|s ser|es of v|gneues
w|th Iesus' d|sc|p|es argu|ng about who w||| be
the greatest and most pr|v||eged |n the k|ngdom
of neaven?
2. What |s the purpose of Iesus hea||ng b||nd
8arnmaeus at the c|ose of the sequence?
3. Iesus had sa|d at eter's confess|on of fa|th that |f
anyone wants to fo||ow h|m they must "take up
the|r cross." What d|d he mean by that, |n ||ght of
th|s 7-v|gneue sequence?
4. What are two examp|es of Mark's use of
hyperbo|e |n th|s sequence?
S. What do you expect your pos|non w||| be |n the
k|ngdom of neaven?
Copyr|ght 2014 by W||||am C. Creasy
A|| r|ghts reserved. No part of th|s courseaud|o, v|deo,
photography, maps, nme||nes or other med|amay be
reproduced or transm|ued |n any form by any means, e|ectron|c
or mechan|ca|, |nc|ud|ng photocopy|ng, record|ng or by any
|nformanon storage or retr|eva| dev|ces w|thout perm|ss|on |n
wr|nng or a ||cens|ng agreement from the copyr|ght ho|der.

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