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MasLer 1hesls

Des|gn of M|crostr|p atch Antennas at S.8 Gnz

kapsch 1rafflcComm A8, !nkoplng, Sweden

!"#$%"#& ()* Asad u||ah Noor

Supervlsor: nans Iohansson
+#,-." /%&-. 0,1-,##"2 / 3 4 4#$%"56#,57

Lxamlner: er-S|mon k||da|
!".8#99." %5 :;%<6#"9 =,->#"9-5) .8 ?#@;,.<.1)

1ab|e of Contents
AcknowledgemenLs........................................... 3
AbsLracL................................................. 6
Chapter 1
Cverv|ew .............................................. 7
1.1 kapsch 1rafflcCom A8............................... 7
1.2 roducLs and ComponenLs.............................. 7
1.2.1 MulLl-Lane 1ranscelver.................... 7
1.2.2 Slngle-Lane 1ranscelver.................... 8
1.2.3 Access SysLem.......................... 8
1.2.4 Cn-8oard unlLs........................ 8
1.2.3 C8u rogrammlng SLaLlon................... 9
1.2.6 C8u Moblle 8eader....................... 9

1.3 8esearch Work..................................... 9
Chapter 2
Introduct|on to M|crostr|p atch Antennas...................... 11
2.1 lnLroducLlon .................................. 11
2.2 AdvanLages and ulsadvanLages........................ 11
2.3 8aslc rlnclples of CperaLlon.......................... 12
2.4 leed 1echnlques................................. 13
2.4.1 Coaxlal robe leed ......................... 13
2.4.2 MlcrosLrlp Llne leed ..................... 14
2.4.3 AperLure Coupled leed..................... 14
2.3 AnLenna arameLers .............................. 13
2.3.1 8andwldLh........................... 13
2.3.2 olarlzaLlon........................... 13
2.3.3 8eLurn Loss........................... 17
2.3.4 8adlaLlon aLLern....................... 17
2.3.3 ulrecLlvlLy............................ 18
2.3.6 Caln.............................. 18
2.3.7 Converslon Caln....................... 19
2.3.8 Axlal 8aLlo....................................... 19
Chapter 3
k Antenna .............................................. 20

3.1 lnLroducLlon.................................. 20
3.2 ueslgn...................................... 20
3.3 8esulLs..................................... 21
3.3.1 SlmulaLed 8esulLs...................... 21
3.3.2 Measured 8esulLs........................ 23
3.4 Concluslon................................... 27
Chapter 4
C|rcu|ar atch Antenna w|th Aperture Coup||ng................... 28
4.1 lnLroducLlon.................................. 28
4.2 ueslgn...................................... 28
4.3 8esulLs..................................... 29
4.3.1 SlmulaLed 8esulLs...................... 29
4.3.2 Measured 8esulLs...................... 33
4.4 Concluslon................................... 36
Chapter S
C|rcu|ar atch Antenna w|th robe Ieed|ng..................... 37
3.1 lnLroducLlon.................................. 37
3.2 ueslgn...................................... 37
3.3 8esulLs..................................... 38
3.3.1 SlmulaLed 8esulLs...................... 38
3.3.2 Measured 8esulLs...................... 43
3.4 Concluslon.................................. 44
Chapter 6
1runcated atch Antenna................................. 43
6.1 lnLroducLlon.................................. 43
6.2 ueslgn...................................... 43
6.3 8esulLs..................................... 46
6.3.1 SlmulaLed 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh nelco SubsLraLe.......... 46
6.3.2 Measured 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh nelco SubsLraLe........... 48
6.3.3 SlmulaLed 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh l84 (0.8mm) SubsLraLe...... 30
6.3.4 Measured 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh l84 (0.8mm) SubsLraLe....... 33
6.3.3 SlmulaLed 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh l84 (1.6mm) SubsLraLe.... 33
6.3.6 Measured 8esulLs for AnLennas wlLh l84 (1.6mm) SubsLraLe...... 37
6.4 Concluslon...................................... 39

Chapter 7
Cther Antenna Des|gns................................. 60
7.1 lnLroducLlon................................. 60
7.2 araslLlc aLch AnLenna............................ 60
7.3 Splral AnLenna................................ 63
7.4 u araslLlc AnLenna............................... 63
7.3 Concluslon................................. 67

Chapter 8
Antennas Compar|son................................... 68
8.1 lnLroducLlon................................. 68
8.2 8esulLs Comparlson for x AnLenna...................... 68
8.3 8esulLs Comparlson for aLch anLenna wlLh aperLure coupllng.... 72

Chapter 9
Conc|us|on........................................... 73

Append|x............................................ 73
keferences.......................................... 77


l would llke Lo express my slncere graLlLude Lo boLh CPALML8S and kapsch 1rafflcCom A8
!nkplng for Lhe effecLlve conLrlbuLlon ln carrylng ouL Lhls Lhesls work. lL has been a greaL
learnlng, and Lhe experlences whlch l have achleved durlng Lhese monLhs have proven Lo be
valuable when deslgnlng anLennas.

My deepesL appreclaLlon ls due Lo my supervlsor Pans !ohansson for hls guldance and
encouragemenL LhroughouL Lhe Lhesls work. l would llke Lo Lhank my examlner er-Slmon
klldal who leL me work ln Lhe AnLenna Croup wlLh an PlSS Llcense.

l would also llke Lo menLlon Lhe slgnlflcanL help l have goL from

AW8 1echnlcal SupporL
CPALML8S AnLenna Croup
Cogra ro A8

llnally, l would llke Lo Lhank my famlly and frlends for Lhelr supporL durlng Lhls Lhesls work.


1he purpose of Lhls Lhesls work was Lo deslgn mlcrosLrlp anLennas aL 3.8 CPz dedlcaLed
shorL-range communlcaLlon (uS8C) band. 1hls frequency band lncludes road LransporL and
Lrafc LelemaLlcs (8111) appllcaLlons, whlch lmpose severe cosL and slze llmlLaLlons on
mlcrowave 8111 devlces.
lnlLlally exLenslve llLeraLure sLudy aL dedlcaLed shorL-range communlcaLlon (uS8C) band was
done for Lhe selecLlon of anLenna, feaslble for our lnLeresLed band whlch can meeL Lhe
speclflcaLlon. LaLer on Lhe selecLed anLennas were deslgned boLh ln Mlcrowave Cfflce and
1he dlelecLrlc subsLraLes used are l84 and nelco 4330-8l13. ulfferenL Lhlcknesses of Lhese
dlelecLrlcs were used for dlfferenL anLennas.


ChapLer 1

1.1 kapsch 1raff|cCom
kapsch 1rafflcCom ls an lnLernaLlonal suppller of lnnovaLlve Lrafflc LelemaLlc soluLlons.
1he company develops and dellvers prlmarlly elecLronlc Loll collecLlon sysLems, especlally
for mulLl-lane free-flow Lrafflc and offers Lechnlcal and commerclal operaLlon of Lhese
sysLems. ln addlLlon kapsch 1rafflcCom offers Lrafflc managemenL soluLlons focuslng on
Lrafflc safeLy and conLrol, elecLronlc access sysLems and parklng managemenL sysLems.

WlLh references ln 41 counLrles on flve conLlnenLs, and wlLh abouL 64 mllllon dellvered on-
board unlLs (C8us),kapsch 1rafflcCom has poslLloned lLself among Lhe leadlng suppllers of
L1C sysLems worldwlde. kapsch 1rafflcCom ls headquarLered ln vlenna, AusLrla, and has
subsldlarles and represenLaLlve offlces ln 23 counLrles [13].

1.2 roducts and Components

kapsch 1rafflcCom deslgns, develops and manufacLures lLs core Lechnology componenLs ln
lLs elghL englneerlng compeLence cenLers on 4 conLlnenLs. 1he producL deslgn phllosophy ls
based on cornersLones of creaLlng hlgh producL conflgurablllLy, sLandards-based lnLerfaces,
user-frlendllness, esLheLlc, yeL robusL deslgn. ln sofLware and hardware deslgn Lhe company
uLlllzes sLaLe of Lhe arL Lechnologles [13].

1.2.1 Mu|t|-Lane 1ransce|vers

1he kapsch CLn uS8C MulLl-Lane Lranscelvers are based on Lhe laLesL processor Lechnology
and are deslgned for maxlmum llfeLlme and rellablllLy. 1he kapsch mulLl-lane Lranscelvers
conslsL of Lhe followlng producL famllles:

kapsch 1kk-1220 CLN DSkC Mu|t|-Lane 1ransce|vers
1hls Lranscelver plaLform ls opLlmlzed for MulLl-Lane appllcaLlons on hlghways. 1he
18x-1220 Lranscelvers are Lhe smallesL CLn uS8C Lranscelvers on Lhe markeL [13].

kapsch 1kk-1230 CLN-DSkC Low ower Mu|t|-Lane 1ransce|ver
1he kapsch 18x-1230 MulLl-Lane Lranscelver has been deslgned especlally for mulLl-
lane appllcaLlons on Lhe secondary sLreeL neLwork, where no daLa connecLlon and
power connecLlon ls avallable. 1he 18x-1230 has very low power consumpLlon whlch
allows for a power supply vla lndependenL power sources (e.g. solar power panels).
uaLa connecLlon Lo Lhe cenLral sysLem can be done vla a CSM/C8S connecLlon [13].
kapsch 1S-32S2 CLN-DSkC Mu|t|-Lane 1ransce|ver
1he 1S-3232 MulLl-Lane Lranscelver ls equlpped wlLh a unlque funcLlonallLy LhaL ls
able Lo reporL Lhe dlrecLlon Lo a communlcaLlng on-board unlL (locallzaLlon

funcLlonallLy). 1hls locallzaLlon funcLlonallLy ls lndependenL of slgnal sLrengLh and lL
ls essenLlal ln a MulLl-Lane or urban enforcemenL sysLem Lo be able Lo maLch an on-
board unlL Lo a vehlcle LhaL ls deLecLed by a vehlcle deLecLlon sysLem [13].

kapsch 1430 CLN-DSkC Mu|t|-Lane 1ransce|ver
1he 1430 Lranscelver ls Lhe newesL kapsch CLn MulLl-Lane Lranscelver. As 1S-3233 lL
has a locallzaLlon funcLlonallLy. ln a long Lerm Lhls Lranscelver wlll replace Lhe 1S-
3232 1ranscelver [13].

1.2.2 S|ng|e-Lane 1ransce|vers
1he kapsch 1S3200/06 8oadslde SysLem comprlses a famlly of equlpmenL for uedlcaLed
ShorL-8ange CommunlcaLlon (uS8C) lnLended for LlecLronlc lee CollecLlon (LlC) appllcaLlons
ln a slngle-lane envlronmenL. 1he hlgh performance of Lhe sysLem makes lL sulLable for hlgh
speed lmplemenLaLlons as well as for convenLlonal low speed lanes equlpped wlLh a barrler.
1he comblnaLlon of full compllance wlLh Lhe CLn 1C278 uS8CsLandards, and Lo oLher
harmonlzed speclflcaLlons such as A1, CA8uML and CLSA8L/lS1A, secures lnLeroperablllLy
wlLh oLher LlC sysLems.

1he baslc Lranscelver plaLform of Lhe 1S3200/06 8oadslde SysLem ls Lhe slngle-lane
Lranscelver 18x1320-L LhaL ln one compacL unlL handles boLh Lhe uS8C and Lhe LlC
funcLlonallLy. 1he Lranscelver can be conflgured aL commlsslonlng Lo handle several dlfferenL
LlC appllcaLlons Lo allow on board unlLs from several lssuers Lo be accepLed by Lhe sysLem

1.2.3 Access Systems

1he Access 1ranscelvers 18x-1321-A and 18x-1221-A are devlces for communlcaLlon
wlLh on-board unlLs and Lransponders Lo conLrol parklng areas, resLrlcLed areas, paymenL
appllcaLlons and generaLe Lrafflc sLaLlsLlcs. lull compllance wlLh uS8C sLandards accordlng Lo
CLn 1C278 secures lnLeroperablllLy wlLh oLher sysLems.

Access 1ranscelvers acL as Lhe sLaLlonary communlcaLlon devlce beLween uS8C vehlcle on-
board unlLs and an Access ConLrol SysLem. 1helr maln purpose ls Lo auLomaLlcally ldenLlfy
and reporL Lhe ldenLlLy and Lhe conLenL of Lhe on-board unlL Lo Lhe hosL compuLer. 1he hosL
compuLer ls parL of Lhe Access ConLrol SysLem and conLrols all perlpherals llke barrlers,
vehlcle deLecLlon sensors as well as Lhe Access 1ranscelver [13].

1.2.4 Cn-8oard Un|ts (C8U)
kapsch offers a varleLy of CLn-compllanL uS8C on-board unlLs sulLable for any klnd of LlC

kapsch 1S3203 mlnl Lag for passenger cars
kapsch C8u 3021/4021 for heavy goods vehlcles wlLh lnLegraLed MMl
kapsch 1S3209 hybrld uS8C/CS on-board unlL sulLable for passenger cars as well as
heavy goods vehlcles.


1he Cn-8oard unlLs above provlde CLn 1C278 3.8 CPz based uS8C funcLlonallLy enabllng
lnLeroperablllLy wlLh CLn-compllanL uS8C sysLems from oLher vendors.

kapsch 1S3304 Lolllng Lag
kapsch 1S3306 lnLellldrlve Lag

1he Cn-8oard unlLs above provlde lLLL 802.11p 3.9 CPz WLAn based uS8C funcLlonallLy
deslgned for Lhe uS markeL.

All on-board unlLs are deslgned for wlndscreen mounLlng and are self-lnsLallable wlLhln a
few mlnuLes. uue Lo a very slmple MMl all on-board unlLs are deslgned for easy use. 1he
C8us can be easlly dlsLrlbuLed vla a broad specLrum of polnL-of-sales such as gas sLaLlons,
klosks, eLc [13].

1.2.S C8U rogramm|ng Stat|on (CS)
1he kapsch C8u rogrammlng SLaLlon CS ls deslgned for personallzaLlon of Lhe on-
board unlL. rlor Lo lssuance Lo a user and flrsL use, an on-board unlL requlres
"personallzaLlon" wlLh speclflc vehlcle daLa (e.g. llcense plaLe number, naLlonallLy, Lype of
conLracL eLc.). lor Lhls purpose, kapsch provldes an easy-Lo-use C8u rogrammlng SLaLlon
whlch can be operaLed aL any polnL-of-sale [13].
1.2.6 C8U Mob||e keader (CMk)
1he kapsch C8u Moblle 8eader CM8 allows readlng ouL on-board unlL daLa vla a handheld
Lermlnal Lo conLrol parklng fees, access auLhorlzaLlons eLc. 1he C8u Moblle 8eader CM8
conslsLs of a ruggedlzed uA wlLh color Louch screen and a uS8C modem for communlcaLlon
wlLh Lhe C8u. Add-on modules (WLAn, C8S, CS) LransmlL Lhe daLa and addlLlonal
lnformaLlon Lo a cenLral sysLem. 1he CM8 can be used for manual enforcemenL of vehlcles
ln on-sLreeL parklng appllcaLlons and for paymenL purposes (e.g. paymenL of fares on ferrles)
1.3 kesearch Work

As menLloned ln Lhe roducLs and ComponenLs secLlon, Lhe Cn-8oard unlL or Lransponder as
shown ln Lhe flgure 1.1 ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL componenLs ln 8oad Lolllng sysLem. 1he
Lransponder ls normally mounLed on Lhe lnslde of Lhe vehlcle wlndscreen. kapsch 1rafflcCom
dellvers each year approx. 3 mllllon Lransponders all over Lhe world.

llgure 1.1 A Lransponder


1he Lransponders are based on a Luropean shorL range communlcaLlon sLandard, uslng Lhe
3.8 CPz frequency band. 1he anLenna ln Lhe Lransponder ls very lmporLanL for Lhe sysLem
performance and has a hlgh lnfluence of Lhe producLlon cosL efflclency [13].

1he Lask ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe concepL of anLennas and deslgn a cosL and space effecLlve
anLenna. 1he new anLenna concepL should have Lhe posslblllLy Lo replace Lhe exlsLlng
anLennas and musL be posslble Lo produce ln volume producLlon. 1he followlng Lasks are
lncluded ln Lhe 8esearch/1hesls work :

LlLeraLure sLudy
aLenL revlew
ConsLrucLlon of Lhe anLenna
uevelopmenL of proLoLypes
1esLlng and verlflcaLlon
CosL esLlmaLe

Some baslc requlremenLs for Lhe anLennas are as under
8eLurn Loss beLLer Lhan -10 d8.
LefL hand clrcularly polarlzed.
Cood peak galn as well as wlLhln 33
for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon.
As small as posslble (around 20mm x 20mm).
Low cosL producLlon.


ChapLer 2
Introduct|on to M|crostr|p atch Antennas

2.1 Introduct|on
A mlcrosLrlp paLch anLenna ls a narrowband, wlde-beam anLenna fabrlcaLed by eLchlng Lhe
anLenna elemenL paLLern ln meLal Lrace bonded Lo an lnsulaLlng dlelecLrlc subsLraLe, such as
a prlnLed clrculL board, wlLh a conLlnuous meLal layer bonded Lo Lhe opposlLe slde of Lhe
subsLraLe whlch forms a ground plane as shown ln Lhe flgure 2.1. Low dlelecLrlc consLanL
subsLraLes are generally preferred for maxlmum radlaLlon. 1he conducLlng paLch can Lake
any shape buL recLangular and clrcular conflguraLlons are Lhe mosL commonly used
conflguraLlons. CLher conflguraLlons are complex Lo analyze and requlre heavy numerlcal
compuLaLlons. A mlcrosLrlp anLenna ls characLerlzed by lLs LengLh, WldLh, lnpuL lmpedance,
polarlzaLlon, Caln and radlaLlon paLLerns [16].

llgure 2.1 A MlcrosLrlp aLch AnLenna

2.2 Advantages and D|sadvantages
MlcrosLrlp paLch anLennas are lncreaslng ln popularlLy for use ln wlreless appllcaLlons due Lo
Lhelr low-proflle sLrucLure. 1herefore Lhey are exLremely compaLlble for embedded anLennas
ln handheld wlreless devlces such as cellular phones, pagers (used for messaglng only) eLc...
1he LelemeLry and communlcaLlon anLennas on mlsslles need Lo be Lhln and conformal and
are ofLen ln Lhe form of MlcrosLrlp paLch anLennas. AnoLher area where Lhey have been
used successfully ls ln SaLelllLe communlcaLlon [18]. Some of Lhe ma[or advanLages are
LlghL welghL and low volume.
Low proflle planar conflguraLlon whlch can be easlly made conformal Lo hosL surface.
Low fabrlcaLlon cosL, hence can be manufacLured ln large quanLlLles.
SupporLs boLh, llnear as well as clrcular polarlzaLlon.


Can be easlly lnLegraLed wlLh mlcrowave lnLegraLed clrculLs (MlCs).
Capable of mulLlple frequency operaLlons.
Mechanlcally robusL when mounLed on rlgld surfaces.
MlcrosLrlp paLch anLennas suffer from drawbacks compared Lo convenLlonal anLennas. Some
of Lhelr ma[or dlsadvanLages are glven below:
narrow bandwldLh
Low efflclency
Low Caln
LxLraneous radlaLlon from feeds and [uncLlons
Low power handllng capaclLy.
Surface wave exclLaLlon

2.3 8as|c r|nc|p|es of Cperat|on
1he flgure 2.2 shows a paLch anLenna ln lLs baslc form: a flaL plaLe over a ground plane
(usually a C board). 1he cenLer conducLor of a coax serves as Lhe feed probe Lo couple
elecLromagneLlc energy ln and/or ouL of Lhe paLch. 1he elecLrlc fleld dlsLrlbuLlon
of a recLangular paLch exclLed ln lLs fundamenLal mode ls also lndlcaLed [6].

llgure 2.2 A Slde vlew of MlcrosLrlp aLch AnLenna
1he elecLrlc fleld ls zero aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe paLch, maxlmum (poslLlve) aL one slde, and
mlnlmum (negaLlve) on Lhe opposlLe slde. lL should be menLloned LhaL Lhe mlnlmum and
maxlmum conLlnuously change slde accordlng Lo Lhe lnsLanLaneous phase of Lhe
applled slgnal.
1he elecLrlc fleld does noL sLop abrupLly aL Lhe paLch's perlphery as ln a cavlLy, 8aLher, Lhe
flelds exLend Lhe ouLer perlphery Lo some degree. 1hese fleld exLenslons are known as
frlnglng flelds and cause Lhe paLch Lo radlaLe. Some popular analyLlc modellng Lechnlques for
paLch anLennas are based on Lhls leaky-cavlLy concepL. 1herefore, Lhe fundamenLal mode of
a recLangular paLch ls ofLen denoLed uslng cavlLy Lheory as Lhe 1M10 mode.


Slnce Lhls noLaLlon frequenLly causes confuslon, we wlll brlefly explaln lL. 1M sLands for
Lransversal magneLlc fleld dlsLrlbuLlon. 1hls means LhaL only Lhree fleld componenLs are
consldered lnsLead of slx. 1he fleld componenLs of lnLeresL are: Lhe elecLrlc fleld ln Lhe z
dlrecLlon and Lhe magneLlc fleld componenLs ln x and y dlrecLlon uslng a CarLeslan
coordlnaLe sysLem, where Lhe x and y axes are parallel wlLh Lhe ground-plane and
Lhe z-axls ls perpendlcular.
ln general, Lhe modes are deslgnaLed as 1M
. 1he z value ls mosLly omlLLed slnce Lhe
elecLrlc fleld varlaLlon ls consldered negllglble ln Lhe z-axls. Pence 1M
remalns wlLh
n and m Lhe fleld varlaLlons ln x and y dlrecLlon. 1he fleld varlaLlon ln Lhe y dlrecLlon
(lmpedance wldLh dlrecLlon) ls negllglble, 1hus m ls 0. And Lhe fleld has one mlnlmum-Lo-
-maxlmum varlaLlon ln Lhe x dlrecLlon (resonance lengLh dlrecLlon) , 1hus n ls 1 ln Lhe case of
Lhe fundamenLal. Pence Lhe noLaLlon 1M10 [6].

2.4 Ieed|ng 1echn|ques
1here are several feedlng Lechnlques for mlcro-sLrlp paLch anLennas:
Coaxlal probe feed
Mlcro-sLrlp Lransmlsslon llne feed
o Ldge feed
o lnseL feed
AperLure coupled feed
roxlmlLy coupled feed

Powever, only Lhose Lechnlques wlll be dlscussed whlch are used ln Lhls research work.
2.4.1 Coax|a| robe Ieed
1he Coaxlal feed or probe feed ls a very common Lechnlque used for feedlng MlcrosLrlp
aLch anLennas. 1he lnner conducLor of Lhe coaxlal connecLor exLends Lhrough Lhe dlelecLrlc
up Lo Lhe paLch, whlle Lhe ouLer conducLor ls connecLed Lo Lhe ground plane. llgure 2.3
shows a mlcrosLrlp anLenna wlLh coaxlal feedlng [18].

llgure 2.3 Coaxlal leedlng of MlcrosLrlp AnLenna
1he maln advanLage of Lhls Lype of feedlng scheme ls LhaL Lhe feed can be placed aL any
locaLlon lnslde Lhe paLch ln order Lo maLch wlLh lLs lnpuL lmpedance. 1hls feed meLhod ls


easy Lo fabrlcaLe and has low spurlous radlaLlon. Powever, a ma[or dlsadvanLage ls LhaL lL
provldes narrow bandwldLh and ls dlfflculL Lo model slnce a hole has Lo be drllled ln Lhe
subsLraLe and Lhe connecLor proLrudes ouLslde Lhe ground plane [18].

2.4.2 M|crostr|p ||ne feed
1here are Lwo meLhods ln whlch Lhls Lype of feedlng can be used however ln Lhe Lhesls work
only lnseL feed meLhod ls used. Slnce Lhe currenL ls low aL Lhe ends of a paLch and lncreases
ln magnlLude Loward Lhe cenLer, Lhe lnpuL lmpedance (Z=v/l) could be reduced lf Lhe paLch
ls fed closer Lo Lhe cenLer as shown ln Lhe flgure 2.4. 1he dlsLance y
ls opLlmlzed Lo geL Lhe
besL reLurn loss.

llgure 2.4 Mlcro-sLrlp Lransmlsslon llne lnseL feedlng

2.4.3 Aperture coup|ed feed

ln Lhls Lype of feed Lechnlque, Lhe radlaLlng paLch and Lhe mlcrosLrlp feed llne are separaLed
by Lhe ground plan. Coupllng beLween Lhe paLch and Lhe feed llne ls made Lhrough an
aperLure ln Lhe ground plane as shown ln Lhe flgure 2.3. 1he upper subsLraLe ls normally
made wlLh a lower permlLLlvlLy Lo produce loosely bound frlnglng flelds, yleldlng beLLer
radlaLlon. 1he lower subsLraLe can be lndependenLly made wlLh a hlgh value of permlLLlvlLy
for LlghLly coupled flelds LhaL don'L produce spurlous radlaLlon. 1he ma[or dlsadvanLage of
Lhls feed Lechnlque ls LhaL lL ls dlfflculL Lo fabrlcaLe due Lo mulLlple layers, whlch also
lncreases Lhe anLenna Lhlckness. 1hls feedlng scheme also provldes narrow bandwldLh [18].


llgure 2.3 AperLure Coupled leedlng of MlcrosLrlp AnLenna

2.S Antenna arameters
AnLenna parameLers are used Lo characLerlze performance of an anLenna when deslgnlng
and measurlng anLennas. ln Lhls SecLlon, Lerms llke bandwldLh, radlaLlon paLLern, galn,
polarlzaLlon, lnpuL lmpedance are explalned.
2.S.1 8andw|dth
8andwldLh ls a fundamenLal anLenna parameLer. lL descrlbes Lhe range of frequencles over
where Lhe anLenna parameLers, such as lnpuL lmpedance, radlaLlon paLLern, polarlzaLlon,
slde-lobe level and galn ls wlLhln an accepLable value from Lhose aL Lhe cenLer frequency.
CfLen, Lhe deslred bandwldLh ls one of Lhe deLermlnlng parameLers used Lo declde upon an
anLenna. lor lnsLance, many anLenna Lypes have very narrow bandwldLhs and cannoL be
used for wldeband operaLlon [16].
Powever Lhe bandwldLh requlremenLs for Lhe Lhesls work was noL very sLrlcL. 1haL's why
many anLennas wlLh a narrow bandwldLh were selecLed Lo be sLudled ln Lhls work.
2.S.2 o|ar|zat|on
1he polarlzaLlon of an elecLromagneLlc fleld ls deflned ln Lerms of Lhe dlrecLlon of lLs elecLrlc
fleld vecLor. lf Lhe elecLrlc fleld vecLor ls always ln one plane, Lhen lL ls sald Lo be llnearly-
polarlzed. Speclal cases are verLlcal polarlzaLlon for Lhe elecLrlc fleld vecLor ln a verLlcal
plane, and horlzonLal polarlzaLlon for Lhe elecLrlc fleld vecLor ln a horlzonLal plane (Lyplcally
wlLh reference Lo Lhe surface of Lhe earLh).
ln general, Lhe elecLrlc fleld vecLor roLaLes abouL a llne parallel Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of
propagaLlon and lLs Llp Lraces ouL an elllpse. 1hls ls known as elllpLlcal polarlzaLlon. Clrcular
polarlzaLlon (C) ls a speclal case of elllpLlcal polarlzaLlon ln whlch Lhe Lrace of Lhe elecLrlc
fleld vecLor ls a clrcle. 8ecause Lhe elecLrlc fleld vecLor Lravels as a wave, Lhe acLual paLLern ls
LhaL of a splral wlLh an elllpLlcal or clrcular cross secLlon. 1he polarlzaLlon of Lhe recelvlng


anLenna musL be maLched Lo Lhe polarlzaLlon of Lhe LransmlL anLenna ln order Lo exLracL
maxlmum power from Lhe fleld. lf Lhe anLenna polarlzaLlon ls perpendlcular Lo Lhe fleld
polarlzaLlon (such as verLlcal vs. horlzonLal or rlghL hand vs. lefL hand clrcular) Lhe anLenna
wlll noL exLracL any power from Lhe lncldenL wave [16]. As all Lhe anLenna deslgns ln Lhls
Lhesls work are clrcularly polarlzed lL wlll be dlscussed ln deLall ln Lhe nexL secLlon
C|rcu|ar o|ar|zat|on
ln general, clrcularly polarlzed mlcrosLrlp anLennas can be caLegorlzed lnLo Lwo Lypes
accordlng Lo Lhe number of feed polnLs: namely slngle-fed and dual-fed anLennas. 1he baslc
conflguraLlons of a dual-fed C anLenna are lllusLraLed ln flgure 2.6 (a). llgure 2.6 (a) shows
Lhe anLennas LhaL are fed wlLh an exLernal polarlzer, such as a 3 d8 hybrld or offseL feedllne.
ln such an anLenna sysLem, Lhe polarlzer exclLes Lwo llnearly polarlzed orLhogonal waves.
1he flelds due Lo Lhese orLhogonal waves have equal ampllLude and are 90 ouL of phase.
1herefore, an anLenna exclLed by an exLernal polarlzer acLs as a C wave radlaLor. 8oLh Lhe
lmpedance and axlal raLlo characLerlsLlcs of dual-fed anLennas are broader Lhan Lhose of
slngle-fed anLennas because Lhe 3-d8 hybrld ls Lyplcally broadband.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, slngle-fed clrcularly polarlzed paLches are very aLLracLlve, because Lhey
can be arrayed and fed llke any llnearly polarlzed paLch. 1he baslc conflguraLlons of a slngle-
fed anLenna are shown ln flgure 2.6 (b). uual-fed C paLches requlre an addlLlonal clrculL,
whlch makes Lhe overall slze of Lhe radlaLlng elemenL qulLe large, Lhus llmlLlng Lhe frequency
performance of Lhe array because of graLlng lobes. Slngle-fed C paLches have been
exLenslvely evaluaLed ln Lhe llLeraLure, where Lhey are shown Lo be exLremely narrowband
anLennas (1 bandwldLh or less). 1he mosL frequenLly used Lypes of slngle-fed clrcularly
polarlzed paLches are Lhe sloLLed paLch, Lhe noLched paLch and Lhe almosL square" paLch.
ln flgure 2.6 (b), As represenLs Lhe slze of Lhe perLurbaLlon segmenL as shown aL Lhe edges of
slngle-fed clrcularly-polarlzed MlcrosLrlp AnLennas and S denoLes Lhe area of Lhe anLenna.
1he Lwo orLhogonal (degeneraLe") modes are separaLed lnLo Lwo modes by Lhe effecL of
Lhe perLurbaLlon segmenL As. 1he radlaLed flelds caused by Lhese Lwo modes are
perpendlcular Lo each oLher and have equal ampllLude, buL are 90 ouL of phase lf Lhe slze of
Lhe perLurbaLlon segmenL for an anLenna ls ad[usLed Lo Lhe opLlmum. 1herefore, a slngle-fed
anLenna wlLh an opLlmum perLurbaLlon segmenL acLs as a C-wave radlaLor wlLhouL uslng an
exLernal polarlzer. uue Lo Lhe perLurbaLlon, Lhe paLch surface currenLs ln Lhe x and y
dlrecLlons are slmulLaneously affecLed, whlch makes Lhe manufacLurlng Lolerance crlLlcal for
C operaLlon. 1o avold Lhe need for flne Lolerance, ln Lhls sLudy Lhe slmple C deslgn
Lechnlque was applled Lo slngle probe-feed elllpLlcal mlcrosLrlp anLennas. ln an elllpLlcal
mlcrosLrlp paLch anLenna, Lhe feed poslLlon ls locaLed along Lhe 43 llne beLween Lhe long
and shorL axls of Lhe elllpLlcal paLch, ln order Lo slmulLaneously exclLe Lhe Lwo nearly
degeneraLe modes correspondlng Lo Lhe long and shorL axes of Lhe elllpLlcal paLch. 1he
lmpedance maLchlng ls achleved by varylng Lhe feed poslLlon LhaL ls by movlng Lhe feed
along Lhe 43 llne beLween Lhe paLch edge and Lhe paLch cenLer [16].


2.S.3 keturn Loss
8eLurn loss ls an lmporLanL parameLer when connecLlng an anLenna. lL ls relaLed Lo
lmpedance maLchlng and Lhe maxlmum Lransfer of power Lheory. lL ls also a measure of Lhe
effecLlveness of an anLenna Lo dellver power from Lhe source Lo Lhe anLenna. 1he reLurn loss
(8L) ls deflned by Lhe raLlo of Lhe lncldenL power of Lhe anLenna
Lo Lhe power reflecLed
back from Lhe anLenna of Lhe source
[1] Lhe maLhemaLlcal expresslon ls:

lor good power Lransfer, Lhe raLlo

shall be hlgh. lf we have low 8L Lhere ls a rlsk LhaL
Lhere wlll occur sLandlng wave phenomena's (resonances) and lL wlll end up ln a frequency
rlpple of galn eLc. ln mosL pracLlcal clrculLs a 8L value of -10 d8 ls good enough.
2.S.4 kad|at|on attern
8adlaLlon paLLern ls deflned as Lhe spaLlal dlsLrlbuLlon of a quanLlLy LhaL characLerlzes Lhe
elecLromagneLlc fleld generaLed by anLenna" (lLLL, 1993). 8adlaLlon paLLern can be a Lwo- or
Lhree-dlmenslonal spaLlal dlsLrlbuLlon of power flux denslLy, radlaLlon lnLenslLy, fleld
sLrengLh, dlrecLlvlLy, phase or polarlzaLlon. 8adlaLlon paLLern ls a funcLlon of Lhe observer's
poslLlon along a paLh or surface of consLanL radlus (8alanls, 1997) and goes Lhrough a
dlrecLlon aL whlch maxlmum radlaLlon occurs. usually, Lhe spherlcal coordlnaLe sysLem ls
used Lo vlsuallze Lhe radlaLlon paLLern. A Lwo-dlmenslonal paLLern can be a funcLlon of Lhe
elevaLlon angle, 0, aL consLanL azlmuLh angle, , or a funcLlon of aL consLanL 0-value [1].
1he spherlcal coordlnaLe sysLem ls shown ln flgure 2.7.


llgure 2.7 Spherlcal CoordlnaLe SysLems for AnLenna Analysls
2.S.S D|rect|v|ty
ulrecLlvlLy ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe radlaLlon lnLenslLy ln a glven dlrecLlon from Lhe anLenna Lo Lhe
radlaLlon lnLenslLy averaged over all dlrecLlons" (lLLL, 1993). lL ls a funcLlon of dlrecLlon buL
lL ls ofLen deflned only Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe ma[or lobe ulrecLlvlLy can be expressed as

Where ! ls Lhe radlaLlon denslLy per solld angle and $
ls Lhe LoLal power LransmlLLed by Lhe
anLenna and ls Lhe solld angle (Llndell & nlkosklnen, 1993).
2.S.6 Ga|n
1he dlrecLlvlLy was deflned from Lhe radlaLlon lnLenslLy ln Lhe maln beam dlrecLlon and Lhe
LoLal radlaLed power. 1he anLenna galn has Lhe same deflnlLlon, excepL LhaL Lhe LoLal
radlaLed power ls replaced by Lhe LoLal power dellvered Lo Lhe anLenna porL [1]. 1hls may be
expressed by uslng Lhe dlrecLlvlLy as

Where #
ls Lhe LoLal radlaLlon efflclency and #
ls Lhe polarlzaLlon efflclency.


2.S.7 Convers|on Ga|n
1he converslon galn, CC, quanLlfles Lhe raLlo beLween lncldenL power and reLurned power ln
a CLn uS8C C8u. lL ls called 'converslon' galn because lL lndlcaLes Lhe relaLlve level of an
ouLpuL whlch has been converLed Lo a frequency whlch dlffers from LhaL of Lhe lnpuL. ln an
C8u Lhe converslon galn (d8) can be calculaLed as Lhe sum of Lhe lnpuL anLenna galn, Lhe
ouLpuL anLenna galn and Lhe modulaLor galn. Accordlng Lo Lhe CLn uS8C sLandard Lhe
converslon galn musL have a value beLween 1 and 10 d8 wlLhln 33
for boLh azlmuLh and

2.S.8 Ax|a| kat|o
1he polarlzaLlon elllpse ls Lhe curve whlch Lhe peak of Lhe L-fleld descrlbes when Lhe Llme
varles ln a plane normal Lo Lhe propagaLlon dlrecLlon of Lhe wave. 1he elllpse can be
characLerlzed by lLs maxlmum and mlnlmum fleld values, |0
| and |0
|, respecLlvely [1].
1he ax|a| rat|o (A8) of Lhe elllpse ls deflned by

lor a deslred clrcular polarlzaLlon Lhe axlal raLlo A8 ln &( and Lhe ampllLudes of Lhe co- and
cross-polar flelds are relaLed by


ChapLer 3
k Antenna

3.1 Introduct|on
Many wlreless appllcaLlon sysLems use mlcrosLrlp paLch anLennas due Lo Lhelr compacL,
conformal, and low-cosL deslgns. 1he x AnLenna ls also deslgned on Lhe baslcs of mlcrosLrlp
Lechnology. We call lL x AnLenna because Lhere are Lwo dlagonal sloLs ln Lhe paLch whlch
makes an x shape ln Lhe paLch. 1he sloLs are used Lo achleve clrcular polarlzaLlon. Clrcularly
polarlzed anLennas are parLlcularly of lnLeresL Lo radlo communlcaLlon. Lnabllng Lhe space
orlenLaLlon, such anLennas also reduce conslderably Lhe mulLlpaLh fadlng and Lhus lncrease
Lhe specLral efflclency of 8l sysLems. ln addlLlon, Lhe use of recelve and LransmlL anLennas
wlLh clrcular polarlzaLlon can maxlmlze Lhe lsolaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo anLennas [3].

3.2 Des|gn
llgure 3.1 shows Lhe Lop and slde vlew of Lhe opLlmlzed slngle-feed paLch anLenna operaLlng
aL 3.8 CPz and havlng a clrcular polarlzaLlon. 1hls anLenna ls deslgned uslng boLh Mlcrowave
Cfflce and PlSS-AnsofL sofLware.

(a) (b)
llgure 3.1 1op (a) and Slde (b) vlew of x AnLenna
llrsLly lL was requlred Lo deLermlne Lhe resonanL lengLh of Lhe anLenna, whlch ln clrcular
anLenna can be called Lhe dlameLer. So Lhe dlameLer of Lhe paLch for a frequency of 3.8 CPz
and dlelecLrlc of 4.3 was calculaLed as

! L =12.2 mm


Powever when Lhe deslgn was opLlmlzed Lhe dlameLer was found Lo be 11.6 mm. So Lhe
anLenna ls composed of a clrcular paLch wlLh a radlus of 3.8 mm prlnLed on a l84 subsLraLe
wlLh c
=4.3 and Lhlckness of 3.2mm. 1he Lwo dlagonal sloLs have lengLh of 9mm and wldLh
of 0.3mm. 1he anLenna ls fed by a probe wlLh a radlus of 1.3 mm. 1he feed locaLlon and Lhe
sloLs were opLlmlzed Lo glve good lmpedance maLchlng and clrcular polarlzaLlon. 1he slze of
Lhe ground plane ls 21 mm 21 mm. 1he hole ln Lhe ground plane for Lhe SMA connecLlon ls 4

3.3 kesu|ts

1he resulLs are obLalned from boLh PlSS and Mlcrowave Cfflce and are qulLe slmllar. ln Lhe
followlng chapLer Lhe slmulaLed resulLs on boLh Lools are presenLed.

3.3.1 S|mu|ated kesu|ts

keturn Loss

1he slmulaLed reLurn loss of Lhe opLlmlzed anLenna from MWC ls shown ln flgure 3.2. AL 3.8
CPz a reLurn loss of -11 d8 ls achleved.

llgure 3.2 8eLurn Loss of x AnLenna ln Mlcrowave Cfflce

ln comparlson Lo MWC Lhe reLurn loss ln PlSS showed sllghLly beLLer maLchlng. 1he flgure
3.3 shows Lhe reLurn loss from PlSS. AL 3.8 CPz a reLurn loss of -14 d8 ls achleved.


llgure 3.3 8eLurn Loss of x AnLenna ln PlSS

kad|at|on attern

Slnce a mlcrosLrlp paLch anLenna radlaLes normal Lo lLs paLch surface, Lhe radlaLlon paLLern
for =0
and =90
are lmporLanL. llgure 3.4 shows Lhe radlaLlon paLLern from MWC boLh
aL =0
and =90

llgure 3.4 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
ln Mlcrowave offlce


lL can be seen LhaL radlaLlon paLLern ls almosL same for boLh =0
and =90
. Slmllarly Lhe
radlaLlon paLLern for =0
and =90
from PlSS ls also shown ln flgure 3.3

llgure 3.3 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
ln PlSS

8oLh slmulaLors show almosL slmllar radlaLlon paLLerns. 1here may be a sllghL dlfference ln
Lhe back lobe however Lhe radlaLed power backwards shows low values and small varlaLlons
ln power ls magnlfled ln Lhe dlagrams because Lhey are presenLed ln d8. 8ecause of Lhe low
power radlaLed backwards ls small, Lhe dlfferences are noL very lmporLanL.
1he Caln for LPC (LefL Pand Clrcular olarlzaLlon) ls very lmporLanL conslderlng Lhe facL
LhaL mlcrosLrlp anLennas always yleld low galn. 1he peak galn and Lhe galn aL 0=33
are for
Lhls appllcaLlon really lmporLanL Lo conslder. 1he Caln curve from MWC ls shown ln flgure
3.6. A peak galn of 3.3 d8 ls achleved. AL 0=+33
a galn of 4.6 d8 and aL 0=-33
a galn of 3 d8
ls achleved. A good separaLlon beLween Lhe co and cross polarlzaLlon ls also vlslble whlch
wlll guaranLee a good clrcular polarlzaLlon.

llgure 3.6 Caln (8PC (plnk) and LPC(red) ) ln Mlcrowave Cfflce


Slmllarly Lhe Caln from PlSS ls shown ln flgure 3.7. A peak galn of 3.6 d8 ls achleved aL
. A galn of 4.3 d8 and 3 db are achleved aL 0 =+33
and 0=-33
. Powever Lhe separaLlon
beLween Lhe co and cross polarlzaLlon ls noL as much as lL was ln MWC. 8oLh MWC and
PlSS have shown LhaL Lhe peak galn ls sllghLly LllLed Lowards poslLlve 0.

llgure 3.7 Caln (8PC(red) and LPC(gray) ) ln PlSS
Ax|a| kat|o
Axlal raLlo ls an lmporLanL facLor Lo check Lhe clrcular polarlzaLlon. 1o have good clrcular
polarlzaLlon an axlal raLlo below 3 d8 ls expecLed. 1he axlal raLlo ploL from MWC ls shown ln
flgure 3.8. 1he mosL parL of Lhe curve ls less Lhan 3 d8. 1he peak value however ls 3.3 d8

llgure 3.8 Axlal 8aLlo ln Mlcrowave Cfflce


Slmllarly, Lhe axlal raLlo from PlSS ls also shown ln llgure 3.9. lL can be seen LhaL axlal raLlo
was a loL beLLer ln Mlcrowave Cfflce Lhan lL ls ln PlSS whlch ls because of Lhe hlgh cross
polarlzaLlon curve ln PlSS.

llgure 3.9 Axlal 8aLlo ln PlSS
3.3.2 Measured kesu|ts
1he measured resulLs for Lhe dlfferenL anLenna parameLers are shown below.
keturn Loss
8oLh slmulaLors showed a reLurn loss beLLer Lhan -10 d8 and Lhe same values were expecLed
ln Lhe measuremenLs. 1he reLurn loss measured ln Lhe neLwork analyzer for Lhe x AnLenna ls
shown ln Lhe flgure 11 whlch ls -10 d8 for 3.8 CPz. Comparlng slmulaLlons and
measuremenLs shows almosL ldenLlcal shapes and values.

llgure 3.10 Measured 8eLurn Loss
4 4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3 7 7.3 8 8.3 9


uurlng Lhe galn measuremenLs lL was noLlced LhaL Lhe anLenna ls dellverlng Lhe peak galn aL
3.73 CPz and because of Lhls Lhe galn measuremenLs were done aL 3.73 CPz. 1he galn ln
azlmuLh ls shown ln Lhe flgure 12 below. Compared wlLh slmulaLlons Lhe measuremenLs are
noL as symeLrlcal, also Lhe peak galn ls noL ln bore slghL buL aL 20 deg offseL. A peak galn of
3.9 d8 ls achleved whlch ls more Lhan Lhe slmulaLed resulLs. AL +33
a galn of 4.3 d8 and aL -
a galn of 4 d8 ls achleved whlch ls qulLe lmpresslve conslderlng Lhe slze of Lhe anLenna.

llgure 3.11 Measured Caln ln AzlmuLh
Slmllarly Lhe galn ln Lhe elevaLlon whlch ls shown ln flgure 3.12 ls equally lmporLanL. 1he
curve ls almosL ldenLlcal Lo Lhe prevlous one whlch proves LhaL Lhe anLenna dellvers good
galn boLh ln azlmuLh and elevaLlon.

llgure 3.12 Caln ln LlevaLlon


Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon of boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon ls shown ln Lhe flgure 3.13. 1he ma[or
reglon of boLh Lhe curves are below -10 d8 whlch ensures excellenL clrcular polarlzaLlon.

(a) (b)
llgure 3.13 Cross olarlzaLlon ln AzlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b)

3.4 Conc|us|on
1he x anLenna shows good resulLs for all Lhe ma[or requlremenLs. llrsLly lL has a good reLurn
loss secondly lL has shown nlce galn and Lhlrdly lL has excellenL clrcular polarlzaLlon. And also
Lhe beam wldLh of Lhe anLenna ls very wlde whlch helps Lo achleve good galn wlLhln 33
1he ma[or quesLlon mark abouL Lhls anLenna ls LhaL lL uses a subsLraLe Lhlckness of 3.2mm
whlch makes lL a llLLle more expenslve however lL ls fabrlcaLed wlLh a sLandard l84 subsLraLe
whlch ls slgnlflcanLly cheaper Lhan subsLraLes made especlally for mlcrowave appllcaLlons.


ChapLer 4
C|rcu|ar atch Antenna w|th Aperture Coup||ng

4.1 Introduct|on
As descrlbed earller ln Lhe feedlng Lechnlque secLlon, Lhe aperLure coupllng ls a very
common meLhod for feedlng a mlcrosLrlp anLenna. lL has some dlsadvanLages llke narrow
bandwldLh and lncreased Lhlckness because of mulLlple layers however bandwldLh ls never
an lssue ln Lhe requlremenLs of Lhls research work and also Lhe Lhlckness of a few mm lsn'L a
blg problem because Lhere ls enough space lnslde Lhe Lransponder Lo place Lhe anLenna. Cn
Lhe oLher hand Lhe advanLage of uslng Lhls Lechnlque ls LhaL flrsLly no drllllng for vla holes ls
needed and secondly Lhe spurlous radlaLlon ls mlnlmlzed due Lo Lhe reason LhaL ground
plane lles beLween paLch and Lhe feed llne.
4.2 Des|gn
A power dlvlder wlLh one arm exLended by \/4 dlsLance (Lo geL 90
phase shlfL) as compared
Lo Lhe oLher arm ls used Lo feed Lhe anLenna ln order Lo achleve clrcular polarlzaLlon. An l84
subsLraLe wlLh c
=4.3 and Lhlckness of 0.8mm ls used below Lhe power dlvlder. 1wo
recLangular sloLs wlLh opLlmlzed slze of 8.1mm x 2.7mm are made ln Lhe ground plane of
33mm x 33mm for Lhe aperLure coupllng. 1he compleLe deslgn ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.1

llgure 4.1(a) Clrcular aLch AnLenna wlLh AperLure Coupllng

Slmllarly Lhe slde vlew of Lhe anLenna ls also shown ln Lhe flgure 4.1 (b)


llgure 4.1 (b) Slde vlew of Lhe anLenna deslgn
1he paLch of a radlus 10.3 mm ls placed aL opLlmlzed dlsLance from Lhe ground plane. 1hls
dlsLance or alr spaclng ls ad[usLed ln boLh Lools. ln Mlcrowave Cfflce an alr spaclng of 3.2
mm ls seL beLween ground plane and Lhe paLch Lo achleve Lhe besL galn however ln PlSS an
alr spaclng of 2.7 mm ls seL Lo geL Lhe opLlmlzed galn.
4.3 kesu|ts
8oLh SlmulaLlon and Measured 8esulLs are shown ln Lhe followlng secLlon.
4.3.1 S|mu|ated kesu|ts
SlmulaLlon resulLs wlLh boLh slmulaLors are shown below.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss calculaLed from Mlcrowave Cfflce ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.2 below. A reLurn
loss of -13 d8 ls achleved aL 3.8 CPz. An lmpedance bandwldLh (S11<-10d8) ls calculaLed Lo
be 33.

llgure 4.2 8eLurn Loss ln Mlcrowave Cfflce


Slmllarly Lhe reLurn loss from PlSS ls also dlsplayed ln Lhe flgure 4.3 whlch ls very slmllar Lo
Lhe one from MWC. A reLurn loss of -14 d8 ls achleved aL 3.8 CPz wlLh an lmpedance
bandwldLh of 38 .

llgure 4.3 8eLurn Loss ln PlSS
kad|at|on attern
1he elevaLlon paLLern for =0
and =90
ls really lmporLanL. llgure 4.4 shows Lhe radlaLlon
paLLern from MWC boLh for =0
and =90

llgure 4.4 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
ln Mlcrowave Cfflce
Slmllarly radlaLlon paLLern for =0
and =90
from PlSS ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.3


llgure 4.3 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
from PlSS
1he galn curve from MWC ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.6 below. A peak galn of 3.3 d8 ls achleved
aL around 0
and a galn of 2.3 d8 aL 33
. A good separaLlon beLween co and cross
polarlzaLlon ls also conflrmed whlch ensures good clrcular polarlzaLlon.

llgure 4.6 Caln (8PC and LPC) from Mlcrowave Cfflce


Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhe galn calculaLed from PlSS ls hlgher as compared Lo MWC as shown ln
Lhe flgure 4.7. A peak galn of 7.3 d8 aL -3
and a galn of 4 d8 aL 33
ls achieved. The cross
polarization results are also better in HFSS

llgure 4.7 Caln (8PC and LPC) from PlSS
Ax|a| kat|o
Axlal raLlo from boLh Lools ls also calculaLed. 1he flgure 4.8 below shows Lhe Axlal raLlo from
MWC. A good parL of Lhe deslred reglon (0 Lo 33
) ls under -3 d8.

llgure 4.8 Axlal 8aLlo from Mlcrowave Cfflce


Slmllarly axlal raLlo from PlSS ls also dlsplayed ln Lhe flgure 4.9. 1he resulL ls even beLLer due
Lo Lhe facL LhaL a beLLer cross polarlzaLlon was observed ln PlSS. 1he enLlre reglon from (0 Lo
) ls below -3 d8 level.

llgure 4.9 Axlal 8aLlo from PlSS
4.3.2 Measured kesu|ts
1he measured resulLs for Lhe anLenna are shown below
keturn Loss
8oLh SlmulaLors showed a reLurn loss ln Lhe reglon of -13 d8 and Lhe measuremenL resulLs
are no dlfferenL. A reLurn loss of -13 d8 ls achleved aL 3.8 CPz ln Lhe measuremenL ln
neLwork Analyzer as shown ln Lhe flgure 4.10

llgure 4.10 Measured 8eLurn Loss
4 4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3 7


8oLh slmulaLors have shown dlfferenL galn as lL was shown ln Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs. ln MWC
a galn of 3.3 d8 and ln PlSS a galn of 7.3 d8 was recorded. 1he measured resulLs of Lhe galn
are closer Lo Lhe PlSS resulLs. A peak galn of 7 d8 ls achleved boLh ln azlmuLh and elevaLlon.
AL 33
a galn of around 3.3 d8 ls achleved.
1he alr spaclng beLween ground plane and Lhe paLch ls 2.7mm. 1he measured galn ln
azlmuLh plane ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.11.

llgure 4.11 Caln ln AzlmuLh
Slmllarly Lhe measured galn ln elevaLlon plane ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.12 whlch ls very much
ldenLlcal Lo Lhe galn ln azlmuLh

llgure 4.12 Caln ln LlevaLlon
-30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30 60
-30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30


Cross po|ar|zat|on
Cross polarlzaLlon resulLs have also been measured Lo conflrm Lhe good clrcular polarlzaLlon.
1he cross polarlzaLlon ln azlmuLh plane ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.13

llgure 4.13 Cross polarlzaLlon ln AzlmuLh

Slmllarly Lhe cross polarlzaLlon resulL ln LlevaLlon lane ls shown ln flgure 4.14

llgure 4.14 Cross olarlzaLlon ln LlevaLlon
lL can be seen from Lhe prevlous four graphs LhaL Lhere exlsLs a good separaLlon beLween co
and cross polarlzaLlon whlch proves a good clrcular polarlzaLlon.

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100


4.4 Conc|us|on
1he anLenna has a nlce performance overall. lL has a deslred reLurn loss, hlgh galn and a
good clrcular polarlzaLlon. Slze ls also small, even lf Lhe ground plane ls blgger Lhan wlLh Lhe
x anLenna. Lspeclally when hlgh galn ls needed lL can be a good cholce.


ChapLer 3
atch Antenna w|th probe feed|ng

S.1 Introduct|on
1hls anLenna ls slmllar Lo Lhe one dlscussed ln Lhe prevlous chapLer. 1he dlfference ls Lhe
feedlng Lechnlque belng used. 1he geomeLry of Lransponder allows us Lo use alr as a
subsLraLe for Lhe anLenna as some vacanL alr space ls avallable on elLher slde of Lhe ground
plane. lL ls known LhaL Lhe galn can be enhanced uslng alr as a subsLraLe. lor LhaL reason alr
ls used as Lhe subsLraLe ln Lhls deslgn.
S.2 Des|gn
1he same power dlvlder used ln chapLer 4 ls used wlLh Lhls anLenna wlLh Lhe same 0.8 mm
l84 subsLraLe however lnsLead of uslng an aperLure coupllng, probe feedlng ls used. So Lhe
probe whlch sLarLs from Lhe power dlvlder goes lnLo Lhe 0.8 mm l84 subsLraLe and ls Lhan
conLlnued ln Lhe alr up Lo Lhe paLch as shown ln Lhe flgure 3.1

llgure 3.1 aLch AnLenna wlLh probe feedlng
Slmllarly a slde vlew of Lhe anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure 3.2 Lo geL a clear ldea of Lhe
anLenna feedlng.


llgure 3.2 Slde vlew of Lhe anLenna
1he radlus of Lhe clrcular paLch ls 13.3 mm and of Lhe Lwo probes ls 0.3 mm. 1he ground ls
33mm x 33mm and Lhe alr spaclng beLween Lhe ground and Lhe paLch ls seL 3mm ln boLh
MWC and PlSS.
S.3 kesu|ts
8oLh SlmulaLed and measured resulLs wlll be shown here.
S.3.1 S|mu|ated kesu|ts
SlmulaLlon resulLs are shown ln Lhe followlng secLlon.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss from MWC ls shown ln Lhe flgure 3.3. A S11 of -12 d8 ls achleved aL 3.8 CPz

llgure 3.3 8eLurn Loss ln Mlcrowave Cfflce


Slmllarly reLurn loss ln PlSS ls shown ln Lhe flgure 3.4 whlch shows an S11 of -10 d8 aL 3.8

llgure 3.4 8eLurn Loss ln PlSS
kad|at|on attern
1he radlaLlon paLLern for =0
and =90
glves a good measure of Lhe radlaLlon paLLern.
llgure 3.3 shows Lhe radlaLlon paLLern from MWC boLh for =0
and =90

llgure 3.3 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
ln Mlcrowave Cfflce
Slmllarly Lhe radlaLlon paLLern from PlSS ls also shown ln Lhe flgure 3.6 for for =0


llgure 3.6 8adlaLlon aLLern for =0
and =90
from PlSS

A hlgh galn was expecLed as compared Lo Lhe prevlous deslgns. 1he peak galn from MWC ls
8.3 d8 whlch was deslred. A galn of 3 d8 was achleved aL 33
. A very good lsolaLlon ls also
achleved beLween co and cross polarlzaLlon as shown ln Lhe flgure 3.7.
Slmllarly Lhe galn resulL ln PlSS ls also shown ln Lhe flgure 3.8. A peak galn of 7.3 d8 ls
achleved whlch ls sllghLly low as compared Lo MWC. AL 33
Lhe galn ls found Lo be 4 d8
whlch ls sLlll very good however Lhe cross polarlzaLlon ls a blL hlgher ln PlSS.
Pence boLh Lhe Lools have proved LhaL Lhe galn ls enhanced wlLh Lhe alr subsLraLe. lL ls
lnLeresLlng Lo compare Lhese slmulaLed resulLs wlLh Lhe measured resulLs.


llgure 3.7 Caln (8PC and LPC) ln Mlcrowave Cfflce

llgure 3.8 Caln (8PC and LPC) ln PlSS
Ax|a| kat|o
1he axlal raLlo ln MWC ls shown ln Lhe flgure 3.9. lL ls even lower Lhan Lhe 2 d8 level for Lhe
range 0 Lo 33


llgure 3.9 Axlal 8aLlo ln MWC

1he axlal raLlo ln PlSS ls also shown ln Lhe flgure 3.10. lL ls a blL hlgher as compared Lo MWC
whlch was expecLed because cross polarlzaLlon level ln PlSS was hlgher compared Lo MWC.

llgure 3.10 Axlal 8aLlo ln PlSS


S.3.2 Measured kesu|ts
ulfferenL measured resulLs are shown ln Lhls secLlon.
keturn Loss
1he measured reLurn loss of Lhe anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure. A reLurn loss of -30 d8 ls
achleved aL 3.8 d8.

llgure 3.11 Measured 8eLurn Loss

1he galn curve ln azlmuLh plane ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. A peak galn of around 8 d8 ln
bore slghL and 4.3 d8 aL 33
ls achleved.

llgure 3.12 Caln ln AzlmuLh
2.3 3.3 4.3 3.3 6.3 7.3
-70 -60 -30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30


Slmllarly Lhe galn ploL ln elevaLlon plane ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. lL shows a peak galn of
7.7 d8 and around 4.3 aL 33

llgure 3.13 Caln ln LlevaLlon
Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon ls shown ln Lhe flgure below for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon planes,
whlch proves good clrcular polarlzaLlon.

(a) (b)
llgure 3.14 Cross olarlzaLlon ln azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane
S.4 Conc|us|on
1he anLenna has shown very nlce resulLs l.e. hlgh galn, good reLurn loss and clrcular
polarlzaLlon. Also Lhe galn wlLhln 33
ls very nlce. 1he drawback ls LhaL Lhe slze ls sllghLly
large and also Lo achleve probe feedlng ln volume producLlon. 8oLh Lhls anLenna and Lhe
anLenna ln chapLer 4 are very slmllar, Lhere ls [usL Lhe dlfference ln Lhe feedlng Lechnlque,
however Lhls anLenna has shown beLLer galn resulLs. 1he beam wldLh ls more wlde whlch
helps Lo achleve beLLer galn wlLhln 33
-30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30
-100 -30 0 30 100
-100 -30 0 30 100


ChapLer 6
1runcated atch Antenna
6.1 Introduct|on
1he LruncaLed paLch anLenna ls a slmple mlcrosLrlp paLch anLenna wlLh a recLangular paLch
over a subsLraLe and a ground plane aL Lhe boLLom. 1hls anLenna was Lhe lasL anLenna
deslgned ln Lhe Lhesls work and was deslgned ln a llmlLed Llme. 1here were slx anLennas
deslgned of Lhls parLlcular Lype whlch alLhough used a same geomeLry buL had dlfferenL
subsLraLes, feedlng Lechnlques and subsLraLe Lhlcknesses.
6.2 Des|gn
1he deslgn of Lhe LruncaLed paLch anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure. 1he flgure shows Lhe
anLenna wlLh coaxlal probe feedlng and Lhe flgure shows Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp llne

llgure 6.1(a) 1runcaLed aLch anLenna llgure 6.1(b) 1runcaLed aLch anLenna
wlLh MlcrosLrlp leedlng wlLh Coaxlal robe leedlng
1he edges are LruncaLed Lo achleve clrcular polarlzaLlon and Lhe sllL used ln Lhe flgure 6.1(a)
ls also used Lo geL beLLer clrcular polarlzaLlon.
1wo dlfferenL subsLraLes were used ln Lhls anLenna l.e. l84 wlLh a dlelecLrlc of 4.3 (wlLh a
Lhlckness of 0.8mm and 1.6mm) and nelco wlLh a dlelecLrlc of 3.48 (and Lhlckness of
0.31mm). 1he slx anLennas deslgned wlLh dlfferenL subsLraLe and feedlng Lechnlque are
shown ln Lhe Lable 6.1 below


l84 (1.6mm
l84 (0.8mm
nelko 4330-8l13
1 Coaxlal robe ?es - -
2 Coaxlal robe - ?es -
3 Coaxlal robe - - ?es
4 MlcrosLrlp Llne ?es - -
3 MlcrosLrlp Llne - ?es -
6 MlcrosLrlp Llne - - ?es
1able 6.1
Powever all of Lhese deslgns showed noL accepLable degradaLlon of measured performance
compared wlLh Lhe slmulaLed. 1he deslgns whlch worked Lo some exLenL have been
menLloned here and Lhe resL are presenLed ln Lhe Appendlx.
6.3 kesu|ts
6.3.1 S|mu|ated kesu|ts for Antennas w|th Ne|co Substrate
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss of Lhe anLenna wlLh boLh feedlng Lechnlques ls shown below. So aL 3.8 CPz
Lhe anLenna wlLh mlcrosLrlp llne feedlng shows a reLurn loss of 3.8 d8. Cn Lhe oLher hand
Lhe anLenna wlLh probe feedlng has a reLurn loss of -10 d8.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.2 8eLurn Loss of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp (a) and robe (b) feedlng
1he galn measuremenLs for boLh Lhe anLennas are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.3. 1he anLenna wlLh
mlcrosLrlp llne feedlng has shown a galn of 6 d8 and Lhe probe fed anLenna showed a galn of
4.2 d8.


(a) (b)
llgure 6.3 Caln of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp (a) and robe (b) feedlng
Cross po|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon curves for Lhe Lwo anLennas are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.4

(a) (b)
llgure 6.4 Cross olarlzaLlon of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp (a) and robe (b) feedlng
1he cross polarlzaLlon values are a llLLle hlgh. 1hese anLennas were noL deslgned ln PlSS due
Lo Lhe Llme shorLage aL Lhe end of Lhe Lhesls work and Lhey were manually opLlmlzed whlch
became a llLLle Lrlcky.
kad|at|on attern
1he radlaLlon paLLern for azlmuLh and elevaLlon for boLh anLennas ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.3
below. 1he anLenna wlLh probe feedlng shows a llLLle dlfference ln radlaLlon for azlmuLh and
elevaLlon planes


(a) (b)
llgure 6.3 8adlaLlon aLLern of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp (a) and robe (b) feedlng
6.3.2 Measured kesu|ts for Antennas w|th Ne|co Substrate
1he measured resulLs for Lhe anLenna wlLh nelco SubsLraLe are shown below. 1hese resulLs
have noL followed Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs and hence are below Lhe expecLaLlons
keturn Loss
1he reLurn losses of Lhe anLenna wlLh boLh feedlng Lechnlques are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.6

(a) (b)
llgure 6.6 1he 8eLurn Loss of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and Coaxlal (b) leedlng
lf Lhese resulLs are compared wlLh Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs Lhey look enLlrely dlfferenL. lor Lhe
anLenna deslgn wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne leedlng Lhe reLurn loss was -22 d8 ln Lhe slmulaLlon
4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3
4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3


resulLs and was cenLered aL 3.8 CPz however, ln Lhe measured resulLs Lhe reLurn loss ls
around -7 d8 and cenLered aL 3.3 CPz.
Slmllarly for Lhe anLenna wlLh coaxlal probe feedlng, Lhe slmulaLed reLurn loss aL 3.8 CPz
was around -10 d8 whlch changed Lo -29 d8 aL 3.32 CPz.
1he galn measuremenLs are also very dlfferenL from Lhe slmulaLed ones. 1he galn curves for
Lhe anLenna wlLh mlcrosLrlp feedlng llne Lechnlque ln boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon plane are
shown ln Lhe flgure 6.7. 1hese measuremenLs are Laken on frequencles wlLh mlnlmum
reLurn loss value.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.7 Caln ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane
Slmllarly Lhe galn curves for Lhe anLenna wlLh probe feedlng are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.8

(a) (b)
llgure 6.8 Caln ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane
1here ls a vasL dlfference beLween Lhe measuremenL and slmulaLlon resulLs for Lhe galn
curves. 8oLh anLennas have shown a 3-4 d8 galn reducLlon from Lhe slmulaLed resulLs.
-30 -30 -10 10 30 30
-30 -30 -10 10 30
-30 -30 -10 10 30 30
-70 -30 -30 -10 10 30 30


Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon resulLs for Lhe mlcrosLrlp llne feedlng anLenna are however nlce. 1he
measured resulLs for Lhe cross polarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon plane are shown ln
Lhe flgure 6.9

(a) (b)
llgure 6.9 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane
Slmllarly Lhe measured cross polarlzaLlon for probe fed anLenna ln boLh azlmuLh and
elevaLlon plane are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.10 whlch are agaln below Lhen Lhe expecLaLlon

(a) (b)
llgure 6.10 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane

6.3.3 S|mu|ated kesu|ts for Antennas w|th Ik4 (0.8mm) Substrate
1he same Lwo anLennas were deslgned wlLh l84 subsLraLe however only Lhe one wlLh
coaxlal probe feedlng wlll be dlscussed here as Lhe oLher one dldn'L yleld any resulL aL all,
however Lhere are more lnformaLlon ln Lhe appendlx of Lhe reporL.
-100 -30 0 30 100
-100 -30 0 30 100
-100 -30 0 30 100
-70 -20 30


keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss for Lhls anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.11 whlch ls around -11 d8 for 3.8

llgure 6.11 8eLurn Loss of Lhe anLenna
1he slmulaLed galn for Lhe anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. A peak galn of 6 d8 aL 2

and a galn around 3.7 d8 aL 33
ls achleved. 1he galn curve ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.12

llgure 6.12 Caln of Lhe anLenna


Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon level ls an lmporLanL facLor Lo check Lhe clrcular polarlzaLlon. 1he
cross polarlzaLlon curve ls shown ln Lhe flgure below whlch shows a good separaLlon from
Lhe co polarlzaLlon of Lhe above flgure 6.13.

llgure 6.13 Cross olarlzaLlon of Lhe anLenna

kad|at|on attern
1he radlaLlon paLLern of Lhe anLenna ls anoLher lmporLanL facLor. 1he radlaLlon paLLern for
boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon paLLern ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.14 below

llgure 6.14 8adlaLlon aLLern for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon


Ax|a| kat|o
Axlal raLlo glves an ldea abouL how good Lhe clrcular polarlzaLlon ls for an anLenna. 1he Axlal
raLlo slmulaLlon resulL ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.13 below. 1he resulL shows a llLLle hlgher axlal
raLlo value for Lhe negaLlve angle values.

llgure 6.13 Axlal 8aLlo
6.3.4 Measured resu|ts for Antennas w|th Ik4 (0.8mm) Substrate
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss measured from Lhe neLwork analyzer ls shown ln Lhe flgure 6.16 below. lL ls
qulLe slmllar Lo Lhe slmulaLlon resulL. AL 3.8 CPz a reLurn loss of -14 d8 ls measured.

llgure 6.16 8eLurn Loss
3 3.3 6 6.3


1he galn curves for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon plane were measured ln Lhe anecholc
chamber however even wlLh a good reLurn loss Lhe measured galn values were below Lhe
expecLaLlons. 1he galn curves for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon planes are shown ln Lhe flgure
6.17 below.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.17 Caln ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane

Cross o|ar|zat|on
Measured resulLs for cross polarlzaLlon were also far from slmulaLed values. 1he cross
polarlzaLlon curves for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon plane are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.18 below.
8oLh curves show hlgh cross polarlzaLlon values.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.18 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane

-40 -20 0 20 40
-40 -20 0 20 40
-80 -30 20 70
-80 -30 20 70


6.3.S S|mu|ated kesu|ts for Antennas w|th Ik4 (1.6mm) Substrate
1wo anLennas wlLh dlfferenL feedlng Lechnlques were deslgned wlLh Lhls subsLraLe
slmulaLlon resulLs of Lhese anLennas are shown below.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss recorded ln MWC for boLh Lhe anLennas are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.19 below.
A reLurn loss of -12 d8 for mlcrosLrlp llne feed anLenna and -16 d8 for Lhe coaxlal probe feed
anLenna ls achleved.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.19 1he 8eLurn Loss of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and Coaxlal (b) leedlng
Slmllarly Lhe galn Lhe curves are also shown ln Lhe flgure 6.20 for boLh anLennas.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.20 Caln of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and robe (b) feedlng
lL ls however lnLeresLlng Lo see LhaL Lhe anLenna wlLh Lhe probe feedlng ls showlng more
galn Lhan Lhe anLenna wlLh mlcrosLrlp llne feedlng.


Cross o|ar|zat|on
Cross polarlzaLlon ls anoLher parameLer whlch should be as low as posslble. Cross
polarlzaLlon curves for boLh Lhe anLennas are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.21 below.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.21 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane
8oLh curves showed LhaL Lhe cross polarlzaLlon level wlll be lower Lhan -3 d8 level.
kad|at|on attern
8adlaLlon paLLern glves a good ldea LhaL how much an anLenna ls radlaLlng and ln whaL
dlrecLlon. 1hese ploLs are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.22 below for boLh anLennas

(a) (b)
llgure 6.22 8adlaLlon aLLern of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp (a) and robe (b) feedlng


Ax|a| kat|o
Axlal raLlo ls anoLher facLor whlch glves Lhe clrcular polarlzaLlon sLaLus of an anLenna. 1he
axlal raLlo curves for boLh anLennas are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.23

(a) (b)
llgure 6.23 Axlal 8aLlo of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp feedlng (a) and robe feedlng (b)
1he axlal raLlo for Lhe mlcrosLrlp llne fed anLenna ls sllghLly hlgh however for Lhe probe fed
anLenna lL ls ln Lhe deslred reglon whlch ls around 3 d8.
6.3.6 Measured kesu|ts for the Antennas w|th Ik4 (1.6mm th|ck) Substrate
1he measured resulLs for Lhese anLennas are shown ln Lhls secLlon
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss measured from Lhe neLwork analyzer for boLh Lhe anLennas are shown ln Lhe
flgure 6.24. 1he reLurn loss for Lhe mlcrosLrlp llne feed anLenna ls sllghLly hlgh whlch ls -9 d8
however for Lhe probe fed anLenna Lhe reLurn loss ls around -23 d8

(a) (b)
llgure 6.24 1he 8eLurn Loss of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and robe (b) leedlng

3 3.3 6 6.3 7
3 3.3 3.6 3.9 6.2 6.3


1he galn curves were measured ln anecholc chamber for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon plane.
1he galn curves for mlcrosLrlp llne fed anLenna are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.23 below.

(a) (b)
llgure 6.23 Caln of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and robe (b) feedlng
A peak galn of 3 d8 ls achleved whlch ls a llLLle lower Lhan Lhe slmulaLlon resulL whlch
showed a peak galn of 4.3 d8. Slmllarly Lhe galn curves for Lhe probe fed anLenna are shown
ln Lhe flgure 6.26 for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon planes

(a) (b)
llgure 6.26 Caln of Lhe anLenna wlLh MlcrosLrlp Llne (a) and robe (b) feedlng
A peak galn of 4.4 d8 ls achleved whlch ls also aL leasL 2 d8 lower Lhan Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs
where a galn of almosL 7 d8 was recorded. Powever Lhe beam wldLh of Lhe anLenna ls qulLe
wlde whlch wlll ensure a good galn value aL 33
LhaL ls around 3.3 d8
Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he cross polarlzaLlon curves are also shown ln Lhe flgure 6.27 below for Lhe mlcrosLrlp llne
fed anLenna. 1he flgure shows a cross polarlzaLlon for boLh azlmuLh and elevaLlon planes.
-70 -30 -30 -10 10 30
-30 -30 -10 10 30 30
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60


1he resulLs are very ldenLlcal Lo Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs and ensured good clrcular

(a) (b)
llgure 6.27 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane

Slmllarly Lhe cross polarlzaLlon curves for probe fed anLenna are shown ln Lhe flgure 6.28

(a) (b)
llgure 6.28 Cross olarlzaLlon ln boLh azlmuLh (a) and LlevaLlon (b) plane

1he cross polarlzaLlon values are a blL hlgh as compared Lo Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs.
6.4 Conc|us|on
1hese anLennas dld noL show as good resulLs as Lhey should have. A vasL dlfference beLween
Lhe slmulaLed and measured resulLs ls vlslble. 1he galn ls low and Lhe cross polarlzaLlon ls
also conslderably hlgh whlch shows LhaL deslgnlng an anLenna on a Lhln subsLraLe can be
very Lrlcky.

-100 -30 0 30 100
-100 -30 0 30 100
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
-60 -10 40


ChapLer 7
Cther Antenna Des|gns
7.1 Introduct|on
Some oLher anLennas were also deslgned and alLhough Lhey dld yleld good resulLs buL were
noL selecLed Lo manufacLure due Lo Lhe complexlLy and cosL. 1hese anLenna deslgns wlll be
dlscussed ln Lhls chapLer. 1hey were deslgned only ln MWC and wlll noL be explalned ln
enLlre deLall as Lhey were noL manufacLured.
7.2 aras|t|c atch Antenna
1hls anLenna deslgn ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. lL conslsLs of a recLangular paLch wlLh Lwo
square sloLs. A clrcular paraslLlc paLch ls placed aL an opLlmlzed dlsLance from Lhe normal
paLch. 1he spaclng beLween ground and Lhe paLch ls L
and Lhe spaclng beLween Lhe normal
paLch and Lhe paraslLlc paLch ls L
. 8oLh of Lhese are alr spaclng whlch makes lL expenslve
and aL Lhe same Llme hard Lo manufacLure as lL wlll need Lhree layers.

llgure 7.1 araslLlc aLch AnLenna


1he slmulaLlon resulLs of Lhls anLenna are shown below
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss of Lhe anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. An S11 of -12 d8 ls achleved aL
3.8 CPz.

llgure 7.2 8eLurn Loss
kad|at|on attern
1he radlaLlon paLLern for =0
and =90
ls shown ln Lhe flgure below.

llgure 7.3 8adlaLlon aLLern


1he galn for (8PC and LPC) ls also shown ln Lhe flgure below. A peak galn of 8 d8 ls
achleved and a galn of 3 d8 aL 33
whlch ls really good. A good separaLlon beLween co and
cross polarlzaLlon ls also achleved.

llgure 7.4 Caln(blue) and cross polarlzaLlon(red)
Ax|a| kat|o
1he axlal raLlo of Lhls anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. An axlal raLlo of around 3 d8 ls
achleved for 33

llgure 7.3 Axlal 8aLlo


7.3 Sp|ra| Antenna
A splral anLenna was also deslgned as shown ln Lhe flgure. 1hls anLenna ls wlLhouL a ground
plane and lL radlaLes ln boLh dlrecLlons. A ground plane ls needed aL a dlsLance of \/4 from
Lhe anLenna Lo make lL radlaLe ln only one dlrecLlon and secondly lL also needs a dlfferenLlal
feedlng mosLly lmplemenLed wlLh a balun. uue Lo Lhose complexlLles Lhls anLenna was noL
manufacLured alLhough lL was very small ln slze l.e. 13mm x 13mm.

llgure 7.6 A Splral AnLenna
1he slmulaLlon resulLs of Lhe splral anLenna are shown ln Lhe followlng secLlon.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. AL 3.8 CPz a reLurn loss of -20 db ls achleved

llgure 7.7 8eLurn Loss


kad|at|on pattern
1he radlaLlon paLLern ls shown for =0
and =90
ln Lhe flgure below

llgure 7.8 8adlaLlon aLLern
A galn of 6.7 db ls achleved aL Lhe cenLer frequency as shown ln Lhe flgure. 1he resulLs show
a very wlde beam wldLh and a galn or around 3 d8 aL 33
. Powever Lhe cross polar level ls a
blL hlgh whlch wlll affecL Lhe clrcular polarlzaLlon.

llgure 7.9 Caln(blue) and Cross olarlzaLlon(plnk)


Ax|a| kat|o
1he axlal raLlo ploL ls shown ln Lhe flgure below and ls a llLLle blL hlgh due Lo Lhe hlgh cross
polarlzaLlon level.

llgure 7.10 Axlal 8aLlo
7.4 U aras|t|c Antenna
1he u paraslLlc AnLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure below. lL conslsLs of Lwo u shaped paraslLlc
paLches and a recLangular paLch ln Lhe cenLer. 1he anLenna used an l84 subsLraLe wlLh a
Lhlckness of 4 mm whlch was one of Lhe maln reasons lL was noL manufacLured. 1hls
anLenna ls llnearly polarlzed, however a Lechnlque mlghL have been used Lo exclLe Lhe
clrcular polarlzaLlon however Lhe subsLraLe Lhlckness of 4 mm made lL a really expenslve

llgure 7.11 u araslLlc AnLenna


1he resulLs of Lhls anLenna are descrlbed ln Lhe followlng secLlon. 1hls anLenna ls deslgned aL
a frequency of 6 CPz ln Lhe research paper so Lhe same parameLers have been used Lo
deslgn Lhls anLenna here.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss of Lhls anLenna ls shown ln Lhe flgure. AL 6 CPz a reLurn loss of -22 d8 ls

llgure 7.12 8eLurn Loss
A peak galn of over 7 d8 was achleved from Lhls anLenna wlLh a galn of 3 d8 aL 33

llgure 7.13 AnLenna Caln


7.S Conc|us|on
All Lhree anLennas dlscussed ln Lhls chapLer showed good resulLs however due Lo
manufacLurlng cosL and complexlLy Lhey were noL selecLed for Lhe manufacLurlng process.


ChapLer 8
Antennas Compar|son
8.1 Introduct|on
ln Lhls chapLer we wlll compare Lhe measured anLenna resulLs wlLh Mlcrowave Cfflce and
PlSS Lo geL a good ldea abouL Lhe accuracy of Lhe slmulaLors. 1hree anLennas were deslgned
boLh ln PlSS and Mlcrowave Cfflce l.e. x AnLenna, Clrcular aLch AnLenna wlLh aperLure
coupllng and aLch anLenna wlLh probe feedlng.
8.2 kesu|ts Compar|son for k Antenna
ln Lhe followlng secLlon Lhe measured resulLs of x AnLenna are compared wlLh PlSS and
Mlcrowave Cfflce
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss from MWC and PlSS are shown ln Lhe flgure below.

(a) (b)
llgure 8.1 8eLurn Loss ln MWC (a) and ln PlSS (b)
Slmllarly Lhe 8eLurn Loss measured ln neLwork Analyzer ls shown ln Lhe flgure 8.2. So aL 3.8
CPz from MWC Lhe reLurn loss achleved was -11 d8, from PlSS Lhe reLurn loss was found Lo
be -13 d8 and durlng Lhe measuremenLs Lhe reLurn loss was found Lo be -10 d8. Also Lhe
shape of Lhe curves was very slmllar. 8oLh slmulaLors showed accuraLe resulLs for Lhe reLurn


llgure 8.2 Measured 8eLurn Loss
Ga|n and Cross o|ar|zat|on
Slmllarly Lhe galn and cross polarlzaLlon curves from MWC and PlSS are shown ln Lhe flgure

(a) (b)
llgure 8.3 Caln and Cross olarlzaLlon ln MWC (a) and PlSS (b)
1he measured values for Caln and Cross olarlzaLlon are shown ln Lhe flgure 8.4. AL 3.8 CPz
Lhe peak galn calculaLed from MWC was 3.3 d8 and from PlSS was 3.7 d8. ln Lhe measured
resulLs Lhe peak galn was 3.9 d8 whlch ls more Lhan expecLaLlon so agaln boLh slmulaLors
have shown accuraLe resulLs. 8egardlng shape of Lhe curves Lhere was a small devlaLlon. 1he
slmulaLed curves were very symmeLrlc buL Lhe measured curve was llLLle asymmeLrlc.

4 4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3 7 7.3 8 8.3 9


Comlng Lo Lhe cross polarlzaLlon resulLs, MWC showed a peak cross polarlzaLlon value of
-8.3 d8, PlSS showed a very hlgh cross polarlzaLlon value of -3 d8 however Lhe measured
resulLs showed a peak cross polarlzaLlon value of -7.3 d8. Pence for Lhe cross polarlzaLlon
resulLs, MWC showed more accuraLe resulLs. 8egardlng curve shapes Lhe slmulaLed and
measured resulLs showed blg dlfferences, Lhe measured curve were more complex.

(a) (b)
llgure 8.4 Measured Caln (a) and Cross olarlzaLlon (b)
8.3 kesu|ts Compar|son for atch antenna w|th aperture coup||ng
ln Lhls secLlon Lhe measured resulLs of aLch AnLenna wlLh aperLure coupllng are compared
wlLh PlSS and Mlcrowave Cfflce.
keturn Loss
1he reLurn loss calculaLed by boLh MWC and PlSS are shown ln Lhe flgure 8.3 (a) and 8.3 (b)

(a) (b)
llgure 8.3 8eLurn Loss from MWC (a) and PlSS (b)


Slmllarly Lhe reLurn loss measured from Lhe neLwork analyzer ls shown ln Lhe flgure 4.3. So
aL 3.8 CPz Lhe reLurn loss recorded ln MWC ls -16 d8 ln PlSS -14 d8 and ln measuremenLs lL
ls found Lo be -13 d8. So agaln boLh slmulaLors have shown slmllar and accuraLe resulLs.

llgure 8.6 Measured 8eLurn Loss
Ga|n and Cross o|ar|zat|on
Caln and cross polarlzaLlon ploLs from MWC and PlSS are shown ln Lhe flgure 4.4

(a) (b)
llgure 8.7 Caln and Cross olarlzaLlon ln MWC (a) and PlSS (b)
4 4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3 7


Slmllarly Lhe measured galn and cross polarlzaLlon ploLs from neLwork analyzer are shown ln
Lhe flgure 8.4. 1he galn recorded ln MWC ls around 3.3 d8 and LhaL found ln PlSS ls 7.3 d8
so Lhere ls a llLLle dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo slmulaLors. 1he measured resulL shows a galn
of 7 d8 whlch ls more close Lo PlSS resulLs. All curve shapes looks very slmllar.
Slmllarly for Lhe cross polarlzaLlon resulLs, boLh slmulaLors showed cross polarlzaLlon ln Lhe
range of -10 d8 whlch ls proved ln Lhe measuremenL resulLs. Also very lnLeresLlng ls LhaL Lhe
curve shape of PlSS and measured cross polarlzaLlon looks slmllar, Lhe slmllarlLy wlLh Lhe
MWC ls smaller.

(a) (b)
llgure 8.8 Measured Caln (a) and Cross olarlzaLlon (b)

-30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30 60
-100 -30 0 30 100


ChapLer 9
ulfferenL AnLennas were deslgned ln Lhls Lhesls work accordlng Lo Lhe requlremenLs of
dlfferenL producLs. Some producLs needed a good peak galn and some needed good galn aL
. ln Lhls chapLer a flnal concluslon ls shown abouL all Lhe anLennas whlch have been
deslgned, manufacLured and LesLed durlng Lhls Lhesls work.
1he flrsL deslgned anLenna was x anLenna whlch was very small ln slze and sLlll showed good
resulLs for all ma[or requlremenLs. llrsLly lL showed an accepLable reLurn loss around -10 d8,
secondly lL showed nlce galn and Lhlrdly lL proved Lo have an excellenL clrcular polarlzaLlon.
Also Lhe beam wldLh of Lhe anLenna ls very wlde whlch helps Lo achleve good galn wlLhln
. 1he ma[or quesLlon mark abouL Lhls anLenna ls however LhaL lL uses a subsLraLe
Lhlckness of 3.2mm whlch makes lL a llLLle expenslve, however lL ls fabrlcaLed wlLh a
sLandard l84 subsLraLe whlch ls slgnlflcanLly cheaper Lhan subsLraLes made especlally for
mlcrowave appllcaLlons.
1he second anLenna was a clrcular paLch anLenna whlch was fed Lhrough aperLure coupllng.
1he ldea behlnd Lhls anLenna was Lo use alr as a subsLraLe and reduce Lhe cosL of Lhe
subsLraLe. 1he overall performance of Lhe anLenna was good. lL has a deslred reLurn loss,
hlgh peak galn and a good clrcular polarlzaLlon. Slze ls also small, even lf Lhe ground plane ls
blgger Lhan Lhen Lhe one wlLh x anLenna. Powever Lhe galn drops conslderably aL 33
so lL
ls noL a very good cholce for Lhe producLs whlch need good galn wlLhln 33
1he Lhlrd deslgned anLenna was a clrcular paLch anLenna whlch was fed Lhrough exLended
probes. Agaln Lhe ldea was Lo use alr as a subsLraLe and reduce Lhe cosL. 1hls anLenna also
showed very nlce resulLs l.e. hlgh peak galn, good reLurn loss and clrcular polarlzaLlon. Also
Lhe galn wlLhln 33
ls very nlce. 1he drawback ls LhaL Lhe slze ls sllghLly large and also lL ls
expenslve Lo use probe feedlng ln volume producLlon however lL can be used for almosL all
producLs as lL showed a hlgh peak galn and also good galn wlLhln 33
1he lasL anLenna whlch was deslgned ln Lhls Lhesls work was LruncaLed paLch anLenna. 1hls
anLenna was deslgned wlLh Lwo feedlng Lechnlques and on Lhree dlfferenL subsLraLes. lL was
Lhe lasL anLenna ln Lhls Lhesls work so due Lo shorLage of Llme lL was only deslgned ln
Mlcrowave Cfflce and noL ln PlSS. 1he anLennas dld noL show resulLs accordlng Lo Lhe
expecLaLlons. A reasonable dlfference beLween Lhe slmulaLed and measured resulLs ls
vlslble. 1he galn ls low and Lhe cross polarlzaLlon ls also conslderably hlgh. Cne reason LhaL
can be glven for such resulLs ls LhaL Lhe anLenna was noL deslgned ln PlSS so Lhe opLlmlzlng
Lechnlques avallable ln PlSS were noL used. So some opLlmlzaLlon ls needed before Lhls
anLenna ls ready Lo be used.


Cverall lL can easlly be sald LhaL Lhe Lhesls work was a success. lrom Lhe four anLennas
manufacLured, Lhree have shown nlce resulLs. 1hese anLennas mlghL replace exlsLlng
anLennas ln dlfferenL producLs ln fuLure.



k Antenna (w|th 1.6 mm Substrate)
An efforL was made Lo deslgn Lhe x anLenna wlLh 1.6 mm subsLraLe Lhlckness. Powever lL
was noL successful as boLh galn and cross polarlzaLlon goL worse. 1he subsLraLe used was
l84. 1he anLenna had slmllar dlmenslons as Lhe prevlous x AnLenna.
1he resulLs for Lhe x AnLenna are shown ln Lhe followlng secLlon. 1he resulLs lnclude boLh
slmulaLed and measured values.
keturn Loss
8oLh slmulaLed and measured values of reLurn loss are shown ln Lhe flgure below whlch are
almosL Lhe same excepL LhaL Lhe frequency ls sllghLly shlfLed.

(a) (b)
SlmulaLed (a) and Measured (b) 8eLurn Loss

Ga|n and Cross o|ar|zat|on
1he galn curves from boLh slmulaLlon and measuremenLs are shown ln Lhe flgure below. 1he
measuremenL resulLs are a llLLle lower as compared Lo Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs.
4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00
Freq [GHz]
Ansoft LLC HFSSDesign1 XY Plot 1 ANSOFT
Curve Inf o
Setup1 : Sweep1
4.3 3 3.3 6 6.3 7


(a) (b)
SlmulaLed (a) and Measured (b) Caln
Slmllarly Lhe cross polarlzaLlon curves are also shown ln Lhe flgure below whlch also shows
measured values hlgher Lhan slmulaLlon resulLs.

(a) (b)
SlmulaLed (a) and Measured (b) Cross olarlzaLlon
AlLhough Lhe slmulaLlon resulLs were noL very sLrong elLher buL aL leasL Lhe galn was around
3 d8 and cross polarlzaLlon -2 d8 so lL was declded LhaL lf lL ylelds slmllar resulLs may be lL
wlll be a posslblllLy Lo work furLher on Lhls deslgn however lL was noL Lhe case.

-30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 30
-200.00 -150.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Theta [deg]
Ansoft LLC HFSSDesign1 XY Plot 4 ANSOFT
Curve Inf o
Setup1 : LastAdaptive
Freq='5.8GHz' Phi='0deg'
-30 -30 -10 10 30 30



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