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014 Leadership in organisational settings

1 !Leadership" is the a#ilit$ to in%luen&e' (oti)ate and ena#le others to &ontri#ute to
organisational e%%e&ti)eness
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 414
/ Organisational #eha)iour ta0es the )ie1 that leaders are people in (anage(ent and
other !leadership" positions in the organisation
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 414
2 !Shared leadership" is the )ie1 that an$one in the organisation (a$ #e a leader in
)arious 1a$s and at )arious ti(es
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 414
4 Leadership &o(peten&ies or traits ha)e #een dis&ussed sin&e the #eginning o%
re&orded &i)ilisation
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413415
3 Se)eral large6s&ale studies ha)e identi%ied integrit$ as the (ost i(portant
leadership &hara&teristi&
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
7 E%%e&ti)e leaders are good at per&ei)ing and e8pressing e(otions' as 1ell as
regulating e(otions in the(sel)es and others
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413415
5 E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e !leadership (oti)ation"9 that is' the$ are (oti)ated to #e
*ns+ True
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1461
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
: Integrit$' intelligen&e and sel%6&on%iden&e are (ost &losel$ related to the
&o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413415
; Sel%6&on%iden&e' integrit$' 0no1ledge o% the #usiness and e(otional intelligen&e are
i(portant leadership &o(peten&ies
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
10 <esear&h on the &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership has &on&luded that %our
traits are &onsistentl$ strong predi&tors o% e%%e&ti)e leadership a&ross (ost situations
and industries
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
11 Leadership &o(peten&ies identi%$ leadership potential' not leadership
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 417415
1/ One i(pli&ation o% the leadership &o(peten&$ approa&h is that leadership is %ound
a(ong senior e8e&uti)es rather than people in lo1er6le)el positions
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 417415
12 The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership %o&uses on the e%%e&ti)eness o%
parti&ipati)e and a&hie)e(ent6oriented leadership st$les
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41541:
14 The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership sa$s that tas06oriented leaders &lari%$
duties and pro&edures' ensure that e(plo$ees %ollo1 &o(pan$ rules and push the( to
rea&h their per%or(an&e &apa&it$
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41541:
13 <esear&h indi&ates that e(plo$ees o% tas06oriented leaders ha)e #etter
per%or(an&e and tea( d$na(i&s #ut lo1er =o# satis%a&tion
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41541:
17 *&&ording to the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership' people6oriented leadership
is asso&iated 1ith higher e(plo$ee per%or(an&e and #etter tea( d$na(i&s
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41541:
15 *&&ording to the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership' tas06oriented leadership is
the opposite o% people6oriented leadership
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41:
1: .ath4goal theor$ has its roots in the e8pe&tan&$ theor$ o% (oti)ation
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 41:
1; .ath4goal theor$ states that e%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e high e(otional intelligen&e'
integrit$ and (oti)ation to #e&o(e a leader
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41:41;
/0 Ser)ant leaders tr$ to understand e(plo$ee needs and %a&ilitate their 1or0
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 41;
/1 One pro#le( 1ith path4goal leadership theor$ is that it ignores the philosoph$ o%
ser)ant leadership
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1462
.age+ 41;
// Ser)ant leadership o&&urs 1hen e(plo$ees #elie)e that their energ$ is put into
ser)ing their leader rather than a&&o(plishing organisational o#=e&ti)es
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41;
/2 The a&hie)e(ent6oriented leadership st$le applies the goal6setting and sel%6
%ul%illing prophe&$ &on&epts
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/0
/4 .ath4goal leadership theor$ in&ludes dire&ti)e' super)isor$ and integrit$
leadership st$les
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41;4/1
/3 *&&ording to path4goal theor$' dire&ti)e leadership should #e applied 1here the
tas0 is &o(ple8 and the e(plo$ee has an e8ternal lo&us o% &ontrol
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41;4/1
/7 *&&ording to path4goal theor$' supporti)e leadership is desira#le %or e(plo$ees
1ho 1or0 in tea(s 1ith lo1 &ohesi)eness
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41;4/1
/5 *&&ording to path4goal leadership theor$' dire&ti)e leadership should ne)er #e
applied to either e8perien&ed or ine8perien&ed e(plo$ees
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41;4/1
/: One li(itation o% path4goal theor$ o% leadership is that it ignores the possi#ilit$
that the #est leadership st$le depends on the situation
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41;4/1
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1464
/; One pro#le( 1ith path4goal theor$ is that it is an e8tre(el$ si(ple (odel o%
leadership relati)e to other leadership theories
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41;4/1
20 The >erse$6?lan&hard situational leadership (odel identi%ies the %ollo1ing %our
leadership st$les+ telling' selling' parti&ipating and delegating
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4//
21 The situational leadership (odel states that a person"s leadership st$le does not
&hange' so 1e (ust put leaders in situations that (at&h their natural st$le
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4//42
2/ Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ (odel o% leadership suggests that the #est leadership st$le
depends on the degree o% po1er and in%luen&e the leader possesses in the situation
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4//42
22 <ather than &hanging the leader"s st$le to %it the situation' it (a$ #e ne&essar$ to
&hange the situation to %it the leader"s do(inant st$le
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/2
24 The leadership su#stitutes (odel identi%ies 1a$s to neutralise or repla&e
trans%or(ational leaders in spe&i%i& &onditions
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/244
23 *&&ording to the leadership su#stitutes theor$' &hara&teristi&s o% the e(plo$ee'
tas0 or organisation li(it the leader"s in%luen&e or (a0e it unne&essar$
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 4/244
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1463
27 Sel%6leadership repla&es the need %or %or(al leadership in sel%6dire&ted 1or0
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 4/244
25 <e1ard s$ste(s and e(plo$ees" s0ills are su#stitutes %or tas06oriented leadership
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/2
2: Transa&tional leaders are (ainl$ &hange agents
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
2; The #eha)ioural and &ontingen&$ leadership theories adopt (ore o% a transa&tional
and less o% a trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e o% leadership
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/4
40 S&holars re&o((end that trans%or(ational leadership should #e used instead o%
transa&tional leadership
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/4
41 !@haris(ati& leadership" re%ers (ore to leader #eha)iours' 1hereas
!trans%or(ational leadership" re%ers (ainl$ to personal traits that pro)ide re%erent
po1er o)er %ollo1ers
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
4/ *&&ording to the te8t#oo0' &haris(ati& leadership di%%ers %ro( trans%or(ational
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
42 @haris(ati& leadership is a &hara&teristi& %ound (ainl$ in transa&tional leaders
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1467
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
44 Trans%or(ational leaders shape a strategi& )ision o% the %uture that %o&uses
e(plo$ees on a superordinate organisational goal
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/7
43 Trans%or(ational leaders %ra(e their )ision #$ setting it aside until the ti(e is
right to introdu&e it again
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/7
47 E%%e&ti)e trans%or(ational leaders !1al0 the tal0" #$ (a0ing (eeting agendas'
1or0 s&hedules and other e8e&uti)e s$(#ols' patterns and settings (ore &onsistent
1ith the strategi& )ision
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/5
45 Aal0ing the tal0 assists organisational &hange #$ #uilding trust in the leader
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/5
4: E%%e&ti)e trans%or(ational leaders #uild &o((it(ent to1ards the strategi& )ision
#$ using 1ords' s$(#ols and stories that inspire and energise e(plo$ees to adopt the
)ision as their o1n
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/:
4; One apparent pro#le( 1ith the trans%or(ational leadership perspe&ti)e is that it
still i(plies a uni)ersal rather than &ontingen&$ approa&h to leadership
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/:
30 The i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e e8plains ho1 per&eptual pro&esses &ause
people to in%late the i(portan&e o% leadership in e8plaining organisational e)ents
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1465
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/:
31 Leaders ha)e a di%%i&ult ti(e getting due &redit %or their e%%orts #e&ause attri#ution
errors &ause %ollo1ers to attri#ute organisational out&o(es to the en)iron(ent rather
than the leader
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
3/ The i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e en&ourages potential leaders to a&t di%%erentl$
than 1hat e(plo$ees e8pe&t
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
32 E8pe&tan&$ theor$ and goal setting are the t1o (ain &on&epts #ehind the i(pli&it
leadership perspe&ti)e o% leadership
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 4/:4;
34 @ultural )alues shape the e8pe&tations that %ollo1ers ha)e o% their leaders
*ns+ True
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/;
33 <e&ent studies re)eal that the &on&ept and %eatures o% leadership are si(ilar
around the 1orld
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/;
37 The (eaning o% leadership is so di%%erent a&ross &ultures that there are no
uni)ersal leadership &hara&teristi&s
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/;420
35 <esear&h indi&ates that (ale and %e(ale leaders do not di%%er in their le)els o%
tas06oriented and people6oriented leadership
*ns+ True
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146:
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
3: Ao(en tend to use the parti&ipati)e leadership st$le less o%ten than do (en
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
3; The e(erging e8pe&tations o% e%%e&ti)e leaders are in&onsistent 1ith ho1 (an$
1o(en pre%er to lead
*ns+ False
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 42041
-ultiple &hoi&e
70 Ahi&h o% these state(ents a#out leadership is T<UEB
* !Leadership" in&ludes the pro&ess o% in%luen&ing others
? !Leadership" in&ludes a&tions that &hange the 1or0 en)iron(ent so that e(plo$ees
are #etter a#le to a&hie)e tea( or organisational o#=e&ti)es
@ Leadership applies to people in an$ position in the organisation' not =ust those in
e8e&uti)e positions
, *ll o% these state(ents are true
E None o% these state(ents is true
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 414
71 E%%e&ti)e leaders+
* help groups o% people de%ine their goals
? use po1er and persuasion to ensure that %ollo1ers ha)e the (oti)ation and role
&larit$ to a&hie)e spe&i%ied goals
@ arrange the 1or0 en)iron(ent so that e(plo$ees &an a&hie)e &orporate o#=e&ti)es
(ore easil$
, do all o% these
E do none o% these
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 414
7/ Ahi&h o% these state(ents a#out leadership is F*LSEB
* *n$one (a$ #e a leader at an appropriate ti(e and pla&e
? Leaders use po1er and persuasion to get others to a&hie)e organisational
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146;
@ In the 1;40s' leadership e8perts identi%ied se)en &o(peten&ies that are &onsistentl$
asso&iated 1ith e%%e&ti)e leadership
, E%%e&ti)e leaders pro)ide an en)iron(ent %or %ollo1ers to a&hie)e tea( or
organisational o#=e&ti)es
E Organisational #eha)iour s&holars ha)e studied leadership %ro( se)eral di%%erent
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 414
72 @o(peten&$' &ontingen&$' i(pli&it and trans%or(ational represent %our o% the
* sour&es o% organisational po1er
? perspe&ti)es o% leadership
@ %or(s o% e(plo$ee in)ol)e(ent
, pro&ess theories o% (oti)ation
E le)els o% (edia ri&hness in &o((uni&ation
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 414413
74 Ahi&h o% these is NOT e8pli&itl$ identi%ied in the te8t#oo0 as a leadership
* *ttitudinal
? @ontingen&$
@ Trans%or(ational
, I(pli&it
E @o(peten&$
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 414413
73 Ahi&h leadership perspe&ti)e ta0es the )ie1 that leadership is a &hara&teristi& o%
the personB
* Transa&tional perspe&ti)e o% leadership
? @o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e o% leadership
@ ?eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership
, .ath4goal leadership
E *ll o% these ta0e the )ie1 that leadership is a &hara&teristi& o% the person
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413417
77 The &o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e ta0es the )ie1 that+
* e%%e&ti)e leadership in)ol)es #eing #oth tas06oriented and people6oriented
? the #est leadership st$le depends on the situation
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14610
@ introdu&ing spe&i%i& en)iron(ental &onditions &an repla&e the need %or leaders
, leadership is a &hara&teristi& o% the person
E people tend to in%late the i(portan&e o% leadership in e8plaining organisational
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413415
75 Unli0e earlier resear&h on leadership traits' re&ent 1riting on leadership
&o(peten&ies has+
* %o&used on a #roader range o% personal &hara&teristi&s' su&h as 0no1ledge and
? &on&luded that leadership &annot #e deter(ined %ro( an indi)idual"s &o(peten&ies
@ ta0en a &ontingen&$ approa&h to leadership traits
, %o&used (ainl$ on the personalit$ traits and ph$si&al appearan&e o% great leaders
E &on&luded that personal &hara&teristi&s identi%$ %e(ale leaders #ut not (ale leaders
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
7: The &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership+
* is one o% the (ost re&entl$ studied perspe&ti)es o% leadership
? is no longer a&&epted as an approa&h to understanding leadership in organisations
@ ta0es a &ontingen&$ approa&h #$ identi%$ing the #est leadership &o(peten&ies
under di%%erent &onditions
, is #oth one o% the (ost re&entl$ studied perspe&ti)es o% leadership *N, is no
longer a&&epted as an approa&h to understanding leadership in organisations
E None o% these state(ents a&&uratel$ des&ri#es the &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 413415
7; ,ri)e' integrit$ and e(otional intelligen&e are identi%ied in the te8t#oo0 as+
* su#stitutes %or leadership
? the (ain ele(ents o% situational leadership theor$
@ &o(peten&ies o% e%%e&ti)e leaders
, &ontingen&ies in path4goal theor$
E the &hara&teristi&s o% %e(ale leaders that are not %ound in (ale leaders
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413417
50 *&&ording to re&ent 1riting on the su#=e&t' 1hi&h o% the %ollo1ing &o(peten&ies is
&hara&teristi& o% e%%e&ti)e leadersB
* >igh need %or a&hie)e(ent
? -oti)ation to #e&o(e a leader
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14611
@ >igh &on%iden&e in their leadership a#ilit$
, >igh integrit$
E *ll o% these are leadership &o(peten&ies
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413417
51 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing &o(peten&ies is NOT a &hara&teristi& o% e%%e&ti)e leadersB
* E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a high need %or personalised po1er
? E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a strong #elie% in their leadership a#ilities
@ E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a high le)el o% e(otional intelligen&e
, E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a high degree o% integrit$
E E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a#o)e a)erage &ogniti)e intelligen&e
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413417
5/ Ahat is the rele)an&e o% e(otional intelligen&e in leadershipB
* E(otional intelligen&e is one o% the (ost %reEuentl$ identi%ied &ontingen&ies o%
e(plo$ees 1hen &hoosing the #est leadership st$le
? E(otional intelligen&e is one o% the &o(peten&ies o% e%%e&ti)e leaders
@ E(otional intelligen&e is the ps$&hologi&al &ondition that (a0es people 1ant to
#elie)e that leaders (a0e a di%%eren&e
, <esear&hers 1ho &ondu&t leadership studies tend to ha)e a higher le)el o%
e(otional intelligen&e than resear&hers 1ho stud$ other organisational #eha)iour
E E(otional intelligen&e is not rele)ant to the stud$ o% leadership
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 413415
52 <e&ent leadership 1riting suggests that e(otional intelligen&e+
* is the onl$ trait that distinguishes e%%e&ti)e %ro( ine%%e&ti)e leaders
? is an i(portant &hara&teristi& o% e%%e&ti)e leaders
@ is less i(portant than earl$ 1riting on leadership traits had assu(ed
, is unrelated to e%%e&ti)e leadership
E is &urrentl$ uni(portant' #ut 1ill #e&o(e an i(portant leadership trait as the
1or0%or&e ages and =o#s #e&o(e less produ&tion6oriented
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413417
54 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing #est su((arises resear&h on the &o(peten&$ CtraitD
perspe&ti)e o% leadershipB
* E%%e&ti)e leaders tend to ha)e a %e1 &o((on )alues and a#ilities' su&h as dri)e'
intelligen&e and integrit$
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1461/
? @o(peten&ies ha)e no i(portan&e in identi%$ing e%%e&ti)e leaders
@ Leadership s&holars ha)e identi%ied at least t1o doFen &o(peten&ies that are
&learl$ related to e%%e&ti)e leadership
, The &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership has e)ol)ed into a sophisti&ated
&ontingen&$6oriented (odel
E * %e1 ph$si&al appearan&e traits Ceg heightD are good predi&tors o% leadership
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
53 The &o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e o% leadership+
* states that leadership e8ists (ainl$ in the per&eptions o% %ollo1ers
? is o%ten applied #$ organisations 1hen sele&ting e8e&uti)es and %uture leaders
@ is the (ost re&entl$ de)eloped perspe&ti)e o% leadership
, states that the (ost appropriate leadership st$le depends on the situation
E la$s the %oundation %or the &ontingen&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415
57 >o1 does sel%6(onitoring personalit$ relate to leadershipB
* It is easier to #e an e%%e&ti)e leader 1hen su#ordinates ha)e lo1 sel%6(onitoring
? Leaders are (ore li0el$ to #e e%%e&ti)e i% the$ ha)e a lo1 sel%6(onitoring
@ It is easier to #e an e%%e&ti)e leader 1hen su#ordinates ha)e high sel%6(onitoring
, >igh sel%6(onitors are (ore li0el$ to e(erge as e%%e&ti)e leaders
E None o% these state(ents is a&&urate
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 413415
55 One pro#le( 1ith the &o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e o% leadership is that+
* resear&h does not %ind an$ e)iden&e that e%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e spe&i%i&
? &o(peten&ies re%le&t the leader"s per%or(an&e rather than potential
@ (ost leadership &o(peten&ies are too spe&i%i&' lea)ing no opportunit$ to interpret
their (eaning #roadl$
, it i(plies a uni)ersal rather than &ontingen&$ approa&h to leadership
E resear&hers ha)e not $et &onsidered ph$si&al appearan&e in the list o% possi#le
leadership traits
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 417415
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14612
5: Ahi&h leadership theor$ or perspe&ti)e tends to adopt a uni)ersal rather than
&ontingen&$ approa&hB
* @o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e
? Trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e
@ #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e
, *ll o% these adopt a uni)ersal rather than &ontingen&$ approa&h
E Onl$ the &o(peten&$ and #eha)ioural perspe&ti)es are uni)ersal' 1hereas the
trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e is &ontingen&$6oriented
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413' 4/4 G 415
5; Ahat do the &o(peten&$' #eha)ioural and trans%or(ational leadership theories
ha)e in &o((onB
* *ll o% the( ha)e #een re=e&ted #$ O? s&holars as poor representations o% e%%e&ti)e
? *ll o% the( generall$ assu(e a !one #est 1a$" Cuni)ersalD approa&h to leadership
@ *ll o% the( e8pli&itl$ &onsider the rele)an&e o% e(otional intelligen&e in
, *ll o% the( e8pli&itl$ des&ri#e leadership in ter(s o% the leader"s po1er o)er
E *ll o% the( are &ontingen&$ approa&hes to leadership
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 413' 415 G 4/4
:0 *&&ording to the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership+
* all great leaders are highl$ tas06oriented and (u&h lo1er in ter(s o% people6
oriented #eha)iours
? leadership #eha)iours are &lustered into either parti&ipati)e or a&hie)e(ent6
oriented groups
@ leadership #eha)iours are &lustered into people6oriented and tas06oriented groups
, the #est leadership st$le depends on the e(plo$ee"s #eha)iour at the ti(e o%
E leadership st$le is related to the indi)idual"s personalit$ and' &onseEuentl$'
organisations should engineer the situation to %it the leader"s do(inant st$le
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41541:
:1 The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership identi%ied 1hi&h t1o &lusters o%
leadership #eha)ioursB
* Tas06oriented and people6oriented
? Trans%or(ational and transa&tional
@ Supporti)e and a&hie)e(ent6oriented
, Trans%or(ational and i(pli&it
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14614
E Tas06oriented and &o(peten&$6#ased
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41541:
:/ Ahi&h leadership perspe&ti)es or theories e8pli&itl$ &onsider the leader"s tas06
oriented and people6oriented st$lesB
* @o(peten&$
? ?eha)ioural
@ .ath4goal
, @o(peten&$' #eha)ioural' and path4goal e8pli&itl$ &onsider tas06oriented and
people6oriented st$les
E ?oth #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e and path4goal theor$ &onsider tas06oriented and
people6oriented st$les
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41:
:2 *&&ording to resear&h on the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership' tas06oriented
leaders tend to+
* esta#lish &hallenging goals
? de)elop (utual trust and respe&t %or su#ordinates
@ listen to e(plo$ee suggestions
, do personal %a)ours %or e(plo$ees
E do all o% these things
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41:
:4 Ahi&h o% these state(ents a#out people6oriented and tas06oriented leadership
st$les is F*LSEB
* The t1o di(ensions o% the Leadership Hrid
are si(ilar to the people6oriented and
tas06oriented leadership st$les
? .eople6oriented and tas06oriented leadership st$les are at opposite ends o% a
#eha)ioural &ontinuu(
@ Tas06oriented leaders tend to de)ote (ore energ$ to1ards de%ining and stru&turing
1or0 roles
, Tas06oriented leadership is asso&iated 1ith lo1er =o# satis%a&tion
E .eople6oriented leaders sho1 (ore (utual trust and respe&t %or su#ordinates than
do tas06oriented leaders
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.age+ 41:
:3 So(e leadership st$les in path4goal theor$ are deri)ed %ro(+
* trans%or(ational leadership
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14613
? i(pli&it leadership theor$
@ #eha)ioural leadership theor$
, leadership &o(peten&ies
E .ath4goal theor$ does not (ention an$ leadership st$les
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41:4/0
:7 The t1o di(ensions o% leadership highlighted in the #eha)ioural leadership
perspe&ti)e are also spe&i%i&all$ identi%ied in+
* path4goal theor$
? trans%or(ational leadership
@ i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
, leadership &o(peten&ies perspe&ti)e
E none o% these theories or perspe&ti)es
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41:4/0
:5 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing state(ents a#out path4goal theor$ is T<UEB
* .ath4goal theor$ &onsiders se)en di%%erent leadership &o(peten&ies
? .ath4goal theor$ is #ased on the idea that leadership is a sta#le personalit$ trait' so
it is easier to &hange the situation to (at&h the person"s leadership st$le
@ .ath4goal theor$ &onsiders the su#ordinate"s a#ilit$ and e8perien&e 1hen
deter(ining the #est leadership st$le %or the situation
, .ath4goal theor$ assu(es that (anagers &an appl$ onl$ one leadership st$le in a
gi)en situation
E The (ain o#=e&ti)e o% path4goal theor$ is to en&ourage leaders to de)elop highl$
people6oriented and tas06oriented #eha)iours 1hene)er the$ intera&t 1ith
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41:4/1
:: .ath4goal theor$ argues that+
* leadership is relati)el$ uni(portant in organisations
? parti&ipati)e leadership is the (ost e%%e&ti)e st$le o% leadership
@ supporti)e leadership is #est 1here the e(plo$ee"s =o# is highl$ satis%$ing
, great leaders are #orn' not (ade
E the (ost e%%e&ti)e leader #eha)iour depends on the situation
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41:4/1
:; *&&ording to the path4goal theor$ o% leadership+
* great leaders are #orn' not (ade
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14617
? the #est leaders possess high le)els o% e(otional intelligen&e
@ dire&ti)e leadership is ine%%e&ti)e 1hen e(plo$ees are e8perien&ed and 1or0 in
routine =o#s
, leaders are &onsidered e%%e&ti)e #$ %ollo1ers 1hen the$ a&t and loo0 &onsistentl$
1ith the per&eptions and stereot$pes that %ollo1ers hold o% ideal leaders
E a&hie)e(ent6oriented leadership is the (ost e%%e&ti)e st$le o% leadership
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41:4/1
;0 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing is NOT identi%ied as a &ontingen&$ (odel o% leadershipB
* Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ theor$
? >erse$4?lan&hard"s situational theor$
@ .ath4goal theor$
, ?eha)ioural leadership theor$
E Leadership su#stitutes theor$
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41:4/2
;1 Ser)ant leadership is (ost &losel$ asso&iated 1ith+
* path4goal leadership
? the i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
@ the &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership
, the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership
E trans%or(ational leadership
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41;
;/ Ser)ant leadership e(phasises the notion that+
* e(plo$ees are paid to ser)e their leaders
? leaders should ha)e ser)ants to per%or( the 1or0
@ e(plo$ees are ser)ants in the organisation' so the$ should pla&e organisational
o#=e&ti)es a#o)e their personal needs
, Ser)ant leadership e(phasises all o% these
E Ser)ant leadership e(phasises none o% these
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 41;
;2 Husher Oil Ltd e8pe&ts all o% its e8e&uti)es and super)isors to a&t as &oa&hes'
ste1ards and %a&ilitators to e(plo$ees Their (ain o#=e&ti)e is to (a0e it easier %or
e(plo$ees to per%or( their =o#s Husher Oil is (ainl$ en&ouraging 1hi&h o% the
* Trans%or(ational leadership
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14615
? I(pli&it leadership
@ Ser)ant leadership
, @o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e o% leadership
E Leadership su#stitutes
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41441;
;4 Ahi&h leadership theor$ or perspe&ti)e e8pli&itl$ in&ludes the parti&ipati)e st$leB
* @o(peten&$ CtraitD perspe&ti)e
? Trans%or(ational leadership theor$
@ I(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
, .ath4goal theor$
E *ll o% these e8pli&itl$ in&lude the parti&ipati)e st$le
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/0
;3 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing is a leadership st$le identi%ied in path4goal theor$B
* *&hie)e(ent6oriented leadership
? Selling st$le o% leadership
@ Trans%or(ational leadership st$le
, E(otionall$ intelligent leadership st$le
E *ll o% these are leadership st$les identi%ied in path4goal theor$
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41;4/0
;7 Ahi&h leadership st$le in path4goal theor$ is (ost &losel$ asso&iated 1ith goal
setting and positi)e sel%6%ul%illing prophe&$B
* ,ire&ti)e
? Supporti)e
@ .arti&ipati)e
, *&hie)e(ent6oriented
E None o% these relates in an$ 1a$ to goal setting and positi)e sel%6%ul%illing
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/0
;5 *&&ording to path4goal theor$' supporti)e leadership is (ost appropriate 1hen+
* the =o# is routine
? the e(plo$ee 1or0s in a highl$ &ohesi)e tea(
@ the e(plo$ee la&0s e8perien&e in the =o#
, the e(plo$ee has an internal lo&us o% &ontrol
E an$ or all o% these &onditions are present
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1461:
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.age+ 4/0
;: .ath4goal theor$ states that dire&ti)e leadership is NOT an e%%e&ti)e leadership
st$le 1hen+
* the e(plo$ee"s =o# is highl$ stru&tured
? the e(plo$ee li0es to #e told 1hat to do
@ the e(plo$ee"s =o# is highl$ &o(ple8
, the e(plo$ee does not 0no1 1hat is e8pe&ted o% hi( or her
E ,ire&ti)e leadership is NOT an e%%e&ti)e leadership st$le 1hen an$ o% these
&onditions e8ist
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/1
;; .ath4goal theor$ states that leaders should appl$ the parti&ipati)e st$le 1hen+
* the e(plo$ee has an e8ternal lo&us o% &ontrol
? the e(plo$ee la&0s =o# e8perien&e
@ the tas0 is routine
, all o% these &onditions e8ist
E none o% these &onditions e8ist
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4/041
100 *&&ording to path4goal theor$' 1hi&h leadership st$le or &o(#ination o% st$les
1ould #e (ost e%%e&ti)e %or people 1ho are s0illed and e8perien&ed in the =o#B
* ,ire&ti)e and supporti)e leadership
? Supporti)e and parti&ipati)e leadership
@ ,ire&ti)e and parti&ipati)e leadership
, .arti&ipati)e leadership
E Supporti)e leadership
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.age+ 4/1
101 Suppose that $ou are the ne1 super)isor o% a unit o% e(plo$ees 1ho 1or0 in
non6routine =o#s These e(plo$ees are highl$ e8perien&ed and &on%ident in their
1or0 *&&ording to path4goal theor$' 1hi&h leadership st$le 1ould #e (ost
appropriate in this situationB
* ,ire&ti)e
? .arti&ipati)e
@ Supporti)e
, *#usi)e
E None o% these 1ould #e appropriate in this situation
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1461;
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.age+ 4/1
10/ One pro#le( 1ith path4goal theor$ is that+
* it has )er$ little resear&h support
? so(e ele(ents o% the theor$ ha)e not $et #een studied
@ it ignores the possi#ilit$ that the #est leadership st$le depends on the situation
, it o)erloo0s the t1o di(ensions o% leadership identi%ied in the #eha)ioural
perspe&ti)e o% leadership
E it ignores tea( d$na(i&s as a possi#le &ontingen&$ o% leadership
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/1
102 >erse$ and ?lan&hard"s situational leadership (odel states that the #est
leadership st$le depends on+
* the readiness o% %ollo1ers
? the a)aila#ilit$ o% leadership su#stitutes
@ the leader"s &apa&it$ to 1al0 the tal0
, the leader"s integrit$' 1eight and other traits or &o(peten&ies
E none o% these &onditions
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4//
104 Telling' selling' parti&ipating and delegating represent the %our leadership st$les
identi%ied in+
* path4goal theor$
? trans%or(ational leadership theor$
@ leadership &o(peten&ies theor$
, >erse$ and ?lan&hard"s situational leadership theor$
E i(pli&it leadership theor$
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4//
103 *&&ording to the te8t#oo0' 1hi&h o% these leadership &on&epts or theories has
little or no resear&h supportB
* >erse$ and ?lan&hard"s situational leadership theor$
? E(otional intelligen&e and integrit$ as leadership &o(peten&ies
@ Trans%or(ational leadership
, Leadership su#stitutes theor$
E .ath4goal leadership theor$
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/0
.age+ 4//
107 *&&ording to Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ (odel o% leadership+
* e)er$one has the sa(e &apa&it$ to #e&o(e an e%%e&ti)e leader
? e%%e&ti)e leaders are a#le to &hange their st$le to %it the situation
@ the #est leadership st$le depends on the a)aila#ilit$ o% leadership su#stitutes
, Fiedler"s theor$ states all o% these
E Fiedler"s theor$ states none o% these
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4//42
105 Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ (odel o% leadership states that the #est leadership st$le
depends on+
* the leader"s e(otional intelligen&e
? the le)el o% situational &ontrol
@ the leader"s le)el o% ser)ant leadership
, the leader"s 0no1ledge o% the e(plo$ee"s =o#
E all o% these &onditions
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4//42
10: Ahi&h leadership theor$ e8pli&itl$ argues that people ha)e a pre%erred leadership
st$le #ased on their personalit$' so organisations should (o)e leaders into situations
that %it their pre%erred st$leB
* .ath4goal theor$
? Trans%or(ational leadership
@ I(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
, Leadership &o(peten&ies perspe&ti)e
E Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ (odel o% leadership
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4//42
10; Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ theor$ o% leadership has (ade an i(portant and lasting
&ontri#ution to the stud$ o% leadership #e&ause it+
* is the onl$ leadership theor$ to adopt a &ontingen&$ approa&h
? 1as the %irst theor$ to re&ognise the e8isten&e o% leadership su#stitutes
@ suggests that organisations need to engineer the situation to %it the leader"s
pre%erred st$le' rather than )i&e )ersa
, dis&o)ered that e%%e&ti)e leaders do not ha)e a &o((on set o% &o(peten&ies
E is the onl$ theor$ to adopt the i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4//42
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/1
110 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing state(ents a#out the leadership su#stitutes (odel is
* So(e situational &onditions su#stitute %or tas06oriented or people6oriented
leadership st$les
? So(e leadership su#stitutes are in&orporated into the path4goal leadership theor$
@ Leadership su#stitutes neutralise or repla&e trans%or(ational rather than
transa&tional leadership
, Leadership su#stitutes in&lude &hara&teristi&s o% the e(plo$ee' tas0 or organisation
that either li(it the leader"s in%luen&e or (a0e it unne&essar$
E Leadership su#stitutes ta0e a &ontingen&$6oriented )ie1 o% leadership
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/244
111 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing 1ould #e a leadership su#stituteB
* S0illed e(plo$ees
? E(plo$ees 1ith strong sel%6leadership &o(peten&ies
@ .er%or(an&e6#ased re1ard s$ste(s
, Supporti)e &olleagues
E *ll o% these are leadership su#stitutes
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 4/244
11/ Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing has #e&o(e (ore i(portant as organisations re(o)e
super)isors and shi%t to1ard tea(6#ased stru&turesB
* Tas06oriented #eha)iours
? I(pli&it leadership
@ Leadership su#stitutes
, >erse$ and ?lan&hard"s situational leadership theor$
E Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ theor$ o% leadership
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/244
112 Ahi&h leadership theor$ or perspe&ti)e adopts the )ie1 that leaders are agents o%
* Trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e
? .ath4goal theor$
@ I(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
, ?eha)ioural perspe&ti)e
E Leadership su#stitutes
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.age+ 4/4
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146//
114 Transa&tional leaders+
* i(pro)e e%%i&ien&$
? #uild a strategi& )ision to &hange the organisation
@ represent an unrealisti& stereot$pe that %ollo1ers ha)e o% great leaders
, possess all o% the &o(peten&ies o% great leaders
E are/do none o% these
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
113 Transa&tional leadership is (ost si(ilar to+
* the i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
? trans%or(ational leadership
@ leadership &o(peten&ies
, path4goal theor$ o% leadership
E #oth the i(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e *N, trans%or(ational leadership
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/4
117 !@haris(ati& leadership" re%ers to+
* personal traits that pro)ide re%erent po1er o)er others
? the sa(e %eatures as transa&tional leadership
@ the sa(e %eatures as trans%or(ational leadership
, the people6oriented #eha)iours in the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership
E an$ situation 1here %ollo1ers attri#ute positi)e things to leaders 1ho do not reall$
deser)e this &redit
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/443
115 Trans%or(ational leadership states that e%%e&ti)e leaders+
* use (undane tools su&h as (eeting agendas to (o)e the organisation in a ne1
? &reate a )ision o% 1here the &o(pan$ should #e going
@ esta#lish ne1 goals and e8pe&tations %or the organisation
, (o#ilise &o((it(ent %or organisational &hange #$ a&ting as role (odels
E do all o% these things
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/44:
11: Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing 1ould NOT #e &onsidered trans%or(ational leadershipB
* ,o things that are &onsistent 1ith the ne1 &orporate )ision
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/2
? Sho1 e(plo$ees ho1 to per%or( the =o# (ore e%%i&ientl$
@ Use (etaphors and uniEue language to s$(#olise the ne1 )ision
, @reate a ne1 setting or arrange(ent to (ar0 a &hange in dire&tion %or the
E Aor0 1ith e(plo$ees to de)elop a &o((on (ental (odel o% the organisation"s
desired %uture
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/:
11; Trans%or(ational leaders !%ra(e" their )ision #$+
* en&ouraging e(plo$ees to parti&ipate in the sear&h %or a ne1 &orporate strateg$
? des&ri#ing the strategi& )ision in the %or( o% a Euantitati)e %or(ula
@ #eha)ing in 1a$s large and s(all that s$(#olise the )alues that he or she is
, a&ting persistentl$ and &onsistentl$ to1ards the strategi& )ision
E None o% these things re%er to ho1 trans%or(ational leaders !%ra(e" their )ision
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4/74:
1/0 !Aal0ing the tal0" re%ers to 1hi&h o% the %ollo1ingB
* The leader uses (etaphors to s$(#olise the )ision
? The leader %ra(es the )ision around a grand purpose
@ The leader pro)ides spe&i%i& instru&tions to help e(plo$ees understand the tas0
, The leader #eha)es in 1a$s that s$(#olise the )ision
E None o% these re%ers to !1al0ing the tal0"
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/54:
1/1 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing is a li(itation o% the trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e o%
* It %o&uses too (u&h on ho1 leaders i(pro)e organisational e%%i&ien&$
? It is t$pi&all$ presented as a &ontingen&$ rather than uni)ersal perspe&ti)e
@ <esear&hers tend to de%ine trans%or(ational leaders in ter(s o% their su&&ess' rather
than #$ 1hether the$ engage in spe&i%i& #eha)iours
, *ll o% these are li(itations o% the trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e
E The trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e does not $et ha)e an$ 0no1n li(itations
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/:
1// *ttri#ution theor$ is a (a=or &o(ponent o% 1hi&h o% these leadership
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/4
* Trait perspe&ti)e
? I(pli&it leadership perspe&ti)e
@ @ontingen&$ perspe&ti)e
, Trans%or(ational perspe&ti)e
E ?eha)iour perspe&ti)e
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 4/:4;
1/2 Ahen %ollo1ers stereot$pe leaders' the$+
* attri#ute the a&tions o% leaders to e8ternal &auses
? gi)e leaders (ore &redit or #la(e than the$ are due #e&ause o% our need to #elie)e
that li%e"s e)ents are &aused (ainl$ #$ hu(an agents
@ #elie)e that e%%e&ti)e leaders are in%alli#le
, #elie)e that leaders are e%%e&ti)e onl$ i% the$ #eha)e &onsistentl$ 1ith the
%ollo1er"s pre&on&eptions o% ho1 an e%%e&ti)e leader should a&t
E tend to o#ser)e the leader"s per%or(an&e rather than ph$si&al %eatures and other
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 4/:
1/4 Ahen 1e stereot$pe leaders' 1hi&h o% the %ollo1ing o&&ursB
* Ae ha)e di%%i&ult$ #elie)ing that an$one is an e%%e&ti)e leader
? Ae tend to attri#ute e)er$thing that happens in the organisation to its leader
@ Ae tr$ to si(pli%$ the &auses o% organisational e)ents #$ sa$ing that the$ are due to
, Ae tend to e)aluate leadership e%%e&ti)eness on the person"s appearan&e and
#eha)iour rather than on the &onseEuen&es o% his or her a&tions
E None o% these o&&urs 1hen 1e stereot$pe leaders
*ns+ ,
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
1/3 The i(pli&it theor$ o% leadership states that+
* e)er$one is &apa#le o% #eing an e%%e&ti)e leader
? the #est leadership st$le depends on #oth the &hara&teristi&s o% e(plo$ees and the
en)iron(ent in 1hi&h the$ 1or0
@ leadership is a per&eption o% %ollo1ers' not =ust a&tual #eha)iours and &o(peten&ies
o% people &alled leaders
, there is no su&h thing as leadership
E leaders are people 1ho &hange organisations
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/3
1/7 @ross6&ultural studies o% leadership report that+
* all leaders ha)e the sa(e set o% )alues
? &haris(ati& )isionar$ is a uni)ersall$6re&ognised leadership &on&ept
@ parti&ipati)e leadership is a &hara&teristi& o% e%%e&ti)e leaders a&ross all &ultures
, the &on&ept o% leadership does not )ar$ %ro( one &ountr$ to the ne8t
E *ll o% these state(ents are true
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/;420
1/5 Ahi&h o% the %ollo1ing state(ents a#out leadership and gender is T<UEB
* -ale leaders tend to use the parti&ipati)e st$le (ore o%ten than %e(ale leaders
? -ale and %e(ale leaders generall$ do not di%%er in their use o% tas06oriented and
people6oriented leadership
@ -ale and %e(ale leaders generall$ do not di%%er in their use o% parti&ipati)e
, Se8 stereot$pes in%luen&e the e)aluations that su#ordinates assign to their leaders
E *ll o% these state(ents are true
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
1/: >o1 do 1o(en di%%er %ro( (en in their use o% leadership st$lesB
* Ao(en tend to use (ore o% the people6oriented leadership st$le than (en
? Ao(en tend to use (ore o% the parti&ipati)e leadership st$le than (en
@ Ao(en tend to use (ore o% the tas06oriented leadership st$le than (en
, Ao(en and (en use all leadership st$les to a#out the sa(e e8tent
E Organisational #eha)iour resear&h has not studied the relati)e tenden&$ o% (en and
1o(en to use &ertain leadership st$les
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 42041
1/; @o(pared to (ale leaders' %e(ale leaders tend to ha)e a (ore+
* tas06oriented st$le
? people6oriented st$le
@ parti&ipati)e st$le
, people6oriented st$le *N, parti&ipati)e st$le
E -ale and %e(ale leaders do not di%%er in their leadership st$les
*ns+ @
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
120 <esear&h on gender and leadership suggests that+
* %e(ale leaders are less tas06oriented than (ale leaders
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/7
? (ale and %e(ale leaders adopt eEual degrees o% tas06oriented' people6oriented and
parti&ipati)e leadership
@ (ale leaders are less people6oriented than %e(ale leaders
, %e(ale leaders are less parti&ipati)e than (ale leaders
E all o% these state(ents are %alse
*ns+ E
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
121 .eople tend to e)aluate %e(ale leaders slightl$ less %a)oura#l$ than (ale leaders
* 1o(en are not as s0illed at leading people
? the$ tend to rel$ on se8 stereot$pe #iases
@ people do not ha)e (an$ e8a(ples o% 1o(en in leadership roles
, 1o(en tend to use one leadership st$le 1hereas e%%e&ti)e leaders use (an$ st$les
E o% all o% these reasons
*ns+ ?
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 42041
12/ Ahi&h o% these state(ents a#out gender and leadership is F*LSEB
* The leadership ratings o% 1o(en ha)e de&reased relati)e to the ratings (en
? S&holars suggest that 1o(en are possi#l$ (ore parti&ipati)e #e&ause their
up#ringing has (ade the( (ore egalitarian and less status oriented
@ .opular opinion a(ong leaders and e(plo$ees is that (en and 1o(en lead
, Earl$ O? resear&h &on&luded that %e(ale leaders are e)aluated less %a)oura#l$ than
eEui)alent (ale leaders due to se8 stereot$pe #ias
E <e&ent sur)e$s report that 1o(en are rated higher than (en on &oa&hing'
tea(1or0 and e(po1ering e(plo$ees
*ns+ *
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 42041
Short *ns1er
122 Ne1Te&h Ltd is sear&hing %or a ne1 )i&e6president o% (ar0eting and 1ants to
%ind so(eone 1ith e8&ellent leadership Eualities *long 1ith e)aluating ea&h =o#
&andidate"s past e8perien&e' Ne1Te&h intends to assess ea&h &andidate"s leadership
&o(peten&ies Identi%$ %our &o(peten&ies that Ne1Te&h should #e e8a(ining in ea&h
*ns+ Students &an identi%$ an$ %our o% the se)en leadership traits listed #elo1+
E(otional intelligen&e E%%e&ti)e leaders are a#le to (onitor their o1n and others"
e(otions' dis&ri(inate a(ong the( and use this in%or(ation to guide their #eha)iour
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/5
This in&ludes ha)ing a strong sel%6(onitoring personalit$ so that the$ are sensiti)e to
situational &ues and &an readil$ adapt their o1n #eha)iour appropriatel$
Integrit$ E%%e&ti)e leaders are truth%ul and translate 1ords into deeds Leaders 1ill
onl$ ha)e %ollo1ers 1hen trust is (aintained through the leader"s integrit$
,ri)e This re%ers to the inner (oti)ation that leaders possess to pursue their goals In
parti&ular' leaders ha)e a high need %or a&hie)e(ent
Leadership (oti)ation E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a strong need %or so&ialised po1er
The$ 1ant to use their po1er #ases to in%luen&e their tea( or organisation and (a0e it
Sel%6&on%iden&e Leaders #elie)e in their leadership s0ills and a#ilit$ to a&hie)e
o#=e&ti)es The$ also use i(pression (anage(ent ta&ti&s des&ri#ed in @hapter 1/ to
&on)in&e %ollo1ers o% their &on%iden&e
Intelligen&e Leaders ha)e a#o)e6a)erage &ogniti)e a#ilit$ to pro&ess enor(ous
a(ounts o% in%or(ation Leaders are not ne&essaril$ geniuses <ather' the$ ha)e
superior a#ilit$ to anal$se alternati)e s&enarios and identi%$ potential opportunities
Jno1ledge o% the #usiness Leaders need to understand the en)iron(ent in 1hi&h
the$ operate to (a0e (ore intuiti)e de&isions This relates to the idea that intuition
reEuires e8perien&e and inti(ate 0no1ledge o% the industr$
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413417
124 Southern Industrials Ltd 1ants to de)elop a &o(peten&$6#ased approa&h to
e8e&uti)e sele&tion Ahi&h leadership perspe&ti)e (ainl$ applies to this pra&ti&eB
*lso' #ased on leadership resear&h' identi%$ %our !&o(peten&ies" that Southern
Industrials 1ill pro#a#l$ identi%$ in e%%e&ti)e e8e&uti)es
*ns+ The leadership perspe&ti)e K &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e K should #e o#)ious to
all students Students &an identi%$ an$ %our o% the se)en leadership &o(peten&ies listed
,ri)e This re%ers to the inner (oti)ation that leaders possess to pursue their goals In
parti&ular' leaders ha)e a high need %or a&hie)e(ent
Leadership (oti)ation E%%e&ti)e leaders ha)e a strong need %or so&ialised po1er
The$ 1ant to use their po1er #ases to in%luen&e their tea( or organisation and (a0e it
Integrit$ E%%e&ti)e leaders are truth%ul and translate 1ords into deeds Leaders 1ill
onl$ ha)e %ollo1ers 1hen trust is (aintained through the leader"s integrit$
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/:
Sel%6&on%iden&e Leaders #elie)e in their leadership s0ills and a#ilit$ to a&hie)e
o#=e&ti)es The$ also use i(pression (anage(ent ta&ti&s des&ri#ed in @hapter 1/ to
&on)in&e %ollo1ers o% their &on%iden&e
Intelligen&e Leaders ha)e a#o)e a)erage &ogniti)e a#ilit$ to pro&ess enor(ous
a(ounts o% in%or(ation Leaders are not ne&essaril$ geniuses <ather' the$ ha)e
superior a#ilit$ to anal$se alternati)e s&enarios and identi%$ potential opportunities
Jno1ledge o% the #usiness Leaders need to understand the en)iron(ent in 1hi&h
the$ operate to (a0e (ore intuiti)e de&isions This relates to the idea that intuition
reEuires e8perien&e and inti(ate 0no1ledge o% the industr$
E(otional intelligen&e E%%e&ti)e leaders (onitor their o1n and others" e(otions'
dis&ri(inate a(ong the(' and use the in%or(ation to guide their thoughts and a&tions
The$ ha)e a strong sel%6(onitoring personalit$ to adapt their #eha)iour appropriatel$
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413417
123 The &urrent @EO at Tu0 Energ$ Ltd #elie)es that there is too little leadership
talent in the organisation This is trou#leso(e %or the e8e&uti)e #e&ause o)er the ne8t
%e1 $ears the &o(pan$ 1ill reEuire leaders 1ho &an #ring a#out signi%i&ant &hanges to
the &orporate &ulture and philosoph$ o% doing #usiness at Tu0 To address this
&hallenge' Tu0"s @EO 1ants to introdu&e a (a=or leadership de)elop(ent progra(
This progra( 1ould in&lude hiring people 1ith leadership &apa#ilities and pro)iding
leadership de)elop(ent opportunities %or those &urrentl$ e(plo$ed Lou ha)e #een
retained as a &onsultant to identi%$ the leadership (odels that are (ost appropriate %or
Tu0"s needs ,es&ri#e t1o leadership perspe&ti)es and spe&i%i& (odels that 1ould
pro)ide the #est %it %or Tu0"s o#=e&ti)es and =usti%$ $our de&ision
*ns+ * %e1 pie&es o% in%or(ation in this in&ident suggest that Tu0 should &onsider
#oth the &o(peten&$ and trans%or(ational perspe&ti)es to leadership
Leadership &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e Tu0"s @EO 1ants to hire people 1ith leadership
&apa#ilities This strongl$ suggests that the &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e should #e
&onsidered The &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e re&ognises that so(e people possess personal
&hara&teristi&s that o%%er the( a higher potential to #e great leaders It %o&uses on
se)eral personal &hara&teristi&s K su&h as 0no1ledge' a#ilities and )alues K that
indi&ate leadership potential Spe&i%i&all$' Tu0 should test appli&ants %or their dri)e'
leadership (oti)ation' integrit$' sel%6&on%iden&e' intelligen&e' 0no1ledge o% the
#usiness and e(otional intelligen&e Leadership talents are i(portant throughout the
organisation' so this re&o((endation should e8tend to all le)els o% hiring' not =ust
senior e8e&uti)es The &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e &onsiders leadership potential' so it is
also &onsistent 1ith the o#=e&ti)e o% de)eloping leadership &o(peten&ies through
learning opportunities at Tu0 The &o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e is also rele)ant here
#e&ause it re&ognises that leaders are &hange agents' not =ust e%%i&ien&$ e8perts
Trans%or(ational leadership perspe&ti)e Tu0 1ill e8perien&e &onsidera#le &hange
o)er the ne8t %e1 $ears' and this suggests that the trans%or(ational leadership
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 146/;
perspe&ti)e should #e &onsidered Trans%or(ational leaders are agents o% &hange
The$ de)elop a )ision %or the organisation or 1or0 unit' inspire and &olle&ti)el$ #ond
e(plo$ees to that )ision' and gi)e the( a !&an do" attitude that (a0es the )ision
a&hie)a#le Trans%or(ational leadership is a#out &hanging the organisation"s
strategies and &ulture so that the$ ha)e a #etter %it 1ith the surrounding en)iron(ent
This is e8a&tl$ 1hat Tu0"s @EO is see0ing in leadership talent Trans%or(ational
leadership perspe&ti)e is also rele)ant here #e&ause' to so(e e8tent' trans%or(ational
#eha)iours &an #e learned Thus' this perspe&ti)e (a$ pro)ide a te(plate or 1or0ing
(odel %or leadership de)elop(ent It identi%ies 1hat leaders need to de)elop in order
to #ring a#out (eaning%ul &hange in the organisation
So(e students (ight re&o((end path4goal theor$ or other &ontingen&$ theories
These (a$ ha)e so(e #ene%it' #ut Tu0"s pri(ar$ needs are in &hange leadership The
&ontingen&$ theories' on the other hand' (ainl$ %o&us on transa&tional leadership K
i(pro)ing e%%i&ien&$ o% &urrent pra&ti&es The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership is
inappropriate %or the sa(e reason' as 1ell as the %a&t that it la&0s the added
sophisti&ation o% a &ontingen&$ approa&h
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 413415 G 4/44:
127 Ahat leadership st$les does the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e identi%$ and 1hat is the
h$pothesised relationship #et1een these st$lesB
*ns+ The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e identi%ies t1o %unda(ental leadership st$les One
st$le is people6oriented This in&ludes sho1ing (utual trust and respe&t %or
su#ordinates' a genuine &on&ern %or their needs and a desire to loo0 out %or their
1el%are The other st$le is tas06oriented This in&ludes assigning e(plo$ees to
spe&i%i& tas0s' &lari%$ing their 1or0 duties and pro&edures' ensuring that the$ %ollo1
&o(pan$ rules and pushing the( to rea&h their per%or(an&e &apa&it$
The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e proposes that the people6oriented and tas06oriented st$les
are independent o% ea&h other' and that the (ost e%%e&ti)e leaders e8hi#it high le)els
o% #oth t$pes o% #eha)iour *lthough se)eral studies see( to support this h$pothesis'
s&holars generall$ #elie)e that e%%e&ti)e leaders do not ha)e &onsistentl$ high le)els o%
#oth people6oriented and tas06oriented leadership in all situations
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
.ages+ 41541:
125 The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership identi%ies t1o leadership st$les that
ha)e #een adopted #$ other leadership theories ,es&ri#e the t1o leadership st$les in
the #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e and identi%$ one other leadership theor$ that applies these
*ns+ The #eha)ioural perspe&ti)e o% leadership identi%ies t1o leadership &lusters or
st$les One o% these is the people6oriented st$le This st$le in&ludes sho1ing (utual
trust and respe&t %or su#ordinates' a genuine &on&ern %or their needs and a desire to
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14620
loo0 out %or their 1el%are For e8a(ple' a leader 1ho has a strong people6oriented
st$le 1ould #e 1illing to a&&ept e(plo$ee suggestions' do personal %a)ours %or
e(plo$ees' support their interests 1hen reEuired and treat e(plo$ees as eEuals
The other #eha)ioural leadership st$le is the tas06oriented leadership st$le This st$le
in&ludes #eha)iours that de%ine and stru&ture 1or0 roles Leaders assign e(plo$ees to
spe&i%i& tas0s' &lari%$ their 1or0 duties and pro&edures' ensure that the$ %ollo1
&o(pan$ rules and push the( to rea&h their per%or(an&e &apa&it$
*nother leadership theor$ that adopts the people6oriented and tas06oriented leadership
st$les is path4goal theor$ In path4goal theor$' dire&ti)e leadership is #ased on the
tas06oriented leadership st$le' 1hereas supporti)e leadership is #ased on the people6
oriented leadership st$le Students should #rie%l$ des&ri#e these leadership st$les in
the &onte8t o% path4goal theor$' as 1ell as outline the path4goal (odel
,i%%i&ult$+ ,i%%i&ult
.ages+ 4154//
12: *n insuran&e ad=uster is highl$ e8perien&ed #ut la&0s &on%iden&e in her a#ilities'
parti&ularl$ on ne1 assign(ents She see(s to #elie)e that an$ ne1 a&&o(plish(ents
are due (ore to lu&0 than her o1n e8pertise -oreo)er' her 1or0 in)ol)es intera&ting
1ith &lients' 1ho are so(eti(es aggressi)e or hostile This is a stress%ul situation to
(ost insuran&e ad=usters' in&luding this e(plo$ee Use path4goal theor$ to identi%$
the #est leadership st$leCsD that this e(plo$ee"s i((ediate super)isor should use to
i(pro)e her e%%e&ti)eness as an insuran&e ad=uster
*ns+ *&&ording to path4goal theor$' the leader in this situation should appl$ a
&o(#ination o% st$les First' to relie)e the stress%ul nature o% the 1or0' the super)isor
should e8hi#it supporti)e #eha)iours In other 1ords' the leader should #e %riendl$
and approa&ha#le >e or she should sho1 &on&ern %or the e(plo$ee"s 1ell #eing and
treat the person 1ith respe&t To &orre&t %or the e(plo$ee"s la&0 o% sel%6&on%iden&e'
the leader should appl$ a parti&ipati)e or a&hie)e(ent6oriented st$le
The e(plo$ee has the 0no1ledge' s0ills and e8perien&e to per%or( (ost tas0s' so
dire&ti)e leadership is not reEuired e8&ept %or )er$ &o(ple8 or uniEue assign(ents
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 41:4/0
12; *rnold S&h1artF is a &all &entre tea( leader 1ho is one o% the #est people in the
organisation %or de)eloping ne1 e(plo$ees in stress%ul &all &entre operations
S&h1artF 0no1s 1hen to pro)ide &lear dire&tions %or ne1 re&ruits and 1hen to
pro)ide support and understanding 1hen the 1or0load see(s o)er1hel(ing or
&usto(ers are angr$ >o1e)er' S&h1artF has trou#le 1or0ing 1ith s0illed and highl$
e8perien&ed sta%% (e(#ers So(e &o(plain that he loo0s o)er their shoulder too o%ten
and o%%ers too (u&h ad)i&e Others suggest that he 1ants to listen 1ith s$(path$ to
their un%a)oura#le &usto(er &alls e)en though the$ do not %eel the$ need this support
The )i&e6president o% &all &entre operations is &on&erned' #ased on this in%or(ation'
that S&h1artF see(s to #e an ine%%e&ti)e leader o)erall e)en though he 1or0s )er$
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14621
1ell 1ith ne1 re&ruits @o((ent on the a&&ura&$ o% the )i&e6president"s &on&lusions
a#out *rnold S&h1artF
*ns+ This Euestion re%ers to the issue o% 1hether e%%e&ti)e leaders ad=ust their st$le to
the situation Students (ight pro)ide one or (ore o% the %ollo1ing ans1ers to the
@o(peten&$ perspe&ti)e *&&ording to this perspe&ti)e' S&h1artF see(s to la&0 the
e(otional intelligen&e Cand sel%6(onitoring personalit$D' at least 1ith respe&t to
s0illed and e8perien&ed e(plo$ees >e has so(e o% this &o(peten&$ #e&ause he
ad=usts his #eha)iour %or ne1 sta%% (e(#ers ?ut he is less responsi)e to s0illed and
e8perien&ed people This (a$ also suggest that he la&0s the potential to adopt st$les
other than dire&ti)e and supporti)e leadership
.ath4goal theor$ *&&ording to path4goal theor$' S&h1artF is ine%%e&ti)e #e&ause he
does not adapt his leadership st$le to %it the situation Spe&i%i&all$' he should #e using
parti&ipati)e and a&hie)e(ent6oriented leadership %or s0illed and e8perien&ed
e(plo$ees and not dire&ti)e or supporti)e leadership CThe latter (a$ #e use%ul
o&&asionall$' #ut not as (u&h as he see(s to #e appl$ing this st$leD The 0e$ &on&ern
is that S&h1artF is not as &ontingen&$6oriented as he needs to #e in this =o#
Fiedler"s &ontingen&$ theor$ *&&ording to this theor$' S&h1artF is t$pi&al o% (ost
leaders >e has a pre%erred leadership st$le' #ut is pla&ed in a situation 1here his
pre%erred st$le does not %it the situation Fiedler"s theor$ argues that leadership st$le is
a personalit$ trait' not a %le8i#le set o% #eha)iour patterns that people &an easil$
ad=ust The solution' a&&ording to this (odel' is to &hange S&h1artF"s =o# to (at&h his
pre%erred st$le In this &ase' this 1ould in)ol)e putting hi( in &harge o% ne1
e(plo$ees' not s0illed and e8perien&ed sta%% (e(#ers For e8a(ple' perhaps he
1ould #e #etter suited as a trainer or &oa&h %or ne1 sta%% (e(#ers in &all &entres
.ro#a#l$ the #est ans1er is one that re&ognises that 1e need to &onsider all o% these
alternati)es In other 1ords' S&h1artF is not per%e&t' #ut 1e should tr$ to opti(ise his
leadership talents %or ne1 e(plo$ees #$ &hanging his =o# a&&ordingl$
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.age+ 413415 G 41:4/2
140 *re trans%or(ational leaders &haris(ati& leadersB
*ns+ So(e people eEuate &haris(a 1ith trans%or(ational leadership >o1e)er' the
te8t#oo0 &ites re&ent literature indi&ating that the t1o &on&epts are so(e1hat
di%%erent Trans%or(ational leadership is related to spe&i%i& #eha)iours that #ring
a#out (eaning%ul &hange' 1hereas &haris(ati& leadership re%ers (ainl$ to the
%ollo1er"s personal identi%i&ation 1ith the leader
@haris(a is not lin0ed to spe&i%i& #eha)iours Instead' it is t$pi&all$ dis&ussed in
ter(s o% the leader"s re%erent po1er o)er %ollo1ers
,i%%i&ult$+ Eas$
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 1462/
.ages+ 4/443
141 Ah$ do people tend to gi)e leaders too (u&h &redit or #la(e %or organisational
*ns+ There are #asi&all$ three per&eptual pro&esses that a%%e&t the 1a$ that people
)ie1 leaders and the e%%e&ts o% leaders on their en)iron(ents
*ttri#uting leadership .eople ha)e a strong need to understand 1h$ e)ents o&&ur so
that the$ &an %eel (ore &on%ident a#out ho1 to &ontrol the( in the %uture The
attri#ution pro&ess in)ol)es attri#uting the &ause o% these e)ents either to
&hara&teristi&s o% the person Cinternal attri#utionsD' su&h as a#ilit$ and (oti)ation' or
to &hara&teristi&s o% the situation Ce8ternal attri#utionsD' su&h as resour&es and lu&0 In
the &onte8t o% leadership' people are (ore li0el$ to attri#ute organisational out&o(es
to leaders than to en)iron(ental &onditions #e&ause the e%%e&ts o% e8ternal %or&es are
not as apparent Leaders are gi)en &redit or #la(e %or (an$ e)ents that are pri(aril$
#e$ond their &ontrol #e&ause these e8ternal %or&es are not apparent to o#ser)ers
Leaders rein%or&e this #elie% #$ ta0ing &redit %or organisational su&&esses
Stereot$ping leadership E(plo$ees ha)e a shared set o% e8pe&tations and stereot$pes
regarding the notion o% 1hat &onstitutes an e%%e&ti)e leader These pre&on&ei)ed ideas
o% ho1 leaders should #eha)e are used to de&ide 1ho has leadership Eualities and
1hether the$ are e%%e&ti)e ?$ rel$ing on these stereot$pes' e(plo$ees #asi&all$
e)aluate leadership e%%e&ti)eness (ore on the a&tions o% leaders than on their
out&o(es This is o%ten ne&essar$ #e&ause the &onseEuen&es o% leadership (a$ not #e
0no1n %or (onths or $ears >o1e)er' this per&eptual #ias also leads people to see
organisational e)ents as a result o% leadership initiati)es si(pl$ #e&ause the indi)idual
loo0s li0e an e%%e&ti)e leader
Need %or situational &ontrol .eople 1ant to #elie)e leaders (a0e a di%%eren&e One
reason is that leadership is a use%ul handle to si(pli%$ the &ausal (eaning o%
organisational pheno(ena <ather than tr$ing to gain a detailed understanding o%
&o(ple8 e)ents' 1e pre%er the (ore e%%i&ient e8planation that the$ are the result o%
e%%e&ti)e or ine%%e&ti)e leadership Se&ond' there is a strong tenden&$ in @anada and
other 1estern so&ieties to #elie)e e)ents are generated #$ people rather than %ro(
un&ontrolla#le natural %or&es This illusion o% &ontrol is satis%ied #$ #elie)ing that
e)ents result %ro( the rational a&tions o% leaders In short' e(plo$ees %eel #etter
#elie)ing that leaders (a0e a di%%eren&e' so the$ a&ti)el$ loo0 %or e)iden&e that this is
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
14/ So(e resear&hers suggest that leadership is due (ore to per&eptual errors a(ong
%ollo1ers than so(ething real ,es&ri#e t1o per&eptual errors that &ause %ollo1ers to
e8aggerate or distort their #elie%s a#out the leader"s in%luen&e on organisational
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14622
*ns+ In this Euestion' students (a$ des&ri#e an$ t1o o% the three per&eptual errors
dis&ussed in the te8t#oo0 *ll three are des&ri#ed #elo1
*ttri#uting leadership .eople ha)e a strong need to understand 1h$ e)ents o&&ur so
that the$ &an %eel (ore &on%ident a#out ho1 to &ontrol the( in the %uture The
attri#ution pro&ess in)ol)es attri#uting the &ause o% these e)ents either to
&hara&teristi&s o% the person Cinternal attri#utionsD' su&h as a#ilit$ and (oti)ation' or
to &hara&teristi&s o% the situation Ce8ternal attri#utionsD' su&h as resour&es and lu&0 In
the &onte8t o% leadership' people are (ore li0el$ to attri#ute organisational out&o(es
to leaders than to en)iron(ental &onditions #e&ause the e%%e&ts o% e8ternal %or&es are
not as apparent Leaders are gi)en &redit or #la(e %or (an$ e)ents that are pri(aril$
#e$ond their &ontrol #e&ause these e8ternal %or&es are not apparent to o#ser)ers
Leaders rein%or&e this #elie% #$ ta0ing &redit %or organisational su&&esses
Stereot$ping leadership E(plo$ees ha)e a shared set o% e8pe&tations and stereot$pes
regarding the notion o% 1hat &onstitutes an e%%e&ti)e leader These pre&on&ei)ed ideas
o% ho1 leaders should #eha)e are used to de&ide 1ho has leadership Eualities and
1hether the$ are e%%e&ti)e ?$ rel$ing on these stereot$pes' e(plo$ees #asi&all$
e)aluate leadership e%%e&ti)eness (ore on the a&tions o% leaders than on their
out&o(es This is o%ten ne&essar$ #e&ause the &onseEuen&es o% leadership (a$ not #e
0no1n %or (onths or $ears >o1e)er' this per&eptual #ias also leads people to see
organisational e)ents as a result o% leadership initiati)es si(pl$ #e&ause the indi)idual
loo0s li0e an e%%e&ti)e leader
Need %or situational &ontrol .eople 1ant to #elie)e leaders (a0e a di%%eren&e One
reason is that leadership is a use%ul handle to si(pli%$ the &ausal (eaning o%
organisational pheno(ena <ather than tr$ing to gain a detailed understanding o%
&o(ple8 e)ents' 1e pre%er the (ore e%%i&ient e8planation that the$ are the result o%
e%%e&ti)e or ine%%e&ti)e leadership Se&ond' there is a strong tenden&$ in @anada and
other 1estern so&ieties to #elie)e that li%e e)ents are generated %ro( people rather
than %ro( un&ontrolla#le natural %or&es This illusion o% &ontrol is satis%ied #$
#elie)ing that e)ents result %ro( the rational a&tions o% leaders In short' e(plo$ees
%eel #etter #elie)ing that leaders (a0e a di%%eren&e' so the$ a&ti)el$ loo0 %or e)iden&e
that this is so
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/:4;
142 ,is&uss the a&&ura&$ o% the %ollo1ing state(ent+ !Ao(en are less e%%e&ti)e than
(en in leadership positions #e&ause the$ tend to rel$ too (u&h on the supporti)e st$le
o% leadership"
*ns+ This state(ent is de%initel$ %alse First' resear&h indi&ates that 1o(en are =ust as
e%%e&ti)e as (en in leadership roles' there#$ (a0ing the %irst part o% the state(ent
in&orre&t Se&ond' 1o(en do not appl$ the supporti)e leadership st$le signi%i&antl$
(ore than (ale leaders' there#$ (a0ing the se&ond part o% the state(ent in&orre&t
Aith respe&t to the e%%e&ti)eness o% 1o(en as leaders' earlier O? resear&h %ound that
people tend to e)aluate 1o(en slightl$ less %a)oura#l$ than (en in leadership roles'
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14624
#ut this is al(ost entirel$ due to gender6#ased stereot$pes Aithout this se86
stereot$pe' 1o(en and (en are al(ost eEuall$ a#le to per%or( leadership roles Aith
respe&t to pre%erred leadership st$les' the onl$ signi%i&ant di%%eren&e #et1een (en and
1o(en is that 1o(en tend to use the parti&ipati)e leadership st$le (ore o%ten than do
(en -oreo)er' re&ent studies suggest that 1o(en are rated higher than (en 1ith
in&reasing e8pe&tations that leaders should #e e(po1ering and %a&ilitating
,i%%i&ult$+ -ediu(
.ages+ 4/;421
Test#an0 t/a Organisational behaviour on the Pacific Rim /e #$ -&Shane 14623

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