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TFIN52 (FI Academy) Week One Review Questions

There are 30 questions broken down into each competency

You will have one hour to complete the questions.
Please mark each answer clearly by darkens the circle.
Questions with multiple answers are so indicated.
If more answers are marked as required for a question all
answers will be considered incorrect for that question.
!ame" #####################################
$ate" #####################################
Competency Areas
Basic Settings
4 Corre
Master Data
8 Corre
Document Controls
6 Corre
Posting Controls
7 Corre
Questi 5 Corre Incorr %
ons ct ect
%These questions do not represent the actual certi&cation e'am questions.
NAME: ______________________
Basic Settings
1. ( company code is"
O a. (n independent accountin) entity *the smallest or)ani+ational element
for which a complete self,contained set of accounts can be drawn up-.
O b. (n or)ani+ational unit in an enterprise that represents a closed system
used for cost accountin) purposes.
O c. (n or)ani+ational unit that provides an additional evaluation level for the
purpose of se)ment reportin) for e'ample
O d. ( dependent accountin) entity accordin) to .iscal Year.
O e. The hi)hest level in the /00 system hierarchy.
2. In order to assi)n more than one company code to the same controllin) area the
followin) prerequisites must e'ist. There are 2 correct answers.
O a. The same postin) period variant is used for all company codes
O b. The same &scal year variant is used for all company codes
O c. The same currency is used by all company codes
O d. The same chart of accounts is used by all company codes
3. (n auditor wants you to e'plain the options for settin) up the &scal year variant
and the number of postin) periods available if you use monthly periods. There
are 2 correct answers
O a. You can have 12 normal periods and up to 3 special periods
O b. You can have up to 14 special periods
O c. The &scal year variant is assi)ned to the company codes
O d. The &scal year must be de&ned by the calendar
4. Your customer has 5ust acquired a new company code in 6ermany. (ll your
previous co. code were in the 78. 9hat needs to be done in order to create the
new co. code
O a. 8etup parallel led)ers for each the di:erent countries
O b. $e&ne a new company for the or)ani+ation
O c. 7se the 8(P country templates and then create the new co. code
O d. 0opy one of your e'istin) co. codes to create the new co. code
Master Data
. ( complete 6; account consist of"
O a. ( chart of accounts se)ment and an alternative account
O b. ( company code se)ment and at least one cost element
O c. ( chart of accounts se)ment and at lease one company code se)ment
O d. (n account )roup se)ment and at least one )roup account
!. 9hat are some of the items account )roups control< There are 2 correct
O a. 8creen layout of the chart of accounts se)ment of a 6; account
O b. (utomatic account determination
O c. The )roup account number
O d. !umber ran)es of the master data
O e. 8creen layout of all the vendor and customer se)ments
". ( )roup chart of accounts is used for what purposes< There are 2 correct
O a. 0onsolidation
O b. =eetin) country speci&c reportin) needs
O c. ( common rollup account to enable company codes to be reported
O d. To create a 1"1 relationship with an alternative account number
O e. The mandatory chart of accounts for operational reportin)
#. >ow can complete customer and vendor accounts be created< There are 2
correct answers.
O a. 6lobally
O b. 0entrali+ed
O c. $ecentrali+ed
O d. (t the client level
$. Your customer has noti&ed you that another entity will be payin) all of their bills.
This entity is also a customer of yours. >ow can this be obtained<
O a. 0reate a one,time customer for the subsidiary
O b. (ssi)n the entity company code as an alternative payer of the customer
O c. 8etup a head o?ce and branch
O d. ;ink the subsidiary to the parent and set up nettin)
1%. 9hen processin) purchases from a vendor what parts of a vendor master
must e'its to post the invoice in accountin)<
O a. 6eneral se)ment and purchasin) se)ment
O b. 6eneral se)ment company code se)ment and purchasin) se)ment
O c. 6eneral se)ment and company code se)ment
O d. 0ompany code se)ment and purchasin) se)ment
11. 9hen creatin) vendor masters there are certain &elds that need to be populated on
every vendor master record for your co. code. !ot all co. codes have this requirement.
9hat ob5ect can be used<
O a. The &eld status of the vendor account )roup
O b. The &eld status of the postin) key
O c. The &eld status )roup of the reconciliation account
O d. The &eld status of the company code

12. ( customer sales invoice has be created in sales and distribution. 9here will
the payment terms be selected from<
O a. The client@)eneral se)ment of the customer master
O b. The sales order
O c. The co. code se)ment of the customer master
O d. The sales se)ment of the customer master
O e. The material master from sales and distribution
Document Controls
13. You want to prevent a postin) from bein) able to post to a customer account.
9hat ob5ect can restrict the account type<
O a. .ield 8tatus )roups
O b. $ocument types
O c. (ccount )roups
O d. 0urrency key
14. 9hen postin) a document the followin) settin)s can be made. There are 2
correct answers.
O a. .ields which are used can be marked suppressed
O b. .ields which are mandatory can be marked required
O c. .ields that can be entered should be set to optional
O d. .ields that can be chan)ed should be set to display
1. Postin) keys control what processes in a document< There are 2 correct
O a. $ocument number ran)e
O b. $ebit@ 0redit values
O c. 9hat type of an account is allowed for postin)
O d. The reversal key used durin) a reversal postin)
1!. $urin) the postin) of a 6; document you receive an error that the cost
center is a required &eld. 9hat ob5ect is creatin) this error< There are 2
correct answers.
O a. .ield status of the account )roup assi)ned to the )l master record
O b. .ield status of the document type
O c. .ield status )roup assi)ned to the )l master record
O d. .ield status of the postin) key
O e. .ield status of the cost element
1". Your or)ani+ation has 1A di:erent company codes all on calendar year end.
You want to be able to close the &nancial periods for all the company codes with
one step. 9hat can be used<
O a. .iscal year variant
O b. 8pecial postin) periods
O c. Postin) period variant
O d. 9orkBow variant
1#. Your customer would like to select a )roup of users to be able to post
documents in the previous month durin) their closin) cycle. >ow can this be
O b. (ssi)n the users to a special postin) periods
O b. Put the users in a special postin) )roup to follow interval one
O c. (ssi)n the users to an authori+ation )roup that will follow interval two
O d. (ssi)n the users to an authori+ation )roup that will follow interval one
osting Controls
1$. Your company code wants to utili+e document splittin)< 9hat statements
below will occur. There are 2 correct answers.
O a. (ll other company codes must also use document splittin).
O b. 0learin) documents will follow the passive splittin) process.
O c. (ll 6@; accounts must be classi&ed for document splittin).
O d. ( splittin) rule needs to be de&ned for each company code.
2%. 9hat &elds of a .I document header can be chan)ed after a document is
already posted< There are 2 correct answers.
O a. .iscal year
O b. Te't &eld
O c. Ceference number
O d. >eader te't
21. ( user has discovered they have made an error in the amount of a document.
9hat options do they have for correction<
O a. Cetrieve the posted document and chan)e the amount
O b. $elete the document and re,enter with the new data
O c. 0reate a normal reversal document
O d. 0reate a new document and chan)e the status of the ori)inal document to
22. You want to do postin)s across company codes. 9hat ob5ects will need to be
set up to allow these postin) to occur< There are 2 correct answers.
O a. 0reate intercompany postin) pairs in con&)uration
O b. (ssi)n each company code to the same )roup chart of accounts
O c. (ssi)n each company code to a company
O d. (ssi)n each company code to the same &scal year variant
O e. (ssi)n each company code to the same &eld status variant
23. You have entered an invoice related credit memo and want to ensure the
payment terms from the ori)inal invoice are valid. >ow can this be done<
O a. /nter the ori)inal invoice number in the invoice reference &eld
O b. =anually enter the payment terms and enter a DFE in the invoice
reference &eld to validate the terms
O c. =anually enter the payment terms and live the invoice reference &eld
O d. Place a DFE in the invoice reference &eld and it will pull in the ori)inal
invoice number
24. Your company wants to create new a payment term. 9hat options do they
have for settin) the baseline date< There are 3 correct answers.
O a. $ocument date
O b. Installment date
O c. Postin) date
O d. Payment date
O e. !o date
2. Your company wants to use real,time inte)ration between 0G and .I< 9hat
types of activities can )enerate .I documents durin) this process< There are 2
correct answers.
O a. (n assessment between cost centers that belon) to the two di:erent
company codes
O b. ( subsequent chan)e to the se)ment &eld of a 0G document
O c. ( manual repost from one cost center to another in the same company
code but with di:erent functional areas
O d. ( test settlement of an asset under construction to a )l account
2!. .or automatic clearin)H 8(P uses certain prede&ned &elds. You also want to
use the assi)nment &eld. >ow can this &eld populated< There are 2 correct

O a. Iased on Dopen itemE mana)ement in the )l master
O b. Iased on the sort key in the )l customer or vendor master record
O c. (utomatically from the purchase order
O d. Iased on the ori)inal sales order
O e. =anually
2". You receive a payment from your customer that is considerably less than the
ori)inal invoice. 9hat options do you have for processin) this payment< There
are 2 correct answers.

O a. Post the di:erence as a partial payment
O b. Increase the tolerance limits manually while postin) the document
O c. Post to a di:erence account assi)ned to a reason code
O d. Ce5ect the payment and return it to the customer
2#. You want have made an error when clearin) a vendor invoice with a credit
memo. The credit memo was for a di:erent invoice. 9hat needs to be done to
correct this<

O a. $elete the document
O b. Ceverse the document
O c. Ceset the line items
O d. Ceverse and reset the line items
2$. You decide to use tolerance )roups for your employees. You want to have a
)roup for the mana)ers and a )roup for all the other employees. 9hat should
be done<
O a. 8et up a )roup called D=)rE and one called D/mplE for all others
O b. 8et up a )roup called D=)rE and chan)e the values of the DblankE )roup
for the others
O c. 8et up a )roup called D=)rE and one called D/mplEH delete the DblankE
O d. !o set up is needed the DblankE is used for everyone
3%. Your customer informs you that one of the items shipped to them was broken.
They will only be payin) part of the invoice and deductin) the cost of the broken
item. 9hen you receive the payment what should you do<
O a. Post the payment as a residual item
O b. (pply the payment to the customers account and clear later
O c. Post the payment received and write o: the di:erence to a char)e o:
O d. Increase the tolerance amount so the payment can be posted

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