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Wordlist Unit 2 Legal Profession

1. Barrister
a lawyer entitled to practice as an
advocate, particularly in the
higher courts.
2. Solicitor
the chief law officer of a city,
town, or government department.
a person who tries to obtain
business orders, advertising, etc.;
a canvasser.
3. Lawyer
a person who practices or studies
law; an attorney or a counselor.
avocat, jurist
4. Attorney
a person appointed to act for
another in business or legal
5. Counsel
the lawyer or lawyers conducting
a case.
6. Prosecutor
a person, especially a public
official, who institutes legal
proceedings against someone.
7. Judge
a public official appointed to
decide cases in a court of law.
8. Notary
a person authorized to perform
certain legal formalities,
especially to draw up or certify
contracts, deeds, and other
documents for use in other
9. To take oath To make a solemn swearing to
the truth of statements delivered
orally and/or in written form
A depune juramint
10. Law graduates absolvenii facultilor de drept
11. Legal partnership parteneriat juridic
12. Bar
The senior judges in England and
Wales are drawn almost
exclusively from the Bar.
The body of individuals qualified
to practice law in a particular
13. Case
an instance of a particular
situation; an example of
something occurring.

14. Brief A written argument by counsel
arguing a case, which contains a
summary of the facts of the case,
pertinent laws, and an argument
of how the law applies to the fact
15. Sentence Punishment in a criminal case.
the punishment assigned to a
defendant found guilty by a court,
or fixed by law for a particular
16. Defence
the action of defending from or
resisting attack.
the case presented by or on
behalf of the party being accused
or sued in a lawsuit.
17. Conviction
a formal declaration that
someone is guilty of a criminal
offense, made by the verdict of a
jury or the decision of a judge in a
court of law.

18. Take a stand against to take a position in opposition
to someone or something
19. Take a stand on to publicly express an opinion
about something, especially to
say whether you support or are
against something (usually + on )
A lua o pozitie pro
20. Take the stand give testimony in a court of law;
[syn: testify]
A depune mrturie
21. Accused
a person or group of people who
are charged with or on trial for a
22. Appoint
assign a job or role to (someone).
A numi; a desemna
23. The Bench The seat occupied by the judge.
More broadly, the court itself
scaun judectoresc
24. Biased
unfairly prejudiced for or against
someone or something.
25. Call to the Bar Apel la Bar
26. Challenge
a call to take part in a contest or
competition, especially a duel.
27. Clerk of the Court The clerk sits at the front of the
court and takes care of all the
papers that are needed during
28. Bailiff a person employed by the court
whose responsibility is to see
that documents such as
summonses are served and that
court orders
are obeyed
- US > An official in a court of
law who keeps order, looks after
prisoners, etc.

- executor judecatoresc

29. Commit To send a person to prison,
asylum, or reformatory by a
court order
bga n
30. Criminal
a person who has committed a
31. Electoral register registru electoral
32. Eligible
having the right to do or obtain
something; satisfying the
appropriate conditions.
Eligibil; acceptabil
33. Juror
a member of a jury.
34. Jury service juriu de serviciu
35. Lay
not having professional

qualifications or expert
knowledge, especially in law or
36. Libel
a published false statement that
is damaging to a person's
reputation; a written defamation.

37. Misconduct
unacceptable or improper
behavior, especially by an
employee or professional person.
38. Trial
a formal examination of evidence
before a judge, and typically
before a jury, in order to decide
guilt in a case of criminal or civil
39. Verdict
a decision on a disputed issue in
a civil or criminal case or an

40. The judiciary Sistemul judiciar
41. Witness
a person who sees an event,
typically a crime or accident, take
42. Claimant
a person making a claim,
especially in a lawsuit or for a
government-sponsored benefit
43. Magistrate
a civil officer or lay judge who
administers the law, especially
one who conducts a court that
deals with minor offenses and
holds preliminary hearings for
more serious ones.

44. Defendant
an individual, company, or
institution sued or accused in a
court of law
45. Judicial office birou judectoresc
46. Penal establishment unitate penal
47. Wrongdoer
a person who behaves illegally or
dishonestly; an offender.
48. Acquit
free (someone) from a criminal
charge by a verdict of not guilty.
A elibera de..; A scpa
49. Convict
a person found guilty of a criminal
offense and serving a sentence of
Deinutul; condamnat
50. Criminal offence
an action or omission that
constitutes an offense that may
be prosecuted by the state and is
punishable by law.
Infraciunea penal
51. Disqualify
pronounce (someone) ineligible
for an office or activity because of
an offense or infringement.
A priva de dreptul
52. Liable for Legally responsible for rspunztor pentru
53. Evidence
the available body of facts or
information indicating whether a
belief or proposition is true or
54. Verdict
a decision on a disputed issue in
a civil or criminal case or an

55. Unanimous
(of two or more people) fully in
56. Undertake
commit oneself to and begin (an
enterprise or responsibility); take
a-i asuma rspunderea
57. Return a verdict A reveni asupra verdictului
58. Testimony
a formal written or spoken
statement, especially one given in
a court of law
59. Summon
authoritatively or urgently call on
(someone) to be present,
especially as a defendant or
witness in a law court.

60. At random whether one likes it or not. la ntmplare
61. Impartial
treating all rivals or disputants
equally; fair and just.
62. Jury pool a group of prospective jurors
from which a jury is chosen
un grup de poteniali jurai dintre
care se alege juriul
63. To practise a practica
64. Law firm firma de avocatura
65. Legal practice practica juridic
66. Act for Legea privind la
67. Litigation
the process of taking legal action.
68. Criminal law
a system of law concerned with
the punishment of those who
commit crimes.
drept penal
69. Civil law
the system of law concerned with
private relations between
members of a community rather
than criminal, military, or religious
drept civil
70. A matter
a subject or situation under
O chestiune
71. A will
a legal document containing
instructions as to what should be
done with one's money and
property after one's death.
72. To steal
take (another person's property)
without permission or legal right
and without intending to return it.
a fura
73. Start a claim A inainta o cerere
74. A claim form Un formular de cerere
75. To be in dispute Pentru a fi n disput
76. A party to a court case O parte a unui proces n justiie
77. To owe money to
a datora bani cuiva
78. Legal costs Cheltuieli juridice
79. A procedure
an established or official way of
doing something.
O procedur
80. To prosecute
institute legal proceedings
against (a person or
urmrirea penal
81. To issue a claim A emite o pretenie
82. To pay a fee a plti o tax
83. To serve a claim
84. To respond to a claim a rspunde la o pretenie
85. To hear a case a asculta un caz
86. To find in favour of A gsi n favoarea unor
87. To give a judgment a lua o hotrre
88. To make an order a face o comand
89. Plaintiff
a person who brings a case
against another in a court of law.
90. Sole practitioner

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