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Life cycle assessment to eco-design food products:

industrial cooked dish case study

J. Zua
, L. Arana
Food Research Division AZTI-Tecnalia, Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g, 48395 Sukarrieta (Bizkaia e Biscay), Spain
Received 1 February 2007; received in revised form 11 January 2008; accepted 15 January 2008
Available online 21 March 2008
An industrial cooked dish is one of the food products with the most complex agri-food chain. In this study, an eco-design pilot experiment has
been performed as a way to develop more efcient and sustainable agri-food products throughout its whole life cycle. To achieve this, a life cycle
assessment (LCA) has been carried out to identify and quantify the environmental performance of the production and distribution of a cooked
tuna with tomato dish. The most important stages of the life cycle have been established taking into consideration the full environmental impact
as well as the potential reductions achievable by the application of various improvements.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Life cycle assessment; Food product; Eco-design; Product impact reduction
1. Introduction
The cost and environmental impact attributed to the sale
and consumption of any food product are associated to the
type of manufactured product, its raw materials, the type
and design of the packaging used, the required manufacturing
processes for its production, the distribution and commercial-
ization, and the consumers use, among others. Therefore, the
total cost and the global impact are accumulated throughout
the whole agri-food chain.
The major causes of these costs and its environmental im-
pact take place during the eco-design and development of
a product; it is at these stages when the raw and auxiliary
materials, as well as the type of processes necessary for the de-
velopment, transportation, conservation and so on are dened.
In order to make sustainable food products available in the
markets, it is necessary to develop a technique which mini-
mizes those necessities during the design and development
of the food products so that it is possible to reduce both costs
and impact throughout its whole life cycle while maintaining
the food quality and safety. The process of including environ-
mental, efcient and cost saving criteria when designing
a product is called eco-design.
The aim of this project is to carry out an eco-design pilot
experiment on a real food product as a way to develop mea-
sures, techniques and strategies oriented to obtain more ef-
cient food products. Eco-designed food uses less resources
and produces less waste and emissions throughout its whole
life cycle, reduces the pollutants in the product, optimizes
all the stages of the agri-food chain and reduces associated
costs and environmental impacts overcoming the possible in-
teractions between the reduction of the environmental impact
in the design of the product and the maintenance of the food
quality and safety.
To achieve this, life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology
was applied to a specic cooked dish product from a represen-
tative Spanish company. In order to establish which stage e
input or output e or other aspect of the product life cycle is
generating more impacts on the environment, hypothetical
scenario analyses were conducted. With this information, the
kind of measures and stages with the greatest opportunity
for improvement were identied [1]. In addition, this scenario
analysis provides the main aspects of the product on which the
research should be focused.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 94 602 94 00; fax: 34 94 687 00 06.
E-mail address: (J. Zua).
0959-6526/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1915e1921
2. Food product denition
The initial product selected as the object of study (selected
as the functional unit within the life cycle assessment) is a 2-
kg tray of pasteurized tuna with tomato. This is a common
product currently commercialized at a national level and is
a typical dish in Spanish cuisine, where elaborated sh dishes
are widespread and tuna is one of the most popular sh in
Spain. The cooked tuna with tomato dish has been selected
to carry out this pilot eco-design because it presents one of
the highest complexity levels in the food sector, due to the
fact that it has a high number of raw materials of different in-
ternational origins and many life cycle stages. It is also
a multi-process product.
The target clients of this product are catering, retail store
chains and distributors at a national level.
The formulation of the product is based on sh (tuna), which
is the principal ingredient, some vegetables (tomato, onion and
pepper among others) and others such as oil and some spices.
The product is packaged in a 70-g, high-density polyethyl-
ene (HDPE) rectangular tray, with a lm cover made of ori-
ented polyamide (OPA) and polyethylene (PE) with a weight
of 10.2 g and a thickness of 30 mm. Moreover, this package
is microwavable.
In general terms, the manufacturing process of the cooked
dish means defrosting and cleaning the tuna, preparing the
sauce, mixing both ingredients, decreasing of temperature,
vacuum-packaging, a pasteurizing phase, refrigeration, label-
ling, storage at 4

C and expedition at the same temperature.
The product needs to remain cold for its preservation and
has a 90-day shelf life. It is not ready to be presented to the
nal consumer, so it needs to be transferred to other ceramic
containers in order to obtain an appropriate nice presentation
for public sale.
3. Life cycle assessment
3.1. System denition
The life cycle system of the product has been dened (from
the raw materials extraction and farming, to the nal disposal
of the packaging of the product after its consumption) taking
into account the whole agri-food chain, as well as the func-
tional unit (the reference used to quantify all data), the system
boundaries and the time horizon considered. To dene the
most suitable life cycle structure, life cycle assessments previ-
ously undertaken have been considered [2e4].
The life cycle system (complete food chain) has been
divided into four phases, which are shown in Fig. 1 and are de-
scribed briey as follows:
Fishing and supply of tunids: the tuna is caught in the At-
lantic Ocean and frozen on board. It is then unloaded at
a port in Africa and transported by plane and truck to a dis-
tributing plant in the north of Spain. Here, the tuna steaks
are made, packed in cardboard boxes and sent to the
manufacturing plant by trucks.
Product elaboration: the raw materials, tuna and other in-
gredients, are received at the manufacturing plant and, de-
pending on their origin, stored at room temperature, in
cold stores or in freezers for a period of time (tuna
10 h, rest of ingredients 72 h). The tuna is then defrosted
and cut up into pieces, discarding bones and other parts
which is an approximate 15% loss. The sauce is prepared
with the rest of the ingredients and then mixed with the
tuna. Finally, the tuna with tomato is vacuum-packaged
in a tray made of HDPE with a PE lm and an OPA bar-
rier layer. The components of the package come from
Norway and are distributed by a company in Barcelona,
which involves signicant transportation. Once packaged,
it is pasteurized in an autoclave, using water heated by
gas that is not reused. Then there is a rst step of reduc-
tion of the temperature in the same autoclave with cold
water to subsequently achieve a decrease of the tempera-
ture to 4

C. Finally it is stored cold at 4

C for 15e30
Distribution and sale: the trays of tuna with tomato are
packed in cardboard boxes and transported in a refrigerated
truck at 4

C to the logistics centre. From there they are
distributed to the point of sale (610 km on average). In
the retail store chains, the product is transferred to a ce-
ramic container and then to a polypropylene (PP) tray to
be sold to the public.
Use and elimination: a microwave and suitable containers
and crockery are required for the consumption of the prod-
uct. These must be cleaned using water and detergent. The
sewage goes through the drains to a sewage treatment
plant, whereas the trays of HDPE and PP are either sent
to the landll (85%) or recycled (15%).
3.2. Inventory and ecobalance
All inputs and outputs of the products life cycle were char-
acterized, quantied and included in a specic LCA program.
The data employed came from two main sources:
The real data were collected from the company which pro-
duces the food product. Information about the equipments,
facilities specications and real product needs was ob-
tained from production reports, sales registers and water,
electricity and materials invoices. These data were consid-
ered to be of the highest quality, since they are obtained
from the real production of the product. Other data were
measured (tray weight, plastics weight, etc.).
The rest of the data were obtained from the LCA software
database DEAM, that includes highly recognized Euro-
pean inventories, such as: APME for packaging plastics
production and conversion; ETH for packaging en-
ergy, transport, metals and end of life; BUWAL
250 for package steel, steel and pulp and paper;
BUWAL 250 Y 232, ETH and Chauvel A. for packaging
chemicals; and European Aluminium Association
(EAA) for packaging aluminium.
1916 J. Zua, L. Arana / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1915e1921
Table 1 shows that the rst stage of shing and supply of
tunids is the most important stage with regards to the quantity
or volume of inputs and outputs (86.4% of the total fossil fuels
consumption; 97.9% of the total biomass use; 86.9% of air
emissions; 93.7% of water efuents).
The program used for the LCA e TEAM 4.0 [5] e has
been shown to be a powerful tool. In the rst stages it is im-
portant to ll all the information correctly, so that the model
provided by the system is as realistic as possible. Once the in-
ventory has been completed (denition of the system,
Table 1
Inventory summary obtained from an LCA software as a result of a characterization and quantication of all inputs and outputs of a tuna with tomato food product
life cycle
Flow Unit Total LCA
(tuna with tomato)
Fishing and
supply of tunids
and disposal
Use and
Oxygen g 13,579.29 9382.71 1831.01 436.76 1928.87
Minerals g 179.09 35.19 104.00 0.13 39.78
Fossil fuels g 7575.12 6548.29 892.85 133.86 0.12
Biomass g 5180.31 5070.49 109.43 0.39 0.00
Land use cm
37.50 9.12 28.37 0.01 0.00
Water used (total) l 55.68 27.26 21.08 2.75 4.60
Air emissions g 23,666.83 20,574.05 2600.37 492.08 0.39
Land emissions g 0.08 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.04
Water efuents g 402.69 377.32 22.75 2.61 0.02
Sewage water l 28.59 3.09 18.59 2.30 4.61
Recovered matter (total) g 24.20 7.54 6.18 0.12 10.36
Waste (total) g 579.47 77.76 307.95 76.34 117.43
Washing and
Washing and
Washing and
and packaging
of plastic HDPE
Manufacturing of
HDPE package
Reception and
storage of RM
Mixing and
of cardboard
Packaging and
final storage
of packing
Consume of
cooked dish
and or sale
and supply of
and sea
Transport to
Tuna steaks
and packaging

Fishing and
supply of tuna
Use and
Distribution and
Fig. 1. Diagram of the life cycle of the tuna with tomato cooked dish.
1917 J. Zua, L. Arana / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1915e1921
introduction of inputseoutputs, classication and denition of
variables), the program allows a multitude of simulations of
potential environmental impact when modifying any variable
of the product to be eco-designed.
3.3. Impact assessment
The calculated inventory and ecobalance generate some en-
vironmental impacts. To assess these impacts, rstly, the impact
categories to be taken into account have been selected. The cho-
sen impacts are those which are expected to cause a larger im-
pact and used worldwide to evaluate the environmental impacts
caused by anthropogenic activity. The assessment methods
used were developed by the Centre of Environmental Science
(CML) and Ecobilan. These methods are included in the life cy-
cle impact assessment module of TEAM.
Using the TEAM 4.0 program (that includes an impact as-
sessment module), the environmental impact values for each
stage have been obtained. To achieve this, the total inputs
and outputs have been assigned to one or more impact cate-
gory, using equivalence factors to obtain environmental indi-
cators that permit adding different kinds of inputseoutputs
to a specic impact category. Impacts selected and the contri-
bution of each life cycle stage to each impact category is
shown in Table 2.
3.4. Scenario analysis
Different hypothetical scenarios have been selected and
calculated in the LCA software to determine the potential dim-
inution of impacts that some aspects and material elimination
would cause. Since there is a large number of different aspects
that can be changed in the product life cycle due to its high-
complexity, this task has permitted the identication of which
aspects, materials used and energy sources of the product life
cycle have a special bearing on the nal impacts. Therefore, it
will be known during which phases, stages and aspects it will
be necessary to insist on for the subsequent identication of
improvement measures.
The analysed hypothetical scenarios were as follows: dou-
ble OPA instead of LDPE; elimination of HDPE, reduction of
sea transport, elimination of air and road transport for distribu-
tion, elimination of rejects no water repacking, and in the pro-
cess of preservation, no consumption of natural gas and nally
no water or power consumption in the manufacturing phase.
The LCA software automatically calculates the specic and
total changes that each new scenario brings on at each and ev-
ery one of the life cycle phases (producing, transporting, etc.)
and their subsequent environmental impacts.
The improvements produced by the hypothetical scenarios
with respect to the current environmental impacts are shown
in Table 3.
As a result of the scenario analysis mentioned, it has been
determined that the tuna ingredient is one of the products that
generates a greater impact, since in addition to being the
heaviest ingredient, it comes from the South Atlantic Ocean
and it is transported by airplane to Spain. Furthermore, it is
transported and maintained at freezing temperatures.
The rest of the ingredients mean a lesser impact because the
whole range of weight and distance is smaller (they come from
regions 150 km away), some arriving cooled or frozen and
others at room temperature.
The plastic packages also have an important effect in most
of the categories of impact. This has also been proved in pre-
vious studies [6]. In all the categories, transport by road of the
product exerts a considerable impact.
Other aspects that have a signicant effect on the global
impacts of the product are the natural gas and electrical
consumption used in the preservation treatment of the
On the other hand, however, the waste management ele-
ment does not affect the total environmental impact [7].
4. Identication of improvement measures
The main food chain stakeholders and product development
managers held brainstorming sessions during which they iden-
tied improvement measures, techniques and strategies de-
signed to reduce both impacts and costs associated to the
life cycle of the product. A study into state of the art technol-
ogy and investigation about the proposed goals and the devel-
opment of new specic actions for the product improvement
was also carried out [8].
The proposed improvements established at those sessions
were as follows: the enhancement of the concept of the prod-
uct, the reduction of the use of materials, the employment of
materials with less impact, the improvement of transport ef-
ciency and the replacement of raw materials.
After a techno-economical and market assessment of all the
improvement measures identied, those which were considered
Table 2
Summary of environmental impacts related to each life cycle stage
Environmental impacts LCA tuna
with tomato
Fishing and
supply of tunids
and sale
Use and
Air acidication, geq.SO
107.98 86.60 18.28 3.09 0.00
Aquatic toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 127.66 98.95 26.40 2.31 0.01
Depletion of the stratospheric ozone, geq.CFC-11 0.0015 0.0010 0.0004 0.0001 0.0000
Eutrophication, geq.PO
16.44 13.78 2.03 0.63 0.00
Greenhouse effect, geq.CO
23,748.33 20,545.97 2692.19 509.85 0.38
Human toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 1376.31 971.28 372.61 32.39 0.03
Terrestrial toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 36.85 27.80 7.86 1.19 0.00
Depletion of non-renewable resources, yr
0.43 0.36 0.05 0.01 0.00
1918 J. Zua, L. Arana / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1915e1921
viable and feasible were selected. The product changes pro-
posed and the reductions expected are as follows:
- The tuna comes from the Pacic and is transported by
plane once steaked in the place of origin instead of trans-
porting the whole sh from South Africa to Spain: reduc-
ing air transport effort by 55%.
- The triple waved cardboard separator has been replaced by
beehive separators, resulting in an 18% reduction of
- The inner wings of the cardboard packing have been short-
ened and the sides cut to trapezoid form: this will achieve
a 10% reduction of cardboard.
- The cargo space has been optimized allowing for more
packages per box: reduction of required packaging card-
board by 15%.
- The quantity of product per package has been increased to
3 kg: the reduction of tray weight by 15%, water consump-
tion by 10% and electrical consumption by 5% per kg of
manufactured product.
- A package with more rectangular corners has been manu-
factured, meaning a better use of the space: reduction of
tray relative weight per kg of product by 5%.
- The former HDPE packaging has been replaced by the
new PP packaging, which is a polymer with less density,
allowing the tray to have thinner walls while maintaining
the rigidity: weight reduction of 20%.
- It needs less polyamide lm due to the reduction of lm
losses achieved when making the tray corners more rect-
angular: lm savings from 15% to 7.5%.
- Less distribution effort due to the optimization of the
cargo space and through making the corners more rectan-
gular, which reduces by one third the gaps that existed be-
tween the trays: 10% reduction of transport effort (km kg).
With these improvements, a new cooked dish product has
been re-designed which is much more sustainable and
environmentally friendly throughout the whole agri-food
chain, including the measures identied and selected as poten-
tially viable. The changes of the involved inputs and outputs
were introduced in the LCA software to measure the improve-
ment achieved in the global inventory.
Subsequently, an evaluation of the environmental improve-
ment achieved from the potential manufacturing and commer-
cialization of the new eco-developed product was made, taking
into account the improvements made in the inputeoutput in-
ventory. The environmental impact reduction achieved is
shown in Table 4.
Due mainly to the transport effort reduction, many of the
proposed environmental improvements also generated eco-
nomic reductions.
5. Conclusions
First of all, it has been conrmed that it is possible to re-
duce impacts through modications or changes in the cooked
tuna with tomato dish, and that many greater reductions are
possible if a completely new product is designed.
Table 3
Environmental changes induced by the different hypothetical scenarios studied
Depletion of the
stratospheric ozone,
effect (direct. 100
years), geq.CO
Depletion of
resources, yr
Current inventory 107.98 127.66 0.001 16.44 23,748.33 1376.31 36.85 0.43
Polyethylene lm elimination
and double of polyamide
108.05 127.76 0.001 16.46 23,777.28 1377.62 36.86 0.43
High-density polyethylene
103.77 122.93 0.001 15.82 22,790.67 1314.41 34.72 0.40
Sea transport reduction 106.51 124.38 0.001 16.37 23,701.26 1345.22 35.94 0.42
Air transport elimination 47.89 127.66 0.001 7.35 5028.86 1292.69 36.85 0.10
Road transport elimination
for distribution
105.28 125.69 0.001 15.85 23,365.74 1362.48 36.72 0.42
Rejections elimination 107.98 127.66 0.001 16.44 23,748.33 1376.31 36.85 0.43
Repacking water elimination 107.98 127.66 0.001 16.44 23,748.33 1376.31 36.85 0.43
Natural gas consumption
107.83 127.53 0.001 16.43 23,596.28 1372.72 36.79 0.42
Water consumption
107.98 127.66 0.001 16.44 23,748.33 1376.31 36.85 0.43
Electricity consumption
107.52 126.75 0.001 16.43 23,688.59 1362.39 36.57 0.42
Table 4
Environmental impacts reductions achieved with the new eco-developed
Impacts Original
Air acidication, geq.SO
107.98 102.85 4.75
Aquatic toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 127.66 102.68 19.57
Depletion of the stratospheric
ozone, geq.CFC-11
0.0015 0.0012 16.60
Eutrophication, geq.PO
16.44 15.11 8.14
Greenhouse effect, geq.CO
23,748.33 23,364.87 1.61
Human toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 1376.31 1203.82 12.53
Terrestrial toxicity, geq.1,4-DCB 36.85 30.03 18.52
Depletion of non-renewable
resources, yr
0.425 0.427 0.46
1919 J. Zua, L. Arana / Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (2008) 1915e1921
The results of the project can be considered satisfactory
since the life cycle assessment is an effective tool which out-
puts detailed information of all the agri-food chain and sys-
tems that converge in it. However, a complete and accurate
analysis of a products life cycle means an arduous data collec-
tion process and implication of all the agents who operate in
the whole agri-food chain.
It has been determined that although the agri-food products
have a lower degree of freedom than products from other sec-
tors (washing machine, vehicles, etc.), there are a multitude of
stages and sub-stages in their life cycle which are liable to be
modied in order to be improved and made more efcient.
This causes the life cycles and the degrees of freedom of the
agri-food products to have a wider range than can initially ap-
pear from a quick glance at the products.
This study has identied a wide range of improvable as-
pects in the product to eco-develop. These aspects are related
to the cultivation and extraction/shing of raw materials, elab-
oration of ingredients, manufacturing of the agri-food product,
the productive efciency, composition of the product, packing
and packaging, systems of preservation, models of transport
and distribution, presentation to the end user, consumption
and nal disposal of the generated waste, among others.
It has therefore been necessary to focus the research effort
on the eco-development aimed at the improvement of the as-
pects of the product that have a greater impact on the LCA.
These aspects are as follows: tuna as a raw material (shing
and frozen sea transport, long distance air transport, larger rel-
ative weight of the product); plastic packages and packing
(plastic manufacture from petroleum, transport and packages
manufacturing); cardboard packing (wood extraction, card-
board manufacturing, transport) and transport of the product
for its distribution.
It is those raw materials that come from more distant loca-
tions (other geographic areas of the world) that are responsible
for generating one of the greatest impacts in food products.
This is the case for the tuna as a raw material in this re-
search. The tuna comes from the Pacic Ocean pre-eviscer-
ated and pre-cooked, instead of coming from the South
Atlantic Ocean without having undergone any of these
processes (more weight to be transported). This change at
the point of origin of the tunas results in signicant reduc-
tions of impacts for a large number of categories (air acidi-
cation, eutrophication, greenhouse effect, human toxicity
and depletion of non-renewable resources). However, in
some impact categories (aquatic toxicity, depletion of the
stratospheric ozone and terrestrial toxicity) they generate
no or minimal reduction.
This result shows that an interesting option would be to
change the origin of these raw materials.
The modications raised in the product (substitution of
the whole tuna prepared in Spain by tuna prepared at the
place of origin, the redesign of the package with regard to
form and composition, the reduction of the cardboard pack-
aging, the reduction of the product transport effort, among
others) have generated satisfactory reductions, as much in
the degree of use of natural resources and originated amount
of remainders, spills and emissions, as in the impacts that
they generate.
The expected economic reductions cause an additional in-
terest for the sector and it is an additional argument to intro-
duce environmental criteria in the design of its products.
Furthermore, it is possible to obtain greater savings and en-
vironmental improvements of products by changing other as-
pects and other stages of the agri-food chain. Further
developing applicable measures in the eco-design of new
agri-food products in other areas should be considered, such
as: optimization of cultivation and agrarian product transfor-
mation, selection of raw materials, study of suitability of
raw materials processing at point of origin or in the
manufacturing plant of nal agri-food product, improvement
in the logistic systems of transport, designing the product so
that an optimal model of inverse logistic can be designed
and modications focused on presentation and consumption
of the product (reduce impacts in these stages).
However, nowadays there are still some difculties to over-
come in the successful eco-design of food products. In many
cases, the whole agri-food chain is controlled by different
agents with different criteria, and in many cases these are un-
connected to each other. The demands of a wholesaler or re-
tailer, who are not aware of environmental problems or have
not calculated the economic costs of the environmental as-
pects, can considerably reduce the options of eco-designing
a product.
Because of the above, the food product developer or man-
ufacturer can only look at certain aspects of their product, as
certain improvements may not be accepted by the distributor,
wholesaler or client, considerably limiting both the environ-
mental and economic improvements.
For these reasons, the diffusion of the results of this project,
and others related to this line of investigation, will increase the
awareness of the agents of the different stages of the agri-food
chain regarding the importance of making the products more
efcient, with the consumption of less resources and generat-
ing less waste, spills and emissions. Thus, a reduction of costs
and the sustainable development of the sector are achieved, al-
lowing the long-term subsistence of the activity. This aware-
ness will further promote the investigation oriented to the
induction of economicaleenvironmental improvements in
agri-food products as well as to eco-develop new more ef-
cient concepts and with lower environmental impacts. Product
eco-design is the key to remove the link between economic
growth and resource consumption.
On the other hand, knowledge of the benets of eco-design
will promote communication and understanding between the
different agents of the agri-food chain with the aim of combin-
ing efciency goals that could shape the product design.
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