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Chapter 1: WHO IS FIT TO LEAD?

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that
we who teach will be judged more strictly (James 3:1). The book tells the readers that leaders
are more prone to the eyes of criticisms for they are teaching the right way. Leaders are
expected by the society to be error-free, but there is no person who doesnt commit mistakes,
and for that reason, some people are hesitant in embracing leadership. But there are great
leaders in the bible that also showed hesitation because of their past sins, still, they
breakthrough and overcome it. They are the following:
Moses is a very good example of hesitation and success in terms of leadership. God
revealed Himself to him and told him His plans for Israelites. We should know the will of
God before we do something so that we will not be lost in our direction, like what Moses
Gideon- a bold leader and warrior that brought much success not just for his people but
also for God. Like what Moses did, Gideon also hesitated because of being the least in
their family. But God assured that it is not about Him but it is about Gods power. When
God gave us vision and we felt inadequate- just rejoice!
Jeremiah is one of the great leaders and prophets that God appointed to managed His
people. Like the first two great men, he did also hesitated for feeling inadequate. But
God promised him: I am with you. Nothing in this world could give you more
assurance than that!
Therefore, our past is not a hindrance in becoming fit for leadership; rather it is a testimony
that shows how God is working even in the lives of the worse men we know. It is normal to feel
small when we are facing great call from God, but we should know that it isnt about what we
can but what God could do. He has a habit of using the most unlikely man to do the most
glorious task, therefore if God called us to serve, we should be joyful for He is going to do
something big, something we couldnt imagine. Everyone who trusts the Lord is fit to serve as
a leader.

Power for the leaders is like electric current for a factory- it keeps the whole system
working. Therefore, it is important for the leaders that they should keep it and know where it
is coming. Based on what LeRoy Eims discussed, the four sources of power of the leaders
are: fellowship, word of God, prayer and obedience. God is our source of power but having
fellowship with Him makes it more effective and operative in our lives. That is why it is not
unexpected that we will be facing distractions when we are spending time with God like
being busy for our other endeavors because the enemy will find ways to stop our intimate
relationship with God. We can spend time with God if we are going to study and meditate
His words. Reading the bible and grasping every single words of it is an effective way of
spending time with Him. There are others ways of receiving words from Him like hearing it
preached and memorizing it. When Jesus was tempted by the devil He fights back by
answering words of God. Aside from pondering His words, prayer is another way on how
we could spend time with God. We all know that prayer is the cellular phone of every
Christians if we wanted to communicate with God. The first two elements are the way we
can exchanged ideas with God. The Lord speaks to us through His words in the bible and
we answer back by praying. By being obedient to what He says is the final element of
fellowship with Him. By meeting all He commanded to us, we are not just doing the right
thing but also we develop inner relationship with Him. Having that kind of relationship
strengthens us and gives us power.
Having enough power is very important in being a cell leader for without it, the group will
perish and die without being fruitful. The source of power is having fellowship with God and
spending time with Him, because he is the source of all goodness in this world. Fellowship
with Him requires grasping His words through reading, listening to preaching, studying and
memorizing. Praying to Him is like answering to Gods call in our lives. Every leader needs
consultation from someone who is greater than them and that is God. It could be
accomplished by having two way communications with him through His words and prayer.

The discussion in the book started by giving a glance in the life of Daniel who lived in a
place full of evilness and godlessness but despite of this, he still lived a remarkable life
worthy in Gods presence. God gave him provisions among men in his time because of the
inner life he has. He has, as a leader, had the following qualities in his inner life: purity,
humility, and faith. Living in a world deteriorated by sins could defile its residents but still,
Daniel lived a life of purity. He exhibited that leaders should live a life not compromising to
sins. Having a life of cleanliness prevents us from being rotten inside. A tree rotted inside
could be easily taken away by wind. That is why leader should live a life with purity;
sanctified from the patterns of this world. In order to understand right from wrong, Eims
devised a simple bible-based principle:
1. Is it helpful? (1 Cor. 6:12) in all the things we do, we should analyze it first if it is
helpful to us. If it is, we should do it and it didnt we should not.
2. Does it get me in its powers? (1 Cor. 6:12) live a life strayed from things that could
enslave us.
3. Will it cause others to stumble? (1 Cor. 8:12-13) we should not do things that could
harm other people.
4. Is it glorifying to God? (1 Cor. 10:31) in all the things we are doing, we should do it to
glorify God.
We should examine ourselves carefully when we are doing things in order to live a
remarkable life. Being humble despite all of our achievements in life could benefit us
more. Giving credits to God rather than on ourselves gives us power to continue.
Humility makes us live a life centering on God and not on us. There are many stories in
the bible that tells how great men fall because of being proud for things that they cant
get without God working for them. Eims give ways on how to maintain humility, one of
this is by being relaxed on what God gave to us. A leader who is inferior will tend to fall
into two extreme consequences: they will try to impress others r they will simply quit for
lack of confidence. The last and the most vital is having faith. We all know that faith is a
power that could make us beak the walls of impossibility. We can do supernatural things
if we trusted God fully. By having faith, we believe that God will provide all the things we
needed. There is no need to worry for what will happen tomorrow because God will
endow us with success. By having faith we planted in our hearts that in all the things we
do for Gods name will prosper. Faith also means that we are testifying for Gods
greatness. We exalt Him by trusting, proving that He is an oathkeeper.
Being a leader for Gods ministry requires living a life that is truly remarkable. Even a
great tree that is deteriorated inside could be easily blown away by strong winds; no
matter how great a leader is outside, he will still stumble and fall if he lived an inner life
that is not worthy to God. By living with purity even in the most sin-polluted world, by
having humility behind every great success and having faith even in front of impossibility
could give us an outstanding inner life.


Aside from inner life of a leader, it is also important to discuss the relationship oh him
towards others. Under this topic, the author explains the right attitude we should have when we
are dealing with other person. The author devises a simple acronym that will show us how to
connect with people: JOY (Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last) it is the true source
of joy. Jesus comes to this world not to be served but to serve others; therefore we should also
do the things He did. In the ancient times, people served God by offering animal sacrifices but
now he demanded us to be the living sacrifice by bringing service to the people, bringing them
to God. Having a servant heart improves our relationship towards people. We all know that
people is our business that is why we should be happy serving people. It is also important to
have a sensitive spirit in order to discern the hearts of people. It is a very important aspect of
leadership for almost of the entire leaders fails in terms of this. It is vital to work with excellence
but it is not good to expect our followers to keep up with us. We should be sensitive in their
needs, their struggles and their shortcomings. Being compassionate with them and getting to
know them as individuals is the most significant of all. As a cell leader, it is important to
memorize the names of our cell members, by knowing their names make them feel that they
are more than just a member but a brother as well.
Being a leader is not just about having a remarkable inner life; it is also about the way
we treat other people. People are the business of G12 that is why having a great attitude
towards them is very essential. Just imagine how you can win a soul if in the first place you
didnt treat them right. People tend to be attracted to those men who care for others, for they
can sense that their needs will be met by them. The roles of cell leaders are to bring people to
God by meeting their needs and tending to their requirements. By having a servant heart, we
can bring service to the people and help them cope up with their lives. Being sensitive to their
situations and always understanding them despite of their invalid reasons will contribute a lot in
furthering our relationship with them. Having a great attitude towards other people make
leadership successful.

A leader that is excellent is above average people. Their difference is that the average
tends to accept results that are O.K. while the former seeks for the best. Standing out in all the
things that we do could build integrity and confidence for the people that we lead. Eims
enumerated certain qualities that a leader must possess in order to excel in what they do:
excellence, initiative and creativity. There is a fine line between excellence and mediocrity;
anyone could fall between the two if they will not be sensitive enough. A leader must look on
the excellence of God and His attributes:
Gods name is excellence- God is perfect in all the things he do ( Ps. 8:1)
Gods loving kindness is excellent- Gods love is unfailing (Ps. 36:7)
Gods greatness is excellent- He is mighty (Ps. 150:1)
Gods salvation is excellent- the fact that He sacrificed His own Son is really excellent.
Gods work is excellent- just look at the mirror and see how God is really excellent
Gods way is excellent- the way He makes decision is excellent.
We should be excellent because we are the reflection of Gods work. We are trying to win
the person that is why they have to see God in all the things that we do. The author also
enumerated ways on how we can bring out the spirit of excellence in us:
1. By helping us realize our own weakness (2 Cor. 12:9)
2. Through the prayers of others ( Col. 4 :12)
3. Through someone sharing the word with us (1Thes.3:10)
4. As we study the bible for ourselves (2 Tim.3:16-17)
5. Through suffering (1Peter 5;10)
6. By giving us hunger for holiness (2 Cor. 7:1)
7. Through a desire to have the fruit of our lives brought to perfection (Luke 8:14)
Excellence requires good motivation. We strive for perfection not because of our own
standards but because we are doing this for Gods sake. But if we didnt reach excellence we
should not stop striving for it. Remember that it is only Jesus who reached perfection. Aside
from excellence, a leader requires initiative. Leaders should not wait for things to happen but
make things happen. It is not important that we have the ability but it is more beneficial if we
have the will to do it. Have initiative to present ourselves in front of God. The last is having
creativity. Being creative is having the boldness to try things that we never tried before. If you
want something that never happened to you come to pass, you should do things that you
never did before. Trying new experiences and making innovations is the stepping stone of
success. Many inventors reached their victory because they make new things that answer the
existing needs of people. Looking to God, His creativity should inspire us in doing the work for
Him. Constantly framing our mind towards excellence could be a great help.
Leaders dont compromise the result but rather strive for excellence. Hindi pwede ang
pwede na- good results arent enough, it has to be better than that. When we look at what
God did in our lives and in this world, we will realize how excellent He worked for things. If God
did these things with perfection, we should do things with excellence. We know that there is no
perfect person in this world but we could be excellent in our ways. Shoot for the moon, even if
you miss youll land among the stars. By having initiative and creativity we could make all our
works excellent no matter how hard it is!


The author started the discussion by giving a glance on how King Ahaz ruled the
kingdom. He corrupted and turned his heart away from heart leaving ruined kingdom behind
when he died. But his son Hezekiah made an impact and changed the world. The author
suggested three basic principles on how we can make an impact with the society:
wholeheartedness, single-mindedness and a fighting spirit. We discussed earlier that
mediocrity is dangerous in leadership. It falls under the issue of wholeheartedness; people
tend to take things easy right now and not giving up their best in doing all the things they do.
God is looking for leaders who are committed and wholehearted. Just imagine what will
happen to our ministry if there are no committed people behind it. Hezekiah made an impact
because he is single-minded; he cannot be easily distracted and sidetracked by oppressions
and struggles. We should know that everything in this world is temporal and transient; we
should focus on doing things that relates only to God. Life is only too short; we should make
the most out of it, do things that will benefit us in the eternal realm. Doing these things will do
well to us maybe not in this world but in the world awaiting for us in the future. In spite of many
unbelievable odds, we should press harder and have a fighting spirit. Accepting defeat is
worse than being beaten. We should try harder no matter how difficult the situation is. Apostle
Paul called us to become a soldier, an athlete and a farmer. A soldier to intimidate the
enemies, an athlete to compete with our adversaries and a farmer to persevere all the
difficulties we has. Fighting and not giving us shows god that we are really dead serious in
doing things He assigned to us.
Making an impact in this world is very important. As leader we should leave only good
things to our successor so that they will continue the legacy we made. Making difference in the
life of other people is what God wanted us to do. Making people accept Jesus Christ in their
lives is the greatest impact that we could put down in this world. Being wholehearted makes us
committed in all the things that we do. Single-mindedness gives us focus and a fighting spirit
pushes us above our limitations.

The title suggests that this chapter is all about getting successful results through carefully
setting the stage. The author created steps on how to achieve this: plan a good beginning, do
your homework and plan the work. Having a good beginning sometimes is difficult because
you know that first impression lasts. The book tries to propose that when we are in the
beginning stage, we should go to the flow where the people we lead are heading. Once we
established communication between them, which is the right time that we should change the
direction to what is right. Creating changes to people sometimes can be very painful because
people resist changes, they are always trying to get back to the status quo but if we created
strong relationship among them we could realize success. After planning a very good
beginning, the next step is to do our homework. When we put forward something, we should
always know the facts and have the reason on why it is very important so that people will be
convinced. Doing our homework is like preparing ourselves for something important that we
havent expecting. After doing our homework, the next step is to plan the work. Planning
requires us to know what our mission is all about and how we could make it. Eims give the four
step plan that could be carried on when we are doing our task: POLE (Plan, Organize, Lead
and Evaluate. Planning things to be done systematically, organizing it according to the
arrangement, leading the people towards it and evaluating the results could give us a sound
step by step procedure on carrying out things successfully.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Planning the things we should do is a sound practice
that could lead us to a very good result. Having a good beginning could make a good
impression. Trying to change the perspectives of people could be hard because we all know
that people resists changes. It is not true that we cant change our nature because it is our
nature is to change. Building good relationship with them could have an effect on the way we
lead them. Doing our homework, meaning, having an extensive preparation on the things that
we will be accomplishing and researching on the background is of a great help.


In the last chapter, we discussed about setting out the stages or planning. In this
chapter the author focuses on how to get things done effectively. Time is one of the most
important resources that a person has. In all the things that we do, we are always asking for
enough time to accomplish it for not all of us has the luxury of time. It is always that the things
to do are greater than the time to do it. The author shared tips that could change the way we
do our things. The first is DO IT NOW. Not all of us have enough time of doing things, and if
we have a chance, we should grab it and do it now. Rather than complaining that we cannot do
things because we are out of time we should start doing it right away. It is true that there are
things we cannot do by ourselves that is why it is really important to have someone who could
help us. Having the task divided is a very good way on doing things right. The next thing we
have to do is: TRUST GOD FOR THE HELP YOU NEED. It has been said that there are things
that we cannot do alone. For that reason we need to trust God that we can finish all the things
we have to do. By being overwhelmed to assignments could not help us but rather hinder us.
Aaron is an example of a servant that trusted God in order to accomplish his task. His job is
very overwhelming and complicated that he could lose his own life like what happened to his
sons. But still, he finished it without casualties. This lessons fall into faith. Having faith could
move mountains- mountains of appointment to meet, projects to pass and lessons to learn.
The last is: FOCUS ON OBJECTIVES, NOT OBSTACLES. Not giving all our attention could
give us a very serious problem. We cant deny that negative thinking is part of our system. In
almost all the things we do, we are expecting bad things to happen. Because of that, instead of
making our task easy it makes it more tediously. Caleb and Joshua showed optimism even in
the midst of doubt. They believed that they can enter the Promised Land because they
understood that God will give them everything if they only have faith. Having faith is all it takes
to get the things we cant do alone. Focusing on the objectives and not on the obstacles could
lead us to success.
When we are going to do things for the sake of Christ, we should do the following
1. Get right at it.
2. Trust God for the help you need
3. Focus on objectives, not obstacles.
The enemies know that things we do for Christ are effective and powerful that is why they
are trying to find ways on how we could be stopped. They keep on throwing obstacles on us
but we should not lose heart but rather keep on pushing and have trust. Remember that even
a faith that is as size of a mustard seed could move mountains.


Sticky situations are normal part our life. It could break us or strengthens us. That is
why it is a very important issue that we should tackle in order resolve our dilemma. The author
enumerates two forms of problems: problems with the group and problems with their own
personal lives.
Problems with the group:
We encountering problems because sometimes we do things all by ourselves, we live in a
principle that things turns out better if we do it all by ourselves. Moses did many tiring tasks
that his father-in-law noticed it, giving him advice on how to face things lightly:
1. Moses number one priority as a leader was to pray for the people under his charge
As a leader, it is our task to pray for those who are under our umbrella. Praying for them
could solve the problems that they are facing.
2. Moses was to teach the word of God
Leaders should teach their subordinates all the practical solutions that are bible-based. The
bible offers a lot of solution to different problems that every one of us is facing.
3. Moses was to be a visible example to his people
A leader has to be an example to his people, he should walk the talk. There are things that
should be taught not by lectures or sermon but by having an example.
4. Moses was to delegate his responsibilities
Dividing the responsibilities among other members is what a leader should do in order to
keep track on the task. But delegating should be done carefully; it should be given to those
who are competent and responsible enough.
In the above enumerations, we discussed that responsibilities should be delegated to
other members. But delegating should be given to those who are qualified in the following:
1. Likemindedness
The leaders-in-training must agree with the goals and objectives of the group. There
must be a congruence of goal among the leaders-in-training.
2. Maturity
The apprentice must be matured enough, meaning they are not a recent convert, they
could handle the emotional impact of being a leader.
3. Faithfulness
The trainee must be faithful in all the tasks given to him. Whether it is small or big, he
should be reliable and must have initiative.
One of the problems when it comes in leadership is communication. Everyone should
be informed for the reasons why a leader has undertaken certain steps in order for them not to
question this. Misunderstanding, when left unattended, will grow into a much bigger conflict.
The jobs that should be delegated among members must not be unpleasant to them. if they
loved the job given to them, there will come a time when you dont have to direct them for they
will do these things out of the joy in their hearts.
Personal problems:
Aside from problems a leader is facing toward his group, he is also susceptible to his
own personal problems. Financial, family and different kinds of problems could strike down a
leader and could build up doubts against his integrity. Sometimes personal problems make
leaders fall down into their knees making them collapse and lose the group they are handling.
But one of the ways on how to cope them up is to think that God has his own reasons and has
his own time. Things are going according to his plans that everything is under control.
Problems are like storms, they keep on coming at the times we are not expecting and
when they come they left nothing but destruction. But like storms, problems are not staying for
a very long time. There will be a time that they will be gone and another one will come. But let
us learn from all of this. Let us make sure that as they come and go, we learned something
new that could help us in our ministries. When this storm rages, we should always think about
God- He has his reasons and has his own time.
Chapter 10: Surviving Dangers

In the last chapter, we discussed about the problems that a leader is facing whether it is
about his group or his personal life. This time we will learn how to cope up with the different
dangers that it carried in order to survive. There are a lot of dangers a leader is facing,
many of them are shown but some of them are hiding ready t attack at the time when no
one expects. There are three most common dangers that the author enumerated:
covetousness, self glory and discouragement. Covetousness is an issue in leadership,
whether there are personal gains that motivate them behind their ministries. Covetousness
is a threat because it makes leaders preoccupied by earthly things making God and his
ministries second in their lives that will eventually end up no place at all. It is a problem of
the heart where many people fell. We should always make god the first in our lives to avoid
this, desire what is eternal and throw away what is not. Self-glory is also known as pride.
Sometimes praises and compliments could distract us and make us feel comfortable in it
that there will be a time that we will be doing the ministries just because we are looking for
positive responses. This trap is very poisonous for satan fell for it. Leaders are winning for
people not winning praises from them. We should glorify God through us and not the other
way around. The first one and the only one who should receive praises should be God. The
last is discouragement. It is very deadly because it could lose the fire inside the heart of
every leader. When a leader loses his fire, winter will surely come. It is the time when he
will just compromise and do things out of requirements and not out of love. When
discouragement comes, a leader must continue walking by faith until spring comes again.
Covetousness, pride and discouragement are one of the many traps set out for us to fall
down. We should always be cautious and prayerful in order to avoid these. Some of them are
not readily noticeable that is why we should ask God to give us a discerning heart that could
grasp every evil things that comes in our way. These things we cannot overcome by our
strength alone, but God will always be there to remind us that we are going out of track and
may cause our downfall.

Leaders are required to guide their members in their spiritual journey in intensifying their
relationship with Christ. Leaders are proven to be effective if the lives of those under his care
changed for the better through him and by God. Throughout the bible, leaders there show
significant influence among their members making them better and Christ-like. David is an
example in the bible that shows it takes one to make one. When David stood up against
Goliath many of the warriors were encouraged and become one of him. If we want the world to
be fully devoted to God we must be one. Originally there are twelve disciples that were tasked
to evangelize the whole world but now there were billions. It is because it takes one to make
one. In order to meet the needs of a group, there must be a meeting between the leader and
his members to talk about God and other related topics about them. There are a lot of topics
that could be talked about that will answer different needs of the members. Aside from
spending time with the group, you must also have an intense time with God and that is where
devotion comes. In those times, we should include these things:
1. Edification- encourages and builds up their faith.
2. Exhortation- there points in our lives that should be brought up to Christ
3. Comfort- give them ease and assurance that all things will come to pass in Gods time
4. Charge- give them something to do in order to apply all the things that they learned
One of the leaders main goals is to make their disciples a leader. Seeing them mature
as the time goes by, makes an assurance that all of their efforts are not wasted but rather
becomes reproductive for they will also creates other leaders when they will hold their own
group. Thus, it is very important to have a deep relationship with them; guiding them to walk by
faith in God and making them mature spiritually. The word leadership comes from the word
lead which means to show the way, thus leadership becomes successful only when he
succeed in guiding his members in the right path that he should take. God is the only way for
changing a person for better but He is not working alone but works through us.

Communication is a very important aspect not just for leadership but also in life as a whole.
Leaders are always in the front of other people; talking to them, teaching them or even making
announcements. For this reason, it is important to know how we could communicate with
others effectively. It is also important that we know what we are talking about and have
conviction about it. In that way, we will become an effective speaker. We should know the
subject first. We cant explain the things that we dont know. We should do a research or even
just know the background of it. We should say it like we mean it. It refers to having a
conviction; in short we should walk the talk. We should convince ourselves first before we can
convince others. The content of our messages should be bible based. All of the things we said
should have words from the bible. The author gave steps on how we could preach effectively:
1. State the point.
2. State the scriptures
3. Give an illustration
Throughout the steps, words of God should be used. Always remember that it is the
words of God we are trying to teach and not our own ideas. It is also normal that we are
nervous when we speak because there are a lot of people in front of us. When those times
come, we should know that what we speak is only the truth. The next thing to do is to smile.
The filler that is between two people is smile. But above all, the major ingredient of an effective
preaching is prayer. Prayer should not be absent in all the activities that we will be doing.
Communication is a vital part of being a leader. A leader is expected to speak in front of
many people and that is the reason we should strive to become a good speaker. To be
effective, we should speak the things we really knew and be convinced about it. If we arent
convinced in what we say, how can we convince others? And after we convinced ourselves,
we should prepare what we preach in a manner that people will understand us. Before we
speak in front of the people, we should not forget to pray because prayer gives power.
Being an effective leader is not easy. There are steps that we should undertake in order
to become one. Those steps sometimes are really painful and require a lot of sacrifices. But
those sacrifices will paid-off if we become a successful leader. God has a habit of using
unlikely people in doing great things such as leadership. Throughout the bible, we heard the
stories of Moses, David, Gideon, Paul and many others who think of themselves as inadequate
but still lead the people in the path God told them to take. The reason is that, it is not our
abilities that really matters in leadership but how we are willing to go further in letting God use
us. The abilities and the power we need when we are ministering is given to us by having
fellowship with Him, reading the scriptures, prayer and obedience. It is not earned through
hard work alone but with humility that we cannot do things well without the help of Him. A
leader should have an inner life that is worthy before God. He should have purity, humility and
faith. A leader who does not live according to Gods rule for us cannot become an effective
leader. The outer manifestation of the work of the Holy Spirit should be evident when we are
treating others. A leader should have heart that is ready to serve other people no matter how
hard a task is and should have a sensitive spirit that could discern the needs of other people. A
leader should be careful when it comes to spending time with other people because it could
make or break the relationship that they are trying to build. We should try to excel in all by
prayer asking God to give us the spirit of excellence, initiative and creativity. By being
excellent, we can create an impact on the people and leave nothing but good impression.
Creating an impact needs wholeheartedness, single-mindedly and a spirit that keeps on
fighting. Making an impact is not just about having these qualities but also carefully planning
the things that will be carrying out. Planning is an essential part of being a successful leader.
As we go on with the leadership, we will be facing obstacles and difficulties that will test how
strong our heart is. We should not lose heart but rather ask for God that He will give us the
strength to continue. In all the things that we do, we should always recognize that we cant do
anything without God. Success on the other hand, could create traps that will ensnare us to
downfall. Being cautious is a must. In conclusion, leadership is not just about our qualities but
most especially about the things that God could do. Just answer His call for leadership and He
will certainly do the rest.
Book Summary
In Sol 3

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