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Mahindas Regime Is Trembling

| by A Special Correspondent
( October 21 2!1" Colombo Sri #an$a %&ardian' There is no do&bt that MR regime is
in a precario&s position today than e(er be)ore* MR is going to commit a political
s&icide by calling )or presidential election )or a third term* +nli$e in the ,estern
co&ntries politicians ,ho come to po,er ,ith the mandate o) people do not li$e to gi(e
&p their seat o) po,er in o&r co&ntry* This can be called as a po,er addiction or po,er
physiology* Those people ,ho ha(e tasted po,er do not li$e to gi(e &p* It is (ery m&ch
similar to dr&g addiction* Ironically MR did all his dirty politics to change Sri #an$an
constit&tion to stay i po,er* It is (ery clearly mentioned in #an$an constit&tion that
any person ,ho held the post o) president )or t,o terms is a&tomatically dis-&ali)ied
to see$ a third term* .et this cra)ty MR managed to manip&late #an$an constit&tion in
his )a(o&r* It has been his habit to b&y people ,ith his po,er* /o, many +01 M1s
crossed o(er )rom +01 to S#21 ,ithin last 3 years4 It is a c&nning stratagem o) MR to
b&y people ,ith his money and po,er* +nli$e other Sri #an$an politicians MR ,ill do
any dirty ,or$ to stay in po,er*
/o, many people ha(e been $illed in the name o) politics by this regime4 /o, many
people ha(e r&n a,ay )rom the co&ntry in )ear o) li)e threat )rom MR and co4 /o,
many 5o&rnalists le)t the co&ntry beca&se o) intimidation )rom MR 6 co4 /o, many
dr&g dealers are roaming in the co&ntry beca&se o) the protection they recei(e )rom
go(ernment apparat&s4 MR )ollo,s the policy o) %* 7&sh* .o& are either ,ith &s or
,ith o&r enemy4 MR has a habit o) p&nishing anyone ,ho goes against him* #oo$ at
,hat happened to S*2 and loo$ at ,hat happened to )ormer chie) 5&stice S*7* similarly
many ha(e been se(erely p&nished by MR and co* on the other hand many o) his
)riends relati(es cohorts ha(e been re,arded ,ith high posts and positions in
go(ernment department as i) Sri #an$a is his )amily property or his )amily asset* /o,
many &n-&ali)ied people are gi(en diplomatic posts by MR and co4 /is relati(es are
gi(en many diplomatic posts in many )oreign co&ntries8 his )riends ha(e been o))ered
high posts in many go(ernmental departments* One o) his co&sins ,itho&t any basic
-&ali)ication is the chairman o) Sri #an$an Airline Sri #an$a has a long tradition o)
selecting highly -&ali)ied pro)essionals )rom S#OS e9amination )or the post o)
diplomatic mission and Sri #an$a has indeed prod&ced some o) best diplomatic
pro)essionals* A)ter a long period o) ser(ice in diplomatic ser(ice people are promoted
to the post o) high commissioners and ambassadors* This is done in the greater
interest o) Sri #an$a* 1eople ,ith good I: and academic bac$gro&nds are selected )or
2oreign Ser(ice in the greater interest o) o&r nation* .et ,hat happened in recent time
is shoc$ing* Many relati(es and )riends o) MR and co are recr&ited to the post o) Sri
#an$an high commissioners ,itho&t any diplomatic e9periences and -&ali)ications* As
a than$ gi(ing some army commanders are promoted to the post o) #an$an high
commissioners 5&st beca&se they de)eated #TT;* Today diplomacy is a demanding
tas$* 1eople ,ho are selected )or diplomatic missions needs some solid s$ills and
-&ali)ications yet in Sri #an$an army commanders and )riends o) MR are gi(en these
posts at the e9penses o) national interests*
A Sinhalese )riend o) mine told me that only <!!*!!! tho&sand people aro&nd MR and
co )amily bene)it )rom this go(ernment* /e says that these people are mil$ing the
go(ernment apparat&s today* /e says it is MR and his e9tended )amily MR and his
close )riends and MR and his cohorts ,ho s&pport him )rom armed )orces o) Sri #an$a
are bene)iting and mil$ing these go(ernmental departments* It is (ery m&ch similar to
:ada)is r&le o(er #ibya or Sadam /&sains r&le o(er Ira-* MR is a constit&tional
dictator ,ho is protected by #an$an constit&tion*
Than$s to co&rageo&s =>1 #eader ,ho has the co&rage and bra(ery to e9pose some o)
shoc$ing re(elation o) corr&ption and nepotism o) MR and co )amily r&le in Sri #an$a*
0o president in Sri #an$an history has e9ploited the e9ec&ti(e po,er as MR has done
)or the last ? years* 0o president has damaged the economy o) Sri #an$a as MR has
done recently* All his mega pro5ects are &tter )ail&re* Millions o) dollars are ,asted in
Sea port pro5ect in /ambantota* Millions o) dollars are ,asted in Mattala airport
pro5ects* Matta airport co&ld become a ghost to,n sooner or later* Millions o) dollars
are ,asted in mega pro5ects that are not s&itable to #an$an needs and demands* MR
and )amily control the entire go(ernment apparat&s* /is 2amily dominates all
go(ernmental departments* This method o) r&ling ne(er happened in modern Sri
#an$an history* This is (ery m&ch similar to some sort o) dictatorship* MR and co ha(e
managed to manip&late #an$an constit&tion into a )orm o) dictatorship ,ith po,er
(ested on them by constit&tional rights*
Today in Sri #an$an parliament ,e ha(e more than <!@ o) M1S ,ho do not ha(e any
)ormal -&ali)ications* Some o) them e(en do not ha(e %CS; AA# -&ali)ications* /o,
co&ld these people debate any iss&e in the parliament* Bhat type o) legislators are
these people4 Bhat bene)its these people can bring to this nation4 .o& do not need to
name them here and yet8 a c&rsory e9amination into the pro)ile o) some o) these
people ,o&ld gi(e &s some cl&e abo&t the pathetic sit&ation o) SriC #an$an parliament
today* Do not ,e ha(e -&ali)ied people in Sri #an$a4
Today people are s&))ering a lot beca&se o) price hi$ing* 1eople cannot a))ord to li(e
any more ,ith money they earn4 Bhat is the point to ha(e mega pro5ects and e9press
,ays i) people cannot a))ord to ma$e ends meet4 Most o) the mega pro5ects and
constr&ctions ,or$s are done ,ith the money borro,ed )rom China* China does not do
charity ,or$s in Sri #an$a rather it does b&siness in Sri #an$a* It ma$es money in Sri
#an$a* It has its geological and economic interest in Sri #an$a* Other,ise China
,o&ld not come to help &s*
The cra)ty stratagem o) MR and co can be e9posed ,ith some statistics and )ig&res*
.o& do not need to be a political scientist to $no, the dirty ,or$s o) MR and co*
Recently he made many concessions )or Sri #an$an people* These concessions are
nothing b&t eye ,ash to decei(e people* These concessions are made to b&y (ote in this
elections* %as and electricity prices are red&ced 5obs are promised to teachers
promotions are gi(en to police o))icers army o))icers and promises are made to
constr&ct many roads these are nothing b&t to cheat (oters In =a))na some pro5ects
are done to b&y (otes and yet Tamil people ha(e not )orget their recent history*
2or MR and co this election is Edo or die sit&ation* They ha(e to ,in this election
other,ise8 they ,ill be ,iped o&t )rom the )ace o) this ,orld or end &p in 5ail )or many
ob(io&s reasons* They ha(e earned a lot o) enemies ,ithin the last )e, years* They
ha(e )ailed to learn lessons )rom the political history* 2or this reason they ,ill do
,hate(er they co&ld do to ,in this election* It can be e9pected that this election ,o&ld
be most )ra&d&lent one in Sri #an$an history beca&se MR and co ,ill do their dirty
,or$s in this election*
Today people in Sri #an$a $no, all these dirty ,or$s o) MR and they $no, that MR
and )amily are 5olly riding in the name o) politics* 1eople had eno&gh o) these )amily
r&ling* Moreo(er most o) senior members o) S#21 are not happy ,ith MR and co*
most o) them are made to bo, do,n to members and they are totally marginalised*
Some o) them are li$e sla(es and made to listen and obey to MR and )amily* Many o)
them ,ant to cross o(er and ,aiting to see any opport&nity to do so* Some o) them
ha(e already said that in p&blic* /o, long Mr and co co&ld $eep cheating people*
Today people ha(e realised that they need a change* They need a real change in
politics* That co&ld happen and ,ill happen soon*
Tamil parties ,o&ld ne(er (ote )or MR and co* M&slims parities ,o&ld ne(er )or (ote
MR and co* S2 and =>1 ,ill ne(er (ote )or MR and co* Many o) S#21 Members ,ill
cross o(er to +01 nearing the election* Moreo(er +01 has got some solid traditional
(ote ban$* Bith all these predications this time MR and co ,ill go home*
1osted by Tha(am

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