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Interesting Nootropic article found a long

the way
Posted on August 12, 2013
You may not be aware of it, but academic steroids are real, completely
legal, and clinically proven. !ave spent t!e last 10 mont!s researc!ing,
purc!asing, and e"perimenting wit! nearly every single nootropic
available. #!ttp$%%en.wi&'ootropic( )!e e*ects !ave been
profound. +irst, wit! t!e !elp of a little ca*eine, am able to study for t!e
bar e"am all day wit! ,ero mental fatigue. -econd, am able to read vast
.uantities of information only one time and spit it bac& wit! pinpoint
precision. t is t!e closest t!ing to a p!otograp!ic memory !ave ever
e"perienced. )!e information is /ust t!ere on command w!en needed.
0!en ta&e practice tests most days !ave nearly perfect recall and my
only mista&es are analysis.
You can do t!is for yourself.
)!e following nootropic regimen is uni.ue in a few regards.
+irst, t!e e*ects of t!e supplements are synergistic because eac! of t!em
!as a di*erent mec!anism of action. f you randomly start ta&ing
nootropics, you are li&ely to ta&e supplements t!at do not give you a
synergistic e*ect. +or instance, acetylc!oline is t!e primary
nerotransmitter related to information processing. Acetylc!olinerase is
responsible for t!e brea&down of acetylc!oline. )!ere are multiple
supplements t!at will increase acetylc!oline production, among t!em
12P1!oline, alp!a3P1, 24A5, centrop!eno"ine and Acetyl 6 1arnitine. f
you double up, you simply !it a ceiling on t!e amount of acetylc!oline
available. Also, many nootropics suc! as !uper,ine A in!ibit
acetylc!olinerase. n!ibiting acetylc!olinerase !as t!e same e*ect as
producing more acetylc!oline. )!ere are so many supplements w!ose only
mec!anism of action is eit!er to increase acetylc!oline production or
in!ibit acetylc!olinerase. f you ta&e multiples of t!ese supplements, you
will !it a ceiling and will not get a synergistic e*ect. )!e synergistic e*ect
of di*erent mec!anisms of action is very important to t!e following
-econd, t!e e*ects are cumulative. 1a*eine and amp!etamines actually
deplete your brain over time. )!ey are s!ort7term band7aid solutions t!at
merely s!ift your brain into overdrive before wearing it out. )!e
supplements !ere actually en!ance t!e structure and function of your
brain. )!ey are proven to be more e*ective in t!ree mont!s t!an t!ey are
w!en you 8rst start ta&ing t!em.
)!ird, t!ese supplements are non7to"ic. )!ey are safe for c!ronic use.
+ort!, if you start wit! t!e 8rst t!ree supplements to get a taste of w!at is
available, it is relatively c!eap.
f you are /ust getting started recommend t!ree supplements.
1( Piracetam2( 12P1!oline3( 5it!er sulbutiamine or pyritinol
Piracetam is t!e time !onored granddadday of all nootropics. )!is is a
good introduction 7 !ttp$!tm 0!en discovered it
s!oc&ed researc!ers by being completely non7to"ic and also en!ancing
t!e performance of normal adults wit! no forms of mental impairment.
Piracetam is proven to increase performance on multiple measures of
intelligence. ts e*ects are cumulative.
t is recommended t!at you ta&e a source of c!oline wit! piracetam.
recommend 12P1!oline. Piracetam needs a source of c!oline because
acetylc!oline is t!e primary neurotransmitter related to information
-ulbutiamine prevents mental fatigue. You can be as e*ective 9 !ours in
to your day as you are upon wa&ing up. Pyritinol increases alertness,
energy and t!e ability to concentrate. Pic& eit!er.
)!e blood7brain barrier is a t!res!old t!at any nutrient must cross in order
to be used by your brain. -ulbutiamine is a synt!esi,ed version of
t!iamine t!at crosses t!e blood7brain barrier better t!an regular t!iamine.
After crossing t!e blood7brain barrier it is bro&en down into two parts
normal t!iamine. t is essentially a brain speci8c source of t!iamine.
)!iamine reserves play an important role in mental endurance.
Pyritinol is a neuroen!anced version of vitamin :;. t is one of t!e oldest
and safest nootropics available. 6i&e sulbutiamine, it is essentially a brain
speci8c version of a : vitamin.
also ta&e t!e following supplements.
PicamilonAniracetam6ion<s 4ane+is! =ilP!osp!atidyl-erine:acopa
Picamilion is a designer drug. 3A:A is a neurotransmitter t!at plays a role
in reducing nervous e"citement. >owever, ta&ing 3A:A orally is
ine*ective because 3A:A cannot cross t!e blood7brain barrier. Picamilion
is a synt!esis of niacin #vitamin :3( and 3A:A t!at was designed to cross
t!e blood7brain barrier. After crossing t!e blood7brain barrier picamilion is
bro&en down to niacin and 3A:A.
especially li&e t!e e*ect of t!e t!ree neuroen!anced : vitamins.
-ulbutiamine is bro&en down to two t!iamine parts #vitamin :1( after
crossing t!e blood7brain barrier. Picamilon is bro&en down to niacin
#vitamin :3( and 3A:A after it crosses t!e blood7brain barrier. Pyritinol is
en!anced :;. )!e combination of brain speci8c :1, :3 and :; is greater
t!an any of t!em alone. )!ey are !ig!ly synergistic.
Aniracetam is a supplement derived from piracetam. t is muc! more
potent t!at piracetam and !as entirely di*erent types of e*ects. ta&e
?@0 mg of aniracetam and A000 mg of piracetam daily. )!e e*ects are
synergistic. Aniracetam is anot!er supplement t!at you s!ould probably
researc! for yourself. Any supplement in t!e 7racetam family is entirely
non7to"ic, !as cumulative e*ects, and impacts almost every &nown
measure of mental performance.
6ion<s mane is a mus!room t!at !as been used for centuries in t!e east to
en!ance t!e nervous system. Becently it !as been discovered t!at t!is is
because lion<s mane increases t!e production of 'erve 3rowt! +actor. '3+
is responsible for determining t!e rate at w!ic! new brain cells are
produced. A 'obel Pri,e was awarded for t!is discovery because no ot!er
substance is &nown to cross t!e blood7brain barrier and stimulate t!e
production of '3+. -i" mont!s of supplementation wit! lion<s mane is
proven to produce a signi8cant improvement in nearly every measure of
mental function in people wit! dementia. n a literal sense, you !ave more
brains w!en you supplement wit! lion<s mane. '=:567+B5AC'37PBD5.
2on<t underestimate it.
P!osp!atidylc!oline is synt!esi,ed from uridine, c!oline, and 2>A. +is! =il
!as two omega73 fatty acids$ 5PA and 2>A. 12P1!oline is bro&en down
and converted into uridine and c!oline. )!us, p!osp!atidylc!oline can be
produced from supplementation wit! 12Pc!oline and 8s! oil. :ot!
p!osp!atydlc!oline and p!osp!atidylserine are essential components of
every nerve cell membrane. ncreasing t!e levels of p!osp!atidylc!oline
and p!osp!atidylserine improve nearly every measure of mental
:acopa is a !erbal supplement long used in ndia to en!ance memory. t
!as uni.ue c!emicals t!at !ave a mec!anism of action distinct from every
ot!er supplement in t!is regimen. 5ven alone it !as a powerful e*ect on
memory recall. t also repairs old and damaged neurons and dendrites. An
interesting side e*ect is t!at it is as e*ective at reducing an"iety as
prescription anti7an"iety medicines. )!is e*ect cannot be underestimated
on stressful tests.
+inally, e"ercise is crucial. !ttp$%%well.blogs.nyEess7an"ious%Fem 5"ercise
ensures t!at new neurons produced are able to perform under stress. t
gives you a !ig!er level of cognitive function naturally.
)!is is t!e !oly grail of nootropic supplementation. f you go wit! t!e
c!eapest suppliers on t!e internet, you s!ouldn<t be set bac& more t!an
G100 a mont!. G3 a day is w!at it costs for limitless mental endurance
and t!e best memory your brain is capable of !aving. You will surprise
yourself. promise you t!at you do not &now !ow smart you really are.
As a side note, a doctor diagnosed me wit! A2>2 and prescribed me
Adderall. t!in& most A2>2 diagnoses are bogus, but still too& Adderall
because it was so e*ective at !elping me to study. still !ave a
prescription for Adderall but !ave stopped ta&ing it. literally e"perience
almost no e*ect from it. 0it! t!is regimen, it is as if am always on
Adderall already. 2on<t get me wrong. 0-> Adderall wor&ed in
con/unction wit! everyt!ing else. :ut t!e only e*ect it !as on me now is
ma&ing me obsessively organi,e and clean my room.
n addition to increasing performance on a variety of mental tas&s, many
of t!ese supplements are proven e*ective at reversing alco!ol related
cognitive impairment. A year ago my s!ort7term memory and ability to
concentrate were impaired from all t!e drin&ing did in law sc!ool. )oday
can safely say t!at am t!e smartest !ave ever been. )!is will wor& for
2o your own researc!. You will only verify wit! !ave told you.
f you start ta&ing ot!er supplements, t!e odds are you are only going to
compound an e*ect already produced by one of t!e supplements on t!is
list. )!ey will not be synergistic. f you are really aggressive about
nootropics wit! synergistic mec!anisms of action, you can also loo& in to
deprenyl, !ydergine, lit!ium orotate and as!agand!a. ta&e deprenyl and
!ydgergine o* and on, but t!ey are e"pensive enoug! t!at do not
include t!em in my usual nootropic stac&. caution against lit!ium orotate
unless you &now e"actly w!at you<re doing because it can be dangerous.
3ood luc&.
'ote$ 5very person<s brain bioc!emistry is di*erent. )!ere are a certain
number of people w!o do not respond to Piracetam at all. )!e e*ect of
any one of t!ese supplements mig!t be di*erent for you. )!ere is
ultimately no substitute for researc!ing and e"perimenting to 8nd out
w!at wor&s for you
Exercise I
Alt!oug! t!is is t!e simplest of my twelve e"ercises, it is by far t!e most
important, for it is upon t!is e"ercise t!at all subse.uent instructions are
based. 'ow, too, is t!e time for you to ac.uire t!e proper !abit of study.
H0ell begun is !alf done,H you &now, and t!is e"ercise 777 comprising t!ree
separate mental drills 777 a*ords you t!e opportunity to establis! your
earnestness, punctuality and continuity of e*ort. t is designed to train
you to apply yourself to a mastery of 4ultiple 4entalism and to give you a
8rm foundation of t!oug!t application upon w!ic! t!e rest of t!e lessons
in t!is course depend.
And rig!t !ere want to emp!asi,e w!at will be repeated time and again
t!roug!out t!e course 777 t!at you must not copy t!is e"ercise, but must
wor& from memory aloneI n t!is way, and ='6Y in t!is way, will you be
able to train your mind to do t!ings for you, w!en and as you want t!em
doneI t is wor& 777 but it is fun too. t ta&es time 777 but it is wort! itI And
t!e results will seem not!ing less t!an miraculousI
+irst$ )!is t!e 5nglis! alp!abet$
A B C D E F G H I J ! " N # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - .
You were taug!t to memori,e t!at in t!e 8rst grade. 'ow, wit! pencil and
paper, :J) 0)>=J) 6==C'3 A) ) 5K5' ='15. write t!e alp!abet
bac&wards ++)Y )45-$
. - , + * ) ( ' & % $ # N " ! J I H G F E D C B A
)!e 8rst time will be diLcult and you may ma&e mista&es. :ut donMt loo&,
nor copy, nor ta&e too long to Ht!in& it out.H 0rite it bac&wards, at a fairly
even speed, regardless of !ow slow t!at speed may be, from 454=BY.
)!is is t!e 8rst training for your mind. n ten or twenty attempts you will
be able to write t!e alp!abet bac&wards easily. 2o it 8fty times and you
will !ave mastered it perfectly.
-econd$ assume t!at you now !ave mastered t!e alp!abet bac&wards. f
you !ave not, do not stop at t!e 8fty times you !ave written it, but
continue writing it from memory until you !ave mastered it. )!en
transpose in 173 27A order t!e letters of t!e alp!abet from A to D, as
A C B D/ E G F H/ I J !/ " # N $/ % ' & (/ ) + * ,/ 0- .1/
w!ic! are left over from t!e si" combinations of four letters eac!. 2o t!is
++)Y times from memory. t will be by no means easy t!e 8rst few times,
but you will gain accuracy .uic&ly. >owever, you will pro8t not!ing if you
loo& at t!e letters of t!e alp!abet in order to copy t!e e"ercise. ts value
lies in t!e training given you by brea&ing up t!e se.uence of letters in
Y=JB 4'2, wit!out t!e !elp of your eyes. You can readily understand
!ow t!is will lead to mental agility in grasping and revolving business
problems in your mind. )!erefore, do t!is e"ercise A) 65A-) 8fty times, or
as many more times as may be necessary for you to be able to do it
.uic&ly and accurately.
)!ird$ n t!e same way, transpose t!e letters of t!e alp!abet ++)Y times,
in t!e order of 172;, 272@, 372A, A723, @722, etc.N t!e 8rst 13 letters #A to
4, inclusive( in t!eir regular orderN t!e last 13 #D to ', inclusive(
bac&wardsN intermingling t!e two !alves of t!e alp!abet t!us$
A2. B2- C2, D2+ E2* F2) G2( H2' I2& J2% 2$ !2# "2N
2o t!is also from 454=BY. 2o not copy or loo& at t!e alp!abet. And w!en
you are doing t!is e"ercise, reali,ing t!at you are doing two t!ings at once
in your mind. You are writing t!e 8rst !alf of t!e alp!abet in its usual
se.uence, and t!e last t!irteen letters in reverse order. You are ma&ing
your brain do somet!ing for you t!at it never did before. t is performing a
dual operation. 0!en you !ave done t!is t!ird part of 5"ercise 8fty
times, entirely from memory, you will !ave demonstrated t!at you can
ma&e your mind really wor& for you wit! a nimbleness !eretofore
2onMt forget t!at you c!eat only yourself 777 not anyone else 777 of you fail
to perform t!ese mental gymnastics from memory and if you fail to send
='5 >=JB A 2AY on t!e e"ercises.
And now, am going to put you on your !onor. +or your own sa&e, master
t!is e"ercise 77 in all its t!ree parts 77 before you go on to 1!apter and its
accompanying e"ercise. 5ac! c!apter and HdrillH in t!is course is based on
all t!at goes before it. Your success wit! t!e second lesson depends on
your mastery of t!e 8rst. :e conscientious 777 be fair to yourself 777 and
spend all t!e time you need to do eac! e"ercise .uic&ly, accurately and
easily. )!e rewards will delig!t youI
Exercise II
2o not attempt t!is e"ercise until you !ave mastered t!e t!ree parts of
t!e 8rst lessonI )!e mental drill you are about to be given deals wit!
words, and w!ile you may not at 8rst see t!at it !as anyt!ing to do wit!
w!at you learned in 5"ercise , 5"ercise is based on t!e )BA''3 t!ere
given you and follows it in logical se.uence. )!at is w!y it is absolutely
5--5')A6 t!at you master t!e 8rst before ta&ing up t!e second.
f you !ave mastered 5"ercise , you will agree t!at it is rat!er easy, and
very interesting, to write t!e alp!abet bac&wards and to intermingle t!e
letters. Bemember, !owever, t!at t!e letters, words and 8gures used in
t!is training are merely t!e tools wit! w!ic! you wor& on your mental
processes 77 as useless in t!emselves as a slide rule is to a -unday driver.
)!ey are t!e means 77 t!e end result is a mind of suc! power and
adaptability t!at it will carry you to pinnacles of ac!ievement far beyond
your present imaginationI
+or your 8rst drill in 5"ercise , write from memory as many t!ree7letter
words as you canN at least t!irty of t!em. +ifty to one !undred would be
better. )!ere is not muc! mental wor& involved in t!at, is t!ereF >ere are
/ust a few for samples$
"AN D#G CA( (HE HA- 'E, &)N (#$ +A' B)( N#+ F#&
O'ow, write your list from memoryI 2o not copy t!ese words, but t!in& up
t!ree7letter words yourself and write t!em on a s!eet of paper. 0rite t!em
a !alf do,en times until you !ave t!em pretty well in mind and can recall
t!em easily. 'e"t, wit!out loo&ing at w!at you !ave written #t!row t!e
paper in t!e waste bas&etI(, write as many of t!ose words as you can
remember, writing t!em :A1C0AB2- from memory, li&e t!is$
NA" G#D (AC EH( -AH ,E' N)& $#( 'A+ ()B +#N &#F
-ome of t!e words you !ave selected will form new and correct words
w!en spelled bac&wards, but disregard t!ese new words t!us formed. +or
t!e purpose of t!is e"ercise t!ey mean not!ing, but are mere
)!e purpose of t!is drill is to train your mind to see t!ings !olistically in
t!eir entirety. +or instance, w!en you t!in& of t!e word HcanH, it s!ould
mean not /ust t!e se.uence Hc7a7nH to you, but s!ould appear as a picture
in your mind, of t!ree letters, eac! e.ually important regardless of
arrangement. )!e HaH is as important as t!e HcH or t!e HnH even t!oug! it
is in t!e middle of t!e word. You can see t!e practical application of t!is is
t!e consideration of commonplace problems of life and businessI
Bepeat t!is e"ercise twenty78ve times, eac! time removing your previous
e*ort from sig!t and ma&ing your new attempt entirely from memory,
.uic&ly forwards or bac&wards. And w!en t!at word pictures itself in your
mind, it will appear to you not as a static se.uence of t!ree letters, but as
t!ree separate letters w!ic! your mind will be able to group into any form
at will.
H:ut w!at good will t!at do meFH you may as&. H0!at good is it to me to
be able to spell s!ort words bac&wardsFH )!is e"ercise will !ave taug!t
your brain to do somet!ing it never could do it do before 77 it will !ave
bro&en down anot!er rut in w!ic! your mind was traveling 77 it is a step
toward untrammeled, original t!in&ing. And it will !ave developed your
brain by /ust t!at muc! 77 prepared it for furt!er training by t!e lessons
t!at follow in t!is course.
+urt!ermore, it will !ave trained your brain to see little t!ings, li&e little
words, in t!eir entirety. )!e small problems of life or business or t!e !ome
are made up of two or t!ree sides, or .uestions, or ManglesH. 'o matter
!ow simple, every .uestion !as at least two sides. )!e successful man is
t!e one w!o can see A66 sides at once 77 t!e ot!er fellowMs as well as !is
own. And, &nowing t!e ot!er manMs problem, !e is able to ta&e advantage
of t!e situation of !is own interests 77 w!ile t!e ot!er man, w!o sees only
>- side of t!e matter and does not grasp t!e problem as a w!ole, is
placed at suc! disadvantage t!at !e usually comes out second best. )!is
e"ercise is powerful indeed in its potentialitiesI
=f course, t!ese two c!apters will not ma&e you a success overnig!t in
w!at you are striving for, but t!ey !ave started your brain on t!e pat! to
clear, concise, concurrent and analytical t!in&ing 77 w!ic! is an essential
to success in any e*ort.
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 *isuali5ing and
"e3ory Drill
)ry t!ese drills in your spare time. 4a&e a game of t!em. You will learn to
li&e t!em, and all t!e time you will be developing your brain cells.
2rill A 0rite any )>B55 65))5B 0=B2 you can t!in& of, at t!e same
time spell aloud an entirely di*erent )>B55 65))5B 0=B2. 5"ample$
0rite$ c2a2t 0rite$ p2e2n 0rite$ c2u2p -pell$ d2o2g -pell$ i2n2
6 -pell$ s2u23
1ontinue wit! t!is drill, using di*erent words in eac! attempt, until you
are capable of writing ='5 )>B55 65))5B 0=B2 and spelling A'=)>5B
t!ree letter word at t!e same time, wit!out !esitation.
2rill : 2o not attempt t!is drill until you !ave mastered 2rill A
0rite a )>B55 65))5B 0=B2, writing t!e letters in reverse se.uence 77 at
t!e same time spell it aloud correctly. 5"ample$
0rite$ t2a23 0rite$ t2i2h 0rite$ y2a2p
-pell$ 32a2t -pell$ h2i2t -pell$ p2a2y
1ontinue t!is drill, using di*erent words.
2rill 1 )!is drill may be a little more diLcult t!an t!ose preceding, but
you can master it. Bemember your brain is now more Pe"ible t!an it was
before you started 4J6)P65 45')A6-4 77 and t!ese drills will ma&e it
even more Pe"ible.
0rite any )>B55 65))5B 0=B2 spelling it :A1C0AB2-$ at t!e same time
spell A'=)>5B t!ree letter word correctly. 5"ample$
0rite$ t2a2h 0rite$ t2i2f 0rite$ n2i2p
-pell$ c2a2p -pell$ f2u2n -pell$ p2i2t
1ontinue t!is drill until it is easy for you, using di*erent words.You are
becoming mentally -)B='3.
Exercise III
n 5"ercise you became adept at writing t!ree7letter words bac&wards
from memory. And rig!t !ere want to emp!asi,e t!e necessity of
spending at least ='5 >=JB a day on t!is course. You can devote time to
it w!ile riding to or from wor&, w!ile eating lunc!, or during any of t!e idle
moments wit! w!ic! every manMs day is blessed #or cursedI(. 'o doubt
you gained a fair mastery of 5"ercise in an !our or so, for it is
purposefully so simple t!at a c!ild can do it and en/oy it. :ut to train t!e
mind to accomplis! a t!ing readily and instantly, you must train it by
repetition until t!e process becomes automatic. n so doing, t!e rig!t
brain is engaged. t is not enoug! to be able, w!en leaving t!e second
lesson, to write bac&wards any t!ree letter word t!at comes to your mind,
and to do so almost as readily as you would write it forwards. )!at is /ust a
start. You must go furt!er before ta&ing up 5"ercise . Bepeat 'umber
every day for a wee&. An !our a day. At t!e end of t!e wee& you will 8nd
t!at you are doing it automatically, almost unconsciously, and absolutely
wit!out e*ort.
)!en, but not until t!en, you are ready for 5"ercise , in w!ic! you are to
do t!is$ 0rite, from memory, 2@ to @0 four7letter words. Put t!em on a
piece of paper and study t!em carefully. )!en discard t!e paper and write
t!em again. 2o t!is several times, until you can .uic&ly recall A66 =+
)>54. )!en write t!em bac&wards from memory. >ere are a few samples$
+orwards$ N#B $AIN CA'E 'I!! &ING '!I$ &EAD 'H#E +##D
:ac&wards$ B#N NIA$ E'AC !!I' GNI& $I!' DAE& E#H'
Alt!oug! t!ey loo& .ueer, eac! is a word wit! a very de8nite meaning.
)!e letters are in reverse order, it is true 77 but, still, eac! is a word you
fre.uently use and s!ould be able to recogni,e at a glance, even t!oug!
written bac&wards. 'ow, repeat t!is twenty78ve times 77 5A1> )45 +B=4
454=BY 77 recalling t!e words in your mind and not loo&ing at t!em in
writing. )a&e a clean s!eet of paper eac! time you write t!e group anew.
After you !ave perfected yourself in t!is drill, you will be able to recogni,e
t!e words Pale, >ump, 1oon, even w!en you see t!em in reverse order,
t!us$ 5lap, Pmu!, or 'ooc.
And w!atMs t!at to youF 0ell, it means t!at you !ave now ta&en t!e 8rst
step toward being able instantly to see all sides of simple problems, no
matter in w!at guise t!ey may confront you. And wit! t!is as a basis, you
will build your ability to con.uer lifeMs most diLcult situations. )!e drills
give you in t!e e"ercises to come, ma&e greater and greater demands
upon your brain 77 develop it constantly to a point far beyond w!at you
would now dream possible.
Exercise I*
)!is is your 8rst comple" e"ercise. t utili,es all t!e training you !ave
given your mind t!roug! 5"ercises , and . t consists of putting words
toget!er, e"actly as you must put ideas toget!er in life in order to obtain
t!e fullest measure of business or professional success. Probably it will
ta&e you several days to become pro8cient in t!e mental gymnastics
now introduce 77 but t!ey will give you a very de8nite mental ability t!at
you do not !ave at present.
)a&e 2A of t!e t!ree7letter words you memori,ed in 5"ercise , or any 2A
ot!er t!ree7letter words t!at come to mind. 0rite t!em a few times so
t!at you are t!oroug!ly familiar wit! t!em. )!en pair any two of t!e 2A
t!at 8rst occur to you, and intermingle t!eir letters in se.uence. >ere is
w!at mean$
#I! Q BI( R # B I I ! (
and, li&ewise$
E- Q "A$ R " E A - $
Pair up t!e 2A words into any 12 pairs, writing t!eir letters, as above, in 17
1, 272, 373 order. )!en start all over wit! t!e same or di*erent letters. 4i"
t!e words in any pairs t!at occur to you. ntermingle t!eir letters in t!e
order given. 2o t!is 20 4'J)5- every day.
n t!e second 207minute period of your !ourMs e"ercise, pair a t!ree7letter
word wit! a four7letter word and intermingle t!eir letters$
+E&E Q HA' R + H E A & ' E
and, similarly$
C#"E Q AI! R C A # I " ! E
2o t!is +=B 20 4'J)5- 5K5BY 2AY, using a di*erent pair every time you
do it, until you can ta&e any t!ree7letter word and intermingle its letters
wit! t!ose of any four7letter word as rapidly as you could spell eac! word
correctly by itself. )!is drill s!ould immediately follow your 207minute
practice in intermingling t!ree7letter words.
'ow, for t!e last 207minute period of your daily drill, do t!e same
e"ercises as t!e two preceding, 5S15P)$ pair and intermingle four7letter
words, one wit! anot!er, instead of using t!ree7letter and four7letter
words, t!us$
!IE Q $AI& R ! $ I A I E &
and also$
F#A" Q !#*E R F ! # # A * " E
You may reali,e !ow essential consider it w!en repeat a bit of advice
given you in every e"ercise so far$ '5K5B H1=PYH )>5 2B66. 2o it from
memoryI +B=4 454=BY A6='5. Jse your HmindMs eyeH, not your p!ysical
eye. n doing t!is, you ac.uire t!at same miraculous ability wit! w!ic! t!e
blind ama,e t!e world 77 t!e power to recreate, in your own mind,
everyt!ing about you at t!e moment and anyt!ing you !ave seen in t!e
past. Your mind =P5'- 77 it embraces )>5 0=B62 ' )- 5')B5)Y. t is
66J4'A)52 77 dar&, obscure corners become 63>). Your mind is awa&e
77 it 6K5-. )!e w!ole eart! is 0)>' Y=JB 45')A6 K-=' 77 and you are
master of itI )!at is t!e power possessed by t!e blind, in some measure 77
and w!ic! you can not only ac.uire, too, but to w!ic! you can A22 t!e
inestimable value of sig!t. )ruly, e"aggerate but little w!en tell you t!at
practicing t!ese e"ercises until you reac! perfection in t!em will ma&e you
not!ing less t!an a -uper7man 77 a being apart from t!ose around youI
-o, ma&e your mind 0=BC. 2onMt HcoddleH it by copying 77 nor HbabyH it by
ta&ing less t!an an !ourMs drill every day. )a&e 4=B5, if you need it. )!e
:3 t!ing is$ to master 77 master t!oroug!ly 77 eac! and every lesson as
you go along. Perfect yourself in it before proceeding to t!e one following.
n t!is way, and in t!is way ='6Y, you will get full value from 4ultiple
4entalism, t!e -=65 course of its &ind in t!e world
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 Nu3erical2+ord
2rill A 7 Becite aloud t!e numerals from 1 to 100. At t!e same time write
as many +=JB 65))5B words correctly as you can. 1ontinue practicing
t!is drill until you can &eep an even pace, counting and writing..
After a few attempts you s!ould be able to write 1@ or more A7letter words
wit!out stopping your counting, alt!oug! you may !ave to pause
occasionally to t!in& of words.
2rill : 7 Becite numerals from 3 to TT, w!ile writing A7letter words, spelled
5SA4P65$ B#A( 77 as you count aloud Hby t!reesH.
-P56652$ (A#B
A friendly bit of advice to you$ )!e more diLcult you 8nd t!ese e"ercises,
is t!e sign t!at you need t!em, so 4A-)5B t!em by all means.
$sychological Di7culties &elie8ed 9y "ultiple "entalis3
5"ercise K may !ave seemed diLcult at 8rst. :ut by t!e time you ta&e up
t!is c!apter, you will 77 if you are fair to yourself 77 !ave mastered 5"ercise
K and will now be able to do t!e drill easily.
)!is is as good a time as any for me to go on record wit! t!is statement,
substantiated by every scienti8c aut!ority on t!e wor&ings of t!e !uman
mind$ )>'C'3 '5K5B >JB) A'Y:=2YI Balp! 0aldo 5merson, one of
AmericaMs outstanding p!ilosop!ers, said$ Ht probably is easier for great
men to do great t!ings t!an it is for little men to do little t!ingsH. -o, if you
!ave found it diLcult to do t!e little e"ercises !ave t!us far given you,
your brain !as not yet really begun to reali,e its capacity and it still
stamps you, comparatively, as a HlittleH man. >owever, to .uote anot!er
famous 8gure in !istory, )!omas 5dison once said, H3enius is TTU
perspiration and 1U inspirationH. 1onse.uently, t!e e*ort you devote to
t!ese e"ercises will lead you surely and uninterruptedly to 3B5A)'5-- =+
')56651). And greatness of intellect is c!aracteri,ed by greatness in
ot!er t!ings 77 in understanding, in sympat!y, in c!arity and in our daily
conduct. 4any ends well wort! striving forI
And if, in t!e striving, you occasionally feel a touc! of Hbrain fatigueH,
remember t!is$ p!ysical e"ercises t!at build up your muscles and
framewor& are invariably accompanied, at 8rst, by p!ysical sti*ness. )!is
sti*ness is in itself PB==+ t!at t!e e"ercises are bene8ting you 77 calling
into play parts of your body t!at !ave been HrustingH, unused. -o wit! t!e
mental e"ercises t!at are given !ere. f t!ey seem to ma&e your brain sti*
and somew!at HnumbH, you may be sure t!at t!ey are !elping you. )!e
sti*er t!ey ma&e you feel, in fact, t!e more you !ave been in need of /ust
t!is &ind of Hlimbering upH, and t!e more good you will get from it.
You are now becoming able to carry on four or 8ve mental processes
simultaneously. Your t!oug!ts of self are no longer able to crowd ot!er
t!oug!ts out of your mind. 5"pressed in anot!er way, 4ultiple 4entalism
!as left you still conscious of self, but no longer self7consciousI You are
four or 8ve times t!e individual you formerly were and you !ave outgrown
your c!ildis! self7consciousness /ust as you !ave outgrown t!e clot!es you
wore as a c!ildI
)!e same factors account for t!e disappearance of stuttering and
stammering in several ot!ers w!o !ave perfected t!emselves in t!ese
drills. 0!ere t!oug!t was too rapid for words, conse.uently crowding t!e
consciousness so t!at no part of t!e mind was free to direct t!e speec!,
t!ey stuttered and stammered. 0it! t!e ability to t!in& several t!ings at
once, t!ey were free to complete t!eir lines of t!oug!t w!ile ot!er parts of
t!eir brains followed along, putting t!e t!oug!ts into words and seeing
t!at t!e words were properly uttered, clearly and impressively. -o, too,
wit! t!ose w!o !emMd and !awMd and erMd w!ile sparring for time in w!ic!
to t!in&. 4ental agility 77 t!e ability to see and weig! all sides of a
.uestion simultaneously 77 now enables t!em to spea& rig!t out, wit!out
-ome stutterers and stammerers, we are told by psyc!iatrists, are victims
of neuroses and comple"es all un&nown to t!emselves. 5ven so, w!en
t!ey are relieved of t!ese neuroses, freed from t!ese comple"es by
4ultiple 4entalism, is t!ere anyt!ing in t!at HcureH to surprise t!e t!in&ing
manF 1omple"es and neuroses !ide in dar& corners of t!e mind 77 !idden
from sig!t 77 unpleasant e"periences or desires t!at we wis! to forget 77
un!appy memories or unwort!y desires t!at our conscious minds do not
want to face but w!ic! melt away instantly w!en dragged out into t!e
lig!t and dissolved by t!e illumination of Beason and Jnderstanding. As
you already can see, by its e*ects on your own mind, 4ultiple 4entalism
opens up c!amber after c!amber in your brain 77 airs and puri8es it 77 lets
in t!e suns!ine of ntelligence to disperse any unw!olesome, buried
memories t!at may be festering t!ere 77 gives you mastery in your own
mind, over all t!at it is and all t!at it contains.
After all t!e foregoing, you mig!t e"pect 5"ercise K to be a drill featuring
Peter Piper and !is pec& of pic&led peppers, or t!e ragged rascal w!o ran
Mround t!e rugged roc&I >owever, it is not. You will 8nd it, instead, a
continuation of 'o. K 77 a triPe more comple", per!aps 77 but even more
interesting. f you !ave been fait!ful in your practicing and !ave mastered
t!e four e"ercises given you so far, you !ave reac!ed t!e point w!ere
your increased mental abilities are a constant source of ama,ement and
pleasure to youI
Exercise *
0arning$ if you !ave to any degree slig!ted t!e previous lessons, 3=
:A1C A'2 4A-)5B )>54 '=0, or you will fall by t!e wayside in your
e*ort to ac.uire a 4ultiple 4indI 5"ercise K will absolutely stop TTT out of
every t!ousand men w!o !ave not approac!ed it by mastering 'os. , ,
and K. >owever, if you !ave been conscientious and regular in your
practice and can now intermingle t!ree7letter and four7letter words wit!
ease and speed, t!ese gymnastics will give you a genuine t!rillI
+irst, write 2A four7letter words from memory. t is easy, of course. You
!ave used so many of t!em in t!e preceding lesson. 'ow, ta&e any two of
your four7letter words #select t!em in your HmindMs eyeH, '=) by loo&ing at
t!e list you !ave writtenI( and intermingle t!eir letters so t!at you spell
one word frontwardsN t!e ot!er, bac&wards. 6i&e t!is$
H#!D Q '#I! R H ! # I ! # D '
$I$E Q $)FF R $ $ I ) $ F E F
'aturally, you understand t!at t!is is to be done entirely from memory 77
utili,ing t!e blind manMs gift of seeing wit! !is mind 77 and writing t!e
intermingled letters on a clean s!eet of paper, wit!out !aving t!e words
t!emselves before you as a guide. Vust select t!e words, reac! for a clean
s!eet of paper and write down - ' J = B = 5 6 after !aving selected, for
e"ample, t!e words -JB5 and 6==' in your mind. 2o not write -JB5 and
6==', t!emselves, at all 77 /ust t!eir letters, intermingled as e"plained,
and '=)>'3 56-5. Pair o* ot!er four7letter words and write t!em
similarly for 30 minutes. 2o not overdo yourself by practicing more t!an
30 minutes at present, for you must spend at least a wee&, and per!aps
more, on 5"ercise K. You will !ave time tomorrow and in t!e days following
to become really pro8cient in t!is and t!e following drill #also a part of
5"ercise K(. t is better, you &now, to ta&e si" !ours in si" days, for drilling
t!an to ta&e even twelve !ours in a single day. You learn better, and retain
w!at you learn, w!ic! you cannot !ope to do if you HcramH.
After you !ave practiced t!e above lesson for 30 minutes, go on to words
of 8ve . 0rite V-J646P-A+ if you !ave selected VJ4P- and +A66-. Pair o*
8ve7letter words and write t!em t!us +=B 30 4'J)5- 777 no more, no
less, for t!e 8rst day.
)omorrow and in t!e days following, until you !ave 4A-)5B52 t!is drill
t!oroug!ly, spend A) 65A-) 30 minutes daily on four7letter words and
8ve7letter words. )!irty minutes 5A1>, t!at is. =r more. )wo !ours in all if
you can 8nd t!e time 777 an !our and a !alf if you cannot manage two
!ours 777 but, at all costs, A) 65A-) one full !our. And C55P A) ), day after
day, until you can ma&e four7letter and 8ve7letter words H/ump t!roug! t!e
!oopH for you, in accordance wit! t!is drill.
>ow does t!is 8t into your daily life and !elp you in solving business or
!ouse!old problemsF 0ell, t!in& it over. -omet!ing occurs on your /ob, let
us say. Per!aps someone !as been advanced over ot!ersM !eads, or
someone !as been une"pectedly disc!arged, or a deal t!at you t!oug!t
was Hin t!e bagH falls t!roug!. 0!yF You may be sure t!at any totally
une"pected !appening of any importance was preceded by an entire
series of events 777 long and s!ort and, per!aps, seemingly unrelated to
t!e action in w!ic! t!ey culminate. )!e most recent event in t!e series is
probably familiar to you, but you may not see its connection wit! ot!er,
partially forgotten events. 'ow t!at your mind is becoming trained to
brea& down and reconnect words, to ta&e ten apparently unrelated letters
and see t!em in t!eir true relations!ip to eac! ot!er, as two separate and
distinct words, your mind will become e.ually able to analy,e and
reconstruct events in your business life 777 to understand t!at w!ic! is now
a pu,,le to you.
:etter yet$ Per!aps a series of events is now under way, but !as not yet
culminated in any de8nite action. 0it! your new7found ability to recogni,e
seemingly !eterogeneous elements as co!erent entities, you will in many
cases 8nd yourself anticipating fort!coming actions and Hbeating t!e
ot!er fellow to t!e gunH, or preparing yourself in advance to !andle
situations t!at ot!erwise would prove too muc! for you.
'eed say t!at w!en you can do t!is, and your rivals cannot, you 777 and
not t!ey 777 will win out in business competitionF
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 Calculating Drill
)!is is '=) an arit!metical drill in t!e sense t!at it is designed to improve
your arit!metic. >owever, even before t!e time of =mar C!ayam, various
mat!ematical e"ercises were muc! in vogue to develop /udgment,
reasoning power and mental alertness. )!e following drill will stimulate
your brain to greater nimbleness t!an you would !ave dreamed possible
/ust a few wee&s ago.
2rill A 7 -pell your own name aloud and add t!is row of 8gures$
A ? 9 3 @ ? 1W
)ry t!is one$
9 ; @ A @ T 2 ? 9W
)ry again$
1A ;? A@ 3A T?W
And again$
1?9 @;3 A23W
0or& on t!is drill for days, create more additions, and w!ile adding B51)5
t!e alp!abet A6=J2. -pell your friends names, recite poetry. As t!e new
awa&ened cells are called into play, continue creating more diLcult
2rill : 7 -pell your own name and 4J6)P6Y$
; " A2 T " 19 9 " 1? ; " @; A " 3? 3 " @T T " 3T
-pell your friends names, using new ones at eac! attempt$
9 " A@ ? " ?9 9 " 2T ? " 3A@
1reate your own problems, adding, multiplying or subtracting.
2rill 1$
1@A @;? A3? T9T
9?3 ?@; 7132 723A 73A2
7;@? 7 ;?@ 7@A;
"ultiple "entalis3 in (rades/ Co33erce : $rofessions
-uccess in business re.uires certain attributes 777 intelligence,
observation, understanding, constructiveness and memoryN w!et!er you
are a truc& driver, an accountant or an attorney. 4ultiple 4entalism is a
de8nite and potent aid in developing t!ese re.uisites and is a trut! self7
evident to all w!o !ave carefully and !onestly followed my admonitions
and e"ercises t!us far. 'evert!eless, some consideration of t!is mental
training in its relation to success in various occupations s!ould prove
!elpful at t!is point.
)a&e t!e matter of intelligence, for a start. ntelligence is by no means a
matter of formal education or sc!ooling. 2ictionaries de8ne it as$ H4ental
acuteness, sagacity, understanding.H +ar di*erent from mere learning,
isnMt itF A mind may be literally stu*ed wit! facts but, unless it can use
t!em, its possessor is stupid. )!e plumber, t!e salesman and t!e
p!armacist all !ave in8nitely better c!ances for advancement if t!eir
minds are active, are constantly using w!at &nowledge t!ey !ave as well
as t!at w!ic! t!ey ac.uire from day to day. )!at is but one of many
reasons for t!e mental gymnastics give you.
n t!e preceding paragrap!, mentioned t!e &nowledge t!at we ac.uire
from day to day 777 but many of us ac.uire little or no new &nowledge in
t!e ordinary course of our wor&. -uc! unfortunates are t!e victims of lac&
of observation 777 w!ic!, in turn, is one of t!e deleterious e*ects of
modern civili,ation. 0e see so many t!ings, one crowding on t!e !eels of
anot!er 777 automobiles Pas!ing past, traLc lig!ts win&ing on and o*,
animated window displays frantically trying to catc! our attention,
advertisements screaming to be noticed, radio loudspea&ers blasting
almost incessantly, t!rongs of people scurrying past 777 t!at t!e
undisciplined mind becomes a muddled morass of confused impressions,
totally devoid of t!e power to see and understand. n ot!er words, unable
really to observe intelligently 777 to retain fres! &nowledge t!at is wort!y
of retention and to re/ect trivialities t!at would be only mental dead
weig!t. 4ultiple 4entalism, by enabling you to appre!end instantly w!at
is, to t!e untrained mind, a !opeless /umble, gives you t!at priceless
.uality of t!e superior mind$ =bservation. t is an important factor in your
A !undred truc& drivers may drive t!e same route, !auling t!e same
loads, daily. And yet, only one of t!em may be observant enoug! to notice
t!at !is loading platform is too !ig! or too low 777 causing a waste of e*ort
and time #w!ic! is money( in pic&ing up !is loads. )!e same driver is apt
to notice w!et!er a trailer or a self7contained truc& is best suited to t!e
c!aracter of t!e wor&. >e may notice t!at most of !is time is spent idling
in traLc and t!at one larger truc& is more desirable t!an two lig!ter,
speedier /obs 777 or t!at t!e reverse is true and !is type of !auling could
be done more eLciently by replacing one large truc& wit! two or t!ree
smaller ones. A driver so observant is slated to be transportation
superintendent or a !ig!ly productive salesman for some truc& agency, or
owner of !is own truc&ing concernI
Jnderstanding and constructiveness are but ot!er p!ases of analysis and
synt!esis, bot! of w!ic! were discussed in 1!apter , but memory is
anot!er mental trait developed by t!e training you are !ere giving
0e all !ave good memories, insofar as memory is de8ned as t!e mindMs
capacity for retaining impressions of names, faces, personalities, scenes
and events. )!at is a trait common to all 4an&ind 777 every brain records
indelibly every impression made upon it, w!et!er or not its possessor was
conscious of t!e impression at t!e time it was made. :ut t!e ability to
recall t!ose impressions, at will, is not so common.
As an illustration of t!is fact$ Psyc!ologists !ave introduced a sub/ect to
someone !e never met before, given !im 8ve or ten minutes wit! t!is
stranger and t!en after t!e stranger !as left t!e room, re.uested t!e
sub/ect to write !is description. Almost invariably, t!e description is
incomplete, inaccurate, and most vague. t mig!t well apply to any four of
t!e 8rst si" men you meet on t!e street. 5ven suc! obvious details as age,
!eig!t, weig!t, and color are given incorrectly or omitted entirelyI All of
w!ic! mig!t seem indicative of lac& of observation as well as of faulty
memory. !owever, w!en t!e sub/ect is t!en !ypnoti,ed and .uestioned
concerning t!e appearance of t!e man !e !as /ust met, !is description is
positively startling in its completeness and accuracyI 5ven suc! details as
t!e initials on intricately intertwined monogram rings, t!e s!ades of color
in multi7!ued fabrics and t!e number of pencils or ot!er impediments
from a vest poc&et are clearly givenI You see, t!e facts were t!ere but t!e
sub/ect could not recall t!em.
4y training, you must agree, not only ma&es you observant and t!ereby
assures your noticing every pertinent factor applying to a person, t!ing or
event but, also, is developing almost !ourly your capacity for recalling
t!ose factors at will. )!e same brain HmusclesH t!at pull a word into your
consciousness, reverse t!e se.uence of its letters and interpose t!em
between t!e letters of a correctly spelled word #all of w!ic!, as you &now,
is done in t!e 4'2(, will enable you to pull into consciousness again t!e
names, faces, conversations and c!aracteristics of people you met long
before. You will be able to recall events long past, as well as scenes you
t!oug!t forgotten. 'ot by any mnemonic tric&s of association or 4agic
4emory +ormulae, but by simple and natural mastery of your mental
processesI 4ultiple 4entalism enables you to ma&e your mind do w!at
you want it to do, w!en you want it done. Begardless of interrupting
factors t!at woefully distract undisciplined minds, your brain is your
fait!ful ally and servant, always alert to do your bidding 777 ready instantly
wit! w!atever you re.uire of itI
)!e accountant w!ose mind obeys its master sees and properly interprets
t!e relations!ip between selling cost and sales price, between over!ead
and production 8gures, between volume and net income. >e is on t!e way
to becoming treasurer or 8nancial agentI -imilarly, t!e attorney w!o is
s!arp to sei,e upon discrepancies in !is opponentMs arguments, w!o is
e"act in drawing !is own parallels wit! establis!ed precedents, w!o is
.uic& to identify contradictions between present and past testimony, is
well in line for fat retainers and generous feesI And t!ese are t!e talents
latent wit!in us all 777 mac!inist, farmer, p!ysician and c!ef 777 talents t!at
will blossom and bloom t!roug! 4ultiple 4entalism. A ric! !arvest... yours
for t!e reapingI
Exercise *I
-ince we !ave /ust discussed memory, am 777 for a diversion 777 going to
introduce an amusing little parlor tric& w!ic! will entertain and mystify
your friends and associates and, t t!e same time, strengt!en your
memory, or power to recall. =bserve t!is H4agic -.uareH$
10 23 20 1? 21 1; 11 22 1@ 19 2@ 12 2A 13 1A 1T
0!at is distinctive about itF f you are observant, you will note t!at its
columns 777 w!et!er added vertically, !ori,ontally or diagonally 777 yield
t!e same total, ?0. am going to s!ow you !ow you can c!allenge your
friends to draw suc! a s.uare, in blan& #wit!out numbers in it(, and name
any total t!ey wis! you to obtain. )!en, almost wit!out pause, you will be
able to write in t!e correct 8gures to yield any desired total, no matter
w!et!er t!e columns are added up and down, across or diagonallyI
)!e 8rst step is to draw and number a H&eyH s.uare, t!us$
1 1A 11 9 1 ? 2 13 ; T 1; 3 1@ A @ 10
6oo& carefully at w!at you !ave drawn. 'ote carefully t!e positions of t!e
H&eyH numbers, 1 to 1; inclusive. +i" eac! numbered s.uare in your mind.
'ow, conceal your diagram and draw a new one, e"actly li&e it, +B=4
454=BY. 'umber eac! s.uare e"actly as numbered above 777 :J) 2= '=)
6==C at t!e above or your own previous drawing. 2raw and number t!e
s.uares ++)Y )45-, numbering t!e smaller s.uares 1 to 1;, in numerical
se.uence. A+)5B you !ave done t!is, draw t!e s.uares in blan&, t!en
write in t!e numbers by !ori,ontal columns, t!us$ #1st line(, 171A71179N
#2nd line(, 127?72713N T3rd line(, ;7T71;73N #At! Q last line(, 1@7A7@710.
Bepeat t!is drill until you !ave mastered it completely. )!en, starting wit!
a drawing of t!e unnumbered s.uares, and 0)>=J) loo&ing at previous
e*orts, insert t!e numbers by vertical s.uaresN as #1st column( 17127;71@N
#2nd column( 1A7?7T7AN #3rd column( 117271;7@N and #At! Q last column( 97
1373710. 2o t!ese t!ree drills at least ++)Y )45- eac!, from memory, or
until you are as familiar wit! t!e arrangement and numbering of t!e
si"teen s.uares as you are wit! t!e se.uence of letters of t!e alp!abet 777
only more soI
'ow, wit! t!e H4agic -.uareH well 8"ed in your mind, you are ready to
pu,,le your friends. 2rawing t!e s.uares in blan&, as& someone to name
t!e total !e wants you to reac!. +rom w!atever 8gure !e names, subtract
30 and divide t!e remainder by A. =bviously, your friend must name a
number as !ig! as 3A, or !ig!er. Assume t!at t!e number given you is 9;.
-ubtract 30, as e"plained. You now !ave @; for a remainder. 2ivide @; by
A 777 an easy mental calculation. )!is gives you 1A. 0rite 1A into s.uare
X1 #t!e 1st s.uare in t!e upper left !and corner(, 1@ into s.uare X2 #3rd
s.uare in line 2 of t!e H4agic -.uareH as you !ave memori,ed it(, 1; into
s.uare X3 #At! s.uare in line 3(, 1? into s.uare XA #2nd s.uare in line A(,
19 into s.uare X@, 1T into s.uare X;, 20 into s.uare X?, and so on until
you !ave written t!em all in, concluding wit! t!e number 2T in s.uare
X1;. You will 8nd t!at, no matter !ow you add t!e numbers you !ave
written in, 9; is t!e totalI
1A 2? 2A 21 2@ 20 1@ 2; 1T 22 2T 1; 29 1? 19 23
H+ineIH you say, Hbut w!at do you do if, after subtracting 30 in accordance
wit! t!ese directions, t!e remainder is not evenly divided by AFH 0ell, t!at
doesnMt ma&e t!e tric& any !arder. -uppose you !ad been given t!e
number 99 instead of 9;. You would proceed as above, e"cept t!at w!en
you divided @9 by A, you get 1A wit! 2 left over. 'umber your s.uares
e"actly as in t!e e"ample given above 777 1A in s.uare X1, 1@ in X2, 1; in
X3 and so on J')6 you reac! s.uare X13. n s.uare X13, instead of
writing 2; as you did w!en wor&ing for a total of 9;, add 2 #t!e Hleft7overH
you !ad w!en dividing 99 minus 30 #@9( by A. )!at is, write in 29 instead
of 2; 777 s&ipping 2; and 2? entirely. Add 2, also, to eac! of t!e remaining
s.uares to and including X1; 777 w!ic! means following 29 #-.uare X1(
wit! 2T #s.uare X1A(, 30 #s.uare X1A( and 31 #s.uare X1;(. You now
!ave a s.uare numbered li&e your 8rst one, w!ic! totaled 9;, e"cept for
t!e s.uares 13 to 1; inclusive, w!ere you !ave subtracted 29 for your
former 2;, 2T for 2?, 30 for 29, and 31 for 1T and !ave omitted 2; and 2?
entirely. Your rows, columns and diagonals will now add to 99, t!e re.uired
sumI 0!en your remainder after subtracting 30 from t!e sum re.uired of
you is not evenly divisible by A, t!e HcarryoverH must always be 1, 2 or 3
777 it cannot be anyt!ing else, of course. 0!ic!ever it is, add it to t!e
numbers t!at would normally appear in s.uares 13 to 1; inclusive, !ad
t!e 8gure been evenly divisible by A 777 as e"plained above. A simple tric&,
but e*ectiveI
'ow t!at weMve !ad our fun, letMs get bac& to t!e intermingling of t!e
letters of words 777 ta&ing si"7letter words t!is time, and intermingling t!eir
letter in multiple. )!is re.uires more application and concentration t!an
!ave been demanded of you up till now, so you !ad better ma&e 2=J:6Y
sure t!at you !ave mastered t!e 8rst 8ve e"ercisesI
)a&e any ; si"7letter words and write t!em in a vertical column, i.e.$
$#+E&' E,$E&( H#NE'( $)..!E "E"#&- HEA!(
4emori,e your words #not t!eseI( and write t!em in t!e same order as
often as may be necessary to ma&e you fully ac.uainted wit! t!e sig!t of
t!em in your HmindMs eyeH. )!en dispose of t!e paper upon w!ic! you
!ave listed t!em and, +B=4 454=BY A6='5, set t!em down li&e t!is$
)a&e t!e 8rst letter of t!e 8rst word, follow it wit! t!e 8rst letter of t!e
second word, and so on, ta&ing t!e 8rst letter eac! of t!e t!ird, fourt!,
8ft! and si"t! words 777 w!ic! would give you, !ad you used t!e same
words used above, t!e letters $EH$"H. 'ow add, in t!e same line, t!e
second letter of eac! of t!e ; words. You now !ave $EH$"H#,#)EE.
1ontinuing in t!e same line, ta&e all t!e t!ird letters, t!en t!e fourt!,
followed by t!e 8ft! and si"t! of t!e of t!e ; si"7letter words. >ere is w!at
you get$
$ E H $ " H # , # ) E E + $ N . " A E E E . # ! & & ' ! & ( ' (
( E - H ; < = > ? @ ; < = > ? @ ; < = > ? @ ; < = > ?
@ ; < = > ? @ ; < = > ? @
)!e numbers are t!e &eys to t!e words in t!eir original se.uence. t!at is,
t!e si" letters numbered 1 spell P=05B-N t!ose numbered 2 spell 5SP5B)N
t!e 3s spell >='5-), etc.
2o t!is again and again from memory, using t!e same si" words you
originally select and never pee&ing at w!at you !ave written before.
-pend at least an !our doing it. )omorrow, select ; new si"7letter words,
and practice anot!er !our wit! t!ose words. -pend a minimum of one
!our every day for a wee&, ta&ing ; new words eac! day.
:elieve me, you wonMt 8nd t!is e"ercise as easy to master as t!e ones
a!ead of it in my trainingI :ut stay wit! itI 5ven if it ta&es two !ours or
more a day, spend all t!e time necessary, for as many days as are needed
to ma&e you really adept at mingling any si" common words or names in
multiple se.uence, .uic&ly and correctly. t will pay youI
(he $ro9le3 of "iddle2Aged "en in Business
4en of A0 are prone to lament$ H)!e most stupid blunder business men
ma&e today is to refuse to employ men in t!eir forties, 8fties and si"ties.
0!y, t!at is e"actly w!en a man is most valuable to t!emI >e !as
ac.uired /udgment, is ric! in e"perience and, for obvious reasons, is far
more interested in !olding down !is /ob to t!e complete satisfaction of !is
s t!is complaint /usti8edF 0e &now t!at employers frown upon t!e
middle7aged applicants but are t!ey, as a rule, rig!t in doing soF 6et us
loo& at t!e average middle7aged man w!o see&s a new connection. 'ot
t!e e"ceptional middle7aged man, but t!e average. 0!at !as age given
!im 777 and w!at !ave t!e years ta&en awayF
=ur middle7aged man !as gained a wealt! of e"perience 777 but in doing
so, !e usually !as lost !is elasticity of mind. >e is no longer willing to
pioneer. 'ew met!ods, new pat!s deter !im. >e prefers to travel by t!e
compass of precedent. And t!is indicates t!at !e !as gained in /udgment
777 but w!at a loss !e !as su*ered in daringI >e no longer !as t!e courage
to originate, to create or to ta&e w!at are, to a younger man, perfectly
sound and promising business c!ances. >e is steady as a plow !orse is
steady 777 and wit! as little ent!usiasmI And w!at !e !as ac.uired in t!e
way of assurance, !e !as lost in open mindedness. >e is no longer
capable of viewing old problems in a new lig!t. )!e rut !as closed in on
!im. Yout!ful ambition and energy !ave been replaced by t!e timidity and
inertia of age 777 and !e as&s little better t!an to be left alone, to ac!ieve
some measure of security for !is declining yearsI
An e"aggerated pictureF 'ot at allI 6oo& about you. You will see in every
oLce and s!op, t!e very man !ave described. 0!at a pityI
And t!at s!ows you, more grap!ically t!an almost any ot!er e"ample
could give, w!y 4ultiple 4entalism is suc! a boon to all w!o e"pect to
earn t!eir bread by t!e sweat of t!eir brows. f a man is not too 8rmly
caug!t in t!e clutc!es of old +at!er )ime, my e"ercises restore to !is mind
t!e lost elasticity of Yout!. >is brain regains its nimbleness and agility.
5very day means to !im a new day and a new start. !e is open minded 777
no longer trammeled by t!e s!ac&les of precedent. >e is willing and able,
now, to approac! old problems from new angles. )!an&s to !is new found
ability, w!ic! my training !as given !im, !e sees in t!em factors !e !ad
not noticed before. And eac! !eretofore unseen factor suggests its own
solution. >is mind, constructive now, builds new met!ods to overcome t!e
obstacle or circumvent t!e diLculty. 0!at wonder t!at 4ultiple 4entalism
restores !is courage, !is ent!usiasm and !is ambitionI And !is increased
brain power gives new meaning to t!e word HenergyH. >e is able to do
wit! ease t!ings t!at would !ave e"!austed !im before !e tac&led t!ese
mental gymnastics. )as&s t!at once fatigued !im, !e now ta&es in !is
-uc! radical c!anges in a manMs mind and in !is outloo& are bound to be
rePected in !is bearing. >e wal&s /auntily, wit! a new con8dence. >e
approac!es prospective employers serenely, radiating Power and Poise. !e
is welcomed by e"ecutives w!o would !ave s!ut t!eir doors to !im but a
few mont!s beforeI
'ow do you see w!y my most ent!usiastic HboostersH are men in t!eir
forties and early 8ftiesF )!ey !ave good cause for t!eir ent!usiasm.
And w!ile we are on t!e sub/ect of age, let me say t!at do not
recommend t!ese mental e"ercises for yout!s. )!e yout!ful mind s!ould
be spent in gat!ering &nowledge and e"perience. After its owner !as
ac.uired a foundation of education and e"perience, 4ultiple 4entalism
s!ould be ta&en up to develop t!at mind and to Hcas! inH t!e e"perience
and &nowledge previously gained. 'ot &nowledge 777 but t!e most
e*ective use of &nowledge 777 is PowerI
Boug!ly spea&ing, set 2@ to @0 years as t!e age limits of t!ose w!o can
pro8t most by my training. =f course, some boys are men at 22N some
men !ave not s!ed t!e 8nal traces of adolescence at 3@N some are old at
A0N w!ile some are young at ;@. -o, w!en say t!at men from 2@ to @0
years of age form t!e group t!at 4ultiple 4entalism will bene8t most,
am being purely arbitrary. n t!e lig!t of t!e e"planation !ave given you,
eac! man must ma&e !is own decision.
Exercise *II
5ven before you saw t!ese e"ercises, your mind was capable of doing
more t!an one t!ing at a time. t was able to direct your !and to ma&e
penciled notes of telep!one conversations 777 to control your !ands, feet,
eyes and ears in driving a car w!ile carrying on a conversation 777 and
many ot!er suc! simple simultaneous acts. >owever, it probably could not
do two t!ings simultaneously and do t!em well. Your !andwriting or word7
c!oice, or bot!, su*ered w!en you too& notes w!ile conversing on ot!er
sub/ects. 4ost automobile accidents are caused by inattentiveness 777 t!e
driverMs inability to do /ustice to !is driving w!ile carrying on a
conversation or listening to t!e radio. And t!e e*ort of trying to do more
t!an one t!ing at a time wears down t!e average man 777 causes
nervousness, stress, !eart aYictions, and ot!er so7called HdegenerativeH
'ow, !owever, your brain is able to do more t!ings at once t!an you may
!ave reali,ed. =ur 20t! President, Vames A. 3ar8eld, could not only write
wit! eit!er !and wit! e.ual ease, but !e could also write t!e two classical
languages, 6atin and 3ree&, at t!e same time, one wit! !is rig!t !and,
and t!e ot!er wit! !is leftI 6etMs loo& at !ow far Y=J !ave come along t!e
road to mental mastery.
1!apter gave you a t!oroug! &nowledge of t!e alp!abet, bac&wards, and
enabled you to brea& t!e alp!abet into two distinct parts. You !ave &nown
one of t!ese parts since you 8nis!ed your 8rst grade in sc!ool, but t!e
ot!er was a new part wit! t!e letters in a new se.uence. And t!en you
mastered t!e mental tric& of carrying t!e 8rst !alf of t!e alp!abet in its
proper se.uence, w!ile mingling t!e second !alf wit! it, in reverse order.
-impleF Yes, but it ta&es two simultaneous mental operationsI
1!apters and furt!er increased t!e ability you gained in 1!apter . You
became capable of t!e same mental gymnastics in more comple" form 777
t!in&ing of t!ree7letter and four7letter words in two ways 777 spelled
forward and in reverse.
A military man would say t!at you !ad consolidated your gains, in 1!apter
K, w!ere you &ept two unrelated words in mind and pictured t!eir letters
arranged alternately, one set of letters wit! t!e ot!er, at one and t!e
same time.
)!en came your 8rst !urdle, 1!apter K. 0!en you !ad topped it, you were
possessed of still anot!er accomplis!ment. Your brain could do t!ree
t!ings at once$ #1( carry two words in mindN #2( carry one of t!em spelled
bac&wardsN and #3( combine t!e letters of bot! into one se.uence,
spelling one of t!e words in normal order and t!e ot!er bac&wards.
1!apter K increased t!e comple"ity of t!ese same mental tas&s.
n 5"ercise K, you will again increase your mental capacity, to w!ic!
science &nows no limit. Your mind will do four t!ings concurrently 777 not
merely for t!e sa&e of doing four t!ings but so t!at, w!en t!e demands of
life force it upon you, you will be able to carry on four separate lines of
t!oug!t wit!out undue nervous strain. >owever, t!e nervous strain to
w!ic! t!e untrained mind is sub/ected and t!e p!ysical contortions in
w!ic! many of us indulge w!en trying to t!in& beyond our present ability
to do so, do cause fatigue. >ence, t!e more you can do wit! your mind,
t!e less e*ort and t!e more pleasure #as well as pro8tI( t!ere is in living.
0rite ; si"7letter words in a vertical column, /ust as you did in 5"ercise K,
e"cept$ 0rite only t!e 1st, 2nd and 3rd words forwards. 0rite t!e ot!er
t!ree bac&wards. )o illustrate$
+#NDE& (HGI&B 0B&IGH(1 HEA!(H E&)(AN 0NA()&E1
4emori,e t!e list, t!en t!row it awayI A''E&( ')INEG 0GENI)'1
'ow, wor&ing in your mind alone, wit!out reference to any written list,
assemble t!e letters of your si" words as you did in 5"ercise K, but
putting t!e letters of words XA, X@ and X; in bac&wards. Also, instead of
ta&ing t!e words in t!e order in w!ic! you !ave listed t!em, ta&e word X1,
t!en word X;, t!en X2, followed by X@, and ending wit! t!e words
numbered 3 and A. )!e above list would wor& out t!is way$
+ ' H E A ( # ) E & ' H N I A ) ' G D N ! ( E I E E ( A & & G H N (
)o !elp ma&e t!is clearer, !ave underscored t!e initial letters of eac! of
t!e ; words used, w!en spelled properly.
-top a moment and reali,e w!at t!is gymnastic means. t involves your
#1( memori,ing ; wordsN #2( carrying t!ree of t!em, spelled properly, in
your mindN #3( carrying t!ree of t!em spelled bac&wardN and #A( writing 3;
letters in an entirely new and unfamiliar se.uence. f you 8nd it .uite
diLcult to do t!is at 8rst, you can readily understand w!yI
Mll tell you a way to c!eat t!e diLculty of t!is e"ercise. f you write a
letter, t!en s&ip 8ve spaces and write t!e ne"t t!at appears in t!e word
you are spelling, t!en /ump 8ve more spaces to t!e ne"t letter, etc., you
can write t!e line .uite easily 777 :J) Y=J 066 :5 1>5A)'3 Y=JB-56+
and you will be setting yourself a long way bac&. -o, forget t!e s!ort cuts
and, for your own sa&e, play t!e gameI Ceep all ; words before your
mindMs eye, in t!e 17;, 27@, 37A order e"plained to you, and write t!e 3;
letters in se.uence illustrated above.
!ave not sprung t!is bit of advice on you so far, because it !as not been
necessary, but say now$ -pend at least an !our a day on t!is lesson for a
full wee&, even if you t!in& you !ave mastered it long before t!e wee& is
up. 4ore t!an wit! any of t!e ot!ers, t!is e"ercise re.uires fre.uent
repetition in order to train your brain as it s!ould be trained 777 to
accomplis! w!at !as seemed t!e mpossible in your life until now.
Bemember, we are building up your brain to ta&e t!e !ill of Guccess Hin
!ig! gearH.
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 &ecollection Drill
3iven below are nine subdivisions or classi8cations. Jnder eac! !eading,
write names of appropriate sub/ects. =ne suc! name, wit! letters /umbled,
appears under eac! classi8cation. 0!en you come to it, write it correctly
in t!e space below it, t!en continue writing more names, as before. Jnder
H+6=05B-H, for e"ample, you mig!t write Hdaisy, Hr!ododendronH, etc.,
until you encounter t!e /umbled Power. 0rite it correctly, t!en continue
your list. -o wit! all nine subdivisions. )!is will stimulate your recall and
+hat Creati8e I3agination is 222 And How to De8elop it
t !as been said, H)!at man is most original w!o &nows t!e greatest
number of sources from w!ic! to plagiari,e.H Again, wasnMt it -olomon
w!o said t!ere is not!ing new under t!e sunF
)o understand clearly w!at Hcreative imaginationH is, consider some of t!e
boo&s, pictures, plays or business enterprises t!at you would call
e"amples of creative ability. )a&e 0oolwort!, for e"ample. )!ere was an
outstanding merc!antI 4ade millions of dollars, !e did. -!owed t!e
business world somet!ing new, too, if Mm not mista&en. Yet, articles sold
for @ cents and 10 cents long before 0oolwort!Ms day 777 and ot!er store
operators !ad price limitations before 0oolwort! came along. >owever,
price limitations were de8nitely set in t!e so7called He"clusiveH stores.
-nobbis!ly, because it appealed to t!eir snobbis! trade, t!ey would not
!andle merc!andise priced below certain 8gures. All t!at 0oolwort! did
was to reverse t!at process 777 /ust as you reverse t!e letters in a word,
now t!at you !ave completed more t!an !alf my training. -ee !ow simple
!is tec!ni.ue, once you loo& at itF
All t!at >enry +ord did, to start wit!, was to add one more factor to w!at
ot!er automobile ma&ers were doing. )!ey were trying to build cars t!at
would run. )!eir aim, at t!at time, was no !ig!er. )!ey !ad t!eir eyes only
on t!e production end 777 overloo&ing entirely t!e mar&et and its demands.
+ord coordinated t!e two as easily as you mingle t!e letters of two words
777 and became one of t!e ric!est men in !istory. >e aimed to build a car
t!at not only would run, but t!at also would sell. 'ot!ing to it 777 after it
!ad been doneI
0e are told t!at t!ere are only 8ve or seven plots in all literature.
-!a&espeare used t!em over and over again 777 merely ma&ing new
combinations of old elements. 0it! only 2; letters in our alp!abet, we
!ave nearly a million 5nglis! words 777 and an 5nglis! literature of prose,
poetry and plays t!at must include countless billions of wordsI
2o ma&e my meaning clearF >ave answered t!e .uestions raised by
t!e title of t!is c!apterF H1reative imaginationH is simply t!e ability to
combine old elements into new forms. ts development, in yourself,
involves only t!e ability to cast aside t!e restrictions of precedent 777 to
forget entirely w!at !as been done before in your 8eld 777 to refuse to
accept any idea or met!od merely because it is long7establis!ed 777 and to
approac! any given matter wit! a fully open mind.
0!en you see t!e word 3ABA35 and, at t!e same moment, see it spelled
53ABA3 in your mindMs eye, you are casting o* !idebound conventionality.
You are t!in&ing freely. Your mind is not a slave of t!ings as t!ey are. And
you can do t!e same wit! ot!er problems in your life 777 see t!em
forwards and bac&wards at one and t!e same time 777 see t!em in a
di*erent guise t!an t!at in w!ic! t!ey appear to most ot!ers 777 and, so
seeing t!em, solve t!em in w!at may well be a startling new mannerI
)!ereMs t!e w!ole secret of 1reative )!in&ing, e"plained so simply t!at,
li&e 0oolwort!Ms and +ordMs accomplis!ments, it seems almost c!ildis!.
:ut c!ildren, you must bear in mind, are wise wit! a wisdom t!at
surpasses t!at of age. )!eir t!in&ing is independent, not loaded wit! t!e
t!oug!tless !abit of years. )!eirs are in.uiring minds 777 ta&ing not!ing for
granted, twisting and turning and e"amining every new fact t!at comes to
t!em. 2o li&ewise 777 as 4ultiple 4entalism ma&es it possible for you to do
777 and you will 8nd lifeMs ma/or problems simpler t!an t!ose of c!ild!oodI
0!atMs more, your 1reativeness, your daring t!in&ing, will bring ric!
monetary rewardsI
Exercise *III
You are about to train your mind to see t!e words of an entire sentence
spelled bac&wards 777 anot!er step toward perfecting yourself in t!e ability
to recogni,e t!e relations!ip between apparently unrelated events of
elements and build up, anew, fres! creations from old material.
)!in& of #donMt writeI( a sentence containing t!ree or four s!ort words. +i"
it in your mind wit!out touc!ing pencil to paper. )!en write t!e sentence
bac&wards 777 wit!out !aving seen it on paper in its correct form. )!e
HE&E C#"E' (HE B&IDE t!us becomes EDI&B EH( 'E"#C E&EHN
!## A( (HE 'HI$ now becomes $IH' EH( (A ##!A
&now t!is seems far easier t!an earlier e"ercises, but t!at is because,
8rst, it really is not a diLcult e"erciseN and, second, because your mind is
immeasurably better trained t!at it was w!en you undertoo&, say,
5"ercise K. You can see words and sentences in t!eir entirety, w!ic! you
couldnMt do before.
Practice ever longer sentences, wit! ever longer words. =nes li&e t!ese$
N#I(CA&('ID '(AEFED N#I(A&(NECN#C #1oncentration defeats
distraction( '(NEDICCA 'E'AE&CNI GNI*I&D -(!)AF #+aulty driving
increases accidents( '('I&)(!)CI&GA '('I''A N#I(AGI&&I #rrigation
assists agriculturists(
=ne !our a day on t!is, fait!fully, will 8nd you able, after t!ree or four
days, to write sentences bac&wards in from only a !alf to a t!ird more
time t!an it ta&es you to write t!em in t!e customary manner. )o aid your
practice, ma&e a game of it. 3lance only once at billboards, road signs,
etc., t!en loo& away .uic&ly and spell t!em bac&wards 777 aloud, if
possibleN silently, if necessary. YouMll be astounded at t!e progress you can
ma&e by using moments normally wasted. Pro8table progress, tooI
'peciali5ation 3eans narrowing the 3indB DiCusion
3eans 3ental shallowness4 How "ultiple "entalis3
9roadens and deepens the Intelligence D
)!e specialist !as been de8ned as Ha man w!o learns more and more
about less and less, until !e ends up by &nowing everyt!ing about not!ing
at allIH :y t!at same to&en, an all7around man 777 /ac& of all trades 777
general practitioner 777 is Ha man w!o learns less and less about more and
more until !e &nows not!ing w!atsoever about everyt!ing t!ere isHI
4ultiple 4entalism enables you to avoid pitfalls. :y developing your brain
so t!at it becomes really observant, it broadens your &nowledge of many
varied sub/ects. :y giving you t!e ability to see familiar t!ings in brand
new settings, it deepens your understanding of men, ob/ects and
occurrences. :y arousing your latent power to t!in& of many t!ings
simultaneously, it gives your mind versatility, poise and a 8rmer grasp of
situations and problems. And by putting you in complete control of your
brain, for t!e 8rst time in your life, it ma&es it possible for you to remain,
at will, oblivious to t!at in your environment w!ic! is wort!less to you,
and to become more fully appreciative of t!at around you w!ic! can be of
!elp to you in your business, social or personal life.
)o put it anot!er way$ You are rapidly becoming a well7rounded personality
wit! a more competent, well7rounded intellect. You are well on your way to
becoming truly outstanding among your associatesN to attaining a
prominence, because of your new7found mental capability, t!at will bring
your speedy advancement in w!atever you underta&e. You are almost
Hover t!e !umpH now, in t!e training contained in t!is course. A 8nal spurt
or two will carry you to t!e very ,enit! of mental abilityI -o, wit! t!e goal
in sig!t, letMs goI
Exercise I,
=nce more, your e"ercise becomes more intricate t!an t!ose w!ic! came
before it. And, as before, you will 8nd it easy, despite its greater intricacy,
if you !ave been !onest wit! yourself in practicing t!e preceding drill #'o.
)o begin 5"ercise S, t!in& of two sentences, eac! containing t!ree or four
s!ort words. 2='M) 0B)5 )>54 ' )>5 '=B4A6 0AY. )!e very 8rst time
you touc! t!e paper wit! your pencil, in t!is e"ercise, write you two
sentences wit! t!eir letters intermingled, t!us$
G ' I E & " ! A ' G ! - I A ! E $ D ' # - ! # ! B '
w!ic! combines 3B6- 6C5 2=66- #spelled forward( wit! :=Y- P6AY
3A45- #spelled bac&wards(
)!is may stump you a bit at 8rst, but it will soon become easy if you !ave
practiced t!e 8rst eig!t e"ercises fait!fully. n about t!ree7.uarters of an
!our, of your 8rst !ourMs drill, you will be writing s!ort sentences t!is way
almost wit!out !esitation.
)omorrow, ta&e on four7word sentences, but &eep t!e t!oug!ts and words
very s!ort and simple at 8rst. As s!ort and simple as$
" ( E A N E + # # ( & ' ( ( N # A ! + I # * H E +
w!ic! is merely 45' 0=BC )= 6K5 #spelled forwards( combined wit!
0>= 0A')- )= 5A) #spelled bac&wards(.
'aturally, you cannot space t!e letters according to words 777 but, as t!at
would be unnecessary for a mind trained as yours now is, it is
unimportant. You can readily understand w!at you are doing, wit!out t!at.
3ive at least an !our every day to t!is drill. 4a&e your sentences longer
and your words more diLcult as you progress. You will 8nd t!is one of t!e
!ardest drills in my training, but assure you t!at it is also one of t!e most
valuable. +or t!e 8rst time, you are ma&ing practically all of your brain
cells wor& 777 e"cept, obviously, t!ose w!ic! control your various p!ysical
n concluding t!is drill, am going to ma&e a new suggestion. suggest
t!at you ta&e t!e mental processes involved in t!is e"ercise and
deliberately apply t!em to some speci8c problem in your business or your
!ome. 2o not content yourself wit! merely calling t!e problem to mind,
and !oping t!at t!e mental processes will ta&e place automaticallyI 1all
t!em into play, consciously and deliberately. )urn t!e problem over and
over in your mind. )wist it. 6oo& at its various component parts forwards
and bac&wards. +it one into anot!er and see !ow t!e new relations!ip
a*ects t!em.
2o t!is 777 and you will see, beyond all .uestion or argument, !ow
t!oroug!ly practical t!is training is in 8tting you to cope more
advantageously wit! everyday a*airsI You will 8nd t!at t!e most stubborn
problems do yield easily to t!is form of solution 777 t!at t!e answer often
pops into your !ead so .uic&ly and easily t!at you are as!amed of not
!aving t!oug!t of it long agoI
4ultiple 4entalism is a Guccess course indeed. no longer need tell you
t!at. You must !ave reali,ed it, yourself, several c!apters bac&. You &now
now t!at it actually and literally means, H4=B5 P=05B )= Y=JHI
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 Acceleration Drill
2rill A +or t!is drill, use your daily newspaper. Bead and study for a few
moments a !eadline in your newspaper #a sentence containing 9 or T
words( 'ow ta&e a pencil and /umble t!e letters in eac! word as you write
t!e sentence. try not to miss any of t!e letters. )!en c!ec& bac& to see if
you !ave made any mista&es. 2o t!is, using new !eadlines eac! time,
until it becomes easy for you. 5"ample$
"#&E &AIN NEEDED IN (HE "ID+E'( (# 'A*E C&#$'
&E#" ANI& EDENED IN H(E DE+'I"( #( *A'E #'$&C
You need not follow any set rule in /umbling t!e letters in t!e words. 0rite
t!em so eac! word !as no meaning in t!e manner t!at you spell it.
1ontinue on t!is drill 777 you will 8nd it fascinating and interesting.
"ultiple "entalis3 as an Aid in $u9lic 'pea6ing
1!apter K tells you !ow many men and women !ave overcome self7
consciousness t!roug! 4ultiple 4entalism. )!eir Hmultiple mindsH,
ac.uired by means of t!is training, enables t!em to be conscious of
t!emselves wit!out being self7conscious. )!is is t!e 8rst step to e*ective
public spea&ing.
:ut t!is course goes even furt!er in e.uipping you to spea& well, to large
or small audiences. Zuite aside from t!e reason given above, our new
brain development gives you t!e self7con8dence 777 self7assurance 777 t!e
innate &nowledge t!at you can cope wit! t!e situation w!en you rise to
your feet and begin to tal&. )!is !as a steadying inPuence w!ic! ma&es
your words impressive and convincing.
n addition, you will 8nd t!at you spea& more clearly and logically t!an
ever before. Your brain is better able to mars!all facts and to present
t!em in t!eir most reasonable se.uence. 'o longer need you utter your
arguments in t!e order in w!ic! t!ey presented t!emselves to you w!en
planning your speec!, or in w!ic! you may originally !ave memori,ed
t!em. Your training in /umbling of letters of words and t!e words of
sentences permits you easily to intermingle your arguments in t!e order
t!at seems to you most e*ective. f ot!er spea&ers !ave preceded you,
and you wis! eit!er to rebut w!at t!ey !ave said or to emp!asi,e
arguments t!at were lac&ing in strengt! as t!ey gave t!em, your mind is
nimble enoug! to 8t t!is new material into w!at you !ad planned to say,
and to do it co!erently and appealingly.
nterruptions cannot t!row you o* your stride, t!an&s to t!e discipline to
w!ic! you !ave sub/ected your brain. f you 8nd it necessary to pause,
waiting for e"actly t!e rig!t word to come to mind, you will not be
embarrassed or Pustered by your momentary !esitation. =n t!e contrary,
your calmness and deliberation will !ave a favorable e*ect on your
listeners. )!ey will be impressed, consciously or subconsciously, by your
cool and collected manner. You will 8nd yourself able to sway audiences as
never beforeI
)!is advantage alone, disregarding all t!e ot!er tremendous bene8ts of
4ultiple 4entalism, may mean t!ousands of dollars to you. As you
advance in t!e business, professional or political world, you will meet
increasing demands for formal or informal tal&s. Your ability to ful8ll t!ese
demands so readily can mean t!e favorable vote of an important board of
directorsN t!e welding toget!er of a political body t!at will carry you to
prominence and greater opportunityI f it accomplis!ed not!ing else, t!e
!elp t!at 4ultiple 4entalism can give you in public spea&ing is absolutely
Exercise ,
>ave you noticed t!at t!e e"ercises are getting s!orter and easier to
e"plain, but increasingly diLcult to doF )!at s!ows t!at you are
approac!ing t!e clima" and reac!ing t!e pea& of mental powerI 5"ercise
S, for e"ample, ta&es only a few lines to e"plain but sets you a real tas& in
concentration and calls upon principles you !ave mastered earlier in your
)a&e pencil and paper. 0rite a word of seven or more letters correctly
w!ile, at t!e same time, you spell aloud anot!er word #preferably of t!e
same number of letters(. n ot!er words$ +riteENG&A*E slowly, w!ile
you spell aloud E2*2E2N2I2N2G. 0!en you write 5 #for HengraveH(, say 5
#for HeveningH(N w!en you write ', say KN write 3 and say 5N write B and
say 'N write A and say , write K and say 'N and write 5 as you say 3. )!at
gives your brain cells a wor&outI
Practice doing t!is wit! seven7letter and longer words. 2o it fully one !our
a day until you !ave t!e &nac& of it down pat.
'e"t$ +rite one word 9ac6ward, and spell another forward/ aloud.
mean$ 0rite E(A!E& #B56A)5( w!ile you call o*, aloud, t!e letters ! I ' (
E N, /ust as you did in t!e 8rst part of t!is drill 5S15P) t!at one word, t!e
written one, is now to be done bac&ward.
You will 8nd t!is more diLcult t!an t!e 8rst section of 5"ercise S 777 but
stic& to it and you will be giving your mind some more e"ceedingly !elpful
"ultiple "entalis3 Brain 'ti3ulator4 "ental Agility Drill
2rill A :elow is a sentence pertaining to an important event in American
!istory. )!e words, !owever, !ave all been misplaced. -ee !ow .uic&ly
you can reassemble t!em into a co!erent sentence$
two ninety Colu39us fourteen year disco8ered the A3erica in of
2rill : )!e letters in t!e names of si" famous men !ave been
intermingled. 5ac! name contains si" letters. -ee !ow .uic&ly you can
unscramble t!em and identify t!e si" famous men. )!e underlined letters
are t!e 8rst initial.
>ere is a clue$ =ne an e"7president 77 an inventor 77 a 8nancier 77 a tennis
c!ampion 77 a leader wit! many followers 77 a /udge.
E N + I H N D A I D ) E I G ! N G D ' & ' A H ! # # # H E I N " N G
' (
2rill 1 As wit! t!e names above, t!e names of t!ree American rivers are
!ere given. 5ac! river !as eleven letters in its name. )!e t!irty7t!ree
letters !ave been /umbled. 0!at are t!e t!ree riversF
' I H " I A % ' N ' H N I ' " E N ) G A N $ I ! A # ) # $ E ' A '
2rill 2 As in t!e two drills above, letters !ave again been /umbled. )!is
time, t!e names of four minerals !ave t!eir letters intermingled. )!e
names are of une.ual lengt!. 0!at are t!e mineralsF
& H C C " " & ! A E # # ) ) E A D ! $ $ I I
2rill 5 )!is is somew!at more involved 777 a good limbering up e"ercise
for your mind. t!e letters in two sentences !ave been intermingled. =ne
sentence concerns a !ouse!old pet 777 t!e ot!er concerns t!e weat!er.
:ot! are s!ort and simple, containing four s!ort words eac!. -ee !ow long
it ta&es you to decip!er t!e two sentences.
( h I 3 y r d r n g t i o y d n w y a a o a t a a a e
How to De8elop Intuition 222 the E'par6plugE of
0e &now intuition under anot!er name$ nspiration. 0!en we say t!at a
man writes, spea&s or acts as one inspired, we mean t!at !e !as grasped
intuitively 777 w!ic! is, instantly 777 t!e rig!t t!ing to do and !as done it at
t!e rig!t time. s t!is t!e same as rapid reasoningF n its result, yes 777
alt!oug! intuition usually brings t!at result far sooner t!at reasoning
does. :ut even t!oug! t!e results are t!e same, t!e process of reasoning
is di*erent from intuition. 4ore labored and cumbersome.
+or e"ample, suppose we !ave a problem consisting of t!ree di*erent
elements, w!ic! we will call A, :, and 1. Assume t!at element A
seemingly !as no relations!ip w!atever wit! element 1, but t!at it is
practically identical wit! element :. 'ow, assume furt!er t!at close
e"amination s!ows t!at element : is substantially t!e same as element 1.
)!e reasoning man will wor& it out t!us$ Hf A is t!e same as :, and : is
t!e same as 1, t!en A and 1 must also be t!e same.H =f course, t!at is
very elementary reasoning, but you can see t!at it involves t!e mindMs
traveling from to :, t!ence to 1, t!en bac& again to : and A for
comparison and c!ec& up and 8nally, after t!is veri8cation of identity, t!e
mind bridges t!e gap from A to 1 and t!e c!ain of logic is complete.
1ontrast t!is wit! t!at of t!e intuitive mind, faced wit! t!e same problem.
ntuition sei,es upon and understands A, : and 1 #all t!ree of t!em(
simultaneously. t does not travel from A to : to 1 and bac& again, but
appre!ends all t!ree elements at one and t!e same time. You mig!t say
t!at it fuses t!em into t!eir common identity in a Pas!, /ust as an o"y7
acetylene torc! fuses tow metals in a single blast. Anot!er way of putting
it would be to compare reasoning to a slow fuse, w!ile intuition more
nearly resembles a fulminating cap. Beasoning travels slowly along a
mar&ed !ig!way w!ile intuition cuts across lots and gets t!ere /ust so
muc! faster.
)!is di*erentiation between reasoning and intuition ma&es it clear t!at
4ultiple 4entalism de8nitely and e*ectively develops your intuitive
powers. Your brain is trained to sei,e upon many factors at once, to
compare t!em simultaneously, and your several trains of concurrent
t!oug!t naturally merge into a complete understanding of t!e problem or
situation as a w!ole 777 an understanding based on t!e correct evolution
and se.uences of t!e various factors involved. n 8ve words$ 4Y )BA''3
J'+A6'36Y 25K56=P- ')J)='I
Exercise ,I
+rite down = F8e2letter words. 6oo& at t!em until t!ey are 8rmly 8"ed
in your mind. )!en put t!e paper w!ere you cannot see it.
'ow, on a new s!eet of paper, write two of the words with their
letters inter3ingled/ spelling one forwards and the other
9ac6wards 222 and w!ile doing t!is, spell the third word aloud, slowly.
6i&e t!is$
+hile writing C&A#&N&#-H #CA&&- and &#N#H, w!ic! is >='=B
written bac&wards(, spell aloud "2#2N2E2-. tMs dollars to doug!nuts you
will not do t!is correctly t!e 8rst 8ve times you try it 777 but you now !ave
t!e brain power to master it wit! but little practice. 3ive an !our to t!is
drill today, using di*erent groups of @7letter words. )a&e longer, if you
need more time to attain speed and accuracy in t!e drill.
)omorrow, repeat your practice of t!is e"ercise for at least an !our, but
use ;7letter words instead of words wit! only 8ve letters. +or e"ample$
+rite E-N!EI&'GA-E #ENE&G-, frontwards, and EA'I!-, bac&wards(
while saying aloud slowly $2#2&2(2E2&.
=n t!e following days of t!e wee&, ta&e longer and longer words until t!e
drill becomes as easy for you w!ile using words li&e 1='36=45BA)=' as
it was wit! simpler words.
+or variation, try using words of uneGual length, intermingling t!e
letters of a ;7letter word wit! t!ose of a 107letter words, w!ile spelling a
127letter word aloud. )ry doing t!is wit! t!e 8rst t!ree words t!at come to
mid, regardless of t!eir lengt!s. )a&e unfamiliar words as well as familiar
ones. -pell a word suc! as -J:-)A')A)=' aloud w!ile writing 25+5-
and 0=B626Y wit! t!eir letters intermingled.
6et me repeat t!e suggestion made at t!e conclusion of 5"ercise S. 'ow
t!at your brain cells !ave been awa&ened and trained really to wor& for
you, ma&e a conscious e*ort to use in your daily life t!e principles of
&inetic t!in&ing you ac.uired t!roug! t!ese drills. Put t!em to practical
application. -ee for yourself !ow t!e .uality and .uantity of your wor&
improve. 6earn w!y so many spea& of 4ultiple 4entalism as a Guccess

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