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Tess Alan

LEVEL 2000
Jurisprudence Assignment

SCENERIO# 1: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Cleansing and fasting:
Begin with the mucusless diet to cleanse the body.

Diet, nutrition and self-care:
Risk factors may include a low-fiber diet, emotional stress, use of laxatives, a bout of infectious diarrhea, or
other temporary bowel inflammation. Diet is also plays a major role in IBS. Some doctors believe that food
allergies cause some cases of IBS, although studies have been mixed. Fatty foods, artificial sweeteners
(sucralose or Splenda and saccharine or Sweet'N Low), chemical additives (dyes and preservatives), red meat,
dairy products (such as milk, cheese, and sour cream), chocolate, alcohol, and carbonated beverages (sodas)
may trigger or aggravate episodes in some people. Gluten contained in wheat and barley can also be a problem
for some people with IBS. Some doctors believe food allergies may be a trigger of IBS, at least for some
people. The most common food allergens are dairy products, wheat, corn, peanuts, citrus, soy, eggs, fish, and
tomatoes. Your health care provider may recommend an elimination diet, where foods that are suspected of
causing an allergic reaction are eliminated from your diet, then gradually added back to see which food trigger
symptoms. Eating a healthy diet that includes mainly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help. If gas is a
problem, you may want to avoid beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, apple juice, grape juice, bananas, nuts,
and raisins. These tips may also help:
Avoid refined foods such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold-water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergy) or beans for protein.
Use healthy cooking oils, such as olive oil or coconut oil.
Reduce or eliminate trans-fatty acids, found in commercially baked goods such as cookies, crackers,
cakes, French fries, onion rings, donuts, processed foods, and margarine
Take fiber supplements to help reduce pain, cramping, and gas.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and tobacco.
Stay away from sugar substitutes (such as sorbitol and mannitol), which can trigger symptoms in some
Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered or distilled water daily.
Exercise 30 minutes daily, 5 days a week.

Source: Irritable bowel syndrome | University of Maryland Medical
University of Maryland Medical Center

Modalities for care:
Treatment involves stress reduction, so gentle yoga and massage can assist with reducing stress; consult with a
physician to determine an underlying cause, which can be a contributing factor in IBS.

Specific herbs that are useful and their preparations and dosages:
Dr. Christophers Lower Bowel Formula, Blood Purifying Formula, Gas-Eze Formula, peppermint tea or oil
capsules, slippery elm bark, fenugreek seed, and cranberry fruit.

Source: Watson, Brenda (2002). Renew your life, improved digestion and detoxification. Renew Life Press and
Information Services, Clearwater, FL.

Tess Alan

SCENERIO #2: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Cleansing and fasting:
Begin with the mucusless diet to cleanse the body.

Diet, nutrition and self-care:
Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms could be muscle pain, severe headaches, impaired memory or mental
concentration, insomnia, painful lymph nodes, sore throat, gastro intestinal problems such as bloating,
constipation, nausea, and even, sensitivity to light, noise, alcohol and certain foods. Unfortunately, the cause of
CFS has not yet been identified. Scientists believe that it could have multiple causes including immune
dysfunction, very low blood pressure, infections, stress, and nutritional deficiency, although evidence is lacking
for nutritional defects in people with CFS. It is, however, known that CFS patients are a high cardiovascular
risk category. So, this factor should be taken into account while choosing foods for chronic fatigue syndrome.
Like any other disorder, the top foods to beat chronic fatigue syndrome must come from a varied diet selected
from the basic food groups to ensure an adequate nutrient intake and to reach and maintain a reasonable body
weight. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the body. Include whole grains as part of the balanced
diet to keep the digestive system in good working order. Brown rice, barley, quinoa, and oatmeal are some of
the healthiest whole grain options. Choose gluten-free foods and avoid processed foods and refined sugars.
Many CFS patients, however, feel better with low-carbohydrate diets. Whenever possible, go for fruits and
vegetables as a source of carbohydrates rather than cereals and millets. Fruits and vegetables have an added
advantage of essential minerals, which are important to people suffering from CFS. Top protein foods for
people with CFS are animal proteins such as meat, fish, and eggs, because animal proteins contain the
maximum number of essential amino acids required by your body. Having said that, avoid red meats although
you can have them occasionally. Nuts and beans are also good quality proteins but they are not as good as
animal proteins. It is essential that you include variety of different proteins in your diet so that you can get all
the amino acids.. Unlike the current recommendation for low fat diets, people with CFS are rather encouraged
to consume healthy fats. Unhealthy fats should still be avoided. Fats help you improve poor immune function
and hormonal imbalance, and also help in cognitive functioning. Moreover, fats are excellent source of energy.
And the top source of fats is extra virgin olive oil which is very rich in omega-3s. An Iranian study on
neuroprotective effects of olive oil suggested that olive oil intake significantly reduced cell death and decreased
memory loss, especially short term memory loss, common in CFS patients. Most studies therefore recommend
the Mediterranean diet for CFS because this diet includes virgin olive oil. Papers presented in the International
conference on the healthy effect of virgin olive oil also agreed that The Mediterranean diet, rich in virgin olive
oil, improves the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as the lipoprotein profile, blood pressure,
glucose metabolism and reduced inflammation and oxidative stress. Avacado and coconut oil are also very
beneficial. All green vegetables are good for those suffering from CFS. Researchers have found that CFS
patients had elevated levels of methemoglobin (MetHb), a marker of oxidative stress, which shows that
antioxidant treatment can help reduce free radical damage in them. A diet high in fruits and vegetables can
increase plasma antioxidant capacity in people with CFS. Blueberries, with the highest ORAC (oxygen radical
absorbance capacity) value, have been found to have significant benefits due to their high
potential antioxidant activity, neuroprotective properties, and specific ability to protect red blood cells from
oxidative damage. Read more: Top Foods to Beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet |

Modalities for care: Massage and yoga to promote blood and lymph circulation and remove stagnation.

Specific herbs that are useful and their preparations: Dr. Christophers Lower Bowel Formula, Blood
Purifying Formula, and Immune Support Formula, cayenne pepper for pain relief (substance P blocker), garlic
and onion to boost the immune system, St Johns Wort for calming the nerves,
Tess Alan

SCENERIO #3: Breast Cancer

Cleansing and fasting: Begin with the mucusless diet to cleanse the body.

Diet, nutrition and self-care: There are no food or dietary supplements that will act as magic bullets to
prevent breast cancer from returning. National Cancer Institute guidelines for cancer prevention can be used to
decrease the chance of a breast cancer recurrence. These guidelines include:
Increase intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Decrease fat intake to < 30 percent of calories
Minimize intake of cured, pickled and smoked foods
Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
Alcohol consumption should be done in moderation, if at all
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are known to contain phytochemicals with antioxidant, antiestrogen and
chemopreventive properties that may prevent cancer. We recommend five or more servings of fruit and
vegetables daily. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts) are
especially rich in phytochemicals. Extensive research has been conducted at Johns Hopkins Medicine regarding
the nutritional value of broccoli sprouts. Whole grains are unprocessed foods that are high in complex
carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. High fiber intakes may have a positive benefit by
altering hormonal actions of breast cancer and other hormonal-dependent cancers. Daily fiber intake should be
25 to 35 grams of insoluble and soluble fiber.
Plant Family Examples
Grains Wheat, rye, oats, rice, corn, bulgur, barley
Green leafy vegetables Lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, endives, beet greens, romaine
Cruciferous vegetables Broccoli, cabbage, turnip, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, bok choy, watercress, collards, kale, mustard greens, rutabaga
Umbelliferous vegetables Celery, parsley, fennel, carrots, parsnip
Allium vegetables Garlic, onion, shallots, chives, leek
Legumes Soybeans, peas, chickpeas, lima beans, peanut, carob, dried beans (kidney, mung, pinto, black-eyed), lentils
Solanaceous vegetables Nightshade family: eggplant, tomatoes
Cucurbitaceous vegetables Gourd family: pumpkin, squash, cucumber, muskmelon, watermelon
Potential Cancer Fighters in Foods
Phytochemical Food Source
Sulforaphane Broccoli sprouts
Isothiocyanates Mustard, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables
Garlic, green tea, soybeans, cereal grains, cruciferous, umbelliferous, solanaceous, cucurbitaceous vegetables, licorice root, flax seed
Tess Alan
Flavanoids Most fruits and vegetables (cruciferous, garlic, citrus fruits, caraway seeds, umbelliferous, solanaceous, cucurbitaceous vegetables, sage,
camphor, dill, basil, mint)
Organo-sulfides Garlic, onion, leeks, shallots, cruciferous vegetables
Isoflavones Soybeans, legumes, flax seed
Indoles Cruciferous vegetables
Carotenoids Dark yellow/orange/green vegetables and fruits
Controversy exists on the role of dietary fat on the promotion of breast cancer. Some animal studies and
epidemiological data have suggested that the type of fat consumed may initiate the development of breast
cancer. We recommend that you:
Limit the intake of highly saturated foods such as beef, lamb, organ meats, cheeses, cream, butter, ice
Decrease food containing trans fatty acids, such as commercially prepared baked goods, crackers and
Increase your intake of poultry, fish and vegetarian proteins (legumes and lentils). Increasing your intake
of fish to 3 times per week will increase omega-3-polyunsaturated fat intake. Research has suggested
that these fatty acids may inhibit the growth of breast tumors.
Modalities for care:
Gentle massage, acupuncture, counseling and yoga

Specific herbs that are useful and their preparations: Dr. Christophers Lower Bowel Formula, Blood
Purifying Formula, Lymphatic Formula, ESSIAC Formula with red root (burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery
elm bark, and turkey rhubarb), alphalfa, and chlorophyll.

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