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IEEE C802.

Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <>
Title Clarification on RBIR and BLR !apping for P802.16" !#
$o%rce'() Cio%*Ping +%, I*-ang .%, Pei*-ai Liao, Pa%l Cheng
!ediaTe/ Inc. 0o.1, #%(ing Road
1, $cience*Ba(ed Ind%(trial Par/, 1(inch%,
Tai2an 300, R.4.C.
Ren*5r Chen, Richard Li
6o%n*Tai Lee
Re: I 802.16"*08/016, :Call for Contri&%tion( on Project 802.16" $9(te" #e(cription
#oc%"ent '$##).; < Co""ent( on P802.16" !#
=&(tract The "apping &et2een RBIR and BLR i( "i((ed in c%rrent P802.16" !#, 2hich i( hard to &e
o&tained fro" open literat%re(. Thi( contri&%tion ai"( to clarif9 the po((i&le 2a9 to deri>e thi(
infor"ation for "e"&er?( di(c%((ion and reference.
P%rpo(e .or T@" "e"&er( di(c%((ion and po((i&le adoption on propo(ed teAt to P802.16" !#.
This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or an of its su!groups. It
repre(ent( onl9 the >ie2( of the participant( li(ted in the :$o%rce'(); field a&o>e. It i( offered a( a &a(i( for
di(c%((ion. It i( not &inding on the contri&%tor'(), 2ho re(er>e'() the right to add, a"end or 2ithdra2 "aterial
contained herein.
The contri&%tor grant( a free, irre>oca&le licen(e to the I to incorporate "aterial contained in thi(
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The contri&%tor al(o ac/no2ledge( and accept( that thi( contri&%tion "a9 &e "ade p%&lic &9 I 802.16.
The contri&%tor i( fa"iliar 2ith the I*$= Patent Polic9 and Proced%re(:
Chttp://(tandard(*"lE6F and
.%rther infor"ation i( located at Chttp://(tandard(*""l F and
IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
"lari#ica$ion on %BI% and B&E% 'apping #or (802.16) E'*
"iou#$ing Wu% I#&ang 'u% $ei#&ai (iao and $au) "heng
*ediaTek Inc.
+en#,r "hen% +ichard (i
-oun#Tai (ee
1 In$roduc$ion
In I 802.16"*08/00Gr1 'P802.16" >al%ation !ethodolog9 #oc%"ent '!#)) H1I, the RBIR P16
a&(traction i( the &a(eline for (9(te" le>el (i"%lation. 1o2e>er, it i( >er9 conf%(ing that the c%rrent !# onl9
introd%ce ho2 to calc%late the RBIR 2itho%t pro>iding the "apping &et2een RBIR and BLR. $ince the (9(te"
le>el (i"%lation need( BLR in(tead of RBIR, "e"&er( "a9 face to (o"e diffic%ltie( to e(ta&li(h their (i"%lator
2itho%t /no2ing thi( "apping.
The a%thor( of thi( contri&%tion (pent ti"e to (t%d9 and in>e(tigate the po((i&le 2a9( to deri>e the "apping
&et2een BLR and RBIR. =n eAa"ple on ho2 to deri>e the "apping c%r>e( 2ill &e gi>en in thi( contri&%tion a(
an eAa"ple. The teAt propo(al 2ill &e (o"e infor"ati>e clarification to P802.16" !# to point o%t po((i&le
2a9( to deri>e thi( "apping 2itho%t re(tricting on (pecific techniJ%e.
2 Background and 'o$i+a$ion
The n%"&er of radio lin/( need to &e (i"%lated in (9(te" le>el (i"%lation depend( on the n%"&er of !$, the
n%"&er of B$ and the n%"&er of TA/RA antenna(, and the a"o%nt i( %(%all9 the "%ltipl9 of all the(e >al%e(.
Therefore, it re(%lt( in h%ge co"p%tational load and ta/e( a lot of ti"e to o&tain fe2 (i"%lation c%r>e(. In order
to (i"plif9 the co"pleAit9, the (9(te" le>el (i"%lation 2ill define an interface to inp%t the (i"%lated $I0R for
"apping to a corre(ponding BLR 'o&tained &9 lin/ le>el (i"%lation in ad>ance). Thi( (tep i( al(o called P16
a&(traction and it can deco%ple the (9(te" le>el and lin/ le>el (i"%lation.
1o2e>er, a coded &loc/ i( tran("itted o>er one or "%ltiple (%&*channel( in 4.#!= (9(te"( 2hich a((ociate
to different (et of ph9(ical (%&*carrier( 2ith different per tone $I0R fro" ti"e to ti"e. It?( hard to "ap (%ch a
co"pleA $I0R co"&ination to BLR &eca%(e it?( hard to deri>e the lin/ le>el perfor"ance( 2hich are f%nction
to >ario%( $I0R co"&ination(. Therefore >ario%( P16 a&(traction techniJ%e( for "%lti*carrier (9(te"( to predict
the coded &loc/ error rate 'BLR) for gi>en a recei>ed channel realiKation acro(( the 4.#! (%&carrier( %(ed to
tran("it the coed .C &loc/ 2ere propo(ed. The &a(ic concept( of tho(e techniJ%e( are >er9 (i"ilar, i.e.
IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
"apping the "%ltiple per tone $I0R( into an eJ%i>alent $I0R. The i"plication i( to tran(late the "%lti*carrier
(9(te" into an eJ%i>alent (ingle carrier (9(te" 'i.e. eJ%i>alent $I0R "apping, $!), and then %(e the
$I0RLBLR "apping for (ingle carrier (9(te"( to o&tain the BLR.
There are (e>eral 2ell*/no2n $! approache( 2idel9 applied to predict the lin/ perfor"ance( for "%lti*
carrier (9(te"(, (%ch a( "ean in(tantaneo%( capacit9, eAponential*effecti>e $I0R !apping '$!) and !%t%al
Infor"ation ffecti>e $I0R !apping '!I$!). In thi( contri&%tion, 2e foc%( on one of the !I$!
techniJ%e(: recei>ed &it "%t%al infor"ation rate 'RBIR) "ethod H2I, 2hich i( the &a(eline techniJ%e defined in
P802.16" !# H1I.
In H1I, the nor"aliKed "%t%al infor"ation per &it 'RBIR) i( gi>en &9

n m
n m /I.+ /I
) '
)) ' '
, 2here $I i( the (9"&ol "%t%al infor"ation, a( follo2(:

= =

+ =
m k k n
m k
1 n
1 1 2 2
* n m /I.+ /I
1 , 1
2 2
2 2
) / 1 '
eAp 1 ' Nlog
log )) ' , '
=n eAa"ple of RBIR >al%e( for each "od%lation order i( gi>en in Ta&le 2G in H1I. =fter acJ%iring the $I for
each (%&carrier &a(e on Ta&le 2G 2ith inp%t of it( "od%lation order and per tone $I0R. The nor"aliKed "%t%al
infor"ation per &it 'RBIR) can &e co"p%ted &9 J%ation '1). Onfort%natel9, c%rrent !# (/ip the neAt (tep on
the 2a9 to a((ociate the RBIR and BLR. In neAt (ection, an eAa"ple i( gi>en to eAplain the po((i&le 2a9 to
co"p%te the &loc/ error rate %(ing the RBIR >al%e.
, *iscussion o# (roposed "lari#ica$ion
$ince the "ean RBIR >al%e can &e o&tained &9 J%ation '1) and Ta&le 2G in H1I, 2e tr9 to eAplore the po((i&le
proced%re to o&tain the effecti>e $I0R and the BLR in thi( (ection. Because a coded block may be carried over
a set of subcarriers and transmitted at different time (with/without different modulation schemes), there are two
cases need to be considered:
Ca(e =. The entire coded &loc/ i( tran("itted o>er the (a"e "od%lation (che"e
Ca(e B. part of the coded &loc/ i( tran("itted o>er different "od%lation (che"e(
IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
3.1 The ntire Coded Bloc/ i( Tran("itted &9 the (a"e !od%lation $che"e
If a coded block is carried over a set of subcarriers and symbol time with the same modulation order
with the mean RBIR obtained by Equation (1), per symbol effective SINR can be directly obtained from
the Table 24 according to its modulation order. Based on the demodulation scheme in the receiver, per bit
effective SINR can be derived. Therefore, one example is using this effective SINR (i.e. Effective SINR
(per bit) in Figure 1(a)) and the coding system performances in AWGN channel (i.e. Figure 1(b) [3]) to
obtain the corresponding SINR
LBLER mapping (i.e. Figure 1(c)). Given the coding system
performances under AWGN channel with different code rates, the SINR
LBLER mapping for different
MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) can be easily derived. Figure 1(c) gives an example by considering
turbo code with 1/3 coding rate.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
Fig. 1 (a) The mapping between RBIR and per bit equivalent SINR for different modulation scheme, (b) and (c)
the corresponding mapping between RBIR and BLER for Turbo Code with 1/3 code rate.
3.2 Part of the Coded Block is Transmitted over Different Modulation Schemes
If part of the coded block is transmitted over different modulation schemes (e.g. transmitted over different
time by interleaving), there may exist slight offset between the curve for mapping RBIR to per bit effective
SINR because the coding performances under different modulation scheme may be slightly different.
Therefore, even the mean RBIR can still be directly computed via Equation (1) and Table 24, some
heuristic interpolation adjust may be used to fine tune the mapping between RBIR to per bit effective
SINR. Note that this part depends on the calibration efforts conducted by each company and might be out
of the scope of P802.16m EMD. Therefore, no specific interpolation procedure will be proposed in this
- Summary
In summary, the example to obtain the mapping between RBIR and BLER can be concluded as following steps
and Figure 2:
1. Calculate per bit effective SINR (SINR

based on RBIR and Table 24 in [1]
IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
2. Reference the coding system performances to obtain the mapping between SINR and BLER
3. Use the SINR
obtained in step 1 and the mapping obtained in step 2 to derive the mapping between
and BLER
Fig.2 The procedure to obtain BLER from RBIR
Note that the RBIR ESM is fundamentally a BLER prediction technique, the mapping between RBIR and
BLER under different coding scheme, coding rate, modulation schemes, interleaver and channel model is still a
problem under research. This contribution does not intend to provide an optimized mapping, but performing an
example how members may simply derive a workable mapping for their system level simulation. Therefore, the
following we only suggest to add some clarification text into P802.16m EMD to state how member can derive
the RBIR and BLER mapping by themselves.
(roposed .e/$ 'odi#ica$ion
**********************************************************$tart of the
H=dd the follo2ing teAt after lineE1G, pageE62 in I 802.16"*08/00Gr1H1II
In order to derive the mapping between RBIR and BLER, the following steps may be considered:
1. Calculate the per bit effective SINR (SINR
) based on RBIR and Table 24
2. Reference the coding system performances to obtain the mapping between SINR and BLER
3. Use the SINR
obtained in step 1 and the mapping obtained in step 2 to derive the mapping between
and BLER
If the coded block is transmitted at different time and over different modulation schemes, some interpolation
may need to be applied to refine the mapping in step 3.
************************************************************nd of the
IEEE C802.16m-08/323r1
[1] R. Srinivasan, J. Zhuang, L. Jalloul, R. Novak, J. Park, Project 802.16m Evaluation Methodology
Document (EMD), IEEE C80216m-08-004/r1, March 28, 2008.
[2] L. Wan, S. Tsai, M. Almgren, A Fading-Insensitive Performance Metric for a Unified Link Quality
Model, IEEE Wire)ess "ommunications and .etworking "onference, Pol.G, pp. 2110*211G, =pril 2006.
[3] D. Divsalar, S. Dolinar, R. J. McEliece, and F. Pollara, Transfer function bounds on the performance of
turbo codes, TDA Progress Report 42-121, JPL, August 1995.

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