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Heliocentrism- is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets

revolve around a stationary Sun at the center of the universe.

isaac newton- by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of
planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts
about heliocentrism and advancing the Scientifc evolution.
scientifc method- techni!ue for scientifc in!uiry but used with newtons
views to prove heliocentrism
witchcraft- science was new and advancing so people grouped it with magic.
add christian and protestant bic"ering which corrupted #magic# and
witchcraft was born with wild beliefes of it doing with the devil
absolutism- historiographical term used to describe a form of monarchical
power that is unrestrained by any other institutions, such as churches,
legislatures, or social elites. -ussia,tsar ale$ei %&'(-)&* #assembly of the#
passed to stop rebellions happening
louis $iv-court culture+ the arts+ palace of versailles+ e$tended state authorty+
mercantalsim-is the economic doctrine in which government control of
foreign trade is of paramount importance
assembly of the land- tsar ale$ei had to abide by said contract to stop the
civil disorder+ ,hree areas are especially signifcant* the completion of the
enserfment of the peasantry -chapter %%., the completion of the legal
stratifcation of the townsmen -chapter %/., and the semi-seculari0ation of
the church -chapters %1, %', and %/..
english civil war- %&'2-'& cavaliers- supported "ing vs roundheads-supported
oliver cromwell- led roundheads, then stayed in power when they won and
got rid of parliment
great fre of london- %&&& destroyed city so crown had to rebuild that plus
glorious revolution- constitutionalism won over absolutism with no blood
shed, william and mary agreed to partner with parliment
social contract theory- people give up some rights to gov't in e$change for
gov't protection
thomas hobbes- wrote leviathan which supported the social contract
3ohn loc"e- social contract supporter, philosopher- i thin" therefore i am
atlantic system- triangle of the slave trade
slave trade- slaves brought from africa to the new world
plantation comple$- farmers owned land to grow crops li"e sugar and tobacco
and used slaves and the lived on plantation
buccaneers- pirates during new world e$peditions
agricultural revolution- new plantations growing more products better
consumer revolution- more people had money so buying more general goods
middle class- started become more abundant but not wealthy but had e$tra
money for buying stu4
war of spanish succesion- -%)5%6%)%'. was fought among several European
powers, including a divided Spain, over the possible unifcation of the
Kingdoms of Spain and 7rance under one 8ourbon monarch. 9s 7rance and
Spain were among the most powerful states of Europe, such a unifcation
would have drastically altered the European balance of power. ,he war was
fought primarily by forces supporting the unifcation, the Spanish loyal to
:hilip ;, 7rance and the Electorate of 8avaria, against those opposing
unifcation, the Spanish loyal to 9rchdu"e <harles, the Holy oman Empire,
=reat 8ritain, the >utch epublic, :ortugal and the >uchy of Savoy. ,he
forces were "nown as the ,wo <rowns and =rand 9lliance, respectively.
treaty of urecht- :eace of ?trecht, comprises a series of individual peace
treaties, rather than a single document, signed by the belligerents in the @ar
of Spanish Succession, in the >utch city of ?trecht in Aarch and 9pril %)%1.
,he treaties between several European states, including Spain, =reat 8ritain,
7rance, :ortugal, Savoy and the >utch epublic, helped end the war.
robert walpole- "nown before %)'2 as Sir obert @alpole, was a 8ritish
statesman who is generally regarded as having been the frst :rime Ainister
of =reat 8ritain. 9lthough the position of #:rime Ainister# had no recognition
in law or oBcial use at the time, @alpole is nevertheless ac"nowledged as
having held the oBce de facto because of his inCuence within the <abinet.
tsar peter D-
serfdom- people wor"ed li"ed slaves but had houses and wages. traded
serfdom for passage to new world
the enlightment- was a cultural movement of intellectuals in %Eth-century
Europe, that sought to mobili0e the power of reason, in order to reform
society and advance "nowledge. Dt promoted science and intellectual
interchange and opposed superstition,F%G intolerance and abuses in church
and state. Hriginating about %&(56%)55, it was spar"ed by philosophers
8aruch Spino0a -%&126%&))., Iohn Joc"e -%&126%)5'., :ierre 8ayle -%&')6
%)5&., mathematician Dsaac Kewton -%&'16%)2). and historian ;oltaire
-%&/'6%))E.. ,he wide distribution of the printing press, invented in Europe
in %''5, made possible the rapid dispersion of "nowledge and ideas which
precipitated the Enlightenment.
voltaire- was a 7rench Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher
famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of
religion, freedom of e$pression, free trade and separation of church and
state of nature- is a term in political philosophy used in social contract
theories to describe the hypothetical condition that preceded governments.
,here must have been a time before government, and so the !uestion is how
legitimate government could emerge from such a starting positionF%G, and
what are the hypothetical reasons for entering a state of society by
establishing a government. refers to times before gov't and how everything
wor"ed then

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