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CISAK 2013 C1/P/1

Software Construction of
Outpatient Registration Service
Anjungan Pendaftaran Mandiri (APM)
Smartcard Mifare and ACR122 NFC Contactless Reader
Maulida Mazaya
and Bayu Hendradjaya
Health Information Technology, Bandung Institute Technology
Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Software Engineering, Bandung Institute Technology
Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Abstract. Outpatient service is one of the hospital services with high frequency activities. Outpatient service starts on registration until
policlinic services. Some long registration queues even occurred. This is because of unbalance between the number of admission staff
and patients enrolled. Mifare smartcard is one of Philips smartcard products which can save memory until 1K using its kryptography
and can be read using Contactless NFC Reader ACR122 with distance about 5cm. Therefore, the use of smartcard reader especially
ACR122 in healthy will be so interested. One of the examples is development process of Anjungan Pendaftaran Mandiri (APM) on this
final project. APM is software which can conduct patients to register themselves without regular registration. APM development main
to reduce waiting time with implementing mifare smartcard Mifare and ACR122 Contatless NFC Reader collaborated with C#, Java,
and Oracle 10g XE using object oriented method. On the next development APM was tested with parameters correspondence between
functional requirements with use case and the waiting time of patient enrollment. Testing consists of functionality use case testing using
blackbox adapted to use case scenario and form testing, tools compatibility testing and connection of software, and waiting time APM
registration. The result testing show that APM is able to sufficient the functional requirement, tools and connection compatibility, and
also can reduce waiting time of patient enrollment than usual
Keywords: APM, outpatient, object oriented, ACR122, mifare
Based on the Law of Republic Indonesia concerning about
hospital, the definition of hospital is an institution which held
individual health service completely that provides inpatient
services, outpatient, and emergency unit [1]. One of good
hospitals paramaters is in structural administration. This is
supported by information systems. One of them is outpatient
information system that includes patient registration process until
clinic services. Outpatient services is a part of one division or unit
in hospital which has high frequency services to the patients [2].
Therere many problems we can find in hospital like manual
service administration, unarranged system, imbalance of
availability between number of patients and staff workers, and
also lack of support tools for information systems [3]. All that
make the length time of service, so that increased waiting time of
patient, and also provision medical record which not punctual.
These resulted dissatisfaction of patients, so that is resulted not
only decline hospital quality, but also affect o the level of traffic
and hospital profit.
Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to solve the
problem. Some of the possible solutions is to increase the registrar
of, registration by phone, and using a new medium for enrollment.
The first and second solution is the best possible solution, but the
solution will only reduce the problem a little. The last solution is
probably to add media services, using software engineering
Automated Self-Registration (APM), which refer to the ATM
services to cut patient waiting times.
1. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Analysis and design methodology is an object-oriented
development strategy software by organizing software as a set
of objects (data and operations in it) and is based on the
principles of management complexity. Both object-oriented
analysis and design is often referred to as object-oriented
CISAK 2013 C1/P/1

analysis and design (OOAD). Stages in the development of
software APM done using object-oriented analysis and design
[4]. Details of OOAD can be seen below:
a. Object-Oriented Analysis
Analysis of object-oriented or object-oriented analysis
(OOA) is the stage to analyze the needs of the system
specification to be built with object-oriented methods. In
object-oriented analysis, there are several methods of object-
oriented modeling prior to UML modeling, namely Booch
method, Object Modeling Technique (OMT), Methods Coad
Yourdon, and Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE)
b. Object-Oriented Design
Object-oriented design or object-oriented design (OOD) is
an intermediate to map the needs of object-oriented concepts
into the design of the modeling to be more easily implemented
into programming. Object-oriented modeling is often made in
the form of a software document by using a set of object-
oriented modeling tools such as UML. At this stage can be
recognized problems in building a system or object-oriented
software [4].
2. Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is one of the modeling
software was developed by Rational Software Corporation
1996 is to bring together the many methods developed at that
time in order to understand all the people. Further enhanced
by the Object Management Group (OMG) in September 1997
to the present[4]. In this paper, there are four main diagrams
are used for modeling software, theyre use case diagram,
class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram.
3. Near Field Communication (NFC)
NFC is a wireless connectivity technology based on a set of
Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) and uses
magnetic field induction to enable communication between
devices within a certain electronics [5].
4. Tools that are used in our research
a. ACR122 NFC Reader
ACR122 is a product of Advanced Card Systems Ltd.
company. (ACS), which was developed based on 13.56 MHz
technology (RFID). Based on ISO/IEC18092 ISO standard for
Near Field Communication (NFC), ACR122 Mifare not only
supports ISO 14443 Type A and B, but also all four types of
NFC cards, Topaz, and Felica. By using the transfer speed
212Kbps for NFC Tag access and full USB speed of up to 12
Mbps, the ACR122 can read and write faster and more
efficiently. The operating distance of ACR122 approximately
5cm. In addition, the ACR122 is also compatible with both
CCID and PC / SC, controlled with bi-color LED and buzzer
and built with anti-collision, which means only one card that
can be accessed in a single reading. In other words, plug and
play USB device allowing communication with different
device applications. In terms of security, the ACR122 can be
integrated with an ISO 7816-3 SAM slot [6].
b. Mifare
Mifare is a trademark of Philips Electronics NV. Mifare
cards are made from plain white PVC CR80 dimension that
has 1K of memory storage and use frequency of 13.56 MHz.
Mifare is used to process or store any data and has a chip that
can be programmed to allow the application running on the
card. Mifare encryption and cryptography has DES/3DES that
refer to the International Standard ISO 14443. This card is
used for fare collection applications, libraries, ID cards, access
cards, attendance cards, member cards, payment cards (e-
cash/e-payment) and can be integrated with the application of
intelligent systems. As for the features of Mifare: no battery
needed, operating range up to 100mm (depending on antenna
geometry), 13:56 Frequency Hz, the data transfer rate 106 kbit
/ s, data integrity 16 Bit CRC, parity, bit coding, bit counting,
anticollision, type of transaction <100ms (including backup
management), use security(use three authentication
ISO/IECDIS9798-2, data encryption on RF-channel, set of
two keys per sector, has a unique serial number of each
appliance, transport key protected EEPROM for each chip)
c. Software Interface
This software interface was built using Java jdk.1.7 with
Netbeans IDE 7.0.1 for programming tools, C as reader
language, and also Oracle XE 10g with TOAD 9.7.2 as
database tools. This interface was simple, looks like
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in use.
d. Library
For this paper, the software library was got from ACR122s
library. It includes C, C++, C#, VB.Net for its library. Althogh
like that, it can combine with another programming language
like Java. This library was concern as reader.
APM business process begins from patients registration to the
registrar. Patients enrolled as a member of APM first. After
registered as a member of the patient, the patient can self-register
using the APM APM. The data is managed at APM outpatient
registration data that have become members only. How to use
APM APM use ATM-like in general. The difference is
considerable mifare card reader brought to the NFC until the login
page appears, do not need to insert the card into a tool such as at
an ATM, it process begins by scanning the patient mifare
smartcard to a reader (reading the card with the language C #,
including the library of the ACR122). If successful card reading,
CISAK 2013 C1/P/1

it will be matched idkartu advance with existing data in the
database (using Oracle database 10g XE). After the match, the
registration form will appear. Patients can self-registration
process and print proof of registration (using the Java
programming language jdk7.0.1).
The working mechanism of patient enrollment by APM is as
shown in Figure 1.

1. Scanning card by patient
2. ACR122 NFC Contactess Reader read the smartcard
3. Patient enter number PIN
4. Menu show up
5. Patient then choose menu
After confirmation, then APM will print proof of registration
in the form of structure that can be directly taken by the patient.
Implementation of the interface is made in accordance with the
design of the interface screen. Many forms are implemented, there
are 9 pieces with detail slide twenty four clinics on the form.

a. Validation of Sytems
To make sure that this software was built well formed like the
purpose, there was a test. Software testing had used blackbox
testing, so that it tested by use case requirement. ACR122 test is
as shown in Figure 2 and card detection results is as shown in
Figure 3.

= minutes

Figure 2. ACR122 Test

Figure 3. Card Detection Results
The result of the validation of the system is as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Result of Testing in minutes
Normal 3
18' 1' 18' 1 18'
Crowded 5-10' 15-30' 3-5' 15-30' 3-5' 15-30'
APM 1 APM 2 persons 1APM 2persons 1 APM 2 persons

From the results of the software development and the results of
testing that has been done, some conclusions can be drawn as
1. To finish this paper there needs some references, started
from OO models, NFC ACR122, UML, and also Mifare. After
known the references for sure then needs to make a design using
uml that resulted Software Requirement System (SRS) that
consist of some diagrams.
2. Smartcard Reader Mifare and ACR122 NFC Contactless
Reader can be used for APM because it can be implemented with
object-based platforms such as Java and C # as library to read the
Figure 1. Use Case Diagram APM
CISAK 2013 C1/P/1

3. APM software can be applied as a substitute for regular
registration. APM development constraints by combining Java
and C#. Data card will be read by C#, not by Java and make time
to be read more than five minutes. This is caused by a library of
ACR122 used by the author is not supported by the Java Card
reading. Card reading solutions using Java and C # is to create a
temporary file in the Java container, so that the process of reading
data from C # to Java is acceptable to the next process.
4. Using APM allows patients to register quickly without
having to go through double the waiting time, each patient
requires about 1-3minutes under normal conditions and 5-10
minutes in solid condition for enrollment through APM, so the
accuracy of the time could not be ascertained as yet deployed or
implemented to the world real.
5. After all, this software can be helped hospitals outpatient

After reviewing the manufacture and research of this paper, the
writer can give suggestions for further development, namely:
1. Smartcard can be used as the primary e-health information
2. APM should be developed and implemented by hospitals to
improve the quality of care because it can reduce the waiting time
of patients at enrollment.
3. Smartcard and contactless readers like ACR122 is not only
to overcome registration problems, but also can be developed for
medical records and hospital payment transactions.
My appreciate thanks to:
Mr. Asep Rojali A.Md. as coordinator of information systems
division of Al Islam Bandungs Hospital who had lent tools for
finishing this paper.

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[2] B. Shofari, PSRK_01, Buku 2 Modul Pembelajaran Sistem dan
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(PORMIKI), 2002.
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Pelayanan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan dengan Smartcard Mifare
dan NFC Reader ACR122 Berbasis Java Oracle, Bandung,
[4] Shalahuddin, Rosa A.S. and M., , Modul Pembelajaran
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[5] K. O. B. O. Vedat Coskun, Near Field Communication (NFC):
From Theory to Practice, Istanbul: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[6] A. C. S. Ltd, "Application Programming Interface ACR122 NFC
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[7] Semiconductor, Philips, "Mifare Standard Card IC MF1 IC S50
Functional Specification, revision 5.1," 2001.

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