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one socially sustainable housing management strategy

As a result of changes in housing policy in the 1980s and 1990s, social landlords in
several European countries have to manage their stock in a more commercial way.
They have to anticipate market developments and formulate a strategy for the development of their
stock. This kind of asset management is referred to as strategic housing management!.
The case study "y #incent $ruis and %ico %ie"oer addresses how social land&lords develop their
asset management schemes in a strategic way. 'rom the theory on "usiness planning and housing
management, we define strategic stock management and its characteristics.
They used (otler!s general model for strategic "usiness planning and illustrate how this model can
"e applied to social landlords with various e)amples from the %etherlands and approaches from
front&runners among *utch social landlords.
one environmentally sustainable pollution management strategy
+ase study, +uriti"a, the capital of -ra.ilian state /aran0
'igure, 1ogers model
To reduce air pollution, +uriti"a has implemented a very efficient transport system which includes
the "us&rapid&transit system 2-1T3. 4n 1990 two&thirds pf the population used pu"lic transport,
5erner first created an efficient transportation system as he saw this as the key to integrating
+uriti"a6s people with their environment. The arterial roads.
4n order to reduce land pollution, a very effective recycling scheme has "een implemented
throughout +uriti"a. This ensures that nearly all of the waste is reused or recycled 2this also reduces
the use of landfills3.
1ecycling was introduced in schools, children then took the idea home and encouraged their parents
to take part. An e)ample of this is the 7$reen 8wap /rogramme9
'igure, $reen 8wap /rogramme
'looding and the water pollution caused "y it has always "een a severe pro"lem in +uriti"a, since it
is located on a plateau. To reduce water pollution, the +uriti"a govt. has minimi.ed downstream
floods "y constructing parks along the river with artificial lakes.
These river parks also serve as places of recreation for the population and prevent the illegal
occupation on river "anks. :ther alternatives developed "y the ;unicipality to minimi.e the effects
of ur"ani.ation.
one strategy to control rapid city growth resulting from in-migration
A case study in 8ingapore descri"es a strategy used to control rapid city growth resulting from in&
migration A point of contention relates to the "elief that immigrants compete with 8ingaporeans for
=hile the state insists that only <o"s unfilled "y citi.ens are assumed "y foreigners, the government
is still fre>uently critici.ed for not curtailing the uptake of managerial and professional positions "y
8uspicions that the la"or market is giving preferential treatment to the foreign "orn ? descri"ed as
7cheaper9 and 7harder&driving and harder&striving9 than 8ingaporeans ? are not helped "y certain
official statements.
=hile the state has "een an)ious to stop the decline of marriage and fertility, marriage migrants
from less&developed countries are not automatically granted residency or citi.enship papers and
may have to confront a long and uncertain pathway to citi.enship.
'or couples with at least one 8ingaporean child however, the foreign spouse may "e eligi"le to
apply for a three&year 5ong Term #isit /ass&/lus, a new immigrant pass that is availa"le "eginning
April @01@.

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