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Clyde Jon Tacdoy

1. Why are the sounds more intense after exercise?

- When presented with a training stimulus, your heart rate will naturally begin
to increase.
2. What effect does body position have on Pulse Rate?
- Several factors affect your heart rate during exercise, including your age,
level of fitness and rate of exertion. But you may overlook the role your body
position can play in determining your heart rate during and directly following
a workout. Supine positions appear to reduce your heart rate when compared
to erect positions during exercise, suggesting that your heart has to work
harder when your lower body is more vertical than horizontal relative to your
upper body.
3. Compare Pulse Rate and Heart Rate.
- .Heart rate is the rate at which the heart beats, or contracts. Your pulse is
the temporary increase in arterial pressure that can be felt throughout the
4. Compare Radial Pulse and Carotid Pulse.
The radial pulse is the one most often taken because of the ease with which it is
palpated. Pulse of the carotid artery, palpated by gently pressing a finger in the area
between the larynx and the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck.
5. Define Systolic Pressure and Diastolic Pressure.
- Systolic pressure occurs near the end of the stroke output of the left
ventricle, and the minimum or diastolic late in ventricular diastole.
6. How do you calculate Pulse Pressure? Of what importance is this value?
The numeric difference between your systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called
your pulse pressure. For example, if youre resting blood pressure is 120/80
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), your pulse pressure is 40 which is considered a
normal and healthy pulse pressure.
7. Name some factors that affect Systolic and Diastolic Pressure.
- A decrease in stroke volume decreases the amount of blood in the arterial
system, decreasing the diastolic blood pressure.
- In patients with isolated systolic hypertension, data are inconclusive, but
calcium channel blockers and diuretics appear to lower blood pressure to a
greater degree than do other antihypertensive drugs.

8. What effect does exercise have on the following:
a.) Systolic Pressure - . Your systolic blood pressure increases during exercise
as the cardiovascular system delivers more blood to the working muscles and
your diastolic blood pressure stays roughly the same or decrease slightly.
b.) Diastolic Pressure- increase pulse pressure
c.) Pulse Pressure- Increase more
d.) Heart Rate- increase slightly.
e.) Radial Rate

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