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,1 xuo ^wooo. sue haii no leara.

; "ut re-
A. D. Cadwallader, Jacob Randall, tainiug her consicioi^i^Pto thelast,
r\ /ti m I i .
C. D. Wgolley, Well: C. Cornell, 'slie passed gently with the
Georg6 W. Mldes and Drew Sweet. conviction that.,la,her fntiue
there should be nought bht bliss.
A We desire to tender our sin- ' Mrs. Hatris' funeral took place on
cero thanks toaur many friends for their {Tuesday of this week.'Mr. Harris
arnvcd from Florida wiu.
Sept. 15,1879. and i-amily. J|herre[iram8 on Monday. A hnof
Rebecca C. Harris died at the
reside'iiCe of lier Son, I. H. Harris,
'n Tuesday, Sept. 9tli, at 12 o'clock
M. Slie had been ill for nearly;
five weeks, tite immediate cause of
death being, probably, neuralgia of
the heart. She was the daughter
Iof Jolin aid Sh'fah Jennings, and
was born in Glonce'ster ConntyJ
; New JerScy, October 2nd, 1804.!
:She was the fifth child in a family |
ofseren children, and was one of'
I the jJioneer mothers of Warrea
Iconnty.her parients h'ijvirig come to
Wayneayille in 1807.
In 1823, she was united in mar-
riage to James flarris, by whoir
she had seren children, only three
of whom survive her. Soon aftei
marriage, she and her husband re
moved to Centervjlle, Ohio, where
the latter engaged in mercantile
pursuits and where he remained nn
til the summer of 1844, at which
tjme they rethrbcd to Waynesville, i
In the spring of 184S' the husband
died, and in 1855 the subject of ^
jthis sketch again returned-to Cen-
l^nHlleand remained there unti
\about' tVo mouths jjrior to hei ,
j Slie was an early member of '
what is commonlyknown as tin [
Old School Baptist Church, having '
been a commuai(Dt of that or^^s-
ization foi* over fifty years. %he
was a devoted wife, an affectionate
mother and ftconeistedt christain.
I ^ d: '
The funeral'of Mrs. Harris took i
place last Thursday afternoon from
the M. E. Church. The Rev. Mr.
Thompson of Franklin preached |
the funeral discourse from the text, '
"Blessed are the dead who die in
the Lord; yea, saith my spirit, for
1they do rest from their labors; and
tbeif works do follow tbem;'^ A
large and attentive congregatiou
listened to- the reverend gentle
man's ablediscourse. At the close,
;aD opportunity to take a last look
at the face of one of our oldest and
most esteemed' citizens was given,
{which all improved; and then the
funeral cortege inoved to Miami:
ICemetery, where all that was mor- :
tal of the beloved Mother was laid !
away to its last earthly rest ' {i
On Saturday Morning ihe 6th
jiQut. of Cholera Infanium.JiiiuiE Har
ris. son of Israel Uarria. of this place,
-aged 16 months and 23 days.
JiMMia was a sweet, innocent, pure
little child, just such a loving one ns uirtiu uiiuu. jusb Eucn a loving one ns Aiie puii-ueuicrs were luessra. ,i
'grows into the hearts of alltoo gentle ' M, Hadden, A D Cadwallader, Ja-
lor earth,and the angels look him. Tliei 'cob RaiubiU, William Jones, GorUv,j
dear boy is now of liie bright throng. { J. Wright, and Joel Evans.
that live by the Tree of Life -
death never comes. ' ' iio.On Tiiuraday the 2lst~
I , lively *and 9o'clock, P.M., of consumptio,!*
Ulayfuha well spring ofjoyin lus earth- At-rsED J. Harr[s, in the iveiity first
ly home. In about 13 hours from his "J' liis uge.
first attack, his little eyes were closed lew monthg ngo we pnblisheda
forever on earth. God bless the be- Wc'd'a marriage, not
reaved parents, and draw their heartsi ..lethebright liopea ol
to himself. W ' 1 ,i' ' r' "''J.
A . * il ilie irosiinf ( ffttfii in \f- u
I - - I,.v
I Death OF Mrs. I. H Harris. is.^thut'T"L'Ttad fuunV^a
Mrs. I. HHarris died of pulmonary ,l,e l.o.rf. d,,ber of (riondship frtm .'l'|
consiiraption, mJacksonville, Flor wi.o ivore intimate with hinv nd of li
ida, January 15th, 1873, whitliershe ^'"g nmneroiis "cqnaiutauceg. not one will
Ihud been taken by lier husband for annunncemeiit his death witiu
[the benefit of her health. For tbe ' of regret and sorrow
Jfirst few weeks after her arrival, the f remQin a vacuum in socii
Igenial atmosphere of that region ^ , ,
'.seemed to reinvigorate her, and ah of ti.nM.a l*"an*
there appeared every iiidicatian that bven quickeiied'"bv hfa^'T
she would return in the Spring, re- thrilled lo hn jbj carosgt a?,
stored to- her pristine health; but of its lonely desooiion.'we BlitiHi T
ala?, the uncertainty ofhuman uopes! '' "'pt to dejiict. No i;i.'ra2e can e""
fo* the 6th instant, her husband' i" sorrow of that liear*''7nd
received a telegram aonouncing her ''^/ode world has no right to intrude no.
dangerous illness. He at oneo has- 'is "Jiuiciuury with unavailing words of
1tened lier bedside, but she survi-,^^"Vf'"* Henvon's peace flow
Ivd his arrival only four days. f' V;?/still
I Mrs Harris had been married up- response: "ThyS
ward of twenty-one years, and du
ring that long period, 19all the rela
tions of Wile, Mother and Daughter
ishe ".ever failed in her duty.
Slie WHS a lady of rare literary at
-li neuts, and a most inlerestiiig ^
nversatioBalist; yet she never
ought to shine in society, but rather
to make ber little iiouaehold hniipi^^
in which she always excelled Those
who knew her best loved her most
Shi made no verbal profession of
jieliiion, butcher daily life was the, '
lilh- tration of her religion. -^7onC| ^
;i .ore than she. enjoyed the pleasures
the home circle, and although the I
thought of separating from- her|
Ifriiinds caused her QUay apaQg,'yaC^
her renrains on Monday. A biiof"
and very appropriate address w-as
given by the Rev. John Hawke, after
which the solemn procession moved
to Miami Cemetery, wb#re tlie ashes
of the loved and lost were laid into
their lust earthly resting-place.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. .1
Rebecca C. Ilarns died at the
resid^iice of her Son, I. H. Harris
"n Tuesday, Sept. 9th. at 13o'clock
M. She l>ad been 1)1 ff)r nearly
five weeks, tlie immediate cause of
deatli being, probably, neuralgia of
the heart. She was the daughter
of Joiin and S^rah Jennings, and
was born in Gioncester County. ^
NewJerSey, October 2nd, 1804. !
She was the fifth child in a family!
of seren children, and was one of
the {JJoneer raothew of Warrea
county.her jiarisnts hWing come to
Waynesville in 1807.
In 1823, she was united in mar-
riage to James itarris, hy whoir
she had seTen children, only tlirec
of whom survive her. Soon aftei
raari:iage, she and her liusband re
moved to Centerville, Ohio, where
the latter engaged io mercantile
pursuits and where he remained un
til the summer of 1S44. at which
time they retfarhed to Waynesville.
In the spring of 1849 the husband
died, and in 1855 the snbject ol
this sketch again returned-to Cen-
tbnHllo and remained there unti'
about' tVo mouths jjrior to bei
She was an early member ol
what is commonly known as tiu !
Old School Baptist Church, iiavinf
been a comaiuaieSiDt of that oi'o-ad-
ization for* over fifty years, *She
was a devoted wife, an affectionate
mother add aconsisfedt chrlstain.
ri; '
'^HE funeral-of Mrs. Harris took i
tj place last Thnrsduy aftjemoon from
the M. E. Church. The Rev. Mr. '
IThompson of Franklin preached
the funeral discourse from the text,
Blessed are the dead who die in '
. the Lord; yea, eaith my spirit, for
Ithey do rest from their laborrand :
Itheir" works do follow thems'^' A
!large and attentive congregation
jlisteried to- the reverend gentle
man's ablediscourse. At the closer
fao opportanity to take a last look
jat the face of one of our oldest and
Imost esteemed' citizens was given,
!which all improved; and then the
funeral cortege moved to Miami |
Cemetery, where all that was mor-1
tal ofthe beloved Mother was laidj
away to its last earthly rest }
^6 pall-bearers Messrs.: yhe had no feara^eflTSBB^; but re
A. I). Cadwallader, Jacoh Randall, tainiug her coo^o^ePto the last,
C. D. Woolly, Well: C. Cornell, she passed gent^'. with the
Sorae#- I MI'm i>r.r> ii* Kur
George W. Bides and Brow Sweet..jtii'ui coDvictiou that .id!her future
' "" ' - there should be nought biit bliss.
ACAao."We desire to tender our sin- ' Mrs. Harris' funeral took placeoq
cere thanks to Dur many Meads for their Tuesday of this weebK ^Mr. Harris
kindness and sympathy daring car late be- i . -j ...
reavemont. ' I. H. HARms arrived from Florida with
Sept. 15,1879. andFamily, j i^er reuffiins on Monday. A brief
*v . appropriate address was
On Saturday Morulng the 6tb
|iDst. of Cholera InfantUQi,Jriiuic Har-
Kis. sun of Israel Harris, ol il^is place,
-aged 16fflonlbs and 23 days.
JiMurs was a sweet, innueent, pure '
litUe child, just such a loving one ns!
'grows into the hearts of allloo gentle '
given by the Rev. John Hawke, at'ier
which the solemn procession moved
to Miami Cemetery^ whdrre the ashes
of the loved and lost were laid into
their last earthly resting-place.
The pall bearers were Messrs: J.
M. Hadden, A D Cadwallader, Ja-
lor earth,and the angels took him. The 1'cob Randall, William Jones, Gorueu
.dear boy is now of the bright throng.! J. Wright, and Joel Evans.
that live by the Tree of Life 'wtifi-a t --
death never comes. ' " to.On .i . """!
On Friday Jirnmie was lively'and 9 o'clock, P.M., of cmisumoiioil*
jplayful,a well apringof joy in his earth- J. Harris,!,, tire twenty first
ly home. In about 13 hours from bis '''s uge.
first attack, bis little eyes were closed 'ew moirtlis ago we pubiisireda
forever on earth. God bless the be- fnend's marriage, not
reared parents, and draw their heartsi the bright liupee oi
to himself.
i die .ve.MecJ pair were so soon to be wiUi-
.Obituari,,,. I '""Har-
! I'fve ioa one ol .;ur moat promia-
i Dkath OF Mrs. I. H. Harris. ,is^huriroTmd fo3''a'Telc^^
Mrs. I. HHarris died of P-|laionary the hcarfa chamber of friendship Frtm all
coDSumption, mJacksonville, Hor , who wore intimate with him-t,nd / i
ida, January 15th, 1873, whither she / '"a numerous Ht-qiinh>rcea. not one wh
had been taken by her husband for .'be nnnomicement tl his death n-irh
the benefit of her health. For the j u'-'regret and sorrow*
first few weeks after her arrival, the !"eniQina vacuum la soci!
'genial atmosphere of that region if i. , ,
>eemed to reinvigorate her, and fu sh
there appeared every indication that i b-en aiiickBiiP?r'h' ?- ''f''"'"''ons hove
.he would returuiuW.e .Spring, re- , ir';
Stored to- her pristine health; batfol its lonely desootioD. we '
alas, the uncertainty ofhuman nopes! t' "ipt to depict. No'hin'miffe caV
Ithe 6lb instant, her husband' """'t^rable eurrow of ilmt i,en'r''a^nd
,received a telegram announcing her be rude world has no right to intrude no-
dangerous He at Oi3ee has- ''s juictuary with unavailing words of
jtened Ic her bedside, but she survj-,''^"^ Heuven's peace flow
ved his arrival only four days. wiV^commlr ""'l
Mrs Harris had been mairiod up- response: "Thy will
ward of twenty one years, and du-
Iring that long period, i^ all the rela
tions of^ Wile, Mother ind Daugliter
[she never failed in her highest duty.
.She was a lady of rare literary at
-.aiGiuents, and a naoat inlerestiiig ^
. vaversationaiist; yet she never
.cugiit to shine in society, but rather
to lu.ake her little household hamyv.
in which she always excelled Thp^
'who knew her liest loved lier most
I She made no verbal profession of
religion, butcher daily life was the.
ilh: tration of her religion. 'None, *
I'iOre than sh^ enjoyed the pleasures -
the home circle, and although the!
thought of separating from - her] ~
fj-ianda. caused her pMey a pang;: yeq
the an-
ene hove
BooiT the foHowiug Iroin tlie
1,gton, (111.) Joijrnal. The snh- j
if.tlie obituary was a brother
n. Harris of this place, who
s tjic death ot^a gwd broth- :
at his home in thU city April
,1883. On Friday, Felv.9 he
to his his farm, two luiles dis- i
for a load of straw. Standing
jeiich of the straw rick, uboat |
or fonr feet iiigh, wliicli he j
ntting f'ruin the main body of I
ck, he noticed that the rick I
1to^lip toward hiui. Seeing!
he at once sprang IVotii the !
I on which he was
ing. thinking tlins to make;
acape. But the falling rick,
its heavy top weight of snow
ce, caugfit liim and doubled
n tlie form of a loop, bring-
lis head and feet togetlier.
ing the iiguincuts and some
h^es of the buck. The angle
f%ied by the fallen portion of the
rjfefe and tiie bench upon which" lie.
lad been -standing made it possi-1
bB. tor his son, wlio was with i
iiiiji, very soon to extricate him. j
^.^Vitli all possible tUspatch, he
just iiovv had left his bouse
gone in usual health and
j&Dgth to his work, was brongiit
iMnB a hel])lesB. and so far as tliis
Ba.iS cuiicerncd, almo.ct a hopeless
q|ti. Here in the bosom ot a
|ni!y most loving and untiring in
attentions to liim, under skii-
l^fiurgical and medical aid, snr-
nBnded by many sympathizing
Minds, tor ten long weary weeks
mucii sntiering on
Rjborder line l>et\veen the world
^pWas ready to leave and the one
^^onged to enter.
9^6 decua jcd was bom in Cen-
Montgomery Co. Ohio.
Sril 17ti), 1827< and at liis death
Sg'difty six years and tliree days
fM' From Ohio, he removed in
to Elba townsiiip in Kiiox
qwnty.' XH. In 1S51 he was uni
^;iii marriage to Miss M, 0. llart,
Jas. E. Gastoii officiating.
c,yowsof thisamiou. wliich'was
l^atwitli one son and one daiight
6Ek^bo sadily mourn the-loss of a
father he fa tlifnlly kept to
^9yay bf his death. In 1808
^efe^datnilv removed from Elba
township Id Ahingaon, wncre tliey
lived an nnbruken tHiuiiy, till
dentil claimed the hr.shand and
tatiier for his own. Reared under
Calvinistic Babti-i; influences he a
waited the evidence ot his eflectn
ui call and eternal election, until
lie wu# about fiiirty tliree years "(
age Not, finding exactly what he
iiad been wailing for. he was a
'uut to connect himself with the
Preshyterian cliuich, htii before do i
ii g so, concluded to read the c. n |
vNHion of F.fth. This done, he'
felt tliat liccunld not conscieulious |
!y he a Presbjtoiian. He went to j
iirotfenr (-I'l'ton, who at that tiuioi
was holding a meeting some eigiii i
n-teii miles away and in an upos |
tolic style, was nninersiiig [>e'ijteTit j
men and wjineii on coiifession ot |
their laith in Christ. As (-inecn j
Candaoe'h ti ea>iirer of old, tiem.ind
ei bab ism at the hands of" Pmlip.
so .Joseph ILii-i'is dein'iiu]e<J it at
the liauds of hiotiier Ga ton an I
was hui-ied With Cllri^t by bi) tism
in Ja iunry ISM. From that day
like tlie <ineeirs freasiircr, he "'went
on h'S way rejoicing''. JIo was a
tivin o|' perene and cheertnl temper
and fliis eieimmt of h's ohur--ictei'
never shone more conspicmaioly, !
pcrii;!|>s, than during 'iis tcu week-
of suffiering. Sernpiiiuus honesty
was one of his stKiiigly narked:
chareteri.-itics 1 have kiiuwo him in-
tima'.ely, and i have never known ,
a man wIhj could he ui(,ii-e implicit
ly tnisled. Ho had a higli regard
for the rights and teeliiigs ol
others ; still he was a man of strong
and deep convictions of his own.
lie would not tx; hurried to lii.s
concinsions. and when once ihev
were readied, the-v
were tiriidy liold. lie seemed t')
know no such thing as nha..doning
conelusious whero jn-inclpie wits
invuivctl, until it could he siiown
tluit the eonciudiuns were drawn
tr nil fiilso premises or erroniously
di-iiwii from true ouca. He wiia
ot more tlnin ordinary physical
and in iral coi!-^:e, of patient en-
dur:ii!ce. of i*g snflenng. The
same degree of cheerfulness, cour
age cuoluess and patient ondnraiice
uiuiiifested by him us in his ten
weeks' walk tlirongli tlie valley
and the shadow of death, if ex-
liihiled by president, king or em
peror would be published aud -laii
ded in all the ends of tlic earth.!
and rightly too. He was a man otj
prayer, and lie had a snblioie faith!
that susialned iiitu. in life, and!
gave him heart and hope in death.
In his atilictions he loved the com
panionship of David, and Job and
ot .the-pout wliii sang: "I would
not live always, I ask not to stay,
where storm after storra rises dark
o'er the way.''
'"Lot me go; my soul is weary
ot the chain whicii binds me here."
"Wlu'ii the miris have railed io .-plcndor,
From the btirjty of iho hills.
And the eunshinc worm and tender
FallP ill kis<..-g on tb- rills ;
Wc may read love's shining letter
In the i-iiIdI'O.v of >be spray,
We shall Uno-r each otiier betier
When the mXt^ h.ivo cleared a^ray..'
In view ot his death he said^
calling to mind doubtless, the his
tory of Lazarus, ''The augels are
just waiting to do their work."
i And wiiuii asked if he was rusting
well, lie replied, "The Lord is
^blessing me greatly. I have per-
' ferct rest ot soul and comparative
bodiy rest. Praise the Lord for
his goodne=3." So Bro. Harris
lived, so he fell asleep, and so
; doubtless, he has been wafted to
, Abiahf.m's bosom. His sorrowing
Iand devoted wife, son and daughter
, inourii ids loss and the communi
ty shares their grief. But they
live in joyful anticipation ot the
day when^lbeir grief will be turned
to gladness, and sorrow's tears
shall all be wiped away.
A. J. Thompson.
Ajiril 25th, 1S8J.
524 S. Vine Street
Marlon, Ohio 43302
August 24, 1987
Mr. Dennis E. Dalton
Community Historian
The Mary L. Cook Public Library
Waynesvllle, Ohio 45068
Dear Mr. Dalton:
Your efforts In providing us with documentation on
the Harris and Mosher families Is appreciated more than mere
words can express.
You will be pleased to learn that Virginia (Mosher)
Blandford attended our Mosher Reunion, August 15, 1987. She
Is a lovely young lady. The pictures she brought with her
were most useful, some of which we had never seen.
Could you please give us the name and address of the
people who own the Hammel House? And, If you know, we would
appreciate learning when this hotelrestaurant will be open
for business. We wish to bring a number of Moshers to the
Hammel House for an evening meal In the near future.
Virginia plans to meet with us. We would be pleased to greet
you again on that occasion.
Enclosed you will find a manuscript I wrote for the
Mosher Reunion. Feel free to duplicate It If the need
Again, thanks for your more than generous assistance
In providing Important documentation to our research.
Charles D. Mosher
< h
fiioiuit^n,.Qr alo^'ti^^^keEu^ sho
and topped with a chair rail. Above the chair rail the
walls were covered with plaster applied directly to the
brick and then whitewashed. A stenciled decorative
leaf band, in red on buff, bordered the wails above
the windows.
Unique to Schoolhouse No. 1 was the lack of a
cloak hall or closets for coats and storage Coat hooks
were mounted on boards around the two back
corners in the classroom, and shelves were fastened
beneath the hooks to hold the tin pails and lunch
boxes the children brought to school.
A wood burning stove was used to heat the
building on cold mornings, taking the chill off the
students who had walked from neighboring farms and
climbed over the stile of the four-board high fence.
Wood for fuel was chopped from a stand of virgin
trees next to the school property, and stored in a
wood shed to the back of the school. In later years,
(about 1886) an "L" shaped coal stove unevenly
warmed the room, and a coal shed was built in the
front of the school yard.
Water was available at the well in the northwest
corner of the yard, and a thirsty child was sent
outside with a bucket and a cup.
A hole in the ceiling of the old school is visible in
the center of the building where a bell rope once
hung. The bell was removed, and the opening
shingled over by John Nutt. a neighboring farmer
who purchased the school for $20 after the school
district was consolidated in 1924.
Today, this school building is owned by Carl Kastle.
The Israel Harris House
Israel Harris, 'the owner of the first site of School-
house No. 1. and the original proprietor of the
land traded in 1854 to the school board by John S.
Roberts, was a farmer from the Green Mountain area
of Rutland. Vermont.
Israel and his wife. Elizabeth, purchased their land
"by virtue of the right of pre-emption" from the
Cincinnati Land Office Full payment for a tract
containing 500 acres (off the north side of Range V.
Township 3. Section 22) was made in October 1805.
and the original letter of patent, granted and signed
by President Thomas Jefferson, is in the archives of
the Dayton Public Library.
As assignees of William Wells, the Harris acquired
an additional 681.91 acres along their north border in
1813. This land patent was signed and sealed by the
authority of President James Monroe.
Beers" "History of Warren County" tells us Israel
and Elizabeth Harris moved to Washington Township
in 1806 with their son James, who was born in
Rutland. Vermont in 1801. However, notes of a land
surveyor, and the date of Israel Harris first installment
payment on his land, indicate he may have been in
the area as early as December 1802.
Tax records for the 500 acres begin in 1809 with
Israel Harris listed as the original proprietor, owning
250 acres in the north part, and John Harris,
presumed to be Israel's brother, listed with 250 acres
to the south.
The houses John and Israel Harris built for their
families still stand to the north of E. Social Row
Road, about one mile east of the Lebanon Pike.
Although both houses are dated as having been built
before 1809, Israel Harris" house, secluded by trees
and a long access drive at 1351 E. Social Row Road,
is judged to be the older: based on the use of large,
bark-covered logs as joists.
The Israel Harris brick house was constructed on a
fieldstone foundation of bricks made and fired on the
property. Traces of the original brick kiln were
discovered when wings were being added to the
simple, two-story, center door facade in the 1960's by
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Fleming.
A Bark Covered Log Joist
in the Israel Harris House
The interior woodwork and doors suggest the
house was extensively remodeled during the early
Victorian period of the 1860 s. An iron box lock on
one of the bedroom doors is dated 1863. Other early
Victorian features of the house are the large newel
posts on the wide straight-run stairway, the two-over-
two windows, and the front door's semi-elliptical
expanse of glass
Two end chimneys, with corbelled caps, indicate
there were once more fireplaces than remain today
Puzzling Construction Under
Basement Stairway in the
Israel Harris House
The first floor li\nng room fireplace was said to have
been originally fieldstone. and the replacement of 8-
inch-wide floor planks with narrower floorboards, in
the southeast corner of a second floor bedroom,
suggest a narrow staircase was once located next to
the centered fireplace.
An interesting feature of the remodeled house is
the cherry and oak paneling used as accents. These
lovely panels were milled in the 1960s from trees
logged on the property; making them unique as well
as decorative.
Also unique, and a curiosity, is a projecting
tube-like cement covered form which runs east to
west under the cellar stairs. An active imagination,
combined with the stories told of the house having
been a stopover point on the Underground Railroad,
and signs of the ground sinking in tunnel-like patterns
in the yard, encourages many a theory on the nature
of this mysterious rounded outline.
This house, now owned by the V. A. Fleming
family, was in the Harris family until 1830 when it
was sold along with 200 acres by Israel and Elizabeth
Harris to John S. Roberts for $3,000. Fifty acres in
the northwest corner had been sold in 1826 by the
Harris' to their daughter. Philena Harris Hatfield. and
her husband Thomas Hatfield, Jr. (Thomas Hatfield.
Jr. was a brother of John Hatfield whose will directed
the building of the stone house on Nutt Road.)
John 5. Roberts and his heirs owned the house
and the 200 acres of land until 186b. but local history
books, and other sources researched, are shy on
details about the Roberts family.
The John Harris House
John Harris, the original owner of the brick house
that sits just above the road at 1243 E. Social Row
Road, was primarily a farmer, but like others in the
township, he had invested in the manufacturing
venture in Woodbourne. When he died in 1828, it
was his wish, as expressed in his will, that the farm,
consisting of the 250 acres he had settled on to the
south of Israel Hanis. be left to his wife. Elizabeth,
. . so long as she remains a widow, for the benefit
of raising and schooling my six children, or until my
youngest child comes of age". His will also called for
the sale of his quarter share of the "Woodburn Cotton
Factory" in Washington Township, with the profits to
be divided among all ten of his children the six
minor" children at home, and the four who were
grown and independent.
The John Harris house, built before 1809.
remained in the possession of the Harris family until
the mid-1850's when it was owned by Robert G.
McEwen and then by Milton McNcal. Eventually, the
house came back into the ownership of another
branch of the Harris family that of John Harris'
brother, Israel.
This Israel Harris had a grandson and namesake,
Icrael Honkinc Harris who was the first son of James
and Rebecca Harris. Born in Ccnterville into affluent
circumstances, Israel Hopkins Harris made good use
of his opportunities. In 1844, when the James Harris
family moved to a home in Waynesville. Israel
entered Yale University as a beginning junior class
student. He was a studious youth: graduating with
honors in 1846. After his graduation, Israel returned
home to work as an assistant in his father's dry goods
After the death of their father. James Hanis. in
1849. Israel and his brother Joseph carried on their
father's business until 1855. when Israel became a
private banker in the firm of Stokes and Harris. Jarvis
Stokes. Israel's partner, was the father of Israels first
wife, Esther Ann. who also died in 1849. (In one
year, Israel lost his father, his wife, and his infant
daughter, just six months old.) In 1852. Israel married
Carrie E. Bunnell of Warren County.
Beers "History of Warren Count]/ , in a biograph
ical sketch, credits Israel H. Harris with being
successful in all his business enterprises; and describes
him as one of the wealthiest, most widely known, and
esteemed citizens of the county. Devoting much of his
time to natural sciences, particularly archeology and
qeoloqy. Israel's collection in those areas of interest
was said to have equalled, if not excelled, any
private collection in the United States. He also
possessed a "Treasury of Pearls" including the only
agatized pearl upon record in 1882. Called the
Kohinoor (not to be confused with the diamond of
that name), this agatized pearl was said to have been
a "jewel of nameless price". The majority of the
pearls in Israel's collection came from this area,
having been purchased from the Little Miami River
Pearl Fisheries.
Although Warren County claimed Israel H. Harris
as one of its leading citizens, he maintained a
personal interest in Washington Township, and in the
land his grandfather had acquired and divided in the
early 1800's. In 1871, he strengthened these ties to
the township by purchasing the house John Harris
had built on the south half of the original Harris tract.
Israel H. Harris owned the property until his death
in 1897, although records indicate he was living in
Waynesville when he died. After 1897, the house
passed down through his children by his third wife,
Edith Mosher, whom he married in 1874, after his
second wife, Carrie, died of pulmonary consumption
in 1873.
The John Harris house appears to have been built
in three sections. There is a two-story section, with a
center door and symmetrical window placement, built
over a cellar in which large hand-hewn logs are used
to support the floors; a smaller cottage-like room that
makes up a west wing; and a later one-story frame
kitchen addition, to the rear, which creates an
offset-"L" shaped house.
The two original sections are bricked as one, with
Flemish bond brickwork on the front and American
bond brickwork elsewhere; making it difficult to
determine if they were built at the same time, or, if
not, which was built first. There are differences in
detailing, however, between the two sections. The
west wing chimney is corbelled, while the two-story
chimneys are not; and a diagonal row of bricks run
under the roof line in the wing, while the large section
has a three-row belt corbelled across its facade.
All of the windows have been changed to the
common two-over-two, except for two windows in
the second floor rear which are still six-over-six.' The
pegged window frames are interesting to note in that
some pegs are as large as one inch in diameter.
The barn on the property has pegged rafters, and
hand hewn beams; including a beam that measures at
least 10 inches x 20 inches thick.
Today the house John Harris built reflects the
neglect of years of absentee ownership, but there are
interior features which suggest what it once was.
Traces of beaded panelling (probably walnut), original
peg rail, early chair railing, and wide utilitarian
woodwork, with beaded edges, as well as 8-inch-wide
plank flooring in the upstairs, and examples of three
early door styles cross and Bible, four panel, and
board and batten, are all features of this house. There
are also two original fireplaces that remain, each with
rectangular openings framed by pilasters and notched
mantel shelves, yet each uniquely individual.
Recently purchased by Lee E. Snyder. the Harris
house now has an interested and resourceful owner
to preserve what is left, and restore what the years
have changed.
The Job Jennings House
The Job Jennings house and the Robert Bradford
house which share a private lane on the south side of
E. Social Row Road, just east of the John Harris
house, are fine examples of two different approaches
to renovation. The Jennings house has been
comfortably remodeled, and tastefully furnished with
period pieces reflecting the present owners' (Mr. &
Mrs. Lee E. Snyder) interest in the Victorian era. The
Bradford house has been carefully restored and
lovingly preserved as an outstanding illustration of a
country Federal farm house.
The now private lane that passes to the east of the
Bradford house and to the west of the Jennings
house, extended in the past as far as Lytle
encouraging the border settlers to transact their
business and make their friends in Clearcreek
Township. In fact, many of the farmers south of the
early Franklin and Mt. Holly Road (Social Row Road)
considered themselves citizens of Warren County.
Job Jennings and his wife Elizabeth were Quakers
who came to Ohio in 1817 from the Woodbury
Monthly Meeting in New Jersey. In their mid-thirties,
the Jennings settled on the border property acquired
from, and with the help of the Stringtown Quakers.
Solomon and Ruth Miller. The brick house they built
(circa 1833) is at 1286 E. Social Row Road.
This house is architecturally valuable from the
standpoint of exterior detailing. The door placement is
unusual in that it is on the left rather than centered
and symmetrical. The Remish bond front is enhanced
by two diagonal courses of brick which form a
corbelled cornice, and two-belt courses of corbelled
brick that run under the second floor windows. The
windows were changed after the Civil War to
two-over-two. and each is topped by a flat brick arch
with a radiating voussoir.
Job Jennings' wife died in 1854, and in 1857 he
sold the house and farm to John Hatfield and his wife
Claressa E. The Hatfields. however, were unable to
pay the six promissory notes they had signed, and
Job Jennings took the matter to the March Term of
the 1861 Warren County Common Pleas Court. The
result was a Sheriff's sale of the house and the 160
acres to settle the Hatfield debt.
Benjamin A. Stokes purchased the farm at the
1861 sale. An advertisement in Lebanon's Western
Star described the property simply as a "brick
dwelling house with a frame barn". The court records
show the property was appraised at S50 an acre.
Jarvis Stokes (the grandfather of Benjamin Stokes)
and Israel H. Harris purchased the property in 1865,
and in 1867 it was acquired by Isaac Stansell and
Joseph B. Kindle. The Kindle name is the one most
often associated with the house, and much has been
written about Joseph B. Kindle, a blacksmith
originally from Burlington, New Jersey, whose heirs
owned the home for over 60 years.
in recent years, a bedroom and family room have
been added to the house, and a bricked tobacco barn
has replaced the original "bank barn that was
destroyed by fire.
The Robert Bradford House
The Front Entrance of the
Robert Bradford House
The Bradford house is the most arresting house in
the southeast quadrant of Washington Township, it
sits secluded in a pastoral setting at 1284 E. Social
Row Road.
in 1813. the original 170.93 acres was purchased
by John and Eliza Mercer Heighway of Cincinnati.
The son of Samuel Heighway, (a member of the first
surveying party to chart the lands recorded under the
Symmes purchase) John Heighway was born in
England in 1785. His parents made their home in
Cincinnati, and John became one of that city s most
prominent men. He served as president and cashier
of the United States Branch Bank, and was probably
best known for having built the first bank vault ever
erected in the city. His wife, Eliza Mercer, born March
18, 1791. was the first female child born in
After owning the land for only a year, the
Heighway's sold the acreage in 1814 to Francis and
Abigail Martin who then resold the land at a loss in
1815 to three brothers; Robert. Thomas, and David
Bradford. Immigrants from County Down of Ireland,
Robert was the oldest and the first of the Bradfords to
anive in Philadelphia in 1812. His father had died in
Ireland, his mother, four brothers, and his sister, left
their small farm to join him in America in the spring
of the same year. One brother, James, died soon
after arriving in Philadelphia. Another brother,
Thomas, found a job in a Philadelphia foundry. The
rest of the family moved on to Cincinnati. Ohio.
Robert Bradford, who was twenty-four years old in
1812, worked at a variety of jobs before moving to
Washington Township with his Virginia born wife,
Elizabeth Myers. Trained in his youth as a weaver, he
worked as a bricklayer's helper for $6.00 per month;
in a Cincinnati flour mill for $1.00 a day; and as a
sharecropper on a farm near Cummingsville for
two-thirds of the crop.
While 1820 tax records list Robert Bradford as the
sole owner of the Washington Township land parcel,
deed records indicate it was 1822 before Robert and
his wife had purchased Thomas Bradford's two-thirds
share. Thomas' share had grown to two-thirds in
Mr. Charles D, Mosher
524 S. Vine Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
Dear Mr. Mosher:
July 31, 1987
I regret that I was unable to meet you back at the library during
your recent visit to gather genealogical information on the Mosher
family. I had much to do including picking up the car which was in
for repairs. I am rather selfish with my time on my day off.
I am going through a collection of scrapbooks from the Harris family
and copying the items of genealogical interest and historical interest
especially the pearls for you.
This may take some time and effort since the scrapbooks haven't been
organized. But this will be an opportune time to put together more
Harris and Mosher files for our genealogical vertical file. We have
two Harris files in our Ohioana Room and you apparently overlooked one.
I am consequently sending the information copied from the Old Northwest
Quarterly Magazine of 1898.
As I told you during our conversation, the Mosher line here ended with
Israel Harris Mosher and daughter, Virginia. Israel Harris Mosher was
born in 1892 in a house next to the Harris home on Main Street. The
geanealogical information appears in part in A Genealogical History
Of The Jennings Families In England and America, Vol. II-The American
Page 396 // 2093 Descendants of Henry States:
ISRAEL HOPKINS HARRIS (Rebecca C. 2033, John 1993, Jacob
1979, Isaac 1974, Henry 1973), son of James and Rebecca C.
(Jennings) Harris. Born Nov. 23, 1823.
Mr. Harris was married three times and had seven children;
two only now livingMrs. Laura H, Mosher and a half sister.
2233. Laura Harris married John Jacob Mosher.
Their children:
(a) Caroline Jennings b. Sept. 11, 1884.
(b) Edith 0. b. May 22, 1886.
(c) Israel Harris b. Feb. 5, 1892,
Mr. Mosher is dead; widow and children living in Waynesville
The Genealogical History Of The Jennings Families was published
in 1899 so now we know that John Jacob Mosher was deceased by that
time, 1*11 know where to look for his obituary.
As I told you previously, it is through Rebecca Clark Jennings, the
mother of Israel Hopkins Harris that the family is related
The Jennings family is your connection to the genealogical line of
William Jennings Bryan who is well known in the history books. Mr.
Bryan is of course related through the Jennings family. Thought you
might like the William Jennings Bryan connection and biography as it
appears in the book. Have enclosed it too.
The Wiggins and McKillop's 1878 Directory of Waynesville, Ohio
lists "J.J. Mosher-book keeper-Waynesville Bank". The only Mosher
listed in the January 1, 1900 Waynesville Directory is "Mrs. Laura
H. Mosher-Main St.".
As I told you, Virginia Mosher, daughter of Israel Harris Mosher and
Nellie Cutwright Mosher, is the last of the line in this area except
for the Hawke children. Edith 0. Mosher married Ronald Hawke and
lived and died here. Their children live in Texas. Virginia might
know the addresses. Virginia was the only Mosher descendant here
since the others were girls. Virginia's address:
Virginia Blandford
929 Larriwood
Kettering, Ohio 45429
Phone 513-293-8631
Most of the Mosher history is going to be found through the Harris
family since there is a double connection. Harrises marrying Moshers
and Moshers marrying Harrises. I have written to Virginia to let
her know that you will be in contact.
As I find Mosher information, I will be happy to send it along to
you. It also expands our files. I would be interested in swapping
the Mosher information you have so that I can add it to our files.
Most Sin^rely,
l)ennis E. Dalton
Community Historian
Ohioana Room
Mary L. Cook Public Library
Vertical File/Genealogy
From a scrapbook made by Laura Harris Mosher at age 13 or 14
beginning May 12, 1875:
"Mr. Israel H. Harris, banker, of this place, and Miss
Edith Mosher, the Young and comely daughter of *mine
host\ Mr. Nathan Mosher, was married on New Year's eve,
at the residence of the brides father; the old Hammel House,
by Elder J.H. Dodd, of the Christian church of this place.
The newly married couple left for a tour through the north."
"I.H. Harris and his new wife, of Waynesville, took a very
pleasant birdseye view of St. Louis and Chicago on their
recent wedding tour. Mr. Harris is the favorite banker of
that part of the ocunty."/
pleasant event transpired last Thursday evening, at 5 h
o'clock, December 31, 1874, at the home of the bride's
parents, in this place. Elder J.H. Dodd performed the
ceremony, uniting the two hearts in holy wedlock, till
they shall be parted by death.
"Mr. Jacob Mosher and Miss Mary E. Mosher acted as
groomsman and bridesmaid.
"Mr. Harris is well known as not only our banker, but one
of our most substantial and highly respected citizens-a
gentleman of wealth and culture; and his fair young bride,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.N. Mosher, is a lady esteemed
by all who knew her best as possessing all those attributes
which go to make up the ideal womanhood. We cordially
united with their hosts of friends in wishing for them a
happy and prosperous voyage across the sea of life, as is
most certainly their desert.
"Mr. and Mrs. Harris, directly on the conclusion of the
wedding ceremony, left for the depot, where they took the
6:35 train for Xenia and Dayton. From Dayton they purposed
going to Cincinnati, thence to St. Louis, and from St. Louis
home by way of Chicago."
Will Be A Spring Bride
Ml', 'and Mrs. I. Harris ,Mosber cf 'HTeiir davigUter, Vu'ginia !I^e,
of 518 Nordi St,, .'Wayoe^^ D^iei L. Blaiidlfor^," ^ of
aife ajjnjQW^iog-lM.^gagpm /Mr. and Mirs. Jolhu B-iaa^qr^,
. ' '! Ji\ ofesS'Lewis-hain; BajdkHi.'
'. "Miiss Mosher is a gi'adua'te of.
WayaeBvUo High Sclhool and
also of Miami University at Ox-
: ford. She is employed in the
Per.^niii'el Dopairtment of Top
Value Enle^-prises in Kettering.
Her fiance is a graduate of
Clearereek High School and is
employed by Frigiciaii-e in Day
The wedding will take place
on Saturday, May 31, at the St.
Mary's Episcopal Church,
AT 9:30 A.M.
LOCATED: 518 North St. at corner of Fifth St.
Waynesviile, Ohio.
Cherry dropleaf table, Sellers kitchen cabinet^jiladies'
slant topwriting desk, slant front bureau deskj maple
iTvash stand, wicker lamp stand Minnesota treadle
sfewing machine, large wall mirror, three birds eye
maple., dressers with oval mirrors, birds eye maple
rocker, birds eye straight chair,*six T back dining
chairs, foot stool, wicker hainper, spin^p back chairs,
oak.five drawer ch'est,'^al librarytaptei carved window
chair, oak rocking chair, set of J^aviland china', 18
pieces ste^^ depression glass. Several'|}ainted
bbjyls . niahyi Otiher piecOs: of ohlnat: and glassware^j,
-childs.golden books andother childs bodjcsvihisto'cy-of
Ohio (1896).,\ jt .of literature hiStoryVjDld-^ritanicai
encyclopedia, many other good books, pictures and
frames, pld^Uquilts and other antique items.
3 FUlteURE&MI?
Two: pc. living^ room suite, GE'frost free, re^^
withfreezeip top,32' in, gas range, metal utility cabineti,
huihidifier, walnut double bed, ,w?ith box- springs- &
ihatfei^, maple 'single bed! complete, am?fm clock.
r4iiip.,.djd blo^prpl^ TV, electric heater, fan, straight
chairs,' fahle radio, small appliAiices, bedding, towels,
babyscales, silverware, cooking utensils, stands and
numerous unlisted items. A clean interesting auction;:,
l^RMS: Cash
The Citizens Bank, Cilayncsiile, Ohio
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
A general banking exchange and collection busi
ness transacted. Depo.^its solicited.
We call Hi)ecial attention to our savings depart
ment, H% ])aid on savings accounts, our ]>rosent accounts
represent anioiiiits I'mm one dollar to as high as one
thousand dollars, itcgin tfi save and open an acc')un(,.
R. F. Moshei', I'residcnl; James Sloops, 1st. Vice
President; Le\i S. Lukens, 2nd. Vice President; J. N.
Lemmon, Cashier; W. A. Merritt, Assistant Cashier;
F. C. Hartsock, Teller.
The directors of this bank are active in the su
pervision of its affairs and are as follows: R. F. Mosher,
C. A. Hinsch, James Stoops, Levi S. Lukens, W. A.
Merritt, Nathan Jones, Charles Cornell, W. J. Sher
wood and Frank Klhfin.
When (.lie CiLi/.ens Paiik was oi-gani/Ani there was
only one man who was considered for the Presidency -
that man was R. Mosher, and the manner in which
he has administered the afTaij-s of the institution, proves
the wisdom of that choice.
Mr. Mosher has a remarkable faculty for business,
and can accomplish a great aniouiff of work in a given
To his ability and the universal confidence and
est(.'<;m in which he is held by the people oC the commu
nity, (.he slcrly p;-.)r.v':s of I'lj )ii\ ,s :n a i*?,'
measure due.-
Mr. Moshcr's horn" is in (k\rdinglon, Ohio, but he
makes frequent vi.sits in V/ayne.-iville to attend to the
affairs of the bank and t-i i.l'.c large i11L-.n-e-^ts of the
I. H. Harris estate, of which he is hi charge.
The Citizens Bank is fortunate in having a board
of directors who take the greatest interest in the affairs
of the bank and all of whomare capable and efficient
business men, but it is especially favored in having on
its board, Mr. C. A. Hinsch, President of the Fifth
National Bank, of Cincinnati.
Mr. Hinsch became interested in the Citizens
Bank on its establishment and has taken an active inter
est in i ts affairs ever since. He is one of the best known
men in Ohio in financial circles. In a comparatively few
years he has brought the Fifth National to the forefront
of Cincinnati's banking institutions, and everything he
takes hold of proves a succe.-.
Few men attend more faithfully to business than
does J. N. Lemmon, Cashier of the Citizens Bank, and
from the time the bank was organized he has faith-,
fully safeguarded the interests of every depositor and
stock holdeir and seen to the carrying out of every one
of the manifold details which are included in the*busi-
ness of a banking institution.
Mr. Lemmon has been a citizen of Waynesville a
littlo more than three years, corning here from Dry
Ridge, KeiitAicky. lie was liorriSepLcnibor 9, IHofi. His
father (lied when he was only 5 yeans of age, and Mr.
Lemmon remained on the farm with his mother until he
was almost thirty year---, o'd.
In 1884 he entered the merchantile businessat Dry
Ridge; Kentucky. After several years at this he bought
a farm where he lived until coming to Waynesville.
In 1813 the Peoples Rmk wi^ organize! at Dry
Ridge and Mr. Lemmon was elected a director. In 188G
t,he cashier of the barik died (|uite suddenly and Mr.
Lemmon was provai'ed upon to take up the duties of
the position which he (illei with nhility uo to the time
he resigned to accept, the position of Cashier of the
Citizens Bank.
Mr. Lemmtm was married in 1886 to Miss Mary
Browning. Mr. and Mv.s. Lemmon make their home at
their st^aciou.s Grand View Farm iust east of Corwin.
Theyhave three children, Miss Stella, a .student at Shep-
herdson College. Granville. Ohio, and John and Lee.

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