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The Byzantine civil war of 134147 broke out after the death of

Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos (pictured). As his chief aide and

closest friend, John VI Kantakouzenos became regent for the
Emperors !oung son and heir, John V Palaiologos. "hile
Kantakouzenos #as absent from $onstantinople, a ne# regenc! #as
established #ith support from Empress%&o#ager Anna of 'a(o!,
#hich launched a persecution of Kantakouzenos famil! and
supporters. In response, Kantakouzenos #as proclaimed co%emperor at
&emotika on )* +ctober ,-.,. &uring the first !ears of the #ar, the
forces of the ne# regenc! pre(ailed. /ost of the cities in Thrace and
/acedonia came under regenc! control, but Kantakouzenos re(ersed
these gains #ith assistance from the neighbouring rulers of 'erbia and
the Turkish be!liks. Kantakouzenos #as cro#ned in ,-.*, and entered
$onstantinople on - 0ebruar! ,-.1. 2! agreement, he #as to rule for
ten !ears as the senior emperor and regent for John V, until the bo!
came of age. &espite this apparent (ictor!, a subse3uent resumption of
the ci(il #ar forced Kantakouzenos to retire to become a monk in
,-4.. The conflict pro(ed disastrous for the Empire, as se(en !ears of
#arfare, marauding armies, social turmoil, the loss of territor! to
neighbouring rulers, and the 2lack &eath de(astated 2!zantium,
reducing it to a rump state. 5Full article...6
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A soldier is shot
dead at the
@ational "ar
(pictured) in
+tta#a, $anada,
and shots are
fired in the
$entre 2lock
$ongolese doctor
+enis Mu)we,e
is a#arded the
'akharo( Prize
for helping
(ictims of se?ual
(iolence in the
7epublic of the
#omet &idin,
&-rin, makes a
(er! close
approach to /ars
and is obser(ed
b! means of
surface ro(ers
and satellites.
At least .- people
are killed in
@epals #orst
disaster around
the mountains of
Annapurna and
.ean !irole is
a#arded the
@obel /emorial
Prize in
'ciences for his
anal!sis of
market po#er and

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