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Jawablah pertanaan!pertanaan "#bawah #n# "an b$atlah
%en$ &ehar#na'''
Maria is a 45-year old white woman who has tired numerous weight-loss programs.
She has followed strict diets and has never exercised in previous weight-loss
attempts. She takes several cardiac medications, none of which she can remember.
er blood pressure is !"#$%#, she is 5 ft 4 in., and weighs !%5 lb. er lowest body
weight was !&# lb at age &#, maintened for ' years. Maria mentioned that she tired
numerous diet while a teenager, when she weighed !(# lb for & years. )hat
guidelines would you o*er to maria at this time+
!. ow would you address the concern about medications+
'. )hat types of exercise would you be likely to discuss+
&. )hich nutrients would you discuss with Maria, for example, total fat, saturated
fat, sodium, potassium, calcium+
4. ow would you bring up exercise and what would you recommend for Maria+
5. )hat would be the goals of her treatment+
Sarai is &' years-old female who has been referred by her doctor to your weight
control clinic. er height is 5,!-, and her weight is !.' lb. She has a history of
diabetes controlled by diet, current diagnosis of gallstones, and recent knee
replacement surgery. Sarai is willing to work with you at this time on a nutritional
plan that allows her to lose !-!.5 lb weekly over the next " moths. She needs
support because her family does not think she needs any weight loss/ she is 01ust
2ne as she is-. er laboratory work is normal at this time for all factors other than a
slightly low 3 . Sarai works in factory where she must stand all day on her feet.
She gets hungry and takes fre4uent breaks
!. )hat types of 4uestions would you ask regarding her dietary habits+
'. )hat suggestions do you have for sarai,s snack breaks+
&. )ith her knee replacement, sarai is not able to walk great distances without
pain. )hat type of referral might be useful for her to in4uire about reasonable
Jawablah pertanaan!pertanaan "#bawah #n# "an b$atlah
%en$ &ehar#na'''
Maria is a 45-year old white woman who has tired numerous weight-loss programs.
She has followed strict diets and has never exercised in previous weight-loss
attempts. She takes several cardiac medications, none of which she can remember.
er blood pressure is !"#$%#, she is 5 ft 4 in., and weighs !%5 lb. er lowest body
weight was !&# lb at age &#, maintened for ' years. Maria mentioned that she tired
numerous diet while a teenager, when she weighed !(# lb for & years. )hat
guidelines would you o*er to maria at this time+
!. ow would you address the concern about medications+
'. )hat types of exercise would you be likely to discuss+
&. )hich nutrients would you discuss with Maria, for example, total fat,
saturated fat, sodium, potassium, calcium+
4. ow would you bring up exercise and what would you recommend for Maria+
5. )hat would be the goals of her treatment+
Sarai is &' years-old female who has been referred by her doctor to your weight
control clinic. er height is 5,!-, and her weight is !.' lb. She has a history of
diabetes controlled by diet, current diagnosis of gallstones, and recent knee
replacement surgery. Sarai is willing to work with you at this time on a nutritional
plan that allows her to lose !-!.5 lb weekly over the next " moths. She needs
support because her family does not think she needs any weight loss/ she is 01ust
2ne as she is-. er laboratory work is normal at this time for all factors other than a
slightly low 3 . Sarai works in factory where she must stand all day on her feet.
She gets hungry and takes fre4uent breaks
!. )hat types of 4uestions would you ask regarding her dietary habits+
'. )hat suggestions do you have for sarai,s snack breaks+
&. )ith her knee replacement, sarai is not able to walk great distances without
pain. )hat type of referral might be useful for her to in4uire about reasonable
5n. 6ovi usia . tahun dibawa ibunya ke poli gi7i. 5n lovi tersebut mempunyai tinggi
badan !#. cm dengan berat badan &' kg. 5n lovi merupakan siswa kelas ' S8 full
day, berangkat dari rumah pkl ( pagi dan pulang pkl 4 sore. 8isekolah an lovi
termasuk anak yang tidak suka berolahraga. 9kstrakulikuler yang diambil adalah
melukis. 8irumah aktivitas yang dilakukan adalah bermain computer ataupun
internet. 8ihari libur selalu diisi dengan membaca komik atau menonton :; ataupun
bermain computer.
<eseharian 5n lovi adalah makan & kali sehari. Makan pagi dilakukan ' kali yaitu
pada saat bangun tidur dan men1elang berangkat sekolah. Snack siang dan Makan
siang selalu dilewatkan di sekolah. Makan malam dilakukan dirumah dan selalu
ditutup dnegan snack dan ice cream. =orsi tiap kali makan dalam ukuran super
untuk anak diusianya
!. >erapa >M? an lovi+ :ergolong apa status gi7i apa+
'. 5pa upaya anda untuk mengatur berat badannya+
&. @lah raga atau aktivitas 2sik apa yang anda sarankan+
4. 5pa yang akan ter1adi pada anak lovi 1ika kondisi ini tidak tertangani+
5. Syarat diet apa yang anda berikan dan buatkan contoh menu seharinya
sesuai dengan kondisi 5n. lovi

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