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Logan Nichollas IEP and Observations

October 2014
Belonging/Mana Whenua
Teachers talk to Logan about family
members, what parents are doing and
special trips to see extended family.
Logan is familiar with his cot, high chair
and teachers. He is also surrounded by
predictable routines and familiar songs
throughout his
day. We can
see Logan
recognises this
through taking
an interest in
his daily
Well Being/Mana
Logans nonverbal cues
to hunger, tiredness and
other needs are
respected and acted on
by familiar teachers.
Logan enjoys a lot of
one on one interactions
with all his regular teachers throughout the
day, including at least 30minutes every
morning to settle in to his day. We can see
Logan is feeling trust in his teachers with
the knowledge his needs will be cared for
when he is involved and playful.
Contribution/Mana Tangata
Logans like and
dislikes with
activities, toys and
food are shared
with parents and
catered for.
Logans own patterns and routines have
been developed through carefully
responding to his preferences.
Logan enjoys being in the company of older
babies and toddlers. Logan is very social
and his contribution to social interactions
are always responded to encouraged. These
includes smiles, cooing, and gestures such
as reaching towards something or a teacher
describing what he is looking at.
Communication/Mana Reo
Logan enjoys a range of finger and actions
song/rhythms daily. We also use a lot of
body language and gestures to help Logan
make sense of the English language used
around him.
Logan enjoys exploring a range of sounds
and responds to language used to soothe and
comfort particularly at sleep time.
Logan enjoys listening to stories and
books, and is
surrounded by
and science
concepts and
Exploration/Mana Aotroa
Logan is given a lot of room to explore as
well as challenging toys. We can already see
him challenging himself and persisting with
crawling and finding objects.
We use curiosity to motivate Logan to
physically explore in a variety of ways
including pushing, pulling, mouthing,
grasping and balancing.
Logan is always positioned to allow him a
wide range of
vision and to
around him

Logan settled quickly at An-Nur and is a
very social boy.
Logan has started solids and we will support
his family and developing taste buds. As
Logan becomes more interested in his food
we will begin encouraging him to explore
his food and help us during feeding to
develop confidence.
Logan is very strong including legs, arms,
trunk and neck. Therefore we will challenge
Logan through fine motor and balancing
activities. His family and our focus short-
term is to support his perseverance and
master crawling.

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