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50 Most Effective ways to Get Unlimited

People to Like YourFaceook Pa!e

"#ere are over t#ree million active faceook pa!es$ and t#ese pa!es are !ainin! millions of
new fans every day%
Yes$ & 'ust said fans%
(lt#ou!# t#e utton #as c#an!ed from )*ecome a fan+ to )Like$+ t#e action of 'oinin! a
rands pa!e remains t#e same% Faceook pa!es are still fan pa!es%
,it# Faceook-s announcement of "#e .ew Messa!in! t#ere are more reasons to like
Faceook$ and Faceook pa!es$ t#an ever%
& #ope you en'oy t#is post aout 50 ,ays to Get More People to )Like+ your Faceook
Pa!e$ and if you do & would really appreciate it if you s#are t#ese tips wit# your friends$
and 'oin t#e FaceookFlow fan pa!e%/ere are t#e tips0
1% Post a 2tatus Update
Post a status update mentionin! your faceook pa!e%
3on-t e afraid to outri!#t ask people to 'oin your faceook pa!e% (sk and you s#all
Give t#em a !reat reason w#y t#ey s#ould 'oin$ tell t#em news$ or find a creative way to
mention and link to your pa!e0
4% Get fans to upload and ta! p#otos
&f you #ost 5or attend6 an event wit# several of your fans take a unc# of pictures$ post
t#em to your pa!e$ and t#en ask your friends to ta! t#emselves in t#e pictures%
&f you can !et your fans to upload pictures to your pa!e$ or ta! t#emselves in pictures you
uploaded$ t#is will post to t#eir walls as well and will lead to additional traffic for you%
7% 8ffer an incentive for people to si!n up
Usin! some static fml you can create a dynamic faceook landin! pa!e wit# a )reveal ta+
t#at contains content t#at is visile only to fans of your pa!e%
"#e more valuale your incentive is$ t#e more people will e compelled to click t#e )Like+
utton to access it%
E9amples of e9clusive content could e0 (n e9clusive :ideo$ an e9clusive w#itepaper;%pdf$
e9clusive pictures%
2tay tuned to FaceookFlow% &n one of our upcomin! posts will e9plain #ow to set up a
)reveal ta%+
"#e ima!e elow s#ows different levels of increasin! effectiveness for ac<uirin! new fans%
&nvolver offers apps 5and several of t#em are totally free6 t#at make it easy to create a )Fan
Gate+ containin! incentives$ like a file or coupon$ t#at will cause more people to )Like+
your pa!e%
=% >ontact admins of !roups related to your pa!e
Groups are more powerful t#an pa!es in terms of t#eir messa!in! aility% Pa!es send
updates$ ut !roups send messa!es directly to a users faceook ino9$ tri!!erin! an email
&f you contact t#e admin of a faceook !roup wit# some valuale content t#at adds value to
t#eir readers t#en t#is can #elp t#em nurture t#eir community and #elp you uild yours%
5% Get people to 'oin your pa!e via 2M2
2end a te9t messa!e to 74??5 5F*88A6 wit# t#e words )fan yourusername+ 8B )like
yourusername+ 5wit#out t#e <uotes6%
"#is feature is ideal w#en you-re in front of a live audience%
?% &nstall a pa!e *ad!e
Faceook *ad!es are a simple$ yet effective way to link to your faceook profile%
Unlike wid!ets$ ad!es are simply ima!es$ and will load muc# faster%
C% &nstall a faceook )Like *o9+ into your site
&nstallin! a )Like *o9+ is an e9cellent way to allow visitors to your site ecome fans
wit#out even leavin! your pa!e%
"#e like o9 uilder tool makes it easy to customiDe t#e siDe of your like o9$ t#e numer of
connections to display$ and even t#e color sc#eme%
2#own in t#e ima!e elow is t#e rarely used )dark+ color sc#eme%
E% Use status ta!!in!
2tatus ta!!in! is a cool and fairly new feature of faceook%
"#is feature allows you to ta! any pa!e or person y enterin! t#e F si!n and t#en typin!
t#e name of t#e pa!e or person you want to ta!%
G% 2u!!est your pa!e to friends
Use t#e )su!!est to friends+ feature of your pa!e% Use t#is feature sparin!ly% Personally$ &
try to only invite people !o my pa!e once ecause & know it annoys me w#en multiple
people invite me%
&f you #ave many friends you mi!#t want to consider usin! t#e )invite all+ Goo!le c#rome
e9tension$ rat#er t#an clickin! #undreds or t#ousands of times%
10% &nstall a Like *utton into your site
&nstallin! a like utton allows visitors to like your pa!e$ and w#en t#ey do t#is posts t#e
t#eir activity stream%
"#is can send more traffic to your site and if you #ave a faceook )Like *o9+ and ot#er
content promotion your fan pa!e$ since t#is will #elp you convert your visitors into fans%
11% >onnect your pa!e to "witter
>onnectin! your pa!e to "witter is an e9cellent way to convert your twitter followers into
faceook fans%
Usin! t#is strate!y will cause all of your posts to e sent to twitter$ wit# a link ack to t#e
faceook version of t#e post%
14% Link to Your Pa!e as a Place of Employment
"#e info o9 uner profile pictures is ein! p#ased out$ so now if you want an omnipotent
link on your profile to your pa!e you will need to list your Pa!e under employment% 8nce
you do t#is your Faceook Pa!e will appear under your name on your Profile%
17% &nstall commentin! on your landin! pa!e
"#is will allow people to comment on your pa!e$ even if t#ey are not a fan%
(ny comments made can roadcast to news feeds and lead to more traffic to your pa!e%
2ettin! up faceook commentin! re<uires re!isterin! a faceook application$ so act on t#is
tip wit# caution unless you are comfortale wit# code%
1=% Levera!e "raditional Media
2ince faceook is so widespread you can use any forms of traditional media and ac#ieve
.ewspapers$ Media *uys$ Badio$ and ": all work$ ut are often very costly%
"o ma9imiDe your promotion offer a free !ift to t#ose w#o 'oin you pa!e%
15% .ewsletter Promotion
&f you do email marketin! send a messa!e to your suscriers lettin! t#em know aout
your fan pa!e and consider includin! a link to your fan pa!e in every email%
1?% Email 2i!nature
Every email you send is an opportunity to link to your faceook pa!e%
>#eck out t#e email si!nature tool wisestamp for a creative way to link to your social
1C% Get usiness cards promotin! your Faceook pa!e
*usiness cards are c#eap%
Youcan !et 500 usiness cards from :ista Print for H1%GG%
For t#is minimal investment you can !et up to 500 new fans for your pa!eI
"#row a link on your card and people will almost certainly c#eck it out%
&f you-re pressed for space in your desi!n all pa!e urls can e s#ortened from
faceook%com to f%me$ or f%com%
For e9ample$ www%faceook%com;fflow$ www%f%me;fflow$ and www%f%com;fflow all
point to t#e same pa!e%
1E% Fiverr
Fiverr is an online marketplace w#ere services are sold for five ucks%
>#eck out t#eir )2ocial Marketin!+ and )(dvertisin!+ section and #ere you will find some
people w#o are willin! to su!!est your pa!e to 5$000 of t#eir friends for 'ust H5%
Youwill need to make t#e person w#o will su!!est your pa!e to t#eir friends an admin in
order for t#em to do t#is for you$ ut if you are willin! to place your trust in someone to do
t#is and t#ey come t#rou!# for you t#is will allow you to pick up doDens if not #undreds of
new fans%
1G% >reate a Landin! Pa!e wit# 2tatic F*ML
*y creatin! a custom landin! ta for your faceook pa!e you can increase t#e conversion
of visitors to fans%
>#eck out my post on customiDin! your pa!e wit# static fml for a tutorial e9plainin!
e9actly #ow to set a custom welcome ta up%
40% Bun a )fans only+ contest
(n e9cellent way to run a fans only contest is usin! wildfireapp%
"#ere are rules and re!ulations around runnin! a contest on faceook so e sure to c#eck
out t#e faceook 2tatement of Bi!#ts and Besponsiilities 5)2tatement+6 efore you run one%
41% Link to your pa!e from your profile
Edit your Faceook profile information to include promotion for your Fan Pa!e%
(t t#e ottom of t#e info section of your profile you can include links to any wesites you
are affiliated wit#%
"#e more links you can uild to your Pa!e$ t#e more traffic you will e ale to send to your
Faceook Fan Pa!e% & am constantly seekin! new opportunities to uild links t#at will send
traffic to my Fan Pa!e%
44% *lo! >ommentin!
>omment on lo!s and in t#e wesite section use a link to your fan pa!e%
47% Link to your faceook pa!e from your linkedin profile
Linkedin !ives every user t#ree slots for links to w#atever you-d like ri!#t on your profile%
Youcan make t#e anc#or te9t of t#ese links w#atever you like$ so & recommend usin! a call
to action suc# as0 Join my faceook pa!e%
4=% Upload video to faceook
Faceook video is very underrated$ and e9ceptionally powerful%
,#en you emed a faceook video on anot#er wesite t#is video includes a watermark link
in t#e top left corner to t#e fan pa!e it came from%
45% ,atermark your videos wit# a link to your wesite
Usin! a video editin! pro!ram include a link to your wesite%
& use camtasia to add my watermarks$ and to record any screencast & create$ and t#is
pro!ram comes wit# a free 70 day trial%
4?% >reate a memorale UBL
&f you !o to faceook%com;username you will e ale to create a custom UBL for your pa!e%
Bememer t#at t#is cannot e c#an!ed once it is set$ so c#oose wisely%
4C% 3eliver an e9ceptional e9perience
(lt#ou!# faceook pa!es are no lon!er officially considered )fan pa!es+ if you work to
create fans of your rand many of t#em will certainly seek out and 'oin your faceook
2trive to deliver an awesome e9perience for t#ose w#o interact wit# your rand% Go aove
and eyond w#en en!a!in! wit# your community and t#ey will spread t#e word%
( famous article called 1$000 true fans maintains t#at t#ey are all you need to create a
t#rivin! usiness% 3on-t try 'ust to !et people to click )like+ ut instead seek to create
ravin! true fan w#o will spread your word far and wide%
4E% Link it up
"#is tip comes from F!aryvee and it-s a !ood one0 link it upI
/yperlinks are w#at weave t#e we to!et#er so use t#em often and every time you do you
are openin! up anot#er !ateway into your fan pa!e%
4G% Flip t#e funnel
3rive your fans ack to your wesite for new lo! posts%
Make sure t#at your lo! #as social s#arin! and many of your fans will )like+ your lo!
posts and tweet it out to t#eir followers on twitter as well%
70% "rack your !rowt# wit# Faceook insi!#ts
Faceook insi!#ts s#ows you #ow many fans you #ave over time$ and some fairly detailed
demo!rap#ic information as well%
Usin! t#is knowled!e you can analyDe w#at activities drive t#e most !rowt#$ and t#en
duplicate your success%
71% (nalyDe your demo!rap#ics wit# insi!#ts
Faceook demo!rap#ics are a powerful feature of insi!#ts t#at allows you to determine t#e
!ender and a!e of t#e people in your pa!e% 8nce you know t#is information you can focus
your content to appeal to t#e a!e !roup and !ender of your fans%
/ere is t#e demo!rap#ic information of t#e FaceookFlow fan pa!e0
74% "alk and *lo! aout your pa!e
,ord of mout# does not start itself% Get t#e conversation !oin! y mentionin! your
faceook pa!e in lo! posts and in every day conversation%
77% Learn more aout Faceook
"#e more you know aout faceook t#e more you can use t#is knowled!e to drive t#e
!owt# your community%
"o learn more aout faceook enroll in our FBEE faceook ecourse%
7=% 3rive more traffic to your wesite
Use t#ese tips to !et more free traffic to your wesite% Make sure t#at your )Like *o9+ is
featured prominently$ and plenty of t#is traffic will )Like+ your pa!e%
75% Produce Epic >ontent
&f your lo! content is epic t#is will drive t#e !rowt# of your pa!e in a serious way%
Epic content #as t#e est c#ance of !oin! viral and if a lo! post !oes viral t#is also causes
it to move up in t#e rankin!s in Goo!le$ leadin! to even more traffic$ a percenta!e of w#ic#
will convert to fans%
7?% &nstall a like utton into your posts
&nstallin! a like utton into your posts will #elp drive e9tra traffic to your posts and it will
also s#ow t#at faceook is an inte!ral part of your rand%
&f you #ave a self #osted wordpress lo! & recommend installin! t#e ,P F* Like plu!in%
"#e more you can inte!rate faceook wit# your site t#e more likely people will e to 'oin
your faceook pa!e%
7C% Make a Faceook like si!n
*lue 2ky Factory created a Faceook )Like+ si!n tool t#at you can use to create a cool
ima!e t#at will #elp promote your faceook pa!e%
7E% *uy "#em
(lt#ou!# & do not recommend t#is option$ t#ere are several services out t#ere t#at sell
faceook likes%
"#e first 1$000 fans are usually t#e #ardest to !et so a service like t#is mi!#t #elp you !et
t#e critical mass needed to !et more !enuine or!anic fans%
7G% Bun a tar!eted ad campai!n
Faceook advertisin! is e9ceptionally powerful due to t#e aility it offers to #yper tar!et
your market%
Faceook ads can e tar!eted ased on a!e$ location$ and interests%
=0% "urn your customers into fans
&f someone likes you enou!# to uy your product t#en t#ere is a !ood c#ance t#at t#ey will
like you on faceook as well%
Bi! up your )t#ank you+ pa!e wit# a faceook )Like *o9+ and you-ll e !ood to !oI
=1% (dvertise your pa!e
"#e more you advertise your pa!e t#e more fans you will e ale to ac#ieve%
Faceook advertisin! s a smart way to promote since you can tar!et specific demo!rap#ic
and interest !roups%
Youwill need a sales funnel in place in order to 'ustify an advertisin! ud!et and &
recommend settin! t#is up prior to advertisin! on Faceook%
,#en & si!ned up for my /ostin! account wit# Go3addy & was ale to !et a free Faceook
advertisin! coupon for H50 and & elieve t#ey are still offerin! t#is promotion%
=4% Use /ootsuite to mana!e your pa!e
*y usin! /ootsuite to mana!e your faceook pa!es you can ma9imiDe en!a!ement y
sc#edulin! your posts a#ead of time to !o out w#en t#ey will !et t#e most attention%
Faceook posts !et t#e most en!a!ement early in t#e mornin! and a few #ours efore ed%
=7% Get an attractive profile picture
( picture says a t#ousand words$ so to really optimiDe your usiness pa!e you s#ould use
t#e lar!est profile picture possile%
>urrently t#e ma9imum profile picture siDe is 400 9 ?00 pi9els%
==% 3o a )fan of t#e mont#+ promotion
*y #i!#li!#tin! one of your est fans every mont# you indirectly encoura!e fans to en!a!e
more$ so t#at t#ey can win t#e coveted fan of t#e mont# title t#e ne9t mont#%
8ffer a mont#ly priDe$ suc# as a cool free product or service related to your rand$ and t#e
competition for t#is title will only increase%
=5% Messa!e your friends and ask t#em to 'oin
"#is tried and tested met#od takes more !round work$ ut t#is met#od will allow you to
uild relations#ips and tar!et t#e friends t#at you t#ink are t#e most relevant to your pa!e%
=?% &nclude a link to your fan pa!e in your forum si!nature
&f you are active in any forums you will #ave t#e option to attac# a )si!nature+ to every
post t#at you write%
"#row a link in your si!nature to your faceook pa!e$ and it will e clicked%
3o your est to add value and answer <uestions wit# your posts$ and people will e more
inclined to click your link and 'oin your pa!e%
( link wit# a call to action is more likely to !et clicked t#an a link alone$ so !o wit# )Join
my Faceook Pa!e0 www%faceook%com;fflow+ instead of simply0
=C% >reate a redirect UBL
>reatin! a redirect to your faceook fan pa!e is one way to )presell+ t#e people w#o click
it on 'oinin! your pa!e%
For e9ample$ if your link is0 www%yourdomain%com;'oinmyfaceookpa!e anyone w#o clicks
it will proaly 'oin your pa!e%
/ere is an article on #ow to redirect a wepa!e%
=E% Give away fan pa!e swa!
,esites like KaDDle make it easy for people to customiDe swa!$ suc# as t#e nifty )you like
t#is+ tLs#irt elow%
&f you !ave away s#irts 5or mu!s$ or stickers6 like t#is wit# your faceook url included you
could easily amass an army of walkin! illoards for your faceook pa!e%
=G% Find more faceook friends
"#e more friends you #ave$ t#e etter your c#ances will e t#at some of t#ese friends will
'oin your fan pa!e%
Faceook #as a )Find Your Friends "ool+ t#at allows you to import your contact list from
a variety of email clients$ or an email list%
"#is tool also displays )People you may know+ w#ic# & #ave found is very !ood at
su!!estin! people t#at #ave many mutual friends as me%
50% 2#are t#is article wit# your faceook friends
&f you s#are t#is post wit# your faceook friends and it will ecome ovious to t#em t#at
!ettin! more fans important to you$ and if you #ave included a link to your faceook pa!e
in your info o9 or t#e ),esite+ section of your wesite t#ere is a !ood c#ance t#at t#ey
will click it%
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;/yperLFaceL*ookL"raffic
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;Godaddy
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;/ost!ator
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;.ame>#eap
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;2ocial(dr
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;"raffic,ave
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;&mnicaMail
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle*ack"o2c#ool2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle>ard2#apes2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle>reate>ustom"s#irts2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle>ustomiDe&t(ll2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle3isneysFroDen2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDleGraduation&nvitations2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle&nternational2tores
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDleiP#one?>asesPreorder2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle2ave"#e3ate2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle2ave"#e3ateMa!nets2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle,rapped>anvas2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDleGift>enter2tore
>lick /ere0 #ttp0;;!uideri!#t!roup%com;KaDDle2#op(nd>reate&nU2(

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