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Critical investigation of the e-recruitment
2his research is particularly ased on the critical in'estigation o1 the E6recruitment process in the
Indian so1t)are Industries: 2he aim o1 this study is to in'estigate E -ecruitment strategically in
terms o1 a Cost cutting and time sa'ing 1actor that )ould e ene1icial 1or organi;ation during
li#e current economic do)nturn: 2his study )ould also e ene1icial in loo#ing at the concept o1
2echnology as a solution to reduce cost and sa'e time: In addition it is hoped that the study
)ould also ene1it "trategic analyst and ,uman resource managers to 'ie) E -ecruitment as a
strategic tool:
% &ac'ground
2he research 1ocus is on the 1actor o1 E -ecruitment in today<s cut throat mar#et in terms o1
strategic ene1it to)ards Cost cutting and time sa'ing: 2he researcher has chosen the particular
topic= since it )ould e help1ul in current do)nturn: 2o ma#e this statement 'alid the researcher
in'estigates the concept o1 E -ecruitment in "o1t)are industries in India: 2he rationale 1or
in'estigating so1t)are 1irms in India starts 1rom the 1act that such 1irms actually adoptCost
cutting measures in all possile practices in current do)nturn:
2he study see#s to re'ie) the concepts o1 E recruitment in "o1t)are 1irms y understanding the
su>ects in terms o1 ,uman resource process: In addition the study in'estigate<s E recruitment
process in "o1t)are industries y ac?uiring data through 7uestionnaire and "emi structured tool
that shall constitute ?uestions ased on the critical sections o1 E -ecruitment in terms o1 ,uman
resource process= Cost cutting and 2ime sa'ing 1actors: 2he primary research is ac?uired and the
possile respondents and population )ould e the ,uman -esource managers and employees in
,- department 1rom Chennai and 8angalore )or#ing in "o1t)are 1irms: 2he researcher intends
to use contacts )ithin the I2 1irms to access the rele'ant data set:
%( )iterature *ac'ground
&rgani;ational recruitment e11orts ha'e to a great e9tent relied on computer technology and one
'icinity that has de'eloped is recruiting through the Internet= other)ise #no)n as e6recruitment
@5ottl= 199AB: 2his technology can e utilised in application trac#ing= >o posting and electronic
>o application: In addition= it can assist the human resource 1unction and lessen human resource
From the applicale literature= there is an argument that e6recruitment is re?uired to e used in
con>unction )ith other techni?ues: Internet6ased recruiting )ill not put ac# con'entional
practices= ut a )ell6implemented e6recruitment strategy can 1acilitate the recruitment process
there y ma#ing it more success1ul @8orc#= C000D Caggiano= 1999B: Internet recruiting ought to
e one o1 many tools used to 1ind and recruit applicants: Ei#e)ise= e'en though the organi;ations
see the ad'antages o1 e6recruitment= 2here is a tendency to adopt more con'entional methods in
the 1orm ne)spaper ad'ertisement= personal re1errals= and search agencies 1or most their
recruiting: &rgani;ations tend to 'ie) the Internet as an 'ital additional tool @(earce and 2uten=
E6recruitment is not treated as a stand6alone human resource instrument ho) it is integrated into
an o'erall recruiting and selection strategy that comprises= amongst other things= sophisticated
eha'ioral and s#ills assessment= inter'ie)ing= and added means o1 documenting re?uirements
and sourcing candidates: Conse?uently= a human resource department still uses oth
con'entional method and e6recruitment in their recruitment process @Cullen= C001B: +ccording to
(ortal @C00FB= "ho)s that more than 75 percent o1 ,- pro1essionals current use Internet >o
oards apart 1rom con'entional recruiting method @,- (ortal= C00FB:
&ne o1 the #ey considerations o1 e6recruitment it<s cost6e11ecti'eness and the economy attained in
the course o1 its usage: 2his is since pulishing otainale positions on the company<s )esite
costs less than pulishing in other media 1or instance ne)spaper: In addition= employers can
place the 'acancy positions on the >o oard )esite as this too is at a lo)er cost @(earce and
2uten = C001B:
%+ ,im and O*-ectives of the Research
2he aim o1 this research is to in'estigate the process o1 E6-ecruitment as strategic dri'ing 1actor
in cutting costs and sa'ing time in the Indian I2 sector:
2he o>ecti'e<s o1 the study are as 1ollo)s/
2o in'estigate the 'arious 1actors and trends in -ecruitment in India:
2o E9plore E6-ecruitment as ,uman resource process and e'aluate 'arious implications
in hiring
2o critically e9amine the e11ecti'eness o1 e6recruitment in "o1t)are industries
2o identi1y merits and demerits in E6-ecruitment process
%. Research /uestions
3hat are the trends in recruitment in India?
3hat is the impact o1 conducting E6-ecruitment process in "o1t)are 1irms?
3hat is the strategic impact o1 E6-ecruitment on "o1t)are organi;ations 6 in cost
reduction and 2ime?
3hat are the dri'ing 1actors o1 E -ecruitment to)ards >os )ith merits and demerits?
%0 1ethodology
In order to 1ul1ill the aims and o>ecti'es o1 this study= the study shall employ oth ?ualitati'e
and ?uantitati'e methods: 7ualitati'e method )ere e usedthrough semi structured inter'ie)s
)ith high le'el and 5iddle le'el ,uman resource managers 1rom "o1t)are companies in India
and ta#e suggestions 1rom the e9perts 1rom the company<s through 1ocus groups and compared
data )ill e presented: 7uantitati'e approach )ere e carried out through ?uestionnaire methods=
the li#e scale type ?uestions ha'e een adopted as the suitale= )here the ?uestions are designed
in di11erent scales li#ert scale= rate order scales: 7uestions 'ary 1rom open to closed end
?uestions ased on author<s point o1 'ie): 2he respondents )ill eemployees )or#ing in Indian
"o1t)are 1irms at Chennai and 8angalore in ,uman -esource department:
2he type o1 sampling method used in this research thesis )ill e Non proaility sampling
method: It in'ol'esidenti1ying and ?uestioning the in1ormants ased on their e9perience and
their roles: 2he type o1 sampling used in non proaility method is (urposi'e sampling= )hich
in'ol'eschoosing independents on the 'ie)s )hich are rele'ant to the su>ect @Gan#o)ic;= C005B:
2he numer o1 samples 1or "emi structured inter'ie) is 5 and 7uestionnaire samples is F0:
%2 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 1/ Introduction
2his chapter e9plains the topic o1 study and the ac#ground o1 research in rie1 gi'ing 'alues
and reasons )hy the researcher has chosen the topic and ho) the research is 1ocused or dealt to
1ul1ill the research ?uestions and research o>ecti'es:
Chapter C/ Eiterature -e'ie)
2his chapter pro'ides the re'ie)s the academic literature related to the topic that shall constitute
)hole research: 2he academic literatures are re'ie)ed 1rom 8oo#s= Electronic >ournals= +rticles
etc: 2his chapter re'ie)s the e9isting literature on research topic so that it can help1ul in
identi1ying the gap and to study the 'arious theories used y the other authors:
Chapter F/ -esearch 5ethodology
2his chapter highlights the methodology that is used in this research: 2he chapter egins )ith an
outline o1 the research aim and o>ecti'es 1inally= the researcher e9plains the "ampling
techni?ues and ho) )ell the samples are grouped to oser'e 'alidity and reliaility o1 the
Chapter H/ +nalysis and Findings
2his chapter analyses the data that are gathered through primary research and it pro'ides a
detailed outline o1 the research 1indings: In addition= 2he chapter contains a disclaimers o1
1indings: in1ers in dra)ing 'arious conclusions 1rom data presentation:
Chapter 5/ Conclusions and its recommendations
2his chapter contains 'arious conclusions dra)n 1rom discussion<s in the analysis chapter: 2he
limitation o1 this research is also discussed= andrecommendations 1or 1urther research presented:
%3 Summary
In this chapter )e ha'e re'ie)ed the research ac#ground= research o>ecti'es and the scope o1
research y loo#ing into the research ac#ground: 2he research aim and research o>ecti'es are
stated )ith research ?uestion )hich ensures the researcher understand the su>ect ased on the
prolem statement to 1ul1ill the research: 3e also loo#ed into theoretical ac#ground on E
-ecruitment on di11erent perspecti'es: Finally )e ha'e loo#ed into the o'erall structure o1 the
re'ie): In the ne9t chapter )e shall re'ie) and loo# into 'arious literary articles to gain more
understanding on the issues under in'estigation:
Chapter (
)!#ER,#URE RE4!E5
(% !ntroduction
2his chapter presents the theoretical ac#ground o1 the study: It re'ie) 'arious literature articles
on the topic= 2he main aim o1 this study is to analyse E recruitment in so1t)are industries in
India )ith a 1ocus on Cost cutting and time sa'ing 1actor: 2his is strategic and the research is
conducted )ith a 1ocus on -ecruitment as a strategic tool and its 'arious trends in so1t)are
organisations: 5any researchers and practitioners had identi1ied that the necessity in the manner
in )hich the applicants are getting attracted to)ards Gos and organi;ations and the use o1 the
Internet as a tool to cut cost and sa'e time: 2he set o1 rules in 1illing up recruitments through )e
can incur less cost than mailing paper application pac#ets: +part 1rom the reported ene1its in the
1orm o1 cost e11iciencies= the role o1 ,- in this model is ta#en as more o1 a 1acilitati'e role=
+ccording to the 'arious theories it is clearly speci1ied that this model gi'es a chance o1 time 1or
the recruiters in order to in'ol'e the strategic issues )ithin the resourcing:
,a'ing outlined the research aims and &>ecti'es it is essential to loo# at the de1inition o1 E
-ecruitment to ha'e an o'er'ie) o1 the research: -ecruitment is a process o1 hiring candidates in
1illing up the 'acancies through possile stages: 2here are se'eral numer o1 stages in selecting
suitale candidates 1or employment are eing organi;ed y the organisation: E -ecruitment is
di11erent 1rom this con'entional recruitment process:
(%( 6uman Resource 1anagement & #he Recruitment 7rocess
,uman resource management @,-5B and -ecruitment process go hand in hand and recruitment
is central to all management process: Failures in the recruitment process can lead to di11iculties
1or any organi;ation and conse?uently ha'e an immense e11ect on its proaility and 'ariance
le'els )hich include inappropriate o1 s#ills and sta11ing: Conse?uently some o1 the prolems o1
inade?uate recruitment= )hich leads to shortage o1 laors or prolems in the decision ma#ing
@Ienee'a= C009B: From the ao'e literature the researcher can come to a decision that recruitment
plays a 'ital role in the central management process:
+ccording to 2he $ni'ersity o1 5elourne @C009B= recruitment is an imperati'e process o1
human resource management: 2hey suggested that there are t)o ma>or stages or le'els in the
recruitment processes: 2he 1irst stage re1ers in the process o1 searching or hunting the candidates
)ith respect to >o opportunities a'ailale and the seconds stage re1ers )ith the process o1
selecting candidates )ho are ?uali1ied 1or a suitale >o y a company )ith the use o1
technologies in terms o1 test and inter'ie)s:
,o)e'er recruitment is not a simple selection process and it re?uires e9tensi'e planning and
decision ma#ing to e ale to employ suitale manpo)er: 2here e9ists gro)ing competition
amongst the usiness 1irms 1or recruiting the est potential candidates= 2here is no) a shi1t 1ocus
on inno'ation and also amongst management decision ma#ing: 2he selectors aim to recruit
candidates )ho )ould suit the ethics= corporate culture in accordance to the organi;ation
@2erpstra= 199HB: 2his means that management )ould speci1ically loo# out 1or potential
candidates capale o1 eing a team player and team )or# and that )ould e crucial 1or positions
a'ailale in organi;ation: ,uman resource management approaches to)ards any usiness
process )ould e ased upon 1ocusing the core o>ecti'es o1 an organi;ation and reali;ation o1
strategic plans y training the indi'iduals or personnel that )ould e ene1icial tothe
organi;ation= 2husimpro'ing its per1ormance and pro1its @%orsten= C00FB:
3ith the 1ollo)ing discussion the recruitment process does not end )ith selection and
application o1 right candidates to the >o ut rather it in'ol'es maintaining and retaining the
employees chosen: In spite o1 )ell structured plan= selection and the ?uali1ied management team
in'ol'ed in recruitment processes 1ollo)ed y 1irms= there is a possiility that the Firms can also
1ace signi1icant di11iculties during the implementation: 3ith this notion ,-5 can pro'ide ne)
insights to)ards the est practiced approach to recruitment: 8ut companies ha'e to use their
management s#ills to apply theories )ithin conte9t o1 organi;ation @Ienee'a= C009B:
(%(% Recruitment #rends
3e ha'e seen the recruitment conte9t to)ards organi;ation e11iciency: 3e shall no) ha'e a loo#
into the 'arious methods to)ards recruitment: +ccording to the speci1ication o1 se'eral theories=
they mainly classi1y the recruitment methods in many directions: +ccording to 2he $ni'ersity o1
5elourne @C009B= there are t)o prime methods o1 recruitment called traditional and online
recruitment: 8asically the recruitment methods that are per1ormed y the organi;ation
themsel'es or y a third party recruitment pro'iders such as recruitment agencies are termed as
2raditional recruitment: 2he in1ormation e9change in the traditional recruitment is o11line ut
still they does not use internet as a source o1 in1ormation e9change: It adopts a'enues such as
2ele'ision= ne)spaper= and also through Go centers etc: 2he >o recruitments are approached in
a straight 1or)ard manner or 1illed through the agency or also it can e conducted y the physical
address o1 the organi;ation in order to conduct 'arious test and inter'ie)s such as 1ace to 1ace
In the past t)o decades recruitment has changed )ith numer o1 e'olutionary phases: +ccording
to the )hite paper o1 Frontier "o1t)are @N:4B these are=
(re6online era 6 2his is net)or#ing 1ace to 1ace:
19A0<s 6 2hese are the solutions ased on the commissioned agencies that pro'ides alternati'e
that had ecome paper ased and time consuming process:
1990<s62he rise o1 Internet as a tool that made solutions as Go oards that o11ers ine9pensi'e and
e11ecti'e solutions reaching many target audiences:
C0006present 62his transition phase is the emergence o1 Internet recruitment called e recruitment
solutions and 3e C:0 is the plat1orm 1or recruitment process:"ocial net)or#ing style=
interacti'ity connections as )ell:
2he rise o1 >o oards mar#ed the eginning o1 the e'olution o1 Internet recruitment )hich
ma#es readily a'ailale a pool o1 >o see#ers and their Curriculum Iitae to the agencies that
ad'ertise >os: 2hus internet has ecome a ma>or source 1or the acti'e and passi'e >o see#ers:
+cti'e >o see#ers opt to ma#e a'ailale o1 CI<s and (assi'e >o see#ers are eing the
candidates that is non searchale and hidden ut can e responded to >o ad'ertisements Frontier
"o1t)are @N:4B: +ccording to the -esearch ad'isory panel @C006B o1 (ulic appointments ser'ice
had identi1ied the most common recruitment types as Ne)spapers= -ecruitment agencies=
internal recruitment and Internet recruitment:
ha'ing identi1ied the t)o ma>or types o1 recruitments as 2raditional and &nline recruitment:
+ccording to &thman and 5usa @C006B cited 1rom +roledas et al: @C001B and in *alana#i
@C00CB= traditional recruitment eing the 1irms )ho )ants to post >os= announces the >o
opening at the mar#etplace through proper ad'ertisements or to a >o 1air = or to an e9ecuti'e
recruiter or to other medias: From this source candidates sumit their pro1ile 1or the
announcement: Ne)spaper ad'ertisements are used than any other source o1 traditional
recruitment: &n the other hand= the traditional recruitments are used in ma>ority o1 recruitment
processes and are e11ecti'e )hile other types o1 recruitments are pro'ed to e appropriate in
speci1ic situations: 2he employers use di11erent methods ased on di11erent positions:
+ccordingly 8ussler ! 4a'is @C00CB cited in &thman and 5usa @C006B and 5ottl @199AB
suggests that= In order to determine )hich mode o1 recruitment is used y the employers )e ha'e
to loo# into the 'arious aspects: +spects in terms o1 2ime scale o1 the recruitment process=
-ecruitment cost as reaching the candidates and the organi;ation culture: 8ut in recent years
internet has re'olutioni;ed and made an impact on resource 1ield o1 the humans: No) a day<s
organi;ation rely mostly on computer technology and )ith the recruitment through Internet: 2he
internet technology can e used in trac#ing the application= >o posting and electronic
applications: +part 1rom these applications it can e used in reducing the human resource )or#
load and human resource 1unctions:
(%+ E- Recruitment Overview
E6recruitment can e e9plained as any recruiting processes that a usiness organisation carries
out through )e6ased tools= in the 1orm o1 a 1irm<s pulic Internet site or its corporate intranet
@+rmstrong= C006B: 2he terms Internet recruitment= online recruitment and E6 -ecruitment are
Identical and can e used interchangealy:2here are 'arious de1initions o1 E -ecruitment=
+ccording to ,o11man @C001B=
JE6-ecruitment can e de1ined as the utili;ation o1 the Internet 1or candidate sourcing= selection=
communication and management throughout the recruitment processK
+ccording to +rmstrong @C006B= the E6 -ecruitment process consists o1 attracting the candidates=
screening= trac#ing the applicants= selection and 1inally o11ering >os and as )ell re>ecting the
+ccording to the studies o1 ,ogler @199AB and ,- (ortal @C00FB cited in &thman and 5usa
@C006B supported that employers can ad'ertise >os= scan and store their CI<s= conduct tests and
alsocontact the ?uali1ied applicants )ith the use o1 Internet that could match the candidates 1or
>os: Iidot @C000B cited in &thman and 5usa @C006B suggested that the use o1 Internet )ill
ene1it and attract candidates o1 high ?uality= randing= reiterate the pro1ile o1 the 1irm and also
streamline application and the selection processes:
+ccording to Cullen @C001B cited in &thman and 5usa @C006B = there are 'arious perception to E6
-ecruitment= it is integrated )ith the o'erall selection and the recruiting strategies as a
standalone human resource tools:2hese strategies include inter'ie)ing eha'ioral and
assessment s#ills and other additional strategies such as identi1ying other needs and candidates
sourcing: ,o)e'er studies sho) that the ,uman resource departments still also use oth e6
recruitment and other traditional methods: +ccording to the study y ,- (ortal @C00FB= 5ore
than 75L o1 ,uman -esource pro1essionals are using Go oards in addition to the 2raditional
recruitment methods:
(%+% E- Recruitment 8actual Evidences and 7rocess
2here is e'idence in the academic to suggest that the literatures ased on E6-ecruitment are
gaining popularity in today<s >o mar#et: E6recruitment is signi1icant in today<s cost cutting
mar#ets to sa'e huge amount o1 money: +ccording to the research o1 3hi;las "o1t)are @C006B=
the study o1 Forrester -esearch Institute= a 1amous mar#et research 1irm 1ound that y C005 the
e9penditure on the recruitment ased on Internet )as M7 illion: 5any 1irms as o1 96L o1 the
companies re?uired internet 1or the recruitment needs: + sur'ey conducted y Employment
5anagement +ssociation @E5+B o1 $"+ 1ound that online ads )ould cost MF77 than estimated
)ith printout ads that cost per hire at MFC95: + study conducted the CI(4 @C005B 1ound that 75L
o1 organi;ations in $% use corporate )esite in order to attract applicants and in the C006
research 7FL o1 applicants use online >o applications:
+ccording to an Intelligence report o1 iEogos -esearch o1 *loal 500 3esite recruiting o1 C00F
sur'ey has 1ound that 9HL o1 gloal 500 companies ha'e corporate career )esites:
-ecruitment )esites are more use1ul in sa'ing oth money and time: +part 1rom a -ecruitment
process it is ecoming a part o1 organi;ation or corporate strategy: 2he online recruitment sites
ha'e continued to multiply in the numers in 'alue added ser'ices and can help to impro'e long
term time sur'i'al in the current mar#et trend: NE< dri'e is primarily ased on the I2 organi;ation
and so1t)are solutions: E recruitment primarily uses so1t)are solutions 1or e11ecti'e and e11icient
recruitment process: 2here are 'arious di11erences )ith the recruitment 1rom an I2 organi;ation
that compared )ith traditional or con'entional recruitment process such as selection and training
process: 2he important study also suggested that I2 organi;ations hire more peopleD
conse?uently recruiters ha'e to really 1ocus on pro'iding solutions that )ould ultimately
ma9imi;e e11ort= sa'e time )ith the est talent pools @3hi;las "o1t)are= C006B:
(%+%( E- Recruitment - ,pplication with 6R and systems
,a'ing e9plored E6recruitment and its process are= at this conte9t )e are no) need to e9plore
ho) E6 recruitment is lin#ed )ith technology and 5anagement i:e:= E6 recruitment lin#s )ith ,-
systems= Eine 5anagers and ,uman -esource managers in the recruitment process:2he
application o1 E 6 recruitment and ,- systems are e9plained y -esearch +d'isory (anel @C006B
,- -ole in the E6-ecruitment process is essential= as the general time management seems to
play a crucial role as a 1acilitator and coordinator in the recruitment process: 3ith the e
recruitment process it can e e'ident that it can reduce the ,- urden and that in turn leads ,-
managers to operate on a strategic le'el )ithin the organi;ation:Eine managers are usually
in'ol'ed in the process o1 selecting the applications in relation to the 'acancies that are listed
accordance )ith the >o role: +t this instant ,- can )or# on to the o'erall strategy as de1ining
and controlling: 2his also ensures the system to de'elop top notch e11ecti'e talent strategies: In
this )hole process the role o1 Eine managers )ould e limited )ith the access to the entire e
recruitment systems e'en though the systems ?uic#ly 1acilitate in trans1erring candidates
in1ormation: 4uring this ,- )ould acts as ro#er et)een candidates and the Eine managers
-esearch +d'isory (anel @C006B:
From this literature= ,- acts as a central unit et)een the Eine managers and the candidates:
5any organi;ations are usually opt 1or solution or depend on the 2hird party suppliers can ma#e
use o1 the alternati'e 1orm o1 suppliers and Go oards o1 systemsusing the application trac#ing
so1t)are:2here are t)o main 1orms o1 categories in enaling the E recruitment process they are=
E recruitment tools such as Enterprise -esource and (lanning @E-(B such as &racle and "+( and
the other eing the de'eloped products 1rom the 'endors )ho are speciali;ed in the recruitment
so1t)are<s li#e testing and application trac#ing so1t)are<s -esearch +d'isory (anel @C006B:
(%+%+ E- Recruitment $evelopments
E6 -ecruitment has een de'eloped more recently )ith the use o1 >o domains: Go domains
)ere started during the early part o1 C005they ma#e most use o1 the Internet 1or assigned
numers and names: 2he >o domain is in the top le'el o1 the domains that )ould allo) e11icient
and easy )esites na'igation: From the sur'ey conducted y the society 1or human resource
management @",-5B suggested that those 1irms that use >o domains can produce etter results
in E recruitment @5inton6E'ersole= C007 cited in 3hite= C00AB :
From the study o1 "chramm @C007B cited in 3hite= C00AB e9plains= apart 1rom the #ey
de'elopment o1 E recruitment though Go domains= there are se'eral ad'ancements in the
internet recruitment such as the online communities or the internet communities #no)n as 3e
C:0: 2hese online communities are li#e the social net)or#ing )esites that are meant 1or social
stances: 2hese internet communities< )esites such as Faceoo#= 5yspace that are used y the
recruiters in order to 1ind suitale candidates )ho are loo#ing 1or the employment o11ers:2hese
de'elopments in the Internet communities )ould ene1it in many )ays such as= 'eri1ying the
necessary credentials and other in1ormation that are not listed on the candidates resume: In the
ma>or cases candidates )ould also e eliminated )ith the contents listed in the Internet social
(%+%. 1erits of E-Recruitment
2his section o1 the literature re'ie) see#s to 1ocus on the cost cutting and the time sa'ing
measures o1 the E6-ecruitment process:
(%+%.% 'ey role E - Recruitment in the Cost cutting measures
E6 -ecruitment is Cost e11icient and it can ring a lot o1 ene1it to the organi;ation: $sing the
internet as a source 1or recruitment in the E6-ecruitmentprocess it can help us to sa'e huge
amount o1 money: (osting >os in the )esites costs less )hen compared to the >o pulishing in
other 1orms o1 media such as ne)spapers: Go oards are really ene1icial to the recruiters )ho
can post 'acancies at lo) cost than other ad'ertisements:+ccording to iEogos research in 199A
there are three main areas in )hich E 6 -ecruitment reduces costs they are as 1ollo)s=
4irect costs sa'ings 1rom the ad'ertisements posted on Ne)spapers
-educes mail costs 1rom paying 1ees to the head recruiters or Go 1airs
-educes ,uman resource )or#load in the ,uman resource department that yields great
pace to the recruitment cycle that ultimately lo)ers cost @&thman and 5usa= C006B
From the ao'e = )e can see the sa'ing ene1its associated )ith E6-ecruitment: In addition= 2he
internet is used as a ma>or source o1 E6-ecruitment resumes are posted 'ia mails )hich is 'ery
cheap on the other hand traditional recruitment uses communication system such as phone calls=
Fa9= etc and in some cases i1 the candidate is 1rom a long distance it costs him more 1or the
communication itsel1= also incase o1 applying 'ia post it can e more costly and the time
consumption is more 1or communication= "o it is etter and also more ad'antageous 1or E6
-ecruitment process since the cost is 'ery less and communication is made easy and more 1aster=
"uch that it can e @2he $ni'ersity o1 5elourne= C009B: Eaunching a ne) career )esite 1or a
company costs less that )ould e'entually trac# e'ery details o1 candidates re?uired in the
recruitment process costs less: 2he process also reduces in temporary manpo)er spending o1
manual sorting or applicants @3hite= C00AB:
(%+%.%( Key role E - Recruitment in the #ime Saving measures
E6-ecruitment has more e11ecti'e ad'antage that helps the employer<s in time sa'ing on the other
hand it pro'ides e11icient ene1its to the employer<s:
E6-ecruitment pro'ides recruiters )ith the aility to )or# simultaneously )ith traditional
recruitment processes: 2his means that 1irms are ale to source and process the application
?uic#ly= thus sa'ing long hours o1 hiring process @5arr= C007B: 2ime sa'ing is a strategic
measure in the hiring process: +ccording to the study o1 8arer @C006B= the ease o1 completing
online application 1orm and the time ta#en to process applications are done in minutes 1aster than
)ee#s= the ad'antage o1 this= is that recruiters and >o see#ers ha'e sa'ed time: 2he hiring time is
sa'ed y pre selecting the application and recei'es ?uic# response electronically: 2he most
important 'ariance )ould e that= companies can update their in1ormation ?uic#ly y typically
speeding up the 1ront end processes &thman and 5usa @C006B= +ccording to the 8ussler ! 4a'is
@C00CB E6-ecruitment can reduce the amount o1 time used 1or hiring in the recruitment process
y t)o thirds:
(%+%.%+ Other Key advantages of E-Recruitment
In addition to the cost and time sa'ing ene1its identi1ied )ith E6-ecruitment= there are 'arious
other merits in the E6-ecruitment process: 2he access to the candidate pool is )ider )hen
compared to the traditional recruitment methods to the candidate pool: 2his )ould range 1rom
National= International to local le'els that pro'ides greater chances in 1inding the suitale
candidates 1or >o roles: 2his pro'ides opportunities in the online graduate recruitment o1 more
di'erse graduate pools responding )ith opening all doors: 2his )ould etter sho) o1 est
recruitment techni?ues across the usiness units allo)ing more recruitment in1ormation @8arer=
+nother ene1it )ould e rand reputation as a #ey account o1 ene1its to E6-ecruitment y
promoting the corporate rand and corporate image o1 an organisation: Corporate )esites gi'es
'alues o1 choices )ith an indication o1 etter 'alues and etter organi;ational culture: It also
gi'es a etter 1eel o1 the candidate to share )hy they )ould )ant to )or# in the organisation:
3hen any candidate applies 1or a >o )ith the 1irm= sometime it mostly rely on the )ay they are
treated: +t this conte9t i1 candidate ha'e ad e9perience it )ould ultimately gi'e negati'e impact
to the rand @8arer= C006B:
2he ene1its o1 E6-ecruitment strategy ene1its on the talent pool is supported y "hipton
@C00HB= +ccording to him talent pool is e11icient in E6-ecruitment strategy in that it helps group
candidates )ho ha'e applied 1or the ad'ertised position in terms o1 either a speculati'e asis or
as a result o1 direct responses to an ad'ertisements: 2hese are done y communicating at the
regular inter'als in the 1orm o1 E6ne)sletters:2he author also 1ound the ene1its a1ter the
implementation o1 E6-ecruitment system in 2he 2ussaud<s *roup in the 1orm o1 sa'ing time o1
hiring reduction upto 66L:
E6-ecruitment )ould pro'ide proper access 1or the passi'e >o see#ers )ho are the indi'iduals
already )or#ing or already in a >o: It gi'es opportunity to appear 1or etter >o roles ad'ertised
on the Internet: 2hese are the type o1 >o see#ers o1 etter ?uality due to the 1act that they are not
desperate 1or change in >o )hen compared to the acti'e >o see#ers )ho are 1rustrated in 1inding
a ne) opportunity @-ichardson= C005B:
(%+%0 $emerits of E-Recruitment
3e ha'e re'ie)ed 'arious literatures on E6-ecruitment processes and the merits in terms o1 Cost
and 2ime sa'ing ene1its: 3e shall no) loo# at the 'arious demerits o1 E6-ecruitment process:
E6-ecruitment is 'ery e11ecti'e in sa'ing cost and timeD apart 1rom these prime ene1its it also
pro'ides )ider access to the candidate pool= as )ell as impro'ing rand reputation o1 a company
etc: 2here are many challenges that needed to e re'ie)ed and e a)are o1 the 1act that it has
disad'antages 1rom traditional recruitments:
2he demerits outlined y &thman and 5usa @C006B include/
Ethnic 1inorities
E6-ecruitment can impact to the certain groups o1 ethnic minorities in a particular #ind o1 people
)ho does not ale to access the internet: 2he role o1 impact on certain minority groups )ould e
a threat 1or the organi;ation that can lead to discrimination issues:
)ac' of ,ccess to the !nternet
8asic #no)ledge is needed 1or the Internet access hence in this case it has een limited to
particular demographic groups:
!na*ility to #arget E9ecutive 7ersonnel
-ecruiting top or e9ecuti'e personnel online )ould e a disad'antage= due to the 1act that they
)ould pre1er contacts in personal:
Sources to ,pply :o*s
2here can e other etter resources a'ailale 1or the applicants such as ne)spaper or y
ad'ertisements at the )esite or oth in applying >os:
)ead to Resume Over )oad
2here is a possiility o1 resume o'erload= since there are no restrictions 1or the applicants in
posting their application 1or the >o:
)ow )evel of ,pplicants
Internet is a iggest source that allo)s candidates to sumit resumes any time and this could
create a 'ast numer o1 un?uali1ied applicants to >o in the dataase: +lso there is a proaility
that it can yield to)ards huge 'olumes o1 lo) ?uality applicants:
In addition i1 there is an increase in application 1or >o 'acancies then there this can create
comple9ities in terms o1 the time needed is scrutini;e and remo'e unsuitale candidates ut can
only e done y ma>or resource intensi'e methods: Furthermore a candidate )ho is un1amiliar
)ith I2 can e deterred i1 there is technical prolem: &ther e9tensi'e challenges )ould e i1
people )or#ing )ith lac# o1 #no)ledge in ,- and so1t)are<s that are in1le9ile )ould e a
di11icult tas# to e9ecute proper recruitment process @8arer= C006B: 2he $ni'ersity o1 5elourne
@C009B argues that= in E6-ecruitment pri'acy is one o1 the ma>or threats that could e9pose
people<s personal in1ormation or it can e misused y other persons: (ro'iding personal
in1ormation online can lead to security issues:
Furthermore traditional 1ace to 1ace inter'ie) is etter than online inter'ie)s since it can
measure lots o1 personal ailities: &nly in the traditional inter'ie)s are candidates really ale to
pro'e their #no)ledge= ideas and e9perience signi1icantly:
(%. Summary
In this chapter )e ha'e re'ie)ed 'arious use1ul literature and theories on the research su>ect:
3e ha'e re'ie)ed literature on E6-ecruitment in the Cost cutting and 2ime sa'ing measures:
2he -ecruitment processes are e9plained 1rom the ,-5 perspecti'e that is eing a central unit
o1 recruitment process also re'ie)ing trends in the recruitment: E6-ecruitment is latest trend
)hich ma>or organi;ations implement as a Cost e11ecti'e and time sa'ing recruitment tool: 3e
ha'e also pro'ided 1actual e'idences on the recruitment trends y loo#ing into 'arious sur'eys:
3e ha'e also re'ie)ed the merits and demerits o1 E6-ecruitment process: In the ne9t chapter )e
shall loo# into methodology that )ill e adopted in order to ans)er the research ?uestion and
methods that are 1ollo)ed to ac?uire the primary data:
Chapter +
RESE,RC6 1E#6O$O)O;<
+% !ntroduction
2his chapter e9plains the research methodology and research approach a'ailale to carry out the
primary research: 2he main aim o1 this research thesis is to in'estigate as a strategic dri'ing
1actor to)ards Cost cutting and 2ime "a'ing measure in "o1t)are Industry in India: 2his chapter
should help the researcher to pursue primary research: 2o pro'e the research 'alid= possile
ans)ers to research ?uestion through primary and secondary research )ould constitute #ey
1actors to data collection: 2he researcher analyses secondary and primary data y using oth
?ualitati'e and ?uantitati'e data collection methods: 3e shall no) rie1 'arious theories o1
methodology and analyse )hat data collection and data measuring instruments )ould suit this
For the purpose o1 this research thesis= the researcher had implemented appropriate primary
research methods to ac?uire data in accordance to aim6o>ecti'es and the research ?uestion: 2he
researcher has implemented semi structured inter'ie) techni?ue 1or ?ualitati'e method and
?uestionnaire techni?ue 1or ?uantitati'e method:2his chapter )ould 1inally rie1 sampling and
sample elements o1 population:
+%( Research 7hilosophy
8e1ore re'ie)ing theories on research methodology it is essential to loo# into the area o1
research in terms o1 philosophical stances to relate etter assumption: +ccording to Cohen et al:
@C005B studies there e9ists 'arious assumptions o1 philosophical stances that is re1lected to the
)or# o1 8urnell amd 5organ @1979B= cited in Cohen et al: @C005B and are termed in as
&ntological= that are mainly concerned )ith social phenomenon concerned in in'estigating )ith
the result o1 indi'idual<s a)areness o1 #no)ing: 2his concept )as 1urther re1ramed y *ray
@C00HB stated that a researcher<s techni?ue in undergoing a research )ould ultimately in1luenced
y theoretical perspecti'e and that )ould 1urther in1luences y epistemological terms:
Epistemology according to *ray @C00HB )as a philosophical term concerns in deciding )hat
types o1 #no)ledge )ould e legitimate and ade?uate:
2his theory )as supported y Cohen et al: @C005B= as these assumptions )ould e 1urther
in1luences or concerned )ith nature o1 the phenomenon and asis and #no)ledge and ho) this
#no)ledge is ac?uired in real )orld? +nd ho) this #no)ledge can e communicated to others?
2hese assumptions are logical and it also determines the issues o1 )hether that can e something
)hich can e ac?uired or can e e9perienced in person: 2he natures o1 these epistemological
stances in general are human nature assumptions that are primarily concerned )ith the
relationship et)een human and the human en'ironment: 5ethodology assumptions e9presses
1orce1ully in search o1 uni'ersal la)s: 5ethodology is characterised y rules or procedures that
are 1ramed in disco'ering general la)s re1erred as Nomothetic and the third #ind is called
Idiograph )hich emphasi;es on indi'idual approach and particularly in understanding the
eha'iour o1 the indi'iduals:
+%+ Secondary $ata
4ata that are concerned y collecting 1rom someone else<s )or# 1or the aim o1 the research ut
are di11erent 1rom the purpose o1 research o1 a researcher ut rather used as a re1erence 1or
secondary data @5orris= C00FB: 2his data can o1 any type o1 e9isting unpulished or either
pulish data or also can e o1 any materials that are e9isted in the 1orm o1 >ournals= usiness
articles that )ould e use1ul 1or the researcher to pursue research @"e#aran= C00FB: "econdary
data is important 1or e'ery research in the real )orld to #no) the topic o1 the research and
suggestions 1rom 'arious sources: 2his secondary data is 'ery important 1or the researcher to
carry out primary research sinceD it )ill pro'e the researcher to e9plore his/her e9isting research
that )ould e11ecti'ely pro'e a source in ans)ering aim and o>ecti'es o1 the research: It also
helps in 1orming suitale ?uestions 1or primary research such as 7uestionnaires and inter'ie)s in
the researcher<s conte9t: -esearcher has used oth pulished and unpulished in1ormation in his
research: 2he 'arious secondary sources 1or this research )ould e Gournal articles= Internet
sources= &nline 5aga;ine articles:
+%. 7rimary data
4ata that are primarily used in enhancing primarily conceptual pro>ect or the data that are used as
a ma>or source o1 argument 1or a research are termed as (rimary data @,ac#ley= C00FB: 2hese
types o1 data are mainly used y collecting through certain methods through indi'idual
perception: +ccording to "e#aran @C00FB= these perceptions )ill e mainly used in measuring
attitude o1 the respondents to)ards the research aim and o>ecti'es: 2hese are gathered y
oser'ation through ?uestionnaire or through inter'ie)s directly 1rom the people )hom the
researcher is conducted to dra) conclusions )ith re1erence to secondary data: 4ata that are
collected 1rom the respondents in measuring certain attriutes to)ards researcher aim is termed
as (rimary data:
+ccording to researchers perception )ithout primary data or primary research it )ould e highly
impossile in dra)ing re1erences and come to conclusion and )ould not e 'alid: E'en though
secondary data )ould e use1ul ut it cannot e used in directly ans)ering the research ?uestion
rather it pro'ides the direction in right path: 8e1ore e9ploring primary data it is essential 1or the
researcher to understand the signi1icant concept o1 research approach ecause )ithout
understanding research approach data collection )ill not e rele'ant to)ards the research
?uestion 1ramed in the introduction chapter that corresponds to researcher 1ocus in understanding
the su>ect:
+%0 $eductive & !nductive approach
2here are t)o types o1 research approach and they are termed as deducti'e and inducti'e
approach: 2esting a theory is de1ined as deducti'e approach that can e ased on generali;ed or
estalished theory: 2esting theory that can e applied on any instances speci1ically is termed as
4educti'e theory @"pens and %o'acs= C006B: It is supported y *ummesson @C000B as these
concepts and theories must e e9isted in real )orld= it means in such a )ay that e1ore testing a
theory )e need to test hypothesis that must e lin#ed to a causal relationship as according to
,ac#ley @C00FB de'eloped y pre e9isted theory that )ill e 1urther su>ected to present theories
and the 1indings )ould thus modi1y these theory: 2he other side o1 this approach can e in
according to the study o1 Cohen et al: @C005B is= it )ould generally limit the study in 1indings
other alternati'es o1 a research ut rather >ust used to test the 'alidity at empirical le'el:
3e ha'e loo#ed )hat deducti'e approach is and )e no) loo# )hat inducti'e approach is= this
approach according to @"pens and %o'acs= C006D *ummesson= C000B= is ased upon collecting
speci1ic empirical cases to the oser'ations: 2hus it sho)s a real 1eeling y e9perience in the
research 1ield: 2his is more suitale in the aspect as 1act than theory happening )ith real )orld
concepts and theories e9isted in the real )orld and may e 'alid under some point o1 time: 2his
is supported as positi'e insight to a research y ,ac#ley @C00FB as it )ould e ene1icial in
1inding ne) insights to)ards research ?uestion that is not een in the academic point o1 'ie):
+1ter discussing research approach types the researcher )ould undergo the study in terms o1
Inducti'e approach since= the researcher )ill attempt in uilding a theory rather than testing a
hypothesis and theory: +nother reason to pursue Inducti'e approach is that it cannot ring any
ne) insights 1or the study y not presenting any alternati'es to di11erent e9planations and it
asically limits the study to a strict methodology:
+%2 7ositivism and !nterpretivism theories
2his theory is purely ased on the in?uiry o1 understanding the descripti'e aspect o1 ?ualitati'e
research in a particular situation and this descripti'e or theoretical perspecti'e is called
Interpreti'ism: 2hese in?uiries can e o1 de'elopment o1 theory= e9planations aout an oser'ed
phenomenon @*ray= C00HD *ummesson= C000B:In the other conte9t such as ?uantitati'e research
)here the sample elements )ould e o1 statistical samples and it helps in e9amining the
hypothesis: *ray @C00HB claims that oth ?ualitati'e and ?uantitati'e methods to research )ould
in1luence on oth (ositi'ism and interpreti'ism theories concerned )ith social sciences:
+ccording to Cohen et al: @C005B= studies oth (ositi'ism and Interpreti'ism theories and
e9plains that= positi'ism stance is ased on the 1act o1 social reality on oser'er point o1 'ie)
that mainly concerns )ith clear o>ection 1or ideal #no)ledge: In ither terms it can e e9plained
as= researcher pro'ides 1indings straight a)ay )ithout dra)ing and re1erences or personal 1rame
to)ards the results that are otained y primary research:+nti6positi'ist or Interpreti'ist stance
on other hand is sharing researchers or oser'ers 1rame o1 re1erences or indi'idual perspecti'e
ut not the 1ramae o1 re1erence 1rom outside )orld: 2here e9ists three 'aried approaches to
Interpreti'ist theory they are= (henomenology= Ethnomethodology and "ymolism interaction:
(henomenology is the study that is directed to)ards e9periences that are gathered at the 1ace
'alue that concerns human e9perience in a real )orld: Ethnomethodology on other hand
concerns ho) people ma#e sense in e'eryday )orld: 2his is social interaction y understanding
the social means on its o)n y participants: "ymolic interactionsim is ased upon the
researcher himsel1 as su>ect in relation to research aim and o>ecti'es: 2he researcher has ta#en
care in e9ploring ne) insights to)ards personal e9perience through e9perience in real )orld:
2his research thesis 1alls in in'estigating E -ecruitment in Cost cutting and 2ime sa'ing
measures in so1t)are sector that )ould e suitale y e9ploring insights y in'estigating in India
and thus this research 1alls under (henomenology research:
3e ha'e loo#ed at 'arious theories on research and )e had gi'en the reason on )hy the
researcher has adopted phenomenology research and inducti'e approach and )e ha'e re'ie)ed
(ositi'ist and Interpreti'ist theory that )ould e used in dra)ing personal 1rame o1 re1erences on
empirical results: 3e no) loo# into 7ualitati'e and 7uantitati'e methods to carry out primary
+%3 /ualitative and /uantitative Research methods
+ccording to this research= the researcher adopts oth 7ualitati'e and 7uantitati'e methods in
this research: +ccording to (arasuraman et al: @C00HB= ?uantitati'e research primarily concerns
)ith the measuring aspects such as measurement and 1re?uencies that )ould de1initely help in a
etter coincidence and relating concepts et)een (rimary and "econdary data that )ould 1inally
e use1ul in dra)ing discussion and conclusion and pro'e research 'alid according to research
1ocus and research ?uestion: +ccording to "aranta#os @C005B= 7ualitati'e research on the other
hand )ould help in understanding the concept more clearly that )ould also used to e9plore )hat
are the 1eelings= thoughts and intentions: 2he real conclusions or 1rame o1 re1erences o1
respondents can e easily e9plored through 7ualitati'e research method:
Oi#mund @C00FB supported the positi'e aspects o1 7ualitati'e techni?ue states that understanding
the descripti'e 1eeling o1 the concept 'ery clearly than ?uantitati'e method o1 pro'iding
measurement samples and numers: 2hus the 1ocus is on oth ?ualitati'e and ?uantitati'e
research methods: 3e shall no) loo# into ?ualitati'e Inter'ie) techni?ues and 7uantitati'e
?uestionnaire techni?ue that )ould e use1ul to ac?uire primary research:
+%3% /uestionnaires
7uestionnaire is ased or designed on ?uantitati'e sur'ey according to the research area ut
de1inite sets o1 alternati'es are designed prior to the data ac?uisition: It )ill e use1ul in studying
social sciences in #no)n 1ormat and the ?uestions are designed and later chec#ed 1or
completeness: It is designed using the research aim 2he ?uestions are 1ramed and it comprises o1
some closed end and open ended ?uestions: +nd also contains some multiple options called
Ei#ert scale instruments: 2he prime aspect o1 adding ?uestionnaire to)ards the research can e
used as a role 1or measuring the personal 1rame and attitude o1 the respondents @5c4aniel and
*ates= C005B: 2he ?uestionnaire samples )ill e analysed through 1re?uency analysis:
+%3%( !nterview
2here e9ist three types on inter'ie)s in the method o1 ?ualitati'e analysis they areD structured=
semi structured and unstructured inter'ie)s: 2he researcher adopts semi structured inter'ie) 1or
?ualitati'e data analysis: 2he ?uestions are designed ased on research aim o>ecti'es and also
the research ?uestion: 8ut ho)e'er according to "in#o'ics et al: @C005B= )ould e the signi1icant
method in conducting ?ualitati'e research ut ho)e'er the researcher )ould try to impose
certain 1ramed ?uestions and )ould li#ed to ac?uire data and present argument only )ith the area
)here the researcher had 1ocussed and does not )ant to present the argument apart 1rom that:
+%= Sampling
Selection of Respondents:
,a'ing #no)n the purpose o1 this research thesis is to primarily in'estigate the concept o1 E6
-ecruitment as a strategic issue to)ards cost cutting and time sa'ing measure: 2he respondents
eing the employees )or#ing in ,uman resource department o1 "o1t)are Firms located at
Chennai and 8angalore:
Sampling $esign and Si>e:
"ampling is 'ery important to identi1y possile population such as respondents to carry out
primary research: Gan#o)ic; @C005B has studied sampling techni?ues and presented )hat
sampling techni?ue )ould e est suited 1or research in conducting primary research: ,e states
sampling as the delierate choice o1 inputs o1 people in a population amongst 'alid group
corresponds to the research: 2hese units apart 1rom people can e organisation or the
departments: In this conte9t the researcher has identi1ied population such as "o1t)are
organisation and employees )or#ing in the ,uman resource department )ould est suit the
research= since E6-ecruitment is a human resource concept: 2here are t)o types o1 sampling
techni?ues they are= proaility and non proaility sampling: Non proaility sampling is ased
on identi1ying and ?uestioning in relation to the indi'idual position= roles and ac#ground to
common groups: (roaility sampling on other hand ased on identi1ying and ?uestioning since
they are memers o1 common groups: +t this instant this research )ould employ non proaility
sampling since ,- department managers @,igh le'el and 5iddle le'elB )ho had ma>or
e9perience on the recruitment process )ould e a proper samples rather ?uestioning memers o1
any common groups:
2he sampling techni?ue adhered in this research )ould e purposi'e sampling since it dra)s in
selecting people rele'ant to the issue such as ,- 5anagers: 2he research )ould contain F0
"amples in ?uantitati'e ?uestionnaire methods and H samples o1 semi structured inter'ie)s:
+%3 Relia*ility and 4alidity of the research
-esearch in any 1orms has to e pro'en 'alid at any circumstances: 2his dissertation )ould e
'alid once i1 the researcher )ould e ale to triangulate E6-ecruitment in Cost reduction and
time sa'ing 1actor pro'en through primary and secondary research: +ccording to *ray @C00HB the
'alidity )ould e ased upon )hen the researcher )ould try to 1ind the ans)er 1or research
?uestion: -eliaility )ould e ased upon the empirical results that are produced that )ould not
yield in producing uniased results also 'alid data ac?uired 1rom "o1t)are 1irms in India:
-eliaility according to *ola1shani @C00FB states it corresponds to the accurate results that are
consistent o'er period o1 time and accurate presentation o1 the total population:
+%? Ethics of the Research
2he researcher had made all possile to adhere research ethics according to Cardi11 City
$ni'ersity @Formerly $ni'ersity o1 3ales Institute Cardi11B and ha'e also made sure that it does
not hurt any moral and social 1eelings o1 people: 2he researcher had also #ept the samples
+%@ Summary
2his chapter presents the methodology y re'ie)ing research philosophy: 2his chapter is
e11icient to pro'e )hat methodology and techni?ues that are used in gathering primary data: 3e
ha'e also discussed 'arious techni?ues a'ailale in the research: 2he research 1ollo)s oth
?ualitati'e and ?uantitati'e techni?ues through semi structured inter'ie)s and ?uestionnaires
methods: Finally )e ha'e loo#ed the numer o1 sample and sampling techni?ue used to
scrutini;e the population respecti'e to the research topic: In the ne9t chapter )e shall present and
analyse data that )ould e used to present the empirical results:
Chapter .
$,#, ,",)<S!S
.% !ntroduction
2his chapters deals )ith research 1indings that are ac?uired through oth 7uestionnaire and y
semi structured inter'ie) method: 2he data 1indings o1 7uestionnaire is presented *raphically
and the data 1indings o1 "emi structured method )as presented thematically: 2his chapter
ans)ers the research ?uestion and )ill e use1ul in arri'ing conclusion: 2he ?uestionnaire and
inter'ie) ?uestions are 1ramed in such a )ay that= it )ill co'er the research o>ecti'es:
7uestionnaire and semi structured inter'ie) is analysed thematically: 2he numer o1 sample
respondents 1or ?uestionnaire analysis )as F6 and they are the employees )or#ing in ,uman
-esource department in "o1t)are concern: 2he numer o1 sample respondents 1or "emi
structured inter'ie) are 5 3ho are ,uman resource and +ssistant ,uman resource managers
)or#ing in "o1t)are 1irm: 2he data is ac?uired 1rom C so1t)are 1irms in India:
.%( /uestionnaire and ,nalysis
2he ?uestionnaire sample contained 1H ?uestions co'ering all the areas o1 research o>ecti'es
that )ould e use1ul in arri'ing ans)ers 1or the research ?uestion: 2he ?uestions are 1ramed in
terms o1 Ei#ert scale and 8asic 5ultiple Choice options )ith closed ended ?uestions: 2he
?uestionnaire sample is presented in +((EN4IP 1= 2he topics co'ered in the 7uestionnaire
)ould e=
E6-ecruitment in "o1t)are industry in India
Iarious implications o1 E6 -ecruitment process
5erits and 4emerits o1 E6-ecruitment process
2he 1indings o1 ?uestionnaire is ased on F6 "amples that )as distriuted to H0 employees: 2he
graphical presentation are analysed thematically y 1re?uency analysis= ta#ing a'erage results o1
total samples in terms o1 percentages: 7uestionnaire )ill e use1ul in measuring the attitude o1
the employees to)ards E6recruitment process:
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
2his chart depicts around 97L respondents agree that their organi;ation is satis1ied )ith E6
recruitment process: 2his ?uestion is 1ramed to test the satis1action o1 E6recruitment in the
so1t)are organi;ation in India:
Chart (
+6Impacts certainethnic minorities 86-esume o'erload C6Congestion in "crutini;ing application
46,-should e a)are o1 E ,-5" process E6"ecurity threat issues:
For this= respondents ha'e respondents ha'e responded 1or all the options: 8ut around 5AL
respondents 1ee that there )ill e resume o'erload and CCL respondents 1elt that= ,- should e
a)are o1 E ,-5" concepts and electronic issues o1 ,- 5anagement: +round 1HL respondents
1elt that= it can impact certain ethnic minorities: E6recruitment apart 1rom Cost cutting and time
sa'ing 1actors it has some demerits )hich is 1ramed to test the employees )or#ing in so1t)are
Chart +
+6-educes direct cost sa'ing through ne)spaper ad'ertisement 86-educes mail costs C6-educes
human resource )or#load 46&pens all candidate pools 1rom around the )orld E6Impro'es rand
reputation o1 the company F6+ll the ao'e
In this chart= around 91:67L 1elt that E6-ecruitment is ad'antageous in reducing direct costs=
mail costs= -educes human resource )or#load= opens more candidate pools 1rom national and in
the international le'el= Impro'es the rand reputation o1 a company: 2he ?uestion )as 1ramed to
ac?uire the attitude o1 the employees on E6recruitment merits:
Chart .
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
2his chart depicts that= almost ma>ority o1 AFL respondents strongly agree that E6recruitment is
'ery help1ul in online communities: +part 1rom the other ad'antageous it also helps the online
communities that )as measured 1rom the employees )or#ing in the ,- department:
Chart 0
,-<es &-"o
2his chart sho)s that= the organi;ation ma#es use or ha'e corporate Internet )esite: 2his
?uestion is used to test )hether the so1t)are organi;ation )ere data ac?uired does ha'e corporate
)esite and internet >o domain:
Chart 2
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
75L respondents 1elt that= Go oards are the popular recruitment tool other than E6-ecruitment
process: +round C0L respondents strongly agree this statement: In the recruitment mar#et Go
oards play a 'ital role= this pri'ate )esite )ould e de1initely use1ul 1or organi;ation to easily
hire candidates:
Chart 3
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
From this chart total F6 sample respondents say that= E6-ecruitment is strategic de1initely cut
costs or reduces cost and sa'es time in the recruitment: 2his statement is important in this
research conte9t: 2his is 1ramed to test the employees and it pro'es e recruitment reduces oth
cost and time:
Chart =
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
From this chart it depicts that= all respondents agree that E6recruitment has o'ertoo# the
traditional recruitment process: 2his is used to measure the di11erence o1 e recruitment to)ards
the traditional recruitment process:
Chart ?
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
2his chart depicts that around 75L respondents 1elt that E6recruitment attracts oth acti'e and
passi'e >o see#ers: 8ut CCL employees 1elt that it does not attract oth acti'e and passi'e >o
Chart @
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
From this chart all employees 1elt that Internet has really help1ul in the mar# o1 inno'ati'e
recruitment process that )ould e use1ul in attracting candidates in large numers: 2his
statement mar#s the internet e'olution and its tool on inno'ati'e recruitment process:
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
+round F6L employees 1elt that= E6recruitment is 'ery e11ecti'e )hen compared to the
traditional process: 5a>ority o1 HAL respondents neither agree or disagree this statement: 8ut
17L employees say that it is not e11ecti'e: $sed to measure the e11ecti'eness o1 e recruitment
to)ards 2raditional recruitment process:
Chart (
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
5a>ority o1 the respondents neither agree or disagree in the satis1action o1 posting >os through
ne)spaper ad'ertisements or through recruitment agencies: 2his ?uestion tests employees on
satis1action to)ards the traditional recruitment process:
Chart +
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
E6-ecruitment is de1initely a human resource process and around 9AL o1 the employees agree
this point:
Chart .
+6"trongly agree 86+gree C6Neither agree or 4isagree 464isagree E6"trongly disagree
From this chart it depicts that= ma>ority o1 all employees "trongly agree that= E recruitment
process needs proper decision ma#ing and planning s#ills )ith etter corporate culture:
.%+ Semi structured !nterview and ,nalysis
2he inter'ie) is conducted )ith ,uman resource managers and +ssistant human resource
manager )or#ing in the so1t)are 1irm in India: 2here consists total o1 6 ?uestions )hich )as
conducted )ith e'ery managers: 2he ?uestions are common and 1ramed according to research
aim and o>ecti'es: 2he recorded con'ersation are presented in +((EN4IP C along )ith
?uestions: 2he inter'ie) is used to 1ind the e recruitment process in comparison )ith traditional
recruitment process and in the so1t)are organi;ation in India: 2he inter'ie)ee names are #ept
anonymous due to con1identiality: 2he inter'ie) and ?uestionnaire 1indings are interpreted=
discussed at the end o1 the chapter:
2he inter'ie) )as conducted )ith ,uman resource manager 1 that )as lasted appro9imately 10
minutes: 2he ,- manager 1elt that= E recruitment is strategic and pro'ides candidates to measure
their o)n responsiility and also the company he/she )or#ing in the 1uture: Candidates inducts
training in de'elopment and also talent engagement: E recruitment standardi;es the o'erall
recruitment process: Internet has o'ertoo# the )orld and the current trend in recruitment is eing
outsourced in other countries such as India= (hilippines and also internationally through
consultants: Internet helps in getting ?uic# response o1 any candidates internationally and 1astens
the recruitment process: 2he important ailment according to the inter'ie) is the ?uality o1 hiring
a candidate: +part 1rom this 2echnical= management ?ualities o1 a recruiter are also most
E recruitment is percei'ed to e a good time sa'er and reduces costs: It helps sa'ing time y
considering multiple applicants: E recruitment is use1ul 1or countries li#e India= that turns many
people y trac#ing right candidates: E recruitment ma#es use1ul 1or the candidates directly reach
the recruiter: It reduces the e11orts going to the >o agencies: 2his )ill e help1ul 1or the recruiter
in trac#ing 1or 1uture impro'ement: -ecruitment process is challenging and should monitor in
handling e'ery data correctly: E recruitment 1ills up the traditional gaps o1 #eeping sa1e o1 all
!nterview (
2his inter'ie) lasted appro9imately 1C minutes: 2he inter'ie)ee 1elt that= E recruitment is
strategic since directly re1lects to)ards Corporate culture in'ol'ing s#ills such as team
management s#ills: Internet recruitment o'ertoo# the traditional process since= the recruiters get
resumes 1rom multiple sources ?uic#ly such as >o oards: 2he #ey ailments in recruitment are
decision ma#ing s#ills= sta11ing= communication s#ills: ,iring candidates through agencies
usually needs lot o1 money so it can e a'oided through E recruitment process: E recruitment
should )or# along )ith traditional process: 2he recruitment asics are needed to understand
1rom the traditional process: E recruitment 1ills traditional gaps y recei'ing lot o1 applications
and can e ale to respond 'ery easily:
!nterview +
2his inter'ie) lasted 1C minutes: 2he employee )as a ,uman resource manager )or#ing in the
so1t)are concern in India: 2his ,uman resource manager is )or#ing in 2op 5ultinational
company in India at Chennai and the name o1 the employee and the organi;ation is #ept highly
con1idential: ,-C 1elt that= e recruitment is strategic and it in'ol'es lot o1 processes: It consists
o1 prede1ined strategy ased upon the candidate and his/her e9perience and his pre'ious salary:
2his trans1ormation comes in terms o1 corporate culture in de1ining strategy to)ards the
recruitment process: Internet recruitment does not o'ertoo# the entire traditional process ut acts
as an helping hand in speeding up the recruitment process:
2oday it is highly di11icult to conduct a recruitment process )ithout the support o1 internet: 8ut
in some cases traditional recruitment is done to analy;e the candidates: 2he important ailments in
recruitment are sense o1 urgency determining ho) many people and in time they recruit: +part
1rom this human resource management and decision ma#ing s#ills plays a ac# hand in an entire
recruitment process: E recruitment in so1t)are organi;ation can e percei'ed to e 'ital in hiring
1or recruiting talent s#ills in short time: 5oreo'er it helps to consolidate all data in one portal: In
comparison )ith traditional process it should go hand in hand since they cannot rely entirely on
the automated systems: 2he di11iculties in recruitment process )ould e recruitment time and the
s#ills that )ould possess y a candidate: E recruitment 1illed the gaps y adding much resources
to the candidates and reduces lead times: It can e used any)here and gi'es access to the
administrati'e area:
!nterview .
2his inter'ie) )as conducted )ith ,uman resource manager and the con'ersation lasted around
7 minutes: +ccording to the respondent= e recruitment should go in hand )ith corporate culture
and strategy should e in the 1orm o1 ringing changes to)ards organi;ation such as cutting time
and cost: E recruitment does not o'ertoo# the traditional process instead= still companies 1ollo)
the traditional process more and those )ere the asics to internet recruitment: 8ut internet
recruitment is 'ery easy in selecting candidates: 2he important ailments in the recruitment
process are ,-5= coupled )ith good decision ma#ing s#ills and also organi;ational principles:
"o1t)are 1irms 1eel that= it is easy to hire candidates through electronically and also trac#
applicants easily: 8ut the recruitment dataase contain loads o1 applications irrele'ant to the
position applying 1or: E recruitment helps candidates to post applications 1rom any part o1 the
)orld and the passi'e >o see#ers:
!nterview 0
2his inter'ie) )as conducted )ith another ,- manager )or#ing in the so1t)are 1irm and lasted
appro9imately H minutes: 2he ,- manager 1elt that= e recruitment is strategic since it shapes the
candidates )or#ing on the corporate o>ecti'es: 2his is done y ac?uiring s#ills possessed y a
candidate: It has o'ertoo# traditional process in some aspects ut traditional recruitment is
ad'antageous 1or the candidates )ho don<t ha'e common access to internet: 2rac#ing
applications= s#ills and per1ormance e'aluation s#ills are important ailments to)ards a
recruitment process: E recruitment sa'es time and cost and )ill e a good tool to conduct
inter'ie)s such as psychometric analysis: Candidates can sho) the real 1eel in the e recruitment
process: -esumes can e stored in the dataase and can e used 1or 1uture recruitment in terms o1
shortage s#ills:
2he "emi structured and the ?uestionnaire )as ased in ans)ering the research ?uestion and
research o>ecti'es to the statement o1 the prolem: 3e shall discuss this research 1indings
to)ards literature re'ie) in order to ma#e the 1indings 'alid: 3e shall argue the 1indings and
interpret them )ith author<s suggestions on literature 1indings: 2he research 1indings are ased on
the results otained 1rom re'ie) o1 literature and through semi structured= ?uestionnaire 1indings:
7uestion 1 is ased on the employee satis1action to)ards e recruitment: E recruitment is 'ery
important in today<s organi;ation and it )or#s strategically: 7uestion C and F is ased on 1inding
the ad'antages and disad'antages: +ccording to &thman and 5usa @C006B some demerits o1 e
recruitment process )ould e= a11ects some ethnic minorities= a11ects some demographics groups=
resume o'erload and inaility to target top e9ecuti'e candidates: 2his )as supported y the
?uestionnaire respondents: 2his )as 1urther supported 1rom the inter'ie) con'ersation )ith ,-
5anager H= that internet recruitment does not ene1it certain group )ho does not ha'e regular
access to internet: In the ad'antages part E recruitment is cost e11ecti'e= according to iEogos
research in 199A 1rom &thman and 5usa @C006B= it sa'es direct costs 1rom posting
ad'ertisements through ne)spapers= reduces mail costs andreduces human resource )or#load:
2his )as 1urther supported y 2he $ni'ersity o1 5elourne @C009B that communication is made
easier that reduces additional costs: +part 1rom this it reduces manpo)er spending rather human
)or#load: In the time sa'ing aspects= according to 5arr @C007B the application is processed
?uic#ly and shortens time in hiring a candidate: 8arer @C006B supports that ma#ing online
application is 'ery 1ast that )ould also speeds up the 1ront end process o1 an organi;ation y
updating in1ormation ?uic#ly: It opens all doors 1rom local le'el to international candidates: It
impro'es rand reputation y promoting the 'alue: 2his )as supported y ,- 5anager 1= it
1astens the process )ith ?uic# response: +ssistant ,- 5anager supports that it reduces costs that
incurred through recruitment consultancy: ,- 5anager C= supports that it reduces lead time and
is 'ital in recruiting talent s#ills in short time: ,- 5anager F supports that= it helps in trac#ing
application easily and attracts passi'e >o see#ers: 2his )as 1urther supported y ,- 5anager H=
that it stores applications o1 candidates 1or 1uture use: It is ad'antageous in conducting test such
as psychometric analysis online: ,- 5anager 1 supports that it reduces time in going through
>o agencies:
7uestion H and 5 are ased on the other de'elopment and )esites o1 e recruitment through
online communities:+ccording to "chramm @C007B cited in 3hite @C00AB e recruitment has
ad'anced to)ards online communities such as Faceoo# and my space )esites: 2hese are social
internet sites: +ccording to an Intelligence report o1 iEogos -esearch o1 *loal 500 3esite
recruiting o1 C00F sur'ey 9HL o1 top gloal companies ha'e corporate )esite that )as
supported y CI(4 @C005B= 75L o1 organi;ation use corporate )esite to attract applicants:
+ssistant ,- 5anager supports the ad'antages o1 e recruitment through Go oards in getting
good responses 1rom the candidates such as Nau#ri and 5onsterindia )esites: ,- (ortal @C00FB
supports that 75L human resource pro1essional use >o oards in recruitment:
7uestion A= is ased on the employee attitude to)ards internet recruitment o'erta#ing the
traditional recruitment process: E recruitment does not o'ertoo# the traditional process ut in
some cases= it has added lot o1 ad'antages in the recruitment process: From the inter'ie)
respondents= "ome ,uman resource managers does not entirely elie'e Internet recruitment
o'ertoo# the traditional process ut in some aspects: Internet recruitment )as lead 1rom the
traditional process and that )ould e the 1undamental ase o1 any recruitment: "till 5anagers
use traditional recruitment including "o1t)are industries 1or some positions and it acts
ad'antages to the people don<t ha'e the internet recruitment process: 2his )as supported y ,-
5anager C and +ssistant ,- manager that= it acts as helping hand in speeding the recruitment
process: 7uestion 11 is ased in the comparison o1 e recruitment e11ecti'eness o'er traditional
recruitment process= ,- 5anager 1 supports that it has rought candidates closely to the
In this chapter )e ha'e re'ie)ed 'arious 1actors on the empirical results that are otained
through primary research: 2hese 1indings are the 1actors or 'arious implications to)ards E6
recruitment: 2hese 1indings are pertained to)ards the secondary literary articles: 3e ha'e
presented the research 1indings and analysed in detail: 3e ha'e interpreted the results 1rom the
literature 1indings: From the Inter'ie) and ?uestionnaire 1indings )e can see that ho) E6
recruitment plays a 'ital role in the recruitment process: E6recruitment process 1astens the
recruitment process and also reduces e9tra costs: 2his reaches directly to the employees and open
candidate pool not only 1rom local le'el ut also international le'el: 8ut )e cannot entirely
depend on the system process= traditional process is imperati'e and )e cannot rule out: From the
research 1indings )e ha'e seen that= e recruitment apart 1rom the strategic point o1 'ie) it has
some demerits that has to o'erloo#ed e1ore any recruitment ta#es place: In the ne9t chapter= )e
shall come to 1inal theme o1 this research e'idenced 1rom the research 1indings that supports
purpose o1 the research oth in secondary and primary research: 3e shall conclude y gi'ing
recommendations 1or 1uture research:
Chapter 0
CO"C)US!O" ,"$ RECO11E"$,#!O"
0% !ntroduction
2his chapter shall e9amine the 1indings to ans)er the research ?uestion: 2he aim o1 this
dissertation is to in'estigate the process o1 e recruitment in I2 sector in India in the strategic 'ie)
on Cost cutting and in the 2ime sa'ing 1actor: 2he research 1indings shall help the researcher to
re'ie) 'arious implications o1 E recruitment process o'er the traditional process: 2his chapter
shall re'ie) the 1indings and arri'e a conclusion on E recruitment process in the time sa'ing and
in the cost sa'ing measure: Finally )e shall gi'e recommendations ased on the research
1indings pertaining to)ards strategic process: 3e shall re'ie) research o>ecti'es and research
?uestions ased on the results ac?uired: Finally )e shall also gi'e the possile a'enues 1or 1uture
research and limitations o1 the research:
0%( 8indings
Employees o1 "o1t)are Firms are satis1ied )ith E recruitment (rocess
"ome demerits o1 E -ecruitment in I2 sectors are= it Impacts certain ethnic minorities=
-esume &'erload and ,- 5anager should e a)are o1 E ,-5 concepts= 2here are some
security threats y pro'iding all in1ormation online: E recruitment a11ects certain
demographic groups )ho don<t ha'e access to internet:
Employees 1eel that= E -ecruitment merits are= -educes human resource )or#load=
-educes mail costs= -educes direct costs= &pens all candidate pools 1rom around the
)orld= Impro'es corporate rand identity= E recruitment attracts oth acti'e and passi'e
>o see#ers: E recruitment reduces human resource )or#load: +'oid candidates going to
recruitment agencies: Candidates reach recruiter directly: "tores all in1ormation in one
portal and e use1ul 1or 1uture process: Filling up online application is 1ast:
E -ecruitment o1 &nline communities are e11ecti'e in today<s mar#et such as Faceoo#=
5yspace "ocial net)or#ing sites: Go oards are the popular )esites tool ad'antageous
in scrutini;ing the candidates:
5a>ority o1 employees )ho are )or#ing in the "o1t)are 1irm says that= their organi;ation
ha'e corporate )esite
E recruitment process de1initely sa'es time and Cost
E -ecruitment o'ertoo# traditional recruitment in some aspects ut= it )ill e use1ul 1or
corporate to use e recruitment )ith traditional recruitment 1or etter recruitment process
I2 1irms are also satis1ied in the posting >os through ne)spaper ad'ertisements
For any recruitment proper planning= decision ma#ing s#ills= application trac#ing= sense
o1 urgency )ith amount o1 proper recruitment are some o1 the #ey ailments o1 a
recruitment process
#o investigate the various factors and trends in Recruitment in !ndia
-ecruitment in India is usually 'ast and no) a day<s recruitment process is o1ten strategic and
consultancies 1rom $%= $"+ are outsourcing the recruitment process to India= (hilippines: 2he
recruitment trends in India is no) shi1ting to)ards E recruitment process: 5ostly a college or a
uni'ersity 1resher i1 o1ten recruited through Go 1airs: +part 1rom the recruitment through >o
1airs= campus placements are the other sources o1 recruiting a candidates: From the research
1indings no) a day<s Go oards is gro)ing 'ery popular: +ssistant ,- 5anager C supported Go
oards such as Nau#ri= 5onsterindia are among the popular recruitment )esite that is use1ul to
recruit any candidates in short time: Consultancy recruitment is di11erent 1rom an organi;ation
recruiting a candidate: "ome organi;ation recruit candidates through consultancy recruitment:
"ome recruitment agencies recruit 1or particular organi;ations or so1t)are 1irms: 3esite
recruitment is gro)ing 'ery popular and almost many top 1irms recruit through their corporate
)esites= supported y CI(4 @C005B: +part 1rom this traditional recruitment trends still e9ists=
5ostly *o'ernment organi;ation recruitment is done in the process: +pplication are processed
manually y sending through ne)spaper ad'ertisements:
#o E9plore E-Recruitment as 6uman resource process and evaluate various
implications in hiring
E -ecruitment is a standalone human resource tool= integrated )ith selection process and
recruiting strategies 2hese strategies includes assessment s#ills= inter'ie)ing strategies that also
consists traditional processes such as identi1ication o1 candidate and candidates sourcing
according to Cullen @C001B cited in &thman and 5usa @C006B: -esearch ad'isory panel= supports
e recruitment is lin#ed )ith ,uman resource manager= Eine managers in the recruiting process:
Eine managers are in'ol'ed in the selection o1 the applications o1 the candidates: E recruitment
recruits candidates and stores all data in single portal and it 1astens the 1ront end process and it
reduces the )or#load o1 ,uman resource: 2his is supported y ,- 5anager1 and ,- 5anager
C:2he candidate pro1ile is selected according to the s#ills and e9perience that they possess 1or the
>o role: 3hi;las "o1t)are @C006B= E recruitment uses so1t)are solutions 1or the e11ecti'e
recruitment process:
#o critically e9amine the effectiveness of e-recruitment in Software industries
E recruitment is e11ecti'e and it reduces costs and sa'es time to the recruitment process: 2his is
ased on the comparison )ith traditional recruitment process: ,- 5anager 1 states that= it
reaches the recruiter directly and 1astens the 1ront end process supported y ,- 5anager
1:Internet attracts the candidates o1 high ?uality and also the 1irm to streamline application
process supported y Iidot @C000B cited in &thman and 5usa @C006B: Go domains and
Corporate >o )esites stores candidates pro1ile in the single portal= easily help in hiring talents
in short time supported y ,- 5anager C: "ociety 1or human resource management according to
5inton6E'ersole= C007 cited in 3hite @C00AB supports 1irms that use e6recruitment such as Go
domains produces etter result: E recruitment through online communities )ould e use1ul 1or
the employers to 'eri1y the in1ormation o1 candidates that are not listed on their resumes:
#o identify merits and demerits in E-Recruitment process
E -ecruitment is ad'antageous "a'es time and sa'es cost supported 1rom ,- 5anager 1=C=F=H
and +ssistant 5anager 1 that application is processed ?uic#ly that in sa'ing time= reduces cost
incurred in the recruitment consultancy "upported 1rom &thman and 5usa @C006B o1 iEogos
research in 199A and 5arr @C007B: ,- 5anager 1 supports that it reduces cost in going to the
recruitment agencies: &thman and 5usa supports that the recruitment process sa'es the
additional costs o1 the ne)spaper ad'ertisement= it reduces the mail costs: 2he cost sa'ing )ould
also e in y reducing the human resource )or#load: 2he uni'ersity o1 5elourne @C009B the
communication is 1aster and cheaper: 3hite @C00AB supports in reducing the temporary
spendingo1 human resource )or#load:In the e recruitment process the recruiter are ale to reduce
the time y )or#ing along simultaneously )ith traditional recruitment: It recei'es the responses
1rom the candidates in ?uic# time that sa'es the recruiters hiring time: 8ussler and 4a'is @C00CB
supports that it reduces the hiring process t)o thirds: 2here are other ad'antages o1 E recruitment
other than hiring= ,- 5anager C hires talents in ?uic# time: It opens candidate pools 1rom the
gloal le'els: It promotes 1irms rand image ha'ing a corporate )esite: ,- manager 1= it
teaches the candidates directly: I is ad'antageous 1or oth acti'e and passi'e >o see#ers: 2he e
recruitment process a11ects the certain groups o1 ethnic minorities supported y ,- 5anager H=
a11ects groups o1 certain ethnic minorities: It has the inaility to target the e9ecuti'e personal:
2he other ma>or demerits o1 E recruitment process is resume o'erload: 8arer @C006B supports
the other merits o1 E recruitment )ould e i1 there e9ists lac# o1 technical #no)ledge:
0%+ )imitations of the research
2he researcher had some 1e) limitations on the research: 2he researcher has 1e) time to gather
primary data: 2he primary research samples o1 ?uestionnaire is F6 and 6 semi structured
inter'ie) samples: It should ha'e etter i1 the sample si;e is more: +part 1rom this= the
respondents are usy had 'ery 1e) time allotted to gather Inter'ie) samples:
0%. Recommendations
E recruitment is imperati'e in e'ery so1t)are organi;ation: E'ery corporate 1irm should ha'e
corporate )esites to attract candidates 1rom all parts o1 the )orld: E'ery ,- manager should e
a)are o1 E ,-5 concepts: E recruitment should al)ays e in hand )ith traditional recruitment
process: &nline Inter'ie) should e a'oided and Corporate 1irms should also post >os through
ne)spaper ad'ertisements that )ould e help1ul 1or candidates )ho don<t ha'e internet access:
-ecruitment should e strategically 'ie)ed in terms o1 corporate 'ision: (roper training should
e pro'ided to the candidates:
2his research pro'ides the 'alue o1 literature in understanding the recruitment process 1or the
people )ho conduct research in the same su>ect area:
2he researcher )ould li#e to gi'e possile a'enues 1or 1uture research=
-ecruitment dri'e in "o1t)are organi;ation
-ecruitment outsourcing in India
8orc#= G:-: @C000B -ecruiting systems control resume chaos= In1o3orld= CC= F0= pp:H76HA
Caggiano= C: @1999B= J2he truth aout Internet recruitingK= Inc:= C1= 1A= pp:1566157
Cullen= 8: @C001B= E6-ecruiting Is 4ri'ing ,- "ystems Integration= "trategic Finance:
AF= 1= pp:CF6C7
,- (ortal= @C00FB= Introduction to &nline recruitment= Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/
d on Q1st 5arch C009R
Gan#o)ic;= +:4: @C005B 8usiness -esearch (ro>ects= Fourth Edition= 2homson Eearning
5ottl= G: @199AB= 3ant to 1ind )or#ers? *o online many I2 >o see#ers 1loc# to the 3eD
managers may soon 1ollo)= Internet)ee#= 7CA= pp: C06C1:
(earce= C:*: and 2uten= 2:E: @C001B= Internet recruiting in the an#ing industry= 8usiness
Communication 7uarterly= 6H= 1= pp:961A
"pens= %: 5: and %o'acs= *: @C006B + content analysis o1 research approaches in
logistics research= International Gournal o1 (hysical 4istriution ! Eogistics
5anagement= Iolume/ F6 Issue/ 5 (age/ F7H 6 F90= Emerald *roup (ulishing Eimited
+rmstrong= 5: @C006B J+ ,andoo# o1 ,uman -esource 5anagement practiceK= 2enth
Edition= $:":+/ %ogan (age
%orsten= +:4: @C00FB 4e'eloping a 2raining plan to ensure employees #eep up )ith the
dynamics o1 1acility management= Gournal o1 Facilities 5anagement= Iol:1@HB= pp: F656
Ierena Ienee'a @C009B J-ecruitment as the most important aspect o1 ,uman -esource
managementK= Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/ http///))):hr6in1o:com/e1076
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&thman= -:5: and 5usa= N: @C006B E6-ecruitment (ractice/ (ros ! Cons= (ulic sector
IC2 5anagement -e'ie)= Iol:1@1B= pp: F56H0
3hi;las "o1t)are @C006B Je6-ecruitment/ + ne) paradigmK= Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/
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8arer= E: @C006B e6-ecruitment 4e'elopments= 2he Institute 1or Employment "tudies=
IE" -esearch Net)or#s= $ni'ersity o1 "usse9
2he $ni'ersity o1 5elourne @C009B J&nline -ecruitment can impro'e 2raditional
-ecruitment process ut it cannot replace 2raditional -ecruitmentK= 4epartment o1
Computer science and "o1t)are Engineering
3hite= 3: @C00AB E6-ecruitment= 2he Gournal o1 &rgani;ational Eeadership ! 8usiness
-esearch +d'isory panel @C006B e6-ecruitment (ractices and 2rends in Ireland= (ulic
+ppointments ser'ice
5arr= E:-: @C007B JE6-ecruitment/ 2he e11ecti'eness o1 the Internet as a recruitment
sourceK= $npulished= 5aster o1 8usiness @-esearchB 4issertation= 7ueensland
$ni'ersity o1 2echnology
5ishra= 8: +nd 3ilson= C: @N:4B E6-ecruitment/ 4oes this Cloud ha'e sil'er lining?=
8usiness 5anagement +sia
-ichardson= 5:+: @C005B J-ecruitment "trategies 5anaging/E11ecting the recruitment
processK= *o'ernment o1 the -epulic o1 2rinidad and 2oago
",-5 @C007B +d'ances in E6-ecruiting/ Ee'eraging the Gos domain= 2he "ociety 1or
,uman -esource 5anagement
Frontier "o1t)are @N:4B J3inning the )ar 1or 2alent )ith an Integrated approach to ,-
e6recruitmentK= Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/
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,o11man= 4: @C001B E6-ecruitment as the )ar 1or 2alent= N+*C+" Connect C001=
"hipton= 8: @C00HB J"o1t)orld 1eature article/ Implementing an e11ecti'e e6recruitment
strategy= Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/
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*loal 500 3esite recruiting "ur'ey @C00FB +n Internet Intelligence -eport= iEogos
*ul1 2alent @C009B -ecruiting online + guide 1or decision ma#ers= +pril C009
Cohen= E:= 5anion= E: and 5orrison= %: @C005B -esearch 5ethods in Education= 5th
Edition= Eondon/ -ou,edgeFalmer
*ray= 4:E: @C00HB 4oing -esearch in -eal 3orld= Eondon= "+*E (ulications
5orrisD C: @C00FB J7uantitati'e +pproaches in 8usiness "tudiesK= "i9th Edition= page HC=
(itman (ulishing
"e#aranD $: @C00FB J-esearch 5ethods 1or 8usiness= + s#ill 8uilding +pproachK= Fourth
Edition= (age/ 59= C66= C69= C70= C76 Gohn 3iley and "ons (ulication:
,ac#leyD C: @C00FB J4oing -esearch (ro>ects in 5ar#eting 5anagement and Consumer
-esearchK= page C5= FH= F7= F5= 75= -outledge (ulishing
"pensD %: 5: and %o'TcsD *: @C006B J+ content analysis o1 research approaches in
logistics researchK= International Gournal o1 (hysical 4istriution ! Eogistics
5anagement= Iolume/ F6 Issue/ 5 (age/ F7H 6 F90= Emerald *roup (ulishing Eimited
*ummessonD E: @C000B J7ualitati'e 5ethods in 5anagement -esearchK= "econd Edition=
page 6F= 6H= "age (ulication
(arasuramanD +:= *re)alD 4: and %rishnanD -: @C00HB U5ar#eting -esearchU (age 195=
196= (ulisher/ Charles ,art1ord:
"aranta#osD ": @C005B U"ocial -esearchU= 2hird Edition= (age/ C9= F0= 15H6175= (algra'e
5acmillan (ulishing
Oi#mundD 3: *: @C00FB UE9ploring 5ar#eting -esearchU= Ath Edition= (age A7= 1C0= 1HC=
H16= HCA= (ulisher/ 2homson "outh63estern:
5c4aniel= C: and *ates= -: @C005B 5ar#eting -esearch= 6th ed:= Gohn 3iley ! sons= Inc:
"in#o'icsD -: -:= (en;D E: and *hauriD (: N: @C005B J+nalysing te9tual data in
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*ola1shani= N: @C00FB: $nderstanding reliaility and 'alidity in ?ualitati'e research:
2he 7ualitati'e -eport= Iol:A@HB= pp: 5976606 Q&nlineR: +'ailale 1rom/
http///))):no'a:edu/ssss/7-/7-A6H/gola1shani:pd1/ Q+ccessed on 10th No'emer C009R
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