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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
Email 2ar,etin& 3asis 0or Net %or, 2ar,etin&
Cha"ter 21
Gettin& 4ubsribers
Cha"ter /1
-eduin& 5nsubsribes
Cha"ter 61
5sin& Transational Emails
Cha"ter 71
5sin& Tri&&ers In The Email
Cha"ter 81
Testin& 9i##erent :ariations O# .our Email
Cha"ter ;1
5se Anal'tis To 4e"arate 3u'ers 0romNon 3u'ers
5se Lo'alt' Pro&rams
Cha"ter =1
9etermine The Corret 0re>uen' To 4end Emails
)ra""in& 5"
- 6 -
- 7 -
Cli, Lin, 3elo%1
- 8 -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Godadd'
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Bost&ator
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?NameChea"
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?4oialAdr
4ta'in& om"etitive is ver' im"ortant in an' business environment
- ; -
and this is more so relevant %hen a""lied to the %orld o# internet
mar,etin&( 5sin& the email mar,etin& tool is a &ood start in the ri&ht
diretion( This st'le o# diret mar,etin& a messa&e is both >ui, and
e##etive %hen om"arisons are made %ith other available "lat#orms(
Get the in#o here(
2aC Im"at Email 2ar,etin&
Net%or, 2ar,etin& Lead Generation 4erets
Cha"ter 11
Email 2ar,etin& 3asis 0or Net %or, 2ar,etin&
- < -
-eahin& the tar&et audiene %ith email mar,etin& strate&ies %ill
"rovide several "ositive and bene#iial liaisons( 4ome o# these inlude
enhanin& the relationshi"s o# the merhant and ustomer "ools$
enoura&in& the ustomer lo'alt' and thereb' e##etivel' ensurin&
re"eat business(
There is also the avenue to "ursuin& ne% ustomers this %a' as it
reates the irumstanes to reah the said ustomer base #or the
"ur"ose o# enoura&in& an immediate "urhase(
- = -
The 3asis
Providin& the ustomer base %ith om"limentin& in#ormation #rom
other a##iliates is also bene#iial #or the ustomer(
Throu&h the email mar,etin& strate&ies$ in#ormation ta,in& the #orm
o# email ne%sletters an be both in#ormative and relationshi"
buildin& as the ustomer %ill be ,e"t %ell in#ormed %hile at the same
time addressin& the ustomersD needs(
Transational emails are also hel"#ul in "rovidin& the means #or the
ustomer to res"ond aordin&l' to the merhant$ suh as dro""ed
bas,et messa&es$ "urhases$ order on#irmations and man' more(
The diret emails are mainl' used #or the "ur"ose o# in#ormin&
ustomers o# urrent "romotions$ announements$ momentar'
s"eial servies available amon& others(
2ost individuals usin& this tool have #ound it to be ver' hel"#ul in
tra,in& the returns on investments and its o#ten onl' seond best to
searh mar,etin&(
3ein& able to reah a %ider audiene base is also another "ositive
attribute o# this emailin& tool( Counterin& these$ are also
disadvanta&es %hih ontribute to the ine##etiveness o# the %hole
"roess( This inludes the abilit' o# the ustomers bein& able to blo,
mails and also the "ossibilit' o# ontravenin& s"am la%s(
- 1E -
Cha"ter 21
Gettin& 4ubsribers
Bavin& a substantial email list is ver' im"ortant to the suess o# an'
internet business venture( This is more so beause most o# the
ustomer base be&ins throu&h this "ortal( There all measures should
be ta,en to ensure the subsribers list is lon& and bene#iial to both
- 11 -
4i&n 5"s
There are a #e% "oints that should be onsidered in the >uest to
&arner as man' subsribers as "ossible( 4ome o# %hih are as #ollo%s1
9esi&nin& the #orms$ res"onses and other interative tools to be as
visible as "ossible and easil' aessible is ver' im"ortant( Providin&
inentive #or "otential si&nu"s %ill enoura&e the vie%er to be more
inlined to do so( Also "rovidin& interestin& lin,s that the vie%er ma'
#ind use#ul %ill eventuall' lead to the vie%er si&nin& u" to &ain aess(
- 12 -
3ein& onstantl' a%are o# %hat is bein& o##ered and ho% itDs bein&
o##ered %ill also allo% the host to sta' abreast and relevant %hih in
turn %ill attrat more subsribers( 2aterial "osted should be ,e"t
u"dated "eriodiall' as "otential subsribers %ill be dra%n to the site
more o#ten i# this #eature is dili&entl' monitored(
In order to be able to onstantl' attrat the attention needed to
ensure a &ood "erenta&e o# subsribers there are several
om"limentin& tools that an be used suh as throu&h blo&s$ #orum
"ostin&s$ other lists$ net%or,in& and man' more(
The blo&s should "rovide &ood and interestin& in#ormation %hih
should inlude some #orm o# "artii"ation #rom the vie%er to
enoura&e a si&nu"(
0orum "ostin& are also another "lat#orm to eC"lore as those %ho visit
suh sites alread' have a "re eCistin& interest in the sub*et matter(
There#ore inludin& lin,s that diret them ba, to oneDs site %ill be
advanta&es in onvertin& them into subsribers( 0or%arded emails
are also an eCellent soure o# &arnerin& "otential subsribers as it
&ives a &lim"se into the individualDs site(
- 1/ -
Cha"ter /1
-eduin& 5nsubsribes
2ost "eo"le beome ta&&ed as unsubsribers beause o# the initial
bombardment o# emails that ause them to be unres"onsive( This
- 16 -
unres"onsiveness an be due to a variet' o# reasons but the most
ommon one %ould be sim"l' bein& #ed u" %ith un%anted
soliitation or thinl' veiled sales "ithes( There#ore in order to limit
the situation one should be %ear' o# ausin& "otential res"ondents
#rom bein& unres"onsive(
- 17 -
Get ThemTo 4ta'
Bere are some %a's to ado"t to limit the unsubsribers1
v Fee" all emails on the to"i "romised( I# there is a need to
insert other material ,ee"in& it brie# %ould be "rudent( The
visitor is "robabl' onl' visitin& the site #or s"ei#i reasons and
does not %ant to be delu&ed %ith other non related issues(
v 5sin& the "ersonali+ed address s'stem in the auto res"onder
%ill reate the illusion o# ma,in& the individual #eel s"eial and
res"eted( The use o# names is a &ood tool to eC"loit and annot
be overdone or over em"hasi+ed(
v Limitin& the amount o# emails sent in a %ee, to about t%o or
three %ould be ideal( Too man' emails %ith the same ontent
%ould not onl' beome a nuisane to the reeiver but the
in#ormation %ould be redundant too( Too man' emails %ill
over%helm the reeiver and thus eventuall' ause them to be
unres"onsive( Allo%in& the ustomers to hoose the #re>uen'
o# emails sent to them %ill also enoura&e better relationshi"s(
The ustomer "ereives the sender to be "ro#essional and
v Avoid hard sellin& at the onset o# the email eChan&e( 9iretin&
the subsriber to the %ebsite %here an in#ormative and in-de"th
"resentation an be vie%ed %ill allo% the vie%er to #eel more
- 18 -
om#ortable and onvined to si&n on( The %ebsite material
should be desi&ned to su##iientl' GsellH the #eatured items(
Bo%ever it should be noted that ,ee"in& a lon&er "eriod
bet%een emails sent is also not enoura&ed as the idea is to ,ee"
the %ebsite relevant to the subsriber(
- 1; -
Cha"ter 61
5sin& Transational Emails
Emails are ideall' su""osed to ,ee" the relationshi" bet%een sender
and reeiver #resh and relevant al all times( There#ore are should be
ta,en not to embellish this rather deliate relationshi"(
- 1< -
- 1= -
The 3alane
In order to use transational emails to its o"timum bene#it$ some
o# the #ollo%in& "oints should be onsidered1
Personali+ed &reetin& is al%a's a sure %inner( Generall' "eo"le are
ha""' to be onsidered s"eial thus addressin& the emails
aordin&l'$ suess#ull' &ives this im"ression(
This is es"eiall' so %hen the element o# eChan&e o# mone' and
&oods are involved(
Inludin& as muh detail as "ossible %ithout bein& too borin& is
also another #eature that should be noted in the transational
email st'le( Callousl' than,in& the sender #or a "ositive res"onse
%ill not be su##iient(
9e"itin& the details %ill ensure both "arties are in a&reement
%ith %hat is to trans"ire and it also hel"s to avoid #uture
misunderstandin&s and "roblems(
Al%a's ensure the ustomer su""ort ontat details are learl'
dis"la'ed suh as toll #ree "hone numbers$ mailin& addresses$
lin,s to online ontats and an' other relevant in#ormation the
ustomer ma' need(
- 2E -
There is nothin& more #rustratin& #or the ustomer %hen suh
in#ormation is not #orth omin&(
The transational emails should also inlude a lin, to the home
"a&e easil'$ as there ma'be a variet' o# reasons the ustomer ma'
need to ma,e some re#erene to the ori&inal material available onl'
on the home "a&e(
4ome #ind it use#ul to also inlude other #eature li,e email
ne%sletters and s"eial "romotions and o##ers( Also "o"ularl'
inluded are -44 #eeds #or u"dated in#ormation and "roduts(
Lo'alt' "ro&rams$ ustomer #orums$ blo&s$ soial-net%or, sites are
also reommended to be inluded #or added advanta&e(
4ometimes there is a need to inlude &uidelines on the itemDs use
and ma,eu" %hih is hel"#ul to the reeivin& "art'( This %ill hel"
to ut do%n the time s"ent tr'in& to dei"her the "rodutDs
- 21 -
Cha"ter 71
5sin& Tri&&ers In The Email
Perha"s understandin& %hat this tool is #irst be#ore deidin& to use it
should be eC"lored #or obvious bene#its( 4im"l' eC"lained$ tri&&ers
are "iees o# 4IL %hih auses ativation %hen ertain events or
ations our( )hen ne% data is inserted into a "ro&ram the user is
able sta' abreast %ith these ne% develo"ments throu&h the tri&&ers as
and %hen the' are ativated(
- 22 -
These tri&&ers are ver' use#ul %hen om"ared to the tas, o# havin& to
individuall' alert subsribers to ne% materials available( An ideal
tri&&er tem"late should inlude the #ollo%in& items li,e reatin& the
tri&&er Jne% menuK 4IL$ usin& s"ei#i value #or tem"late
"arameters$ ommands JCtrl-4hi#t-2K %hih #ill the "arameter and
other more tehnial needs(
Tri&&ers in emails allo% the time #rame #or the mar,etin& "ith to be
suited to the ustomerDs needs %ithout havin& to assert too muh
This tri&&er based "lat#orm is both e##etive and "reise in assistin&
the mar,etin& "ro&rams to sei+e the moments and ma,e an im"at(
This "rovides the hostin& "art' to be able to entie the ustomer at
*ust the ri&ht time %ith *ust the ri&ht amount o# ,no%led&e so as not
to be "ereived as "ush' and thus o## "uttin&(
Not re>uirin& an' onstant monitorin& is also another reason #or the
"o"ularit' o# the tri&&er tool( These tri&&ers are ideals as
- 2/ -
om"limentin& "artners to broader "ro&rams li,e ne%sletters$ s"eial
o##ers and a>uisition "ro&rams(
This is made more attrative beause it is "rimaril' ativated throu&h
ustomer behavioral "atterns( 3eause the ustomer initiatin& ation
is the #oal "oint o# the tri&&ers the res"onses are also more li,el' to
be #avorable( It has been noted that the results have been enoura&in&
and ustomer satis#ation rates have im"roved(
There has been a doumented im"rovement in res"onse rates %hen
om"ared to the more onventional emailin& am"ai&ns( This o#
ourse is &ood ne%s to those onerned about bombardin& their
emailin& listed ustomers into submission(
- 26 -
- 27 -
Cha"ter 81
Testin& 9i##erent :ariations O# .our Email
Alread' noted is the #at that email am"ai&ns are #or most the #oal
"oint o# the business harnessin& tools( There#ore it is interestin& and
eCitin& to note that this "artiular tool an be han&ed onstantl'
until desired results are met( Testin& the man' variations "ossible #or
the email #ormat desi&n an be >uite a hallen&e but none the less a
re%ardin& one(
- 28 -
Che, It Out
3elo% are *ust some o# the areas %here the variable theor' an be
4tartin& #rom the basis %ould be the eCerise o# #indin& the best
suited and result "roven sender in#ormation( 0indin& the suitable
name$ om"an' name$ ,e'%ord or an' other addressin& term that
denotes brandin& buildin& and reo&nition is im"ortant(
)hen this is suess#ull' identi#ied it should be ,e"t and used
onsistentl' and %ithout #urther han&e unless deemed neessar' and
The sub*et line also has to be measured #or its o"enin& rate until the
most suitable ombination is #ound(
The same one"t should be a""lied to the measurement o# the li,
rate and onversion rate #or the ontent element( These should
inlude the di##erent varianes #or "ersonali+ation$ %ordin&$ all to
ation$ la'out$ numbers$ "laements$ ima&es$ len&ths and man' other
onnetive ontent matters(
Gau&in& the o"enin& rates based on the times o# a da' is also another
- 2; -
variant that an and should be tried out(
In identi#'in& the G"ea,H o"enin& times the host %ill be better
"ositioned #or business(
:ar'in& the landin& "a&es ontent to suit the needs o# the "ossible
masses is also reommended( 9esi&nin& the landin& "a&es to be
attrative enou&h to enoura&e #urther interest is vital to &ettin& li,
onverted to ommitted ustomers(
5ltimatel' the idea should be to ,ee" the ustomer en&a&ed %ithin
the initial li, on the landin& "a&e %ithout too man' om"liated
#ollo% u" ste"s(
- 2< -
Cha"ter ;1
5se Anal'tis To 4e"arate 3u'ers 0romNon 3u'ers
The suess o# online businesses de"ends lar&el' on the eC"osure rate
and im"at the %ebsite ma,es on the visitor( This is ver' im"ortant to
the #irst im"ression bein& #ormed as the merhant does not have the
luCur' o# "ersonal ontat to &au&e the ustomerDs %ants and needs o#
the time( There#ore tools li,e in#ormation derived #rom anal'sis
%ould have a rather "ro#ound im"at on the online business suess
- 2= -
- /E -
Gau&e It
4ome o# the items that should be onsidered %hen reatin& a
onduive "lat#orm to enoura&e transations %ould be to ,no%
some basi in#ormation on the demo&ra"his intended(
This in#ormation should over &eo&ra"hial loations$ #amil'
ma,eu"$ bu'in& "o%er and it should hel" to identi#' the tar&et
4erious bu'ers %ould essentiall' be loo,in& into im"ortant
elements li,e measurable >uantitative terms$ substantial
availabilit' o# items$ aessible distribution methods$ sensitive and
%ell "lanned a##ordable mar,etin& eC"osure that &enerates the
ri&ht ,ind o# interest(
)ell desi&ned internet tools %ill hel" to detet the interest rates as
their #re>uen' and ative "urhases are lo&&ed( 3u'er %ill also
&enerall' sta' lo'al i# and %hen the "roduts sou&ht are able to
maintain the "romised >ualit' and >uantit' %ithout doubt(
Non bu'ers ho%ever %ill onl' be interested in bro%sin& #or the
hea"est deals and ma' not neessaril' ma,e a "urhase in the
4erious bu'ers also tend to be more ative in sur#in& #or the most
- /1 -
om"atible and innovative items available( These individual %ill
sta' #ous and true to the intention o# ma,in& a "urhase thus
ta,in& the trouble to soure the relevant in#ormation %here and
%hen needed(
There are several tools alread' available to be utili+ed %hen there
is a need to tra, suh behavioral "atterns to ensure the ri&ht
tar&et audiene is bein& reahed( All this is based mostl' on
addressin& the nihe mar,etin& setor(
- /2 -
Cha"ter <1
5se Lo'alt' Pro&rams
Bavin& a &ood and stron& ustomer base is ver' im"ortant to the
suess o# an' business venture( There#ore it is im"ortant to ensure
the ustomer base sta's as lo'al as "ossible as this in turn hel"s to
reate some #orm o# stabilit' #or the merhant(
- // -
Fee" ThemComin& 3a,
Perha"s the amon& the most e##etive %a's o# reatin& and
maintainin& the ustomer lo'alt' ratios lies in the abilit' to "rovide as
man' inentives as "ossible throu&h the settin& u" o# various lo'alt'
These lo'alt' "ro&rams should ideall' be able to inrease the
ustomerDs interest in sta'in& %ith the "rodut over a lon& "eriod o#
time$ thus re"eat "urhases beome a norm(
The lo'alt' "ro&rams should ideall' &ive the ustomer the satis#ation
o# ,no%in& the merhant is interested in reatin& an environment
%here the ustomer is enoura&ed to be a ma*or "art o# the business(
This inlusion ma,es the ustomer #eel im"ortant and onsidered and
it also ins"ires the ustomer to sta' lo'al as the re%ards #or "ast
"urhases are ta&&ed to the neCt "urhase(
The lo'alt' "ro&rams are usuall' desi&ned aordin& to in#ormation
that ma' inlude in#ormation on bu'in& "atterns and "re#erenes o#
the ustomers(
- /6 -
3u' ahead disounts$ "urhase level re%ards$ rebates based on
s"endin& levels$ u"&rades or s"eial added bene#its are all di##erent
inentives that an be inluded in the lo'alt' "ro&ram to ma,e it as
entiin& as "ossible(
The bu' ahead disounts are desi&ned to ensure the ustomer is
lo,ed in #rom the ver' be&innin& %hen a "urhase is made( This ma'
be done in the #orm o# a lo'alt' ard that entitles the "urhaser to
en*o' immediate disounts or #ree &i#ts %ith #uture "urhases(
The other "o"ular lo'alt' "ro&ram item is the rebates on s"endin&
levels %here the "urhaser is &iven bi&&er disounts %hen the
"urhase amount "asses the relevant levels(
- /7 -
- /8 -
Cha"ter =1
9etermine The Corret 0re>uen' To 4end Emails
The >uestion o# #re>uen' is al%a's as issue and here are some ti"s to
assist in ma,in& a more in#ormed deision(
- /; -
Im"ortant 9eision
Testin& is one &ood %a' to start( 3esides observin& mar,et trends and
available in#ormation on the sub*et$ there is a need to ondut a
series o# test o# the various #re>uen' rates be#ore a suitable one is
0eedba, is an im"ortant and valuable assistin& tool to "rovide the
in#ormation that an hel" ma,e deisions %hih a##et the business(
4oliitin& #eedba, is usuall' not eas' as most "eo"le %ould rather
not ta,e the time to res"ond to this but i# "ersistent there %ill
eventuall' be a res"onse that an "rovide valuable in#ormation li,e i#
the material #eatured is too borin& and la, hel"#ul in#ormation or i#
the #re>uen' o# reeivin& the mail is "ereived to be anno'in& or i#
the ontent is totall' irrelevant or o# no interest to the rei"ient(
I# mar,et onditions or seasonal sho""in& is the "rime #ator in the
"artiular business bein& touted then some thou&ht should be &iven
to %hether the rei"ientDs needs are bein& "ro"erl' addressed in the
material sent(
There is a #ine line bet%een sendin& too muh too >ui,l' and
sendin& too little and too in#re>uentl' #or this "artiular nihe( Bo%
eC"eriene an and usuall' does "la' a "ivotal role in deidin&
- /< -
ontents and #re>uen'(
Givin& the reeivin& "art' a hane to "artii"ate in the deision on
the #re>uen' o# the emails reeived is also another o"tion %orth
2ost rei"ients %ill be ha""' to obli&e %ith suh in#ormation and this
%ill in turn reate the interest and ea&erness #or both "arties in
sendin& and reeivin& the intended material(
- /= -
)ra""in& 5"
Gettin& the business on a reo&ni+able "lat#orm is im"ortant but
doin& it in a %a' that brin&s about the o""osite results is detrimental
to the suess o# the business( Emails are an im"ortant 'et tri,' tool
and should be are#ull' onsidered be#ore an' deision is made( The
>uestion o# #re>uen' is al%a's as issue and here %e have "rovided
some ti"s to assist in ma,in& a more in#ormed deision(
- 6E -
-eommended -esoures
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Godadd'
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Bost&ator
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?NameChea"
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?4oialAdr
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Tra##i)ave
- 61 -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?Imnia2ail
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le3a,To4hool4tore
- 62 -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leCard4ha"es4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leCreateCustomTshirts4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leCustomi+eItAll4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le9isne's0ro+en4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leGraduationInvitations4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leInternational4tores
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leiPhone8CasesPreorder4tore
- 6/ -
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le4aveThe9ate4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le4aveThe9ate2a&nets4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le)ra""edCanvas4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++leGi#tCenter4tore
Cli, Bere1 htt"1??&uideri&ht&rou"(om?La++le4ho"AndCreateIn54A
- 66 -

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