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BEOWULF spake, bairn of Ecgtheow:

"Sorrow not, sage! It beseems s better
frien!s to a"enge than frit#ess#$ morn them%
Each of s a## mst his en! abi!e
in the wa$s of the wor#!& so win who ma$
g#or$ ere !eath! When his !a$s are to#!,
that is the warrior's worthiest !oom%
(ise, O rea#m)war!er! (i!e we anon,
an! mark the trai# of the mother of *ren!e#%
+o harbor sha## hi!e her )) hee! m$ promise! ))
enfo#!ing of fie#! or foreste! montain
or f#oor of the f#oo!, #et her f#ee where she wi##!
Bt tho this !a$ en!re in patience,
as I ween tho wi#t, th$ woes each one%"
Leape! p the gra$bear!: *o! he thanke!,
might$ Lor!, for the man's bra"e wor!s%
For ,rothgar soon a horse was sa!!#e!
wa"e)mane! stee!% -he so"ran wise
state#$ ro!e on& his shie#!)arme! men
fo##owe! in force% -he footprints #e!
a#ong the woo!#an!, wi!e#$ seen,
a path o'er the p#ain, where she passe!, an! tro!
the mrk$ moor& of men)at)arms
she bore the bra"est an! best one, !ea!,
him who with ,rothgar the homestea! r#e!%
On then went the athe#ing)born
o'er stone)c#iffs steep an! strait !efi#es,
narrow passes an! nknown wa$s,
hea!#an!s sheer, an! the hants of the +icors%
Foremost he./0 fare!, a few at his si!e
of the wiser men, the wa$s to scan,
ti## he fon! in a f#ash the foreste! hi##
hanging o"er the hoar$ rock,
a wof# woo!: the wa"es be#ow
were !$e! in b#oo!% -he 1anish men
ha! sorrow of so#, an! for Sc$#!ings a##,
for man$ a hero, 'twas har! to bear,
i## for ear#s, when 2eschere's hea!
the$ fon! b$ the f#oo! on the fore#an! there%
Wa"es were we##ing, the warriors saw,
hot with b#oo!& bt the horn sang oft
batt#e)song bo#!% -he ban! sat !own,
an! watche! on the water worm)#ike things,
sea)!ragons strange that son!e! the !eep,
an! nicors that #a$ on the #e!ge of the ness ))
sch as oft essa$ at hor of morn
on the roa!)of)sai#s their rth#ess 3est, ))
an! sea)snakes an! monsters% -hese starte! awa$,
swo##en an! sa"age that song to hear,
that war)horn's b#ast% -he war!en of *eats,
with bo#t from bow, then ba#ke! of #ife,
of wa"e)work, one monster, ami! its heart
went the keen war)shaft& in water it seeme!
#ess !oght$ in swimming whom !eath ha! sei4e!%
Swift on the bi##ows, with boar)spears we##
hooke! an! barbe!, it was har! beset,
!one to !eath an! !ragge! on the hea!#an!,
wa"e)roamer won!ros% Warriors "iewe! the gris#$ gest%
-hen girt him Beow#f
in martia# mai#, nor morne! for his #ife%
,is breastp#ate broa! an! bright of hes,
wo"en b$ han!, sho#! the waters tr$&
we## co#! it war! the warrior's bo!$
that batt#e sho#! break on his breast in "ain
nor harm his heart b$ the han! of a foe%
2n! the he#met white that his hea! protecte!
was !estine! to !are the !eeps of the f#oo!,
throgh wa"e)whir# win: 'twas won! with chains,
!ecke! with go#!, as in !a$s of $ore
the weapon)smith worke! it won!ros#$,
with swine)forms set it, that swor!s nowise,
bran!ishe! in batt#e, co#! bite that he#m%
+or was that the meanest of might$ he#ps
which ,rothgar's orator offere! at nee!:
",rnting" the$ name! the hi#te! swor!,
of o#!)time heir#ooms easi#$ first&
iron was its e!ge, a## etche! with poison,
with batt#e)b#oo! har!ene!, nor b#enche! it at fight
in hero's han! who he#! it e"er,
on paths of peri# prepare! to go
to fo#kstea!.50 of foes% +ot first time this
it was !estine! to !o a !aring task%
For he bore not in min!, the bairn of Ecg#af
str!$ an! strong, that speech he ha! ma!e,
!rnk with wine, now this weapon he #ent
to a stoter swor!sman% ,imse#f, thogh, !rst not
n!er we#ter of waters wager his #ife
as #o$a# #iegeman% So #ost he his g#or$,
honor of ear#s% With the other not so,
who gir!e! him now for the grim enconter%
./0 ,rothgar is probab#$ meant%
.50 6eeting p#ace%
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BEOWULF spake, bairn of Ecgtheow:))
",a"e min!, tho honore! offspring of ,ea#f!ene
go#!)frien! of men, now I go on this 3est,
so"ran wise, what once was sai!:
if in th$ case it came that I
sho#! #ose m$ #ife, tho wo#!st #o$a# bi!e
to me, thogh fa##en, in father's p#ace!
Be gar!ian, tho, to this grop of m$ thanes,
m$ warrior)frien!s, if War sho#! sei4e me&
an! the goo!#$ gifts tho ga"est me,
,rothgar be#o"e!, to ,$ge#ac sen!!
*eat#an!'s king ma$ ken b$ the go#!,
,rethe#'s son see, when he stares at the treasre,
that I got me a frien! for goo!ness fame!,
an! @o$e! whi#e I co#! in m$ @ewe#)bestower%
2n! #et Unferth wie#! this won!ros swor!,
ear# far)honore!, this heir#oom precios,
har! of e!ge: with ,rnting I
seek !oom of g#or$, or 1eath sha## take me%"
2fter these wor!s the We!er)*eat #or!
bo#!#$ hastene!, bi!ing ne"er
answer at a##: the ocean f#oo!s
c#ose! o'er the hero% Long whi#e of the !a$
f#e! ere he fe#t the f#oor of the sea%
Soon fon! the fien! who the f#oo!)!omain
swor!)hngr$ he#! these hn!re! winters,
gree!$ an! grim, that some gest from abo"e,
some man, was rai!ing her monster)rea#m%
She graspe! ot for him with gris#$ c#aws,
an! the warrior sei4e!& $et scathe! she not
his bo!$ ha#e& the breastp#ate hin!ere!,
as she stro"e to shatter the sark of war,
the #inke! harness, with #oathsome han!%
-hen bore this brine)wo#f, when bottom she toche!,
the #or! of rings to the #air she hante!
whi#es "ain#$ he stro"e, thogh his "a#or he#!,
weapon to wie#! against won!ros monsters
that sore beset him& sea)beasts man$
trie! with fierce tsks to tear his mai#,
an! swarme! on the stranger% Bt soon he marke!
he was now in some ha##, he knew not which,
where water ne"er co#! work him harm,
nor throgh the roof co#! reach him e"er
fangs of the f#oo!% Fire#ight he saw,
beams of a b#a4e that bright#$ shone%
-hen the warrior was ware of that wo#f)of)the)!eep,
mere)wife monstros% For might$ stroke
he swng his b#a!e, an! the b#ow withhe#! not%
-hen sang on her hea! that seem#$ b#a!e
its war)song wi#!% Bt the warrior fon!
the #ight)of)batt#e./0 was #oath to bite,
to harm the heart: its har! e!ge fai#e!
the nob#e at nee!, $et ha! known of o#!
strife han! to han!, an! ha! he#mets c#o"en,
!oome! men's fighting)gear% First time, this,
for the g#eaming b#a!e that its g#or$ fe##%
Firm sti## stoo!, nor fai#e! in "a#or,
hee!f# of high !ee!s, ,$ge#ac's kinsman&
f#ng awa$ frette! swor!, feat#$ @ewe##e!,
the angr$ ear#& on earth it #a$
stee#)e!ge! an! stiff% ,is strength he trste!,
han!)gripe of might% So man sha## !o
whene"er in war he weens to earn him
#asting fame, nor fears for his #ife!
Sei4e! then b$ sho#!er, shrank not from combat,
the *eatish war)prince *ren!e#'s mother%
F#ng then the fierce one, fi##e! with wrath,
his !ea!#$ foe, that she fe## to gron!%
Swift on her part she pai! him back
with gris#$ grasp, an! grapp#e! with him%
Spent with strgg#e, stmb#e! the warrior,
fiercest of fighting)men, fe## a!own%
On the ha##)gest she hr#e! herse#f, hent her short swor!,
broa! an! brown)e!ge!,.50 the bairn to a"enge,
the so#e)born son% )) On his sho#!er #a$
brai!e! breast)mai#, barring !eath,
withstan!ing entrance of e!ge or b#a!e%
Life wo#! ha"e en!e! for Ecgtheow's son,
n!er wi!e earth for that ear# of *eats,
ha! his armor of war not ai!e! him,
batt#e)net har!, an! ho#$ *o!
wie#!e! the "ictor$, wisest 6aker%
-he Lor! of ,ea"en a##owe! his case&
an! easi#$ rose the ear# erect%
./0 Aenning for "swor!%" ,rnting is bewitche!, #ai! n!er a spe## of se#essness, a#ong
with a## other swor!s%
.50 -his brown of swor!s, e"i!ent#$ meaning brnishe!, bright, contines to be a fa"orite
a!@ecti"e in the pop#ar ba##a!s%
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'6I1 the batt#e)gear saw he a b#a!e trimphant,
o#!)swor! of Eotens, with e!ge of proof,
warriors' heir#oom, weapon nmatche!,
)) sa"e on#$ 'twas more than other men
to ban!$)of)batt#e co#! bear at a## ))
as the giants ha! wroght it, rea!$ an! keen%
Sei4e! then its chain)hi#t the Sc$#!ings' chieftain,
bo#! an! batt#e)grim, bran!ishe! the swor!,
reck#ess of #ife, an! so wrathf##$ smote
that it grippe! her neck an! graspe! her har!,
her bone)rings breaking: the b#a!e pierce! throgh
that fate!)one's f#esh: to f#oor she sank%
B#oo!$ the b#a!e: he was b#ithe of his !ee!%
-hen b#a4e! forth #ight% '-was bright within
as when from the sk$ there shines nc#o!e!
hea"en's can!#e% -he ha## he scanne!%
B$ the wa## then went he& his weapon raise!
high b$ its hi#ts the ,$ge#ac)thane,
angr$ an! eager% -hat e!ge was not se#ess
to the warrior now% ,e wishe! with spee!
*ren!e# to ger!on for grim rai!s man$,
for the war he wage! on Western)1anes
oftener far than an on#$ time,
when of ,rothgar's hearth)companions
he s#ew in s#mber, in s#eep !e"ore!,
fifteen men of the fo#k of 1anes,
an! as man$ others otwar! bore,
his horrib#e pre$% We## pai! for that
the wrathf# prince! For now prone he saw
*ren!e# stretche! there, spent with war,
spoi#e! of #ife, so scathe! ha! #eft him
,eorot's batt#e% -he bo!$ sprang far
when after !eath it en!re! the b#ow,
swor!)stroke sa"age, that se"ere! its hea!%
Soon,./0 then, saw the sage companions
who waite! with ,rothgar, watching the f#oo!,
that the tossing waters trbi! grew,
b#oo!)staine! the mere% O#! men together,
hoar$)haire!, of the hero spake&
the warrior wo#! not, the$ weene!, again,
pro! of con3est, come to seek
their might$ master% -o man$ it seeme!
the wo#f)of)the)wa"es ha! won his #ife%
-he ninth hor came% -he nob#e Sc$#!ings
#eft the hea!#an!& homewar! went
the go#!)frien! of men%.50 Bt the gests sat on,
stare! at the srges, sick in heart,
an! wishe!, $et weene! not, their winsome #or! again to see%
+ow that swor! began,
from b#oo! of the fight, in batt#e)!roppings,.;0
war)b#a!e, to wane: 'twas a won!ros thing
that a## of it me#te! as ice is wont
when frost$ fetters the Father #oosens,
nwin!s the wa"e)bon!s, wie#!ing a##
seasons an! times: the tre *o! he!
+or took from that !we##ing the !ke of the *eats
precios things, thogh a p#ent$ he saw,
sa"e on#$ the hea! an! that hi#t witha#
b#a4one! with @ewe#s: the b#a!e ha! me#te!,
brne! was the bright swor!, her b#oo! was so hot,
so poisone! the he##)sprite who perishe! within there%
Soon he was swimming who safe saw in combat
!ownfa## of !emons& p)!o"e throgh the f#oo!%
-he c#ashing waters were c#eanse! now,
waste of wa"es, where the wan!ering fien!
her #ife)!a$s #eft an! this #apsing wor#!%
Swam then to stran! the sai#ors')refge,
str!$)in)spirit, of sea)boot$ g#a!,
of br!en bra"e he bore with him%
Went then to greet him, an! *o! the$ thanke!,
the thane)ban! choice of their chieftain b#ithe,
that safe an! son! the$ co#! see him again%
Soon from the har!$ one he#met an! armor
!eft#$ the$ !offe!: now !rowse! the mere,
water 'neath we#kin, with war)b#oo! staine!%
Forth the$ fare! b$ the footpaths thence,
merr$ at heart the highwa$s measre!,
we##)known roa!s% Corageos men
carrie! the hea! from the c#iff b$ the sea,
an ar!os task for a## the ban!,
the firm in fight, since for were nee!e!
on the shaft)of)s#aghter.?0 strenos#$
to bear to the go#!)ha## *ren!e#'s hea!%
So present#$ to the pa#ace there
foemen fear#ess, forteen *eats,
marching came% -heir master)of)c#an
might$ ami! them the mea!ow)wa$s tro!%
Stro!e then within the so"ran thane
fear#ess in fight, of fame renowne!,
har!$ hero, ,rothgar to greet%
2n! ne7t b$ the hair into ha## was borne
*ren!e#'s hea!, where the henchmen were !rinking,
an awe to c#an an! 3een a#ike,
a monster of mar"e#: the men #ooke! on%
./0 2fter the ki##ing of the monster an! *ren!e#'s !ecapitation%
.50 ,rothgar%
.;0 -he b#a!e s#ow#$ !isso#"es in b#oo!)staine! !rops #ike icic#es%
.?0 Spear%
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BEOWULF spake, bairn of Ecgtheow:))
"Lo, now, this sea)boot$, son of ,ea#f!ene,
Lor! of Sc$#!ings, we'"e #sti#$ broght thee,
sign of g#or$& tho seest it here%
+ot #ight#$ !i! I with m$ #ife escape!
In war n!er water this work I essa$e!
with en!#ess effort& an! e"en so
m$ strength ha! been #ost ha! the Lor! not shie#!e! me%
+ot a whit co#! I with ,rnting !o
in work of war, thogh the weapon is goo!&
$et a swor! the So"ran of 6en "ochsafe! me
to sp$ on the wa## there, in sp#en!or hanging,
o#!, gigantic, )) how oft ,e gi!es
the frien!#ess wight! )) an! I foght with that bran!,
fe##ing in fight, since fate was with me,
the hose's war!ens% -hat war)swor! then
a## brne!, bright b#a!e, when the b#oo! gshe! o'er it,
batt#e)sweat hot& bt the hi#t I broght back
from m$ foes% So a"enge! I their fien!ish !ee!s
!eath)fa## of 1anes, as was !e an! right%
2n! this is m$ hest, that in ,eorot now
safe tho canst s#eep with th$ so#!ier ban!,
an! e"er$ thane of a## th$ fo#k
both o#! an! $ong& no e"i# fear,
Sc$#!ings' #or!, from that si!e again,
aght i## for th$ ear#s, as erst tho mst!"
-hen the go#!en hi#t, for that gra$)haire! #ea!er,
hoar$ hero, in han! was #ai!,
giant)wroght, o#!% So owne! an! en@o$e! it
after !ownfa## of !e"i#s, the 1anish #or!,
won!er)smiths' work, since the wor#! was ri!
of that grim)so#e! fien!, the foe of *o!,
mr!er)marke!, an! his mother as we##%
+ow it passe! into power of the peop#e's king,
best of a## that the oceans bon!
who ha"e scattere! their go#! o'er Scan!ia's is#e%
,rothgar spake )) the hi#t he "iewe!,
heir#oom o#!, where was etche! the rise
of that far)off fight when the f#oo!s o'erwhe#me!,
raging wa"es, the race of giants
Ffearf# their fate!G, a fo#k estrange!
from *o! Eterna#: whence ger!on !e
in that waste of waters the Wie#!er pai! them%
So on the gar! of shining go#!
in rnic sta"es it was right#$ sai!
for whom the serpent)trace! swor! was wroght,
best of b#a!es, in b$gone !a$s,
an! the hi#t we## won!% )) -he wise)one spake,
son of ,ea#f!ene& si#ent were a##:))
"Lo, so ma$ he sa$ who sooth an! right
fo##ows 'mi! fo#k, of far times min!f#,
a #an!)war!en o#!,./0 that this ear# be#ongs
to the better bree!! So, borne a#oft,
th$ fame mst f#$, O frien! m$ Beow#f,
far an! wi!e o'er fo#kstea!s man$% Firm#$ tho
sha#t a## maintain,
might$ strength with moo! of wis!om% Lo"e of
mine wi## I assre thee,
as, awhi#e ago, I promise!& tho sha#t pro"e a sta$ in ftre,
in far)off $ears, to fo#k of thine,
to the heroes a he#p% Was not ,eremo! ths
to offspring of Ecgwe#a, ,onor)Sc$#!ings,
nor grew for their grace, bt for gris#$ s#aghter,
for !oom of !eath to the 1anishmen%
,e s#ew, wrath)swo##en, his sho#!er)comra!es,
companions at boar!! So he passe! a#one,
chieftain haght$, from hman cheer%
-hogh him the 6aker with might en!owe!,
!e#ights of power, an! p#ifte! high
abo"e a## men, $et b#oo!)fierce his min!,
his breast)hoar!, grew, no brace#ets ga"e he
to 1anes as was !e& he en!re! a## @o$#ess
strain of strgg#e an! stress of woe,
#ong fe! with his fo#k% ,ere fin! th$ #esson!
Of "irte a!"ise thee! -his "erse I ha"e sai! for thee,
wise from #apse! winters% Won!ros seems
how to sons of men 2#might$ *o!
in the strength of ,is spirit sen!eth wis!om,
estate, high station: ,e swa$eth a## things%
Whi#es ,e #etteth right #sti#$ fare
the heart of the hero of high)born race, ))
in seat ancestra# assigns him b#iss,
his fo#k's sre fortress in fee to ho#!,
pts in his power great parts of the earth,
empire so amp#e, that en! of it
this wanter)of)wis!om weeneth none%
So he wa7es in wea#th, nowise can harm him
i##ness or age& no e"i# cares
sha!ow his spirit& no swor!)hate threatens
from e"er an enem$: a## the wor#!
wen!s at his wi##, no worse he knoweth,
ti## a## within him obstinate pri!e
wa7es an! wakes whi#e the war!en s#mbers,
the spirit's sentr$& s#eep is too fast
which masters his might, an! the mr!erer nears,
stea#thi#$ shooting the shafts from his bow!
./0 -hat is, "whoe"er has as wi!e athorit$ as I ha"e an! can remember so far back so
man$ instances of heroism, ma$ we## sa$, as I sa$, that no better hero e"er #i"e! than
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"U+1E( harness his heart then is hit in!ee!
b$ sharpest shafts& an! no she#ter a"ai#s
from fo# behest of the he##ish fien!%./0
,im seems too #itt#e what #ong he possesse!%
*ree!$ an! grim, no go#!en rings
he gi"es for his pri!e& the promise! ftre
forgets he an! sprns, with a## *o! has sent him,
Won!er)Wie#!er, of wea#th an! fame%
Iet in the en! it e"er comes
that the frame of the bo!$ fragi#e $ie#!s,
fate! fa##s& an! there fo##ows another
who @o$os#$ the @ewe#s !i"i!es,
the ro$a# riches, nor recks of his forebear%
Ban, then, sch ba#ef# thoghts, Beow#f !earest,
best of men, an! the better part choose,
profit eterna#& an! temper th$ pri!e,
warrior famos! -he f#ower of th$ might
#asts now a whi#e: bt ere#ong it sha## be
that sickness or swor! th$ strength sha## minish,
or fang of fire, or f#oo!ing bi##ow,
or bite of b#a!e, or bran!ishe! spear,
or o!ios age& or the e$es' c#ear beam
wa7 !## an! !arken: 1eath e"en thee
in haste sha## o'erwhe#m, tho hero of war!
So the (ing)1anes these ha#f)$ears a hn!re! I r#e!,
wie#!e! 'neath we#kin, an! war!e! them bra"e#$
from might$)ones man$ o'er mi!!#e)earth,
from spear an! swor!, ti## it seeme! for me
no foe co#! be fon! n!er fo#! of the sk$%
Lo, s!!en the shift! -o me seate! secre
came grief for @o$ when *ren!e# began
to harr$ m$ home, the he##ish foe&
for those rth#ess rai!s, nresting I sffere!
heart)sorrow hea"$% ,ea"en be thanke!,
Lor! Eterna#, for #ife e7ten!e!
that I on this hea! a## hewn an! b#oo!$,
after #ong e"i#, with e$es ma$ ga4e!
)) *o to the bench now! Be g#a! at ban3et,
warrior worth$! 2 wea#th of treasre
at !awn of !a$, be !ea#t between s!"
*#a! was the *eats' #or!, going betimes
to seek his seat, as the Sage comman!e!%
2fresh, as before, for the fame!)in)batt#e,
for the ban! of the ha##, was a ban3et !ight
nob#$ anew% -he +ight),e#m !arkene!
!sk o'er the !rinkers%
-he !oght$ ones rose:
for the hoar$)hea!e! wo#! hasten to rest,
age! Sc$#!ing& an! eager the *eat,
shie#!)fighter str!$, for s#eeping $earne!%
,im wan!er)wear$, warrior)gest
from far, a ha##)thane hera#!e! forth,
who b$ cstom cort#$ care! for a##
nee!s of a thane as in those o#! !a$s
warrior)wan!erers wont to ha"e%
So s#mbere! the stot)heart% State#$ the ha##
rose gab#e! an! gi#t where the gest s#ept on
ti## a ra"en b#ack the raptre)of)hea"en.50
b#ithe)heart bo!e!% Bright came f#$ing
shine after sha!ow% -he swor!smen hastene!,
athe#ings a## were eager homewar!
forth to fare& an! far from thence
the great)hearte! gest wo#! gi!e his kee#%
Ba!e then the har!$)one ,rnting be broght
to the son of Ecg#af, the swor! ba!e him take,
e7ce##ent iron, an! ttere! his thanks for it,
3oth that he conte! it keen in batt#e,
"war)frien!" winsome: with wor!s he s#an!ere! not
e!ge of the b#a!e: 'twas a big)hearte! man!
+ow eager for parting an! arme! at point
warriors waite!, whi#e went to his host
that 1ar#ing of 1anes% -he !oght$ athe#ing
to high)seat hastene! an! ,rothgar greete!%
./0 -hat is, he is now n!efen!e! b$ conscience from the temptations FshaftsG of the !e"i#%
.50 Aenning for the sn% )) -his is a strange ro#e for the ra"en% ,e is the warrior's bir! of
batt#e, e7#ts in s#aghter an! carnage& his @o$ here is a comp#iment to the snrise%
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8re"ios :beo5E%htm< +e7t :beo5J%htm<
BEOWULF spake, bairn of Ecgtheow:))
"Lo, we seafarers sa$ or wi##,
far)come men, that we fain wo#! seek
,$ge#ac now% We here ha"e fon!
hosts to or heart: tho hast harbore! s we##%
If e"er on earth I am ab#e to win me
more of th$ #o"e, O #or! of men,
aght anew, than I now ha"e !one,
for work of war I am wi##ing sti##!
If it come to me e"er across the seas
that neighbor foemen anno$ an! fright thee, ))
as the$ that hate thee erewhi#e ha"e se!, ))
thosan!s then of thanes I sha## bring,
heroes to he#p thee% Of ,$ge#ac I know,
war! of his fo#k, that, thogh few his $ears,
the #or! of the *eats wi## gi"e me ai!
b$ wor! an! b$ work, that we## I ma$ ser"e thee,
wie#!ing the war)woo! to win th$ trimph
an! #en!ing thee might when tho #ackest men%
If th$ ,rethric sho#! come to cort of *eats,
a so"ran's son, he wi## sre#$ there
fin! his frien!s% 2 far)off #an!
each man sho#! "isit who "ants him bra"e%"
,im then answering, ,rothgar spake:))
"-hese wor!s of thine the wisest *o!
sent to th$ so#! +o sager conse#
from so $ong in $ears e'er $et ha"e I hear!%
-ho art strong of main an! in min! art war$,
art wise in wor!s! I ween in!ee!
if e"er it hap that ,rethe#'s heir
b$ spear be sei4e!, b$ swor!)grim batt#e,
b$ i##ness or iron, thine e#!er an! #or!,
peop#e's #ea!er, )) an! #ife be thine, ))
no seem#ier man wi## the Sea)*eats fin!
at a## to choose for their chief an! king,
for hoar!)gar! of heroes, if ho#! tho wi#t
th$ kinsman's king!om! -h$ keen min! p#eases me
the #onger the better, Beow#f #o"e!!
-ho hast broght it abot that both or peop#es,
sons of the *eat an! Spear)1ane fo#k,
sha## ha"e mta# peace, an! from mr!eros strife,
sch as once the$ wage!, from war refrain%
Long as I r#e this rea#m so wi!e,
#et or hoar!s be common, #et heroes with go#!
each other greet o'er the gannet's)bath,
an! the ringe!)prow bear o'er ro##ing wa"es
tokens of #o"e% I trow m$ #an!fo#k
towar!s frien! an! foe are firm#$ @oine!,
an! honor the$ keep in the o#!en wa$%"
-o him in the ha##, then, ,ea#f!ene's son
ga"e treasres twe#"e, an! the trst)of)ear#s
ba!e him fare with the gifts to his fo#k be#o"e!,
ha#e to his home, an! in haste retrn%
-hen kisse! the king of kin renowne!,
Sc$#!ings' chieftain, that choicest thane,
an! fe## on his neck% Fast f#owe! the tears
of the hoar$)hea!e!% ,ea"$ with winters,
he ha! chances twain, bt he c#ng to this,./0 ))
that each sho#! #ook on the other again,
an! hear him in ha##% Was this hero so !ear to him%
his breast's wi#! bi##ows he banne! in "ain&
safe in his so# a secret #onging,
#ocke! in his min!, for that #o"e! man
brne! in his b#oo!% -hen Beow#f stro!e,
g#a! of his go#!)gifts, the grass)p#ot o'er,
warrior b#ithe% -he wa"e)roamer bo!e
ri!ing at anchor, its owner awaiting%
2s the$ hastene! onwar!, ,rothgar's gift
the$ #a!e! at #ength% )) '-was a #or! npeere!,
e"er$ wa$ b#ame#ess, ti## age ha! broken
)) it spareth no morta# )) his sp#en!i! might%
./0 -hat is, he might or might not see Beow#f again% O#! as he was, the #atter chance was
#ike#$& bt he c#ng to the former, hoping to see his $ong frien! again "an! e7change
bra"e wor!s in the ha##%"
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8re"ios :beo5H%htm< +e7t :beo5K%htm<
C26E now to ocean the e"er)corageos
har!$ henchmen, their harness bearing,
wo"en war)sarks% -he war!en marke!,
trst$ as e"er, the ear#'s retrn%
From the height of the hi## no hosti#e wor!s
reache! the gests as he ro!e to greet them&
bt "We#come!" he ca##e! to that We!er c#an
as the sheen)mai#e! spoi#ers to ship marche! on%
-hen on the stran!, with stee!s an! treasre
an! armor their room$ an! ring)!ight ship
was hea"i#$ #a!en: high its mast
rose o"er ,rothgar's hoar!e! gems%
2 swor! to the boat)gar! Beow#f ga"e,
monte! with go#!& on the mea!)bench since
he was better esteeme!, that b#a!e possessing,
heir#oom o#!% )) -heir ocean)kee# boar!ing,
the$ !ro"e throgh the !eep, an! 1ane#an! #eft%
2 sea)c#oth was set, a sai# with ropes,
firm to the mast& the f#oo!)timbers moane!&./0
nor !i! win! o"er bi##ows that wa"e)swimmer b#ow
across from her corse% -he craft spe! on,
foam)necke! it f#oate! forth o'er the wa"es,
kee# firm)bon! o"er brin$ crrents,
ti## the$ got them sight of the *eatish c#iffs,
home)known hea!#an!s% ,igh the boat,
stirre! b$ win!s, on the stran! p!ro"e%
,e#pf# at ha"en the harbor)gar! stoo!,
who #ong a#rea!$ for #o"e! companions
b$ the water ha! waite! an! watche! afar%
,e bon! to the beach the broa!)bosome! ship
with anchor)ban!s, #est ocean)bi##ows
that trst$ timber sho#! tear awa$%
-hen Beow#f ba!e them bear the treasre,
go#! an! @ewe#s& no @orne$ far
was it thence to go to the gi"er of rings,
,$ge#ac ,reth#ing: at home he !we#t
b$ the sea)wa## c#ose, himse#f an! c#an%
,aght$ that hose, a hero the king,
high the ha##, an! ,$g!.50 right $ong,
wise an! war$, thogh winters few
in those fortress wa##s she ha! fon! a home,
,aereth's !aghter% +or hmb#e her wa$s,
nor gr!ge! she gifts to the *eatish men,
of precios treasre% +ot -hr$th's pri!e showe! she,
fo#k)3een fame!, or that fe## !eceit%
Was none so !aring that !rst make bo#!
Fsa"e her #or! a#oneG of the #iegemen !ear
that #a!$ f## in the face to #ook,
bt forge! fetters he fon! his #ot,
bon!s of !eath! 2n! brief the respite&
soon as the$ sei4e! him, his swor!)!oom was spoken,
an! the brnishe! b#a!e a ba#ef# mr!er
proc#aime! an! c#ose!% +o 3een#$ wa$
for woman to practise, thogh peer#ess she,
that the wea"er)of)peace.;0 from warrior !ear
b$ wrath an! #$ing his #ife sho#! rea"e!
Bt ,emming's kinsman hin!ere! this% ))
For o"er their a#e men a#so to#!
that of these fo#k)horrors fewer she wroght,
ons#aghts of e"i#, after she went,
go#!)!ecke! bri!e, to the bra"e $ong prince,
athe#ing haght$, an! Offa's ha##
o'er the fa##ow f#oo! at her father's bi!!ing
safe#$ soght, where since she prospere!,
ro$a#, throne!, rich in goo!s,
fain of the fair #ife fate ha! sent her,
an! #ea# in #o"e to the #or! of warriors%
,e, of a## heroes I hear! of e"er
from sea to sea, of the sons of earth,
most e7ce##ent seeme!% ,ence Offa was praise!
for his fighting an! feeing b$ far)off men,
the spear)bo#! warrior& wise#$ he r#e!
o"er his empire% Eomer woke to him,
he#p of heroes, ,emming's kinsman,
*ran!son of *armn!, grim in war%
./0 With the spee! of the boat%
.50 Leen to ,$ge#ac% She is praise! b$ contrast with the antit$pe, -hr$th, @st as Beow#f
was praise! b$ contrast with ,eremo!%
.;0 Aenning for "wife%"
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8re"ios :beo5K%htm< +e7t :beo;/%htm<
"So he#! this king to the cstoms o#!,
that I wante! for noght in the wage I gaine!,
the mee! of m$ might& he ma!e me gifts,
,ea#f!ene's heir, for m$ own !isposa#%
+ow to thee, m$ prince, I proffer them a##,
g#a!#$ gi"e them% -h$ grace a#one
can fin! me fa"or% Few in!ee!
ha"e I of kinsmen, sa"e, ,$ge#ac, thee!"
-hen he ba!e them bear him the boar)hea! stan!ar!,
the batt#e)he#m high, an! breastp#ate gra$,
the sp#en!i! swor!& then spake in form:))
"6e this war)gear the wise o#! prince,
,rothgar, ga"e, an! his hest he a!!e!,
that its stor$ be straightwa$ sai! to thee% ))
2 whi#e it was he#! b$ ,eorogar king,
for #ong time #or! of the #an! of Sc$#!ings&
$et not to his son the so"ran #eft it,
to !aring ,eorowear!, )) !ear as he was to him,
his harness of batt#e% )) We## ho#! tho it a##!"
2n! I hear! that soon passe! o'er the path of this treasre,
a## app#e)fa##ow, for goo! stee!s,
each #ike the others, arms an! horses
he ga"e to the king% So sho#! kinsmen be,
not wea"e one another the net of wi#es,
or with !eep)hi! treacher$ !eath contri"e
for neighbor an! comra!e% ,is nephew was e"er
b$ har!$ ,$ge#ac he#! f## !ear,
an! each kept watch o'er the other's wea#%
I hear!, too, the neck#ace to ,$g! he presente!,
won!er)wroght treasre, which Wea#htheow ga"e him
so"ran's !aghter: three stee!s he a!!e!,
s#en!er an! sa!!#e)ga$% Since sch gift
the gem g#eame! bright on the breast of the 3een%
-hs showe! his strain the son of Ecgtheow
as a man remarke! for might$ !ee!s
an! acts of honor% 2t a#e he s#ew not
comra!e or kin& nor cre# his moo!,
thogh of sons of earth his strength was greatest,
a g#orios gift that *o! ha! sent
the sp#en!i! #ea!er% Long was he sprne!,
an! worth#ess b$ *eatish warriors he#!&
him at mea! the master)of)c#ans
fai#e! f## oft to fa"or at a##%
S#ack an! shift#ess the strong men !eeme! him,
profit#ess prince& bt pa$ment came,
to the warrior honore!, for a## his woes% ))
-hen the b#wark)of)ear#s./0 ba!e bring within,
har!$ chieftain, ,rethe#'s heir#oom
garnishe! with go#!: no *eat e'er knew
in shape of a swor! a state#ier pri4e%
-he bran! he #ai! in Beow#f's #ap&
an! of hi!es assigne! him se"en thosan!,.50
with hose an! high)seat% -he$ he#! in common
#an! a#ike b$ their #ine of birth,
inheritance, home: bt higher the king
becase of his r#e o'er the rea#m itse#f%
+ow frther it fe## with the f#ight of $ears,
with harr$ings horri!, that ,$ge#ac perishe!,.;0
an! ,ear!re!, too, b$ hewing of swor!s
n!er the shie#!)wa## s#aghtere! #a$,
when him at the "an of his "ictor)fo#k
soght har!$ heroes, ,eatho)Sci#fings,
in arms o'erwhe#ming ,ereric's nephew%
-hen Beow#f came as king this broa!
rea#m to wie#!& an! he r#e! it we##
fift$ winters,.?0 a wise o#! prince,
war!ing his #an!, nti# One began
in the !ark of night, a 1ragon, to rage%
In the gra"e on the hi## a hoar! it gar!e!,
in the stone)barrow steep% 2 strait path reache! it,
nknown to morta#s% Some man, howe"er,
came b$ chance that ca"e within
to the heathen hoar!%.B0 In han! he took
a go#!en gob#et, nor ga"e he it back,
sto#e with it awa$, whi#e the watcher s#ept,
b$ thie"ish wi#es: for the war!en's wrath
prince an! peop#e mst pa$ betimes!
./0 ,$ge#ac%
.50 -his is genera##$ assme! to mean hi!es, thogh the te7t simp#$ sa$s "se"en thosan!%"
2 hi!e in Eng#an! meant abot /5M acres, thogh "the si4e of the acre "arie!%"
.;0 On the historica# rai! into Frankish territor$ between B/5 an! B5M 2%1% -he sbse3ent
corse of e"ents, as gathere! from hints of this epic, is part#$ to#! in Scan!ina"ian #egen!%
.?0 -he chrono#og$ of this epic, as scho#ars ha"e worke! it ot, wo#! make Beow#f we##
o"er ninet$ $ears of age when he fights the !ragon% Bt the fift$ $ears of his reign nee! not
be taken as historica# fact%
.B0 -he te7t is here hope#ess#$ i##egib#e, an! on#$ the genera# !rift of the meaning can be
resce!% For one thing, we ha"e the o#! m$th of a !ragon who gar!s hi!!en treasre% Bt
with this rns the stor$ of some nob#e, #ast of his race, who hi!es a## his wea#th within this
barrow an! there chants his farewe## to #ife's g#ories% 2fter his !eath the !ragon takes pos)
session of the hoar! an! watches o"er it% 2 con!emne! or banishe! man, !esperate, hi!es in
the barrow, !isco"ers the treasre, an! whi#e the !ragon s#eeps, makes off with a go#!en
beaker or the #ike, an! carries it for propitiation to his master% -he !ragon !isco"ers the #oss
an! e7acts fearf# pena#t$ from the peop#e ron! abot%
+e7t: 8art 999II :beo;/%htm<
-,2- wa$ he went with no wi## of his own,
in !anger of #ife, to the !ragon's hoar!,
bt for pressre of peri#, some prince's thane%
,e f#e! in fear the fata# scorge,
seeking she#ter, a sinf# man,
an! entere! in% 2t the awf# sight
tottere! that gest, an! terror sei4e! him&
$et the wretche! fgiti"e ra##ie! anon
from fright an! fear ere he f#e! awa$,
an! took the cp from that treasre)hoar!%
Of sch besi!es there was store enogh,
heir#ooms o#!, the earth be#ow,
which some ear# forgotten, in ancient $ears,
#eft the #ast of his #oft$ race,
hee!f##$ there ha! hi!!en awa$,
!earest treasre% For !eath of $ore
ha! hrrie! a## hence& an! he a#one
#eft to #i"e, the #ast of the c#an,
weeping his frien!s, $et wishe! to bi!e
war!ing the treasre, his one !e#ight,
thogh brief his respite% -he barrow, new)rea!$,
to stran! an! sea)wa"es stoo! anear,
har! b$ the hea!#an!, hi!!en an! c#ose!&
there #ai! within it his #or!#$ heir#ooms
an! heape! hoar! of hea"$ go#!
that war!en of rings% Few wor!s he spake:
"+ow ho#! tho, earth, since heroes ma$ not,
what ear#s ha"e owne!! Lo, erst from thee
bra"e men broght it! Bt batt#e)!eath sei4e!
an! cre# ki##ing m$ c#ansmen a##,
robbe! them of #ife an! a #iegeman's @o$s%
+one ha"e I #eft to #ift the swor!,
or to c#eanse the car"en cp of price,
beaker bright% 6$ bra"e are gone%
2n! the he#met har!, a## haght$ with go#!,
sha## part from its p#ating% 8o#ishers s#eep
who co#! brighten an! brnish the batt#e)mask&
an! those wee!s of war that were wont to bra"e
o"er bicker of shie#!s the bite of stee#
rst with their bearer% -he ringe! mai#
fares not far with famos chieftain,
at si!e of hero! +o harp's !e#ight,
no g#ee)woo!'s g#a!ness! +o goo! hawk now
f#ies throgh the ha##! +or horses f#eet
stamp in the brgstea!! Batt#e an! !eath
the f#ower of m$ race ha"e reft awa$%"
6ornf# of moo!, ths he moane! his woe,
a#one, for them a##, an! nb#ithe wept
b$ !a$ an! b$ night, ti## !eath's fe## wa"e
o'erwhe#me! his heart% ,is hoar!)of)b#iss
that o#! i##)!oer open fon!,
who, b#a4ing at twi#ight the barrows hanteth,
nake! foe)!ragon f#$ing b$ night
fo#!e! in fire: the fo#k of earth
!rea! him sore% '-is his !oom to seek
hoar! in the gra"es, an! heathen go#!
to watch, man$)wintere!: nor wins he thereb$!
8owerf# this p#age)of)the)peop#e ths
he#! the hose of the hoar! in earth
three hn!re! winters& ti## One arose!
wrath in his breast, to the r#er bearing
that cost#$ cp, an! the king imp#ore!
for bon! of peace% So the barrow was p#n!ere!,
borne off was boot$% ,is boon was grante!
that wretche! man& an! his r#er saw
first time what was fashione! in far)off !a$s%
When the !ragon awoke, new woe was kin!#e!%
O'er the stone he snffe!% -he stark)heart fon!
footprint of foe who so far ha! gone
in his hi!!en craft b$ the creatre's hea!% ))
So ma$ the n!oome! easi#$ f#ee
e"i#s an! e7i#e, if on#$ he gain
the grace of -he Wie#!er! )) -hat war!en of go#!
o'er the gron! went seeking, gree!$ to fin!
the man who wroght him sch wrong in s#eep%
Sa"age an! brning, the barrow he circ#e!
a## withot& nor was an$ there,
none in the waste%%%% Iet war he !esire!,
was eager for batt#e% -he barrow he entere!,
soght the cp, an! !isco"ere! soon
that some one of morta#s ha! searche! his treasre,
his #or!#$ go#!% -he gar!ian waite!
i##)en!ring ti## e"ening came&
boi#ing with wrath was the barrow's keeper,
an! fain with f#ame the foe to pa$
for the !ear cp's #oss% )) +ow !a$ was f#e!
as the worm ha! wishe!% B$ its wa## no more
was it g#a! to bi!e, bt brning f#ew
fo#!e! in f#ame: a fearf# beginning
for sons of the soi#& an! soon it came,
in the !oom of their #or!, to a !rea!f# en!%
THEN the baleful fend its fre belched out,
and bright homes burned. The blaze stood high
all landsfolk frighting. No living thing
would that loathly one leave as aloft it few.
ide was the dragon!s warring seen,
its fendish fury far and near,
as the grim destroyer those "eatish #eo#le
hated and hounded. To hidden lair,
to its hoard it hastened at hint of dawn.
$olk of the land it had la##ed in fame,
with bale and brand. %n its barrow it trusted,
its battling and bulwarks& that boast was vain'
To (eowulf then the bale was told
)uickly and truly& the king!s own home,
of buildings the best, in brand*waves melted,
that gift*throne of "eats. To the good old man
sad in heart, !twas heaviest sorrow.
The sage assumed that his sovran "od
he had angered, breaking ancient law,
and embittered the +ord. His breast within
with black thoughts welled, as his wont was never.
The folk!s own fastness that fery dragon
with fame had destroyed, and the stronghold all
washed by waves, but the warlike king,
#rince of the eders, #lotted vengeance.
arriors!*bulwark, he bade them work
all of iron ** the earl!s commander **
a war*shield wondrous& well he knew
that forest*wood against fre were worthless,
linden could aid not. ** -theling brave,
he was fated to fnish this feeting life,./0
his days on earth, and the dragon with him,
though long it had watched o!er the wealth of the hoard' **
1hame he reckoned it, sharer*of*rings,
to follow the fyer*afar with a host,
a broad*fung band, nor the battle feared he,
nor deemed he dreadful the dragon!s warring,
its vigor and valor& ventures des#erate
he had #assed a*#lenty, and #erils of war,
contest*crash, since, con)ueror #roud,
Hrothgar!s hall he had wholly #urged,
and in gra##le had killed the kin of "rendel,
loathsome breed' Not least was that
of hand*to*hand fghts where Hygelac fell,
when the ruler of "eats in rush of battle,
lord of his folk, in the $risian land,
son of Hrethel, by sword*draughts died,
by brands down*beaten. Thence (eowulf fed
through strength of himself and his swimming #ower,
though alone, and his arms were laden with thirty
coats of mail, when he came to the sea'
Nor yet might Hetwaras.20 haughtily boast
their craft of contest, who carried against him
shields to the fght& but few esca#ed
from strife with the hero to seek their homes'
Then swam over ocean Ecgtheow!s son
lonely and sorrowful, seeking his land,
where Hygd made him o3er of hoard and realm,
rings and royal*seat, reckoning naught
the strength of her son to save their kingdom
from hostile hordes, after Hygelac!s death.
No sooner for this could the stricken ones
in any wise move that atheling!s mind
over young Heardred!s head as lord
and ruler of all the realm to be&
yet the hero u#held him with hel#ful words,
aided in honor, till, older grown,
he wielded the eder*"eats. ** andering e4iles
sought him o!er seas, the sons of 5htere,
who had s#urned the sway of the 1cylfngs!*helmet,
the bravest and best that broke the rings,
in 1wedish land, of the sea*kings! line,
haughty hero..60 Hence Heardred!s end.
$or shelter he gave them, sword*death came,
the blade!s fell blow, to bairn of Hygelac,
but the son of 5ngentheow sought again
house and home when Heardred fell,
leaving (eowulf lord of "eats
and gift*seat!s master. ** - good king he'
./0 +iterally 7loan*days,7 days loaned to man.
.20 8hattuarii, a tribe that dwelt along the 9hine, and took
#art in re#elling the raid of :Hygelac; 8hocilaicus.
.60 5nela, son of 5ngentheow, who #ursues his two ne#hews
Eanmund and Eadgils to Heardred!s court, where they have
taken refuge after their un* successful rebellion. %n the
fghting Heardred is killed.
7THEN he goes to his chamber, a grief*song chants
alone for his lost. Too large all seems,
homestead and house. 1o the helmet*of*eders
hid in his heart for Herebeald
waves of woe. No way could he take
to avenge on the slayer slaughter so foul,
nor e!en could he harass that hero at all
with loathing deed, though he loved him not.
-nd so for the sorrow his soul endured,
men!s gladness he gave u# and "od!s light chose.
+ands and cities he left his sons
:as the wealthy do; when he went from earth.
There was strife and struggle !twi4t 1wede and "eat
o!er the width of waters, war arose,
hard battle*horror, when Hrethel died,
and 5ngentheow!s o3s#ring grew
strife*keen, bold, nor brooked o!er the seas
#act of #eace, but #ushed their hosts
to harass in hatred by Hreosnabeorh.
<en of my folk for that feud had vengeance,
for woful war :!tis widely known;,
though one of them bought it with blood of his heart,
a bargain hard& for Haethcyn #roved
fatal that fray, for the frst*of*"eats.
-t morn, % heard, was the murderer killed
by kinsman for kinsman,./0 with clash of sword,
when 5ngentheow met Eofor there.
ide s#lit the war*helm& wan he fell,
hoary 1cylfng, the hand that smote him
of feud was mindful, nor finched from the death*blow.
** 7$or all that he.20 gave me, my gleaming sword
re#aid him at war, ** such #ower % wielded, **
for lordly treasure& with land he entrusted me,
homestead and house. He had no need
from 1wedish realm, or from 1#ear*=ane folk,
or from men of the "ifths, to get him hel#, **
some warrior worse for wage to buy'
Ever % fought in the front of all,
sole to the fore, and so shall % fght
while % bide in life and this blade shall last
that early and late hath loyal #roved
since for my doughtiness =aeghrefn fell,
slain by my hand, the Hugas! cham#ion.
Nor fared he thence to the $risian king
with the booty back, and breast*adornments,
but, slain in struggle, that standard*bearer
fell, atheling brave. Not with blade was he slain,
but his bones were broken by brawny gri#e,
his heart*waves stilled. ** The sword*edge now,
hard blade and my hand, for the hoard shall strive.7
(eowulf s#ake, and a battle*vow made
his last of all& 7% have lived through many
wars in my youth, now once again,
old folk*defender, feud will % seek,
do doughty deeds, if the dark destroyer
forth from his cavern come to fght me'7
Then hailed he the helmeted heroes all,
for the last time greeting his liegemen dear,
comrades of war& 7% should carry no wea#on,
no sword to the ser#ent, if sure % knew
how, with such enemy, else my vows
% could gain as % did in "rendel!s day.
(ut fre in this fght % must fear me now,
and #oisonous breath, so % bring with me
breast#late and board..60 $rom the barrow!s kee#er
no footbreadth fee %. 5ne fght shall end
our war by the wall, as yrd allots,
all mankind!s master. <y mood is bold
but forbears to boast o!er this battling*fyer.
** Now abide by the barrow, ye breast#late*mailed,
ye heroes in harness, which of us twain
better from battle*rush bear his wounds.
ait ye the fnish. The fght is not yours,
nor meet for any but me alone
to measure might with this monster here
and #lay the hero. Hardily %
shall win that wealth, or war shall seize,
cruel killing, your king and lord'7
># stood then with shield the sturdy cham#ion,
stayed by the strength of his single manhood,
and hardy !neath helmet his harness bore
under cleft of the cli3s& no coward!s #ath'
1oon s#ied by the wall that warrior chief,
survivor of many a victory*feld
where foemen fought with furious clashings,
an arch of stone, and within, a stream
that broke from the barrow. The brooklet!s wave
was hot with fre. The hoard that way
he never could ho#e unharmed to near,
or endure those dee#s,.?0 for the dragon!s fame.
Then let from his breast, for he burst with rage,
the eder*"eat #rince a word outgo,
stormed the stark*heart, stern went ringing
and clear his cry !neath the cli3*rocks gray.
The hoard*guard heard a human voice,
his rage was enkindled. No res#ite now
for #act of #eace' The #oison*breath
of that foul worm frst came forth from the cave,
hot reek*of*fght& the rocks resounded.
1tout by the stone*way his shield he raised,
lord of the "eats, against the loathed*one,
while with courage keen that coiled foe
came seeking strife. The sturdy king
had drawn his sword, not dull of edge,
heirloom old, and each of the two
felt fear of his foe, though ferce their mood.
1toutly stood with his shield high*raised
the warrior king, as the worm now coiled
together amain& the mailed*one waited.
Now, s#ire by s#ire, fast s#ed and glided
that blazing ser#ent. The shield #rotected,
soul and body a shorter while
for the hero*king than his heart desired,
could his will have wielded the welcome res#ite
but once in his life' (ut yrd denied it,
and victory!s honors. ** His arm he lifted
lord of the "eats, the grim foe smote
with atheling!s heirloom. %ts edge was turned
brown blade, on the bone, and bit more feebly
than its noble master had need of then
in his baleful stress. ** Then the barrow!s kee#er
wa4ed full wild for that weighty blow,
cast deadly fames, wide drove and far
those vicious fres. No victor!s glory
the "eats! lord boasted, his brand had failed,
naked in battle, as never it should,
e4cellent iron' ** !Twas no easy #ath
that Ecgtheow!s honored heir must tread
over the #lain to the #lace of the foe,
for against his will he must win a home
elsewhere far, as must all men, leaving
this la#sing life' ** Not long it was
ere those cham#ions grimly closed again.
The hoard*guard was heartened, high heaved his breast
once more, and by #eril was #ressed again,
enfolded in fames, the folk*commander'
Nor yet about him his band of comrades,
sons of athelings, armed stood
with warlike front& to the woods they bent them,
their lives to save. (ut the soul of one
with care was cumbered. @inshi# true
can never be marred in a noble mind'
./0 Eofor for ulf. ** The immediate #rovocation for Eofor in
killing 7the hoary 1cylfng,7 5ngentheow, is that the latter
has Aust struck ulf down, but the king, Haethcyn, is also
avenged by the blow. 1ee the detailed descri#tion below.
.20 Hygelac.
.60 1hield.
.?0 The hollow #assage.
I- was hea"$ hap for that hero $ong
on his #or! be#o"e! to #ook an! fin! him
#$ing on earth with #ife at en!,
sorrowf# sight% Bt the s#a$er too,
awf# earth)!ragon, empt$ of breath,
#a$ fe##e! in fight, nor, fain of its treasre,
co#! the writhing monster r#e it more%
For e!ges of iron ha! en!e! its !a$s,
har! an! batt#e)sharp, hammers' #ea"ing&./0
an! that f#ier)afar ha! fa##en to gron!
hshe! b$ its hrt, its hoar! a## near,
no #onger #st$ a#oft to whir#
at mi!night, making its merriment seen,
pro! of its pri4es: prone it sank
b$ the han!iwork of the hero)king%
Forsooth among fo#k bt few achie"e,
)) thogh str!$ an! strong, as stories te## me,
an! ne"er so !aring in !ee! of "a#or, ))
the peri#os breath of a poison)foe
to bra"e, an! to rsh on the ring)boar! ha##,
whene"er his watch the war!en keeps
bo#! in the barrow% Beow#f pai!
the price of !eath for that precios hoar!&
an! each of the foes ha! fon! the en!
of this f#eeting #ife%
Befe## ere#ong
that the #aggar!s in war the woo! ha! #eft,
trothbreakers, cowar!s, ten together,
fearing before to f#orish a spear
in the sore !istress of their so"ran #or!%
+ow in their shame their shie#!s the$ carrie!,
armor of fight, where the o#! man #a$&
an! the$ ga4e! on Wig#af% Wearie! he sat
at his so"ran's sho#!er, shie#!sman goo!,
to wake him with water%.50 +owise it a"ai#e!%
-hogh we## he wishe! it, in wor#! no more
co#! he barrier #ife for that #ea!er)of)batt#es
nor baff#e the wi## of a##)wie#!ing *o!%
1oom of the Lor! was #aw o'er the !ee!s
of e"er$ man, as it is to)!a$%
*rim was the answer, eas$ to get,
from the $oth for those that ha! $ie#!e! to fear!
Wig#af spake, the son of Weohstan, ))
mornf# he #ooke! on those men n#o"e!:))
"Who sooth wi## speak, can sa$ in!ee!
that the r#er who ga"e $o go#!en rings
an! the harness of war in which $e stan!
)) for he at a#e)bench often)times
bestowe! on ha##)fo#k he#m an! breastp#ate,
#or! to #iegemen, the #ike#iest gear
which near of far he co#! fin! to gi"e, ))
threw awa$ an! waste! these wee!s of batt#e,
on men who fai#e! when the foemen came!
+ot at a## co#! the king of his comra!es)in)arms
"entre to "ant, thogh the Dictor$)Wie#!er,
*o!, ga"e him grace that he got re"enge
so#e with his swor! in stress an! nee!%
-o resce his #ife, 'twas #itt#e that I
co#! ser"e him in strgg#e& $et shift I ma!e
Fhope#ess it seeme!G to he#p m$ kinsman%
Its strength e"er wane!, when with weapon I strck
that fata# foe, an! the fire #ess strong#$
f#owe! from its hea!% )) -oo few the heroes
in throe of contest that thronge! to or king!
+ow gift of treasre an! gir!ing of swor!,
@o$ of the hose an! home)!e#ight
sha## fai# $or fo#k& his freeho#!)#an!
e"er$ c#ansman within $or kin
sha## #ose an! #ea"e, when #or!s highborn
hear afar of that f#ight of $ors,
a fame#ess !ee!% Iea, !eath is better
for #iegemen a## than a #ife of shame!"
./0 What ha! been #eft or ma!e b$ the hammer& we##)forge!%
.50 -r$ing to re"i"e him%
-,2- batt#e)toi# ba!e he at brg to annonce,
at the fort on the c#iff, where, f## of sorrow,
a## the morning ear#s ha! sat,
!aring shie#!smen, in !obt of twain:
wo#! the$ wai# as !ea!, or we#come home,
their #or! be#o"e!N Litt#e./0 kept back
of the ti!ings new, bt to#! them a##,
the hera#! that p the hea!#an! ro!e% ))
"+ow the wi##ing)gi"er to We!er fo#k
in !eath)be! #ies& the Lor! of *eats
on the s#aghter)be! s#eeps b$ the serpent's !ee!!
2n! besi!e him is stretche! that s#a$er)of)men
with knife)won!s sick:.50 no swor! a"ai#e!
on the awesome thing in an$ wise
to work a won!% -here Wig#af sitteth,
Weohstan's bairn, b$ Beow#f's si!e,
the #i"ing ear# b$ the other !ea!,
an! hea"$ of heart a hea!)watch.;0 keeps
o'er frien! an! foe% )) +ow or fo#k ma$ #ook
for waging of war when once nhi!!en
to Frisian an! Frank the fa## of the king
is sprea! afar% )) -he strife began
when hot on the ,gas.?0 ,$ge#ac fe##
an! fare! with his f#eet to the Frisian #an!%
,im there the ,etwaras hmb#e! in war,
p#ie! with sch prowess their power o'erwhe#ming
that the bo#!)in)batt#e bowe! beneath it
an! fe## in fight% -o his frien!s no wise
co#! that ear# gi"e treasre! 2n! e"er since
the 6erowings' fa"or has fai#e! s who##$%
+or aght e7pect I of peace an! faith
from Swe!ish fo#k% '-was sprea! afar
how Ongentheow reft at (a"enswoo!
,aethc$n ,reth#ing of hope an! #ife,
when the fo#k of *eats for the first time soght
in wanton pri!e the War#ike)Sc$#fings%
Soon the sage o#! sire.B0 of Ohtere,
ancient an! awf#, ga"e answering b#ow&
the sea)king.E0 he s#ew, an! his spose re!eeme!,
his goo! wife resce!, thogh robbe! of her go#!,
mother of Ohtere an! One#a%
-hen he fo##owe! his foes, who f#e! before him
sore beset an! sto#e their wa$,
bereft of a r#er, to (a"enswoo!%
With his host he besiege! there what swor!s ha! #eft,
the wear$ an! won!e!& woes he threatene!
the who#e night throgh to that har!)presse! throng:
some with the morrow his swor! sho#! ki##,
some sho#! go to the ga##ows)tree
for raptre of ra"ens% Bt resce came
with !awn of !a$ for those !esperate men
when the$ hear! the horn of ,$ge#ac son!,
tones of his trmpet& the trst$ king
ha! fo##owe! their trai# with faithf# ban!%
./0 +othing%
.50 1ea!%
.;0 1eath)watch, gar! of honor, "#$ke)wake%"
.?0 2 name for the Franks%
.B0 Ongentheow%
.E0 ,aethc$n%
"-,E b#oo!$ swath of Swe!es an! *eats
an! the storm of their strife, were seen afar,
how fo#k against fo#k the fight ha! wakene!%
-he ancient king with his athe#ing ban!
soght his cita!e#, sorrowing mch:
Ongentheow ear# went p to his brg%
,e ha! teste! ,$ge#ac's har!ihoo!,
the pro! one's prowess, wo#! pro"e it no #onger,
!efie! no more those fighting)wan!erers
nor hope! from the seamen to sa"e his hoar!,
his bairn an! his bri!e: so he bent him again,
o#!, to his earth)wa##s% Iet after him came
with s#aghter for Swe!es the stan!ar!s of ,$ge#ac
o'er peacef# p#ains in pri!e a!"ancing,
ti## ,rethe#ings foght in the fence! town%./0
-hen Ongentheow with e!ge of swor!,
the hoar$)bear!e!, was he#! at ba$,
an! the fo#k)king there was force! to sffer
Eofor's anger% In ire, at the king
W#f Wonre!ing with weapon strck&
an! the chieftain's b#oo!, for that b#ow, in streams
f#owe! 'neath his hair% +o fear fe#t he,
stot o#! Sc$#fing, bt straightwa$ repai!
in better bargain that bitter stroke
an! face! his foe with fe## intent%
+or swift enogh was the son of Wonre!
answer to ren!er the age! chief&
too soon on his hea! the he#m was c#o"en&
b#oo!)be!ecke! he bowe! to earth,
an! fe## a!own& not !oome! was he $et,
an! we## he wa7e!, thogh the won! was sore%
-hen the har!$ ,$ge#ac)thane,.50
when his brother fe##, with broa! bran! smote,
giants' swor! crashing throgh giants')he#m
across the shie#!)wa##: sank the king,
his fo#k's o#! her!sman, fata##$ hrt%
-here were man$ to bin! the brother's won!s
an! #ift him, fast as fate a##owe!
his peop#e to wie#! the p#ace)of)war%
Bt Eofor took from Ongentheow,
ear# from other, the iron)breastp#ate,
har! swor! hi#te!, an! he#met too,
an! the hoar)chief's harness to ,$ge#ac carrie!,
who took the trappings, an! tr#$ promise!
rich fee 'mi! fo#k, )) an! f#fi##e! it so%
For that grim strife ga"e the *eatish #or!,
,rethe#'s offspring, when home he came,
to Eofor an! W#f a wea#th of treasre,
Each of them ha! a hn!re! thosan!.;0
in #an! an! #inke! rings& nor at #ess price reckone!
mi!)earth men sch might$ !ee!s!
2n! to Eofor he ga"e his on#$ !aghter
in p#e!ge of grace, the pri!e of his home%
"Sch is the fe!, the foeman's rage,
!eath)hate of men: so I !eem it sre
that the Swe!ish fo#k wi## seek s home
for this fa## of their frien!s, the fighting)Sc$#fings,
when once the$ #earn that or warrior #ea!er
#ife#ess #ies, who #an! an! hoar!
e"er !efen!e! from a## his foes,
frthere! his fo#k's wea#, finishe! his corse
a har!$ hero% )) +ow haste is best,
that we go to ga4e on or *eatish #or!,
an! bear the bontif# breaker)of)rings
to the fnera# p$re% +o fragments mere#$
sha## brn with the warrior% Wea#th of @ewe#s,
go#! nto#! an! gaine! in terror,
treasre at #ast with his #ife obtaine!,
a## of that boot$ the bran!s sha## take,
fire sha## eat it% +o ear# mst carr$
memoria# @ewe#% +o mai!en fair
sha## wreathe her neck with nob#e ring:
na$, sa! in spirit an! shorn of her go#!,
oft sha## she pass o'er paths of e7i#e
now or #or! a## #aghter has #ai! asi!e,
a## mirth an! re"e#% 6an$ a spear
morning)co#! sha## be c#aspe! amain,
#ifte! a#oft& nor sha## #i#t of harp
those warriors wake& bt the wan)he! ra"en,
fain o'er the fa##en, his feast sha## praise
an! boast to the eag#e how bra"e#$ he ate
when he an! the wo#f were wasting the s#ain%"
So he to#! his sorrowf# ti!ings,
an! #itt#e.?0 he #ie!, the #o$a# man
of wor! or of work% -he warriors rose&
sa!, the$ c#imbe! to the C#iff)of)Eag#es,
went, we##ing with tears, the won!er to "iew%
Fon! on the san! there, stretche! at rest,
their #ife#ess #or!, who ha! #a"ishe! rings
of o#! pon them% En!ing)!a$
ha! !awne! on the !oght$)one& !eath ha! sei4e!
in wof# s#aghter the We!ers' king%
-here saw the$, besi!es, the strangest being,
#oathsome, #$ing their #ea!er near,
prone on the fie#!% -he fier$ !ragon,
fearf# fien!, with f#ame was scorche!%
(eckone! b$ feet, it was fift$ measres
in #ength as it #a$% 2#oft erewhi#e
it ha! re"e##e! b$ night, an! anon come back,
seeking its !en& now in !eath's sre c#tch
it ha! come to the en! of its earth)ha## @o$s%
B$ it there stoo! the stops an! @ars&
!ishes #a$ there, an! !ear)!ecke! swor!s
eaten with rst, as, on earth's #ap resting,
a thosan! winters the$ waite! there%
For a## that heritage hge, that go#!
of b$gone men, was bon! b$ a spe##,.B0
so the treasre)ha## co#! be toche! b$ none
of hman kin!, )) sa"e that ,ea"en's Aing,
*o! himse#f, might gi"e whom he wo#!,
,e#per of ,eroes, the hoar! to open, ))
e"en sch a man as seeme! to him meet%
./0 -he #ine ma$ mean: ti## ,rethe#ings storme! on the he!ge! shie#!s, )) i%e% the shie#!)wa##
or he!ge of !efensi"e war )) ,rethe#ings, of corse, are *eats%
.50 Eofor, brother to W#f Wonre!ing%
.;0 Sc% ""a#e in" hi!es an! the weight of the go#!%
.?0 +ot at a##%
.B0 Lai! on it when it was pt in the barrow% -his spe##, or in or !a$s the "crse," either
pre"ente! !isco"er$ or broght !ire i##s on the fin!er an! taker%
+e7t: 8art 9LII :beo?/%htm<
2 8E(ILOUS path, it pro"e!, he./0 tro!
who heinos#$ hi!, that ha## within,
wea#th n!er wa##! Its watcher ha! ki##e!
one of a few,.50 an! the fe! was a"enge!
in wof# fashion% Won!ros seems it,
what manner a man of might an! "a#or
oft en!s his #ife, when the ear# no #onger
in mea!)ha## ma$ #i"e with #o"ing frien!s%
So Beow#f, when that barrow's war!en
he soght, an! the strgg#e& himse#f knew not
in what wise he sho#! wen! from the wor#! at #ast%
For.;0 princes potent, who p#ace! the go#!,
with a crse to !ooms!a$ co"ere! it !eep,
so that marke! with sin the man sho#! be,
he!ge! with horrors, in he##)bon!s fast,
racke! with p#ages, who sho#! rob their hoar!%
Iet no gree! for go#!, bt the grace of hea"en,
e"er the king ha! kept in "iew%.?0
Wig#af spake, the son of Weohstan:))
"2t the man!ate of one, oft warriors man$
sorrow mst sffer& an! so mst we%
-he peop#e's)shepher! showe! not aght
of care for or conse#, king be#o"e!!
-hat gar!ian of go#! he sho#! grapp#e not, rge! we,
bt #et him #ie where he #ong ha! been
in his earth)ha## waiting the en! of the wor#!,
the hest of hea"en% )) -his hoar! is ors
bt grie"os#$ gotten& too grim the fate
which thither carrie! or king an! #or!%
I was within there, an! a## I "iewe!,
the chambere! treasre, when chance a##owe! me
Fan! m$ path was ma!e in no p#easant wiseG
n!er the earth)wa##% Eager, I sei4e!
sch heap from the hoar! as han!s co#! bear
an! hrrie!#$ carrie! it hither back
to m$ #iege an! #or!% 2#i"e was he sti##,
sti## wie#!ing his wits% -he wise o#! man
spake mch in his sorrow, an! sent $o greetings
an! ba!e that $e bi#!, when he breathe! no more,
on the p#ace of his ba#efire a barrow high,
memoria# might$% Of men was he
worthiest warrior wi!e earth o'er
the whi#e he ha! @o$ of his @ewe#s an! brg%
Let s set ot in haste now, the secon! time
to see an! search this store of treasre,
these wa##)hi! won!ers, )) the wa$ I show $o, ))
where, gathere! near, $e ma$ ga4e $or fi##
at broa!)go#! an! rings% Let the bier, soon ma!e,
be a## in or!er when ot we come,
or king an! captain to carr$ thither
)) man be#o"e! )) where #ong he sha## bi!e
safe in the she#ter of so"ran *o!%"
-hen the bairn of Weohstan ba!e comman!,
har!$ chief, to heroes man$
that owne! their homestea!s, hither to bring
firewoo! from far )) o'er the fo#k the$ r#e! ))
for the fame!)one's fnera#% " Fire sha## !e"or
an! wan f#ames fee! on the fear#ess warrior
who oft stoo! stot in the iron)shower,
when, spe! from the string, a storm of arrows
shot o'er the shie#!)wa##: the shaft he#! firm,
feat#$ feathere!, fo##owe! the barb%"
2n! now the sage $ong son of Weohstan
se"en chose of the chieftain's thanes,
the best he fon! that ban! within,
an! went with these warriors, one of eight,
n!er hosti#e roof% In han! one bore
a #ighte! torch an! #e! the wa$%
+o #ots the$ cast for keeping the hoar!
when once the warriors saw it in ha##,
a#together withot a gar!ian,
#$ing there #ost% 2n! #itt#e the$ morne!
when the$ ha! hasti#$ ha#e! it ot,
!ear)boght treasre! -he !ragon the$ cast,
the worm, o'er the wa## for the wa"e to take,
an! srges swa##owe! that shepher! of gems%
-hen the wo"en go#! on a wain was #a!en ))
cont#ess 3ite! )) an! the king was borne,
hoar$ hero, to ,rones)+ess%
./0 8robab#$ the fgiti"e is meant who !isco"ere! the hoar!% -en Brink an! *ering assme
that the !ragon is meant% ",i!" ma$ we## mean here "took whi#e in hi!ing%"
.50 -hat is "one an! a few others%" Bt Beow#f seems to be in!icate!%
.;0 -en Brink points ot the strong#$ heathen character of this part of the epic% Beow#f's
en! came, so the o#! tra!ition ran, from his nwitting interference with spe##)bon!
.?0 2 har! sa$ing, "arios#$ interprete!% In an$ case, it is the somewhat c#ms$ effort of the
Christian poet to tone !own the heathenism of his materia# b$ an e!if$ing obser"ation%
-,E+ fashione! for him the fo#k of *eats
firm on the earth a fnera#)pi#e,
an! hng it with he#mets an! harness of war
an! breastp#ates bright, as the boon he aske!&
an! the$ #ai! ami! it the might$ chieftain,
heroes morning their master !ear%
-hen on the hi## that hgest of ba#efires
the warriors wakene!% Woo!)smoke rose
b#ack o"er b#a4e, an! b#ent was the roar
of f#ame with weeping Fthe win! was sti##G,
ti## the fire ha! broken the frame of bones,
hot at the heart% In hea"$ moo!
their miser$ moane! the$, their master's !eath%
Wai#ing her woe, the wi!ow./0 o#!,
her hair pbon!, for Beow#f's !eath
sng in her sorrow, an! sai! f## oft
she !rea!e! the !o#ef# !a$s to come,
!eaths enow, an! !oom of batt#e,
an! shame% )) -he smoke b$ the sk$ was !e"ore!%
-he fo#k of the We!ers fashione! there
on the hea!#an! a barrow broa! an! high,
b$ ocean)farers far !escrie!:
in ten !a$s' time their toi# ha! raise! it,
the batt#e)bra"e's beacon% (on! bran!s of the p$re
a wa## the$ bi#t, the worthiest e"er
that wit co#! prompt in their wisest men%
-he$ p#ace! in the barrow that precios boot$,
the ron!s an! the rings the$ ha! reft erewhi#e,
har!$ heroes, from hoar! in ca"e, ))
trsting the gron! with treasre of ear#s,
go#! in the earth, where e"er it #ies
se#ess to men as of $ore it was%
-hen abot that barrow the batt#e)keen ro!e,
athe#ing)born, a ban! of twe#"e,
#ament to make, to morn their king,
chant their !irge, an! their chieftain honor%
-he$ praise! his ear#ship, his acts of prowess
worthi#$ witnesse!: an! we## it is
that men their master)frien! mighti#$ #a!,
hearti#$ #o"e, when hence he goes
from #ife in the bo!$ for#orn awa$%
-hs ma!e their morning the men of *eat#an!,
for their hero's passing his hearth)companions:
3oth that of a## the kings of earth,
of men he was mi#!est an! most be#o"e!,
to his kin the kin!est, keenest for praise%
./0 +othing is sai! of Beow#f's wife in the poem, bt Bgge srmises that Beow#f fina##$
accepte! ,$g!'s offer of king!om an! hoar!, an!, as was sa#, took her into the bargain%

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