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November 2014 Newsletter
Special Worship
All Saints Sunday
Sunday November 2

We will be remembering family
members and friends who have died
over the years with the lighting of
Food Shelf Sunday
Sunday, November 2

Please give to this worthy cause, as we
Feed Bodies with the Love of Jesus
Thankofering Service- Aurora
- !"" a#m#-
Women led worship service.
Thanksgiving Service
$ednesday, November 2%
& %!'"
)*+NT $orshi( at Trinity
Communion Worship Services:
Sunday, ovember !
" #$

November Council
Aurora Council: Wed. Nov. 19
6:30 p.m.
Joint Budget: Sun. Nov. 30
: Aurora 12
(Presidents, reasurers and rustees!
Trinity Mitten Tree
%he annual %rinity &itten %ree will be up
Sunday, ovember !
through Sunday,
'ecember (
. Please donate new or clean,
gently used mittens, gloves, scarves, hats,
soc)s or any other winter accessories.
%hese items will be donated to the
Blooming Prairie *hristmas Wish %ree
pro+ect, Blooming Prairie ,lementary school,
and Blooming Prairie Boys and -irls *lub.
Please help spread the warmth this holiday
Meals of Hope Sunday, November 30
, Trinity
Lutheran in Owatonna !"pm#$!%"pm
It is the 5
Sunday of the month again, which means
Aurora and Trinity have an opportunity to help feed
hungry bodies with the love of Jesus by serving at
Meals of Hope at Trinity utheran in !watonna" This is
a free meal for anyone who is hungry in our
community" Sign up at church if you would li#e to help
2014 Oyster-Chili Supper
The 2014 Oyster-Chili Supper will be held Sunday,
November 23
!our donation"wor# slip is in$luded in
the newsletter %& you have any 'uestions, you $an
$onta$t (ob Thurnau or )n*ie +ensen
.ow do you prefer to receive your monthly
newsletter/ 0n the mail/ ,mail format/ %here
will be 1uestionnaires in the upcoming bulletins,
we as) you to complete these and return them
to Lisa 2orbel or Jodi 2ec). 3ou may also
respond by emailing or calling6 78(9
Youth an !amilies Corner:
November Con"rmation Scheule:
%ovember 5
& '()*pm at Aurora
%ovember +,
& '()*pm at Aurora
#urora Sunay School
%he ;urora Sunday School will begin
practicing for the *hristmas Program on
Sunday, ovember <
. =ur performance will
ta)e place on Sunday, 'ecember #:
$6>8 p.m. Please be sure to help your little
blessings practice their parts at home
Let&s 'inish the (lay)round at *urora
As many of you #now, the Aurora S"S" has recently raised
funds for a new playground" The playground was installed
this past Spring and has already seen a lot of great use$ -ut it
isn.t finished$ /e still need to install a safer area around the
playground, with grounded up tire mulch" /e anticipate
needing about 0,,*** to finish this pro1ect" A 23wee#
campaign to raise this money began on !ct" ,'
" If each
person can donate 1ust 04 per wee# during the campaign 5or
a total of 0))6, the money will be raised$ et.s finish this and
feed our children.s bodies with a safe playground and with
the love of Jesus$
#ult Catechism Class $
%aptism an &oly Communion
'o you remember what you learned about
Baptism and *ommunion in your *on?rmation
class/ =r perhaps you never had the opportunity
to attend *on?rmation and are curious about
what Lutherans say about Baptism and
*ommunion. Join us for four wee)s in an adult
catechism class on Baptism and .oly
*ommunion. We will tal) about what baptism
and .oly *ommunion are and what we believe
about them.
%here are two opportunities to be part of this
Monay 'venin(s
ov. #8
, #(
, !:
, and 'ec. #
2en and ;nne PrestegardAs .ouse
:(7< S, :@
St. =watonna, &
Tuesay #)ternoons
ov. ##
, #@
, !7
, and 'ec. !

=liviaAs Bestaurant
ear Walmart in =watonna
Newsletter *ealine:
Please have all information for the *ecember
newsletter and calendar to Lisa by ,on# Nov# Send your info to6 or you can call
Youn( #ults +roup
%he =ctober 3oung ;dults group will
meet on Friday, ovember !#
at (688
p.m. We will be meeting at Byan "
&ichelle WilliamAs house. We will
continue to use %he Wired Word. Please
stay tuned to Faceboo) for more
W',C# News:
Thankoffering Service: Sunday, November 9
What is Thankoffering?
Lutheran women have gathered in the setting of Thankoffering
worship since the early 1900's. To this day, many women practice
the Thankoffering daily by setting aside coins to give thanks for
blessings in the ordinary and etraordinary moments of life. The
Thankoffering !ervice grounds this gratitude in a community of
women, gathering together to "oyfully give thanks and praise for
what #od has given to them. $ach year Thankofferings are
collected to support the life changing ministries of the church wide
women's organi%ation.
WELCA will meet on Tuesday, November
at 6:30 p.m. at the Chamber Ofce.
This months coordinator is Kay.
-olunteer .pportunity:
W,L*; is loo)ing for a volunteer to be a
W,L*; 'irector for !8#7. %his position
will help plan and coordinate Welca
events for the year. 0f you are interested
or want to )now more about the position,
contact a current director C2ay 2lemmer,
Jodi 2ec), ;ngie Jensen or Jeanne
Diner Update:
Our Diner was a success this year, thanks to all who
volunteered. We generated a Net Proft of $10,206.91.
Income was $40,274.89 and expenses were
$30,067.98 Even though this is a decrease from last year,
it was a very good proft for one week! This money is
kept in a separate account and is managed by our
WELCA group (women of the ELCA). We chose to
give $6,000 to various organizations, including $1,000
to the Aurora Building Fund. The other funds are kept
and used as needed to pay for various needs at Aurora.
If you would like to view the detailed information on
the diner, contact Angie Jensen.
***Did you know next year is the 50
Anniversary of the Diner?? Do you have any
great ideas for how we can celebrate this
milestone at the fair stand in 2015? lease let us
'eedin) Spirits
/ith the ove of Jesus7Through Prayer
This past year, our mission theme has been Feeding Minds with the Love of Jesus ,ith the help o& an
in$redible -issions Committee and all o& you, we have wor#ed really hard at meetin* many o& the mission
*oals we dreamed up &or this year To*ether we have raised money &or the (oys and .irls Club in (loomin*
/rairie, whi$h helps youth develop into leaders ,e0ve donated 33 s$hool #its to 1utheran ,orld 2elie& ,e
have learned more about mental illness and sui$ide and how we $an $are &or those &amilies that are impa$ted
by both ,e started a parish prayer $hain, we added readin* time &or Cradle 2oll at )urora on Sunday
mornin*s, and we rested our minds with intentional silen$e at the be*innin* o& worship durin* 1ent
% thin# we should &eel really proud o& the wor# we have done this year Than# you &or the many ways you have
supported this mission theme3
Now, believe it or not, we are loo#in* towards the year 2014 Our mission theme &or ne5t year is Feeding
S!irits with the Love of Jesus %0ll be honest 6 this was a mu$h harder theme in thin#in* about possible *oals
,hat does &eeds spirits7 /robably a lot o& di&&erent thin*s and it probably depends on the person ,e de$ided
to try and ma#e thin*s simpler Our mission $ommittee as#ed a bun$h o& people the &ollowin* 'uestion8 "f you
#ou$d take one ste! in your faith $ife in the ne%t year, what wou$d it be? ,hile we *ot a variety o& answers,
there was one theme that #ept $roppin* up in people0s answers /rayer -any o& you said you want to improve
on your prayer li&e To pray more To pray di&&erently 6 not 9ust a list o& re'uests made to .od To pray so as to
let *o o& thin*s and *ive them over to .od
,ith this in mind, we are settin* out with one *oal in 2014 6 to *row individually and $ommunally in our prayer
li&e ,e hope that this will &eed our spirits and the spirits o& others with the love o& +esus
To wor# toward this, the -ission Committee has $ome up with some intentional a$tions &or this ne5t year to
help us *row in prayer8
Goal: To Grow n!ivi!ually an! Co""unally in Our #rayer $ife
40 :ay 1enten +ourney on 1ord0s /rayer
o :aily :evotional 2eadin*s
o ,ednesday 1enten Servi$es Centered on 1ord0s /rayer
Sermon Series on /rayer
.uided prayer at the be*innin* o& worship durin* season o& 1ent and )dvent
%ntentional prayer at the end o& $hur$h *atherin*s
O&&er prayer re'uest $ards at the be*innin* o& worship and $olle$t them to use durin* the ;/rayers
o& the /eople<
%nvite and train people to lead prayers durin* worship
Start a ;,ailin* ,all< at ea$h $hur$h, where prayer re'uests $an be written throu*hout the year
Stret$h ourselves to pray one-on-one durin* =aith =ive moment durin* summer worship
-a#e prayer a re*ular topi$ durin* $hildren sermons, as#in* them who and what we should pray &or
and invitin* them to pray
%esire! Outco"es:
-a#in* prayer a re*ular part o& our lives
(e$omin* more $on&ident in prayin*
(e$omin* more $om&ortable prayin* with ea$h other
% am really e5$ited about this theme and this *oal &or ne5t year % hope you are too )s always, % trust that this is
9ust the be*innin* o& somethin* that will brea# open and surprise us in beauti&ully $hallen*in* and une5pe$ted
ways %t is a 9oy to be doin* ministry with you all
%n pea$e and love,
Pastor Jon
T/0N0TY ,1T&'/#N C&1/C& M.NT&,Y C.1NC0, M''T0N+
Wenesay2 .ctober 132 2014
&eeting called to order by 'res. (an. )pening prayer given by 'astor (on.
!ec. report presented by !hari. *pproved as read.
Treas. report unavailable.
+hurch +leaning, +rystal has been cleaning church. !he is asking for reimbursement for supplies, and a vacuum that was damaged
in the wet basement. &otion was made by +raig, and seconded by -obert to reimburse her. .ages will not be paid, as this will stay
on a volunteer basis. (an has an etra vacuum that she will donate to the church, and supplies will be stocked so that they are
available to anyone who does some cleaning.
*urora Thank )ffering service, This is set for !unday, /ov. 9
. 'astor (on will be gone that !unday. Trinity will still have service as
usual. There will be a guest speaker from the !$ &/ !ynod .elca as part of the service.
0lag Light, The east side light is not working. +raig and #ary will take it down, and get a replacement.
*urora 'layground, &otion was made by !hari, and seconded by #ary to give 1100.00 to the finishing of the new playground at
Trinity &ember list, This will be updated for future reference.
+ongregational &eeting, This will be changed to !unday, /ov. 23
with a council budget meeting to follow. The "oint 4udget meeting
will be !unday, /ov. 30
at noon at *urora. 'res., Treas., and trustees are to attend.
&itten Tree, This will be up from /ov. 2
to 5ec. 6
*dult +lasses, 'astor (on will lead an adult class studying the catechism starting /ov. 10
. This will be a four week class focusing on
4aptism and +ommunion.
/ewsletter, This has been coming late. 7t seems to be due to the post office, and how they send out bulk mail.
Large church events, There is a need to have ushers8workers to help set up chairs etc. so that 'astor (on and the speaker are free to
take care of the event itself.
*ebleskiver breakfast, Thank 9ou to +rystal for her hard work on getting donated items from businesses, and also sending out Thank
9ou:s to them. The net profit for the event was 12;;3.3<.
&eals on .heels, Thank 9ou to 'aul and +arolyn for delivering meals for us.
&aintenance, +raig is looking at a door for the back entrance. #ary has the cement sealer for the front entrance. -oger will be
ordering the insolation for the basement. The well house will be sealed for this winter, and will be repaired
in the spring.
!un. /ov. 2
, *ll !aints !unday.
!un. /ov. 9
, Thank )ffering !unday.
!un. /ov.23
, +ongregation meeting with council budget meeting to follow.
.ed. /ov. 2;
, Thanksgiving $ve. service at Trinity at ;,30.
!un. /ov. 30
, (oint budget meeting for 'res., Treas. and trustees. This will be at *urora at noon.
.ith nothing further to be discussed, motion to ad"ourn was made by #ary, and seconded by -oger.
-espectfully submitted, !hari &anges, Trinity secretary
)urora 1utheran Chur$h Coun$il -eetin*
September 1>, 2014
The re*ular monthly meetin* o& the )urora 1utheran Chur$h Coun$il was held on September 1>, 2014 The members
present were )n*ie +ensen, -i#e (ishman, -i$helle ,illiams, (rett /aape, +ared /reste*ard +odi ?e$#, /aul ?orbel,
2oberta +ensen, Sara /i$hner, /astor +on :avis, and Nathele (eadell
1u)nn =er*uson &rom -ission %nvestments $ame to tal# to us about what -ission %nvestments does and how the money
we have invested helps spread .od0s messa*e
The meetin* was $alled to order by /resident )n*ie +ensen and /astor +on lead us in prayer
Se$retary0s report8
The minutes &rom the )u*ust 20, 2014 meetin* was read and approved
Treasure0s report8
The reported )u*ust &inan$ials were reviewed and approved as &ollows8
)u*ust %n$ome8 @ 4,31>14 )u*ust A5penses8 @ 4,B3C3>
!ear To :ate %n$ome8 @4D,C0C4D !ear To :ate A5penses @40,B4CDC
/astors 2eport8
There will be a sui$ide awareness presentation on O$tober 4
at D830 durin* the $on&irmation meetin* This is
open &or all to attend
/astor +on as#ed i& we would $onsider a debit $ard &or him to use that is set up li#e 1isa0s
The Synod is as#in* $on*re*ations who they believe should be allow to re$eive $ommunion )t what a*e, do they
need to be baptiEed, what is the $riteria &or re$eivin* $ommunion
/astor +on will be *one on November B

Fn&inished (usiness8
/lay*round 6 The slide is $ra$#ed The play*round $ommittee is $he$#in* into the warranty
/lay*round 1ands$ape 6 +odi $he$#ed pri$in* o& the lumber needed &or the play*round set )le5ander 1umber
pri$in* 6 one row hi*h @411>1 plus an$hor spi#es, two rows hi*h @102342 plus an$hor spi#es The pri$e o& the
rubber mul$h needed is @2,300
,e will be as#in* &or spe$ial o&&erin*s to $over the $ost o& &inishin* the play*round on O$tober 2D

Sound system - There are no updates on the sound system
/ar#in* lot 6,e still need to loo# into the details o& the *rant that was &ound &or the par#in* lot
/arsona*e paintin* 6 ,e will be painin* the parsona*e on September 2>
startin* at B800 am
1o$#s 6 The lo$#s have been $han*ed and new #eys will be distributed Aa$h #ey is numbered ) list o& who the
#ey holders are and whi$h #ey ea$h #ey hold has will be maintained
Chur$h phone 6 )n emer*en$y phone line will be installed
New (usiness8
Chur$h Cleanin* 6 ,e will be loo#in* to &ill the 9anitorial position &or the $hur$h
Ne5t $oun$il meetin* O$tober 14
G D830
2espe$t&ully Submitted
Nathele (eadell
&urora $utheran Church Council 'eeting
O$tober 14, 2014
The )urora Coun$il meetin* o& 10"14"14 was $alled to order by /resident, )n*ie +ensen The &ollowin* members were
present8 )n*ie +ensen, -i#e (ishman, -i$helle ,illiams, (rett /aape, +ared /reste*ard, +odi ?e$#, 2oberta +ensen,
Sara /i$hner, /astor +on :avis, )pril /reste*ard, )ly$in /reste*ard and Curtis +ensen The Se$retaryHs report &or the
B"1>"14 meetin* were read and approved The TreasurerHs report8 September &inan$ials were reviewed and approved
Sept %n$ome 4,D4111 !T: %n$ome D1,44BD>
Sept A5penses >,D414C !T: A5penses 4C,D002D
(alan$e Sheet8
The Che$#in* a$$ount $ontinues to be at a ne*ative balan$e The balan$e as o& 10"14"14 I-D1331BJ

+odi reviewed the in$ome, e5penses, and net pro&its &or the past D years ,e are noti$in* a need to understand what is
drivin* the ne*ative balan$e and trends &or the past years

The $oun$il loo#ed at ways to possibly in&orm the $on*re*ation o& our &inan$ial need8
-A5plore the possibility o& ele$troni$ deposits to )urora
-%n&ormin* the $on*re*ation why &amilies need to *ive-what do their o&&erin*s *o toward
-Kow do we tal# to the $on*re*ation about money and not o&&end them
/lay*round8 ,e are in the pro$ess o& orderin* mul$h and outer boards to *et the pro9e$t done
/arsona*e8 /aintin* is almost done ,e will &inish up on Saturday O$t 1C around so&&its and a $ouple other areas The
roo& is not o#, there is an issue in the slope by where the *ara*e meets the house Called insuran$e, &ilin* a $laim &or that
=la* /ole8 1i*htin* on the &la* is wor#in* now Curtis will *et a new &la*
/hone 1ine8 Still $he$#in* into phone &or the elevator
Cleanin*8 Tanya )rtmann be*an $leanin* the $hur$h on 10"11
Constitution Lote8 Lote will ta#e pla$e in +anuary
S$holarships8 S$holarships will be $omin* out soon There are &our s$holarships &or )urora"Trinity students who are
$urrently attendin* a $olle*e or trade s$hool See /astor +on or 1isa &or an appli$ation with spe$i&i$ re'uirements
/astor0s Con&eren$e8 )urora will be hostin* the /astor0s Con&eren$e on :e$ember 1D
,e will need to provide a lun$h
and an o&&erin* bas#et is put out &or o&&erin*
Snow 2emoval8 ,e will use : M - a*ain this year Curtis will tal# to Tim about doin* sidewal#s
%ates to (e"e")er:
Than#o&&erin*8 Nov B
Oyster"Chili8 November 23
The ne5t $oun$il meetin* will be held on ,ed Nov 1B
at D830 pm
2espe$t&ully Submitted by8
+odi ?e$#"lm#
4oint Council Meetin(:
=ctober #7, !8#:
SecretaryAs Beport9 ;pproved as Bead
&ission *ommittee Epdate9 See Pastor Letter
*hurch 'irectory9 'ecided we wanted to update our directory. We will need a committee to
organiFe this. Jeanne and Boberta volunteered to serve on the committee we will need !9: more
people to be on the committee as well. %hey will meet after the #
of the year
Budget &eeting9 %his will ta)e place on Sunday, ovember >8
at oon. Presidents, treasurers
and trustees present only. PiFFa will be served.
;nnual &eetings6 %rinity9 January #@
" ;urora9January !7
Epcoming ,vents6
;ll Saints Sunday9 Sunday, ovember !
%han)oGering Sunday9 Sunday, ovember <

%han)sgiving9 Wednesday, ovember !$
at %rinity at $6>8 p.m.
*hristmas Program at ;urora9 Sunday, ovember #:
at $6>8 p.m.
*hristmas ,ve9 ;urora at 7688 p.m.
*hristmas 'ay9 %rinity at <6 88 a.m.
;sh Wednesday9 Feb. #@
,aster Wee)9 %hursday, ;pril !
9( pm at %rinity
Friday, ;pril >
9( pm at ;urora
Sunday, ;pril :
H (am Sunrise Service at ;urora followed by additional services
at ;urora " %rinity
&eeting ;d+ourned
Submitted By6
Jodi 2ec)Ilm)

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