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Overview of the Childs Id Program

Parents/guardians and child imprints are on the same document (Safety Id Card). his data shall !e
placed with the already e"isting vital records and imprint match shall !e accessi!le !y scanning the
!ar code on the !ac# of parent/guardian drivers license. $ (%) time &'$ test is re(uired which shall
factually connect the child to the legal parents/guardians. &'$ e(uipment shall !e ordered through
our States )orensics program. *"isting employees shall !e trained for the program. he Childs
Safety I& program shall have a separate !an# account for feasi!ility studies.
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The objective of the program is to stop the psychological and physical
abuse of children who are sold, switched, swapped, unlawfully removed,
trafcked and abducted from the childs parent/guardian. Noncustodial
parent/grandparents have a right to a noncustodial afety !d "ard. This law
shall place scanners in police cruisers, #N$ e%uipment in the health
department and the justice center, allowing parents and legal guardians
the right to view the #N$ process like watching a &subway sandwich' and
shall eliminate any dispute of decisions made by legal authority. (aw
enforcement )eld workers shall have the legal right to compare imprint
data by use of a scanner . (aw enforcement/social workers shall comply
with this law during intake and removal of the child. #ecisions are based on
#N$ and not photographs.
Step I
&'$ test are performed and imprints of parent/guardian shall !e on same Safety I& Card with the
childs imprints with placement of your State Seal. The identification document will stay in the glove
compartment and wallet at all times. Parents/guardians will always have access to DNA testing with the
right to view the entire process of the test. Hospital OB Departments shall comply with the hild!s
"afety #D Program $y placing Dr!s% attending nurses%and parents/guardians imprints on the same page
with the child!s% along with your "tate "eal. No match DNA always means placement on the &oll all.
Step II
'aw (nforcement have the right to scan the $ac) of parent/guardians driver!s license and compare imprint
data. Others in possession of child% officer has the right to contact parents/guardians and compare imprint
data. .Noncompliance offenders can $e ta)en into custody and "tep # ompliance shall $e performed.
(veryone involved can watch the DNA process so there are no misunderstandings% miscommunications%
arguments or complaints a$out the results. All authorities and employees shall comply with the "afety #d
Program or employment shall $e terminated.
The decision to pass this law is detrimental to our Homeland "ecurity. *ithout this law% children who have
identity pro$lems have no sense of commitment to anyone or anything. hildren are moved from +pillar to
post, with very little physical and emotional care. #f this nation does not stop child traffic)ing% the
pro$lem could very well dissolve the fa$ric of our freedom as we )now freedom today. # am as)ing you
to $e the first "tate in this nation to pass this law. Do you thin) this is going over$oard for the safety of a
child- This is li)e telling parents who are +over protective, they are not good parents. #n today!s society% an
over protective parent is a good parent. "ome children do not have anyone to spea) for them. Also%
without ade.uate immuni/ation% traffic)ed children are at ris) with one another. (very "tate should race to
$e the first to pass the +hild!s "afety #d Program, also )nown as the +hild!s #dentity Act.,
The Safety Id Program gives the child the right not $e passed around% traffic)ed% switched% swapped%
used% a$used% sold% )idnapped% and e0ploited. A "tate not $udgeted for this program should esta$lish a
1olunteer account and allow citi/ens raise the money with donations.
$s# your .ouse of 0epresentatives to support a +ill passing the Childs Safety Id Program as State

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