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This assessment examines the threat from terrorists and

Canadian National Capital Region (NCR). Since the last update
2011 09 22,
Key Points
be identified as a legitimate target
Islamist terrorist organizations.
The presence of high-profile federal institutions,
foreign embassies, tourists and other symbolic
Iocatio rnak the NCR a rich environment for
possible of differently-motivated
ists. 4
from all points on the political and
3. Targets Attractiveness: The presence of numerous
embassies, military facilities, tourist attractions, and
environment for possible plots by a variety of
NCR have been characterized mostly as politically-motivated vh
or embassies (see Appendix). More recently, the NCR has been menti
by Islamist terrorists, for example, the so-called Toronto 18.
4. Canadas heightened strategic profile amongst international terrorist organizations:
Overall Threat Assessment
a fich
in the
On 2013 06 25, Anjem Chou yj. jased radical Islamist preacher and AQ sympathizer,
made statements in an ii that identified Canada as a top-tier terrorist
target alongside the s support of Israel and the war on
Canada was identified
and AS member who
In 2002, Canada was specifically
and Australia in an audio-tape recorded
of an American citizen
an Al-Jazeera.
The Effectiveness of Lone Actors and Small-Scale Attacks
The majority of these attacks both
out either by lone actors or small numbers of i
weapons or rudimentary improvised explosive c.,.
Active Shooter: Active shooter situations are
unpredictable and evolve quickly. These attacks
typically take place in highly populated, confined
spaces and are carried out by individuals indifferent
to their own survival. Such terrorist attacks have
been successfully staged in Europe and the USA.
Bladed-Weapon A]
such as those that occurred in
May 2013 require lii
with little or no ware
Improvised Explosive Devices: The 2013 O4l5
Boston Marathon bombings and the 7/22 Anders
Breivik attacks in Norway (ITAC TA 12/49)
demonstrate that self-directed individuals with
limited formal training, are capable of researching
and carrying out successful terrorist attacks using
home-made jrnprovised explosive devices (TED).
tr 01 rQ(
k1r cs
il al have been camed
I,have?c&si1Vaps, bladed
tsoft /4(
7. attacks, using available weapons and minimal preparation
with the actual capabilities of most extremists.
+ - -
The Transformation of the Threat from AQ Core and its Affiliates
11. Canadian citizens have
civilians overseas;
Canadians are travelling to
Northern Africa to train or fight on behalf of Islamist
attacks against
istan, Syria, Somalia and
to the National Capital Region
Violence against Foreign Dignitaries: There is a lengthy
ly motivated violence being directed against embassies and
nature of these incidents ranges from fatal attacks on
1 1 04 05 arrest of seven men for forcing their way
Iting a diplomat.
13. The Threat from .2012, the Government of Canada suspended
diplomatic relations with the iran, and listed Iran as a supporter of terrorism
under the State Immunily Act. In response, Tebran threatened Canada with swift retaliation.
in December 2012 the Government of Canada listed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(1RGC)-Qods as a terrorist entity, reinforcing the Government of Irans view that Canada is
hostile towards Iran Tehrans anti-Canada rhetonc continus and is well-documented, Ramin
Mehmanparast, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman w ued stating Canadas radical
government has put into practice a project to harass Iran and it s clear tIat i has pursued these
hostile actions in response to accusations that a man pteste in Canada under tefloism charges
may have been sponsored by AQ in Iran
14. Possibility of Attacks against
Military Personnel or Facilities:
Canadian military facilities
were among the targets discussed by
the Toronto 18 plotters in
recent successful attack on a cananali
forces facility in Canada highlights the
threat from non-Islami St single-issue
extremism. On 2010 07 02, a
Quebec-based group, Resistance
Internationaliste, bombed a recruiting
office in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec saying
it was protesting the militaristic ideals
and policies of the Canadian
ains an ongoing security concern in Canada with
use of violent tactics to support issue-based
anti-capitalism, ethno-nationalism and
of domestic extremism have been small-
attack on an Royal Bank of Canada branch in
lines in Northern British Columbia between
scale attacks,
Ottawa and the
October 2008 and July 2009.
Appendix: Chronology of Politically Motivated Attacks and Plots in the NCR
2011, Libyan Embassy: Seven young men were
Embassy in Ottawa and assaulting a diplomat.
2010, Royal Bank of Canada: An RBC brh,
firebomb attack by domestic extremists advocating
2010, Project Samossa: Three men were arrested in
attacks in Ottawa and other Canadian cities.
2006, Toronto 18 Police arrested eighteen individuals for plotting S across
southern Ontario. One of the locations considered for an attack was Parliament Hill.
1992, Iranian Embassy: Some 40 individuals armed with crowbars, sledgehammers and a
ladder attacked the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa. Most of the individuals were members of the
Mujahedin e-Khalq (MEK), a terrorist organization opposed to the Iranian regime. The MEK
was listed by Canada as a terrorist organization from 05 2005 to 12 2012. The attackers
vandalized the premises beforebingarreted.
1992, Sudanese Dignitary Assaulted-pr Haan bdallah Al-Turabi was assaulted at Ottawa
International Airport by refug& arts expert. Al-Turabi, Chairman
of the National Islamic FronYii the 1Stcjn, su1ied, s 5,iAieai-injunes and was hospitalized
for several weeks.
1989, Bus Hijacked on Parliament of Lebaxese origin highjacked a
Greyhound bus from Montreal to Ottawa clt)n ol1,gvances He kept police at bay on
Parliament Hill for 5 hours before the incident ed p 4f1z
1985, Turkish Embassy: Armenian terrorists stormed the Turkish Embassy, killing one
Canadian guard. The Turkish Ambassador was left seriously wounded when he tried to escape
from an upstairs window.
1982, Turkish Diplomat Assassinated: Turkish Diplomat Colonel Atilla Altikat was shot and
killed in Ottaahile his car idled at a stoplight on the Western Parkway.
1982, Turkish Ernbassy Annernan gunmen opened fire on Turkish Embassy Commercial
Attacle Mr Kani Gungr, as he entered the garage of his apartment complex The victim was
left paralysed by th shooting
1977, Indian fligb$owihassioo: The Indian High Commission in Ottawa was lightly damaged
by a Molotov cockiaii,. attack attributed to the Ananda Marga Yoga Society seeking the
release of one of its leaders in India
1972, Israeli Diplomats Six letter bombs seflt to Isradi officials in Ottawa were intercepted and
dismantled. -
access to the Libyan
of a
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