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. What is the similarity and /or difference between organizational culture and corporate culture?

Give 3 examples each.

To answer this question I will like to define the key terms in this question which are
Organization Culture and corporate culture:

Organizational Culture includes everything that makes up the corporation and gives it unique
identity, distinguishing it from other businesses even if they create the same of similar, products
and services. Companies are living system with their own core values and ways of working.
Ultimately, it is the expression of organizational culture that can determine the success or failure
of a corporation.

Corporate Culture: corporate culture is the total sum of values, customs, traditions and
meaning that makes a company unique. Corporate culture is often called the character of an
organization since it embodies the vision of the company’s founders. The values of a corporate
culture influence the ethical standards within a corporation, as well as managerial behavior.

A. The similarity between organizational culture and corporate culture.

Organizational and corporate culture are both describe as the psychology, attitudes, experiences,
beliefs and values (personal and cultural values) in an organization. That is, they both defined the
specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization
that controls the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the
organization. Examples are:

They both are concerned about achieving specific goals.

(i)They both share in common issues of behavioral codes like how to dress, how to act and talk.

(ii)They are both influenced by work environmental factors like hours of work, reward systems


The difference between organizational culture and corporate culture is that, organizational
culture is not the same a corporate culture. It is wider and deeper concept, something that an
organization 'is' rather than what it 'has'. Corporate culture is the total sum of the values,
customs, and traditions within an organization that makes it unique. It is "the character of an
organization" since it embodies the vision of the company’s founders. Examples are:

(i)Organizations reputation or image

(ii)Quality of services or products

(iii)Unlike orgazational culture that is influenced by issues within an organization,coporate

culture is largely influenced by the industry in which an organization operates, geographical
location, history, and employee personalities.

3. What is service culture? Mention a service-oriented organization in Nigeria. Mention five

areas of disservice in the organization and give five tips for improvement.

(a)Service culture is a collection of policies, attitudes, procedures or actions on the part of an

organization and its employees that aim at providing satisfactory services to the customers. That
is the concept indicates that, for everyone in the service provider organizations, customer
satisfaction is the top priority and that service provider activities should demonstrably contribute
to the business objectives of the Customer. This may include such things as personal
appearances, the way employees relate with customers, and service provider’s knowledge, skill
and attitude level or any other aspect of the organization with which the customer comes into

(b)Example of a service-oriented organization in Nigeria is Globalcom.

(c) . The five areas of disservice in the organization could be mentioned as follows:

(i) Failure to provide sufficient information to allow consumers to understand the terms of the
product or service being offered.

Tips for improvement: -Verify that information provided to consumers is complete and accurate
and is not likely to mislead or deceive a reasonable consumer. This includes a review to ensure
that customers receiving the information can reasonably be expected to understand the
information about products or services.

(ii) The failure of meeting the minimum customer service expectations

Tips for improvement: - a great need for customer relations training is required to prioritize the
meeting of customer expectations.

(iii)Unfair usage of language in communicating within an organization.

Tips for improvement: -Communication skills must be developed through training.

(iv) Indulgences into unethical behaviors such as bribes, cheating, truancy attitudes and self-
centered goals instead of those of the organizational.

Tips for improvement: -Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones .Mean while,
provide mechanisms so that employees can discuss ethical dilemmas and report unethical
behaviors without fears.

(v)Unjust workplace revenge like decisions to work more slowly, refusals to help the colleague,
or ignoring tasks set forth by the offender. This could a drop in retention rates and loss of
otherwise productive employees.

Tips for improvement: - One way to combat revenge within the organization is to implement exit
interviews. This way help can companies gain true, raw knowledge of what is really taking place
within the organization, often because the exiting employee is no longer scared of the fear of any
possible organization retaliation.

4. Can Emotional Intelligence factors be learnt? Discuss.

Yes they can be learnt. This is because to learn the emotional intelligence factors simply entails
one taking charge of his emotional and social skills in his/ her daily live, reasoning and
behavior, and managing it to his/ her advantage.

Developing emotional intelligence skills requires that individuals eliminate old behaviors and
embrace new ones. And this requires practice and self-reflection on the impact of using the new
To this end, I can say that they can be learnt by consciously and concertedly knowing one’s
emotions, controlling one’s emotions, recognizing the emotions of others, and sharpening social
skills, that could enable people make use of their emotion to enhance relationships and to pursue

5. Give 5 pointers each on customer service orientation that you need to learn; unlearn; re-learn
and yet to learn to better you as a customer service advocate.

(i)Listens carefully and empathizes with the person's concerns.

(ii) Offers relevant information.

(iii) Asks questions to check for satisfaction.

(iv) Take surveys to determine people's needs.

(v) Follow through.

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