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Pg. No.(FOPO) Author Name et al./ Elixir Sub Category xx (xxxx) xxxx-xxxx(For Office Purpoe O!

Introduction (use style: Times New Roman, Size: 10)
All manuscripts must be in English. These guidelines
include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related
information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. Please
follow them and if you have any questions, direct them to the
production editor in charge of your proceedings or contact us at
This template provides authors with most of the formatting
specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their
papers. All standard paper components have been specified for
three reasons !"# ease of use when formatting individual papers,
!$# automatic compliance to electronic requirements that
facilitate the concurrent or later production of electronic
products, and !%# conformity of style throughout a conference
proceedings. &argins, column widths, line spacing, and type
styles are built'in. P(EA)E *+ ,+T -E'A*./)T T0E)E
&A-12,). )ome components, such as multi'leveled equations,
graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table
text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these
components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.
Identify the Headins
0eadings, or heads, are organi3ational devices that guide the
reader through your paper. There are two types component
heads and text heads.
4omponent heads identify the different components of your
paper and are not topically subordinate to each other. Examples
include Ac5nowledgments and -eferences and, for these, the
correct style to use is Heading 5. /se figure caption for
your 6igure captions, and table head for your table title. -un'
in heads, such as 7Abstract8, will require you to apply a style !in
this case, italic# in addition to the style provided by the drop
down menu to differentiate the head from the text.
Text heads organi3e the topics on a relational, hierarchical
basis. 6or example, the paper title is the primary text head
because all subsequent material relates and elaborates on this one
topic. 2f there are two or more sub'topics, the next level head
!uppercase -oman numerals# should be used and, conversely, if
there are not at least two sub'topics, then no subheads should be
introduced. )tyles named Heading 1, 7Heading 2, Heading
3, and Heading 4 are prescribed.
Ty!e Style and "onts
9herever Times is specified, Times ,ew -oman may be
used. Avoid using bit'mapped fonts. True Type " or +pen Type
fonts are required. Please embed all fonts, in particular symbol
fonts, as well, for math, etc.
#ase of $se
The template is used to format your paper and style the text.
All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are
prescribed: please do not alter them. ;ou may note peculiarities.
6or example, the head margin in this template measures
proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and
others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your
paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an
independent document. Please do not revise any of the current
%re!are &our %a!er 'efore Stylin
<efore you begin to format your paper, first write and save
the content as a separate text file. =eep your text and graphic
files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled.
*o not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one
return at the end of a paragraph. *o not add any 5ind of
pagination anywhere in the paper. *o not number text heads>
the template will do that for you.
6inally, complete content and organi3ational editing before
$sin the Tem!late
After the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for
the template. *uplicate the template file by using the )ave as
command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your
conference for the name of your paper.
Tele: (use style: Times New Roman, Size: ()
#)mail addresses: (use style: Times New Roman, Size: ()
* +01, #li-ir .ll rihts reser/ed
Paper Title !use style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e "?#
, 1iven'name$@
and 1iven'name%
!use style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e ""#
Affiliation ", Address, 4ity and 4ountry !use style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e "A#
Affiliation $, Address, 4ity and 4ountry !use style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e "A#
Type your Abstract text here !use style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e "A#
An Abstract is required for every paper: it should succinctly summari3e the reason for the
wor5, the main findings, and the conclusions of the study. The abstract should be no longer
than "AA words. *o not include artwor5, tables, elaborate equations or references to other
parts of the paper or to the reference listing at the end. The reason is that the Abstract should
be understandable in itself to be suitable for storage in textual information retrieval systems.
* +01, #li-ir .ll rihts reser/ed

.RTI01# IN"2
.rt i cl e hi st ory: ("or 2ffi ce
%ur!ose 2nl y)
-eceived in revised form
!/se style Times ,ew -oman, )i3e
A3omethine ylide,
*iels'Alder cycloaddition,
Enantioselective catalysis,
&icrowave'assisted synthesis.
Elixir Sub Category xx (xxxx) xxxx-xxxx(For Office Purpoe O!ly)
Su4 0ateory ("or 2ffice %ur!ose 2nly)
A"ailable o!li!e at (Elixir $!ter!atio!al %our!al)
Pg. No.(FOPO) Author Name et al./ Elixir Sub Category xx (xxxx) xxxx-xxxx(For Office Purpoe O!ly)
2n this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and
import your prepared text file. ;ou are now ready to style your
paper: use the scroll down window on the left of the &) 9ord
6ormatting toolbar.
#nterin te-t
There are several ways in which you can enter and format
your text in this template. The first way is to simply type your
text in a blan5 document based on this template. 2f you want to
apply a different style, start typing the text first as a new
paragraph and, while the cursor is somewhere within the
paragraph, choose the appropriate style from the drop'down
custom menus. 2f you remove text to replace it with your own
text, you should pay attention to the Bsection brea5sC in it.
)witch to B,ormal viewC on the BDiewC menu to see the brea5s.
uses those to separate the one'column and two'column
parts, as well as to serve as page brea5s. !;ou may find wor5ing
in B,ormalC view more convenient anyway. )witching to BPageC
view will restore the two'column lay'out once you have
finished.# 6rom the 9ord
B6ileC F BPage )etupC menu, you can
adGust the typing area to the paper si3e !AH or (etter si3e paper#
that you use. /sing those options will remove the one' and two'
column settings, so you will need to reinsert those, using the
options in &icrosoft 9ord
to adGust column settings. 2n case
the lay'out becomes disrupted, insert the appropriate brea5 !page
brea5 or column brea5# from the 9ord
menu to restore it.
)witch to a $'column lay'out after the Abstract. At the end of
your text, balance the columns using the B4ontinuousC option
from the B2nsertC F B<rea5C menu. 2nsert a switch to one column
before any page'wide tables.
The equations are an exception to the prescribed
specifications of this template. ;ou will need to determine
whether or not your equation should be typed using either the
Times ,ew -oman or the )ymbol font !please no other font#.
To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the
equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper
is styled.
,umber equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within
parentheses, are to position flush right, as in Eq. ", using a right
tab stop. To ma5e your equations more compact, you may use
the solidus ! I #, the exp function, or appropriate exponents.
2talici3e -oman symbols for quantities and variables, but not
1ree5 symbols. /se a long dash rather than a hyphen for a
minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when
they are part of a sentence, as in
+ = . (1)
,ote that the equation is centered using a center tab stop.
<e sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined
before or immediately following the equation. /se 7Eq. "8 or
7Equation "8, not 7!"#8, especially at the beginning of a
sentence 7Equation " is . . .8
"iures and Ta4les
Place figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns.
Avoid placing them in the middle of columns. (arge figures and
tables may span across both columns. 6igure captions should be
below the figures: table captions should appear above the tables.
2nsert figures and tables after they are cited in the text. /se the
abbreviation 76ig. "8 in the text, and 76igure "8 at the beginning
of a sentence.
/se "A point Times ,ew -oman for figure labels. /se
words rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing figure'
axis labels to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, write
the quantity 7&agneti3ation8, or 7&agneti3ation, &8, not Gust
2f including units in the label, present them within
parentheses. *o not label axes only with units. 2n the example,
write 7&agneti3ation !AIm#8 or 7&agneti3ation JAKm!"#LM8, not
Gust 7AIm8. *o not label axes with a ratio of quantities and
units. 6or example, write 7Temperature !=#8, not
Ta4le 16 Ta4le Ty!e Styles (use style: Times New Roman,
Size: 10)
Ta4le Head
Ta4le 0olumn Head (use style: Times New
Roman, Size: 7)
Ta4le column su4head Su4head Su4head
&ore table copy
!use style
Times ,ew -oman, )i3e N#
"iure 16 . ca!tion is !ositioned left 8ustified 4elow the
fiure or scheme (use style: Times New Roman, Size: 10)
0o!yriht "orms
;ou must submit the Elixir 4opyright 6orm !E46# as
described can be obtained from the following lin5.
T02) 6+-& &/)T <E )/<&2TTE* 2, +-*E- T+
P/<(2)0 ;+/- PAPE-.
.c9nowledment (use style: Times New Roman, Size: 10)
The preferred spelling of the word 7ac5nowledgment8 in
America is without an 7e8 after the 7g8. Avoid the stilted
expression, 7+ne of us !-. <. 1.# than5s . . .8 2nstead, try
7-. <. 1. than5s8. Put applicable sponsor ac5nowledgments
here: *+ ,+T place them on the first page of your paper or as a
References (use style: Times New Roman, Size: 10)
(ist and number all bibliographical references in "A'point
Times, single'spaced, at the end of your paper. 9hen referenced
in the text, enclose the citation number in square brac5ets, for
example K"L. 9here appropriate, include the name!s# of editors
of referenced boo5s. The template will number citations
consecutively within brac5ets K"L. The sentence punctuation
follows the brac5et K$L. -efer simply to the reference number, as
in 7K%L8>do not use 7-ef. K%L8 or 7reference K%L8. *o not use
reference citations as nouns of a sentence !e.g., not 7as the
writer explains in K"L8#.
6or papers published in translation Gournals, please give the
English citation first, followed by the original foreign'language
citation KPL.
K"L 1. Eason, <. ,oble, and 2. ,. )neddon, 7+n certain
integrals of (ipschit3'0an5el type involving products of <essel
functions,8 Phil. Trans. -oy. )oc. (ondon, vol. A$H?, pp. Q$NR
QQ", April "NQQ.
K$L .. 4ler5 &axwell, A Treatise on Electricity and &agnetism,
%rd ed., vol. $. +xford 4larendon, "SN$, pp.PSR?%.
Pg. No.(FOPO) Author Name et al./ Elixir Sub Category xx (xxxx) xxxx-xxxx(For Office Purpoe O!ly)
K%L 2. ). .acobs and 4. P. <ean, 76ine particles, thin films and
exchange anisotropy,8 in &agnetism, vol. 222, 1. T. -ado and 0.
)uhl, Eds. ,ew ;or5 Academic, "NP%, pp. $?"R%QA.
KHL =. Elissa, 7Title of paper if 5nown,8 unpublished.
KQL -. ,icole, 7Title of paper with only first word capitali3ed,8
.. ,ame )tand. Abbrev., in press.
KPL ;. ;oro3u, &. 0irano, =. +5a, and ;. Tagawa, 7Electron
spectroscopy studies on magneto'optical media and plastic
substrate interface,8 2EEE Transl. .. &agn. .apan, vol. $, pp.
?HAR?H", August "NS? K*igests Nth Annual 4onf. &agnetics
.apan, p. %A", "NS$L.
K?L &. ;oung, The Technical 9riterTs 0andboo5. &ill Dalley,
4A /niversity )cience, "NSN.

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