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... through Bertha Dudde

3159 a

Assessing religious dogma....
Few eole understand the value of divine revelations and thus
rarel! a""et the messages un"onditionall!.... #onse$uentl!%
numerous oortunities are not utilised whi"h results in limited
&nowledge and often deadlo"& where rogress "ould have 'een
(eole)s siritual ignoran"e "ould 'e resolved% their state of
dar&ness "ould 'e turned into enlightenment% and !et the! refer
the night and shun the light% the! are still in oosition to the world
of light whi"h "aringl! gives to ever!one who la"es their trust in it.
*his is due to a la"& of faith in God)s mer"! and +is willingness to
hel eole when the! are in need. ,evertheless it is a roven need
and "onsists of the fa"t that "ountless mis"on"etions revent
eole from understanding God "orre"tl!% from loving +im and from
revealing this love '! gladl! heling other eole.
*his need "onsists of a dead faith whi"h will fail when it is tested%
'e"ause when the human 'eing has to ma&e a serious de"ision he
"an onl! sta! "ommitted if he is firml! "onvin"ed that his
&nowledge and faith are more valua'le than what ooses him.
For this reason faith and &nowledge have to "on"ur% i.e. whatever a
erson should 'elieve has to 'e "redi'le and reveal wisdom when
he seriousl! refle"ts on it. God does not demand to 'elieve
something that he "ould not a""et after serious "onsideration.
Whatever aears to 'e una""eta'le% whatever - after serious
e.amination - la"&s wisdom% has to 'e a human addition to what
God has demanded to 'elieve.
+owever% the "redi'ilit! of dogma is aarent '! the love it
emanates% '! God)s love for ever!thing +e has "reated/
"onse$uentl!% love and wisdom indi"ate a divine 'eing whi"h "ares
for +is living "reations. And thus ever! religious do"trine "an
initiall! 'e assessed from this erse"tive.
0t has to 'e said that an!one willing to tea"h is first of all dut!
'ound to ma&e su"h an assessment% sin"e he should onl! tea"h
what he himself has identified as truth. *his rere$uisite is usuall!
disregarded and for that reason alone signifi"antl! suorts the
sread of errors.
1ver! tea"her has to 'e full! "onvin"ed of what he tea"hes. And
"onvi"tion "an onl! 'e gained after serious assessment. *hen the
tea"her "an safel! ass on what he has re"ognised as true to
eole who are less a'le to ma&e su"h an assessment 'ut who% if
taught "orre"tl!% nevertheless "an &now that the tea"hing is
"redi'le 'e"ause it "onfirms God)s love and wisdom to them.
*hose who genuinel! want to evaluate dogma will not la"& the
a'ilit! to thin& if the! want to &now the truth% on "ondition that the
e.aminer also lives within love% otherwise he "annot reresent the
truth 'ut has to reresent errors and lies sin"e% due to his
un&indness% he has given himself to the one who fights against
0n view of this it is understanda'le that and wh! an initiall! ure
and unadulterated tea"hing given to eole has 'een "onsidera'l!
"hanged% wh! it was not ossi'le for written re"ords to remain
authenti"% 'e"ause serious assessment of their "redi'ilit! and truth
was evaded '! the demand to "ategori"all! 'elieve ever!thing that
was 'eing taught.
(ure truth will stand u to an! &ind of investigation and thus
remain un"hanged. But divisions o""urred in due "ourse% different
s"hools of thought and their individual do"trines "onstantl! offered
the oortunit! of "omarison% and had the! 'een "omared with
divine wisdom and love% ever! serious e.aminer "ould have &nown
whi"h do"trines were human wor& and should have 'een
denoun"ed as misguided 'eliefs.
#onse$uentl!% the eole who were "aa'le of verif!ing the truth
'ut failed to do so and uns"ruulousl! assed on do"trines whi"h on
"loser e.amination the! should have re2e"ted% are mostl! to 'lame
and will also 'e held a""ounta'le.
As a result the! had sread errors and lies. +owever% there have
alwa!s 'een eole who% of their own a""ord% had underta&en su"h
assessments and as reformers tried to "hange the old do"trines.
And again% it deended on their degree of maturit! how mu"h the!
were living in truth and "ould "onve! it as su"h....
+en"e% time and again human 'eings had 'een given the
oortunit! to form an oinion a'out religious do"trines% sin"e due
to the disutes 'etween different s"hools of thought% due to the
divisions within the "hur"h% the! were made aware of the different
tea"hings 'ut nevertheless it was demanded that the! had to 'e
,ow the intellect and the heart had to 'e"ome a"tive if an
evaluation were to 'e "arried out% and that required the
person's will and his desire to know the truth.
1ver! follower of a do"trine suorts his do"trine and !et different
do"trines "annot "laim to 'e the truth as there is onl! one truth.
And ever! human 'eing should endeavour to a"$uire this truth....
*hus it is indeed a'solutel! essential for a human 'eing to form a
ersonal oinion a'out ever! religious instru"tion otherwise it
"annot ever 'e"ome his siritual ossession even if he suorts it
with words. But then su"h words are not an innermost "onvi"tion%
sin"e "onvi"tion a'solutel! ne"essitates mental deli'eration and this
thought ro"ess "an onl! 'e "orre"tl! guided '! aealing to the
divine sirit.
+owever% if tea"hers offer the ure truth a erson will find it mu"h
easier to gain inner "onvi"tion if he refle"ts on it himself% while it
ta&es a stronger will and desire for truth to identif! misguided
tea"hings as wrong. And this is wh! the tea"her is wholl!
resonsi'le if he% due to his own indifferen"e or negligen"e% fails to
"arr! out an assessment and sreads siritual information of whi"h
he is not "omletel! "onvin"ed himself.
For if he has offered himself for tea"hing wor& he ma! onl! tea"h
what he himself - after serious assessment - "onsiders to 'e
a""eta'le% otherwise he sins against those who 'elieve to re"eive
wisdom from him and whom he urges into wrong thin&ing with
misguided tea"hings.
Furthermore% it is his dut! to en"ourage eole to evaluate the
tea"hings too so that the!% in turn% ma! gain "onvi"tion% or a living
faith% and 'e"ome a'le to differentiate 'etween error and truth....
3159 '
Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions....
0ntelle"tual &nowledge a"$uired '! the human 'eing without ra!er
to God for siritual enlightenment is in"omlete and therefore
"annot 'e des"ri'ed as "onsistent. +en"e there "an still 'e
unsolved issues and these in arti"ular give "ause to dou't 'e"ause
different suorters also e.lain them differentl!.
0t is now self-evident that the different results also have to 'e
assessed '! an!one who onl! wants to a""et the truth.
+uman &nowledge is never a'ove reroa"h% and that "ontroversial
issues alwa!s relate to human &nowledge% human interretations% is
o'vious from the fa"t that it is disuted% 'e"ause ure truth
originating from God is alwa!s the same and will never show
different results.
A erson without good will and a desire for truth will re"eive God)s
transmitted truth in"orre"tl! as his thoughts are su'2e"t to evil
influen"es whi"h "onfuse him and render the truth
in"omrehensi'le/ on the other hand% a erson who genuinel!
strives for truth also $uestions misguided &nowledge.
0t does not give him "omlete assuran"e of truth and thus he
evaluates it% rovided he is not rohi'ited to do so and
un"onditional a""etan"e is demanded of him whi"h is% however% at
all times and without $uestion 3atan)s doing. For it will never 'e an
in2usti"e 'efore God to sin"erel! see& the truth% and that the
human 'eing should form an oinion of what is resented to him as
truth is art of it.
,or should the human 'eing 'e guided '! other eole)s idea of
truth 'ut form his own 2udgment% arti"ularl! when he is e.e"ted
or offers himself to distri'ute &nowledge and tea"h other eole.
God does not den! +is hel to the human 'eing who hum'l! as&s
for +is mer"!%
'ut whether the highl! rese"ted dignitar! of the world or the
s"ientist holding a worldl! elevated osition% 'e it in a siritual or
se"ular offi"e% 'ends himself in deeest humilit! 'efore God as the
sole (rovider of truth and thus "omlies with the first "ondition for
its re"eit has to 'e dou'ted% if his tea"hings do not offer flawless
e.lanations or are in "ontradi"tion to ea"h other.
1rror e.ists for as long as there are divisions and different
interretations 'e"ause there is onl! one truth% and to as"ertain
this truth the human 'eing will have to ma&e "onta"t with the
eternal Deit! +imself% he will have to as& +im for siritual
enlightenment and '! a God-leasing wa! of life 'e"ome worth! of
'eing taught '! +im dire"tl!....
+owever% God &nows how and in whi"h wa! +e shall tea"h the
human 'eing who strives and ra!s for truth 'ut the end result will
alwa!s 'e ure truth sin"e it is God)s will that +is living "reations
shall live in truth% hen"e +e also enlightens them in a""ordan"e with
their will....
(u'lished '! friends of new revelations of God 4 0nformation%
download of all translated revelations% theme-'oo&lets at5

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