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What Is A Christian?

By Dean Cooper. 2009

What is a Christian? Someone who believes in God, perhaps? Well, even Satan believes in God.

Someone who performs good deeds? Someone that wears flashy, colored robes or goes to a “church”
every Sunday? Someone who was baptized as a baby?

Maybe a Christian is someone you see on Street corners or on Television speaking such intoxicating

No. Being a Christian has nothing to do with “man-made” ceremonies and buildings.

Being a Christian is about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

A Christian has accepted Jesus into His or Her hear. A Christian knows in his heart that he is saved
and that that salvation has nothing to do with his works, that it is a gift from God that cannot be taken
away, as this is exactly what God promises us in His Word.

A Christian knows that he should live a life befitting a friend of Jesus, but knows that he will never be
able to be perfect because of his inherent sin-nature.

He knows that salvation is through Jesus Christ Himself and Him alone, not of man-made “priests”.
He knows that an earthly “confessional” is an invention of man and does not appear in the Word Of
God and has no spiritual value whatsoever. The Word Of God clearly says that only Jesus can forgive
us and we need no intermediary as when Jesus was crucified, the curtain in the temple separating the
holy of holies was torn, signaling that all may approach God directly without the need for “priests”.

He knows a person must believe in and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart and life and then
be baptized and that babies and infants are automatically saved until the age of accountability
according to the Word Of God and as such, infant baptism is a man-made ceremony.

A Christian knows that The Bible tells us not to have anything to do with idols ( Be it Buddha, so-
called Hindu “Gods” or the Virgin Mary ) or to bow down or worship anyone or anything other than
God. There is only one God and His name is “I Am”, not Allah, not Buddha. “Allah” is a “moon god” (
worshiped before islam came into existence by the Sabeans in Arabia ) and Buddha was just a man.

A Christian knows that God will not weigh up your good and bad works to decide whether you will
enter heaven or not, for the very Word of God teaches us that it is by grace through faith that we are
saved, and not of ourselves, lest we may boast about it. So, is there any point in being good and/or
performing good deads? Of course there is! We will talk more about that at a later date.

A Christian sins. A Christian is flesh and blood with human desires and weaknesses. Jesus is the only
perfect Christian.
A Christian knows he ought not to put anything or anyone between himself and God or ahead of Him.
This includes money, possessions, family, etc. These things ought not to get first-place in your lives.
Your first priority ought to be God. A Christian knows that taking your family for a drive is not wrong,
but taking them for a drive when you/they ought to be in Church is another matter.

A Christian knows that The Bible is the Word Of God and that the Word Of God is not mearly a
history book that deals with the past. It reveals Gods' love to us and teaches us how we ought to live
and helps us to become closer to God. It applies to all of us right now, not to selected people hundreds
or thousands of years ago. It tells us of the past, the present and of what is yet to come..

A Christian knows that Church is not a building or a denomination. The Word Of God teaches us that
the Church is the body of Jesus Christ.

A Christian knows that anything that is not in the Word Of God or that contradicts the Word Of God
is not from God, but is from man or Satan. A Christian knows that Satan is real and is active in the
world today using many lies and tricks to try and lure people from God. These things include false
Religions, false doctrine, false or “empty churches”, utilizing human emotions like pride, doubt,
jealousy and fear. Satan knows he will lose the battle of Armageddon when Christ Jesus returns to
earth and he wants to take as many of us down with him to the eternal flames of Hell as he can. We are
living in the end-times right now and we can see a lot of things that are happening today prophesied in
the Word Of God that signals the end-times. Famine, Earthquakes, Financial collapse, attempts to bring
all the religions together to form one “world religion” ( bad idea ) and wars, particularly around Israel.

Christianity is not based so much on a set of rules or a belief system devised by man as it is based
upon a persons' relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Christian knows that we ought not to criticize or judge others, but at the same time, we must
reprove, rebuke and teach/preach the Word Of God at all times. A Christian knows that if people
are/get offended by what true Christians preach, then those people are in fact getting offended by the
Word Of God as the bible is the literal Word Of God and a Christian should be careful in preaching
anything that can not be substantiated or backed-up or proven in the Word Of God. He should preach
facts. The Bible applies to all of us. I do not think God would of included something in the Bible that
was only meant for a certain group of people at a certain time in history.

A Christian knows that things like beads, statues, crosses and people who say they speak for God
have nothing to do with true Christianity and are opposite to what we are taught in the Word Of God. In
fact the former 3 items are forms of Idolatry and all ought not to play a part in a Christians' life or

A Christian knows that once he has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior that his sins
have been forgiven and that God will remember them no more, keeping His promises as writing in His
Word. Forgiveness comes through Jesus alone and not from man. No man has the power to forgive
sins ( This is different from seeking forgiveness from someone you have upset/hurt ).

A Christian is someone who has a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and has accepted
Him into their heart and life as their personal Savior.

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