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Ivan Kunev, Cheng Sun, Kammy Peng


1) Nomura is a global bank that is involved in many business practices such as but not
limited to Retail Banking, Investment Banking, Asset Management and Global
Research. Due to the big market exposure and competition there is a great impact on
the ability to create a competitive advantage. The reason for us to pick the company is
that people are considered as valuable assets by the firm and hence the appropriate
execution of different human resources techniques is essential to ensure that those
people are satisfied and working efficiently. Because the performance level of the
employees is of great importance to the firm and to an extent it is the workers
themselves that are creating a competitive advantage, it is essential to ensure that only
suitable for the job candidates are employed, while all the current employees are
properly stimulated to do their best either by being offered appropriate incentives or
by establishing a great prospect for their personal and career development. Another
great concern is present regarding the ability to keep already trained staff within the
firm, so that the value of the training program is to be fully exploited.

2) The main purpose of this case study is to examine in details and then analyze the
generational challenges that the company of interest is facing today and what impact
can be created through understanding the mindset of the latest generation. As the
average employee is different from the one 50 years ago duo to the change in
educational program or business awareness, it is very important to understand what
motives people to perform well on work. Some psychology studies suggests that in
order for the workers to perform to the best of their abilities, you need to be able to
provide them with what they truly want and hence it is a question for the human
resource department about how to deal with that issue, how to ensure that the
employees are properly stimulated and satisfied with the working conditions.

3) The topic of the research allows us to get in depth regarding what effect on the
general performance level can be achieved, what strategies for internal, external
reporting and branding are present and how they are applied in order to ensure that
only the most talented and committed job candidates are hired and also how the
employees are pushed to continuously gain new knowledge about their daily tasks, so
there is a constant flow of new marketing ideas that have the potential to aspire
progress in terms of efficiency enhancement.

4) Another key area of concern is the decision on how to control to learning and
development plan, so questions like whether it is value adding activity can be
estimated an overview of the benefits and/or potential damages can be critically
evaluated. Great problem of our generation is coping with the conflict of interests and
the moral hazard that exist at the workplace, which turns individuals into high risk
tolerant personalities, who create great instability for the business.

5) In conclusion, an opinion about the importance of different talent management
approaches will be stated, so recommendation for a most suitable model can be
provided. Furthermore, suggestions will be made regarding how the system change of
focus over a specific strategy to a new one may enhance the work performance,
because people constantly change is a guarantee that sooner or later the current
strategy employed would have big mismatches related to the motive drivers for the
following generations. This is a great danger for such a big industry, since he most
talented people will lose interest to get a job there.

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