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Ques. How did "8" in SUPREME MATHEMATICS come to be "BUILD OR DESTROY"?

ans. Not completely sure about the 'why' (if the history I know of it is
true, that would be a question for Allah in Person or the Messenger, or one
who has received it from them and revealed the knowledge behind it), yet it
was revealed to me how we got it or received it in the 5 Percenters.
In the Nation of Islam Temple before and during the days of Min. Malcolm X,
the number 8 symbolized 'life or death', in which you had to 'build or be
destroyed'. In FOI class under Min. Malcolm X and Capt. Yusuf Shah, they
used to say that 'a baby born in 8th months (as compared to 9 months) had
to struggle (build or be destroyed) in order to live (some claimed the baby
would die, thus why the number 8 moreso symbolized 'death'). This is
actually documented in a lesson called "the Science of Islam" (this is the
same lesson that Black Messiah claimed where the mathematics and alphabets
originally came from, as one set of the lessons builds on 'the science of
numbers' and another revised set was accompanied by a grid that included
mathematics and alphabet).
The numbers 8 and 9 always represented aspects of 'the birth process' in
the Nation of Islam. This was known to the 'scientists' in the ranks who
were heavy into their degrees. When Allah, Shahid, Justice and Hebekah
started the genesis of 'the 5 Percenters', they kept that same principle,
and 8 was identified simply as "Build or Destroy", which initially appeared
in 'the Living Mathematics' started by Shahid, and also appeared the same
in "the Supreme Mathematics" which was put together and finalized by the
Father Allah. Afterwards, the Supreme Mathematics was shared with the
Original Firstborns.
There is much more that can be revealed on this subject, yet that's the
overall or basic history of how "8" came to be "Build or Destroy" in "the
Supreme Mathematics."
Peace to the 5%, Peace to the Gods and Earths, Peace to the Nation of

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