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Architecture 462 Flexibility or Consistent Deformation Method

Flexibility Consistent Deformation Method

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The Method of Consistent Deformation
The method of consistent deformation, also known as flexibility method or the method of
superposition, is a technique for analyzing indeterminate structures. Although the method can be
applied to virtually any type of structure (beams, trusses, frames, shells, etc.), the amount of
computation required increases exponentially with the degree of indeterminacy in a structure.
This method is more commonly used when the indeterminate structure has a low degree of

Requirements of the Method of Consistent Deformation. To use Consistent Deformation
Method, the structure must meet certain requirements. Equilibrium and compatibility
requirements must be met. Equilibrium requirements (F
=0, F
=0, and M =0) are well
known to students. Compatibility requirements means that the structure fits together with no
gaps and that the deflected shape is consistent with the constraints imposed by the supports.

Steps in Consistent Deformation Method. Here is the procedure to follow when analyzing a
structure by Consistent Deformation Method:
1. Identify and remove the redundant force to make the structure statically determinate.
2. Calculate the deflection at the point where the redundant force was located.
3. Find the magnitude of the force that must exist at the point where deflection was
calculated in order to prevent any deflection from occurring. This can be done because
the deflection is calculated at the redundant and the redundant was chosen to coincide
with a support of the structure. Since there can be no deflection at a support, the
magnitude of the force at the support must be such that it causes deflection to equal zero.
4. Calculate remaining forces, using the value determined in the last step as the magnitude
of the redundant force.
5. Construct shear and moment diagrams or curves.

Architecture 462 Virtual Work Method
Flexibility Consistent Deformation Method
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The Virtual Work Method of Analysis

L x
Q p
dx M

Q =the dummy load and its reactions. The dummy load is chosen to be equal to one unit, for
example, 1 kip, 1 kip-foot, 1 kN, or 1 kN-meter.

=actual displacement or component of displacement in the direction of the dummy load
produced by the real loads (the P system of loads).
=moment produced by the dummy load.
=moment produced by the real loads
E =modulus of elasticity.
I =moment of inertia.

In the virtual work method of analysis, the student applies a dummy load Q at the point where
the deflection is to be evaluated. Although the dummy load can have any value, it is typically set
to a unit load, as noted above. For example, imagine that you need to know the deflection at a
point five feet from the right support of the structure. You would then apply a dummy load Q of
1 kip at a point five feet from the right support of the structure. (The actual value of Q could be
1 unit of any force or moment expression, as required by the problem.) The dummy load
produces a moment M
on an infinitesimal beam element of length dx. With the dummy load in
place, the real loads P are applied to the structure. The M
moments bend the structure into its
equilibrium position. As the beam deflects, external virtual work (from which we get the name
of the method) W
is done by the dummy load Q. This can be expressed by the equation
Q W = . Note this is the left side of the equation given above. Virtual strain is stored in
each infinitesimal element as the moment M
moves through the angle d produced by the P
system. This is expressed by the equation d M dU
= . Integrating this equation sums the
energy contained in all the infinitesimal elements of the structure. This yields the equation

L x
d M U
. Since the principle of conservation of energy requires that U
and W
be equal, we arrive at the equation above.

Displacements of Prismatic Beams

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