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Start New Delhi, Delhi, India help
Add Stop
X Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India +ight Stop

X Jaipur, Raasthan, India +ight Stop

X A!er, Raasthan, India +ight Stop

X Pushkar, Raasthan, India +ight Stop

End A!er, Raasthan, India

"al#ulate Distan#e$ "he#k Return Distan#e$
60 !m " Distance #rom New Delhi to
$jmer via $%ra& 'ai(ur& $jmer& )ush*ar
$ distance o# 60 !m travelled in + da,-s.
Da$ ,
-/00 !m.
Da,1s 2tinerar,3 +ew Delhi --. /gra
Da,1s Travel Time3 ,01 "inutes - 2 hour3s4 11 minutes3s4
Da$ 2
-/46 !m.
Da,1s 2tinerar,3 /gra --. 5aipur
Da,1s Travel Time3 26, "inutes - 6 hour3s4 , minutes3s4
Da$ 1
-540 !m.
Da,1s 2tinerar,3 5aipur --. /)mer
Da,1s Travel Time3 ,,1 "inutes - , hour3s4 01 minutes3s4
Da$ 6
-5+ !m.
Da,1s 2tinerar,3 /)mer --. Pushkar
Da,1s Travel Time3 21 "inutes - 7 hour3s4 21 minutes3s4
Da$ 0
-5+ !m.
Da,1s 2tinerar,3 Pushkar --. /)mer
Da,1s Travel Time3 26 "inutes - 7 hour3s4 26 minutes3s4
* The above is an approximate. Road Conditions, Diversions, Weather Conditions, Traffic,
etc. affect driving distance.
8our #ra!el Starts at New Delhi& Delhi& 2ndia%
(t Ends at $jmer& 6ajasthan& 2ndia
7ow #ar is New Delhi #rom $jmer8
976 :m - Distance from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar
S%&' (AP$
Distances Summar, and More 2n#ormation
#rip Cost Calculator: ( want a tool to tell me
how much would it cost to dri!e
+ow a!ailable in Portugese; French; German and
Spanish< =er$ soon the tools on the website will
be a!ailable in around ,7> local languages<
Comin% Soon!
Distance from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra;
5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar--.
Distance from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra;
5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar--.
Distance from +ew Delhi to ,?122@; (ndia--.
During $our tra!el; $our Plan to !isit the following-
,4 /gra; Attar Pradesh; (ndia
24 5aipur; 'a)asthan; (ndia
14 /)mer; 'a)asthan; (ndia
64 Pushkar; 'a)asthan; (ndia
CanBt get a feel of the tour distance on the small map &ow far is +ew Delhi
from /)mer Could $ou like to see a larger Ma( 8ou want to check the "ap
from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar<
/part from the trip distance; do $ou need road dri!ing directions 'efer the
Directions from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar<
Looking to hire a car for $our tra!el Get Estimated +ew Delhi Car 'ental from
+ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar% Ce tell $ou the
approDimate Car 'ental with the car of $our choiceE for the road distance
between +ew Delhi and /)mer<
(f $ou plan to take on +ew Delhi to /)mer distance on $our own; $ou would
want to know how much $ou will be spending on fuel% Check our Fuel Price
Calculator; to estimate $our trip cost% Ce ha!e updated Petrol; Diesel; /utoGas
and C+G prices across all ma)or cities in (ndia<
&ow much would be the distance if one could )ust fl$ from +ew Delhi to /)mer
like a bird in a staight line Check the Flight distance between +ew Delhi and
Travel time is an important point to know with the dri!ing distance% &ence $ou
might also want to know the #ra!el #ime from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra;
5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar% #his will help $ou estimate how much time $ou will
spend tra!elling for the distance from +ew Delhi to /)mer%
9ant to better (lan this New Delhi $jmer distance8 Get to know how to
#ra!el from +ew Delhi to /)mer !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar%
Do $ou find tra!elling b$ road tiring Cant to know how much time is reFuired
to fl$ from +ew Delhi to /)mer Check the Flight #ime from +ew Delhi to /)mer
!ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar%
/re $ou looking for a comparison between road distance and flight distance
8ou can check &ow far is /)mer from +ew Delhi !ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer;
Do $ou find it troublesome to plan the route of $our )ourne$ 8ou can use this
uniFue route planner that will gi!e $ou +ew Delhi to /)mer 'oute !ia /gra;
5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar%
/re $ou planning to take a road trip Do want an estimate of the fuel cost that
$ou will be spending on this trip Check the #rip Cost from +ew Delhi to /)mer
!ia /gra; 5aipur; /)mer; Pushkar%
'ecent +ew Delhi distance calculations
#he tools pro!ided on this
website work well in ,97>
countries worldwide<
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Distance from +ew Delhi to Leh "anali &ighwa$
:hoksar !ia Srinagar; leh; "anali--.
Distance from +ew Delhi to :e$long !ia /mbala
Cit$; 'ampur; :aGa; Losar--.
>>More New Dehi distance from R!! feed
& Bus 'oute & 'oa (ap & Dri"ing (ap & 'oute (ap

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