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La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus Street La Jolla 92037

Volume LXXXVIV Issue 2- October 31, 2014

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By Shane Lynch
Media Editor
For the past four years, Mrs.
Marta has worked the atten-
dance ofce at La Jolla High,
earning the respect and love
of students for her unfailing
kindness and hospitality. An-
other integral member to the
LJHS counseling staf, Ms.
Dvorak, will also be leaving us
this year.
Sadly, the 2014-15 school
year marks the end of an era
with both Mrs. Marta and Ms.
Dvorak leaving on November

Hi-Tide: How many years have
you been working with the dis-
Mrs. Marta: 20 years. 4 with La
HT: What has been your favor-
ite part of working here?
M: Defnitely the kids, thats the
reason I get up, makes me smile.
HT: What are your hobbies out-
side of school?
M: I love to read and watch
mysteries on Netfix. I also love
swimming and going on walks.
Spending time with my family.
HT: Do you have a favorite stu-
M: No! I love you all.
HT: Whats next for you?
M: A month or so of staring
at the wall. I might volunteer
somewhere, travel if I get the
chance. I plan on traveling
back to Australia. Id love to
spend more time relaxing
with my grandchildren.
HT: What will you miss most
about La Jolla?
M: You guys, its very bitter-
sweet for me to leave. I love
hearing about whats going on
in your lives and what youre
doing. Its fun to listen.
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Hey Vikes,
I hope your school year is
going well! Tis October was
Anti-Bullying month and I
think we did a great job in
raising awareness and putting
a stop to bullying.
Coming up in November
is Homecoming. Te theme
this year for Homecoming is
Superhero. Tere are many
things that go along with the
Homecoming like Spirit Week,
the Pep Rally, the Homecom-
ing game, and the Homecom-
ing Dance.
Spirit Week is November
3rd to November 7th. Mon-
day is Pajama Day, Tuesday is
Tossback Tuesday so wear the
clothes you wore when you
were a kid, Workout Wednes-
day, Black and Red on Turs-
day, and Superhero Day on
Friday so wear all your Super-
hero gear to the Rally. Te Pep
Rally will be on Friday in the
Big Gym. Te freshman, soph-
omore, and junior class Home-
coming Princes and Princesses
will be announced as well as
the nominees for Homecom-
ing king and queen.
Te Homecoming game
is at 6:30 pm on Friday No-
vember 7th against Kearney
High. During the game, we
will have our Float Parade
and the crowning of Home-
coming King and Queen. On
Saturday, November 8th, the
Homecoming Dance will be in
the Big Gym. Doors open at
8 pm, close at 10 pm, and the
dance ends at 11 pm. Home-
coming is fast approaching so
be sure to get excited about
spirit days, the rally, the game,
and the dance! Im really excit-
ed about this next month and I
hope you are too!
Zoe Rashid
ASB President
HT: What will we do without
M: Youll be fne! Teyll get
someone good. Its what Im
going to do without all of you
thats the problem.
HT: Anything else you want to
M: Ill miss you guys!
HT: What has been your fa-
vorite part of working here?
Ms. Dvorak: Working with a
good counseling team.
HT: Do you have any hobbies
you enjoy outside of school?
D: Making stained glass,
quilts, woodworking, paint-
ing, sofball, golfng, bowling,
camping, fshing.
HT: What do you think youll
do next, afer you leave?
D: Traveling, cruising, all
things I do now, just more re-
HT: Anything else you want
to add?
D: Its been a fun ride. Ready
for the next adventure.
Best wishes.
Emma Zinks Advanced Inte-
grated Math I and Intermedi-
ate Algebra classes experienced
a major change this October
when students suddenly found
a substitute teaching their
classes instead of Mrs. Zink.
No ofcial details about Mrs.
Zinks absence have been re-
leased by the administration.
Current students have a varied
range of opinions on the sur-
prise transition from Mrs. Zink
to a series of diferent faces at
the helm of their math classes.
Johnny Foster, LJHS fresh-
man and current Advanced
Integrated Math I student said,
Ive kept up my work in math
class because Ive been read-
ing the lesson in the book,
and just doing the home-
work like I normally would
as if Mrs. Zink was here.
Students who have been
through a class with a series
of diferent substitutes know
the academic challenges that
it can bring, including chang-
es to lesson plans, the inability
to ask a substitute questions,
and behavioral problems.
Te sudden change has
also provoked a lot of discus-
sion around the LJHS campus
among faculty and students,
both current and previous.
What the Hi-Tide can say is
this: In early October, imme-
diately afer the beginning of
Mrs. Zinks absences, hun-
dreds of primarily positive re-
views poured in to the anony-
mous website RateMyTeachers.
com. Tese reviews praised
Mrs. Zinks teaching meth-
ods and described glow-
ing experiences in her class.
Te Hi-Tide can also report
that on Tursday, October 23rd,
parents and neighborhood ac-
tivists met at Beaumonts Eat-
ery to discuss the issue of Mrs.
Zinks possible return to LJHS.
Te small and informal event,
organized by a group of ded-
icated parents, attracted curi-
ous visits from inquisitive stu-
dents, parents, and diners alike.
In a public statement, one of the
groups organizers explained,
We tried to approach the ex-
perience with a balanced view.
Te statement continued
by saying, We have expe-
rienced the most amazing,
dedicated, bright, intelligent,
talented and hardworking
teachers at La Jolla High School.
While specifc details on the
future of these LJHS math
classes remain unknown, the
rapid changes that occurred
have created a noticeable
impact on campus for the
students, primarily puzzled
freshmen, who are currently
enrolled in Mrs. Zinks classes.
Students that have spoken
with the Hi-Tide expressed
their views on how they are
striving to keep their aca-
demics on track despite the
unexpected switch. Andre
Alatorre said of his Advanced
Integrated Math I class,
With Zinkwe read and did
all the work. And so when
subs came in, they are teach-
ing and Ive been keeping up
with my math even better.
LJHS English teacher Jim Es-
sex told the Hi-Tide that the
place isnt the same without
her, but I do know where my
laptop is. Tis is a reference
to the infamous close and
unique relationship that Mr.
Essex and Mrs. Zink maintain.
With no ofcial details
about Mrs. Zinks absenc-
es from administration, her
current Advanced Integrat-
ed Math I and Intermediate
Algebra classes will continue
to be taught by substitutes.
Photo Courtesy of Sophie Dorfsman
Check out the
three new LJHS
golf carts!
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By Ryan Robson
Media Editor
October 31, 2014
Hi- Tide
Te La Jolla High School
Jordan Bowman
Zoe Hildebrand
Isabel Melvin
News Editors
Jeanine Erikat
Nessie Navarro
Opinions Editors
Sara Espinosa
Kaitlin Wheeler
Te Hi-Tide, an open forum, is
the ofcial student newspaper
of La Jolla High School. Unless
otherwise noted, opinions being
voiced in the Hi-Tide belong to
the individual author. Te Hi-
Tide welcomes letters and opin-
ions from students and staf
members. If you have a letter to
the editor, please drop it of in
Room 514, or give it to any Hi-
Tide editor. You may also email
submissions to LJHiTide@ya- Submissions should
be typed and cannot be anony-
mous. Te Hi-Tide reserves the
right to refuse any material. Ad-
vertisements are measured per
column inch. To advertise with
the Hi-Tide or to to purchase a
subscription, please email us or
call (858) 454-3081, extension
4514. Issues are distributed ev-
ery four weeks. No part of the
Hi-Tide may be reproduced
without written permission.
Features Editors
Camille Furby
Lilly Grossman
Student Focus Editor
Lily Kennedy
Sports Editor
Stephanie Buchbinder
A&E Editor
Sarah Rainsdon
Buisness Manager
Misha Kabbage
Media Editors
Shane Lynch
Ryan Robson
Robert J. Boyd
Staf Writers
Andrea Albanez
Creekstar Allan
Kieran Bauman
Viviana Bonomie
Joseph Carroll
Sophia Dorfsman
Lucille Fitzmaurice
Ana Gimber
Sophia Ketring
Jillian Kopp
Ilana Larry
Yenitzia Lopez
Tristan Macelli
Georgie Morris
Lauren Robbins
By Jillian Kopp
Staf Writer
Te purpose of homework is
to allow students to review the
lesson plans learned in school
that day so they can fully un-
derstand the concepts. To de-
compress from all the stress in
their lives, people participate
in extracurricular activities.
However, balancing home-
work, extra-curricular activi-
ties, and the daily necessities,
such as eating and sleeping,
can be a major challenge in the
average students life.
Most classes assign about
thirty minutes of homework
each day, and Advanced Place-
ment classes normally assign
even more homework each
Tere are six classes in a day,
which adds up to about three
hours of homework, at the
very least. Time spent on ex-
tra-curricular activities, such
as sports, normally run for
an hour or two afer school.
On average, students spend
around four to fve hours of
their day doing homework and
school-related activities.
Te LA Times stated that
three and a half hours is too
much homework. If that is a
light to medium amount at La
Jolla High, how extreme is our
homework load becoming?
Lets say you signed up for
an Advanced Placement class.
Lets estimate about two hours
for advanced classes. If a stu-
dent takes all advanced class-
es, they have eight hours of
homework. Yes, this is at the
very most. Now, add in sports,
and the time is now about
12:15 am.
Students are supposed to get
ten hours of sleep each night.
Tis would mean going to
sleep at eight pm, and wak-
ing at six am to get ready and
drive to school. Sadly, most
students dont go to sleep un-
til 1 am because of an essay,
a major assignment, or some
big tournament for a sport.
It is unhealthy to assign too
much homework. One hour of
homework for a class isnt that
bad, but when students have
fve other classes, the hours
start to add up.
Teenagers also need their
own free time to enjoy them-
selves and relax. Its healthy
to be social, exercise, be hap-
py, and have free time. Many
teenagers only get this in ex-
tra-curricular activities, many
of which are sports. Partici-
pating in sports can enable a
student to get into a good col-
lege, or at least receive a small
scholarship. Sports and school
correlate with one another,
so there should have a decent
amount of time devoted to
Homework is an important
part of school and should be
incorporated in students lives.
It is also a good way to work
on the material alone, where
you can focus on what you
need to learn more of. How-
ever, it should not be assigned
to a point where students have
difculties keeping their lives
balanced. If you dont have an
hour to eat your food and talk
with family and friends, then it
starts to become a problem.
According to Web MD, too
much stress in a students
life can cause low energy, in-
somnia, chest pains, stomach
problems, frequent colds, ner-
vousness, shaking, cold hands,
ringing in ears, dry mouth,
and teeth clenching. Tis dis-
plays just one more reason why
teachers should be more con-
scious of the amount of home-
work they assign.
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By Andrea Albanez
Staf Writer
On Tuesday, October 2nd,
a 91-year-old woman pinned
a La Jolla mother of three
between two cars on Girard
Street, not realizing she had
done so until she stepped out
of her car and other bystanders
informed her of the
accident. Te wom-
an died as a result
of the injuries she
sustained, and the
driver is now fac-
ing vehicular man-
slaughter charges.
Since the incident,
many people have
been in an uproar
about why the el-
derly woman was
behind the wheel
and questioned if it is a hazard
to let elderly citizens drive.
When you go into the Cal-
ifornia Department of Motor
Vehicles website to get infor-
mation about senior drivers,
it opens with the comment,
DMV wants you to maintain
your driving independence for
as long as you can safely drive.
Te defnition of what makes
for a safe driver, though, is
heavily debated.
I believe that once elder-
ly people reach a certain age
they should not be allowed to
drive, even if they think they
are safe drivers.
Even though people are
encouraged to keep their
independence in regards to
driving, there are limitations
that need to be more clearly
known. According to help-, fatal crash rates
rise sharply afer a driver has
reached the age of 70. Te
driver in the accident on Gi-
rard was 21 years over the rec-
ommended age limit.
Health problems, mem-
ory loss, and slowing of re-
fexes are the major problems
that plague elderly drivers.
Because one woman wasnt
aware of her surroundings
on October 2nd, a citizen lost
her life. In all fairness, if you
cant see through a car window,
know which pedal is the gas or
brake, or even know if you just
ran over someone, then you
shouldnt be on the road.
While some senior citizens
are able to remain competent
drivers well into old age, there
are still many who should have
had their licenses taken long
Te issue
of maintain-
ing a drivers
license while
aging ofen
comes down
to an issue of
pride. La Jol-
la, many of us
tend to for-
get, is a town
with a large
population of
seniors. Its not an uncommon
sight to see them driving, and
ofen times the driving verges
on reckless and dangerous. Te
taboo of the losing of abilities
that accompany the aging pro-
cess needs to be lifed. If elder-
ly drivers continue to not be
forced to understand they no
longer contain the mental abil-
ities they once did when they
were young, dangerous acci-
dents like these are more than
likely to happen again.
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...elderly people are
a hazard behind the
wheel for themselves
and for others.
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By Ilana Larry
Staf Writer
It is widely known that many
key features of success in life
cannot be taught in college.
For some students, college isnt
the best path for them to pur-
sue afer graduation.
Te skills required for a wide
range of careers are not ob-
tained solely through a degree.
Dedication and experience are
also required skills needed in
the job market. Many colleges
consider extracurricular ac-
tivities a priority in admission
decisions. Academic skills are
still very important, but they
are not the only facet of a per-
son that admission ofcers
Now, more than ever, stu-
dents are pressured to pursue
a college degree afer fnishing
high school. Many students
view college as a method to
earn higher pay or an in-
creased amount of job oppor-
tunities, regardless of whether
they truly feel college is a ft for
them. Tis sometimes leads to
the incompletion of a college
course or even going as far as
dropping out.
College is a big investment
for most students and their
families. From 2005 until
2012, the average student-loan
debt increased nearly 60%,
according to Forbes. Tis is a
huge amount of debt that col-
lege students must conquer
once they graduate and enter
the work force.
Following the economic de-
cline, college has increasingly
been seen as a potentially im-
provident decision. In the job
market today, there are a large
number of graduates who are
employed in a job that doesnt
require a degree or who are
simply unemployed.
Alternatives to college are
not emphasized enough to
La Jolla High students, such
as trade schools, vocational
schools, military work, and
even volunteer work, which
are just as important as attend-
ing a 4-year university.
Many of these options cost
less than the price of a tradi-
tional college and ofer special-
ized skills that one can directly
use in a career. Some military
schools can even ofer grants,
scholarships, and other forms
of fnancial aid to students.
Tere are hundreds of ca-
reer paths that dont involve
a college degree that students
should be more encouraged to
look into. It is all a matter of
fnding the correct one.
Students should attend col-
lege if they want to follow a
path that requires a profession-
al degree, not simply because
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October 31, 2014
La Jolla High Schools
dress code needs to change.
It is unreasonable and in-
consistent, and in gener-
al, it is far too restrictive.
Now, before I get into the
meat of this article, let me make
myself clear. I am not advo-
cating the complete abolition
of the dress code, as the idea
is sound, only to keep cloth-
ing appropriate to the busi-
ness of learning. Tat much,
most people can agree with.
Hate speech and sexual in-
nuendo have no place at
school, and preventing stu-
dents from wearing legiti-
mately hurtful clothing is a
rational, reasonable policy.
However, the other aspects
of the policy are, unfortu-
nately, not so reasonable.
Tey restrict a students right
to wear whatever he or she
(usually she, in this case) de-
sires for arbitrary, inconsis-
tent reasons. Banning apparel
due to it being distracting
is not only unfair to the girl
whose freedom of choice is
violated, but also insulting to
all the men at La Jolla High.
What this policy says to us
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-Sophomore Sam Hum:
"It may be a little tacky. Dances
are the only time we get to dress
-Junior Emily Andrey:
Why not make it formal? I feel
like dressing up is actually half
the fun. Dressing up and getting
ready with your friends is what
makes the actual dance fun.
-Junior Curran Robertson:
Personally, I dont think it
would be very popular. Because
I think kids would rather attend
a football or basketball game on
Friday night than do something
like that.
-Senior Micaela Gotfredson
We are casual everyday and
formal is an opportunity for us
to dress up and feel special for
one night.
-Freshmen Sophie Bolinger
and Tanner Ford
We have to study for these f-
nals coming up and its not the
best time of year because lots of
people are on trips.
-Junior Rylyn Gibson:
Yeah, I defnitely want more
dances. I love them!
-Senior Maddie Bolinger:
I think that it would be a fun
event. We only have so much
time lef in high school and it
would be fun to be with ev-
eryone without having to wear
formal clothes.
-Senior Caleen Chalhoub:
Oh, thats cool. I think it
would be a cool idea, some-
thing diferent.
-Freshman Yasi Mesri:
I think its a good idea because
ASB Ball and Homecoming are
both formal, so a winter infor-
mal would be great to hangout
and have fun!
-Sophomore Sara Shapiro:
I think that having a winter
informal could be fun because
there arent any nerves about
asking people or getting asked
to go. It would be chill and you
can just go and have fun with
is that the administration of La
Jolla High School believes that
something so innocuous as an
exposed bra strap is enough
to distract from the learning
process. If that were true, be-
lieve me, the array of yoga
pants throughout LJHSs halls
would cause such distraction
that learning would be an im-
possibility. Last time I checked,
learning was still occurring,
despite the variety of shapely
butts on display in each class.
A girls choice is the main is-
sue here, though. If wearing the
worlds shortest shorts and a
crop top is what makes you feel
good and confdent about your
appearance, what right does
anyone have to restrict that?
Te responsibility is not upon
the girls to dress less provoca-
tively, but upon the male popu-
lation of La Jolla to accept some
amount of personal account-
ability for their actions. Expect-
ing a bit of self-restraint is not
too much to ask of us, trust me.
Te next big issue here with
the La Jolla High School dress
code is that of consistency.
I am sure many of you have
noticed just who tends to get
caught for dress code violations.
Certain groups, certain body
types, certain races, even.
We all know, even if we
dont openly admit it, that a
stereotypical La Jolla Girl
can get away with a lot more
in the fashion department
than someone who, shall we
say, doesnt quite ft that mold
of normalcy. Tat is just as
big of an issue as the code
itself, if not more so. Every-
one, no matter what gender,
race, social status, or body
type, deserves the ability to
dress to ft their preferences,
or at the very least, the right
to be judged in the same way.
Granted, maybe not ev-
ery persons body lives up to
your standards of physical
appeal. Tat still gives some-
one no reason to restrict it, as
nobody is forcing anyone to
look. If you dont think thats
enough, well, you are part of
the problem, but you dont
have to be. It is people like
you who built these unfair
standards of judgment, and it
will have to be people like you
who help tear them down.
Te dress code, and the
unrealistic standards and
exceptions that come with
it arent going to go away
until you decide to help.
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By Ana Gimber
Staf Writer
Our school is already lacking
a clean appearance, but the ex-
treme level of trash has brought
the bar down even lower. Te
cement foor is already heavily
spotted with black decade-old
gum, the buildings are painted
a bland pinkish tan, and the
bathrooms have seen better
days. When exactly? I couldnt
tell you.
Te amount of trash lef afer
lunch is destroying the chance
of our campus looking good.
Te grass is littered with plas-
tic bags, wrappers, and Gato-
rade bottles.
Sometimes, trash is spilled
everywhere, like scattered
chips that crunch into bits on a
cement walk way or an array of
raisins. Tese things are what
people notice the most.
Te excess amount of trash
attracts swarms of seagulls.
Stop scurrying away from the
massive air raid at lunch in the
quad with textbooks as pro-
tection and face the problem.
Trow your trash away.
Simply use the nearest trash
can instead of leaving garbage
on the grass for the birds. As
much as we hate these birds,
its not humane to have them
choke on our plastic.
Te shabby state of our
school lowers our reputa-
tion. Te hallways can prove
this point with the streams of
spilled chocolate milk, pools of
applesauce, and bruised fruit
cast aside.
Tere is no waitress who
comes to take peoples lunch
trays. Leaving trash adds extra
time and work for the custodi-
ans. Picking up trash is basic
manners learned in preschool.
Did we all forget the Clean
Up song?
Te custodians have jobs to
do other than cleaning up af-
ter our messes. Its not fair that
they have to work long afer
the lunch bell when they could
simply collect the trash bags
and avoid having to deal with
mopping up milk in the hall-
Our school would look a lot
better if we threw our trash
away. Te custodians work-
loads would be a little lighter
and we wouldnt have to watch
out for the occasional ketchup
streaks, wrappers, and those
weird purple jelly globs that
infest the school.
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By Ilana Larry
Staf Writer
Since the introduction of the
iPads to La Jolla High, a ques-
tion of preference has arisen
among students between net-
books and iPads. While both
are small and portable, most
users have chosen a side. Ste-
phen Harris, our Network
Systems Media Support Tech-
nician, gave some insight on
both of them.
When it comes down to
price, the iPads and netbooks
cost about the same. While
we havent had the iPads long
enough to fully test their
longevity, both get glitches.
When it comes to fxing these
problems, the netbooks are
easier to fx. With the way iP-
ads are constructed, they gen-
erally cannot be self-serviced
(one cannot replace the bat-
tery) and, instead, they have
to be shipped out.
Regarding their usage,
teachers seem to use net-
books more ofen because
they ofer ways for the teach-
er to interact with students.
netbooks are part of the Activ
Directory, meaning they are
part of a system that allows
one to access their account,
containing their work, on any
device that is a part of the di-
rectory, which encompasses
the San Diego Unifed School
District. Contrarily, iPads fea-
ture only one login and there-
fore are generally used to allow
students to work independent-
ly. Such a format involves more
steps to save work, so it can be
accessed again.
Te netbooks small key-
board and track pad cripples
accuracy, making it somewhat
difcult to type and efcient-
ly use the mouse. Although
many students prefer the iP-
ads because of their programs,
their nontraditional keyboard
hinders typing and the school
must purchase keyboards to
use them for testing purposes.
Additionally the netbooks
provide an easier method of
multitasking than that of the
iPads. While the length of
battery life varies between the
two, it doesnt afect school us-
age because they are typically
used for less than an hour be-
fore they are returned to their
charging station.
When Dr. Podhorsky, the
LJHS Principal, was asked
about the matter, he stated
that while both are sufcient
at completing the necessary
tasks, they arent a refection
of current technology and, for
the most part, are outdated.
Many teachers agreed that we
are becoming increasingly re-
liant on technology and are
heading in a direction of being
paper-free, in which students
use electronic devices, to com-
plete and turn in assignments.
Not only would the pro-
gram require extensive fund-
ing, but with increased use of
technology in the classroom,
new problems arise regarding
issues such as a new source
of distraction for students
and new ways for students
to cheat. It is inevitable that
changes will bring about new
problems, but with new prob-
lems come new solutions. For
example, allows
online grading and performs
originality checks.
While they both are quali-
fed, the netbooks are gener-
ally used more ofen and have
an appropriate design that al-
lows an interactive and guided
experience. Te netbooks and
iPads are adequate in the class-
room, but the consistent pro-
gression of technology is soon
to make them obsolete. With
technology already function-
ing as a fundamental element
of education, its only a matter
of time before it is used more
than paper.
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Interview Conducted by Staf Writer, Creekstar Allan
By Enzo Serafno
October 31, 2014
By Lauren Robbins and
Sophia Dorfsman
Staf Writers
Tese crispy, golden potato
pancakes of joy are the per-
fect addition to your holiday
menus. No matter what you
celebrate, potato latkes are al-
ways a crowd pleaser. Here is
the recipe, along with the per-
fect side of applesauce.
Potato Latkes
-3 lbs. Yukon gold potatoes,
peeled and grated on a box
-2 large yellow onions, peeled
and grated
-6 tablespoons of Marys Ren-
dered Duck Fat (from Whole
Foods) or butter
-6 tablespoons of olive oil
-3 eggs, whisked together
- cup of four
-2 teaspoons salt
-Freshly ground black pepper
to taste
Preheat the oven to 300 F.
Preparation Instructions:
1.) Place the grated potato,
grated onion, whisked eggs,
four, salt, and pepper in a
large mixing bowl. Stir to com-
bine well. Plan on making 3
batches, using 2 tablespoons
of duck fat or butter and 2 ta-
blespoons of olive oil for each.
2.) Melt the 2 tablespoons
of the duck fat or butter to-
gether with the 2 tablespoons
of olive oil in a large cast-iron
skillet. When the fats are hot
and completely melted, place
the frst batch of latkes in the
hot oil by forming cup-size
mounds of the mixture and
placing them on the pan. If
you want, you can scoop the
mounds ahead of time and
place them in the fridge on
a baking sheet until ready to
saut them.
3.) Without moving them,
saut until golden on the frst
side. Ten, turn over to brown
the other side. Once they are
beautifully golden, place the
latkes on another baking sheet
and slide it into the oven to
keep them warm.
Repeat for all the batches and
until all the other latkes have
been browned. Serve with ap-
plesauce or sour cream. Enjoy!
Homemade Applesauce
- 6 pounds of apples, peeled,
cored, and cut into 8 slices
-1 cup apple juice or apple ci-
-1 lemon (juiced)
-1/2 cup packed brown sugar
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-Optional ingredients: nut-
meg, maple syrup, allspice,
Preparation Instructions:
1.) Combine all ingredients
in a large pot and cook over
medium heat, stirring occa-
sionally, for 25 minutes.
2.) Carefully puree ingre-
dients in a food processor or
blender until smooth.
3.) Store in the fridge and
serve with delicious potato lat-
(Recipes courtesy of pandsoph.
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Its hard to miss the Fire Sta-
tion directly across the street
from our school. Each time
the blast of sirens ring through
any Math or Science class,
you know La Jolla is safe from
90% of the frefghters jobs
deal with emergency medical
services. Firefghters, like Jeri
across the street, are trained
paramedics and EMTs.
Our local fre station origi-
nally opened in 1913 on Her-
schel Avenue, and was trans-
ferred over to Nautilus Street
in 1976.
Fire Station 13, as the station
is called, covers a 2.84-mile
district. Tat means that they
are the primary responders to
fres, accidents, and emergen-
cies in the La Jolla area.
However, if a fre is large
enough, other frefghters will
be called in for backup.
Hans, a frefghter at Station
13, has a typical workday of a
24-hour shif that starts at sev-
en in the evening.
Between emergency calls he
preps and tests his gear, along
with the truck, to make sure
everything is operating prop-
erly. He then cleans around
the station and takes part in
training exercises. He has time
to work out, but is always on
guard and waiting for emer-
To become a frefghter, one
is required to have an EMT
certifcation, a high school di-
ploma, and CPR certifcation.
Years of working in ambu-
lances and other training are
also needed, however, so expe-
rience and knowledge is built
up. Tey go to an academy
for three months, where they
train and work six days a week,
twelve hours a day.
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By Lauren Robbins
Staf Writer
As seniors, college tuition is
a huge factor when deciding
where to spend our next four
or more years of life. For some
families, tuition is the deciding
factor in determining where to
attend in the fall. Its important
to stay informed of the difer-
ent tuitions at diferent types
of schools.
Te average cost of attend-
ing a two-year community
college is $2,700. A Califor-
nia State Universitys average
tuition cost is $23,000. Tat
may seem like a lot compared
to a community college, but
a University of Californias
average tuition cost is about
$33,000. Te average cost of
attending an private school
is about $50,000. Attending a
two-year community college
before transferring to a CSU,
UC, or private university is the
most fnancially sound path to
take, and many students are
choosing to do so out of need
to improve their grades to get
into the college of their choice,
or for purely fnancial reasons.
Most colleges ofer a variety
of scholarships to students who
fll out the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Te FAFSA submission dead-
line is June 30th, 2015.
Another great site for schol-
arships is the ever ubiquitous
Naviance. Under the Colleges
tab, towards the bottom lef-
hand side of the page, are ap-
plications for many diferent
scholarships. Tese scholar-
ships can range in value from
a few hundred dollars to cov-
ering any and all tuition costs,
including room and board.
Photo courtesy of Wikicommons
Photo courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
Te month of October
brings the beginning of fall,
and National Breast Cancer
Awareness Month [NBCAM].
Most people are familiar
with NBCAM because many
football teams wear colored
apparel and sport pink rib-
bons, along with many others
who participate in the annual
Breast Cancer Walk. People are
not knowledgeable, however,
of how the month of October
became a month dedicated to
raising the awareness of breast
NBCAM was founded in
1985 with the partnership of
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Photo courtesy of Wikicommons
the American Cancer Soci-
ety. Te groups main goal was
to educate people about how
mammography was becoming
the most efective way to fght
breast cancer; because of this,
October is dedicated to raising
According to Sandy M. Fer-
nandezs article, History of
the Pink Ribbon, the Susan
G. Komen Foundation in 1991
created the symbol of the pink
ribbon, handing them out to
participants in the New York
City race for breast cancer sur-
vivors (thinkbeforeyoupink.
Te symbol was later adopt-
ed by the Breast Cancer Re-
search Foundation as its pri-
mary symbol for breast cancer
awareness. In addition, the
annual walks, which started
in Dallas involving 800 par-
ticipants, have now grown to
1.3 million participants as of
2010 with 50 other countries
outside of the U.S. involved
Since then, the pink ribbon,
Breast Cancer Walk, and the
whole essence of the month
has been adopted and used by
many organizations and coun-
tries around the world to pro-
mote breast cancer awareness.
Tis October, Mariners
worked hard to raise aware-
ness about the life-altering
defect known as breast cancer.
According to Mariners Club
By Andrea Albanez and
Creekstar Allan
Staf Writers
president Hailey Berry the
Mariners walked in the Mak-
ing Strides of San Diego Walk
on Sunday, October 19th for
breast cancer, as well as trying
to raise at least 800 dollars. Te
club is also planning to walk in
the Radys Children Hospital
Shamu & You Family Walk at
Photo courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
By Joseph Carroll
Staf Writer
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Photo Courtesy of Hailey Berry
October 31, 2014
By Tristan Macelli
Staf Writer
Senior Assassins is a pastime
gaining popularity with high
school students around San
Diego county, making it only
a matter of time before it fnds
its way into La Jolla.
A team oriented game, the
basic play of Senior Assassins
is that you are assigned a target
at random.
You must assassinate by
splashing them with water.
Players have no idea who is af-
ter who.
And when a class with num-
bers in the hundreds is playing,
things can take a turn for the
hectic quickly.
High schools like Westview,
Del Norte, Mount Carmel, and
Rancho Bernardo have all cre-
ated organizations purely for
game regulation.
Te popularity of Senior
Assassins among the class
of 2015 comes as no su-
Te fast paced action and
the short bursts of adrenaline
while playing are sure to at-
tract many players.
Te game has its roots in a
book written in 1982 titled
Killer: Te Game of Assassina-
tion by Steve Jackson, which
outlined rules for a singular
By Sophia Dorfsman
Staf Writer
Professional organizations
are constantly looking for
someone young to contribute
to what they do. It is only ad-
vantageous to start making a
name for ones self at a young
age. Tese days, its common
to hear about how young stu-
dents, even in high school,
have their own businesses.
Many students at La Jolla High
School are doing exactly that.
Take junior Ally Lopez for
example. Over the summer,
when conficted with health
issues, she found herself sit-
ting bored at home. During
the frst two weeks of summer
break, Ally began to create the
one-woman operation named
Gypsy Jewels, a collection of
handmade necklaces, bracelets,
and anklets. Afer saving up
money, she purchased a lot of
supplies and made sure she had
many products before she start-
ed selling. Te hardest part was
getting the word out about her
Tanks to technology, Ally was
able to let people know about
Gypsy Jewels through her web-
site, which took her many long
nights to build, and Instagram.
In addition, Ally wears her cre-
ations everywhere she goes and
gives her friends free jewelry to
wear and promote her products.
Tis is just the beginning for
Gypsy Jewels. Ally is in the
works of getting her jewelry at
a boutique in Texas. She also
hopes to pursue something sim-
ilar to this in her future because
school is not my thing, but this
is and I love it, so I really plan to
go further with this.
Senior Olivia Barone, along
with her best friend Caroline
Zouvi, started Liv&Car this
past summer. For me, it is
more about the fashion part.
But for Caroline, shes more
about business, said Barone.
Carolines aunt owns a bikini
shop in Brazil, which is how
they were able to get their en-
tire inventory.
Liv&Car also has its own
jewelry line. Selling their
bathing suits for $30 and their
necklaces from a range of $10
to $50, Liv&Car made $1000
the frst day when they set up
shop at Wind an Sea.
Barone says she learned a
lot about pricing, inventory,
importing, exporting, media,
and everything that has to do
with that side of the world.
Ive always wanted to be in
fashion, thats always kind of
been my thing, said Barone.
Although bathing suits are
not in high demand during
the current season, Liv&Car
is thinking of getting vintage
pieces, like leather jackets and
coats, to sell. Tey are looking
forward to selling bikinis again
next summer.
Seniors Kelly Collins and
Tabby Lewis are in the process
of setting up their new enter-
prise, World Rack. Te pur-
pose of it is to import products
from around the world, let-
ting people experience other
cultures without having to go
Once the business gets go-
ing they will donate all of their
profts to the countries where
the goods originated.
Kelly went to Tailand over
the summer which sparked her
interest in the business ven-
ture. Teir initial products will
be Tai pants, a plethora of
bracelets, and wall tapestries.
Te two fnd time for World
Rack even with their school
work, stating, if you like
something, you fnd the time
for it. Tey learned that it is
really important to manage
your time well and make com-
mitments as an entrepreneur.
Creating a business in your
youth is a powerful way to de-
velop your interests and busi-
ness skills for the future. Tese
high school businesswom-
en have a passion for some-
thing that cannot be fulflled
in school, so they go out and
make it happen for themselves.
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Photo courtesy of Ally Lopez
variation of the game.
Since the books publication,
the game has been modifed,
creating an endless number of
ways to play.
Despite all odds, the game has
stuck around for over three de-
cades without any set rules or
major entity to regulate play.
Its large number of players
and minimal athletic ability
required makes Senior Assas-
sins an understandably popu-
lar game.
Furthermore, this game has
arguably expanded faster than
most known sports today,
making it a hot topic for se-
niors everywhere.
If brought to La Jolla High
School, this could defnitely be
a way to not only raise money,
but help avoid the onset of se-
nioritis. School activities like
these are a great way to keep
students involved.
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By Tristan Macelli & Kieran
Staf Writers
As you peer into the win-
dows of what is quite possibly
La Jollas frst shake shop, one
wonders if something like this
could even last in our small
town. But as you enter, that
thought fies away under the
cooling breeze of Shakeaways
numerous fans. Overall,
Shakeaway goes above and be-
yond in both appearance and
Ryan Murdock, a server at
Shakeaway says, Our main
objective is to give the cus-
tomer any option that they can
think ofif you can think of it,
we can make it. He
says that they have
gotten some great
business lately, but
it has begun to die
down with the end-
ing of the tourist
Shakeaway is
a great prospect
for extroverted
and friendly high
school students in
need of a job, since
it is more social
than most other
Shakeaway is a
UK-owned fran-
chise. Tere are
only three Shake-
aways in Amer-
ica: the La Jolla
location frst,
Pacifc Beach,
and Cumming,
is located on
Pearl, right
across the street
from tried-and-
true La Jolla
favorites Sam-
mys Woodfred
Pizza and Don
Carlos Taco
In regards to
the shake cre-
ation process,
the style is DIY.
You can mix and match any
favor, candy bar, or pastry to
create an individualized con-
Te shakes are good; they are
a little expensive, but a good
8/10 quality, says junior Re-
nee Yedidsion.
Miguel Ramirez-Cardenas, a
junior, had similar criticisms.
I really do like the shakes.
However, there are other op-
tions like SmashBurger, which
give you better bang for your
buck. Shakeaway is nice for
being convenient, but there
are other more price efcient
options available.
Overall, Shakeway is worth
a visit and overall has recieved
many good ratings.

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Photo courtesy of Olivia Barone
Photo courtesy of Kelly Collins
Photo Courtesy of Camille Furby
Hi-Tide 7 October 31, 2014 October 31, 2014
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Ol Cassidy moved to San Diego this year in order to spend time with family living
here. He feels that the long move fromNorway hasnt really afected himvery much, saying, I
think California is pretty much the best place to live. Cassidy expresses his love for the beaches
and the weather that San Diego has to ofer. He is even beginning to learn how to surf. Cassidy
reveals the biggest diference he has noticed between Norway and San Diego would be that,
People are more socialized here, like in the evenings they go to bonfres or whatever. In Nor-
way people stay at their houses.
Cassidy seems to be really enjoying his time here. In regards to the frst thing he no-
ticed when he moved to the US, he stated, Te language, especially in California. In Norway
we learn about how are you and stuf like that but here its like more waddup and the Califor-
nia style. Laid back I guess. LJHS has been very welcoming. He is even considering attending
college in the US. When asked what he would miss most about San Diego he replied, Probably
and hopefully friends, but also the soccer teamand the beaches, and the weather, of course.
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Norwegian Maria Hauge
moved to San Diego with her mother
a week before her senior year began.
When asked why she came to Ameri-
cas fnest city, Maria said, Because of
the weather. Although the weather is
amazing and San Diego is very laid
back, she feels it is a little too similar.
While she is happy to get away from
Norway for a while, Maria deeply
misses her friends more than any-
thing. She plans to stay in San Diego
until this year ends, improving her
English along the way. Aferwards,
she will return to Oslo, the capital of
Paris-born, Italian-raised Terence Gourmelon, a junior cur-
rently enrolled at La Jolla High, moved here to complete his high
school career at LJHS. For most people, a move to another country is
not something to be taken lightly: it means new friends, a new school,
a new environment, and a new culture to adapt to.
While this may be true, Gourmelons move to San Diego was
simply decided because his parents felt like it. Gourmelon says that
he loves the weather in San Diego, and that even though he misses his
friends, he likes living here now. Apparently the frst thing he noticed
about the United States upon arrival was that everything was so big.
When asked about the biggest diference between Italian and La Jolla
society, he replied, Its easier to make friends here, but I feel like in Italy
they last longer cause you just hang out with the same friends.
Even though her whole family
wanted to stay in Argentina, Julia Lana
moved to San Diego from her home-
land due to her fathers work as an ar-
chitect. She had previously lived briefy
in San Diego when she was younger,
and moved back her again in January
of 2014. Julia loves San Diego for its
beaches, the fact that it is safer than
Argentina, and for how clean it is. Te
culture here, however, is way diferent
than the culture in her home country.
Sometimes you dont feel the warmth
of the people here. Although both
places have their benefts, Julia misses
everything about Argentina.
Senior Mary Dentz is currently studying abroad in Valencia. Here, in her own
words, is her description of what her life in Spain has been like.
A regular day here in Spain begins at 7 oclock in the morning. I get up, get
ready, eat a breakfast of toasted bocadillo (like french bread) with olive oil and salt and
occasionally some pate spread on top. School starts at 8:00 am and ends by 2:00 pm.
However, on Mondays and Tursdays, school ends at 3:00 pm. I come home to a full
meal-sized lunch and aferwards I either take a glorious siesta or go straight to hitting
the books. Ten dinner is at 9 or sometimes 10 at night. It is relatively smaller than the
lunch. For dessert, postre, Spaniards eat fruit. Be it bananas, pears, melon, whatever have
you, fruit is reserved for afer your main meals. Tis is pretty much how my school days
go until Friday.
Te afernoon depends on what my friends and I are all thinking of doing but
usually we go have lunch together and wander El Centro: the old city center and main
shopping district. Friday or Saturday nights are designated festa time. From11 pmuntil
dawn, the whole city is out and about. From tweens to grandparents, we are all taking
some time to unwind fromthe busy week. Sunday, therefore, is hangover and homework
day. In the concrete jungle here most people live in apartments. Tese apartments are
multiple stories. Mine has two apartments per foor and is six stories tall. My host fami-
lys house is located on the sixth foor.
I am living with a host family that my program found for me before I arrived.
Te family is a majorly important part of your immersion and I can not stress enough
how crucial it is to absorb all you can about the Spanish way of life and be willing to
adapt to whatever comes your way. If you feel inclined to follow in my footsteps. I try to
do as much as I can with them. Tat is not to say, though, that there arent some dull days
where I have loads of free time. On those days, I take the chance to go out to museums
or wander about the city, occasionally peeking my head into stores, and just taking in all
that I can of Valencia.
My family is very cool about letting me go out when I please. Not all families
are the same, though. My program, FSL Spain, only has American high school students.
We are a group of six. Tree girls got sent to La Corua in the North-Western corner
of Spain. Te other three of us are living in Valencia. A boy, one more girl, and I. We
do not live super close to each other but every month we meet in the city and catch up.
Te programalso works to put each foreign exchange student into a Spanish school and
hopefully the same age group as you.
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Photo Courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
Photo Courtesy of Mary Dentz
Photo Courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
Photo Courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
Photo Courtesy of Julia Lana
By Sophia Dorfsman
and Vivi Bonomie
Staf Writers
October 31, 2014
Last year, La Jolla High
formed an archery team. We
had never had one before,
so it was a bit of a experi-
ment. Te team, led by Mr.
Teachworth, practiced in the
cafeteria to try to improve
their skills in preparation for
approaching tournaments.
Teir hard work and prac-
tice paid of, and the team
did amazingly. Tey moved
up through the ranks, un-
til they were at Regionals,
where they placed as the sec-
ond best team in California.
Xiao-Bao Bao, a junior at
LJHS, was on a triple team; a
group of 3 archers competing
together. We came around
really strong, and defnitely
challenged the best team in
California. Even though we
lost, we still are proud, for we
moved up the ranks of more
experienced and seasoned
teams, until we challenged the
top. Te archery team was put
together because there was an
outcry for it from students. Ar-
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By Kieran Bauman
Staf Writer
chery is not included in CIF,
and many students at LJHS
wished for the creation of a
Unfortunately, Archery
might not continue into this
year. Mr. Teachworth stated,
Te school wants to im-
plement a Pay for Play
system. Tis means stu-
dents will have to pay $100
a month to participate in
the team, due to Archery
being a club sport. Ar-
chery is not the only team
in LJHS to not be funded
by the school. Te La Jolla
High sailing team is spon-
sored only through club
dues, which are paid by
parents. It has to come
back. Afer last years state
competition, the domi-
nant teams were scared of
us. We cant let this great
team die because of money
issues, said Teachworth.
If the team is to continue, the
deadline for doing so will be
sometime in December.
Tere is a new sport on the
horizon which has become
very popular for high school
students across San Diego.
While volleyball has been a
CIF sport for many years, , it
wasnt until recently that beach
volleyball was made so accessi-
ble and popular to high school
Even more recently, girls Vol-
leyball has been regulated by
CIF rules and has become a
spring sport. Tis has raised
some questions as to why
mens Beach Volleyball was not
Te time will come soon
enough. Since Womens Vol-
leyball is usually more pop-
ular as a sport in general it is
given more attention. Tis is
what most likely led to the idea
of Womens Beach Volleyball
rather than Mens or even both.
Te students who play on the
Mens team are just as passion-
ate about the sport as are the
students on the Girls team.
In fact, some of the boys on
the La Jolla High team think
that, despite being so newly
available to high schoolers,
Beach is more fun and import-
ant than indoor. Tese boys all
agree that the possible chang-
es brought to the table by new
rules would be very proftable
in many ways.
Several students on the cur-
rent Beach Volleyball club
team for La Jolla High agree
that CIF regulations could
bring a lot of positive chang-
es. Teir main concern, with
the lack of regulations, was
the level of seriousness of the
sport, claiming that it is too
leisurely. Tere are no ofcials
or referees at the teams weekly
games. Tese players also ar-
gue that Beach Volleyball can
be much more fun for them at
times, and would really appre-
ciate what could come in the
future for one of their favorite
By Tristan Macelli
Staf Writer
Football is a violent sport for
anyone who plays it, no matter
what their position is.
A person might be the kicker
on their high-schools varsity
football team, thinking there
would be a much less chance
of injury.
However, if you consider all
the possible situations, you
may agree that receiving huge
blows at a higher speed, creat-
ing more force, is going to be
much more damaging to your
body than the close-quarters
hits that the Ofensive Guards
and Tackles deal with during
every game.
Some of the damage that
these collisions cause is be-
coming so bad that players in
the NFL are committing sui-
cide because of it.
According to ABC News,
a degenerative brain disease
caused by the repetition of
blows to the head, called CTE
or Chronic Traumatic Enceph-
alopathy, can only be fully di-
agnosed postmortem (during
an autopsy.)
PR Newswire stated that
the hallmark of CTE is the
accumulation of tau, an ab-
normal protein that strangles
brain cells in areas that control
memory, emotions and other
functions. Tis condition has
been linked to the suicides of
several NFL players. Four
players who have sufered from
this include Dave Duerson of
the Chicago Bears, Terry Long
of the Pittsburgh Steelers, An-
dre Waters of the Philadelphia
Eagles, and Junior Seau of the
New England Patriots and San
Diego Chargers. Tey subse-
quently all died from self-in-
ficted gunshot wounds.
According to Te New York
Times, in 2006 over 50 high
school football players from
various states had sustained
vital head injuries and/or died
from them since 1997.
As stated in NY Daily News,
Each year in the U.S. an aver-
age of a dozen high school and
college football players die
during practices and games.
According to the Game
Ready Blog and California Pa-
cifc Orthopedics and Sports
Medicine, some of the most
common football injuries, ex-
cluding head injuries, are:
1. ACL injuries - When a play-
er receives a large amount of
force coming from the front
or back, the anterior cruciate
ligament in the players knee
can be torn or disfgured.
2. Torn meniscus Tis in-
jury is focused above the
shinbone and occurs when a
player plants their cleat and
twists, causing the meniscus
to tear while the knee twists.
Tis also ofen occurs in older
players because the cartilage is
being worn out over time.
3. Ankle sprains and strains-
Not only is this one of the
most common football inju-
ries, but it is also one of the
most common injuries in all
sports. It happens when one
changes directions too rapidly
or in tackling situations when
the ankle just snaps.
4. Torn hamstrings Tese
are caused by small bursts
of speed, causing a tear if the
player is tired or improperly
warmed up. Tis is difcult to
avoid because football is made
up mostly of small bursts of
5. Shoulder tendinitis When
a player throws enough balls
in a repetitive manner, it could
create over-usage and cause
tendinitis. Tis is cured by rest,
which is usually not an option
for most players.
By Creekstar Allan
Staf Writer
+ 5 6227 403 3 80. , 2" 90. ,:
Advances in modern science are bringing to light the dangers of Americas favorite pastime.
Te fast-paced nature of football leads to
unexpected, possibly deadly, injuries.
Photo Courtesy of wikicommons
La Jolla High School has al-
ways been known for its ath-
letic reputation: water polo,
volleyball, tennis, baseball,
and many other sports lif
school spirit in our hallways.
However, one major sport that
is very ofen overlooked is golf,
more specifcally, girls golf.
Te LJHS girls golf team gave
their best fnish in school his-
tory earlier this year when they
placed third in CIF and broke
a school record by having their
top fve players shoot a com-
bined score of 196 twice, the
previous school record was at
200. If our golf team is so suc-
cessful, why is it so ofen over-
Junior Rebecca Ryan, one of
the teams top fve, states that
people claim golf not to be a
real sport. She argues, Tere
are sports that everyone played
when they were a kid like soc-
cer and sofball but no one
plays golf so no one really gets
how intense it is. She argues
that it is probably one of the
most time-consuming sports,
but it is also very rewarding
because the more practice one
puts in, the more they will im-
Te top fve players on the
team include Waverly Wiston,
Daniela Anastasi, Madeline
Garay, Rebecca Ryan, and
Gaby Anastasi. Tese girls
play golf year-round, attend
practices every day, and play
in a number of tournaments
to keep their high-rankings
and guarantee our school a
spot in CIFs. Even though golf
is not a very common sport,
Coach Aaron Quesnell says
that it is still very difcult to get
a scholarship for golf. He states,
College teams do not have a
lot of scholarships to give, so
you have to be very good to get
one. You really need to shoot
around par to make most col-
lege teams radar. Even though
golf may not include a lot of
running or thrilling action,
it has proven that it is not, in
fact, a walk in the park. Hard
work and a lot of dedication are
necessary in order to become a
great player and succeed.
Girls Golf: Hole in One
By Vivi Bonomie
Staf Writer
Photos Courtesy of Daniela Anastasi
Photo Courtesy of Sophia Dorfsman
October 31, 2014
Most sports teams at La Jol-
la High are gender-specifc,
whether by nature or because
it is specifed in the rules.
However, two juniors at LJHS,
Cynthia Chhoeung and Sean
Nelson, have decided to break
down the gender barriers in
their favorite sports by fear-
lessly joining the football and
cheerleading teams respective-
When asked why she decided
to join the football team Ch-
hoeung simply stated, To be
honest, I was going to do this
with Sean [Nelson]. He would
be a cheerleader and I would
be a football player and plus I
like football. Although many
girls would agree that football
is a rough sport usually played
strictly by males, and would
much rather surround them-
selves with females who play
the same sport as them, Cyn-
thia would disagree. My favor-
ite part of football is being with
the whole team and being able
to play, she added.
Chhoeung isnt the only fe-
male high school football player
in San Diego. On September 26
of this year, the LJHS football
team played against Clairemont
High School, which also has a
female football player named
Kyla Kleege. It makes me feel
better now that I know that
other females are playing the
same sport as me at other
schools, Chhoeung proudly
Our newest, and most cer-
tainly crowd pleasing cheer-
leader, Nelson was recently
asked about what made him
want to become a male cheer-
leader. Although Nelson isnt
the frst male cheerleader that
LJHS has had, we do hope
that in the long run he isnt
our last. Prior to Nelson, we
had Luis Aguilar, about 4
years ago.
Many teenage males would
agree that being a cheerleader
might not be their frst choice
of sports, but Nelson would
defnitely disagree with them.
I decided to become a male
cheerleader because I had pri-
or experience tumbling, and a
lot of the people on the team
wanted me to join cheer. I f-
nally wanted to do it. I was go-
ing to do it my freshman year,
but you know when youre
a freshman, youre scared of
high school so I didnt do it,
but now Im doing it, Nelson
Tere are numerous activities
which the cheerleaders are in-
volved in, from football games
to pep rallies and everything in
I would probably have to
say my favorite part of being a
cheerleader are the big games
when a lot of people come. Its
really fun when the crowd is
interacting with the cheerlead-
ers, like the How do you feel?
I love cheering. Its really fun.
Its good school spirit, Nelson
went on to add. When asked
how he feels, he exclaimed, I
feel good in my red and black!
Tese two student athletes
have bravely paved the way for
other students interested in
playing these sports down the
By putting themselves out
there and following their
hearts, they have truly made a
diference in the way we look
at sports here at LJHS.
!"#$ #$& '($)*+#, -".(+$/ 012"3)#)+4$5
By Yenitzia Lopez
Staf Writer
Changes in the dynamic of sports teams allows for inclusiveness on the feld, and of.
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With an athletics department
that ofers more than 50 athlet-
ic teams, its no wonder that La
Jolla High School is host to a
wide array of skilled athletes,
some of whom are sponsored.
According to Michael Gumina,
a senior at LJHS who is a spon-
sored athlete, One of the most
exciting parts about being a
sponsored athlete is serving
as a walking billboard and
displaying the companys new-
est gear.
W h i l e
m a n y
a t h l e t e s
have the
fnesse to
be spon-
s o r e d ,
most are
for sponsorships because to
maintain amateurism, which
means that the athlete partic-
ipates in the sport as a hobby
rather than a profession, the
athlete cannot receive fnan-
cial compensation for partici-
pating in athletics, which is es-
sentially akin to a sponsorship.
Te sports that can endorse
sponsorships include surfng,
snowboarding, skateboarding,
and other non-CIF-regulated
sports. Many of the profession-
als in those felds began their
athletic career as a teenager
with a sponsorship as well.
One LJHS student who is fol-
lowing such a path is 17 year-
old Michael Gumina, who is
sponsored for his exception-
al surfng skills. Michael was
frst sponsored about three
years ago by Spy Optics and is
now also sponsored by Hurley,
Vertra Sun Care, Viskus Surf,
Xanadu Surfoards, and Gran-
nys Nify Accessories, most of
which are companies that Mi-
chael has had long-standing re-
lationships with.
Many of the athletes spon-
sored are discovered at con-
tests. Tese athletes are selected
based on a combination of their
skill, attitude, and image to rep-
resent the company and receive
and endorse products.
Ananda Ortanez is a senior
at LJHS, who is sponsored.
A n a n d a
became a
s n o w -
b o a r d e r
about three
or four
years ago
when a rep-
for Utility Board Shop , a popu-
lar store in Los Angeles, ofered
him a sponsorship at a contest
that he was competing in.
Today, Active Ride Shop here
in San Diego and Ride Snow-
boards also sponsor Ananda.
He receives products, mostly
the newest snowboarding gear,
and is also featured in clips for
the publicity and social media
divisions for his sponsors.
Sponsorships are a great gate-
way for students into a career
in professional athletics, espe-
cially in sports that are ofen
overlooked by school athletic
departments due to funding or
La Jolla High School is lucky
to have talented athletes, such
as Michael and Ananda, who
are being recognized for their
exceptional athletic abilities es-
pecially through sponsorships,
among its student body.
By Ilana Larry
Staf Writer
Student athletes are being paid to do what they love.
9:';<= >? ! :;@A! 0B0>A!
vs. Madison @ 6:30
Water Polo
vs. Vista @ 3:30
Field Hockey
vs. Point Loma @ 3:00
vs. Scripps Ranch @ 4:45
Boys Cross Country
vs. St. Augustines @ 3:30
Girls Cross Country
vs. OLP @ 3:30
October 31, 2014
By Vivi Bonomie
Staf Writer
When people arrive at col-
lege, they are prepared for
homesickness, the Freshmen
15, and a heavy workload.
However, ofen times people
arrive with little to no knowl-
edge of rape cases that have oc-
curred on the college campus
where these students will most
likely be living for the next
four years.
In one year, 300,000 college
women, over 5% of the wom-
en enrolled in colleges and
universities, experience rape,
not including other forms of
sexual assault. Tis problem
has become so monstrous
that California governor Jerry
Brown just signed Senate Bill
967, a bill titled Yes Means
Yes, which focuses on the
defnition of sexual miscon-
duct on all college campuses
in California. With the alarm-
ingly high rape statistics in the
college world, one would think
that the issue would have been
handled years ago, rather than
once it became too large of a
problem to ignore.
Te goal of this bill is to de-
fne afrmative consent and
bring more awareness of sexu-
al misconduct on all campus-
es. Tis bill has been named
Yes Means Yes as opposed to
the popular saying, no means
no, because afrmative con-
sent means that not only does
a no mean the culprit must
stop, but that any form of sex-
ual activity cannot occur un-
less the victim gives a defnite
yes. Te bill emphasizes that
consent is not automatically
given if both people have en-
gaged in any form of relations
before, but that consent must
come from both parties on all
In this bill, consent is defned
by a defnite yes rather than
just the presence of a spoken
no, meaning that a person
must be physically able and in
the right state of mind to agree
to any form of sexual interac-
Sofe Krasek, a UC Berke-
ley sexual assault activist says,
It does change the cultural
perception of what rape is.
Teres this pervasive idea that
if its not super violent then it
doesnt really count.
Te importance of this bill is
that it addresses the difculty
that comes with saying no
when under the infuence of
alcohol or drugs. Senator Kev-
in de Leon, the bills sponsor,
stated, Its very difcult to say
no when youre inebriated or
someone slips something into
your drink.
In this bill, the absence of a
no does not in any way mean
yes when it comes to any
form of sexual activity.
Yes Means Yes will bring
many positive changes and
a safer environment for all
women or men who fear that
they will another victim. It will
validate the rape charges that
previously would have been
dismissed if the no means
no rule was still in use. Cam-
pus rapes will fnally be taken
more seriously and the people
who have been violated in any
way will be able to have their
voices heard.
Part of the bill mentions
faculty training on how to ap-
propriately respond to sexual
assault claims, meaning that
students will be able to trust
their professors without hav-
ing to worry about being ig-
nored or even blamed for the
Even though this bill provides
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Senate Bill 967 is changing the standards of rape, sexual misconduct, and afrmative consent on California college campuses.
In this bill,
consent is de-
fned by lack of
a yes rather
than just the
presence of a
spoken no.
students in California with
high hopes and has the poten-
tial to infuence other states
in the process, not everyone
agrees with its terms. J. Steven
Svoboda, a spokesperson for
the San Diego based National
Coalition for Men ,said that
the new rules will lead to too
many punitive situations for
young men. While this may
be a concern for some, most
will agree that the safety and
integrity of 300,000 women
surpasses the possibility that
a man might be placed in a
punitive situation. Svoboda
continues on to say, Of course
I agree that people should ac-
tually consent, but the world
doesnt work that way. Teres
no way to legislate the ambigu-
ities away. Sadly, it is true that
the world doesnt work that
way, however, what Mr. Svobo-
da fails to realize, is that bills
like these are the ones that will
help change the world so that
all males can realize that con-
sent is always necessary.
As of Tuesday, September
30, California governor Jerry
Brown passed the statewide
ban against the use of plastic
bags. Te ban will be imple-
mented in grocery stores as of
2015 and will later be installed
in liquor stores, markets, and
other small stores in 2016. It
is the frst environmental ban
ever of its kind in the United
Tis ban would bring great
changes in the following years
to come for the marketing and
retail industries. As stated in
the San Diego Union Tribune
[the ban] outlaws disposable
plastic checkout bags at stores
that carry producerequires
stores to charge at least 10
cents for paper bags or oth-
er reusable bags. It will also
grant $2 million to plastic bag
manufacturers in order to pro-
mote production of reusable
bags in their factories.
Tis ban was made to cut
down the use of non-dispos-
able bags that are harmful to
the environment and was en-
acted to help with the states
waste and water. Tough it will
help the states beautifcation
and environment, an article
from Time touched on the top-
ic, stating bag manufacturers
have lobbied fercely against
such measures, warning that
as the bags disappear, so do the
jobs in their factories. Even
though people feel that the ban
would afect the jobs in those
manufacturing industries, the
ban will still be coming into
afect as of 2015.
Tis statewide ban will have
an efect on the entire state, but
not all cities. Already in San
Francisco, Los Angles Coun-
ty, San Jose and Santa Barbara
bag bans, as of 2007, have been
implemented to reduce waste
and landflls. Even in San Di-
ego and Solana Beach an ordi-
nance was made in 2012 with a
bag ban, taking efect as of last
Te plastic bag ban will bring
changes that will not only af-
fect our environment, but our
economy and industry as well.
Beside the ban contributing
great benefts to the environ-
ment and to the shopper, it
will have some negative efects
on manufacturers of plastic
bags. Until this ban comes into
full swing, people should start
getting used to reusable and
brown paper bags for their ev-
eryday shopping.
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Time to step up on reusable bags.
By Andrea Albanez
Staf Writer
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Te race for a cure to Ebola continues.
By Andrea Albanez
Staf Writer
Te race to fnd a cure for
Ebola has been on the minds
of many researchers and scien-
tists around the world. Dr. Er-
ica Ollan Saphire, a researcher
at the Scripps Research Insti-
tute, and her lab team have re-
ceived antibodies of the Ebola
disease to study and make an
anti-virus for the deadly dis-
When her team received the
Ebola antibodies, Sapphire
made sure that ...all the Ebola
scientists in the entire world
[are] on the same page for a
single defnitive study. Sap-
phire, with her team, wants
to focus on working with the
antibodies to fnd a strong an-
According to Fox 5 News,
those antibodies were used by
her team to create the ZMAPP
drug, the most promising ex-
perimental drug that has been
made to fght Ebola. Te last
two vials of the serum were
used to treat Ebola survivors
Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy
Writebol, said Sapphire. With
her team and global scientists
backing up her research, Sap-
phire has now taken to social
media to ask people to help
fund the expenses it would take
to research for the cure.
Te cases of Ebola have been
increasing day by day, originat-
ing from areas in West Africa
and spreading to areas in the
United States.

Being frst recorded in Sudan
and the Democratic Republic
of Congo in 1976, Ebola was
frst seen only in small cases,
but now in 2014, the disease
has spread into other countries
in Africa, such as Sierra Leone,
Guinea, and Liberia, infecting
thousands. According to BBC
News, the total estimation of
people that have died so far in
those areas has rounded up to
In the U.S., the scare of Ebo-
la has been kept on high alert
since the death of Liberian
citizen, Tomas Eric Duncan.
With two of his nurses, Nina
Pham and Amber Vinson,
now having the virus and un-
der quarantine, it has brought
much panic to people in the
U.S., fearing the disease could
spread faster than we could
stop it.
Because of the time crunch
needed to fnd a good treat-
ment for the disease, the dis-
covery of a cure isnt easy to
come by. Finding a vaccine
will take more than a year of
research and human trials;
the cost for the extensive work
would take much more than
the donations received.
It will take time for Sapphire
and her team to come up with
an ofcial treatment for the
disease, but they are of to a
good start to fnd the cure to
not only save the few lives that
have it, but reassure the world
that it can be contained.
Tey are of to
a good start to
fnd the cure...
reassure the
world that it can
be contained.
October 31, 2014
By Vivi Bonomie
Staf Writer
Women try to fnd as many
ways as possible to make their
voices heard. Nowadays, it is
easy to forget how hard wom-
en work to develop and main-
tain their work. Tis is clearly
what Sarah Moshman had
in mind when she decided to
start Te Empowerment Proj-
ect, where she and some of
her close female
friends would
fnd themselves
in a mini-van in
search of inspir-
ing women to in-
terview for their
Te journey
began in Septem-
ber of 2013 when
Moshman and her friends set
out in the hopes of fnding
more positive role models for
women everywhere. In the
trailer for the upcoming doc-
umentary, Moshman states,
Tere are so many inspira-
tional women out there, but
why is it sometimes so hard
to see them? Many females
can relate to this idea, when
someone asks you to think of
a strong, powerful, fgure there
is ofen more men to choose
from than women. Tis is why
the Empowerment Project is
so important for females to see.
It is the motivation that they
need to experience in order to
start believing that women can
be just as, if not more, power-
ful than men.
Tis task began as an idea that,
thanks to the help of donations
on the website, Kickstarter, has
now become a
completed proj-
ect. Moshman
shares, We live
in a mans world
and just for a
month Id like to
live in a wom-
ens world, just
for one month.
Her ideals of em-
powerment follow the paths of
strong women. Whether they
be fashion stylists, architects,
congresswomen, or movie
directors, she gives them the
chance to share their story and
inspire women who might be-
lieve that they, too, are stuck
in a mans world. It is a docu-
mentary made for women by
By Shane Lynch
Media Editor
Tis past June, actor/writer/
stoner Seth Rogen took some
heat from North Korean of-
fcials afer announcing his
upcoming flm Te Interview
a comedy centered around a
TV hosts attempt to assas-
sinate dictator Jim Jong Un.
Te flm, which stars Rogen
alongside friend and fellow
actor James Franco, is due for
a December release and looks
to provide the same lowbrow
humor established in Rogens
other works.
Apparently, North Koreans
are a little humorless when it
comes to jokes about their su-
preme leader and are declar-
ing the flm a blatant act of
war and terrorism. Tey add-
ed that if the flm ends up be-
ing released to the public this
winter, they will be forced to
respond with stern and mer-
ciless retaliation.
Despite such bold statements,
Rogen was unphased. He
tweeted, People don't usually
wanna kill me for one of my
movies until afer they've paid
12 bucks for it! Hiyooooo!!!
As the man behind such
edgy comedies as Superbad,
Pineapple Express, and Tis
./& 0()&'12&%
is the End, its safe to say this
is not the frst time Rogen
has dealt with criticism to his
work. In fact, Washington Post
critic Anne Hornaday recently
accused his movie Neighbors
of promoting vigilantism
and sexual wish fulfllment,
qualities which she felt led to
a shooting in Isla Vista. In re-
sponse to these claims, Rogen
and producer Judd Apatow
took to social media to defend
the flm, with Rogen stating,
How dare you imply that me
getting girls in movies caused a
lunatic to go on a rampage!
Tough some might argue
that making fun of serious is-
sues and world afairs is ask-
ing for trouble, this is hardly
the frst time a comedian has
Te flm, which stars
Rogen alongside friend
and fellow actor James
Franco, is due for a
December release and
looks to provide the
same lowbrow humor
established in Rogens
other works.
mocked the Dear Leaders re-
gime. South Park creators Trey
Parker and Matt Stone did
just that with their flm Team
America: World Police, which
depicted Kim Jong Il as a men-
acing puppet. Te flm target-
ed militaristic exceptionalism
and Hollywood pretentions
alike and naturally caused
quite the stir in North Korea.
Despite threats very similar to
those directed at Rogen, Team
America was released in its
uncensored form in 2004, and
no bombs were dropped as a
While certain people are
bound to view the flm as vile
and irreverent, Rogen himself
feels that making light of au-
thoritarian policies and polit-
ical leaders takes away their
power in a way, reducing them
to little more than a joke in the
eyes of the public. Tey say
satire is a weapon of the pow-
erless against the powerful,
Rogen stated in a recent in-
terview I realize I don't make
the best movies in the world,
but at times, I do feel like I'm
adding something to the cin-
ematic community. Look for
Te Interview in theaters this
We live in a
mans world and
just for a month
Id like to live
in a womans
October 31, 2014
Having opened on October 10th
and lasting through April 26th,
2015, in Balboa Park, the new
exhibit, Te Discovery of King
Tut, allows viewers to see what
archaeologist Howard Carter un-
covered in 1922 in the lost tomb
of a forgotten king.
Tutankhamun, or King Tut,
is one of the most well-known
Egyptian pharaohs whoever lived
not because of his ancient history,
but because of the fndings in his
elaborate tomb, a tomb that had
been untouched for thousands of
Howard Carter was born on
May 9, 1874, and was an English
archaeologist and Egyptologist.
Early on in his life he started
working for an archaeologist by
drawing his discoveries. Ten
Carter started working for many
diferent archaeologists on exca-
According to the San Diego
Natural History Museums web-
site, afer Carter went through
a rough patch in his life he per-
suaded Lord Carnarvon to invest
in his search for the lost tomb
of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Tis
eventually paid of because it
led to one of the most famous
discoveries in archaeology. On
November 26, 1922 Carter dis-
covered the tomb of Pharaoh
Te exhibit at the San Diego
Natural History Museum is
meant to give the viewer a unique
experience. It is meant to make
the visitor feel the same great
sensation of discovery that Car-
ter had when he discovered this
very rich piece of history.
According to the museums
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tors a realistic
impression of
the overwhelm-
ing opulence
of the oferings
meant to serve
the king on his
magical jour-
ney into the
website, Pharaoh Tutankha-
mun came to power at
the age of seven. He ruled
during a harsh period in
Egyptian history because his
father had banned old reli-
gious cults and only allowed
one god to be worshipped in
Egypt. Tis lef Tutankha-
mun with the great respon-
sibility of restoring stability,
which he was successful at
completing. Because of his
fathers wrong doings later
kings removed his name of
of statues and inscriptions
to rid the future Egyptian
people of the terrible things
done by his father. Tis is
the history of what makes
Carters discovery so fasci-
nating, because he essential-
ly discovered the history of a
lost Pharaoh.
According to the San Di-
ego Natural History Muse-
um website, the exhibit has
been created to the full scale
By Andrea Albanez and Sophia
Staf Writers
of the tomb, giving visitors
a realistic impression of the
overwhelming opulence of the
oferings meant to serve the
king on his magical journey
into the Underworld. In ad-
dition with the 1,000 realistic
replicas of the artifacts found
by the archaeologists and ex-
plorers back in the 1920s, the
use of technology in the exhibit
allows the viewer to learn facts
as a tour around the extensive
exhibit, learning about the fne
details of how the Egyptians
built the massive tomb.
But why should anyone go see
this exhibit if the artifacts are
just replicas? According to Mi-
chael Hager, the president and
CEO of the Natural History
Museum, Egyptian artifacts
are no longer permitted to
travel outside Egypt, therefore
this exhibition will give muse-
um guests an unprecedented
look into the discovery of King
Tutankhamuns tomb. Its the
only exhibit of its kind that
gives museum-goers a look at
one of the most renowned and
mysterious burial sites in the
world, without having to pay
for an expensive plane ticket to
go and see it.
Tis exhibit is one of the
biggest exhibits ever held in
Balboa Park at the Natural
History Museum. Te exhibit
has attracted over fve million
visitors since it began touring
all over the world in 2008. Te
exhibit makes its West Coast
premiere in San Diego.
If you want to see the awe of
the tomb and discover one of
the most mysterious Egyptian
pharaohs in history, then go
take a look at this amazing ex-
Photos courtesy of Sarah Rainsdon

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