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MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics

In-text citations: Author-page style

MLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. This
means that the author's last name and the page number(s) from which
the quotation or paraphrase is taen must appear in the text! and a
complete reference should appear on "our #ors $ited page. The
author's name ma" appear either in the sentence itself or in
parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase! but the page
number(s) should alwa"s appear in the parentheses! not in the text of
"our sentence. %or example&
Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a
"spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263)
Romantic poetry is characteri!ed by the "spontaneous
overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263)
'oth citations in the examples abo(e! ()*+) and (#ordsworth )*+)!
tell readers that the information in the sentence can be located on
page )*+ of a wor b" an author named #ordsworth. ,f readers want
more information about this source! the" can turn to the #ors $ited
page! where! under the name of #ordsworth! the" would find the
following information&
Wordsworth" William Lyrical Ballads #ondon$ %&ford '("
)*6+ (rint
Author-page citation for classic and literary works with multiple
-age numbers are alwa"s required! but additional citation information
can help literar" scholars! who ma" ha(e a different edition of a classic
wor lie Marx and .ngels's The Communist Manifesto. ,n such cases!
gi(e the page number of "our edition (maing sure the edition is listed
in "our #ors $ited page! of course) followed b" a semicolon! and
then the appropriate abbre(iations for (olume ((ol.)! boo (b.)! part
(pt.)! chapter (ch.)! section (sec.)! or paragraph (par.). %or example&
,ar& and -ngels described human history as marked by class
struggles (+*. ch ))
Citing non-print or sources from the Internet
#ith more and more scholarl" wor being posted on the ,nternet! "ou
ma" ha(e to cite research "ou ha(e completed in (irtual en(ironments.
#hile man" sources on the ,nternet should not be used for scholarl"
wor some #eb sources are perfectl" acceptable for research. #hen
creating in-text citations for electronic! film! or ,nternet sources!
remember that "our citation must reference the source in "our #ors
/ometimes writers are confused with how to craft parenthetical
citations for electronic sources because of the absence of page
numbers! but often! these sorts of entries do not require an" sort of
parenthetical citation at all. %or electronic and ,nternet sources! follow
the following guidelines&
,nclude in the text the first item that appears in the #or $ited
entr" that corresponds to the citation (e.g. author name! article
name! website name! film name).
0ou do not need to gi(e paragraph numbers or page numbers
based on "our #eb browser1s print pre(iew function.
2nless "ou must list the #eb site name in the signal phrase in
order to get the reader to the appropriate entr"! do not include
23Ls in-text. 4nl" pro(ide partial 23Ls such as when the name
of the site includes! for example! a domain name!
lie as opposed to writing out
http& or http&

Miscellaneous non-print sources

Werner /er!og0s Fitzcarraldo stars /er!og0s long1time film
partner" 2laus 2inski 3uring the shooting of Fitzcarraldo"
/er!og and 2inski were often at odds" but their e&plosive
relationship fostered a memorable and influential film
,n the example abo(e 67er8og9 leads the reader to the respecti(e
entr" on the #ors $ited page&
/er!og" Werner" dir Fitzcarraldo (erf 2laus 2inski
4ilmverlag der 5utoren" )*62 4ilm
lectronic sources
%ne online film critic stated that Fitzcarraldo is "a
beautiful and terrifying criti7ue of obsession and
colonialism" (8arcia" 9/er!og$ a #ife:)
;he Purdue OWL is accessed by millions of users every year
<ts ",#5 4ormatting and =tyle 8uide" is one of the most
popular resources (=tolley et al)
,n the first example! the writer has chosen not to include the author
name in-text: howe(er! two entries from the same author appear in
the #ors $ited. Thus! the writer includes both the author1s last name
and the article title in the parenthetical citation in order to lead the
reader to the appropriate entr" on the #ors $ited page (see below).
,n the second example! 6/tolle" et al.9 in the parenthetical citation
gi(es the reader an author name followed b" the abbre(iation 6et al.!9
meaning! 6and others!9 for the article 6MLA %ormatting and /t"le
;uide.9 'oth corresponding #ors $ited entries are as follows&
8arcia" -li!abeth "/er!og$ a #ife" Online Film Critics
Corner ;he 4ilm =chool of >ew /ampshire" 2 ,ay 2??2
Web 6 @an 2??*
=tolley" 2arl" et al ",#5 4ormatting and =tyle 8uide" ;he
%W# at (urdue )? ,ay 2??6 (urdue 'niversity Writing
#ab )2 ,ay 2??6

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