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Shakti Peethas (Tantra Peethas) of India

By Dr.K.K.Debnath January 2011

Introduction about Tantra/Shakti Sadhana
It is a Non-Vedic beliefs and practices that ephasi!ed the e"istence in an of di#ine po$ers
that could be acti#ated and e"perienced by eans of special spiritual procedures.% &o$e#er' it
$as adapted and adopted by &induis at a later sta(e.
The Story of Hindu Literature
)hen *ati' the $ife of *hi#a and the first incarnation of +ar#ati' *acrificed herself at a ya(na
perfored by her father Kin( Da,sha- a #ery distrau(ht *hi#a started dancin( $ith her body. .he
$orld $as terrori!ed fro this .anda#a Nritya and to stop the de#astatin( penance' Vishnu used
his *udarshan /ha,ra 0.he $hirlin( ,nife on his fin(er tip1 and copletely cut up *ati2s Body in
se#eral pieces. )here#er her body parts fell' a teple $as erected to coeorate different
anifestations of *hi#a and +ar#ati and becae a &indu pil(ria(e. .hey are called +eetha or
*a,ti +eethas. *ati is also called De#i or *ha,ti 0*tren(th1. .hese teples are scattered fro
present day +a,istan' India' *ri 3an,a' Ban(ladesh and Nepal.
Religious Tradition of Bengalis
.raditionally it is obser#ed that Ben(alis are culturally inclined to *ha,ti *adhana. .hey built a
Kali Bari $here they are in a position to do it' irrespecti#e of the place. .his is true for all
Ben(alis' $ho are belie#er of faiths ori(inated in Indian subcontinent. .he Kali +u4a is basically
a *ha,ti *adhana' $hich is also ,no$n as Da,hshinachari .antra *adhana% and also ,no$n as
*ha,ti *adhana. 5ncient Ban(adesh eans the area of the Valley fored by 6i#er 7an(a and
6i#er Brahaputra and little part of present 8+' as specified in ancient Indian literatures.
Shakti Peethas
.here are about 99 *ha,ti +eethas or /enters of *ha,ti spread o#er present India' Ban(ladesh'
Nepal' +a,istan and *ri 3an,a. &o$e#er there are soe differences of opinion. :ut of all *ha,ti
+eethas' ; are ,no$n as 5di *ha,ti +eethas' $hich are in and around ancient Ban(adesh
0coprisin( of +resent )est Ben(al of India- Karup at present $ith 5ssa of India- +art of
present Bihar of India- .ripura of India and present Ban(ladesh1 and :rissa. Besides this' around
90< of total *ha,ti +eethas are found to be in ancient Ban(adesha. .his only indicates the *ha,ti
culture of Ben(alis. )e find a #ariation and difference in opinion. It ay be priarily due to lac,
of proper historical records and docuents.
.he article is di#ided into four parts naely=
11 Details on 5di *ha,ti +eethas.
21 Details of *ha,ti +eethas in ancient Ban(adesh 0coprisin( of +resent )est Ben(al of
India- Karup at present $ith 5ssa of India- +art of present Bihar of India- .ripura of
India' part of present 8+ and present Ban(ladesh1.
>1 *a,ti peethas located in ad4oinin(?nei(hborin( areas of ancient Ban(adesh.
;1 Details of other *ha,ti +eethas
@fforts ha#e been ade to furnish the details on location?place' iportance?belief and ho$ to
reach the place' $here#er possible.
Four di Shakti Peethas cha! "
.he (reat reli(ious te"ts li,e the *hi#a +urana' the Kali,a +urana and the 5sta *ha,ti reco(ni!e
four a4or *ha,ti +eethas 0centers1' li,e Biala 0+ada Khanda' Inside +uri Ja(annatha .eple1'
.ara .arini 0*tana Khanda' Breasts' Near Berhapur' :rissa1' Kaa,shi 0Aoni Khanda' Near
7u$ahati' 5ssa1 and Da,hina Kali,a 08u,ha Khanda' Kali(hat' )est Ben(al1 ori(inated fro
the libs of the /orpse of 8ata *ati. .he 5sta *ha,ti and Kali,a +urana clearly say 0in
Bimala Pada khandancha,
Stana khandancha Tarini (Tara Tarini),
Kamakhya Yoni khandancha,
Mukha khandancha Kalika (Dakhina Kalika)
Anga pratyanga sanghena
ishnu !hakra Kshyta nacha""##
$# Puri %agannatha, Puri at &rissa' Bor *a,ta .antric Ja(annatha is Bhaira#a and Biala is
Bhaira#i. In the onth of 5s#ina' durin( the Dur(a +u4a' anial sacrifice is ade before (oddess
Biala $hich is the only of its ,ind in the other$ise bloodless rituals perfored in the teple.
.he holy food offered to *hri Ja(annatha is sanctified only after it is presented to Biala and
then acCuires the character of 8ahaprasad. .he 7oddess Biala' a anifestation of the 8other
7oddess and considered as *ha,ti of 3ord Ja(annatha.
+uri is a prie &indu pil(ria(e centre located in :rissa. It is faous for 6ath Aatra held in the
onth of *ra#ana. .he place is $ell connected by rail. +il(ris ay (et do$n either at
Bhubanes$ar or at Khurda road Jn. on 8ain &o$rah /hennai rail$ay line and (o to +uri by road
or by train.
(# Tara Tarini, )aipura, *an+am, &rissa' It is said that the breasts of *ati fell at the Kuari &ills
$here the faous .ara .arini *ha,ti +itha stands. It is on the ban, of 6i#er 6ushi,ulya near
+urushottapur in 7an4a District. It is one of the ost +roinent ancient *ha,ti peetha or
.antra +itha of :rissa. 5ccordin( to historians and researchers' it $as ori(inally a Buddhist
.antric teple. &istorically .ara and .arini both are Buddhist 7oddesses.
.he 7oddesses .ara-.arini has been re(arded as the presidin( deity 0Ista-De#i1 in alost e#ery
house in *outh :rissa. .his iportant and faous .eple is situated on the top of the Kuari
hill or popularly ,no$n as .ara-.arini +ahad 0&ill1. .he hei(ht of the hill is about D0E ft. and it
has spread o#er 1E0 5cres of land. .he picturesCue panoraa of the teple and the ri#er
6ushi,ulya (i#es enorous pleasure and e"perience of nature and di#inity to each pil(ri. Aou
ha#e to clib FFF steps on the front side of the hill leadin( to the teple or can reach at the top
throu(h a pucca road for #ehicle on the bac,side of the hill. +ro#isions of electricity' drin,in(
$ater and a sall ar,et cople" at the site $ith articles for $orship e"ist.
.he .eple is sall but beautiful one and faous *hrine of .ara-.arini. )orship at this
iportant *ha,ti +itha has been continuin( since tie of ieorial. .$o stones has been
anthropoorphi!ed by the addition of (old and sil#er ornaents and shaped as huan faces are
the ain *hrine of this teple $hich represents the 7oddesses .ara and .arini. :ne can find t$o
fully celebrated and beautiful brass heads as their 3i#in( Idols 0/halanti +rotia1 ha#e been
placed in bet$een t$o 8ain shrines. It has been said that fro a tribal cult .ara-.arini ha#e been
transfored into *ha,ti cult' as the nae .ara $as the +riordial deity of the 8ahayana
Buddhist +antheon ' indicates Buddhist influence at the .ara - .arini +eetha.
-o. to )each' .he .ara-.arini +itha is situated at a distance of >2 Ks to$ards north of
Berhapur on the south ban, of ri#er 6ushi,ulya near +urushottapur. .he Distance of .ara-
.arini &ill is fro Ja(annathapur is about 22 ,s on N&9. .he National &i(h $ay is connectin(
Kol,ota to /hennai. Bro &ua on /hili,a it $ill be about >9 Ks. and fro Berhapur it is
>2 K8s.
/# Kamakhya Kamroop, at present Assam
De#i2s yoni fell here and the idols are De#i as Kaa,hya 0personification of lo#e1 and *hi#a as
.he Kaa,hya .eple is a *ha,ti teple situated on top of the Nilachal &ill in $estern part of
7u$ahati city in 5ssa on the northern ban,s of the ri#er Brahaputra 0the son of Braha1'
India. It is the ain teple in a cople" of indi#idual teples dedicated to different fors of the
other (oddess as the Dasa 8aha#idya' includin( Bhu#anesh#ari' Ba(alau,hi' /hinnaasta'
.ripura *undari and .ara. It is an iportant pil(ria(e destination for (eneral &indu and .antric
.his is a faous pil(ria(e for $oen see,in( fertility or lo#e. .he teple is supposedly built
by Kade#' the (od of lo#e. .he Gananda teple is nearby in an islet on the ri#er. It has any
pet on,eys.
&istorically' it $as a faous Buddhist .antra +eetha. 5t a later sta(e' it becae the place of
*adhana of 3ord 8atsyendranath Nath and a teple $as ade. &e $as the (reat 7uru of 3ord
7oro,hsha Nath' and the founder of Kula *yste% of .antra in Ben(al. .he teple $as
reno#ated by /ooch Bihar Kin(s.
.he current teple structure $as constructed in 19H9 by /hila 6ai of the Koch dynasty in the
style of edie#al teples. .he for of the earlier structure' destroyed by the Kala +ahar' is
un,no$n. .he current structure has a beehi#e-li,e shi,hara $ith deli(htful sculptured panels and
ia(es of 7anesha and other (ods and (oddesses outside.
.he teple consists of three a4or chabers. .he $estern chaber is lar(e and rectan(ular and
is not used by the (eneral pil(ris for $orship. .he iddle chaber is a sCuare' $ith a sall
idol of the 7oddess' a later addition. .he $alls of this chaber contain sculpted ia(es of
Naranarayana' related inscriptions and other (ods. .he iddle chaber leads to the sanctu
sanctoru of the teple in the for of a ca#e' $hich consists of no ia(e but a natural
under(round sprin( that flo$s throu(h a yoni-shaped cleft in the bedroc,. Durin( the 5bu#aci
festi#al each suer' the enstruation of the 7oddess Kaa,hya is celebrated. Durin( this
tie' the $ater in the ain shrine runs red $ith iron o"ide reseblin( enstrual fluid.
It is li,ely that this is an ancient Khasi sacrificial site' and $orshipin( here still includes
sacrifices. De#otees coe e#ery ornin( $ith (oats to offer to *ha,ti.
.he Kali,a +urana' an ancient $or, in *ans,rit describes Kaa,hya as the yielder of all desires'
the youn( bride of *hi#a' and the (i#er of sal#ation. *ha,ti is ,no$n as Kaa,hya.
.he Kaa,hya .eple in 5ssa syboli!es the Ifusion of faiths and practicesI of #arious
traditions in 5ssa. .he Ao(ini .antra entions that the reli(ion of the Ao(ini +itha is of Kirata
ori(in. 5ccordin( to 5ssaese literature' there e"isted a tradition aon( the priests established
by Naranarayana that the 7aros' a atrilineal people' offered $orship at the Kaa,hya site by
sacrificin( pi(s.
.he (oddess is $orshiped accordin( to both the Vaachara 03eft-&and +ath1 as $ell as the
Da,shinachara 06i(ht-&and +ath1 odes of $orship.
5ccordin( to the Kali,a +urana' Kaa,hya .eple denotes the spot $here *ati used to retire in
secret to satisfy her aour $ith *hi#a' and it $as also the place $here her yoni fell after *hi#a
danced $ith the corpse of *ati. &o$e#er' this is not corroborated in the De#i Bha(a#ata' $hich
lists 10E places associated $ith *ati2s body' thou(h Kaa,hya finds a ention in a
suppleentary list. .he Ao(ini .antra' a latter $or,' i(nores the ori(in of Kaa,hya (i#en in
Kali,a +urana and associates Kaa,hya $ith the (oddess Kali and ephasi!es the creati#e
sybolis of the yoni.
0# Kalighat (!alcutta) at 1est Bengal
De#i2s four sall toes fro her ri(ht foot fell here and the idols are De#i as Kali and *hi#a as
Na,ulish or Na,ules$ar. Baous pil(ria(e located in /alcutta in the state of )est Ben(al. Kali
is described as dar, cople"ioned for of *ha,ti $ho has taste for blood and death. *he rules
o#er the creation sites and is $orshipped by de#otees on a dar, and oon less ni(ht. *he is
ost popular deity of Ben(al. Kali is the feale #ersion of Kala or end of tie. 5s per historical
records 3ord 7oro,hsha Nath' a (reat reli(ious and social reforer' $ho con#erted left hand
.antra to ri(ht hand .antra' by transforin( the .antric Kula Bhaira#i in to other 7oddess. &is
7uru 3ord 8atsendra Nath $as the founder of Kula *yste in Ben(al. :ne of his disciples
/houran(i Nath used to loo, after this teple and his seat $as naed as /houran(i and the road
fro ashra to teple $as naed as /houran(i road.
Peethas Located in ancient Bangadesha ch#
$# Attahas (laughter) 2Maa 3ullora Bir4hum (at present 1est Bengal)
De#i2s lo$er lips fell here and the idols are De#i as Bullara 0Blooin(1 and *hi#a as
Bhairabh#ishesya 03ord of the uni#erse1. .he place is in Ben(al near Birbhu. Ia(e of De#i
and the *hi#a teple is ne"t to the De#i teple. It is a a4or pil(ria(e and tourist attraction.
)e need to (o fro Birbhu to 5hedpur to 3abhpur 0H.9 iles1. 5ttahas is 4ust @ast of
3abhpur' around 119 iles fro Kol,ata. .he teple of Bhairab is beside the teple of Bullora.
.he deity is ade of stone. It is so lar(e that the lo$er leap of the (oddess is about 19 to 1E feet
(# Maa Bahula o5 Katoa, Bardhaman (at Present 1est Bengal)
De#i2s left ar fell here and the idols are De#i as Bahula 05bundant1 and *hi#a as Bhiru, 0$ho
is also *ar#a *iddhi Daya,a1. 5rri#e at Katoa rail station and then (o to Ketu(ra $hich is a
/# o5 Bir4hum (at present 1est Bengal)
De#i2s ind or the centre of the bro$s fell here and the idols are De#i as 8ahishaardini 0the
slayer of 8ahishasur or Dur(a1 and *hi#a as Ba,ranath. It is near to 5hedpur station. .here are
se#en hot sprin(s and also the +aphara 0reo#er of sins1 ri#er. .he 8ahauni 5shtaba,ra found
enli(htenent here. :n *hi#aratri ni(ht a (rand 8ela 0fete1 is celebrated here.
0# Bha6anipur or Karota (ri6er) at 7ator o5 present Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s left seat or her clothin( fell here and idols are De#i as 5parna 0the one $ho ate nothin('
not e#en lea#es1 and *hi#a as Bhairabha 0Destroyer of fear1. .he teple of ,aratoya is situated at
#illa(e Bha#anipur' 2E Ks fro *herpur in Bo(ura district' Ban(adesha.
.he Kin( of Nator and his (randson the 8ahara4ah 6aa,rishna used to editate here. .he seat'
the yo(na,unda and fi#e s,ulls are still there. In the onth of Baisa,ha accordin( to the Ben(ali
calendar' there is a lar(e fete or 8ela or(ani!ed here to celebrate 6aana#ai or Deepan$ita.
8# Bi6asa 9 Midnapur (at present 1est Bengal)
De#i2s left an,le fell here and the idols are De#i as Bhiarupa and *hi#a as *ar#ananda. It is
situated in .alu, of 8idnapur district of )est Ben(al.
:# !hattagram (also called !hattal) at present Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s ri(ht ar fell here and the idols are De#i as Bha#ani 0De#i1 and *hi#a as /handrase,har
0the one $ho has the oon as the cro$n1. It is said that 8ahade#a has hiself pronounced that
he $ould #isit /handrase,har 8ountain re(ularly durin( Kali Au(a. .he faous /handra Nath
.eple on the top of the hill is the Bhaira#a teple of this *ha,ti +eetha. .his is near *ita,unda
station' /hatta(ra in Ban(ladesh.
;# %ayanti (+ayantia) at present Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s left thi(h fell here and the idols are De#i as Jayanti and *hi#a as Kraadis$ar. Jayanti is
situated at Kala4ore Baurbha( #illa(e of Bal!ur +ar(ana under Jayantia .hana of *ylhet district'
Ban(ladesh. .his *ha,ti +eetha is locally ,no$n as Bali!ur Kali Bari.
&ther ersions'
5dorned by ountains' forests and a ri#er' Jayanti is a Cuiet little #illa(e 11 ,. a$ay fro
5lipurduar' Jalpai(uri District of )est Ben(al. .all forests of *al' *e(un' *iul' +alash and
*irish trees hide the ountains and s,y' $hile the spar,lin( Jayanti 6i#er flo$s beneath. .hou(h
norally accessible' the path$ays ay becoe difficult to ne(otiate durin( the onsoon.
5 t$o-hour tre, ta,es one to the top of a hill fro the Jayanti 6ail$ay station' $here there is a
*ati .eple. .here is also a 8aha,aal .eple in three ad4acent ca#es. In the first ca#e there are
idols of the Braha-Vishnu- 8ahesh$ar trinity' in the second there is one of 3ord *hi#a' and in
the third' that of 7oddess 8aha,ali.
<# %essore 2 Yashohar2 Yashor in present Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s centre of the hands fell here and the idols are De#i as Jashores$ari and *hi#a as /handa
08oon or the one $ho holds the oon1. Jashores$ari' situated at Ish$aripur' *hyana(ar'
district *at,hira' Ban(ladesh. .he teple cople" $as built by 6a4a +ratapaditya' $hose capital
$as Ish$aripur.
=# Kanchidesh (Konkaal or Skeleton) at Bolpur 9 Bardhaman, present 1est Bengal
De#i2s s,eleton fell here and the idols are De#i as De#a(arbha and *hi#a as 6uru. .he nae
Kanchi eans #ery thin baboo branches' $hich is li,e ,an,al or s,eleton' so the nae
Kanchidesh appeared. .he place is ,no$n as Kan,ali tala. .he De#i is locally ,no$n as
Kan,alesh$ari. .here is a $ell for $orship' on the ban,s of Kopai or Kopar 6i#er 10 ,
to$ards north-east fro Bolpur station of district Birbhu' )est Ben(al.
&ther ie.s' Kanchipura' a #ery faous pil(ria(e spot' is situated in .ail Nadu and is #ery
$idely ,no$n for the spiritual po$ers of the De#i Kaa,shi. .his is one of the +ancha Budha
*hrines situated in .ail Nadu and represents the earth for. .he *hi#a is called @,abara
Natha%. Kanchi is also faous for the Kanchi Kaa,oti 8utt' fro $here the 7reat *a(e *ri *ri
/handrase,arendra *aras$ati 0also affectionately called as *ri 8aha +eri#al%1 enshrined his
blessin(s to the thousands of de#otees thron(in( the utt for a (lipse of hi.
$># Khirgram (Yogadaya) at Bardhaman, 1est Bengal
De#i2s ri(ht bi( toe fell here and the idols are De#i as Ao(adaya and *hi#a as Khira,antha. .a,e
@astern Indian 6ail$ay to Bardha$an station. .a,e Bardha$an Katoa 6ail to Ni(a station.
Ni(a station to Khir(ra 0#illa(e1 is 2 iles. 5 ela 0fete1 is held durin( Baisa,ha *an,ranti.
It is also $idely opined that this is the sae as the /hintapurni .eple' $here the toes of *ati
(oddess had fallen bein( cut off by the /ha,ra of 3ord Vishnu $hen he $as cuttin( a$ay the
pieces of *ati2s dead body carried by 3ord *i#a durin( .anda#a Nritya.
.he +indi represents *ati2s feet and is a anifestation of her. /hintapurni De#i is belie#ed to
fulfill the desires of a person $ho coes there and de#otedly $orships her. .he Mantra repeated
in the +u4a is said to ha#e been re#ealed by the De#i herself $hen she appeared in huan for.
$$# Kirit 9 A+imgan+, Murshida4ad in present 1est Bengal
De#i2s cro$n or headdress fell here and idols are De#i as Viala 0+ure1 and *hi#a as *an(barta.
It is situated at Kirit at Kirit Kona #illa(e' > , fro 3alba( /ourt 6oad station under district
8urshidabad' )est Ben(al' India. .a,e the train to 54i(an4. .he teples are on the shore of the
7an(es near Batna(ar.
$(# Magadha (Patna) at Shrihatta at present Assam (Ancient Bangadesha)
De#i2s ri(ht thi(h fell here and the idols are De#i as *ar#anandari and *hi#a as Bo,esha. Inside
*hrihatta at Jayanti par(ana near the base of the Kahshia 8ountain De#i2s le(s are placed here.
:ne has to (o fro *hrihatta to Kanaier (hat by boat and then $al, 2 iles. :ther #ersion says it
is at +atna ay be due to the nae 8a(adha%.
$/# Mana6 Kschetra (3ield) Kogram, Bardhaman at present 1est Bengal
De#i2s ri(ht hand or pal fell here. Idols are De#i as Da,hshayani 0Dur(a1 and *hi#a as 5ar
0Iortal1. .a,e train fro &o$rah station to 7us,ar station and then a fe$ iles to Ko(ra.
8ahade#a is considered *iddhidaya,a or pro#ider of all $ishes. :ther Version says it is 8anas'
located at .ibet near 8ansoro#ar.
$0# Mithila at present Bihar ( ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s left shoulder fell here and the idols are De#i as 8ahade#i 0De#i1 and *hi#a as 8ahodara
0the bi( belied one1. .his is near Jana,pur station 0present Bihar1. 5ccordin( to ancient literature'
8ithila $as a part of 5ncient Ban(adesh.
$8# 7alhati in Bir4hum, 1est Bengal
De#i2s #ocal pipe fell here and the idols are De#i as Kali,a 0Dur(a1 and *hi#a as Ao(esh. .he
teple is ,no$n as INalatesh$ari .epleI' near Nalhati station of Birbhu district' )est
Ben(al. :ne needs to (o by train to Nalhati 6ail$ay station fro &o$rah station 01;9 K1 and
then by 6ic,sha$ to teple.
$:# 7andipur at Bir4hum, 1est Bengal
De#i2s nec,lace fell here and the idols are De#i as Nandini and *hi#a as Nandi,ishore. .he
teple is locally ,no$n as INandi,esh$ariI teple. Nandipur is no$ in *aithia to$n. .he
teple is only 1.9 , @ast of *aithia rail station 0120 iles fro Kol,ata1 under a banyan tree
$ithin a boundary $all' Birbhu district' )est Ben(al.
$;# Shrihatta, Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s nape of the nec, fell here and the idols are De#i as 8ahala,shi 0.he (oddess of
prosperity and $ife of 8aha#ishnu1 and *hi#a as *ar#ananda 0.he one $ho a,es e#eryone
happy1. De#i2s teple is near *hrihatta to$n and *hi#a2s teple is near Jainpur. *hi#aratri and
5sho,ashtai are celebrated $ith a ela. .a,e train fro /alcutta to 7oalanda and steaer to
Kechua(an4. .hen either ta,e a boat or $al, about fi#e iles.
$<# Sone (near Sone )i6er) at present MP Sate
De#i2s left hips fell here and the idols are De#i as Narada and *hi#a as Vadrasen. .he place is
located in present 8+ state.
$=# Sunanada (Sugandha) at Barisal, Bangladesh (ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s nose fell here and idols are De#i as *unanada 0+leasin(1 and *hi#a as .raiba, 06udra1.
De#i2s teple and *hi#a2s teple are situated in a #illa(e called +onabalia on the ban,s of the
ri#er *unanda. It is under *hi,arpur or *hi#ahri Karpur #illa(e' 7ournadi' about 20 Ks fro
Barisal to$n. .he nearest rail$ay station is Jhal,ati. 5 lar(e nubers of $orshippers #isit this
place durin( *hi#a chaturdashi day of 8arch.
(># Tripura (ancient Bangadesha)
De#i2s ri(ht foot fell here and the idols are De#i as .ripurasundari and *hi#a as .ripuresh. De#i
is (rantor of all $ishes or *ar#a#ishta pradyani$ It is situated at the top of the hills ,no$n as
.ripura *undari teple near 6adha,ishore pur #illa(e' a little distance a$ay fro Gdaipur to$n'
ancient capital of .ripura.
($# Trisnota (Tristrota) at District %alpaiguri, 1est Bengal
De#i2s left feet fell here and the idols are De#i as Bhraari 0Bublebee1 and *hi#a as Is$ar
07od1. It is situated on the ban,s of .ista 6i#er in *halbari #illa(e of Bala,ata in Jalpai(uri
district in )est Ben(al.
((# ?+aani at Bardhaman District, 1est Bengal
De#iJs ri(ht $rist 0@lbo$1 fell here. De#i is $orshiped as 8an(ala chandi,a% and *hi#a as
Kapilabar%. .he place G4aani is 1H Ks fro 7us,ar *tation under Bardhaan district of
)est Ben(al.
(/# aidyanath at Deoghar in %har Khand state (Ancient Bangadesh)
De#i2s heart fell here and the idols are De#i as Jaidur(a 0Victorious Dur(a1 and *hi#a as
Vaidyanath. It is in odern day Bihar. Joshidi is the train station. :ne of the only 12 Jyotir 3in(a
*hrines dedicated to 3ord *hi#a throu(hout India is here.
Peethas in ad%oining/neighboring areas of ancient Bangadesh ch&
$# *andaki (ri6er), 7epal
De#i2s ri(ht chee, fell here and the idols are De#i as 7anda,ichandi 0the one $ho o#ercoes
obstacles or 7ondi1 and *hi#a as /ha,rapani 0&older of the discus1. It is a faous pil(ria(e
centre. It is ad4acent to 8u,ti Nath teple 0.antric1 at Nepal.
(# Prayag (three ri6ers meet here) or Allaha4ad
De#i2s ten fin(ers fell here and the idols are De#i as 3alita 0beautiful1. 5nother nae is 5lopi and
*hi#a as Bha#a. Near .ribeni (hat there is Banitirtha (hat' 5llahabad is the rail$ay station.
/# aranasi (Benaras) or Kasi the place o5 Shi6a and Adi 7ath
De#i2s earrin(s 0Kundal1 fell here and the idols are De#i as Vish$a3a,schi 0.he pro#ider of
$ealth to all1 and *hi#a as Kala or the end of tie1. It is a faous pil(ria(e in G+ and
one of the oldest cities in the $orld. .he +uranas say that this city e"ists e#en after the +ralaya.
.he faous place K8ani,arni,aJ is located here and naed so because the ear rin( of (oddess
$as li,e pearl 08ani1.
0# rinda6ana
De#i2s hair fell here and idols are De#i as Ga 0De#i1 and *hi#a as Bhootesh 0or pro#ider of all
desires1. It $as play(round of 3ord Krishna and the (opis. .he #ana or forest or (arden is $here
the youn( Krishna (re$ up in the hoe of Aasoda the $ife of a co$ herd. Krishna $as capable
of aa!in( feats and sa#ed the #illa(e fro any perils such as the Na(a Kaliya and the (reat
ra(e of Indra by holdin( up a ountain abo#e the #illa(e. But his tie $as ostly spent $ith the
beautiful (opis or co$ (irls $ith $ho he had any affairs. .he principle of illicit lo#e is the
basis of this aspect of philosophy $here a person harbors a secret lo#e for (od $hich he cannot
re#eal to others.
'ther Shakti Peethas ch(
$# Amar Kantak, M#P#
.here are #aryin( opinions on $hether 5arKanta, or Kaladha#a is the perfect spot. .he ost
adapted #ie$ is for 5arKanta,' is the ori(inatin( point of 6i#er Narada and is situated in
8adhya +radesh. It is also said that De#i2s ri(ht hips fell here and the idols are De#i as 6i(ht
Nipple 5sitananda Kali and *hi#a as 5sitananda.
(# Amarnath at Amarnath !a6e, Kashmir
De#i2s Nec, 0throat1 fell here and the idols are De#i as 8ahaaya 0the (reat Illusion1 and *hi#a
as .risandhyas#ar. .his is faous for pil(ria(e of 5arnath teple. .here is a *hi#a lin(a of
(lacial ice $hich e"pands and contracts $ith the seasons.
/# Bhaira6a Par6at at ?++ain, MP
De#i2s upper lips fell here and idols are De#i as 5#anti 08odest1 and *hi#a as 3aba,arna 03on(
eared one1. It is located .his is located at Bhaira#a hills on the ban,s of *hipra 6i#er a little
distance fro G44ain to$n' in 8adhya +radesh near G44ain.
0# !hitrakoot at )amgiri hills, MP
.he ri(ht breast of De#i *hi#ani fell here 0another opinion is that her Nala or Ja(hanasti or Bone
of the 5bdoen fell here1 and the idols are De#i as *hi#ani 0the $ife of *hi#a1 and *hi#a as
/handa. .his is located in 8adhya +radesh near Katni 6ail$ay station.
8# Dante.ada at Baster, !hhattisgarh
De#iJs daanta 0teeth1 fell here. De#i is $orshipped as Dantesh$ari 0Kulde#i of Baster *tate1 and
*hi#a as Kapali Bhaira#a. .he place is about E0 ,2s fro Ja(dalpur /hhattis(arh. .he place has
coe to lieli(ht due to recent 8aoist o#eent.
:# *oda6ari Tirtha or Sar6a Shaila, Andhra Pradesh
De#i2s left chee, fell here and the idols are Vis$aatri,a 0other of the $orld1 and *hi#a as
Vi#eshi Dandapani 0the one $ho holds a staff1. .he faous Koti 3in(es$ar teple is on the
ban,s of 7oda#ari 6i#er near 6a4ahundry' 5ndhra +radesh' India
;# -ingula or -ingla+, Pakistan
De#i2s ind or brain fell here and the idols are De#i as Kotari 0Braharandhra Kotta$isha
Bhaira#i1 Dur(a and *hi#a as Bhilochan 0.riple eyed or the third eye1.
.he location is in a ca#e on the $estern part of +a,istan near Karachi and is about F0 iles a$ay
fro Karachi. .he road fro Karachi to &in(ula 0&in(la41 is alon(side the 5rabian *ea. Gsual
.ransport is /ael or /ael dri#en cart. 5 bea of li(ht can be seen $ithin the dar, ca#e'
$here the teple is located.
<# %alandhar, Pun+a4
.he left breast of De#i fell here and the idols are De#i as .ripuralini 0Dur(a1 and *hi#a as
Bhisan 07ruesoe1. J$alau,hi is the nearby .irtha and train (oes fro Delhi to Jalandhar.
.here is De#i .alab 0+ond1 in Jalandhar' a lar(e asonry tan, sacred to &indus.
.here is also a #ery faous *hi#a teple in Jalandhar' the teple is a blend of 8usli &indu
architecture situated at 7ur 8andi near Ia Nassir ausoleu dates bac, to the 3odhi @ra. It
is belie#ed to be built by the Na$ab of *ultanpur 3odhi. .he ain (ate $as built in the style of a
osCue $hile the rest of the buildin( in &indu style. .here is a tradition that $hen Jalandhar $as
in Na$ab territory he had eyed a ne$ly arried &indu (irl $ho $as a de#otee of 3ord *hi#a
$ho' in the for of a serpent' sa#ed her honor. 5$ed by the appearance of this serpent the
Na$ab apolo(i!ed to the (irl and built the teple on her biddin(.
=# %anasthan, Pancha6ati, 7asik, Maharashtra
De#i2s chin fell here and the idols are De#i as Bhraari 0feale Buble bee or attendant of
Dur(a1 and *hi#a as Vi,ra,ata,,ha 0one $ith the croo,ed eyes or loo,1. :ther naes are De#i as
/hibu,a 0the one $ith the chin1 and *hi#a as *ar#asiddhish 0the one $ho can fulfill all desires1.
Bhraari De#i is a dar, (oddess identified as another for of Kali,a and said to be Ias brilliant
as a illion dar, sunsI. *he is surrounded by blac, bees and holds blac, bees in the first of her
hands' others of $hich are in the Iboon-(rantin(I and Ifear-allayin(I (estures. *he destroys
e(oistic deons $hile her bees a,e the seed-8antra I&rin(I sound.
$># %.alamukhi, Kangra at -imachal Pradesh
De#i2s ton(ue fell here and the idols are De#i as 5bi,a 08other1 and *hi#a as Gnatta
Bhaira#a 0Burious1. .his is located near Jalandhar in +un4ab. :ne can hire a local transport fro
Jalandhar to J$alau,hi. It is >; Ks south of Kan(ra in &iachal +radesh.
.he .eple of *iddha J$alau,hi De#i is an astoundin( sacred po$er point' an ad#enture unto
itself. )ithin J$alau,hi is an archaic sanctuary to the ton(ue of Kali' the source of the flae of
transforation. .he sanctuary contains a shallo$ pool of $ater. Bloatin( abo#e the $ater is
perpetual natural-(as-fueled blue flaes. Kan(ra' in &iachal +radesh.
$$# Kanyakumari at Tamil 7adu
De#i2s bac, fell here and the idols are De#i as *har#ani and *hi#a as Niisha. .here are #aryin(
opinions about $hether this is Kanyashar or Kali,ashra or Kanya,uari. .here is a Bhadra
Kali teple $ithin the precincts of Kuari teple. :ther #ie$= It also thou(ht to be situated in
/hitta(on(' Ban(ladesh.
$(# Kolhapur or Kara6ipur or Shi6aharkaray, Maharastra
De#i2s three eyes fell here and the idols are De#i as 8ahishardini 0Dur(a the destroyer of
8ahishashur1 and *hi#a as Krodhish 0the one $ho can be an(ry1. Kolhapur also houses the
faous 8ahala,shi .eple.
$/# Kurukchetra, -aryana
De#i2s ri(ht an,le fell here and the idols are De#i as *a#itri or *thanu and *hi#a as 5s$anath.
Kuru,chetra is the fields belon(in( to the Kuru faily $here the battle of the 8ahabharata $as
fou(ht bet$een the Kurus and +andus.
$0# Mani6edika, Pushkar at )a+asthan
De#i2s iddle of the pals fell here and the idols are De#i as 7ayatri 0*aras$ati1 and *hi#a as
*ar#ananda 0the one $ho a,es e#eryone happy1. .he place is also #aryin(ly referred to as
8anibandha or 8ani#edi,a%.
$8# 7ellore at Sri @anka
De#iJs feet bells 0Nupur or 5n,let1 fell here and the idols are De#i as Indra,schi and *hi#a as
6a,chases$ara. Indra,schi $as created and $orshipped by Indra in person. .he 3ord here $as
$orshipped by the Deon Kin( 6a#ana' $ho $as the 6uler of *ri 3an,a.
Nellore is no$ in 5ndhra +radesh thus there is confusion. &o$e#er it is ost li,ely at 5ndhra
+radesh as 5ndhra $as hea#ily influenced by .antra and Nellore is a district of 5ndhra +radesh.
$:# Pancha Saagar 9 Place not kno.n
+anchasa(ar - De#i2s lo$er teeth fell here. Idols are De#i as Barahi and *hi#a as 8aharudra 0the
an(ry one1. It is belie#ed at a place near to &ard$ar.
$;# Pashupatinath, Kathmandu o5 7epal
De#i2s t$o ,nees fell here. Idols are De#i as 7uhyesh$ari 8ahaaya and *hi#a as Kapali
Bhaira#a. .his a(ain is a #ery faous pil(ria(e spot and located in Nepal.
$<# Pra4has, *irnar -ills
De#i2s stoach fell here and the idols are De#i as /handrabha(a 0.hrone of the oon1 and *hi#a
as Ba,ratunda 0the one $ith the bent staff1. .his is near Bobay 0no$ 8ubai1 here a
launch?steaer (oes to Bharoal 0also Veroal1 $hich is near to +rabhas 0also +ro#as1. .here is
another $ay to +rabhas all thru by train. Very close to this place is the faous *o Nath .eple.
$=# )atna4ali, !hennai at Tamil 7adu
De#i2s ri(ht shoulder fell here. Idols are De#i as Kuari 0Dur(a1 and *hi#a as Bhaira#a
06eo#er of fear1. .his place is supposedly located near 8adras 0no$ /hennai1 in .ail Nadu.
&ther 6ie.s' 6atnabali is on the ban,s of 6atna,ar 6i#er at Khana,ul- district &oo(hly' )est
Ben(al' and India.
(># Sri Sailam o5 Mallikhar+una -ill, Andhra Pradesh
+art of De#iJs nec, fell here. .his place is located in 5ndhra +radesh and is a #ery faous
pil(ria(e spot. 3ord *hi#a is called as 8alli,har4una *$ai% and +ar#ati or 5ba De#i is
,no$n as Brahara 5bi,a%. .his is a #ery faous di#ine place $here one of the only 12
Jyotir 3in(a *hrines dedicated to 3ord *hi#a is established. &ther ie.s' *hri *haila is situated
at Jainpur #illa(e' near 7otati,ar' to$ards north-east > , fro *ylhet to$n' Ban(ladesh. De#i
is $orshipped as 8ahala,shi% and *hi#a as *abaranand%.
($# Shripar6ata near @adakh in 7epal
*ole of De#i2s ri(ht foot fell here. Idols are De#i as *hri *undari 0beautiful1 and *hi#a as
*undaranand 0the handsoe one1 Bhaira#a. .he place is situated near 3ada,h in Nepal.
((# Suchindram o5 Kanya Kumari, Tamil 7adu
De#i2s upper teeth fell here. Idols are De#i as Narayani and *hi#a as *ahar?*an(har. .hey are
$orshipped in a *hi#a teple at *huchi .irtha 11 , on Kanya,uari .ri#andru road' .ail
Nadu' India. .his place is near the southernost tip of India' Kanya,uari in .ail Nadu.
(/# ?++ain at Madhya Pradesh (MP)
De#i2s elbo$s fell here and the idols are De#i as 8an(alchandi 0Dur(a1 and *hi#a as
*iddhidaya,a Kapilabar 0one $ho $ears the bro$n clothes1.
(0# irat (Present %aipur) o5 )a+asthan
De#i2s sall toes 0le( fin(ers1 of the feet fell here. Idols are De#i as 5bi,a and *hi#a as 5rita
0nectar of iortality1.
5c,no$led(eents= In this article' author has tried to capture all pertinent inforation relatin(
to *ha,ti +eethas' their location' accessibility' etc in ost cases in and around India. .he author
is (rateful to #arious authorities?a(encies on their boo,s and articles on .antra and other Indian
literatures' $ithout $hich it is not possible to copile the inforation on *a,ti +eethas.

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