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relating to
1. Interpretation 1
2. Grant of the Tenancy 3
3. Contents3
4. Rent 3
5. eposit 4
!. T" arrange#ents 5
$. %se of &roperty 5
'. (ssign#ent or s)bletting $
*. Repairs and alterations $
1+. %tilities and o)tgoings '
11. ,andlord-s co.enants *
12. efa)lt by the Tenant 1+
13. ,andlord-s right to enter the &roperty and to display signs 1+
14. /0piry of the Tenancy 11
15. 1otices 12
1!. Go.erning law 13
THIS AGREEMENT is dated 2(T/3
415 6nights Island Capital ,td 4Trading as /ndea.o)r ,i.ing5 of 352 7)lha# Road8
,ondon8 "91+ *%:8 +2+ '2+* +$+$8 info;endea.o)<
425 21(=/3 of 2(R/""3 2T/,/&:>1/ 1%=?/R3 2/-=(I, (R/""3 27(@
1.1 The definitions and r)les of interpretation in this cla)se apply in this agree#ent.
Aent! person or co#pany responsible for letting or #anaging the property.
C"ntent#! the f)rnit)re8 f)rnishings and any other ite#s set o)t in the In.entory and
"ched)le of Condition.
De$"#%t! A@@@@
F%&#t Rent Pa'(ent Date! (T/.
HA 1)**! :o)sing (ct 1*''.
HA +,,-! :o)sing (ct 2++4.
In#.&e/ R%#0#! #eans fire8 e0plosion8 lightning8 earthB)a<e8 stor#8 flood8 b)rsting
and o.erflowing of water tan<s8 apparat)s or pipes8 i#pact by aircraft and articles
dropped fro# the#8 i#pact by .ehicles8 riot8 co##otion and any other ris<s
against which the ,andlord decides to ins)re against fro# ti#e to ti#e and Ins)red
Ris< #eans any one of the Ins)red Ris<s.
In1ent"&' an/ S23e/.4e "5 C"n/%t%"n! the list of Contents and description of the
condition of the &roperty attached to this agree#ent and signed by the parties.
LTA 1)*6! ,andlord and Tenant (ct 1*'5.
P&"$e&t'! (R/"" C Roo# 1 of
Rent! A2 3 per #onth.
Rent Pa'(ent Date#! 2 3 day of each 2 3.
S23e(e A/(%n%#t&at"&! ad#inistrator of either a c)stodial or ins)rance T".
TDS! tenancy deposit sche#e8 as defined in section 212425 of the :( 2++4.
Te&(! a fi0ed ter# of ! =>1T:" fro# 2(T/3.
7"&0%n Da'! ( wor<ing day is any day which is not a "at)rday8 a ")nday8 a ban<
holiday or a p)blic holiday in /ngland and 9ales.
1.2 Cla)se headings shall not affect the interpretation of this agree#ent.
1.3 ( $e&#"n incl)des a nat)ral person8 corporate or )nincorporated body 4whether or not separate legal personality5 and that person-s legal and personal representati.es8
s)ccessors and per#itted assigns.
1.4 %nless the conte0t otherwise reB)ires8 words in the sing)lar shall incl)de the pl)ral
and in the pl)ral incl)de the sing)lar.
1.5 %nless the conte0t otherwise reB)ires8 a reference to one gender shall incl)de a
reference to the other genders.
1.! ( reference to a stat)te or stat)tory pro.ision is a reference to it as it is in force for
the ti#e being8 ta<ing acco)nt of any a#end#ent8 e0tension8 or re-enact#ent and
incl)des any s)bordinate legislation for the ti#e being in force #ade )nder it.
1.$ ( reference to an agree#ent is a reference to this agree#ent.
1.' ( reference to 8&%t%n or 8&%tten incl)des fa0es and e-#ail.
1.* (ny reference to Tenancy refers to the tenancy created )nder this agree#ent.
1.1+ (ny reference to the of consent by the ,andlord reB)ires the consent to be
gi.en in writing8 signed by the ,andlord.
1.11 (ny obligation in this agree#ent on a person not to do so#ething incl)des an
obligation not to agree or allow that thing to be done.
1.12 References to cla)ses are to the cla)ses of this agree#ent.
1.13 ( reference to the ,andlord incl)des a reference to the person entitled to the
i##ediate re.ersion to this lease. ( reference to the Tenant incl)des a reference to its
s)ccessors in title and assigns.
1.14 %nless otherwise e0pressly pro.ided8 the obligations and liabilities of the parties
)nder this agree#ent are Doint and se.eral. This #eans that where8 for e0a#ple8 the
Tenant is #ore than one person8 they will be liable for all s)#s d)e )nder the
agree#ent8 not D)st liable for a proportionate part.
1.15 The obligations of the Tenant and the G)arantor arising by .irt)e of this agree#ent
are owed to the ,andlord. The obligations of the ,andlord are owed to the Tenant.
2.1 The ,andlord lets the &roperty to the Tenant for the Ter#.
2.2 This agree#ent creates an ass)red shorthold tenancy )nder &art I of Chapter II of the
:( 1*''.
3.1 The Tenant shall <eep the Contents in good and clean condition and shall ret)rn the
Contents to the ,andlord at the end of the Tenancy in the sa#e state 4e0cept for fair
wear and tear5 as detailed on the In.entory and "ched)le of Condition.
3.2 The ,andlord and Tenant consent to the )se of the In.entory as e.idence in any
disp)te arising in connection with the deposit if the disp)te is referred to an
adD)dicator according to the tenancy deposit sche#e in which the deposit is held.
4.1 The Tenant shall pay the rent in ad.ance on or before the Rent &ay#ent ates by
direct debit or standing order only.
4.2 The Tenant shall pay the first instal#ent of the rent on or before the 7irst Rent
&ay#ent ate.
4.3 The Tenant shall pay interest at the rate of 'E per ann)# abo.e The ?an< of
/nglandFs base rate on any rent lawf)lly d)e that is paid #ore than 14 days after the
date on which it beca#e d)e. The interest will be payable fro# the date the rent
sho)ld ha.e been paid )ntil the date the rent is act)ally paid. This will be in addition
to any fi0ed penalties highlighted in the sched)le of fees.
4.4 The Tenant shall be in breach of this agree#ent if the Tenant fails to pay the rent in
accordance with this cla)se and the ,andlord shall be entitled to )se the stat)tory
pro.isions contained in the :( 1*'' or any other stat)tory re#edies a.ailable to possession of the &roperty.
4.5 If the &roperty is da#aged or destroyed by an Ins)red Ris< so as to be )nfit for
occ)pation and )se then8 )nless the da#age or destr)ction was ca)sed by the wilf)l
actions8 negligence or defa)lt of the Tenant8 pay#ent of the rent shall be s)spended
)ntil the &roperty is fit for occ)pation and )se.
4.! The Tenant shall pay A1+.++ per #onth for a cleaner to attend the &roperty.
4.$ The Tenant agrees that they will not )se any deposit #onies to pay the rent d)e )nder
this agree#ent.
4.' The Tenant agrees not to withhold any pay#ents of rent to the ,andlord for any
reasonG the Tenant agrees that they will not offset any rent pay#ents against any
clai# for disrepair.
4.* The Tenant agrees not to be in receipt of ho)sing benefit at any ti#e thro)gho)t the
d)ration of the Tenancy witho)t written consent of the landlord. If consent is
pro.ided by the ,andlord for the Tenant to be in receipt of ho)sing benefit8 the tenant
#)st ens)re that any acco)nting or ad#inistration of rent pay#ent recei.ed fro#
ho)sing benefit is the sole responsibility of the Tenant )nless written per#ission fro#
the ,andlord is granted. The Tenant is reB)ired to hono)r the pay#ent dates referred
to herein regardless of pay#ent dates of rent recei.ed fro# ho)sing benefit.
4.1+ The Tenant agrees to pay the ,andlordFs charges as set o)t in the sched)le attached to
this agree#ent.
5.1 The ,andlord ac<nowledges receipt of the deposit fro# the Tenant.
5.2 (t the end of the Tenancy8 the ,andlord shall be entitled to withhold fro# the deposit
s)ch proportion of the deposit as #ay be reasonably necessary toH
4a5 #a<e good any da#age to the &roperty or the Contents 4e0cept for fair wear
and tear5 ca)sed by the Tenant-s fail)re to ta<e reasonable care of the
&roperty or ContentsG
4b5 replace any of the Contents which #ay be #issing fro# the &ropertyG
4c5 pay any rent which re#ains )npaidG and
4d5 da#age ca)sed by erecting shel.es8 paintings or posters or any da#age
ca)sed to the walls of the property.
4e5 pay for the &roperty and the Contents to be cleaned if the Tenant is in breach
of any co.enants )nder this agree#ent.
5.3 %pon agreeing with the Tenant that no ded)ctions are reB)ired to be #ade fro# the
deposit the Tenant will recei.e the ret)rn of the deposit by way of a ban< transfer.
5.4 eposits will not be ret)rned to the Tenant in cash or cheB)e pay#ents.
5.5 "ho)ld a disp)te arise between the Tenant and the ,andlord regarding the deposit or
any da#age to the property8 the Tenant agrees that they will instr)ct the disp)te
resol)tion ser.ices offered by the T" to resol.e the disp)te in the first instance
before any rele.ant co)rt action is co##enced.
!.1 9ithin 3+ days of the deposit the ,andlord shall infor# the Tenant of the
T" being )sed and gi.e details as reB)ired )nder the #e#bership r)les of the
!.2 The Tenant ac<nowledges that they ha.e recei.ed the prescribed infor#ation
doc)#entation gi.en to the tenant at the ti#e the deposit is registered.
!.3 The ,andlord has pro.ided the infor#ation reB)ired )nder section 213455 of the :(
2++4 as set o)t in the :o)sing 4Tenancy eposits5 4&rescribed Infor#ation5 >rder
2++$ 4SI 2007/7975.
!.4 The ,andlord agrees that the deposit shall be held in accordance with the r)les of
!.5 The ,andlord and Tenant agree that any interest accr)ed fro# the deposit shall be
paid to the ,andlord.
!.! The ,andlord shall infor# the Tenant within 14 wor<ing days of the Tenancy ending
if the ,andlord intends to withhold all or part of the deposit.
!.$ The ,andlord shall infor# the "che#e (d#inistrator within 14 wor<ing days of the
Tenancy ending that the deposit is to be repaid in the s)#s agreed between the
,andlord and Tenant.
$.1 The Tenant shall only )se the &roperty as a pri.ate dwelling ho)se8 for the )se of the
Tenant. The tenant agrees that the n)#ber of occ)pants residing in the property 4or
TenantFs roo# in the property5 will not e0ceed 1 person at any gi.en ti#e.
$.2 The Tenant shall not )se the &roperty for the p)rposes of cond)cting a b)siness.
$.3 The Tenant shall not <eep any pets or any other ani#als on or in the &roperty witho)t
the prior written consent of the ,andlord.
$.4 The Tenant shall not do anything to or on the &roperty thatH
4a5 ca)ses a n)isance8 annoyance or da#age to occ)piers of neighbo)ring8
adDoining or adDacent property8 or the owners or occ)piers of the#G
4b5 playing #)sic at ti#es between 11p# and $a# in the &roperty.
4c5 )sing the &roperty for i##oral or illegal p)rposes8 or
4d5 has the effect of in.alidating the ins)rance that the ,andlord has ta<en o)t
in accordance with cla)se 11.2 . The ,andlord will pro.ide the Tenant with a
s)##ary of the rele.ant ins)rance reB)ire#ents if reB)ested by the Tenant
4e5 wo)ld co##it or allow the co##ission )pon the &re#ises of any act which
co)ld lead to the prosec)tion of the ,andlord )nder the #is)se of r)gs (ct
1*$1 or any stat)tory enact#ent which replaces or #odifies the sa#eG not
bring or per#it the <eeping of any )nlawf)l dr)gs or prohibited s)bstances
)pon the &re#ises.
$.5 The Tenant shall send the ,andlord a copy of any notice or other co##)nication
affecting the &roperty within $ days of receipt and shall not ta<e any action regarding
s)ch notices or co##)nications witho)t the prior consent of the ,andlord.
$.! The Tenant agrees not to s#o<e inside any part of the &roperty. "ho)ld any da#age to
the &roperty be ca)sed by s#o<e the Tenant agrees to be f)lly responsible for the cost
of repairing s)ch da#age.
$.$ The Tenant agrees not to )se or install any electrical heating eB)ip#ent incl)ding
electric heaters. "ho)ld any electrical eB)ip#ent be installed at the &roperty the
Tenant will be f)lly responsible and liable for the electricity costs and any da#age
ca)sed by this eB)ip#ent.
$.' The Tenant agrees to ta<e all reasonable steps to pre.ent the b)ild-)p of #ildew and
condensation in the &roperty by <eeping the &roperty .entilated and by not placing
wet clothing on the radiators at the &roperty. The Tenant #)st ens)re that all e0tractor
fans at the property be wor<ing 4if applicable5. If any condensation or #ildew occ)rs
at the &roperty the Tenant agrees to wash and clean the sa#e witho)t delay.
$.* The Tenant agrees not to affi0 or hang on the walls or other interior s)rfaces of the
&roperty any posters8 pict)res8 photographs or si#ilar ite#s e0cept by #eans of
co##ercially #ade pict)re hoo<sG and at the end of the tenancy to #a<e good any
da#age or #ar<s left as a res)lt of any ite#s so affi0ed or h)ng.
$.1+ The Tenant agrees to ens)re that all s#o<e and carbon #ono0ide alar#s at the
&roperty are in good wor<ing order at all ti#es8 and in the e.ent of any fail)re of s)ch
de.ices to notify the ,andlord as soon as is reasonably possible.
$.11 The Tenant agrees not to change8 ta#per with8 or otherwise da#age8 any loc<s or
bolts or other sec)rity de.ices at the &roperty witho)t the prior written consent of the
,andlord 4e0cept in cases of e#ergency58 and where any loc<s at the &roperty are
changed8 to pro.ide the ,andlord within 4' ho)rs with the new set of <eys to the new
loc<s at the TenantFs own e0pense.
The Tenant shall not assign8 s)blet8 part with or share possession of the whole or any
part of the &roperty witho)t the prior written consent of the ,andlord.
*.1 The Tenant shall <eep the interior of the &roperty clean8 tidy and in the sa#e
condition as at the start of the Tenancy 4e0cept for fair wear and tear5.
*.2 If the &roperty has a garden8 the Tenant shall <eep it clean and tidy8 and free fro#
*.3 The Tenant shall <eep the inside and o)tside of all windows that the Tenant can
reasonably reach clean.
*.4 The Tenant shall pro#ptly replace and pay for all bro<en glass at the &roperty where
the Tenant8 his fa#ily or .isitors ca)se the brea<age.
*.5 The Tenant shall not ca)se any bloc<age to the drains8 g)tters and pipes of the
&roperty. This obligation does not reB)ire the Tenant to carry o)t any wor<s or repairs
for which the ,andlord is liable.
*.! The Tenant shall not #a<e any alteration8 addition8 or redecorate the &roperty witho)t
the prior consent of the ,andlord.
*.$ The Tenant will <eep the property clean and to a good standard on a reg)lar basis. If
the ,andlord inspects the property and deter#ines the property has not been <ept to a
clean standard the ,andlord will gi.e the Tenant written notice instr)cting the Tenant
to clean the property within 5 days. "ho)ld the Tenant fail to clean the property
within 5 days the ,andlord the right to instr)ct a cleaning co#pany to clean
the property and the Tenant will be responsible for the cost of the cleaning.
*.' The Tenant agrees to ta<e all reB)ired and reasonable steps to ens)re that the property
is free fro# any pest infestation. The Tenant agrees to be f)lly responsible and liable
for the costs of instr)cting a pest control co#pany to e0ter#inate any pests present at
the property ca)sed by the negligence of the Tenant.
*.* The Tenant will be able to contact the ,andlord between the ho)rs of 1+.++a# and
$p# in the office. "ho)ld the Tenant be reB)ired to contact the ,andlord o)tside of
these ho)rs it sho)ld be in the case of an e#ergency only.
1+.1 The ,andlord shall pay all charges for gas8 electricity8 water and sewerage ser.ices8
telephone8 cable or satellite tele.ision 4if the &roperty has these ser.ices5 )sed by the
Tenant at the &roperty.
1+.2 The Tenant shall co#ply with all laws and reco##endations of the rele.ant s)ppliers
relating to the )se of those ser.ices and )tilities.
1+.3 9here the Tenant allows8 either by defa)lt of pay#ent or specific instr)ction8 the
)tility or other ser.ices to be c)t off8 the Tenant shall pay the costs associated with
reconnecting or res)#ing those ser.ices.
1+.4 The Tenant agrees to <eep the drains8 g)tters and pipes8 toilets8 o.erflows8 of the
&roperty clear and not to dispose of any har#f)l or no0io)s #aterials 4s)ch as oil8
grease or corrosi.e s)bstances5 thro)gh the drains at the &roperty. If any drains
g)tters and pipes8 toilets8 o.erflows8 beco#e bloc<ed by the TenantFs negligence or
#is)se the Tenant will be responsible for the costs of restoring and fi0ing the abo.e
1+.5 The Tenant agrees not to bloc< the <itchen sin< with food s)bstances and to ens)re
that the <itchen sin< drain is clearedIcleaned e.ery 3 #onths or on a reg)lar basis.
1+.! The ,andlord shall pay for a tele.ision licence for the &roperty if a licence is
1+.$ The ,andlord shall pay the Co)ncil Ta0 for the &roperty.
1+.' The ,andlord is f)lly liable for all the bills relating to the property.
11.1 The ,andlord shall pro.ide the Tenant with s)itable #eans of access to and egress
fro# the &roperty.
11.2 The ,andlord shall ins)re the &roperty and Contents to their f)ll .al)e against loss or
da#age by the Ins)red Ris<s8 and shall pro.ide a copy of the ins)rance to the
Tenant if reB)ested. The ,andlord-s ins)rance does not the Tenant-s
possessions. The Tenant is agrees to ins)re hisIher own possessions with a rep)table
11.3 The ,andlord shall #a<e good any da#age ca)sed by an Ins)red Ris<8 )nless the
da#age was ca)sed by the wilf)l actions8 negligence or defa)lt of the Tenant.
11.4 The ,andlord shall allow the Tenant B)iet enDoy#ent of the &roperty witho)t any
interr)ption by the ,andlord.
11.5 In accordance with section 11 of the ,T( 1*'58 the ,andlord shallH
4a5 <eep in repair the str)ct)re and e0terior of the &roperty 4incl)ding drains8
e0ternal pipes8 g)tters and e0ternal windows5G
4b5 <eep in repair and proper wor<ing order the installations in the &roperty for
the s)pply of water8 gas and electricity and for sanitation 4incl)ding basins8
sin<s8 baths and sanitary con.eniences8 b)t not other fi0t)res8 fittings and
appliances for #a<ing )se of the s)pply of water8 gas or electricity5G and
4c5 <eep in repair and proper wor<ing order the installations in the &roperty for
space heating and heating water.
11.! The ,andlord shall not be reB)ired toH
4a5 carry o)t any wor<s or repairs for which the Tenant is liable by .irt)e of
this agree#entG or
4b5 <eep in repair or #aintain anything which the Tenant is entitled to re#o.e
fro# the &roperty.
11.$ The ,andlord shall <eep in repair the coo<er8 washing #achine8 t)#ble dryer8 fridge8
freeJer and dishwasher 4if these appliances are at the &roperty and pro.ided by the
11.' The ,andlord will rei#b)rse the Tenant with any rent paid for any period where the
property is rendered )ninhabitable by fire8 floor or any other ris<.
12.1 The ,andlord the right to re-enter the &roperty ifH
4a5 the rent is )npaid 21 days after beco#ing payable whether it has been
for#ally de#anded or notG
4b5 the Tenant is declared ban<r)pt )nder the Insol.ency (ct 1*'!G
4c5 the Tenant has breached the agree#entG or
4d5 any of the Gro)nds 28 '8 1+-15 and 1$ set o)t in "ched)le 2 of the :( 1*''
This cla)se 12.1 does not affect any rights of the Tenant )nder the
&rotection fro# /.iction (ct 1*$$. The ,andlord cannot e.ict the Tenant
witho)t a co)rt first #ade an order for possession.
12.2 If the ,andlord re-enters the &roperty p)rs)ant to this cla)se8 then the Tenancy shall
i##ediately end. (ny right or re#edy of the ,andlord in respect of any breach of the
ter#s of this agree#ent by the Tenant will re#ain in force.
12.3 If the Tenant breaches this agree#ent or fails to f)lfil any of its obligations )nder this
agree#ent8 the Tenant shall pay any reasonable costs properly inc)rred by the
,andlord in re#edying s)ch breaches or in connection with the enforce#ent of those
12.4 If the ,andlord is #ade or beco#es ban<r)pt at any ti#e this Tenancy agree#ent will
be passed to the 7reeholder of the b)ilding 4if this is not the ,andlord5.
13.1 The ,andlord the right for the ,andlord8 or any person acting on behalf of
the ,andlord8 to enter the &roperty on at least 24 ho)rs- prior notice in writing
to the TenantH
4a5 to inspect the condition and state of repair of the &ropertyG
4b5 to carry o)t the ,andlord-s obligations )nder this agree#entG
4c5 to carry o)t repairs or alterations to the ne0t door pre#isesG
4d5 to ta<e gas8 electricity or water #eter readingsG
4e5 for any p)rpose #entioned in this Tenancy or connected with the ,andlordFs
interest in the &roperty or any other propertyG and
4f5 to show prospecti.e tenants or p)rchasers aro)nd the &roperty.
13.2 The ,andlord has the right to retain a set of <eys to the &roperty8 which shall only be
)sed with the prior consent of the Tenant8 e0cept in an e#ergency.
13.3 The ,andlord the right to display a Kfor saleK or Kto letK sign on the &roperty
in the last two #onths of the Tenancy.
14.1 (t the end of the fi0ed ter# granted by this Tenancy8 the Tenant shall ret)rn the
&roperty and the Contents to the ,andlord in the condition reB)ired by this agree#ent
by 2p# on the day the Tenant is reB)ired to .acate the property.
14.2 If the Tenant fails to .acate the &roperty by 2p# on the e0piry of the agree#ent8 the
,andlord the right to charge an additional dayFs rent to the Tenant. This s)#
will be ded)cted fro# the TenantFs deposit if the Tenant does not pay the sa#e.
14.3 If the ,andlord allows the Tenant to re#ain in the &roperty after the Ter# has e0pired
then a stat)tory periodic tenancy shall arise )nder section 5425 of the :o)sing (ct
1*''. To end the periodic tenancy8 the Tenant shall gi.e the ,andlord at least one
#onth-s notice in writing.
14.4 The ,andlord has the right to possession of the &roperty ifH
4a5 the Ter# has e0piredG
4b5 the ,andlord has gi.en two #onths- notice to the Tenant of the ,andlord-s
intention to possession of the &ropertyG and
4c5 at least si0 #onths ha.e passed since the date of this agree#ent.
14.5 The Tenant shall pro.ide the ,andlord with a forwarding address once the Tenancy
has co#e to an end.
14.! The Tenant shall re#o.e all personal possessions fro# the &roperty once the Tenancy
has ended. If any of the Tenant-s personal possessions are left at the &roperty after the
Tenancy has ended8 the Tenant will be responsible for #eeting all reasonable
and storage charges. The ,andlord will re#o.e and store the possessions for a
#a0i#)# of one #onth. The ,andlord will ta<e reasonable steps to notify the Tenant
at the last <nown address. If the ite#s are not collected within one #onth8 the
,andlord #ay dispose of the ite#s and the Tenant will be liable for the reasonable
costs of disposal. The costs of re#o.al8 storage and disposal #ay be ded)cted fro#
any sale proceeds.
14.$ >n the day the Tenant .acates the &roperty the Tenant agrees to ret)rn any 7>?" or
Gy# passes they possess to the ,andlord witho)t delay.
14.' If the Tenant .acates the &roperty before the contract)al ter# e0pires they will be
liable to pay the ,andlord a fee of A3++.++ together with the re#aining rent to the end
of the contract)al ter# of the Tenancy.
14.* If the Tenant wishes to end this agree#ent o)tside the fi0ed ter# they will be reB)ired
to gi.e the ,andlord 1 #onths written 1otice.
14.1+ The Tenant agrees not to .acate 4e0cept for the p)rposes of a .acation5 the &roperty
between the dates of the 1
ece#ber to 1+
Lan)ary in any one year )nless the
TenantFs Tenancy e0pires d)ring this ti#e.
14.11 The Tenant agrees to f)lly inde#nify the ,andlord against all costs and e0penses arising fro# any breach on the part of this Tenant of the (gree#entG to
f)rther f)lly Inde#nify the ,andlord in respect of any s)r.eyorsF and legal fees and
costs in respect of instr)cting "olicitors to obtain .acant possession of the property
andIor any da#age ca)sed to the property by the Tenant.
15.1 "ho)ld the Tenant wish to renew this agree#ent they will be reB)ired to contact the
,andlord to gain the ,andlordFs Consent before the end of the agree#ent.
15.2 (ny notice to the ,andlord sent )nder or in connection with this agree#ent shall be
dee#ed to ha.e been properly ser.ed ifH
4a5 sent by first class post to the ,andlord-s address gi.en in cla)se 15.5G
4b5 left at the ,andlord-s address gi.en in cla)se 15.5G or
4c5 sent to the ,andlord-s fa0 n)#ber or e-#ail address stated in the &arties
15.3 (ny notice sent to the Tenant )nder or in connection with this agree#ent shall be
dee#ed to ha.e been properly ser.ed ifH
4a5 sent by first class post to the &ropertyG
4b5 left at the &ropertyG or
4c5 sent to the Tenant-s fa0 n)#ber or e-#ail address stated in the &arties cla)se.
15.4 If a notice is gi.en in accordance with clause 15.1 or clause 15.38 it shall be dee#ed
to ha.e been recei.edH
4a5 if deli.ered by hand8 at the ti#e the notice is left at the proper addressG
4b5 if sent by first-class post8 on the second 9or<ing ay after postingG or
4c5 if sent by fa08 at *.++ a# on the ne0t 9or<ing ay after trans#ission.
15.5 The ,andlord-s address for isH 6nights Island Capital ,td of 352 7)lha#
Road8 ,ondon8 "91+ *%:.
This agree#ent and any disp)te or clai# arising o)t of or in connection with it or its
s)bDect #atter or for#ation 4incl)ding non-contract)al disp)tes or clai#s5 shall be
go.erned by and constr)ed in accordance with the law of /ngland and 9ales.
This agree#ent has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it.
"igned for and on behalf ofH 6nights Island Capital ,td.
"igned byH 21(=/ >7 T/1(1T3
S23e/.4e "5 5ee#@23a&e#
1. ( A25.++ late fee applies if the rent is o.erd)e for $ days or #ore. This s)# is
reB)ired to be paid to the ,andlord by its d)e date 4the e0piry of the $ days5. If the
s)# is not paid to the ,andlord by the d)e date the tenant will be responsible for any
delay and will be liable for any f)rther late feesIcharges inc)rred.
2. In the #onths of ece#ber8 Lan)ary and 7ebr)ary there will be an additional winter
f)el charge of A1$.5+ 4A4.+4 a wee<5 per #onth8 which can be incl)ded in the
#onthly rent or paid separately with the sa#e reference as the rent to the ,andlord.
This additional s)# #)st be paid on the rent d)e date.

3. ( A55 cleaning charge will be ded)cted fro# the Tenant4s5 deposit on the last day of
their depart)re fro# the property. This is in order to clean the roo# to a professional
standard8 ready for new occ)pation.
4. In the e.ent of a lost <ey or <eys a fee of A15.++ per <ey will be charged for a
replace#ent <ey4s58 sec)rity <eys will be charged at A4+.++ each. &lease be aware that
sec)rity #ay ta<e )p to a wee< to attain. (ll <eys need to be collected fro# the
,andlordFs office by the Tenant4s5.
5. If yo) are loc<ed o)t8 the ,andlord will charge the following fees for a call o)t to
open the doorH
A35 d)ring office ho)rs8
A55 between $p# and 1+p#8
A$5 after 1+p#.
&lease note that this is only for access and the Tenant will not be gi.en a spareInew
<ey4s5. If the Tenant reB)ires a spareInew <ey4s5 The Tenant will be liable for the
charges at cla)se 4 of this "ched)le.
!. The Tenant4s5 agree to pay A$5.++ renewal fee for each e0tension of the Tenancy.
$. If an international pay#ent is reB)ired for the p)rpose of ret)rning a deposit8 the
,andlord charges A25.++ to #a<e the transaction. The Tenant4s5 will also be
responsible for any ban< charges inc)rred.

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