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Chao-Hsien Chu
A scrolling message can be used to attract the attention of viewers. For example, TV station
has used it to announce the breaking news and companies often use scrolling messages on their
web site to highlight breaking news, key products, or special promotions.
To make it easier to build scrolling messages, Microsoft developed the Marquee HTML tag.
While, Internet Explorer recognizes the Marquee tag, Netscape Navigator does not. By writing
your own user-defined function using JavaScript, you can create a scrolling message that works
with virtually any browser.
A scrolling message has four basic components: (1) the display object; (2) the message; (3) the
position; and (4) the delay. The display object defines where the scrolling message will be dis-
played, which is either in a text box or on the status bar. The message is a text string assigned
to a variable. The text string is what the user see when the message displays. The position is the
starting location in which the message first displays in the display object. The starting location
can be either the left or right side of the display object. The delay is the length of time between
when a message ends and when it starts to appear again.
Display in the Text Box:
The code below will display the scrolling message Welcome to IST 220 in a text box. There
are a number of key elements that makes the code work:
ScrollingMsg() a function that makes the scrolling work.
Onload event handler It activates the scrollingMsg() function when the file was loaded.
window.setTimeout a method of Windows object, used to control the scrolling delay.
Text Box Form it creates the text box for message display.
JavaScript function can be placed either inside the <Head> or <Body> sections. In this exam-
ple, we placed the function inside the <Head>. You can simply copy the codes and modify the
message to fit your own needs. Note: all the statements should be continued in one line, rather
than breaking into two lines.
Sample Code:
<!-- Hide from old browsers
var scrollMsg = "Welcome to IST 220! ";
var msgSpace = " ";
var beginPos = 0;
Dr. Chao-Hsien Chu
function scrollingMsg() {
beginPos=beginPos + 1;
if (beginPos > scrollMsg.length){
beginPos = 0;
// End hiding -->
<body onLoad="scrollingMsg()">
<Form Name="msgForm">
<INPUT Type="text" Name="scrollingMsg" Size="23">
J16.htm shows a complete example of displaying a scrolling text in a text box. Run the code to
get a feel of its use. Use the template file (templete.htm) as the basis for practice. Discuss when
can the text scrolling be used in practice.
Display in the Status Bar:
The code below will display the scrolling message Welcome to IST 220 at the status bar.
There are a number of key elements that makes the code work:
SetTimeout() This method is used to control the delay of scrolling.
Onload event handler It activates the setTimeout() method when the file was loaded.
Scrollit() function the function make the scrolling work.
Window.status specifies the message will be displayed at the status bar.
In this example, we placed function inside the <Body> section. You can simply copy the codes
and modify the message to fit your own needs.
Sample Code:
<body onLoad="timerONE=window.setTimeout ('scrollit_r21(100) ' ,500);">
Dr. Chao-Hsien Chu
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- Beginning of Java Script
function scrollit_r21(seed)
var msg=" Welcome to IST 220..."
var out = " ";
var c = 1;
if (seed > 100)
var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ") ";
timerTwo=window.setTimeout (cmd, 100) ;
else if (seed <= 100 && seed > 0)
for (c=0 ; c < seed ; c++)
out+=" ";
var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ") ";
timerTwo=window.setTimeout (cmd, 100);
else if (seed <= 0)
if (-seed < msg.length)
var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")";
timerTwo=window.setTimeout (cmd, 100) ;
window.status=" ";
timerTwo=window.setTimeout ("scrollit_r21(100)",75);
// -- End of JavaScript code -->
Dr. Chao-Hsien Chu
J6.htm shows a complete example of displaying a scrolling text at the status bar. Run the code
to get a feel of its use. Use the template file (templete.htm) as the basis for practice. Discuss
when can the text scrolling be used in practice.

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