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1. Two hundred angry Georgians(S) demonstrated(P) in front of the UN building(Ap)

last Saturday(at)
ho demonstrated in front of the UN building last saturday!(S)
here did two hundred angy Georgians demonstrated last Saturday!(Ap)
"#N $id two hundred angy Georgians demonstrate in front of the UN building last
%. A young man(S) was(P) se&erely(Am) in'ured(P) on the railway station(Ap)
yesterday e&ening(At)
ho was se&erely in'ured on the railway station yesterday e&ening!(S)
(ow was a young man in'ured on the railway station yesterday e&ening!(Am).
hen was a young man se&erely in'ured on the railway station !(At)
). They(S) ne&er(At) paid(P) any attention(*d) to our friendly pla+e of ad&i+e.(*p)
ho ne&er paid any attention to our friendly pla+e of ad&i+e!(S)
$id they e&er pay any attention to our friendly pla+e of ad&i+e! ",S#N*
hat did they ne&er pay any attention to!(*p)
-. (e(S) finally(At) returned(P) home(Ap) after an 1. years e/ile in 0atin
ho finally returned home after an 1. years e/ile in 0atin Ameri+a!(S)
here did he finally returned after an 1. years e/ile in 0atin Ameri+a!(Ap)
After what did he finally returne home!(*p)
1. Two hundred drug dealers(S) were arrested(P) at the 2ambodian border(Ap) this
ho was arrested at the 2ambodian border this month!(S)
hen were two hundred drug dealers arrested at the 2ambodian border!(At)
here were two hundred drug dealers arrested this month!(Ap)
1. The inmates of high se+urity prisons(S) +an ha&e(P) only one &isitor(*d) e&ery
ho +an ha&e only one &isitor e&ery month!(S)
hat +an the inmates of high se+urity prisons ha&e e&ery month!(*d)
(ow often +an the inmates of high se+urity prisons ha&e only a &isitor!(At)
%. The 'udge(S) ga&e(P) the 'urors(*i) their final instru+tions(*d) in the 'ury
ho did the 'udge gi&e their final instru+tions in the 'ury room!(*i)
hat did the 'udge gi&e the 'urors in the 'ury room!(*d)
here did the 'udge gi&e the 'urors their final instru+tions!(Ap)
). 345 agents(S) ha&e been following(P) this group of suspe+ts(*d) sin+e last
(a&e 345 agents been following this group of suspe+ts sin+e last No&ember.
hom ha&e 345 agents been following sin+e last No&ember.(*d)
Sin+e when ha&e 345 agents been following this group of suspe+ts.(At)
-. The Se+retary of $efense(S) &isited(P) Ameri+an troops(*d) in 3"6
7a+edonia(Ap) last friday(At)
ho &isited ameri+an troops in 3"6 7a+edonia last 3riday!(S)
$id she Se+retary of $enfense &isit Ameri+an troops in 3"6 7a+edonia last
hom did the Se+retary of $efense &isit in 3"6 7a+edonia last friday!(*d)
1. The Prime 7inistar(S) informed(P) the 8ueen(*d) about situation(*p) in 5ra9
after the 2abinet meeting.(At)
ho informed the 8ueen about situation in 5ra9 after the 2abinet meeting!(S)
About what did the Prime 7inistar inform the 8ueen after the 2abinet meeting!
hen did Prime 7inistar inform the 8ueen about the situation in 5ra9!(At)
a)).the judge(s) sentenced(p) the accused(o.d) to eight years of imprisonment/at)
this morning(at).
who did the judge sentence the accused to eight years of imprisonment.
who sentenced the accused to eight years of imprisonment this morning.
whom did the judge sentence to eight years of imprisonment this morning.
2???.she(s) informed(p) the police(o.d) about bankrobbery in progress(o.p)
across the street(a.p).
who did informed the police about bankrobbery in progress across the street.
who informed the police about bankrobbery in progress across the street.
3.they(s) hae neer used(p) any weapons(o.d) in the line of duty(ap.).
hae they eer used any weapons in the line of duty?
who has neer used any weapons in the line of duty?
!.we(s) will continue(p) with our lessons(od) in the other classroom(ap) after a
short break(at).
where will we continue with our lessons after a short break.
when will we continue with our lessons in the other classroom.
b)).")the inmates of high#security prisons(s) can hae(p) only one isitor(od)
eery month(at)
.who can hae only one isitor eery month?(s)
what can the inmates of high#security prisond hae eey month?(od)
how often can the inmates of high#security prisons hae only one isitor?(at)
the judge(s) gae(p) the jurors(oi) their final instructions(od) in the jury room(ap).
whom did the judge gie their final instructions in the jury room?.(oi)
what did the judge gie the jurors in the jury room?(od)
where did the judge gie the jurors their final instructions?(ap)

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