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Explicit Mathematics with

Positive Existential Comprehension

and Join

der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat
der Universitat Bern

vorgelegt von
urg Kr

Leiter der Arbeit:

PD Dr. Thomas Strahm
Institut f
ur Informatik und angewandte Mathematik

1 Introduction

2 Systems of Arithmetic
2.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Principles and Theories . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Induction Principles . . . . . .
2.2.2 Primitive Recursive Arithmetic
2.3 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Preliminary Steps in Arithmetic
3.1 Function Symbols . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Basic Functions . . . . .
3.1.2 Sequence Numbers . . .
3.2 Structural Properties . . . . . .
3.2.1 Properties in General . .
3.2.2 Properties for Theories .













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4 Systems of Explicit Mathematics

4.1 Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Principles and Theories . . . . . .
4.2.1 Operations and Numbers .
4.2.2 Explicit Types . . . . . .
4.2.3 Induction Principles . . .
4.2.4 Ontological Principles . .
4.3 Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . .






















5 Some Aspects of Explicit

5.1 Applicative Theory . .
5.2 Explicit Type Theory .
5.2.1 Induction . . .
5.2.2 Comprehension
5.2.3 Power Types .

. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .











6 Proof-Theoretic Analysis
6.1 Embeddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1 Embedding Arithmetic into Explicit Mathematics
6.1.2 Computation Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.3 Embedding Explicit Mathematics into Arithmetic
6.2 Provable Arithmetic Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Provably Total Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





7 Appendix
7.1 Primitive Recursive Functions .
7.2 Free Variables and Substitution
7.2.1 Arithmetic . . . . . . . .
7.2.2 Explicit Mathematics . .




















Explicit Mathematics was introduced by Feferman [3] as a logical framework

for formalising constructive mathematics. In this thesis we are following
Feferman and Jager [6], where explicit mathematics, namely elementary explicit type theory EET is presented in the logic of partial terms (due to
Beeson [1]) with a two sorted language of individuals and types. The individuals are forming a partial combinatory algebra extended with natural
numbers, and the types are intended to be extensional collections of individuals. Furthermore the two sorts are connected by a naming relation such that
individuals can (intensionally) represent types, i.e. individuals are names of
types. This crucial connection between individuals and types allows us to
operate on types via their names, and in this way the computational power
of the combinatory algebra is extended to both sorts. For example in EET
we have a particular individual that, when applied to a name is generating
a name of the complement of the original type.
It is this uniform creation of complements, or better to say the absence
of it, we are dealing with in this thesis. We want to investigate a weakened
version ET of EET without uniform generation of complements. In these
systems of explicit mathematics the existence of complement types is not
guaranteed: A similar situation occurs in ordinary recursion theory, there we
have recursively enumerable sets and their names are indices (programs) but
the complements dont need to have names, i.e. arent recursively enumerable.
Explicit Mathematics without complementation has already been investigated by Minari [8] where term models are constructed for theories with
positive stratified comprehension, and by Cantini and Minari [2] where strong
power types are refuted for theories with weak uniform comprehension.
The contribution of this thesis is a proof-theoretic characterisation of
some particular systems, that is we are going to relate systems of Explicit
Mathematics to systems of first order arithmetic (and to sets of functions
f :NN). We will give the classification for ET with type induction (T-IN )
and formula induction (F-IN ) enriched by the following ontological extensions:
disjoint union (J), everything is a number (N), everything is a name (<),
positive existential stratified comprehension ( S-C) and weak power types

(Pow ). The main results can be stated as follows:


ET+ (T-IN ) PRA ET+ (T-IN )+ (J)+ (N)+ (<)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow )

ET+ (F-IN ) PA ET+ (F-IN )+ (J)+ (N)+ (<)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow )
In contrast to these results, we have the following classifications for EET

going back to [3], [4]:

EET+ (T-IN )
EET (T-IN ) (J) PA

EET+ (F-IN )
(0 -CA)
EET+ (F-IN )+ (J) (0 -CA)<0

We can see that dropping complements is leading to a drastic reduction in

strength, even if we have a lot of ontological principles at hand.
With respect to power types our result is somehow optimal: That is to
say, we have uniform weak power types for ET+ (<) and in our context we
cant strengthen this principle any further because the theory ET+ (Pow )
with strong power types is inconsistent [2]. We also have that EET+ (J)+ (<)
is inconsistent by [7], but in this case we still have positive comprehension
between ET+ (J)+ (<) and EET+ (J)+ (<). Minari [8] has actually constructed models of positive stratified comprehension being also models of

ET+ (F-IN )+ (J)+ (<)+ (Pow ). This shows that there is no need to restrict
comprehension to existential formulas as we are doing it in this thesis, hence
an interesting problem would be to give a proof-theoretic classification of Explicit Mathematics with positive (stratified) comprehension in combination
with various ontological principles.
It is worth mentioning the approach we take to tackle the main problem in
this thesis, i.e. embedding Explicit Mathematics into arithmetic with induction restricted to purely existential formulas. We follow the construction of
generated models based on computation sequences, similar to the positive
operator form for applicative theories in [5]. Instead of giving an operator
form, we explicitly state the underlying primitive recursive predicate. In
addition to the application function we also have to deal with the element
relation. The finite axiomatisation of type generators for comprehension in
[6] allows us to directly integrate these generators into the computation sequences. In this way we get one kind of unified computation sequences for
the application function and the element relation.
The structure of this document is mainly built around the proof-theoretic
method of embeddings. Of course we first need to introduce the two systems we want to compare, this is first order arithmetic and Explicit Mathematics (section 2 and 4). Next we have to become acquainted with these
two systems, i.e. we need to know some properties and concepts used to construct the embeddings (section 3 and 5). Finally we are ready to formulate
the embeddings and state the proof-theoretic equivalences (section 6).

I am deeply grateful to PD Dr. Thomas Strahm for his guidance in this thesis
and to Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jager for introducing me into the beautiful subject
of logic and computer science.
Bern, November 2006

urg Krahenb

Systems of Arithmetic

We give a thorough definition of Peano arithmetic PA, primitive recursive

arithmetic PRA and its extension with 1 -induction PRA . As usual the
systems are formulated in classical first order predicate logic.



First of all we need to define the language of arithmetic. It consists of

symbols, terms and formulas. Based on this language we are able to define the
logical axioms for equality, quantifiers and the propositional axioms. After
adding rules of inference for modus ponens and for introducing quantifiers,
we are ready to state the formal concept of proof (for proving arithmetic
Definition 2.1 (Function Symbols P rimn , P rim). Function symbols are
denoted by f , g, h (possibly with subscripts). Let pi be an enumeration of
all prime numbers in N such that i < j pi < pj and p0 = 2. We use the
following notation:
S := p0
Csxy := p1 x p2 y
P rxy := p2 x p3 y
Compx (y1 , . . . , yk ) := p3 x p3+1 y1 . . . p3+k yk
Recx (y, z) := p4 x p5 y p6 z
P rimn N is inductively defined by the following rules:
(1) S P rim1
(2) {Csni | i N} P rimn
(3) {P rni | i < n} P rimn
(4) f P rimm g1 , . . . , gm P rimn Compn (f, g1 , . . . , gm ) P rimn
(5) f P rimn+1 g P rimn+3 Recn+2 (f, g) P rimn+2
The set of all function symbols is P rim := n>0 P rimn .
Definition 2.2 (Basic Symbols S A ). The basic symbols S A consist of the

(1) Countably many variables. The set of all variables is denoted by VA

and the variables are denoted by a, b, c, i, j, k, u, v, w, x, y, z (possibly
with subscripts).
(2) Constant: 0
(3) All function symbols in P rim.
(4) Relation Symbol: =
(5) Logical Symbols: , , , ,
(6) Auxiliary Symbols: ), (, ,
Definition 2.3 (Terms T A ). Terms are denoted by r, s, t (possibly with
(1) VA {0} T A
(2) n > 0 f P rimn t1 , . . . , tn T A f (t1 , . . . , tn ) T A
Definition 2.4 (Formulas F A ). Formulas are denoted by , , (possibly
with subscripts).
(1) s, t T A (s = t) F A
(2) , F A , ( ), ( ) F A
(3) F A , x VA (x), (x) F A
Definition 2.5 (Abbreviations). We use the following shorthand notations:
s 6= t := (s = t)
:= ( )
:= ( ) ( )
Definition 2.6 (Free Variables and Substitution). The set of free variables
of a term t we denote by F VA (t) (or F VA () for a formula ), see (7.2). The
simultaneous substitution of terms t0 , . . . , tn for the variables x0 , . . . , xn in
a term s we denote by s[t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ] and s[~t/~x] (or [t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ]
and [~t/~x] for a formula ), see (7.3). Further we denote by F TA (x, ) the
set of terms t such that no variable z in F VA (t) is in the scope of a quantifier
(z) or (z) in case x is replaced by t in , see (7.4).

Definition 2.7 (Closed Terms, Sentences). A term t T A is closed if

F VA (t) = {}, analogous a formula F A is closed if F VA () = {}. Closed
formulas are usually called sentences.
Definition 2.8 (Propositional Axioms AAP rop ). For all formulas , , F A
the following formulas are in AAP rop :
(1) ( )
(2) ( )
(3) ( ( ))
(4) ( )
(5) ( )
(6) ( ) (( ) (( ) ))
(7) ( )
(8) ( ) (( ( )) ( ))
(9) ( ) (( ) )
Definition 2.9 (Equality Axioms AAEqual ). For all variables z, x0 , . . . , xn ,
y0 , . . . , yn VA and terms s, t T A the following formulas are in AAEqual :
(1) z = z
(2) x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn s = t (s = t)[~y /~x]
Definition 2.10 (Quantifier Axioms AAQuant ). For all formulas F A , for
all variables x VA and terms t F TA (x, ) the following formulas are in
AAQuant :
(1) [t/x] (x)
(2) (x) [t/x]
Definition 2.11 (Rules of Inference RA ). For all formulas , F A , for all
variables x, y VA such that y F TA (x, )\ F VA () the following rules are
in RA :





Definition 2.12 (T -Proof and T ` ). For T F A and 0 , . . . , n F A the

sequence (0 , . . . , n ) is a T -Proof in case all i satisfy one of the following
(1) i T
(2) i AAP rop AAEqual AAQuant
(3) i is the conclusion of a rule of inference in RA whose premises belong
to {0 , . . . , i1 }.
Let T F A and F A , if there are 0 , . . . , k such that (0 , . . . , k ) is a
T -Proof with k = then we denote this by T `k or simply T ` . Let
S F A , if we have T ` for all S then we denote this by T ` S. We use
the shorthand notations `k and ` and ` S whenever T = {}.


Principles and Theories

Based on the language of arithmetic we define the non-logical axioms of

arithmetic, these consist of the defining equations for all primitive recursive
functions and different induction principles.

Induction Principles

Definition 2.13 (Formulas QF , 1 , 2 ). If rule 2.4-(3) (introducing symbols

and ) is not used for building the formula F A , then we say is
quantifier free. We denote the set of all quantifier free formulas by QF , and
based on QF we further define 1 := {(x) | QF , x VA } QF and
2 := {(x) | 1 , x VA } 1 .
Definition 2.14 (Induction Axioms QF -Ind, 1 -Ind, F -Ind). Let X F A .
For all X and x VA the following formula is in X -Ind:
[0/x] (x)( [S(x)/x]) (x)
QF -Ind, 1 -Ind and F A -Ind (usually denoted by F -Ind) are the most prominent induction axioms in the text below.


Primitive Recursive Arithmetic

Definition 2.15 (Numerals n T A ). We use the following notation:

n + 1 := S(n) [0 := 0]
Definition 2.16 (Defining Equations AAP rim ). For all n > 0 and function
symbols Csni , P rni , Compn (f, g1 , . . . , gm ), Recn+1 (f, g) P rim and for all
variables x1 , . . . xn VA the following formulas are in AAP rim :
(1) Csni (x1 , . . . , xn ) = i
(2) P rni (x1 , . . . , xn ) = xi+1
(3) Compn (f, g1 , . . . , gm )(x1 , . . . , xn ) = f (g1 (x1 , . . . , xn ), . . . , gm (x1 , . . . , xn ))
(4) Recn+1 (f, g)(x1 , . . . , xn , 0) = f (x1 , . . . , xn )
(5) Recn+1 (f, g)(x1 , . . . , xn , S(x)) = g(x1 , . . . , xn , x, Recn+1 (f, g)(x1 , . . . , xn , x))
Definition 2.17 (Primitive Recursive Arithmetic PRA).
PRA = {S(x) 6= 0 | x VA } AAP rim QF -Ind

Definition 2.18 (Extensions PRA and PA).


PRA = PRA 1 -Ind

PA = PRA F -Ind



The language of arithmetic defined above can be interpreted in many different ways. In the following we give a definition of what we mean by an
interpretation. Based on this definition we are able to further define what
it means for a statement in the language of arithmetic to be true (for all
interpretations) or to be a logical consequence of some theory.
Definition 2.19 (Structures of Arithmetic MA ). A structure M MA consists of the following:
(1) A domain M of numbers.
(2) A constant 0M M .
(3) For every function symbol f P rim a function f M , such that
f M : M n M for f P rimn .

We usually denote M by |M|.

Definition 2.20 (Valuations VM ). A valuation VM for a structure
M MA is a mapping : VA |M|. If VM then [u:m] VM denotes
the following valuation (where m is in |M|):
[u:m](v) :=
(v) otherwise
Definition 2.21 (Interpretations IA ). An interpretation M IA (for a
structure M MA and a valuation VM ) consists of the following:
(1) A mapping M : T A |M| such that:

M (t) := (t)
t VA

f (M (s0 ), . . . , M (sn )) t = f (s0 , . . . , sn )
(2) A mapping M : F A {t, f } such that:
M (s = t) = t
M () = t
M ( ) = t
M ( ) = t
M ((x)) = t
M ((x)) = t

M (s) = M (t)
M () = f
M () = t M () = t
M () = t M () = t
(m |M|)(M[x:m] () = t)
(m |M|)(M[x:m] () = t)


Definition 2.22. For M MA , F A and T, S F A we define the

following relations:
M |=
M |= T
T |=
T |= S


( VM )(M () = t)
( T )(M |= )
(M MA )(M |= T M |= )
( S)(T |= )

If M |= holds then we say is valid in M, and if we have M |= T then

we say M is a model of T . Finally if we have T |= (or T |= S) then we say
(or S) is a logical consequence of T .
Theorem 2.23 (Adequacy). Let F A then we have
T |=


T `

Proof. By soundness and completeness for theories in classical predicate logic

(see any introductory book about classical logic).
Example 2.24. Let M be the following structure:
(1) |M| := N
(2) 0M := 0
(3) f M := [[f ]] for f P rim

(see 7.1 for the definition of [[f ]])

M is a model of PA, i.e. we can prove M |= PA.


Preliminary Steps in Arithmetic

Having defined the language of arithmetic and the concept of a formal proof,
we now give some useful examples of provable statements. In this way we
are building a collection of frequently used tools.


Function Symbols

There are a lot of useful primitive recursive functions contained in the language of arithmetic. We name some common functions and show that their
expected properties are provable in PRA.

Basic Functions

Definition 3.1 (Logical Connectives). Let And, Or P rim2 be function

symbols such that PRA proves:
(1) And(0, y) = y
(2) And(S(x), y) = S(x)
(3) Or(0, y) = 0
(4) Or(S(x), y) = y

We usually write x y for And(x,

y) and
x y for Or(x, y),. and we. use
to. the .left, hence x0 x1 . . . . xn stands
for (. . . (x0 x1 ) . . . xn )
and x0 x1 . . . xn stands for (. . . (x0 x1 ) . . . xn ).
Lemma 3.2.

(1) PRA ` (x y) = 0 (x = 0 y = 0)

(2) PRA ` (x y) = 0 (x = 0 y = 0)
Definition 3.3 (Ordering). Let P P rim1 and Ch P rim2 be function
symbols such that PRA proves:
(1) P (0) = 0
(2) P (S(x)) = x
(3) Ch (0, y) = y
(4) Ch (S(x), y) = P (Ch (x, y))

We usually write x y or y x for the term Ch (x, y) and we write x y

and x < y for the formulas Ch (x, y) = 0 and Ch (x, y) 6= 0 respectively.
Lemma 3.4.
(1) PRA ` x x
(2) PRA ` x z z y x y
(3) PRA ` x y y x x = y
(4) PRA ` x y y x
Proof. See the section about primitive recursive arithmetic in [10].
Definition 3.5 (Equality, Negation). Let Ch= P rim2 and N eg P rim1
be function symbols such that PRA proves:

(1) Ch= (x, y) = (x y) (y x)

(2) N eg(x) = S(0) x

We usually write x = y for Ch= (x, y) and (x) for N eg(x).

Lemma 3.6.

(1) PRA ` (x = y) = 0 x = y

(2) PRA ` (x) = 0 x 6= 0

Proof. See the section about primitive recursive arithmetic in [10].
Definition 3.7 (Bounded Quantifiers). For n k let Enk+1 , Ak+1
: P rimk+1
P rimk+1 be such that PRA proves:
(1) Enk+1 (f )(x0 , . . . , xn1 , 0, xn+1 , . . . , xk ) = S(0)

(2) Enk+1 (f )(x0 , . . . , xn1 , S(xn ), xn+1 , . . . , xk ) = Enk+1 (f )(x0 , . . . , xk )f (x0 , . . . , xk )

(3) Ak+1
n (f )(x0 , . . . , xn1 , 0, xn+1 , . . . , xk ) = 0

(4) Ak+1
n (f )(x0 , . . . , xn1 , S(xn ), xn+1 , . . . , xk ) = An (f )(x0 , . . . , xk )f (x0 , . . . , xk )

We usually write n f for Enk+1 (f ) and n f for Ak+1

n (f ).
Lemma 3.8.

(1) PRA ` 0 . . . n f (x0 , . . . , xn , ~y ) = 0

(z0 ) . . . (zn )[z0 < x0 . . . zn < xn f (z0 , . . . , zn , ~y ) = 0]
(2) PRA ` 0 . . . n f (x0 , . . . , xn , ~y ) = 0
(z0 ) . . . (zn )[z0 < x0 . . . zn < xn f (z0 , . . . , zn , ~y ) = 0]


Sequence Numbers

Definition 3.9 (Pairing). Let 0 , 1 P rim1 and P rim2 be function

symbols such that PRA proves:
(1) 0 ((x, y)) = x
(2) 1 ((x, y)) = y
We interchangeably write |x| for 0 (x).
Definition 3.10 (Sequence Numbers). Let Ins P rim2 be a function symbol such that PRA proves:
Ins(x, y) = (S(|x|), (y, 1 (x)))
We write hi for (0, 0) and hx0 , . . . , xn i for Ins(. . . Ins(hi, x0 ) . . . , xn ).
Definition 3.11 (Projection). Let Iterk+2 : P rimk+1 P rimk+2 and
P roj P rim2 such that PRA proves:
(1) Iterk+2 (f )(0, x, ~y ) = x
(2) Iterk+2 (f )(S(z), x, ~y ) = f (Iterk+2 (f )(z, x, ~y ), ~y )
(3) P roj(y, x) = 0 (Iter2 (1 )(|x| y, x))
We usually write (x)y0 ,...,yn for P roj(yn , . . . P roj(y0 , x) . . .) and (x)n0 ,...,nk for
P roj(nk , . . . P roj(n0 , x) . . .) and we also use a mix of this two notations.
Lemma 3.12.
(1) PRA ` (x)i 6= (y)i x 6= y
(2) PRA ` i |x| (x)i = |x|
Lemma 3.13. For all i, n N such that i < n we have
(1) PRA ` (hx1 , . . . , xn i)i = xi+1
(2) PRA ` |hx1 , . . . , xn i| = n
Definition 3.14 (Concatenation). Let Catk+2 : P rimk+1 P rimk+2 be
such that PRA proves:
(1) Catk+2 (f )(0, x0 , . . . , xk ) = xk
(2) Catk+2 (f )(S(z), x0 , . . . , xk ) = Ins(Catk+2 (f )(z, x0 , . . . , xk ), f (z, x0 , . . . , xk1 ))

We usually write xy for Cat3 (P roj)(|y|, y, x) and f (~x) for Catk+2 (f )(~x, hi).
Lemma 3.15.
(1) PRA ` |x hyi| = S(|x|)
(2) PRA ` |x y| |x| |x y| |y|
(3) PRA ` i < |x| (j)(j < |x y| (x)i = (x y)j )
(4) PRA ` i < |y| (j)(j < |x y| (y)i = (x y)j )
Lemma 3.16.
(1) PRA ` |f (x, ~y )| = x
(2) PRA ` i < x (f (x, ~y ))i = f (i, ~y )
Lemma 3.17.
PRA ` |x| = n (x = hi x x = h(x)0 , . . . , (x)n1 i)
This lemma shows that x = hi x is a predicate for the sequence numbers.


Structural Properties

We are also interested in structural properties of proofs, i.e. generic proofs,

rules for proofs or the existence of a whole class of proofs for a formula
depending on a term or a function symbol. First we state some general results
derivable by just using the logical axioms, then some statements about atomic
formulas containing function symbols and numerals are proved in PRA. The
section ends with the more intricate results of term extraction (-inversion)
and Parsons Theorem, both stated without proof.

Properties in General

Lemma 3.18. For all F A and x0 , . . . , xn VA and s0 , . . . , sn , t0 , . . . , tn

T A such that si , ti F TA (xi , ), we have
` s0 = t0 . . . sn = tn [~s/~x] [~t/~x]
Proof. By induction on the complexity of F A .
Lemma 3.19. For all T F A and F A we have
T `

T ` (x)

Proof. Let := (y = y) AAEqual . We have ( ( )) AAP rop and

we get T ` (x) and
T ` , hence T ` . Applying
finally T ` (x) by modus ponens.
Lemma 3.20. For all t T A and F A we have
(1) ` t = t
(2) `
Proof. (1) We have x = x AAEqual hence ` (x)x = x by (3.19). Applying
modus ponens to ((x)x = x t = t) AAQuant yields ` t = t. (2) Let :=
( ) then AAP rop and ( ) AAP rop and ( )
(( ( )) ( )) AAP rop . Applying modus ponens twice yields
` .

Properties for Theories

Lemma 3.21. Let f be a function symbol in P rimk , then we have

(n1 , . . . , nk N)

PRA ` f (n1 , . . . , nk ) = [[f ]](n1 , . . . , nk )

Proof. By induction on the function symbols f P rim.

Corollary 3.22. Let t T A be a closed term, then there is a number n N
such that
PRA ` t = n
Proof. By induction on the complexity of the closed term t T A .
Lemma 3.23. Let t T A and {x1 , . . . , xn } F VA (t), then there is a function symbol f P rimn such that
PRA ` t = f (x1 , . . . , xn )
Proof. By induction on the complexity of the term t T A .
Lemma 3.24. For F A and y F TA (xi , ) we have
PRA ` (x0 ) . . . (xn ) (y)[(y)0 /x0 , . . . , (y)n /xn ]


(1) Let := [(y)0 /x0 , . . . , (y)n /xn ] and t := hx0 , . . . , xn i. We have

PRA ` x0 = (t)0 . . . xn = (t)n ( [t/y])
by (3.18). From PRA ` xi = (t)i we get PRA ` [t/y]. We have
([t/y] (y)) AAQuant hence we can deduce PRA ` (y).
Finally we introduce the quantifiers on the left side by the corresponding rule in RA .
(2) The following formulas are in AAQuant :
(xn )[(y)0 /x0 , . . . , (y)n1 /xn1 ]
(xn )[(y)0 /x0 , . . . , (y)n1 /xn1 ] (xn1 )(xn )[(y)0 /x0 , . . . , (y)n2 /xn2 ]
(x1 ) . . . (xn )[(y)0 /x0 ] (x0 ) . . . (xn )
hence we can deduce PRA ` (x0 ) . . . (xn ) and we finally introduce the quantifier on the left side using the rule in RA .

Theorem 3.25 (Term Extraction). Let QF and PRA ` (x), then there
exists a term t T A such that
(1) PRA ` [t/x]
(2) F VA (t) = F VA ()\{x}
Proof. See for example [9] for this intricate result.
Corollary 3.26. Let QF and PRA ` (x0 ) . . . (xn ), then there exists
a term t T A such that
(1) PRA ` [(t)0 /x0 , . . . , (t)n /xn ]
(2) F VA (t) = F VA ()\{x0 , . . . , xn }
Proof. Using (3.24).
Theorem 3.27 (Parsons Theorem). Let 1 then



Proof. See for example [9].


Systems of Explicit Mathematics

We give a thorough definition of the applicative theory of basic operations

and numbers BON and the explicit type theories ET and EET . We will
formulate these systems in the logic of partial terms (due to Beeson [1])
similar to [5], [6].



First of all we need to define the language of Explicit Mathematics. It consists

of symbols, terms and formulas. Based on this language we are able to define
the logical axioms for definedness, equality, quantifiers and the propositional
axioms. After adding rules of inference for modus ponens and for introducing
quantifiers, we are ready to state the formal concept of proof (for proving
statements in Explicit Mathematics).
Definition 4.1 (Basic Symbols S E ). The basic symbols S E consist of the
(1) Countably many individual variables. The set of all individual variables
is denoted by VI and the variables are denoted by a, b, c, f , g, h, u, v,
w, x, y, z (possibly with subscripts).
(2) Countably many type variables. The set of all type variables is denoted
by VT and the variables are denoted by A, B, C, U , V , W , X, Y , Z
(possibly with subscripts).
(3) Constants k, s, p, p0 , p1 , 0, sN , pN , dN , nat, id, neg, con, dis, dom, inv, j.
The set of all constants is denoted by C E .
(4) Function Symbol: (centered dot)
(5) Relation Symbols: , N, , = , <
(6) Logical Symbols: , , , ,
(7) Auxiliary Symbols: ), (, ,
Definition 4.2 (Terms T E ). Terms are denoted by r, s, t (possibly with
(1) VI C E T E
(2) s, t T E (s, t) T E

For (s, t) we write (st) or simply st and we use association to the left, that
is s0 s1 . . . sn and s0 s1 . . . sn stand for (. . . (s0 s1 ) . . . sn ).
Definition 4.3 (Atomic Formulas F0E ).
s, t T E , X VT = (s, t), (t), N(t), (t, X), <(t, X) F0E
For = (s, t), (t), N(t), (t, X) we usually write s = t, t, tN, tX respectively.
Definition 4.4 (Formulas F E ). Formulas are denoted by , , (possibly
with subscripts).
(1) F0E F E
(2) , F E , ( ), ( ) F E
(3) F E , x VI , X VT (x), (x), (X), (X) F E
We use the shorthand notations and for formulas in F E
analogous to definition (2.5). For (x0 ) . . . (xn ) and (X0 ) . . . (Xn ) we
~ respectively. The same notation we use for .
also write (~x) and (X)
Definition 4.5 (Free Variables and Substitution). The set of free individual
variables of a term t we denote by F VI (t) (or F VI () for a formula ), see
(7.5). The set of free type variables of a formula we denote by F VT (),
see (7.6). The simultaneous substitution of terms t0 , . . . , tn for individual
variables x0 , . . . , xn in a term s we denote by s[t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ] and s[~t/~x] (or
[t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ] and [~t/~x] for a formula ), see (7.7). The simultaneous
substitution of type variables Y0 , . . . , Yn for type variables X0 , . . . , Xn in a
~ see (7.8). Further
formula we denote by [Y0 /X0 , . . . , Yn /Xn ] and [Y~ /X],
we denote by F T (x, ) the set of terms t such that no variable z in F VI (t)
is in the scope of a quantifier (z) or (z) in case x is replaced by t in
(analogously with F T (X, ) for type variables), see (7.9)+(7.10).
Definition 4.6 (Closed Terms, Sentences). A term t T E is closed if
F VI (t) = {}, analogous a formula F E is closed if F VI () = {}. Closed
formulas are usually called sentences.
Definition 4.7 (Propositional Axioms AEP rop ). We define AEP rop F E analogous to AAP rop in (2.8).
Definition 4.8 (Equality Axioms AEEqual ). For all atomic formulas F0E
and variables z, x0 , . . . , xn , y0 , . . . , yn VI the following formulas are in
AEEqual :

(1) z = z
(2) x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn [~y /~x]
Definition 4.9 (Quantifier Axioms AEQuant ). For all formulas F E , for all
variables x VI and terms t F T (x, ) and for all variables X VT and
Y F T (X, ) the following formulas are in AEQuant :
(1) [t/x] t (x)
(2) (x) t [t/x]
(3) [Y /X] (X)
(4) (X) [Y /X]
Definition 4.10 (Definedness Axioms AEDef ). For all variables and constants
r VI C E , for all atomic formulas F0E , for all variables x0 , . . . , xn VI
such that xi F VI () and for all terms s, t, t0 , . . . , tn T E the following
formulas are in AEDef :
(1) r
(2) (st) s t
(3) [~t/~x] t0 . . . tn
Definition 4.11 (Rules of Inference RE ). For all formulas , F E , for
all variables x, y VI such that y F T (x, )\ F VI () and for all variables
X VT and Y F T (X, )\ F VT () the following rules are in RE :





[Y /X]


[Y /X]



Definition 4.12 (T -Proof and T ` ). For T F E and 0 , . . . , n F E the

sequence (0 , . . . , n ) is a T -Proof in case all i satisfy one of the following
(1) i T
(2) i AEP rop AEEqual AEQuant AEDef
(3) i is the conclusion of a rule of inference in RE whose premises belong
to {0 , . . . , i1 }.
Let T F E and F E , if there are 0 , . . . , k such that (0 , . . . , k ) is a
T -Proof with k = then we denote this by T `k or simply T ` . Let
S F E , if we have T ` for all S then we denote this by T ` S. We use
the shorthand notations `k and ` and ` S whenever T = {}.


Principles and Theories

Based on the language of Explicit Mathematics we define the non-logical

axioms for theories, several induction principles and some ontological principles.

Operations and Numbers

The theory of basic operations and numbers BON consists of axioms for a
partial combinatory algebra, pairing and projection, natural numbers with
successor and predecessor, and definition by numerical cases.
Definition 4.13 (Abbreviations). We use the following shorthand notations:
s 6= t
hs0 , . . . , sn i


s = t s t
(s t) s = t
(phs0 , . . . , sn1 isn ) [hs0 i := s0 ]
(x)(xN )
(x)(xN )

t(Nk+1 N) := (x0 N) . . . (xk N)tx0 . . . xk N

t(NN) := t(N1 N)

[i 6= j xi 6= xj ]

Remark: There is an ambiguity in the choice of x0 , . . . , xk VI in the formula

t(Nk+1 N).

Definition 4.14 (Basic Operations and Numbers BON ). For all individual

variables u, v, x, y, z VI the following formulas are in BON :


(1) (kx)y = x
(2) sxy (sxy)z ' (xz)(yz)
(3) p0 hx, yi = x p1 hx, yi = y
(4) 0N sN (NN)
(5) (xN)(sN x 6= 0 pN (sN x) = x)
(6) (xN)(x 6= 0 pN xN sN (pN x) = x)
(7) xN yN x = y (dN uv)xy = u
(8) xN yN x 6= y (dN uv)xy = v

Explicit Types

The non-logical axioms for explicit type theories consist of axioms for the
naming relation and the axioms for type generators (name generators). The
first is stating that every type has a name and names behave well (no
homonyms), the latter guarantees the existence of particular types and the
uniform creation of their names.
Definition 4.15 (Abbreviations). We use the following shorthand notations:
X Y := (x)(xX xY )
X = Y := (x)(xX xY )
~ := <(t0 , X0 ) . . . <(tn , Xn )
<(~t, X)
<(t) := (X)<(t, X)

st := (X)(<(t, X) sX)
Definition 4.16 (Representation Axioms ARep ). For all individual variables
x VI and for all type variables X, Y VT the following formulas are in
ARep :
(1) (x)<(x, X)
(2) <(x, X) <(x, Y ) X = Y
(3) X = Y <(x, X) <(x, Y )


Definition 4.17 (Generator Axioms AE , A+E ). For all individual variables

a, b, f , x, y VI the formulas (1) . . . (7) are in AE and the formulas (1) . . . (6)
are in A+E :

(1) <(nat) (x)(xnat xN)


(2) <(id) (x)(xid (y)x = hy, yi)


(3) <(a) <(b) <(conha, bi) (x)(xconha, bi xa xb)


(4) <(a) <(b) <(disha, bi) (x)(xdisha, bi xa xb)


(5) <(a) <(domhai) (x)(xdomhai (y)hx, yia)


(6) <(a) <(invha, f i) (x)(xinvha, f i f xa)


(7) <(a) <(neghai) (x)(xneghai xa)

Definition 4.18 (Disjoint Union J (Join)). For all individual variables a, f ,
x, y, z VI the following formula is in J:

<(a) (xa)<(f
x) <(jha, f i)
(x)[xjha, f i (y)(z)(x = hy, zi y a z f y)]

Definition 4.19 (Explicit Types ET and EET ).

(1) ET = BON ARep A+E

(2) EET = BON ARep AE


(Positive Existential Explicit Types)

(Elementary Explicit Types)

Induction Principles

In (5.8) and (5.10) we see that the following induction principles are ordered
by their strength, formula induction of course being the strongest form.
Definition 4.20 (Set Induction S-IN ). For all individual variables x, f VI
the following formula is in S-IN :
f (NN) f 0 = 0 (xN)(f x = 0 f (sN x) = 0) (xN)(f x = 0)
Definition 4.21 (Value Induction V-IN ). For all individual variables x, f
VI the following formula is in V-IN :
f 0N (xN)(f xN f (sN x)N) f (NN)
Definition 4.22 (Type Induction T-IN ). For all individual variables x VI
and type variables X VT the following formula is in T-IN :

0X (xN)(xX sN xX) (xN)xX

Definition 4.23 (Formula Induction F-IN ). For all individual variables x
VI and formulas F E the following formula is in F-IN :
[0/x] (xN)( [sN x/x]) (xN)

Ontological Principles

Definition 4.24 (All Individuals are Names of Types <). For all individual
variables x VI the formula (x)<(x) is in <.
Definition 4.25 (All Individuals are Numbers N). For all individual variables x VI the formula (x)N(x) is in N.
Definition 4.26 (Uniform Comprehension). Let X be a subset of F E then
for all formulas X the following formula with {X0 , . . . , Xn } := F VT ()
and {y0 , . . . , ym } := F VI ()\{z} is in X -C:
~ <(~x, X)
(f )(~x)(~y )(X)[

<(f x0 . . . xn y0 . . . ym ) (z)(z f x0 . . . xn y0 . . . ym ) ]
Similar to the generator axioms this formula is also stating the existence of
a generator, but now for arbitrary X .
Definition 4.27 (Abbreviations).
Ext(X) :=(a)(b)[(Z)(<(a, Z) <(b, Z)) (aX bX)]

P ow (X, Y ) :=(Z)(Z Y (a)(aX <(a, Z)))

(a)(aX (Z)(Z Y <(a, Z)))

P ow (X, Y ) :=P ow (X, Y ) Ext(X)

If Ext(X) holds then we have for every type Z, that X either contains all

names of Z or none of them. If P ow (X, Y ) holds then for every subtype Z

of Y there is at least one name of Z contained in X, further we have that X
contains nothing else but names of subtypes of Y . Hence P ow (X, Y ) holds
if X contains all names of all subtypes of Y , and X contains nothing else.

Definition 4.28 (Weak Power Types Pow ). For all type variables X, Y VT

the formulas of the form (Y )(X)P ow (X, Y ) are in Pow .


Definition 4.29 (Strong Power Types Pow ). For all type variables X, Y
VT the formulas of the form (Y )(X)P ow (X, Y ) are in Pow .



The language of Explicit Mathematics defined above can be interpreted in

many different ways. In the following we give a definition of what we mean
by an interpretation. Based on this definition we are able to further define
what it means for a statement in the language of Explicit Mathematics to be
true (for all interpretations) or to be a logical consequence of some theory.
Definition 4.30 (Structures of Explicit Mathematics ME ). A structure M
ME consists of the following:
(1) A domain of individuals M and an extra individual 6 M .
(2) A domain of types T P(M ).
(3) For every constant c C E a constant cM M .
(4) A (restricted) binary operation M on M := M {}, that is
M : M M M such that (x M )( M x = x M = ).
(5) A unary relation NM M and a binary relation <M M T .
We usually denote M , T , and M by |M|I , |M|T and |M| respectively.
Definition 4.31 (Valuations VM ). A valuation VM for a structure M
ME is a mapping : VI VT |M|I |M|T such that x VI (x) |M|I
and X VT (X) |M|T . If VM then [u:m] VM denotes the
following valuation (where m is in |M|I or in |M|T according to u):
[u:m](v) :=
(v) otherwise
Definition 4.32 (Interpretations IE ). An interpretation M IE (for a
structure M ME and a valuation VM ) consists of the following:
(1) A mapping M : T E |M| such that:

t CE
M (t) := (t)
t VI

M (r) M (s) t = (rs)


(2) A mapping M : F E {t, f } such that:

M (s = t) = t
M (t) = t
M (tN) = t
M (tX) = t
M (<(t, X)) = t
M () = t
M ( ) = t
M ( ) = t
M ((x)) = t
M ((x)) = t
M ((X)) = t
M ((X)) = t

M (s) = M (t) 6=
M (t) 6=
NM (M (t))
M (t) (X)
<M (M (t), (X))
M () = f
M () = t M () = t
M () = t M () = t
(m |M|I )(M[x:m] () = t)
(m |M|I )(M[x:m] () = t)
(S |M|T )(M[X:S] () = t)
(S |M|T )(M[X:S] () = t)


Definition 4.33. For M ME , F E and T, S F E we define the

following relations:
M |=
M |= T
T |=
T |= S


( VM )(M () = t)
( T )(M |= )
(M ME )(M |= T M |= )
( S)(T |= )

If M |= holds then we say is valid in M, and if we have M |= T then

we say M is a model of T . Finally if we have T |= (or T |= S) then we say
(or S) is a logical consequence of T .
Theorem 4.34 (Adequacy). Let F E then we have
T |=

T `

Example 4.35. We use the following functions defined in (7.1):

[[Ins]] : N2 N
[[]] : N2 N
[[Com]] : N2 N


And for x0 , . . . , xn N we use analogous to 3.10 the shorthand notation:

hx0 , . . . , xn i := [[Ins]](. . . [[Ins]]([[]](0, 0), x0 ) . . . , xn )
Now we are ready to define M ME to be the structure consisting of:

(1) |M|I := N and 6 N (e.g. = N).

(2) For n N we define Tn := {x | (m)([[Com]](hn, xi, m) = 0)} and let
|M|T := {Tn | n N}.
(3) 0M := 0 and cM := [[]](nc , 0) for c C E \{0} (where nc is the number
assigned to c in 6.10). cM needs to have this clumsy definition because
the definition of Com refers to (6.10).
n (m)([[Com]](hx, y, ni, m) = 0)
xM y :=
The function M is well-defined by (6.18), (2.23) and example (2.24).

NM := N
<M := {(m, Tn ) | Tm = Tn }

For the structure M we have by the embedding theorem (6.28) (i.e. by the
particular embedding 6.22 we used for proving it) that: (see 5.11 for S)

M |= ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow )+ (F-IN )

The structure M can be seen as an extension of the structure in the example
2.24. The construction of M is generic, i.e. any structure N MA such that
N |= PA can be extended similar to the way we described above.


Some Aspects of Explicit Mathematics

Having defined the language of Explicit Mathematics and the concept of a

formal proof, we now give some useful examples of provable statements. In
this way we are building a collection of tools we use in the sequel.


Applicative Theory

We define -abstraction on terms and show that it has the desired properties.
We then use -abstraction to prove the existence of a fixed point operator in
the combinatory algebra. Further we use this fixed point operator to prove

some basic facts, e.g. primitive recursion in the theory BON + (V-IN ).
Definition 5.1 ( : VI T E T E ).

(x, t) := s(x, t1 )(x, t2 ) t = t1 t2

We usually write x.t for (x, t) and x0 . . . xn .t or ~x.t for x0 .(. . . xn .(t) . . .).
Lemma 5.2.
F VI (x.t) = F VI (t)\{x}
Theorem 5.3 (-Abstraction).

(1) BON ` x.t

(2) BON ` s (x.t)s ' t[s/x]

(1) By induction on the term t T E .
(2) We first prove the statement for s = x by induction on the term t, then
for arbitrary s we use an instance of AEQuant .

Lemma 5.4 (Substitution).

x 6= y BON ` (x.t)[s/y]x ' t[s/y]

Proof. By induction on t.

Theorem 5.5 (Fixed Point). There exists a closed term fix T E such that

BON ` fixf f (fixf )x ' (fixf )x

Proof. Let t := (yx.f (yy)x) and fix := (
Lemma 5.6 (Primitive Recursion). There exists a closed term rec T E such

(1) BON ` f (N2 N) aN bN

(recf a)0 = a (recf a)(sN b) = f b((recf a)b)

(2) BON

+ (V-I

N) `

f (N2 N) aN (recf a)(NN)

(1) Let t := hx.(dN (z.a)(z.f (pN x)(h(pN x)))x0)0 and rec := (f a.fixt).
(2) By (1) and using value induction (V-IN ).

Lemma 5.7. There exists a closed term notN T E such that

BON ` (notN N)
Proof. Let t := (xy.dN (sN 0)0(xy)0) and notN := fixt0
Lemma 5.8.


+ (V-I

N) `


Proof. Let s := (y.dN (z.0)(z.notN )y0) and t := f x.s(f x) then we have

BON ` y = 0 yN syN

BON ` (xN)(f x = 0 (tf )xN)

hence we are able to reduce (S-IN ) to (V-IN ).


Explicit Type Theory

First we show how to reduce value induction (V-IN ) to type induction (T-IN ).
Next we use the generator axioms to get type comprehension for a whole
class of formulas. Using disjoint union (J) under certain conditions we even
get comprehension for formulas containing type quantifiers. This section
also contains two inconsistency results about ontological principles. Finally
we state the refutation of strong power types by Cantini and Minari [2] in
the context of our positive result about weak power types in the theory
ET+ (<).



Lemma 5.9.

ET ` <(a, X) (xX xa)


Proof. We have (<(a, X) xX xa) AEQuant . For the other direction

we have (<(a, X) <(a, Y ) X = Y ) ARep hence we are able to deduce
ET ` <(a, X) (<(a, Y ) xY
) xX. By an inference rule in RE we
finally get ET ` <(a, X) xa xX.
Lemma 5.10.

ET+ (T-IN ) ` V-IN


Proof. Let t := invhnat, f i, then from A+E we get ET ` f xN f xnat

and ET ` <(t)f xnat xt hence we deduce ET ` f xN xt. Let
0 := f 0N (xN)(f xN f (sN x)N) f (NN)

1 := 0t (xN)(xt sN xt) (xN)xt

2 := 0X (xN)(xX sN xX) (xN)xX

Now we have ET ` 1 0 and we get ET ` <(t, X) (2 1 ) by

(5.9), but 2 T-IN hence ET+ (T-IN ) ` <(t, X) 0 and by an inference
rule ET+ (T-IN ) ` <(t) 0 , hence ET+ (T-IN ) ` 0 .


Definition 5.11 (Formulas E, E, S, S).


(1) For all s, t T E , X VT the formulas s = t, t, tN, tX are in E,

S, E, S (but <(t, X) is not).
(2) E (Elementary Formulas)
, E, x VI , ( ), ( ), (x), (x) E

(3) E (Positive Existential Elementary Formulas)


, E, x VI ( ), ( ), (x) E
(4) S (Stratified Formulas)
, S, x VI , X VT
, ( ), ( ), (x), (x), (X), (X) S

(5) S (Positive Existential Stratified Formulas)


, S, x VI , X VT ( ), ( ), (x), (X) S

Remark 5.12. We have E E and E S S.

Definition 5.13 (Comprehension Variables). For every formula F E we
define a mapping : VT VI such that for all X, Y VT we have
(1) (X) doesnt occur in (neither free nor bound).
(2) (X) = (Y ) X = Y
Definition 5.14 (Comprehension Terms). For every formula E we define
a mapping : E VI T E such that
(s = t, x) := invhid, x.hs, tii
(t, x) := invhid,, tii
(tN, x) := invhnat, x.ti
(tX, x) := invh (X), x.ti
(, x) := negh (, x)i
( , x) := dish (, x), (, x)i
( , x) := conh (, x), (, x)i
domh ([p1 x/z], x)i
((z), x) :=
domh ([p0 x/x, p1 x/z], x)i x =
6 z
((z), x) := ((z)(), x)
We usually write ,x for (, x).
Lemma 5.15. Let F E such that F VT () = {X0 , . . . , Xn } then for zi :=
(Xi ) we have
(1) F VI (,x ) = {z0 , . . . , zn } (F VI ()\{x})
~ <(,x ) (x)(x
(2) E ET ` <(~z, X)
,x )


~ <(,x ) (x)(x
E EET ` <(~z, X)
,x )

Proof. By induction on .
Theorem 5.16 (Elementary Comprehension).

(1) ET ` E-C

(2) EET ` E-C

Proof. Using -abstraction (5.3) on the term ,x in lemma (5.15).
Definition 5.17 (Abbreviations).
v := invhid, x.hx, xii
e := jhv, x.xi
Lemma 5.18.

(1) ET ` <(v) (x)(xv)


(2) ET+ (j)+ (<) ` <(e) (x)(xy hy, xie)

Definition 5.19 (Elimination of Type Variables). For every formula S
we define a mapping  : S VT E such that
 (s = t, X) := s = t
 (t, X) := t
 (tN, X) := tN
 (tZ, X) := h (Z), tiX
 (, X) :=  (, X)
 ( , X) :=  (, X)  (, X)
 ( , X) :=  (, X)  (, X)
 ((x), X) := (x) (, X)
 ((x), X) := (x) (, X)
 ((Z), X) := ( (Z)) (, X)
 ((Z), X) := ( (Z)) (, X)
We usually write (, X) for  (, X).

Lemma 5.20. Let S such that F VT () = {X0 , . . . , Xn } then for

zi := (Xi ) and := (, Y ) and t := ,x [e/ (Y )] we have

(1) E
~ <(e, Y ) ( )
(2) ET+ (j)+ (<) ` <(~z, X)

~ <(t) (x)(xt
(3) ET+ (j)+ (<) ` <(~z, X)


(1) Immediate, by definition.

(2) By induction on using that (hzi , xiY xXi ) by (5.18) and (5.9).
(3) A direct consequence of (5.15) and (1),(2).

Theorem 5.21 (Positive Existential Stratified Comprehension).


ET+ (j)+ (<) ` S-C

Proof. Using -abstraction (5.3) on the term t in lemma (5.20).

Theorem 5.22. EET + (j)+ (<) is inconsistent, i.e. there is a formula

F E such that

EET + (j)+ (<) `

Proof. .Let := (hx, xi X) and r := ,x [e/ (X)] then the formula
:= rr does the job. We have

EET ` <(e, X) (x)(xr )

by (5.15)

ET ` <(e, X) ( hx, xie)


by (5.9)

ET+ (j)+ (<) ` xx hx, xie

by (5.18)

hence we deduce EET + (j)+ (<) ` <(e, X) (x)(xr xx). But we

also have ET+ (j)+ (<) ` <(e) and finally get EET + (j)+ (<) ` by
rules of inference and an instance of AEQuant .

Power Types

Theorem 5.23.

(1) ET+ (<) ` Pow

(2) ET ` (Y )(X)P ow (X, Y )

(i.e. ET+ Pow is inconsistent.)

(1) Let := ((z)x = conhy, zi) then we prove:

ET+ (<) ` <(y, Y ) <(,x , X) P ow (X, Y )

Let t := conhy, zi then we have

ET ` <(y, Y ) <(z, Z) <(,x , X) tX


ET ` <(y, Y ) <(z, Z) Z Y <(t, Z)


hence we deduce that ET proves

<(y, Y ) <(z, Z) <(,x , X) (Z Y (tX <(t, Z)))

and ET+ (<) proves

<(y, Y ) <(,x , X) (Z)(Z Y (a)(aX <(a, Z)))

For the second part of P ow (X, Y ) we have that ET proves

<(y, Y ) <(,x , X) <(a, Z) aX Z Y

hence we get that ET+ (<) proves

<(y, Y ) <(,x , X) (a)(aX (Z)(Z Y <(a, Z)))

(2) This is a consequence of ET ` P ow (X, Y ) <(v, Y ). See [2] for a



Proof-Theoretic Analysis

In this last section we are going to relate systems of first order arithmetic
to systems of Explicit Mathematics. The relation we exhibit is based on the
formal concept of proofs, that is we compare the proofs of the two systems.
We take the following two standard approaches:
(1) Arithmetic statements (formulas) are translated into the systems of
Explicit Mathematics. The translation is such that the statements
still have the same arithmetic meaning but now in the language of
Explicit Mathematics. We are then able to compare the two systems
by comparing the sets of provable arithmetic statements.
(2) We first define what it means for a function f : N N to be definable in
the two systems. Now we can ask if a definable function is recognized
as being total within the system, i.e. if the system is able to prove
totality of the function. The two systems are then compared by their
sets of provably total functions.



A common way to find the provable arithmetic statements of a system, is by

embedding it into an appropriate system of arithmetic and vice versa.

Embedding Arithmetic into Explicit Mathematics

We follow the construction (5.1) in [5].

Definition 6.1 (Numerals n T E ). We use the following notation:
n + 1 := (sN n)

[0 := 0]

Definition 6.2 (.N : P rim T E ).


x1 . . . xn .i

f := x1 . . . xn .xi+1

x1 . . . xn .hN (g1 N x1 . . . xn ) . . . (gm N x1 . . . xn )

x . . . x .rec(g N x . . . x )(hN x . . . x )
Definition 6.3 (.N : T A T E ).
(1) 0N := 0


= Csni
= P rni
= Compn (h, g1 , . . . , gm )
= Recn+1 (h, g)

(2) xN VI such that xN = y N x = y

(3) f (t0 , . . . , tn )N := f N t0 N . . . tn N
Definition 6.4 (. : F A F E ).
(1) (s = t) := (sN = tN )
(2) () := ( )
(3) ( ) :=
(4) ( ) :=
(5) ((x)) := (xN N)
(6) ((x)) := (xN N)
Lemma 6.5. Let F A and x VA then
x F VA () xN F VI ( )
Definition 6.6 (.N : F A F E ).

N :=
x0 N N . . . xn N N

F VA () = {}
F VA () = {x0 , . . . , xn }

Remark: There is an ambiguity in the ordering of x0 , . . . , xn in the formula

N .
Lemma 6.7. Let AAP rim be a defining equation, f P rimk+1 and
n0 , . . . , nk N then we have

(1) BON ` N

(2) BON ` f N n0 . . . nk = [[f ]](n0 , . . . , nk )

(3) BON + (V-IN ) ` f N (Nk+1 N)

(1) By the definition of f N .
(2) We prove

f P rimk+1 (n0 , . . . , nk )(BON ` f N n0 . . . nk = [[f ]](n0 , . . . , nk ))

by induction on the function symbols f P rim.

(3) We prove f P rimk+1 BON + (V-IN ) ` f N (Nk+1 N) by induction

on the function symbols f P rim. We need value induction (V-IN ) in
case f = Reck+1 (g, h).

Lemma 6.8. For every quantifier free formula QF and {x1 , . . . , xk }

F VI ( ) there is a closed term t T E such that

(1) BON + (V-IN ) ` (x1 N) . . . (xk N)( tx1 . . . xk = 0)

(2) BON + (V-IN ) ` t(Nk N)

Proof. We can inductively define terms t := t (on the complexity of ) such
that (1) is fulfilled, and we especially choose t such that (2) holds. The
construction of t is similar to the usual construction of the function symbol
f such that PRA ` f (x1 , . . . , xk ) = 0.
Theorem 6.9 (Embedding Theorem I). For all F A we have:
(1) PRA `
(2) PA `

BON + (V-IN ) ` N

BON + (F-IN ) ` N

Proof. By induction on the length k of the proof T `k . In case QF -Ind

we use (6.8) and an instance of V-IN to prove BON + (V-IN ) ` N .


Computation Sequences

For the embedding of Explicit Mathematics into arithmetic we need to translate the application operation (xy = z) and the element relation (xY ). Inspired by the operator form in [5] we will find a primitive recursive function
leading to a suitable notion of computation sequence.
Definition 6.10 (. : C E VI VT T A ). For every r C E \{0} we fix a
number nr > 4 and we define r := (nr , 0) and 0 := 0. For every r VI VT
we fix a variable xr VA and we define r := xr . The choice of numbers and
variables is such that r = s r = s holds and for VA := {
r | r VI VT }

we want that VA \VA contains countably many variables.

Definition 6.11 (Computation Sequence I). Let F1 , . . . , F22 P rim1 be
function symbols such that PRA proves:
(1) F1 (x) = x = hk, (x)1 , hk, (x)1 ii


(2) F2 (x) = x = hhk, (x)2 i, (x)1 , (x)2 i

(3) F3 (x) = x = hs, (x)1 , hs, (x)1 ii


(4) F4 (x) = x = hhs, (x)0,1 i, (x)1 , hs, (x)0,1 , (x)1 ii


(5) F5 (x) = x = hp, (x)1 , hp, (x)1 ii


(6) F6 (x) = x = hhp, (x)0,1 i, (x)1 , h(x)0,1 , (x)1 ii


(7) F7 (x) = x = hp0 , h(x)2 , (x)1,1 i, (x)2 i


(8) F8 (x) = x = hp1 , h(x)1,0 , (x)2 i, (x)2 i


(9) F9 (x) = x = hsN , (x)1 , S((x)1 )i


(10) F10 (x) = x = hpN , S((x)2 ), (x)2 i

(11) F11 (x) = x = hdN , (x)1 , hdN , (x)1 ii
(12) F12 (x) = x = hhdN , (x)0,1 i, (x)1 , hdN , (x)0,1 , (x)1 ii
(13) F13 (x) = x = hhdN , (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, (x)1 , hdN , (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 , (x)1 ii
(14) F14 (x) = (x = hhdN , (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 , (x)0,3 i, (x)1 , (x)0,1 i) ((x)0,3 = (x)1 )
. .
(15) F15 (x) = (x = hhdN , (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 , (x)0,3 i, (x)1 , (x)0,2 i) ((x)0,3 = (x)1 )

(x)1 i
(16) F16 (x) = x = hnat,
h(x)1,0 , (x)1,0 ii
(17) F17 (x) = x = hid,

h(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 i, hcon,

(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 ii
(18) F18 (x) = x = hcon,
h(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 i, hdis,
(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 ii
(19) F19 (x) = x = hdis,
(x)1 , hdom,
(x)1 ii
(20) F20 (x) = x = hdom,

h(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 i, hinv,

(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 ii
(21) F21 (x) = x = hinv,
(22) F22 (x) = x = hj, h(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 i, hj, (x)1,0 , (x)1,1 ii


Definition 6.12 (Computation Sequence II).

The interpretation of the functions Gn (x, y, z) defined below is the following:
x is the element we want to compute, z is a computation sequence and y
is a witnessing sequence, i.e. (y)i = 0 is a witness that (z)i is computable.
The computation sequence z can also contain elements (z)j not computable
or not yet computed, indicated by the fact that (y)j 6= 0. The meaning of
Gn (x, y, z) = 0 then is, that based on the intermediate computations (z)i
(such that (y)i = 0) we can compute x in only one step.
Let G1 , . . . , G7 P rim3 and H1 , . . . , H7 P rim be function symbols such
that PRA proves:

G1 (x, y, z) = 0 H1 (|z|, x, y, z)

H1 (i, x, y, z) = (y)i ((z)i = x)


G2 (x, y, z) = (x = hhs, (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, (x)1 , (x)2 i)


0 1 2 H2 (|z|, |z|, |z|, x, y, z)


H2 (i, j, k, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,1 , (x)1 , (z)i,2 i, y, z)


H1 (j, h(x)0,2 , (x)1 , (z)j,2 i, y, z)

H1 (k, h(z)i,2 , (z)j,2 , (x)2 i, y, z)

(x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, (x)1 i)

G3 (x, y, z) = (x = hhcon,

0 1 H3 (|z|, |z|, x, y, z)

H3 (i, j, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,1 , (x)1 i, y, z)

H1 (j, h(x)0,2 , (x)1 i, y, z)
(x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, (x)1 i) .
G4 (x, y, z) = (x = hhdis,

0 H4 (|z|, x, y, z)

H4 (i, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,1 , (x)1 i, y, z)

H1 (i, h(x)0,2 , (x)1 i, y, z)

(x)0,1 i, (x)1 i) .
G5 (x, y, z) = (x = hhdom,

0 H5 (|z|, x, y, z)
H5 (i, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,1 , h(x)1 , (z)i,1,1 ii, y, z)

(x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, (x)1 i)
G6 (x, y, z) = (x = hhinv,

0 1 H6 (|z|, |z|, x, y, z)

H6 (i, j, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,2 , (x)1 , (z)i,2 i, y, z)

H1 (j, h(x)0,1 , (z)i,2 i, y, z)

G7 (x, y, z) = (x = hhj, (x)0,1 , (x)0,2 i, h(x)1,0 , (x)1,1 ii)

0 1 2 H7 (|z|, |z|, |z|, x, y, z)


H7 (i, j, k, x, y, z) = H1 (i, h(x)0,1 , (x)1,0 i, y, z)


H1 (j, h(x)0,2 , (x)1,0 , (z)j,2 i, y, z)

H1 (k, h(z)j,2 , (x)1,1 i, y, z)
Definition 6.13 (Computation Sequence III).
The main part of this definition is the function H(n, z). This function assigns
to every computation sequence z its witnessing sequence H(n, z), i.e. we have
(H(n, z))i = 0 only if (z)i is computable from z in n steps (iterations).
Let Com, F , H P rim2 and G P rim3 be function symbols such that
PRA proves:

(1) F (i, z) = F1 ((z)i ) . . . F22 ((z)i )


(2) G(i, y, z) = F (i, z) G2 ((z)i , y, z) . . . G7 ((z)i , y, z)

(3) H(0, z) = F (|z|, z)
(4) H(S(u), z) = G (|z|, H(u, z), z)
(5) Com(x, z) = G1 (x, H(|z|, z), z)


Lemma 6.14.
(1) PRA ` H1 (i, x, H(u, z), z) = 0 [(H(u, z))i = 0 (z)i = x]
(2) PRA ` [(H(u, z))i = 0 (H(u, z))j = 0 (z)i,0 = (z)j,0 (z)i,1 = (z)j,1 ]
(z)i,2 = (z)j,2
(1) By definition of H1 .
(2) (sketchy, informal) Let f , g P rim be function symbols such that
PRA proves:

g(i, j, z) = [(z)i,0 = (z)j,0 ) ((z)i,1 = (z)j,1 )] ((z)i,2 = (z)j,2 )


f (i, j, u, z) = [(H(u, z))i (H(u, z))j ] g(i, j, z)


We can prove PRA ` 0 1 f (|z|, |z|, u, z) = 0 by induction on u (and by

long and tedious argumentation about F and G). Just mentioning two
peculiar cases (same informal reasoning also holds for j instead of i):
In case |(z)i | = 2 and (z)i,0 = (z)j,0 we get |(z)i | = |(z)j | by definition
of F and G, hence (z)i,2 = (z)j,2 = 2 by (3.12). In case i |z| and
(H(u, z))i = 0 we have |z| = |H(u, z)| = (H(u, z))i = 0 by (3.16),
hence j |z| and (z)i = |z| = (z)j by (3.12).

Lemma 6.15.
PRA ` Com(hu, x, yi, w) = 0 Com(hu, x, zi, w) = 0 y = z
Proof. Because of (3.8) we have
PRA ` Com(hu, x, vi, w) = 0
(k)(k < |w| H1 (k, hu, x, vi, H(|w|, w), w) = 0)
From (6.14) we get
PRA ` H1 (i, hu, x, yi, H(|w|, w), w) = 0
H1 (j, hu, x, zi, H(|w|, w), w) = 0 y = z
Extending the left side of this implication with (i < |w|j < |w|) and applying
twice the -rule of inference (in RA ) we get the desired proof.


Lemma 6.16.
PRA ` Com(x, z) = 0 Com(x, y z) = 0 Com(x, z y) = 0
Proof. (sketchy) First we prove
PRA ` u v G1 (x, H(v, z), z) = 0 G1 (x, H(u, z), z) = 0
Next we show by induction on u using (3.15) that
PRA ` G1 (x, H(u, z), z) = 0 G1 (x, H(u, y z), y z) = 0
Putting the pieces together knowing by (3.15) that |y z| |z| we get
PRA ` Com(x, z) = 0 Com(x, y z) = 0
Analogous for z y instead of y z.

Embedding Explicit Mathematics into Arithmetic

Definition 6.17 ( : VA 3 F A , : VA 2 F A ).
(1) (u, x, y) := (z)Com(hu, x, yi, z) = 0
(2) (x, y) := (z)Com(hy, xi, z) = 0
Where the variable z VA \VA is different from x, y, u VA .
Lemma 6.18.
PRA ` (u, x, y) (u, x, z) y = z
Proof. From (6.16) we get
PRA ` Com(hu, x, yi, v) = 0 Com(hu, x, zi, w) = 0
Com(hu, x, yi, v w) = 0 Com(hu, x, zi, v w) = 0
Using this in conjunction with (6.15) we get
PRA ` Com(hu, x, yi, v) = 0 Com(hu, x, zi, w) = 0 y = z
Applying twice the -rule of inference (in RA ) we get the desired proof.
Definition 6.19 ( : T E VA F A ).
(1) t C E VI (t, x) := t= x

(2) (t1 t2 , x) := (z1 )(z2 )[(t1 , z1 ) (t2 , z2 ) (z1 , z2 , x)]

Where z1 , z2 VA \VA are different variables and z1 , z2 are different from x.
Lemma 6.20.
(1) PRA ` (t, x) (t, y) x = y
(2) PRA ` (n, x) x = n
Proof. (1) By induction on t and (2) by induction on n.
Definition 6.21 ( .? : F0E F A ).
(1) (s = t)? := (x)((s, x) (t, x))
(2) t? := tN? := (x)(t, x)

(3) tX ? := (x)((t, x) (x, X))

(4) <(t, X)? := (x)[(t, x) (y)((y, x) (y, X))]

Where x, y VA \VA are different variables.
Definition 6.22 ( .? : F E F A ).
(1) For F0E see (6.21).
(2) ()? := (? )
(3) ( )? := ? ?
(4) ( )? := ? ?
(5) ((x))? := (
(6) ((x))? := (
(7) ((X))? := (X)
(8) ((X))? := (X)
Lemma 6.23. For all variables u, v, x0 , . . . , xn , y0 , . . . , yn VI and all
formulas F E such that yi F T (xi , ) we have
(1) u F VI () u F VA (? )
(2) u F TI (v, ) u F TA (
v , ? )

(3) ` [~y /~x]? ? [~y/~x]

([~y/~x] stands for [y0 /x0 , . . . , yn /xn ])

Proof. By induction on .
Lemma 6.24. For all variables U , V , X0 , . . . , Xn , Y0 , . . . , Yn VT and
all formulas F E such that Yi F T (Xi , ) we have that all statements
analogous to (6.23) hold.
Lemma 6.25. For all terms s, t T E such that y F TA (
x, (s, z)) we have
z 6= x

PRA ` (t, y) ((s[t/x], z) (s, z)[y/


Proof. By induction on s.
Lemma 6.26. For all formulas F E such that y F TA (
x, ? ) we have
PRA ` (t, y) ([t/x]? ? [y/
Proof. By induction on .
Lemma 6.27.
(1) PRA ` (xN)?
(2) PRA ` ((xN))? (
(3) PRA ` <(x)?

(4) PRA ` (xy) (

x, y)
(5) PRA ` (xy = z)? (
x, y, z)
(1) (xN)? = (y)(x, y) = (y)
x = y.
(2) ((xN))? = (
x)((xN)? ? ) and (1).

(3) <(x)? = ((X)<(x, X))? = (X)(z)(

x = z (y)((y, z) (y, X)))
but we surely have that PRA ` x = x (y)((y, x) (y, x)).

(4) (xy) =

y = u (w)((w, u) (w, X)))
x = v (v, X))]

is provable
hence (xy) (X)[(w)((w,
y) (w, X))
x, X)]
in PRA and finally PRA ` (xy) (
x, y).
(5) (xy = z)? = (u)[(v1 )(v2 )(
x = v1 y = v2 (v1 , v2 , u)) z = u)]

Theorem 6.28 (Embedding Theorem II).


For all F E and for T = ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow ) we have:
(1) T + (F-IN ) `

PA ` ?

(2) T + (T-IN ) `

PRA ` ?

Proof. We have T ` ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N) ` by (5.21) and (5.23),

hence it is enough to prove the statement for T = ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N).
The proof is by induction on the length k of the proof T 0 `k .

(1) ET
(a) AEP rop ? AAP rop
(b) AEEqual
= (x = x).
? = (y)(
x = y x = y) hence ` ? .
= (x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn [~y /~x]) with F0E .
Let = (x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn ) then
` ? (x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn ). We have
` x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn ? ? [~y/~x] by (3.18), hence
` x0 = y0 . . . xn = yn ? [~y /~x]? by (6.23). Finally we
get ` ? ( ? [~y /~x]? ) and hence ` ? .
(c) AEQuant
= ([t/x] t (x)).
Let y VA be such that y 6 F VA (([t/x] (x))? ) and
y F TA (
x, ? ) then by (6.26) we have
PRA ` (t, y) ([t/x]? ? [y/
But ( ? [y/
x] (
x) ? ) AAQuant hence
PRA ` (t, y) ([t/x]? (
x) ? ). Now we can apply the
-rule in RA to get PRA ` t ([t/x]? (
x) ? ) and
finally PRA ` ? .
= ((x) t [t/x]), similar to the previous case.
([Y /X] (X))? AAQuant
((X) [Y /X])? AAQuant
(d) AEDef
= r with r VI C E , then ? = ((x)
r = x) hence ` ?

= ((st) s t) Suppose that x, y, z are different variables in VA \VA . We have that (s, x) (x)(s, x)
and (t, y) (y)(t, y) are in AAQuant , hence we can prove
` (s, x)(t, y)(x, y, z) s? t? . Threefold application
of the -rule in RA yields ` ? .
= ([~t/~x] t0 . . . tn ) with F0E , similar to the
previous case.

(e) BON

= ((kx)y = x). For t = hk, x, hk, xii and t = hhk, xi, y, xi we

have PRA ` Com(t, hti), hence we can prove
PRA ` ((k, z1 ) (x, z2 ) (z1 , z2 , z3 ))[k/z1 , x/z2 , hk, xi/z3 ],
using AAQuant we get PRA ` (kx, z3 )[hk, xi/z3 ], then
PRA ` ((kx, z3 ) (y, z4 ) (z3 , z4 , z5 ))[hk, xi/z3 , y/z4 , x/z5 ]
and PRA ` ((kx)y, z3 )[
x/z3 ] and finally
PRA ` (((kx)y, z3 ) (x, z3 ))[
x/z3 ] hence PRA ` ? .
= (sxy (sxy)z ' (xz)(yz)). We can prove PRA ` (sxy)?
similar to the previous case. We are going to show that
PRA ` ((sxy)z, v3 ) ((xz)(yz), v3 ) holds, and by this we
get PRA ` ((sxy)z (xz)(yz) (sxy)z = (xz)(yz))? , hence
PRA ` ? .
1. PRA ` ((sxy)z, v3 ) ((xz)(yz), v3 ).
Let t := hhs, x, yi, z, v3 i then we have
PRA ` ((sxy)z, v3 ) (w)G1 (t, H(|w|, w), w),
PRA ` G1 (t, H(u, w), w) G2 (t, H(u, w), w) and
PRA ` G2 (t, w0 , w1 ) (v1 )(v2 )[G1 (h
x, z, v1 i, w0 , w1 )
G1 (h
y , z, v2 i, w0 , w1 )
G1 (hv1 , v2 , v3 i, w0 , w1 )].
We have that PRA ` G1 (h
x, z, v1 i, w0 , w1 ) (xz, v1 ) and
PRA ` G1 (h
y , z, v2 i, w0 , w1 ) (yz, v2 ), hence we get
PRA ` G2 (t, w0 , w1 )
(v1 )(v2 )(xz, v1 )(yz, v2 )(v1 , v2 , v3 ), that
is PRA ` G2 (t, w0 , w1 ) ((xz)(yz), v3 ). Putting all together yields PRA ` ((sxy)z, v3 ) ((xz)(yz), v3 ).
2. PRA ` ((sxy)z, v3 ) ((xz)(yz), v3 ). We have
PRA ` Com(u1 , w1 ) Com(u2 , w2 ) Com(u3 , w3 )
Com(u1 , (w1 w2 ) w3 )
Com(u2 , (w1 w2 ) w3 )
Com(u3 , (w1 w2 ) w3 )
and for t := hhs, x, yi, z, v3 i we have

PRA ` Com(h
x, z, v1 i, w) Com(h
y , z, v2 i, w)
Com(hv1 , v2 , v3 i, w) Com(t, w hti) hence
PRA ` Com(h
x, z, v1 i, w1 ) Com(h
y , z, v2 i, w2 )
Com(hv1 , v2 , v3 i, w3 )
s, x, yi, z, v3 ). We have
PRA ` ((xz)(yz), v3 )
(v1 )(v2 )[(w1 )Com(h
x, z, v1 i, w1 )
(w2 )Com(h
y , z, v2 i, w2 )
(w3 )Com(hv1 , v2 , v3 i, w3 )] hence
PRA ` ((xz)(yz), v3 ) (hs, x, yi, z, v3 ). Now because
PRA ` ((sxy, v1 ) (z, v2 ))[hs, x, yi/v1 , z/v2 ] we get
PRA ` ((xz)(yz), v3 ) ((sxy)z, v3 ).
The next few cases are omitted, but can be proved similar to
the previous ones:
= (p0 hx, yi = x p1 hx, yi = y)
= (0N sN (NN))
= ((xN)(sN x 6= 0 pN (sN x) = x))
= ((xN)(x 6= 0 pN xN sN (pN x) = x))
= (xN yN x = y (dN uv)xy = u)
= (xN yN x 6= y (dN uv)xy = v)
(f) ARep
= (x)<(x, X).
Let := (x, z) (y)((y, z) (y, X))

x])[X/z] (z)([X/
x]) and

x] (
x)(z) are in AAQuant , hence from
(y)((y, X)
(y, X))
we get ` ? .
= (<(x, X) <(x, Y ) X = Y ).
We have ` <(x, U )? (y)((y, x) (y, U )) and
(y, Y )), hence from
` (X = Y )? (y)((y, X)

` (y)((y, x) (y, X)) (y)((y, x) (y, Y ))

(y, Y ))
(y)((y, X)
we get ` .
X = Y <(t, X) <(t, Y ), similar to the previous case.
(g) A+E
An exemplary proof similar to the proofs of the following cases
is in (2) ( J).

= (<(nat) (x)(xnat xN))

= (<(id) (x)(xid (y)x = hy, yi))

= (<(a) <(b)
<(conha, bi) (x)(xconha, bi xa xb))
= (<(a) <(b)
<(disha, bi) (x)(xdisha, bi xa xb))
= (<(a) <(domhai) (x)(xdomhai (y)hx, yia))
= (<(a) <(invha, f i) (x)(xinvha, f i f xa))
(2) J

= (<(a) (x.a)<(f x) <(jha, f i)

(x)[xjha, f i (y)(z)(x = hy, zi y a z f y)])
For t := jha, f i we have PRA ` (t, y)[hj, a
, fi/y] hence PRA ` (t)? .
We also have PRA ` ((x)<(x))? by (6.27), hence because of (1)(c)
we get .PRA ` <(jha, f i)? . Now let
:= xjha, f i (y)(z)(x = hy, zi y a z f y) and
:= (
x, v2 ) (
x = hv0 , v1 i(v0 , a
)(z)((f, v0 , z)(v1 , z)))
then we have that PRA ` [(
x)0 /v0 , (
x)1 /v1 , hj, a
, fi/v2 ] ? .
Similar to the second case in (1)(e), arguing about computation
sequences we can prove PRA ` [(
x)0 /v0 , (
x)1 /v1 , hj, a
, fi/v2 ] hence
we get PRA ` .
(3) < PRA ` ? by (6.27).
(4) N PRA ` ? by (6.27).
(5) F-IN
= ([0/x] (xN)( [sN x/x]) (xN)).
Suppose y VA is such that y 6 ([sN x/x])? and y F TA (
x, ? )
then by (6.26) we have
PRA ` ((sN x, y) ([sN x/x]? ? [y/
and because of PRA ` (sN x, y)[S(
x)/y] we get
PRA ` [sN x/x]? ? [S(
x]. Similar reasoning leads to
PRA ` [0/x]? ? [0/
x]. Using this and (6.27) yields for
:= ? [0/
x] (
x)( ? ? [S(
x]) (
x) ?
that we have PRA ` ? . But F -Ind hence PA ` ? .
(6) T-IN
= (0X (xN)(xX sN xX) (xN)xX).
Analogous to the previous case with := (xX). Knowing that
we get PRA ` ? for
PRA ` ? (
x, X)

:= (
x, X)[0/
x, X)
x, X)[S(
x]) (
x) (
x, X).
But 1 -Ind hence PRA ` ? .

(7) RE , Translation of the rules of inference:

( )?
follows trivially from ( )? = ? ? and the
corresponding rule (modus ponens) in RA .
([y/x] )?

is achieved in the following way:

((x) )?

We have
Hence from
we get

([y/x] )? = [y/x]? ?
` [y/x]? ? [
y /
T 0 ` ([y/x] )?
` ([y/x]? ? ) (? [
y /
x] ? )
y /
x] ? .
T 0 ` ? [

Applying the corresponding rule in RA we get T 0 ` (

x)? ?
hence T 0 ` ((x) )? .
The other rules of inference in RE are translated analogous to the
previous case.


Provable Arithmetic Sentences

Arithmetic statements are translated into systems of Explicit Mathematics

by the mapping (.)N from (6.6). The translation is such that the statements
still have the same arithmetic meaning but now expressed in the language
of Explicit Mathematics. We use this translation to compare systems of
Explicit Mathematics with systems of arithmetic by comparing their sets of
provable arithmetic statements.
Lemma 6.29. For terms t T A with F VA (t) = {x0 , . . . , xn } we have
PRA ` (tN , y) t[x0 N /x0 , . . . , xnN /xn ] = y
Proof. First we prove PRA ` (f (x0 , . . . , xm )N , y) f (x0 N , . . . , xnN ) = y by
induction on the function symbols f . Next we prove the statement for general
terms by induction on t.
Lemma 6.30. For formulas F A with F VA () = {x0 , . . . , xn } we have
PRA ` (N )? ([x0 N /x0 , . . . , xnN /xn ])

Proof. By induction on the formula .

Theorem 6.31 (Proof-Theoretic Equivalence).

Let T F E such that ET T ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow )

then the following holds:
(1) The provable arithmetic sentences of T + (F-IN ) and PA are exactly the
same, that is for closed F A we have
PA `

T + (F-IN ) ` N

(2) The provable arithmetic 2 -sentences of T + (T-IN ) and PRA are exactly
the same, that is for closed 2 we have

T + (T-IN ) ` N

(1) We have by (6.9) and (5.10), and we get the other direction by (6.28)
and (6.30).

(2) Similar to (1), but we additionally use that PRA ` PRA ` by



Provably Total Functions

First we define what it means for a function f : N N to be provably total

in systems of arithmetic and in systems of Explicit Mathematics, after this
we determine the class of provably total functions of some specific systems.
Definition 6.32 (Provably total functions of T F A ). A function F : N N
is provably total in T F A if there exists a formula 1 such that
{x, y} = F VA () (x, y different variables) and the following holds:
(1) T ` (x)(y)
(2) T ` [z/y] y = z

(z different from x, y)

(3) (n N) T ` [n/x, F (n)/y]

Theorem 6.33. The provably total functions of PRA are exactly the functions in P RIM1 .

Proof. First we show that all F P RIM1 are provably total in PRA. If
F P RIM1 then there is an f P rim1 such that F = [[f ]]. We define
:= (f (x) = y) and show for this 1 the properties in (6.32):
(1) We have ` [f (x)/y] by (3.20). From ([f (x)/y] (y)) AAQuant
we get ` (y) and we finally arrive at ` (x)(y) by (3.19) .
(2) We can derive ` (f (x) = y f (x) = z f (x) = f (x) y = z) from
AAEqual , hence from ` f (x) = f (x) (f (x) = y f (x) = z y = z)
and ` f (x) = f (x) we deduce ` [z/y] y = z.
(3) For arbitrary n N we have PRA ` f (n) = [[f ]](n) by (3.21), and because [[f ]](n) = F (n) this is the same as PRA ` [n/x, F (n)/y].
Suppose we have F : N N and = (z) 1 satisfying (6.32). Now
we need to show F P RIM1 . Because of PRA ` (x)(y)(z) we also
have that PRA ` (y)(z), hence by (3.26) there is a term t T A such
that PRA ` [(t)0 /y, (t)1 /z]. By (3.23) there is a function symbol f P rim1
such that PRA ` (t)0 = f (x), hence PRA ` [f (x)/y] by (3.18). For arbitrary
n N we have PRA ` [f (x)/y][n/x], hence PRA ` [n/x, f (n)/y]. By (3.21)
and (3.18) we get PRA ` [n/x, [[f ]](n)/y], and using (6.32)(3)+(2) yields
PRA ` [[f ]](n) = F (n), hence (n N) [[f ]](n) = F (n) and finally F = [[f ]]
P RIM1 .
Definition 6.34 (Provably total functions of T F E ). A function F : N N
is provably total in T F E if there exists a closed term t T E such that the
following holds:
(1) T ` t(NN)
(2) (n N) T ` tn = F (n)
Theorem 6.35.

Let T F E such that ET T ET+ (J)+ (<)+ (N)+ ( S-C)+ (Pow )
then the provably total functions of T + (T-IN ) and PRA are exactly the same.
Proof. Because of (6.7) we have that all functions in P RIM1 are provably

total in BON + (V-IN ), hence provably total in T + (T-IN ) by (5.10). Next we

want to show that every provably total function in T + (T-IN ) is also provably
total in PRA. Suppose we have F : N N and t T E satisfying (6.34).
We need to show that there is a formula 1 such that and F satisfy
definition (6.32). For := (z)((t, z) (z, x, y)) we have


(1) PRA ` (x)(y).

Because of (6.28) we have PRA ` (t(NN))? and by ? -translation we
get PRA ` (y)(x, y) (y)(tx, y). We have PRA ` (y)(x, y)
and hence get PRA ` (y)(tx, y) by modus ponens. Now using that
PRA ` (tx, y) yields PRA ` (y) and finally PRA ` (x)(y).

(2) PRA ` [z/y] y = z.

Because of (6.18) and (6.20).

(3) PRA ` [n/x, F (n)/y].

Because of (6.28) we have PRA ` (tn = F (n)) and by ? -translation we
get PRA ` (y)[(z)(x)((t, z)(n, x)(z, x, y))(F (n), y)] hence
PRA ` (x)(y)[x = n y = F (n) (z)((t, z) (z, x, y))] because of
(6.20) and finally PRA ` [n/x, F (n)/y].

By (3.27) we get the same for PRA instead of PRA , that is

(1) PRA ` (x)(y)
(2) PRA ` [z/y] y = z
(3) PRA ` [n/x, F (n)/y]
Finally there is a formula 1 such that PRA ` , hence F is provably
total in PRA.



Primitive Recursive Functions

Definition 7.1 (Primitive Recursive Functions P RIM ). For every function

symbol f P rimn we define the primitive recursive function [[f ]] : Nn N:
(1) [[S]](x) := x + 1
(2) [[Csni ]](x1 , . . . , xn ) := i
(3) [[P rni ]](x1 , . . . , xn ) := xi+1
(4) [[Compn (f, g1 , . . . , gm )]](x1 , . . . , xn ) :=
[[f ]]([[g1 ]](x1 , . . . , xn ), . . . , [[gm ]](x1 , . . . , xn ))
(5) [[Recn+1 (f, g)]](x1 , . . . , xn , 0) := [[f ]](x1 , . . . , xn )
(6) [[Recn+1 (f, g)]](x1 , . . . , xn , x + 1) :=
[[g]](x1 , . . . , xn , x, [[Recn+1 (f, g)]](x1 , . . . , xn , x))
The set of all primitive recursive functions is P RIM := {[[f ]] | f P rim}.
We write P RIMn for the set of primitive recursive functions of arity n, that
is P RIMn := {[[f ]] | f P rimn }.


Free Variables and Substitution


Definition 7.2 (Free Variables F VA : T A F A P(VA )).

(1) F VA (t) := {t}
t VA

in F VA (si ) t = f (s0 , . . . , sn )
(2) F VA (s = t) := F VA (s) F VA (t)
(3) F VA () := F VA ()
(4) F VA ( ) := F VA ( ) := F VA () F VA ()
(5) F VA ((x)) := F VA ((x)) := F VA ()\{x}


Definition 7.3 (Term Substitution nA ).

nA : (T A F A ) (T A )n+1 VA [n+1] (T A F A )
where VA [n+1] := {(x0 , . . . , xn ) VA n+1 | (i < j)xi 6= xj }
For nA (s, t0 , . . . , tn , x0 , . . . , xn ) we write s[t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ] or s[~t/~x].
ti r = xi
(1) r VA {0} r[~t/~x] :=
r (i)r 6= xi
(2) f (s0 , . . . , sn )[~t/~x] := f (s0 [~t/~x], . . . , sn [~t/~x])
(3) (r = s)[~t/~x] := (r[~t/~x] = s[~t/~x])
(4) ()[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x])
(5) ( )[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x] [~t/~x])
(6) ( )[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x] [~t/~x])
(y)([t0 /x0 , . . . , xi /xi , . . . , tn /sn ])
(7) ((y))[~t/~x] :=
(y)([t0 /x0 , . . . , xi /xi , . . . , tn /sn ])
(8) ((y))[~t/~x] :=

y = xi
(i)y 6= xi
y = xi
(i)y 6= xi

Definition 7.4 (Substitutable Terms F TA : VA F A P(T A )).

(1) F TA (x, s = t) := T A
(2) F TA (x, ) := F TA (x, )
(3) F TA (x, ) := F TA (x, ) := F TA (x, ) F TA (x, )
(4) F TA (x, (y)) :=
{t T | y 6 F VA (t)} F TA (x, ) y 6= x
(5) F TA (x, (y)) := F TA (x, (y))



Explicit Mathematics

Definition 7.5 (Free Individual Variables F VI : T E F E P(VI )).

(1) r C E F VI (r) := {}
(2) x VI F VI (x) := {x}
(3) S {, , N, = } F VI (S(t0 , . . . , tn )) :=


F VI (ti )

(4) S {, <}, F VI (S(t, X)) := F VI (t)

(5) F VI () := F VI ()
(6) F VI ( ) := F VI ( ) := F VI () F VI ()
(7) F VI ((x)) := F VI ((x)) := F VI ()\{x}
(8) F VI ((X)) := F VI ((X)) := F VI ()
Definition 7.6 (Free Type Variables F VT : F E P(VT )).
(1) S {, N, = } F VT (S(t0 , . . . , tn )) := {}
(2) S {, <}, F VT (S(t, X)) := {X}
(3) F VT () := F VT ()
(4) F VT ( ) := F VT ( ) := F VT () F VT ()
(5) F VT ((x)) := F VT ((x)) := F VT ()
(6) F VT ((X)) := F VT ((X)) := F VT ()\{X}
Definition 7.7 (Term Substitution nE ).
nE : (T E F E ) (T E )n+1 VI [n+1] (T E F E )
where VI [n+1] := {(x0 , . . . , xn ) VI n+1 | (i < j)xi 6= xj }
For nE (s, t0 , . . . , tn , x0 , . . . , xn ) we write s[t0 /x0 , . . . , tn /xn ] or s[~t/~x].
ti r = xi
(1) r VI C E r[~t/~x] :=
r (i)r 6= xi
(2) S {, , N, = } S(s0 , . . . , sk )[~t/~x] := S(s0 [~t/~x], . . . , sk [~t/~x])
(3) S {, <} S(s, X)[~t/~x] := S(s[~t/~x], X)

(4) ()[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x])

(5) ( )[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x] [~t/~x])
(6) ( )[~t/~x] := ([~t/~x] [~t/~x])
(y)([t0 /x0 , . . . , xi /xi , . . . , tn /sn ])
(7) ((y))[~t/~x] :=
(y)([t0 /x0 , . . . , xi /xi , . . . , tn /sn ])
(8) ((y))[~t/~x] :=

y = xi
(i)y 6= xi
y = xi
(i)y 6= xi

(9) ((X))[~t/~x] := (X)([~t/~x])

(10) ((X))[~t/~x] := (X)([~t/~x])
Definition 7.8 (Type Variable Substitution n ).
n : F E VT n+1 VT [n+1] F E
where VT [n+1] := {(X0 , . . . , Xn ) VT n+1 | (i < j)Xi 6= Xj }
For n (, Y0 , . . . , Yn , X0 , . . . , Xn ) we write [Y0 /X0 , . . . , Yn /Xn ] or [Y~ /X].
~ := S(t0 , . . . , tk )
(1) S {, N, = } S(t0 , . . . , tk )[Y~ /X]
~ := S(t, Yi ) Z = Xi
(2) S {, <} S(t, Z)[Y~ /X]
S(t, Z) (i)Z 6= Xi
~ := ([Y~ /X])
(3) ()[Y~ /X]
~ := ([Y~ /X]
~ [Y~ /X])
(4) ( )[Y~ /X]
~ := ([Y~ /X]
~ [Y~ /X])
(5) ( )[Y~ /X]
~ := (x)([Y~ /X])
(6) ((x))[Y~ /X]
~ := (x)([Y~ /X])
(7) ((x))[Y~ /X]
~ := (Z)([Y0 /X0 , . . . , Xi /Xi , . . . , Yn /Xn ])
(8) ((Z))[Y~ /X]
(Z)([Y~ /X])
~ := (Z)([Y0 /X0 , . . . , Xi /Xi , . . . , Yn /Xn ])
(9) ((Z))[Y~ /X]
(Z)([Y~ /X])

Z = Xi
(i)Z 6= Xi
Z = Xi
(i)Z 6= Xi

Definition 7.9 (Substitutable Terms F TI : VI F E P(T E )).

(1) F0E F TI (x, ) := T E
(2) F TI (x, ) := F TI (x, )
(3) F TI (x, ) := F TI (x, ) := F TI (x, ) F TI (x, )
(4) F TI (x, (y)) :=
{t T | y 6 F VI (t)} F TI (x, ) y 6= x
(5) F TI (x, (y)) := F TI (x, (y))
(6) F TI (x, (X)) := F TI (x, (X)) := F TI (x, )
We usually write F T (x, ) for F TI (x, ).
Definition 7.10 (Substitutable Type Variables F TT : VT F E P(VT )).
(1) F0E F TT (X, ) := VT
(2) F TT (X, ) := F TT (X, )
(3) F TT (X, ) := F TT (X, ) := F TT (X, ) F TT (X, )
(4) F TT (X, (x)) := F TT (X, (x)) := F TT (X, )
Y =X
(5) F TT (X, (Y )) := F TT (X, (Y )) :=
F TT (X, )\{Y } Y =
6 X
We usually write F T (X, ) for F TT (X, ).


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. n , 14 (3.7)
n , 14 (3.7)
hx0 , . . . , xn i, 15 (3.10)
, 15 (3.14)
f. , 15 (3.14)
, 23 (4.15)
,x , 32 (5.14)
, 32 (5.14)
, 32 (5.13)
 , 33 (5.19)
(, X), 33 (5.19)
x.t, 29 (5.1)
N, 25 (4.25)
<, 25 (4.24)
S, 31 (5.11)
E, 31 (5.11)
T ` , 22 (4.12)
[u:m], 26 (4.31)
M , 26 (4.30)
cM , 26 (4.30)
M , 26 (4.30)
ET, 24 (4.19)
x, 38 (6.10)
E-C, 25 (4.26)
|x|, 15 (3.11)
(x)y0 ,...,yn , 15 (3.11)
13 (3.1)
, 13 (3.1)
=, 14 (3.5)
, 14 (3.5)
13 (3.3)
, 13 (3.3)
6=, 13 (3.3)
, 13 (3.3)
< , 13 (3.3)
2 , 9 (2.13)
1 , 9 (2.13)
1 -Ind, 9 (2.14)

T ` , 9 (2.12)
[u:m], 11 (2.20)
0M , 10 (2.19)
f M , 10 (2.19)
[[f ]], 54 (7.1)
, 15 (3.9)
0 , 15 (3.9)
1 , 15 (3.9)
[~t/~x], 56 (7.7)
~ 57 (7.8)
[Y~ /X],
AEDef , 21 (4.10)
AEEqual , 20 (4.8)
AEP rop , 20 (4.7)
AEQuant , 21 (4.9)
ARep , 23 (4.16)
AE , 24 (4.17)
A+E , 24 (4.17)
AAEqual , 8 (2.9)
AAP rim , 10 (2.16)
AAP rop , 8 (2.8)
AAQuant , 8 (2.10)
And, 13 (3.1)

BON , 22


C E , 19 (4.1)
Ch= , 14 (3.5)
Ch , 13 (3.3)
dN , 22


e, 33 (5.17)
E, 31 (5.11)
E-C, 25 (4.26)

EET , 24 (4.19)
Ext, 25 (4.27)
F-IN , 25 (4.23)
F0E , 20 (4.3)

F E , 20 (4.4)
F A , 7 (2.4)
F -Ind, 9 (2.14)
fix, 30 (5.5)
F TI , 58 (7.9)
F TT , 58 (7.10)
F T , 58 (7.9)
F TA , 55 (7.4)
F VI , 56 (7.5)
F VT , 56 (7.6)
F VA , 54 (7.2)
IA , 26 (4.32)
IE , 11 (2.21)
Ins, 15 (3.10)
Iter, 15 (3.11)
J, 24


k, 22


M, 26 (4.30)
M, 10 (2.19)
MA , 10 (2.19)
ME , 26 (4.30)
M , 11 (2.21)
M , 26 (4.32)
N, 22 (4.14)
NM , 26 (4.30)
N eg, 14 (3.5)
notN , 30 (5.7)
Or, 13


p0 , 22 (4.14)
p1 , 22 (4.14)
p, 22 (4.14)
P , 13 (3.3)
PA, 10 (2.18)
pN , 22 (4.14)
P ow , 25 (4.27)

P ow , 25 (4.27)

Pow , 25 (4.29)

Pow , 25 (4.28)
PRA , 10 (2.18)
PRA, 10 (2.17)
P RIM , 54 (7.1)
P rim, 6 (2.1)
P roj, 15 (3.11)
QF , 9 (2.13)
QF -Ind, 9 (2.14)
~ 23 (4.15)
<(~t, X),
RE , 21 (4.11)
<M , 26 (4.30)
RA , 8 (2.11)
rec, 30 (5.6)
S-IN , 24 (4.20)
s, 22 (4.14)
S, 31 (5.11)
S E , 19 (4.1)
S A , 6 (2.2)
sN , 22 (4.14)
T-IN , 24 (4.22)
,x , 32 (5.14)
, 32 (5.14)
T E , 19 (4.2)
T A , 7 (2.3)
V-IN , 24 (4.21)
v, 33 (5.17)
VI , 19 (4.1)
VT , 19 (4.1)
VA , 38 (6.10)
VA , 6 (2.2)
VM , 26 (4.31)
VM , 11 (2.20)


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